School District
Student Teachers
June 2018
Non-Discrimination Policy
Although this handbook addresses topics relevant for K-12 schools, certain
topics may be more applicable for elementary or secondary schools. Much
of the content contained in this document is specifically for teachers, however,
as a student teacher, you are to follow the same rules and policies of the
cooperating teacher.
Table of Contents
Teacher Responsibilities
Buildings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Building Starting Times ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
Attendance Records ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Clearances ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Delayed Opening of School ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
Drug-Free Workplace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Gambling on School Premises--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Grading/Skyward Procedures---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Homework ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Identification Badges ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Internet/Intranet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Legal Responsibilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Lesson Plans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
News Release -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Dress and Grooming --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Phone Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Professional Responsibilities/Ethics-------------------------------------------------------------------11
Staff Responsibility for the Contracted Workday---------------------------------------------------11
Student Management
Corporal Punishment------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
Discipline --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Disruptive Students -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Drug and Alcohol Use----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Emergency Evacuation /Severe Weather Drills -------------------------------------------- 13
Fire Drills --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Supervision for Student Organizations/Athletic Teams ---------------------------------- 14
Use of Classroom Aides/Assistants ----------------------------------------------------------- 14
Pennsylvania’s Code of Professional Practice and Conduct (Link) --------------------- 15
(All district documents listed below are on the Intranet)
Signature Sheet
Please sign and return to the principal-----------------------------------------------------------16
Building Information
Express Pre- Vincent Nedimyer 420 First Avenue 946-8465
School @ W &J
Elementary Schools
Juniata Gap Mrs. Tricia Rosas R.D.# 4 Juniata Gap Road 946-8401
301 Sycamore Street
Logan Mrs. Jill Daloisio 946-8370
Penn-Lincoln Mr. Erik Dambeck 411 12th Street 946-8396
Secondary Schools
Altoona Area
Mr. Andrew Neely 1415 Sixth Avenue 946-8273
High School
Altoona Area
Mrs. Lori Mangan 1400 Seventh Avenue 381-7500
Junior HS
Starting Times
Elementary Schools
Secondary Schools
Attendance Records
All teachers must keep an accurate and
updated record of student attendance. This
must be done electronically through
Skyward. If you choose to keep an additional hard copy of daily attendance you may do
so at your discretion. The classroom teacher’s records are the official student
attendance records and must be maintained.
Many items are affected by the maintaining of accurate attendance information including
student grades, discipline, notices and warning letters, prosecutions, and fines.
Communication is a vital part of this process.
Each student teacher must have submitted proof of the following to the building principal:
Current Tuberculosis results, FBI Criminal Clearance, Pennsylvania State Police Criminal
Records Check, Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, PDE Arrest & Conviction
Report, and certification of completion of Act 126 training.
Drug-Free Workplace
The School Board recognizes that the misuse of drugs is a serious
problem with legal, physical, and social implications for the whole
school community. As such, the Board is very concerned about the
problem that may be caused by drug use by its employees,
especially as the use relates to the safety, efficiency and productivity
of the employees.
Gambling on School Premises
Please be advised that there will be no lotteries, football pools or any type of gambling
conducted on school premises at any time, including any type of gambling over the
Internet. This does not negate your ability to purchase State lottery tickets or other
legally sanctioned ventures. Should someone be discovered to have organized or
participated in any kind of gambling venture, the Administration will be forced to take
disciplinary action.
Grading/Skyward Procedures
All teachers’ grade books are to have a current printout of student
grades for each class that they teach. This should be available for
administrative review during classroom observation.
Skyward should be updated weekly; it is expected that teachers post all homework,
assignments and upcoming tests and quizzes in advance.
Homework assignments play an important role in
determining if a student understands and
comprehends the course content. Homework can
only be effective if the teacher examines the
assignments, ensures that they are completed, and
assigns a grade for the quality and accuracy of the
assignments. As teachers, you are being instructed
to implement the homework technique to reinforce
your instructional techniques and establish student
accountability for your course objectives.
A very important reminder to all teachers of their legal obligation to provide homework/
class work assignments to their students who are not in class for these excused reasons:
students, who are absent, suspended (in-school, or out-of-school), and students on
approved trips. The counselors and the in-school suspension teachers are the conduits
and all teachers need to respond to them when work is requested. This must be done
in a timely fashion.
