we shall learn
2.1 History:
Brushless DC motors (BLDC motors, BL motors) also known as electronically
commutated motors (ECMs, EC motors) are electric motors powered by direct-
current (DC) electricity and having electronic commutation systems, rather than
mechanical commutators and brushes. The current-to-torque and frequency-to-
speed relationships of BLDC motors are linear. BLDC motors may be described as
stepper motors, with fixed permanent magnets and possibly more poles on the
rotor than the stator, or reluctance motors. The latter may be without permanent
magnets, just poles that are induced on the rotor then pulled into alignment by
timed stator windings. However, the term stepper motor tends to be used for
motors that are designed specifically to be operated in a mode where they are
frequently stopped with the rotor in a defined angular position; this page describes
more general BLDC motor principles, though there is overlap. Brushed DC motors
have been in commercial use since 1886. BLDC motors, however, have only been
commercially possible since 1962. Brushed DC motors have been in commercial
use since 1886. BLDC motors, however, have only been commercially possible
since 1962.
2.2 Introduction:
Limitations of brushed DC motors overcome by BLDC motors include lower
efficiency and susceptibility of the commutator assembly to mechanical wear and
consequent need for servicing, at the cost of potentially less rugged and more
complex and expensive control electronics. BLDC motors develop maximum
torque when stationary and have linearly decreasing torque with increasing speed.
BLDC motors are often more efficient at converting electricity into mechanical
power than brushed DC motors. This improvement is largely due to the absence of
electrical and friction losses due to brushes. The enhanced efficiency is greatest in
the no-load and low-load region of the motor's performance curve. Under high
mechanical loads, BLDC motors and high-quality brushed motors are comparable
in efficiency. AC induction motors require induction of magnetic field in the rotor
by the rotating field of the stator; this results in the magnetic and electric fields
being out of phase. The phase difference requires greater current and current
losses to achieve power. BLDC motors are microprocessor-controlled to keep the
stator current in phase with the permanent magnets of the rotor, requiring less
current for the same effect and therefore resulting in greater efficiency. In general,
manufacturers use brush-type DC motors when low system cost is a priority but
brushless motors to fulfill requirements such as maintenance-free operation, high
speeds, and operation in explosive environments where sparking could be
hazardous. Some of the problems of the brushed DC motor are eliminated in the
brushless design. In this motor, the mechanical "rotating switch" or
commutator/brushgear assembly is replaced by an external electronic switch
synchronized to the rotor's position. Brushless motors are typically 85–90%
efficient or more, efficiency for a brushless electric motor, of up to 96.5% was
reported whereas DC motors with brush gear are typically 75–80%
efficient.Midway between ordinary DC motors and stepper motors lies the realm
of the brushless DC motor. Built in a fashion very similar to stepper motors, these
often use a permanent magnet external rotor, three phases of driving coils, may
use Hall effect sensors to sense the position of the rotor, and associated drive
electronics. The coils are activated, one phase after the other, by the drive
electronics as cued by the signals from either Hall effect sensors or from the back
EMF (electromotive force) of the undriven coils. In effect, they act as three-phase
synchronous motors containing their own variable-frequency drive electronics. A
specialized class of brushless DC motor controllers utilize EMF feedback through
the main phase connections instead of Hall effect sensors to determine position and
velocity. These motors are used extensively in electric radio-controlled vehicles.
When configured with the magnets on the outside, these are referred to by
modelers as outrunner motors.
2.3 Advantages:
They have several advantages over conventional motors:
2.4 Applications
Brushless DC motors are commonly used where precise speed control is
necessary, as in computer disk drives or in video cassette recorders, the
spindles within CD, CD-ROM (etc.) drives, and mechanisms within office
products such as fans, laser printers and photocopiers
Permanent magnet motors are ideal for applications up to about 5 kW.
Above 5kW, the magnets needed for higher power applications become
progessively more expensive reducing the economic advantage of the
design. The magnets in brushless motors are also vulnerable to
demagnetisation by the high fields and high temperatures used in high
power applications. Inverter switching losses also become significant at
higher power levels. Brushed and induction motors do not suffer from these
Permanent magent motors are thus suitable for traction applications from
low power wheel chairs and golf buggies for some higher power
automotive uses.
Brushless DC motors are preferred over brushed motors for powering
electric bikes because they don't have the friction associated with the
commutator brushes in the brushed version.
