Oracle SCM Implementation
Oracle SCM Implementation
Oracle SCM Implementation
Getting Started with Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Release 11
Title and Copyright Information iii
Preface iv
Oracle Applications Help iv
Oracle SCM Cloud Introduction 1
About This Guide 1
Getting Started with Your Implementation 4
Implementing the MSCMM Functional Areas 4
Cost Accounting Quick Setup 8
Defining Manufacturing Master Data 10
Items and Item Structures 10
Creating Additional Work Areas, Resources, and Work Centers 11
Defining Costing Master Data 12
Executing Your First Work Order 14
Creating a Work Order 14
Executing a Work Order 14
Running Scheduled Processes for the Costing Work Order 14
Appendix: Define Common Financials Configuration 15
Creating SCM Application Implementation Consultant User (Optional) 16
Frequently Asked Questions 18
How can I indicate that the business unit is a profit center? 18
Can I add and edit items without item class security? 18
How can I define the default Manufacturing organization? 18
ii | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Title and Copyright Information
Oracle® SCM Cloud Getting Started with Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
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iii | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
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iv | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Oracle SCM Cloud Introduction
About This Guide
This Quick Start guide does not include all the tasks that are required for a full implementation of the Oracle Fusion Manufacturing
and Supply Chain Materials Management (MSCMM) offering. The guide describes the use of Simplified Setups as a basis to help
you quickly complete a conference room pilot or a similar exercise. You can implement a subset of features involving
Manufacturing, Materials Management and Cost Accounting that are part of the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials
Management Offering. After you finish the minimum set of setup tasks listed, you are ready to perform the following:
Define items
Define item structures
Define basic costs for material and resources
Complete your first manufacturing transaction
Refer the Oracle SCM Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide to get details on the
full implementation of the offering and implementing advanced features within the offering.
Before performing the setups in this guide, you must set up the common enterprise structure objects. If you have already
implemented Oracle Financials Cloud on your instance, then your enterprise structure setup is complete. If not, follow the Define
Common Financials Configuration instructions in the appendix of this guide.
Additionally, you can refer the Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM Cloud guide.
The tasks presented in this document are intended for a quick introduction or a conference room pilot implementation. This
document does not include all setup and security tasks that are appropriate for a complete implementation. References to related
help accompany each of the steps. The help is available from Oracle Fusion Applications Help or from the Oracle Cloud
Documentation Library, unless specified otherwise.
1 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Overview of SCM Deployment Options
The deployment options offered are:
Public Cloud: Services are available to the general public and offered on a subscription basis, with no requirements to buy
additional licenses or support. The services are hosted over the Internet by Oracle or Oracle business partners that offer Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO) solutions.
Private Cloud: Application and technology-managed services that are offered for Oracle software and hardware and are available
internally, behind a firewall and are hosted over the Internet by Oracle or Oracle business partners that offer BPO solutions. Oracle
provides management, monitoring, patching, security, and upgrade services.
On Premises: Hardware, software licenses, and support that you buy and host at one or more of your sites. You are responsible
for monitoring, security, patching, and upgrades.
Figure 3. On Premises
2 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Hybrid: You can choose to maintain your existing legacy applications on premise and buy products that are hosted in private or
public cloud, or any combination of these options.
3 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Getting Started with Your Implementation
To start your implementation of the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management (MSCMM), you must first sign in to
the application and navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area. To do this:
1. Go to the Oracle Cloud Applications URL and sign in with your Oracle Identity Management (OIM) user name and
2. On the Welcome page, select Setup and Maintenance from the Navigator.
To do this:
1. Click the functional area for Initial Users.
2. In the Initial Users region of the page, select All Tasks from the Show list of values.
3. Select Provision Roles to Implementation Users.
4. On the Oracle Identity Management Self-Service page, select Administration.
5. In the Search list of values on the Administration tab, select Users and search for the user name that was provided to
access Oracle Applications.
