Communication Skills SS 123 Oral Exam: Sessional II Exam Total Time: Total Marks: 315 Course Instructor
Communication Skills SS 123 Oral Exam: Sessional II Exam Total Time: Total Marks: 315 Course Instructor
Communication Skills SS 123 Oral Exam: Sessional II Exam Total Time: Total Marks: 315 Course Instructor
Marks Obtained
CLO CLO – 3,
CLO – 3 CLO – 2 CLO – 5
Assessment 4&5
CLO 3: Develop and communicate ideas effectively while incorporating Logos, Ethos
& Pathos – adapt themselves verbally through effective beginning (introduction),
effective middle (body) and effective ending (conclusion).
Content & Organization
1. Introduction (beginning):
i. An attention-getter at the start gained interest.
ii. The attention-getter provided clear central claim (thesis statement) in
2. Body (middle):
iii. Used clear transition statements to move from one point to the next
iv. Developed thoroughly
v. Reasoned soundly
vi. Evidenced credibly (claims with clear supporting research/details)
vii. Enlightening (new information and/or perspective)
viii. Relevant to the audience
3. Conclusion (end):
ix. Provided closure
x. The closure has an impact
You are invited to a TED event, where you will use the power of your
ideas to spark the change, the positive change you want to bring in the
society. The theme of the talk is “It Starts With YOU!”
Question # 1
Developing Ideas [20]
Complete the following outline to structure your ideas relevant to the
theme of the talk. Type to-the-point information.
Ans:: I will first tell the audience about the human nature that purely relates to
my topic and then ask them the question that aren’t they practicing that nature
too? And then will tell them the reason that why are they doing so. And then
will discuss the solution to that problem.
Ans: I will relay on both the pathos and logos .Firstly I will tell them the story
of the school teacher and will try to convey them the main idea of my topic and
then to convince them to practice what I will advise them to implement in their
life. I will also discuss the stories from my life to make them understand the
topic easily and relate it with their own life.
Ans: I will use the combination of two of the ways to hook the audience while
introducing the topic. First of all I will ask the questions about the topic from
the audience and will also tell them the story which completely conveys the
main idea of my topic.
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Engineering Islamabad Campus
Problem and the Cause need to be magnified before you start talking about
your experiences in the light of the topic. What is the problem that motivated
you to talk about it and what are the possible causes that need to be revisited to
lessen their effect or to eradicate them?
1st What could be (what is usually done and how to change it):
Ans: Never ever let other to decide your future. If you really want to achieve
anything then no one can stop you except you. Remain confident and chase your
dreams no matter what other people think.
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Engineering Islamabad Campus
Call to Action are the concluding words that urge the readers/listeners to take
an immediate action in order to achieve an aim. How will you encourage people
to take action in a desired direction that will resonate with your topic and the
CLO 2: Develop relevant ideas and design relevant written communication effectively.
Areas Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning No attempt
(v. good) (good) (average) (needs work) (area of
(5) (4) (3) (2) concern) (1)
Range: 9-10 Range: 7-8 Range: 5-6 Range: 3-4 Range: 1-2
Main Idea or The writing The writing The writing The writing Unable to
Thesis has a clearly has a has a main may need a provide main
and Support articulated clearly idea or more idea or thesis
main idea or articulated thesis and clearly / main idea if
thesis main idea related articulated provided is
and or thesis subordinate main idea or not relevant.
subordinate supported ideas thesis and/or
ideas by adequate supported by appropriate
supported by evidence some related
reliable and and sound evidence. subordinate
relevant logic. ideas.
evidence. Supporting
evidence is
Organization The writing The writing The writing The writing The ideas are
flows is organized demonstrate is noticeably irrelevant, out
smoothly logically s lacking in of the context
and logically and flows rudimentary organization. hence do not
from a well- well. It organization There resonate with
defined contains a and is no clear the main
main idea or well- logical structure to idea/ do not
thesis. It developed structure, the support the
contains a structure for but ideas writing main idea in
superlatively the writing need to be assignment. question.
developed assignment. more fully
structure for developed
the and
writing supported by
assignment. more
Style The writing The writing The writing The writing The writing
engages the keeps the is clear but lacks clarity did not reflect
reader reader’s could and is the relevant
through an attention be expressed sometimes style – the
original prose through a in a style confusing. language
style carefully more The used/
appropriate to crafted appropriate language expressions
the prose style. to the chosen is not chosen are
subject. Language subject. It is appropriate irrelevant to
Language is chosen is jargon-free to the subject the subject
precise. appropriate but may or matter in
Sentences are to the require a the hand.
varied subject, but more assignment.
but not may call complete
noticeably so. attention explanation
to itself in of
minor some terms
Sessional II Spring 2018 Page 6
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Engineering Islamabad Campus
ways. used.