Identification Badges
Teachers are reminded to wear their school ID at all times during the day. This
requirement is District wide and all staff must follow. The only exception is new
staff members that have not yet been issued an ID. There is a possibility that any teacher
observed not wearing his/her ID would be sent home.
As a reminder, many important issues will be communicated to the staff via the
Internet/Intranet. This gives us the ability to keep teachers up-to-date during special
situations, as well as giving us another venue for daily business. Your cooperating
teacher will keep you informed of this timely and important
information. Social networking web sites have become prevalent in
our society and with that increase comes many concerns both for the
Employer and the employee. As a professional, be careful of what is
posted - a prospective employer may be viewing your site as well as
students and parents. If you are discovered to have posted
inappropriate behaviors unbecoming of a teacher, you could be dismissed from the
student teaching cooperative.
Legal Responsibilities
Current legal opinion no longer supports the protection of certified teachers who place
student teaches in sole charge of their classes. Therefore, cooperating teachers remain
totally responsible for all events that occur in their classrooms regardless of whether or
not they have given teaching assignments to their student teachers. Student teachers
are guests in the classrooms and are not protected by any professional certification or
rights that cover employed teachers.
Lesson Plans
Planning is essential. Without adequate planning, effective teaching is not likely to
occur. The following lesson plan format represents a minimum standard for daily planning:
• Objectives (objective must conform to planned courses of study). Teachers must
always demonstrate knowledge of the objective. Learning objectives are to be
specific and observable. Standards are to be identified.
• Evaluation This should be completed for every lesson identifying how the teacher
will evaluate the performance of the learner relating to the stated objectives. The
criterion for measuring the objective is needed.
Daily lesson plans should be maintained in a binder or loose-leaf notebook on a weekly
basis. Daily lesson plans should be filed by marking period and available for inspection. A
test file should also be maintained by marking period. These measures are intended to
provide evidence supporting the professional employee when questions of the following
prescribed curriculum are raised.
District provided forms may be used. Teachers, however, are free to attach additional
information to the form provided or use a computerized form. The teacher being observed
during an evaluation for the improvement of instruction may continue to teach from the
prepared lesson plan. The evaluator will briefly review the lesson plan at the beginning of
the period or request to see the lesson plan after the instructional presentation. The lesson
plan will be evaluated on the objectives, procedures, and evaluations, and compliance to
the approved course of study. A teacher may be requested to provide weekly lesson plans
if the administration feels that this will enhance their teaching effectiveness. The teacher is
required to maintain all lesson plans for the course being taught and make them
available in a reasonable period of time at the request of an administrator
News Release
The same expectation applies to student teachers; you are expected at all times to present
a professional, business-like image to students, visitors, employees and the public.
Acceptable personal appearance is an ongoing requirement, radical departures from
conventional dress or personal grooming and hygiene standards are not permitted.
The Board has the authority to specify reasonable dress and grooming requirements to
prevent an adverse impact on the educational programs and district operations.
You are expected to be physically clean, neat, well-groomed and dressed in a manner
consistent with assigned job responsibilities and you shall comply with
established administrative regulations concerning personal appearance
standards. Tattoos are to be covered and body piercings, excluding
earrings, should not be visible. Facial jewelry, of any kind, is not to be worn
while working in the district. Employees shall be groomed so that neither
hair style and/or mustache/beard would cause a safety or health hazard.
Phone Usage
Cell phones should not be utilized during class time except in the case of an emergency.
This includes text messaging. All phones should be placed on a silent mode during class
time so as to not disrupt the class. Each classroom is equipped with a phone.
Outside calls will be forwarded directly to the teacher’s voicemail during the school day.
Teachers should answer the phone during the school day as it would be coming from an
office area. Teachers are encouraged to check voice mail during prep periods and/or other
duty free times. All calls made from and to classroom phones are logged and available for
Please refer to Board Policy #717 – Use of Mobile Communication and Storage Devices
Professional Responsibilities/Ethics
Student teachers are expected to participate fully in the life of the school, as if they were
employees. Like certified teachers, student teachers are expected to do more than
teach. In addition to classroom instruction, other responsibilities usually assumed by
student teachers include the following:
Staff should not drink coffee, soda, or eat food during classroom time, principal’s
assignments, or hall proctoring.