6. Select the user name that you searched for.
7. In the Roles tab, select the roles that you want to assign this user, and click Assign.
8. In the Add Role window, search for and add the following roles to the user name by searching by display name:
User name indicated above
Cost Accountant
Inventory Manager
Product Data Steward
Manufacturing Engineer
Production Operator
Production Supervisor
Warehouse Manager
9. Select Sign Out to exit Oracle Identity Management, and click Confirm.
10. Close the OIM tab in the browser.
4 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Create Locations for Inventory and Manufacturing
A location identifies the physical addresses of a plant. You associate a location with inventory and manufacturing organizations.
The locations that you create exist as separate structures that you can use for reporting.
1. Sign in to the Fusion Applications Setup and Maintenance Work Area again and select Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Materials Management.
2. Click Setup.
3. Select the Enterprise Profile functional area.
4. In the Enterprise Profile section, in the Show list of values select All Tasks.
5. Select Manage Locations and click Create.
6. On the Create Location page, enter information in the following required fields:
Effective Start Date
Location Set
Address Line 1
Zip Code
When you enter the Zip Code, the City, State, and County are populated automatically.
7. Click Submit and click Yes to confirm that you want to continue with the request.
8. Click OK.
9. On the Manage Locations page, click Done to return to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Inventory Management
Manufacturing Master Data
To do this:
1. On the Setup and Maintenance page, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering, if it is
not already selected.
2. Click Setup.
3. On the Setup: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management page, click the Quick Setup icon available
against the Facilities functional area.
5 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Figure 4. Setup: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management page
Through the pages from within the Simplified Setup page, you can set up the following:
Units of Measure
Inventory Organization
4. Select an existing calendar, or create a new one. Then, click Next.
5. Select Unit of Measures classes, and then click Next.
6. Set up inventory organizations by providing the required details. If an organization is also a Manufacturing Plant, select the
Manufacturing Plant checkbox and click Submit.
You can repeat this task to define additional organizations at any time.
Refer the SCM Cloud Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM Cloud for details. You can grant access by user name or
Note: This task or feature is not applicable in an upgraded environment. It appears only if the Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Materials Management implementation is a new installation.
6 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
5. Repeat the previous steps to add the following roles:
Production Operator
Manufacturing Engineer
6. Click Save and Close.
7. Define data security for the following security contexts as explained above in a discrete manufacturing setting:
Cost Organization (Role: Cost Accountant)
Inventory Organization (Role: Inventory Manager)
7 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Cost Accounting Quick Setup
The Configure Cost Accounting Using Quick Setup page provides a way to get a simple structure in place to create cost
accounting distributions and accounting entries for inventory and manufacturing transactions.
Figure 6. Icon
2. On the Configure Cost Accounting Using Quick Setup page, click the Query by Example icon, search by Profit Center
Business Unit for the business unit that is associated with the inventory organization that you just created and edited.
3. Enter a cost organization code, cost organization name, and cost method.
4. Select the row with the cost information you just entered, and click Implement.
5. Click Yes in the message that appears.
6. Click OK when a message to confirm implementation appears.
7. Open Setup Tasks under Implementation Details to confirm setup.
8. Click Done to exit the Configure Cost Accounting Using Quick Setup page.
This setup results in the following starting points in the cost management business processes:
The following setup tasks are created when you successfully complete an implementation:
8 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Before creating material cost plans and labor rate plans, you must create a planning cost organization and associate it with the
new cost organization that you created above.
9 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Defining Manufacturing Master Data
Defining the Oracle Fusion Manufacturing master data includes:
Refer the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Product Master Data Management for details.
10 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
The steps to assign items and structure to an organization are:
1. On the Home page, select Product Management and then Product Information Management.
2. Click the Tasks panel tab, and select Manage Items.
3. In the Manage Items window, find and select an item, but do not click the item number. If an item has a structure, then you can
move its structure too.
4. Click Actions and select Manage Item Mass Changes.
5. Select Assign to Organizations.
The Tasks pane on the Overview page contains links for executing several manufacturing tasks.
6. Select Resources, Work Centers or Work Areas to Add or Edit additional resources, work centers, or work areas as you require.
Work Definition
A work definition describes the material and resources to manufacture a finished good. For further explanation on the work definition
attributes, refer the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Manufacturing guide.
11 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Defining Costing Master Data
This chapter describes the steps to define the standard cost for material and resources and then create a scenario to rollup the cost of a
finished good.