Syntax The writing The writing The writing The writing The writing
/Grammar contains contains contains is confusing might have
sentences sentences some and few to no
that are that are grammatical ambiguous syntactical /
always complete or errors easily owing to grammatical
complete and which corrected by substantial errors, but the
grammaticall imply adherence to errors of ideas and the
y correct, and unstated a grammar writing style
free connections uniform and syntax. are irrelevant
of confusion and/or style There is no to the theme.
and conclusions throughout. evidence of
ambiguity . The Additional proofreading
writing may proofreading ,
exhibit a would help editing, or
few eliminate rewriting.
minor errors.
errors in
grammar or
style, but
they do not
the flow of
the reading.
Points to Consider:
1. Target an audience that needs to be told that every positive change starts with
us – whether it is a change in our personality, change in our society and/or
change in our perspective.
2. Focus on the following theme and purpose of the talk:
5. Annotate the transcript of the talk as done in the following two excerpts. Select
the whole text instead of one line and give one-line space between the points of
the structure.
a. Sample 1
b. Sample 2
Have you ever lied about yourself? Or even just avoided putting yourself in a situation in
which you knew you were likely to fail? Why did you do that? Short answer is that you were
embarrassed that what other people will think about you and what would they say.
A school Teacher wrote a table on the board, when he was done, he looked back and all of
the students were laughing at him because he wrote the first equation wrong. He got their
attention and said “I wrote that first one wrong on purpose, because I wanted you to learn
something important. This was for you to know how the world out there will treat you”. You
can see that I wrote nine time right thing but none of you congratulated me for it. You all
laughed and criticized me because of one wrong thing I wrote. So this is the lesson,” The
world will never appreciate the good you do million times, but criticize for the one wrong
thing you did, but don’t get discourage, always rise above all the laughter and criticism and
never bother what other people think.
Sometimes people advise you the right thing, it may have worked well in their life, but is not
good for us, as when I was in first semester, a senior approached me and advise me take part
in the event he was organizing, firstly I didn’t refused as he was senior but I refused later and
told him that as I am new here and don’t know much about semester system and want to
have good gpa in first semester. He said that in this university, you cannot obtain more than
2.8 GPA even you study hard enough. It was actually his experience and he took his
perception as a reality and made a concept about the university.
If I may had consider his perception as a reality, I may have got de motivated, but I didn’t
bother about him and his perception and continued studying in my way and as a result I
proved him wrong and got more than 3 gpa.
So never bother what other people say and chose the path which you consider as right and
stay on it and never let others to implement their life experience on your life. Live the Life in
your own way.
Here is a quote” Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t
matter and those you matter don’t mind.” Dr.Seuss
Sometimes if we consider and take seriously what other people think of us then we cannot
move forward in our life. As when I was in matric I used to be very passionate about
badminton game, and love being a badminton player but was a short boy at that time, now I
am 5.6 feet but at that time I was only 4.8 and as you know that height is major advantage in
this game so everyone used to stop me from playing it and advise me to play any other game
which may be suitable according to my height and I also went to the club to have its
membership by giving the trial and I was not even allowed to give the trial and I knew the
reason, but I didn’t gave away my heart and continued practicing and working hard. I used to
practice a lot, and as a result I defeated many members of that club in a tournament of
singles organized by the school. The club owner called my brother and told him that I can
join the club but I refused.
So never ever let other to decide your future. If you really want to achieve anything then no
one can stop you except you. Remain confident and chase your dreams no matter what
other people think.
As quoted “So many people along the way, whatever it is you aspire to do, will tell you it
can’t be done. But it all it takes is imagination. You dream. You plan. You reach.” -- Michael
It is the human nature to want to be liked, loved and accepted. However if you worry too
much about the opinions of others, you run the real risk of being held hostage and through
fear, never becoming the person you were supposed to be. And nothing scares me more
than the thought that something so insignificant can have such a significant impact over
someone’s life. If you knew you are going to die tomorrow, would you really care what
people thought of your decision today? What if you knew you are going to die in a week
from now, or a month from now, or 10 years, or 50 years? So it’s time to stop acting like
you’re going to live forever. It is your life, nobody else can tell you what’s best for you and
only you will have to deal with the consequences. So make your own decisions. It is
impossible to live up to everyone’s expectations and in doing so, you’ll fail to please the
most important person of all, yourself. And the reality is, people usually don’t care as much
about you as they might let on. Once you give up catering to other people’s opinions, you’ll
find your own happiness and discover who you truly are.
There is a famous quote” you probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if
you could know how seldom they do”. Olin miller
Don’t ever become the hostage to the term” Log kya kahay gay” So ladies and gentleman, let
it be our goal.
Thank you.
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Engineering Islamabad Campus
Question # 3
Choosing & Designing Effective Visuals [20]
Attach colored slides after this page. Make sure to print four slides
per page. Choose the landscape orientation while.
Question # 4
Presenting Effectively [235]