2.5 Classification of Brushless Permanent magnet
The BLPM Dc motor is classified as
1. BLPM square wave motor
2. BLPM sine wave motor.
A motor with windings in delta configuration gives low torque at low rpm, but can
give higher top rpm. Wye configuration gives high torque at low rpm, but not as
high top rpm.Although efficiency is greatly affected by the motor's construction,
the wye winding is normally more efficient. In delta-connected windings, half
voltage is applied across the windings adjacent to the undriven lead (compared to
the winding directly between the driven leads), increasing resistive losses. In
addition, windings can allow high-frequency parasitic electrical currents to
circulate entirely within the motor. A wye-connected winding does not contain a
closed loop in which parasitic currents can flow, preventing such losses.From a
controller standpoint, the two styles of windings are treated exactly the same,
although some less expensive controllers are designed to read voltage from the
common center of the wye winding.
2.7 Working
2.7.1 Rotating Field and Speed Control
In the diagram below, pole pair A is first fed with a DC pulse which magnetises
pole A1 as a south pole and A2 as a north pole drawing the magnet into its initial
position. As the magnet passes the first magnetised pole pair, in this case poles A1
and A2, the current to pole pair A is switched off and the next pole pair B is fed with
a similar DC pulse causing pole B1 to be magnetised as a south pole and B2 to be a
north pole. The magnet will then rotate clockwise to align itself with pole pair B.
By pulsing the stator pole pairs in sequence the magnet will continue to rotate
clockwise to keep itself aligned with the energised pole pair. In practice the poles
are fed with a polyphase stepped waveform to create the smooth rotating field.
A six step inverter is used to generate the three phase supply and the electronic
commutation between the three pairs of stator coils needed to provide the rotating
field.Only two out of three pole pairs are energised at any one time.This also
means that only two of the six inverter switches are conducting at any one time.
See the Motor Control diagram below.The speed of rotation is controlled by the
pulse frequency and the torque by the pulse current. In practice the system needs
some fairly complex electronics to provide the electronic commutation.
The inverter current pulses are triggered in a closed loop system by a signal which
represents the instantaneous angular position of the rotor. The frequency of the
power supply is thus controlled by the motor speed.
Rotor position can be determined by a Hall Effect device (or devices), embedded in
the stator, which provide an electrical signal representing the magnetic field
strength. The amplitude of this signal changes as the magnetic rotor poles pass
over the sensor. Other sensing methods are possible including shaft encoders and
also sensing the zero crossing points of currents generated in the unenergised
phase windings. This latter method is known as "sensorless" position monitoring.
The diagram below shows the system for controlling the voltage and speed with
the associated current and voltage waveforms superimposed on the circuits.
Note that though the magnetising current pulses are in the form of a
stepped square wave, the back EMF is in the form of a trapezoidal wave due
to the transition periods as the rotor magnet poles approach and diverge
from the stator coils when the rotor magnet is only partially aligned with the
stator magnets.
No current is supplied to, nor induced, in the rotors which are constructed
from permanent magnets or iron and which are dragged around by the
rotating field. With no currents in the rotors these machines have no rotor
I2R losses.Without the mechanical commutator and rotor windings, the
motors have low rotor inertia allowing much higher speeds to be achieved
and with the elimination of this high current mechanical switch, the source
of sparking and RFI is also eliminated.The stator windings are, easy to
manufacture and install, bobbin windings. Since all the heat generating
circuits are in the stator, heat dissipation is easier to control and higher
currents and motor powers can also be achieved.Some brushless motors are
supplied with the control electronics incorporated into the motor body.
The preferred magnets are manufactured from the rare earth element
Neodymium in an alloy with Iron and Boron to produce the strongest permanent
magnets currently available. (Most of the world's known supplies of Neodymium
are found in China).One drawback of permanent magnet machines is that the
magnets are susceptible to high temperature complications and loss of
magnetisation above the Curie temperature.Permanent magnet motors are
inherently more efficient than wound rotor machines since they don't have
conduction losses associated with rotor currents.
Brushless DC motors are not strictly DC motors. They use a pulsed DC fed to the
stator field windings to create a rotating magnetic field and they operate at
synchronous speed. Although they don't use mechanical commutators they do
however need electronic commutation to provide the rotating field which adds
somewhat to their complexity
A BLDC motor has permanent magnets which rotate and a fixed armature,
eliminating the problems of connecting current to the moving armature. An
electronic controller replaces the brush/commutator assembly of the brushed DC
motor, which continually switches the phase to the windings to keep the motor
turning. The controller performs similar timed power distribution by using a solid-
state circuit rather than the brush/commutator system.
The interface circuitry between a digital controller and motor. The waveforms
show multiple transitions between high and low voltage levels, approximations to
a trapezoid or sinusoid which reduce harmonic losses. The circuit compensates for
the induction of the windings, regulates power and monitors temperature. BLDC
motors offer several advantages over brushed DC motors, including more torque
per weight, more torque per watt (increased efficiency), increased reliability,
reduced noise, longer lifetime (no brush and commutator erosion), elimination of
ionizing sparks from the commutator, and overall reduction of electromagnetic
interference (EMI). With no windings on the rotor, they are not subjected to
centrifugal forces, and because the windings are supported by the housing, they
can be cooled by conduction, requiring no airflow inside the motor for cooling.