12 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Create Cost Planning Scenarios
The steps to create cost planning scenarios are:
1. Select Manage Cost Planning Scenarios.
2. On the Create Cost Planning Scenario tab, click the Create icon.
3. Enter or select values for the following required fields:
Planning Cost Organization
Scenario Type
Currency Conversion Type
Effective from Date
Material Cost Plan
Resource Rate Plan
4. Click Save.
5. Click Actions and select Build Scenario and Perform Cost Rollup.
6. In the Build Scenario and Perform Cost Rollup window, click Submit and then click OK.
7. On the Create Cost Planning Scenario tab, click Go to Task and select View Rolled Up Costs and click Done.
8. On the Edit Cost Planning Scenario page, click Go to Task and select Publish Cost.
If you do not see the value, it may be because the action is still being processed. Check the status.
7. Select Save and Close.
13 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Executing Your First Work Order
This chapter describes how you can combine all the tasks described in the previous chapters and create your first manufacturing work
14 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Appendix: Define Common Financials Configuration
Use the Microsoft Excel template to rapidly implement the following enterprise structure common setup objects:
Charts of accounts
Legal entities
Accounting calendars
Primary ledgers
Business units
Rules for generating sequential IDs for transactions that are recorded in the application. Select setup objects along with their accounting
specifications for the various modules of Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud.
For more information, see the Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation: Overview chapter of Oracle Financials Cloud
Getting Started with Your Implementation.
15 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Creating SCM Application Implementation Consultant User (Optional)
Use this process to create additional users for deployment and testing of the product. For example, you may want to create an SCM
Application Implementation Consultant. Having different users can be helpful in testing security and messaging. To do this:
1. Sign in to Setup and Maintenance Work Area with the user name and password that were provided to access Oracle Identity
2. On the Setup and Maintenance page, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain offering.
3. Click Setup.
4. On the Setup: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management page, select the Initial Users functional area.
5. In the Initial Users section, select All Tasks.
6. Click Create Implementation Users.
7. On the Oracle Identity Management - Self Service Welcome page, click Administration.
8. Click Create User, and enter or select values in the following required fields:
Last Name
User Type (Full-Time Employee, Consultant)
9. Click Save.
Creating Users for Manufacturing Engineer, Production Operator, and Production Supervisor
You can optionally create users for Manufacturing Engineer, Production Operator, and Production Supervisor. The steps are:
1. Follow the steps in Create SCM Application Implementation Consultant (Optional)
2. Assign the following roles to Manufacturing Engineer:
Cost Accountant
Inventory Manager
Manufacturing Engineer
Production Operator
Production Supervisor
Assign the following roles to the Production Operator:
Production Operator
Assign the following roles to the Production Supervisor: Employee:
Production Operator
Production Supervisor
16 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
7. On the Security tab, click the Add Row icon.
8. Select a group or person, and a name and organization.
9. Click Save.
10. Associate actions with the group or person.
11. Click Save and Close.
12. On the Manage Item Classes page, click Done.
17 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation
Frequently Asked Questions
This chapter lists the frequently asked questions from product strategy team, solution consultants, and global sales engineering when
they were implementing and testing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.
To do this:
1. Select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials offering and click Setup.
2. On the Setup Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials page, select the Organization Structures functional area.
3. In the Organization Structures section, click Manage Business Unit.
4. On the Manage Business Units page, select your business unit.
5. Click Actions and then select Assign Business Functions.
6. On the Assign Business Functions page, select Enabled for Materials Management.
7. In the Financial Reporting area, select the check box below the Primary Ledger field.
Selecting this check box indicates that the business unit is a profit center.
If you licensed Oracle Fusion Product Hub and you need to use the data security feature, then ensure that the offering was configured
appropriately to use this feature. If you are an Oracle ERP Cloud or Oracle Sales Cloud customer who uses only item management
features, then ensure that the Data Consolidation and Data Governance options are not enabled. If these options are not enabled, then
the data security feature is not enabled and you are not required to perform the Manage Item Class task. The Data Governance and
Data Consolidation options are not enabled by default.
18 | Oracle SCM Cloud: Getting Started With Your Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Implementation