Corporal Punishment
The Altoona Area School District prohibits the use of corporal (physical) punishment for
all students as a means of discipline or behavioral modification. This covers all employees
and volunteers of the School District: administrators, supervisors, teachers, student
teaches, other professional and non-instructional employees, and volunteers. Reasonable
force may be used to defend oneself, if necessary, to protect the safety of others and/or
students, and to protect School District property.
Effective school discipline is a combined effort. Classroom management and
administrative policy enforcement are essential to establishing a positive learning
Remember that the best way to stop student misbehavior in the classroom is to contact
the parents. Classroom discipline is the teacher’s responsibility. Well-planned lessons and
high expectations are the first defense to disruptive
behaviors. Be consistent in your approach to discipline. W e
expect that teachers will exercise good judgment in
disciplinary matters and report all violations that require
reporting. Report any suspicions of drugs, alcohol, or
weapons to a Principal immediately.
Disruptive Students
A disruptive student is one whose behavior patterns prohibit the teacher from performing
the instructional program for the class. Students who sleep, do not do assigned work, will
not participate in class activities, and are disruptive influences on the teachers
performance should be referred to the Guidance Office or the school nurse if a physical
problem is suspected.
Lack of preparation for class, incomplete class or homework, and other academic related
concerns are to be dealt with as academic issues and resolved by the classroom teacher.
The administration encourages frequent communication with parents and/or guardians via
phone or email or communication through Skyward.
Emergency Evacuation/Severe Weather Drills
1. You will first be notified of a Severe Weather Watch. This announcement will put
you on alert, but classrooms and offices should NOT be evacuated.
2. When the watch is upgraded to Severe Weather Warning, you will be asked to
activate your room’s emergency evacuation plan.
3. Once the warning has been lifted, you will be notified over the PA System so
everyone can return to his or her classrooms and offices.
In order to make students aware of the steps they may take to minimize the effects of
natural disasters, (the list of such disasters would necessarily include floods, flash floods,
lightning, a severe thunderstorm, hurricane and tornado) drills will be scheduled for
preparation for a possible real-life disaster. Warnings signals will be announced over the
PA System. An out-of-school civil defense siren would also be signaled when conditions
warrant a possible disaster.
Fire Drills
• Alarm sounds. The alarm will notify the Fire Department of the general location of
the alarm.
• All windows should be closed.
• Teachers should lead their students from the classroom in an orderly fashion.
• The last student leaving the room will close the door.
• File orderly out and away from the building to your designated area.
Teachers are to exert a leadership role in maintaining order while exiting the building.
• Keep students on the sidewalk and off the street so that fire equipment can
safely arrive. Keep your group together.
• Wait for the all-clear signal before reentering the building.
• Attendance should be taken immediately upon returning to the classroom.
• Report any missing students to a principal.
• Class roster is to be taken with the teacher.
• Report any missing students to the Principal. Remember that the safety and
welfare of your students cannot be delegated to someone else. Teachers are
responsible legally and certainly morally for student’s well-being.
Supervision for Student Organizations/Athletic Teams
It is the total responsibility of the teacher/coach to supervise their
activity from the beginning of the session through the close of the
session. The teacher/coach should be the first to arrive and should not
leave until all students have left the facility. The ultimate responsibility for the safety,
welfare, and security of the participants, and the vandalism caused by the participants
will be that of the supervising teacher/coach.
The teacher/coach will not permit any form of hazing or initiation practices to be utilized
for their activity. It is the responsibility of the teacher/coach to be aware of all activities
organized by the students on or off campus.
No student on an AASD athletic team is permitted to use any form of tobacco, including
smokeless tobacco, while participating for the AASD. This policy also applies to all
members of the coaching staff while supervising athletes representing AASD.
School Board Policy prohibits the use of tobacco products by any Altoona Area School
District student. If a student refuses to comply, his uniform is to be collected and he is
to be eliminated from the team roster immediately.
The complete Code is located at:
Refer to the Policies-District Documents file located under the Student Teacher
Handbook link.
249 Bullying
AASD Student Teacher Handbook
I hereby acknowledge that I have been given access to and reviewed the Altoona Area
School District Student Teacher Handbook and will follow the policies and procedures listed
as well as the policies and procedures of the cooperating school, teacher, and classroom. I
further attest that I am covered under a personal medical insurance policy and said Policy will
be considered the Primary Policy in case of injury or illness while student teaching in the
Altoona Area School District.
Signature Date
( ) ( )
Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number
E-mail Address