This in turn means that the motor's internals can be entirely enclosed and protected
from dirt or other foreign matter.
The maximum power that can be applied to a BLDC motor is exceptionally high,
limited almost exclusively by heat, which can weaken the magnets. (Magnets
demagnetize at high temperatures, the Curie point, and for neodymium-iron-
boron magnets this temperature is lower than for other types.) A BLDC motor's
main disadvantage is higher cost, which arises from two issues. First, BLDC motors
require complex electronic speed controllers to run. Brushed DC motors can be
regulated by a comparatively simple controller, such as a rheostat (variable
resistor). However, this reduces efficiency because power is wasted in the
rheostat. Second, some practical uses have not been well developed in the
commercial sector. For example, in the Radio Control (RC) hobby arena, brushless
motors are often hand-wound while brushed motors are usually machine-wound.
(Nevertheless, see "Applications", below.)
2.9 Controller
Because the controller must direct the rotor rotation, the controller requires some
means of determining the rotor's orientation/position (relative to the stator coils.)
Some designs use Hall effect sensors or a rotary encoder to directly measure the
rotor's position. Others measure the back EMF in the undriven coils to infer the
rotor position, eliminating the need for separate Hall effect sensors, and therefore
are often called sensorless controllers. Like an AC motor, the voltage on the
undriven coils is sinusoidal, but over an entire commutation the output appears
trapezoidal because of the DC output of the controller.
1. B 2.A
3. True or False:
1.True 2.False
Two Mark Questions With Answers
1. What are the advantages of brushless dc motor drives?
1. Regenerative braking is possible.
2. Speed can be easily controllable.
3. It is possible to have very high speeds.
4. There is no field winding so that field copper loss is neglected.
10. What are the relative merits of the brushless dc motor drives?
When d.c supply is given to the motor, the armature winding draws a
current. This current sets up an mmf which is perpendicular to the main mmf
set up by the permanent magnet field. Hence a force is experienced by the
armature conductors according to Fleming’s left hand rule. As it is in the
stator, a reactive force develops a torque in the rotor. If this developed
torque is more than the load torque and frictional torque, the motor starts
16. Name the two comparators used in the power controllers of PMBLDC
1. Speed Comparator.
2. Current comparator.
Mechanical Electronic
commutator commutator
Commutator is made Power electronic switching devices
up of commutator are
segments and mica insulation. Brushes
are used in the commutator.
made up of carbon or graphite.
Commutator arrangement is located in Commutator arrangement is located in
the the
rotor. stator.
Number of commutator segments are Number of switching devices is limited
very to 6
Sparking takes place. There is no sparking
Sliding contact
between commutator and No sliding contacts.
19. Compare conventional dc motor and PMBLDC
24. Write down the emf equation of P.M brush less D.C motor?
E ph = 2 Bg r l Tph ωm volts.
Where, Bg = The flux density in air gap
(Wb/m2) r = Radius of the air gap
l = Length of the armature (m)
ωm = Angular velocity in mech. rad /
sec. Tph = Number of turns per
25. Write down the torque equation of P.M brush less D.C motor?
T = 4 Bg r l Tph I N-m
Where, Bg = The flux density in air gap
(Wb/m2) r = Radius of the air gap
l = Length of the armature (m)
ωm = Angular velocity in mech. rad /
sec. I = The current flowing through
the motor.
27. What are the ways by which demagnetization can be limited in permanent
magnet? There are several ways to limit the demagnetization. One way
is to keep the
current below the maximum value and another way is y use of pole shoes to a
permanent magnet to collect the flux and then transfer it to the air gap.
28. Define the energy product and maximum energy product of a permanent
magnet. The absolute values of the product of the flux density and the
field intensity at
each points along the demagnetization curve is called energy product. The
maximum value of the energy product is called maximum energy product and
this quantity is one of the strengths of the permanent magnet.
16 mark Questions
1. Sketch the structure of controller for PMBLDC motor and
explain the functions of various blocks.
2. Explain the closed loop control scheme of a permanent magnet
brushless DC motor drive with suitable schematic diagram.
3. Derive the expressions for emf and torque of a PM brushless
dc motor.
4. Discuss in detail about the operation of an electronic
5. Discuss the use of Hall sensors for position sensing in PMBLDC
6. Compare PMBLDC motor with switched reluctance motor and
bring out its features.
7. A PMBLDC motor has torque constant 0.12 Nm/A referred to
DC supply. Find no load speed when connected to 48V DC
supply. Find stall current and stall torque if armature resistance