Central University of South Bihar: School of Law and Governance
Central University of South Bihar: School of Law and Governance
Central University of South Bihar: School of Law and Governance
Assistant Prof.
Submitted by
Shivam Saket
B.A.LL.B.(8th Sem.)
An enterprise of such a magnitude as this research on “Critical analysis of POCSO ACT, 2012” could only
fructify in such a short span of time due to the coalescing of able guidance and support of many learned and
able persons, whose efforts and cooperation, I as the researcher, with a sense of gratitude, being duty bound too,
acknowledge in no particular order. My deepest gratitude and thanks to the Hon’ble Asst. Prof. Mrs. Suchi
Singh, Central University of South Bihar, an eminent professor and scholar gave enough time and space for free
exchange of ideas and, opinions greatly benefiting me in augmentation and critiquing of many of the opinions
which find their place in this work.
Despite the busy schedule and onerous academic responsibilities, she gave me ample time whenever he was
approached for his invaluable guidance. I am highly indebted to the library staff to help me find the relevant
books and journals, and other officials and office staffs, who have also extended their help whenever needed. I
would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of my friends for their review and honest remarks. Last, but not
the least my eternal gratitude is due, to my loving Parents whose constant unflinching support, blessings and
encouragement both, temporal and emotional support, to meet any challenge with confidence including, of this
purposive academic exercise.
1. Introduction 5
A child is an invaluable asset of any society and plays a major part in the growth of the nation. They are most
innocent in their childhood but there exist some demons into the society that could be near and dear ones that
ruin their life by sexually exploiting them, in such a situation, the parents, media and educational institution
must take initiative to teach children about their rights and make awareness amongst them. In spite of having
various kinds of Acts and laws which protect the rights of the children, still the rate of crime against the
Exploiting a child sexually is a most terrible act one can do, which results in a child leading a depressed life in
This research paper provides what are the different measures that can be taken to avoid this type of heinous
crime and how The POCSO Act, 2012 protected children from various offences. At last it will talk about the
role of NGOs in protecting the rights of children and drawbacks of the Act.
India is second populous country in the world and according to the latest census; it is revealed that it’s a home
of 17% of the world population. Nearly nineteen percent of the world’s children live in India, which constitutes
42 percent (more than one-third) of India’s total population and around 50 percent of these children are in need
of protection. Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) has been a hidden problem in India, largely ignored in public
discourse and by the criminal justice system. Child sexual abuse has become an epidemic which is spreading all
over the society either higher class or, lower class and attacking the younger ones. Pain and tissue injury can
heal with the passage of time, but psychological and medical consequences still leave scars on individual life.1
It reflects itself in different forms, including physical and psychological aggression, rape and sexual abuse, and
takes place at home, at neighbourhoods, at school, at work and in legal and child protection institutions. Abuse
tends to be transmitted from one generation to the next, and the individuals most often responsible are parents
Until recently, CSA was not acknowledged as a criminal offence; rape was the main, if not the only, specific
sexual offences against children recognised by law in India. In the absence of specific legislation, a range of
offensive behaviours such as child sexual assault (not amounting to rape), harassment, and exploitation for
pornography were never legally sanctioned. Therefore, to deal with such sexual offences against children, the
Government has brought in a special law “The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012”. The
Act has come into force with effect from 14thNovember, 2012 along with the Rules framed there under. This
Paper highlights the distinguishing features of POCSO and light upon how, this act gives protection to children
against a range of offences. In this reflexive piece, we begin by briefly discussing the prevalence of CSA in
India and the legal response to it. At last, the paper will highlight the drawbacks of the Act.
Ainsworth, F. (2002). Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect: does it really make a difference? Child and Family Social
Work, 7, 57–63.
CSA remains a taboo, but it’s a very real problem in India and the situation is aided by the absence of effective
legislation and the silence that surrounds the offence. Majority of people feel this is a largely western problem
and does not happen in India. The definition of child sexual abuse varies from country to country. Abusive acts
against children fall under the purview of law in almost all developed nations. In India, it exists in many forms,
but the laws are still ambiguous and most children suffer in silence. In India, which places a high premium on
chastity of women and yet has the largest number of child sex workers in the world, there is no single, specific
definition of child abuse.2 Disbelief, denial and cover-up to preserve family reputation has made child sexual
abuse an invisible crime in India. In fact, in India it is as old as the joint family system and patriarchy.
According to WHO, one in every four girls and one in every seven boys in the world are sexually abused. 3
Virani (2000) states, the WHO found that at any given time, one of ten Indian children is the victim of sexual
abuse. But Lois J. Engel Recht, a researcher quotes studies showing that over 50 per cent of children in India
are sexually abused, a rate that is higher than in any other country.
Reliable estimates are hard to come since this is a furtive form of abuse, often causing victims to suffer in dark
and claustrophobic silence. To find out the extent of child abuse in India, The first ever National Study on Child
Abuse was conducted by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, covering 12447 children, 2324
young adults and 2449 stakeholders across 13 states. In 2007 it published the report as "Study on Child Abuse:
India 20074." The survey, covered different forms of child abuse i.e. physical, sexual and emotional as well as
female child neglect, in five evidence groups, namely, children in a family environment, children in school,
“Study on child Abuse in India 2007” (PDF), published by the Govt. of India (Ministry of Women & Child Development)
4 “Study on Child Abuse India 2007 (PDF) Published by Govt. of India (Ministry of women & child development)”.
This study brought out some shocking facts, and its main findings in relation with sexual abuse are:
“Sexual abuse was reported by 53.22% children. Among them 52.94% were boys and 47.06% girls 21.90% of
child respondents faced severe forms of sexual abuse, 5.69% had been sexually assaulted and 50.76% reported
• AP, Assam, Bihar and Delhi reported the highest percentage of sexual abuse among both sexes, as well as the
• The highest incidence of sexual assault was reported in children on street, at work and in institutional care.
• 50% abusers were known to the child or in a position of trust and responsibility.
• More than 53% children report facing one or more forms of sexual abuse and boys were equally at risk as
• 50% of sexual offenders were known to the victim or were in positions of trust (family member, close relative,
friend or neighbour).
• Severest sexual abuse in age group of 11- 16 years, 73% of sexual abuse victims were in age groups of 11-
• The age wise distribution showed that though the abuse started at the age of 5 years, it gained momentum 10
• Another study on child abuse in Kolkata, Elaan, an NGO, found that four out of 10 boys faced sexual
harassment in school. Generally the age of maximum abuse is between 9 to 12 years. The national study found
that the abuse gained momentum at the age of 10 and peaked between 12 to 15.
Across the country, every second child was being subjected to other forms of sexual abuse and every fifth child
was facing severe forms of sexual abuse. The Study also acknowledges that child sex abuse takes place in
schools. One out of two children in schools has faced sexual abuse. And overall, more boys than girls face
various forms of sexual abuse ranging from inappropriate touch, exposure to pornography or violent sexual
assault. The abuser could be from the peer group or an older student. Incest is by far the most common but least
discussed form of sexual abuse that young girls suffer in India today.
In a study of a 1000 girls from 5 different states in India, 50% of the girl had been abused when under 12 years
of age, 35% between the ages of 12- 16 years of age. One million children are trafficked into prostitution, in
According to the federal police In India around 1.2 million children are believed to be involved in prostitution.
A CBI statement said that studies and surveys sponsored by the ministry of women and child development
estimated that about 40% of all India's prostitutes are children. According to Brown, (2000) there are an
estimated 2 million child prostitutes (under the age of fifteen) at work in India6. Over 15 million children are
working as bonded labour, in India. Twice as many girls than boys engaged in child labour. Child labourers and
young domestic workers are most often abused sexually by the employers or other adults. Increased risk of
HIV/AIDS from adult prostitutes, leads to an increased demand for younger child prostitutes, Sex tourism and
Child marriages.
Barth, J., Bermetz, L., Heim, E., Trelle, S., & Tonia, T. (2013). The current prevalence of child sexual abuse worldwide: a systematic
review and metaanalysis. International Journal of Public Health, 58, 469–483.
Raman, Surekha. (1995). "Violation of Innocence: Child Sexual Abuse and the Law." The Lawyers Collective; (10 &11),
OctoberNovember. p. 4-7
Until 2012, the only sexual offences against children recognised by the law were covered by three sections of
the Indian Penal Code (IPC) not specific to children. The only crimes registered were rape (sexual intercourse
without consent- Section 376), outraging modesty of a woman (unspecified acts- Section 354) and unnatural
acts defined as “carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal” (anal sex,
homosexuality or bestiality- Section 377). Consequently, other forms of non-penetrative sexual assaults,
harassment and exploitation were not explicitly recognised as crimes and therefore not recorded (assuming they
were reported). Increased activism around child protection issues in the media and public discourse might partly
account for the Government of India passing a special law called, ‘The Protection of Children from Sexual
Offences (POCSO) 2012’. This Act criminalises sexual assault, sexual harassment, and pornography involving
a child (less than 18 years of age) and mandates the setting up of Special Courts to expedite trials of these
Since 2001, there has been a gradual but steady rise in recorded incidents of sexual abuse i.e. child rape.
Although there is no evidence to indicate that globally the prevalence of CSA has been going up over the years
(Barth et al. 2013), we might hypothesize that increased reporting in India over this period might be the result
of greater public awareness, education and a more sensitive criminal justice response to CSA. Following the
enactment of POCSO, the number of offences registered under rape itself went up 44 % nationally and 68 % in
the state of Maharashtra within a year, lending support to the hypothesis. Further, detailed figures from
Maharashtra provided by the second author indicate that total registered crime under POCSO was 2540
Carson, D., Foster, J., & Tripathi, N. (2013). Child sexual abuse in india: current issues and research. Psychological Studies, 58(3),
POCSO 2012 does not use the term ‘rape’ more commonly used and also does not confine penetrative sex to
penile penetration. Instead, it broadens the offence termed ‘penetrative sexual assault’ (section 3) to include
oral sex, as well as, insertion of any object into anus, mouth or vagina, in addition to penile penetrative sex. In
State vs Pankaj Choudhary 2011, (pre-POCSO) the accused could only be prosecuted for ‘outraging the
modesty of a woman’ for digital penetration of the anus and vagina of a 5 year old child. The prosecution was
unsuccessful in proving rape as the High Court ruled that digital penetration was not recognised as an offence
under the India Penal Code (Delhi High Court 2011). The addition to the definition of penetrative assault has
POCSO also criminalises a range of behaviours as being sexual assaults, short of penetration (Section-7).
Additionally, the offences of ‘aggravated’ penetrative and non-penetrative sexual assault is made more serious
and attract stronger penalties (Sections - 5, 9) when committed by a specified range of perpetrators, in a wide
array of situations or conditions, and has a severe impact on the victim. This includes sexual assault committed
by persons in authority or position of power with respect to a child, committed by persons in a shared
household with the child, in conditions such as: gang rape, causing grievous bodily harm, threatening with
firearm or corrosive substances, during communal or sectarian violence, assaulting a child under 12 years of
age, or one who is physically or mentally disabled, causing a child to become pregnant, or knowingly assaulting
a pregnant child, or infecting the child with HIV8, repeated assaults, or accompanied by public degradation. The
POCSO is also forward thinking in many aspects, in that, the definition of sexual harassment includes
repeatedly or constantly following, watching or contacting a child either directly, electronically or through other
means [Section 11(iv)]- thus, covering incidents of child harassment via sexting or sexual cyber bullying.
However, the interpretation of what might constitute ‘repeatedly’ or ‘constantly’ following or contacting a child
Kacker, L., Mohsin, N., & Dixit, A. (2007). Study on child abuse: India 2007. New Delhi: Ministry of Women and Child Development,
Government of India.
with sexual intent (with the law specifying sexual intent being a ‘question of fact’) is unspecified in POCSO
The Act is quite distinctive in that it penalises abetment of or attempt to commit any of the offences listed in the
preceding sections (Section 16). Another ‘extraordinary clause’ (Section 29) in the Act is the presumption of
The provision of Special Courts (Section 35) where trial proceedings may be conducted in a more sensitive
manner with the victim’s testimony given either ‘in camera’ (i.e. privately), via video-link, or behind curtains or
screens, is intended not only to reduce trauma but also protect the identity of the child. The Special Court plays
a pivotal role in how the law and the evidence may be interpreted.
Implementation of POCSO 2012 involves various criminal justice, state and third sector agencies and is very
resource intensive. Various problems arising from resource scarcity and lack of appropriate training which
affect how investigations, prosecution and medical examinations are conducted in cases of CSA in have been
Human Rights Watch. (2013). Breaking the Silence: child sexual abuse in India.
Amid the public outcry raging on the streets over instances of rape of children across the nation, the victimised
and abused child suffers in silence. Traumatised, dejected and horrified family members of the unfortunate
victims find themselves helpless, confused and unable to cope in the aftermath of the heinous crime.
Even though on May 22, 2012, Parliament passed the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
(POCSO), which came into force on November 14, 2012, this special law to protect children from offences of
sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography, remains an unimplemented law, unknown to most and
beyond the reach of those who need to apply it. Sadly, the result is that POCSO- a necessity in India where 40
per cent of the population is below the age of 18 and where over 53 per cent of children reportedly surveyed in
2007 stated that they had experienced one or more forms of sexual abuse- is not complied with despite being in
the statute book. There are demands for stiff penalties, expeditious new laws and fast-track courts although
Despite POCSO enjoining the Central and State governments to take measures for giving wide publicity
through the media- television, radio and print- and imparting periodic training to all stakeholders on the matters
relating to implementation of POCSO’s provisions, the Act is relatively unknown. Shockingly, in the most
recent rape case, the Delhi Police included the Act’s provisions in the FIR reportedly after two days of its filing
on April 15, 2013. In the infamous Apna Ghar Rohtak shelter home case of May 2012, where over 100 inmates
were allegedly subjected to sexual abuse, the POCSO provisions have reportedly still not been invoked against
the accused10. The passing of the salutary law is more than significant for a variety of reasons. It defines
exclusively the crime of sexual offences against children and fulfils the mandatory obligations of India as a
signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child, acceded to on December 11, 1992. For
monitoring and implementation of the provisions of POCSO, the Act enjoins that the National Commission and
State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights constituted under the Commissions for Protection of Child
Rights Act, 2005, shall ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of POCSO. The Supreme Court
had, in a hard-hitting directive issued on February 7, 2013, ordered all States to ensure that the regulatory and
monitoring bodies are constituted and made functional. However, till date, such Commissions are either only
The Justice Verma Committee Report, in one of its conclusions on child sexual abuse, holds that “there is an
urgent need to audit the performance of all institutions of governance and law and order”.
We need to consolidate our efforts and focus our energies on existing laws rather than looking to amend more
laws and making still further newer laws, alien to our culture, society, habits, lifestyles and harsh realities of the
common man. Insofar as child sex abuse is concerned, POCSO is a wholesome law. The government must
create the machinery to implement it and educate its officers besides all stakeholders on what it contains.
National Crime Records Bureau. (2015). OGD Platform: Open Data Source Government of India. crime-committed-against-
children-under-different-crime-heads#web_ catalog_tabs_block_10. Accessed 16 June 2015
Child sexual abuse is a dark reality that routinely inflicts our daily lives but in a majority of cases it goes
unnoticed and unreported on account of the innocence of the victim, stigma attached to the act, callousness and
insensitivity of the investigating and the law enforcement agencies, etc. The state must not waste time exploring
alternatives when the answers exist in a law made by Parliament for these special offences against children, the
most vulnerable section of society. Also, parents, teachers and others in the community have a vital role to
protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse. Children are the country's greatest human resource and a
measure of the country's social progress lies in the wellbeing of its children: that they are healthy, educated,
It is our duty that Child Sexual Abuse should be combated as early as possible. This will help India shine bright
and develop in a crime free way, as children are the leaders of tomorrow. Criminal Law is one important
The POCSO Act would be a great asset for curbing sexual offences against children. The need of hour is mass
awakening measures in corporate in POCSO Act and other criminal Laws and its effective implementation