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The document discusses the design of a sprinkler irrigation system for an area at Kombolcha Institute of Technology. It covers components of the system like pump, piping, nozzles and calculations done for the design.

The main objective of the project is to identify and design a sprinkler irrigation system at KIOT that works using a motor pump to pressurize water and spray it through nozzles.

The sprinkler system is designed for an area of 5000 square meters and to distribute 18,250 liters of water.



Design of Sprinkles Irrigation System

Zelalem Girmaw…………………………ITR/1064/03

Tewoldual Temesgen...……………………ITR/921/03

Melkamu Kefyalew ……………………....ITR/639/03

Maru Muha ………………………………ITR/600/03

A Thesis Submitted to Department of ‘Mechanical Engineering Department’ of Kombolcha

Institute of Technology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor
of Science in ‘Mechanical Engineering’

Bachelor Science Thesis

Wollo University
Kombolcha Institute of Technology
Department of ‘Mechanical Engineering’
Design of sprinkler irrigation system 2015

K I Bachelor of Science Thesis: MED-2015-023BSC

Design of Sprinkler Irrigation System

Zelalem Girmaw
Tewoldual Temesgen
Melkamu Kefyalew
Maru Muha

Approved: Examiner: (if any) Advisor:

Signature Name Instructor Mekonn A. Gosaye Sisay

Date: Chairperson: Co-advisor: (if any)

18/10/2007 Name Name

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Design of sprinkler irrigation system 2015


The main objective of this project is to identify and design sprinkler irrigation system in KIOT
which works by motor pump to pressurize water at high speed to spray out water through
nozzle. This design project, focused on design sprinkler irrigation at 5000 square meter area.
The amount of water 18,250 litters ,to distribute this amount of water by using centrifugal pump
with power 0.38KW and pressure 200KPa.The diameter the nozzle to spray water is 3.5mm and
the total number of nozzle to cover the area is 16 sprinkler. The gap between each sprinkler
is18m and the total number of lateral pipe is 278 all lateral pipe have similar diameter
0.075meter. The main pipe diameter is 0.15meter and the riser height and diameter is 2meter
and 0.01875meter respectively.

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Design of sprinkler irrigation system 2015

First, we would like to thanks our advisor instructor Gosaye Sisay (MSC) for his invaluable and un
reserved advise, intellectual guidance and duration of time to correct this project. Also, would like to
thanks, Wollo University (KIOT) plant ground man Mohammed who gives us the relevant data and
instructor Zewdu (MSC) water and irrigation gives about sprinkler system. Also we would like to thank
our lovely family, for their overall morally and financial support throughout our journey .Finally we
would like to express and more thanks KIOT to give this chance of 5th year technical and theoretical
knowledge to change of our life.

Maru Muhe, ITR/600/03

Melkamu Kefyalew, ITR/639/03

Tewoldual Temesgen ITR/921/03

Zelalem Girmaw ITR/1064/03

BSc, Mechanical Engineering

Kombolcha Institute of Technology, 2015

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Design of sprinkler irrigation system 2015

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Figure .................................................................................................................................. v
List of Acronyms .......................................................................................................................... vii
List of Conversion Factors .......................................................................................................... vii
Chapter One: Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background information and justification .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of problem .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 General objective ............................................................................................................ 3
1.3.2 Specific objective ........................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Scope of the project ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Significance of study........................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Methodology of the project ................................................................................................................. 3
1.7 Organization of the Study ................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter Two: Literature Review ................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Ancient origins of irrigation ................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 History of drip irrigation system ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Components of drip irrigation system ............................................................................ 6
2.2.2 Working Principles of drip irrigation ............................................................................. 6
2.2.3 Problems associated with drip irrigation ........................................................................ 8
2.3 Sprinkler irrigation System ................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Components of Sprinkler irrigation system .................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Type of Sprinkler irrigation systems ............................................................................ 10
Chapter Three: Methodology ..................................................................................................... 15
3.1Customer needs: ................................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Question raised data collected from KIOT ground man management, gardeners and worker ......... 17
3.2.1 Answer the above question by engineering concept .................................................... 17
3.3 Concept generation ........................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.1 Advantage and disadvantage of each concept generation ............................................ 24
3.4 Criteria for selection of best design concept ..................................................................................... 31

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3.6 System design and material selection ............................................................................................... 33

3.6.1 Design consideration and design specification ............................................................. 33
3.7 Part of system components ............................................................................................................... 34
Chapter Four: Result and Discussion ........................................................................................ 36
4.1Geometric analysis ............................................................................................................................. 36
4.2 Material selection .............................................................................................................................. 37
4.2.1 Material selection for pipe ............................................................................................ 38
4.2.2Material selected for Nozzle .......................................................................................... 38
4.2.3Material selection of deflector ....................................................................................... 39
4.3 Determination of water consumption and Area analysis .................................................................. 39
4.3.1 Determination reservoir ................................................................................................ 40
4.3.2 Determination of consumption water ........................................................................... 40
4.4 Selection of pump ............................................................................................................................. 41
4.4.1 Centrifugal pump .......................................................................................................... 41
4.4.2 The right pumps size ...................................................................................................................... 42
4.4.3 Heads of pump .............................................................................................................. 42
4.4.4 Pump power .................................................................................................................. 43
4.5 Design of pipe ................................................................................................................................... 45
4.5.1 Circumferential or Hoop Stress .................................................................................... 46
4.5.2 Longitudinal stress ........................................................................................................ 47
4.6 Design of lateral line and number of sprinkler.................................................................................. 48
4.6.1Number of lateral line .................................................................................................... 48
4.7 Losses in valves and fitting ............................................................................................................... 52
4.8 Design of nozzle ............................................................................................................................... 52
4.9 Design of deflector ............................................................................................................................ 55
4.9.1 Deflector Size welding joint determination .................................................................. 58
4.10 Selection of bearing ........................................................................................................................ 60
Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation ..................................................................... 65
5.1Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 65
5.2 Recommendation .............................................................................................................................. 66
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 68

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List of Figure
Fig-2.1 drip irrigation.................................................................................................................................... 7
Fig 2.2 micro drip irrigation.......................................................................................................................... 8
Fig-2.3 sprinkler irrigation .......................................................................................................................... 10
Fig-2.4 fixed sprinkler irrigation ................................................................................................................. 11
Fig 2.5 wheel movable sprinkler irrigation ................................................................................................. 12
Fig 2.6 periodic sprinkler ............................................................................................................................ 14
Fig-3.1 KIOT ground man irrigation system .............................................................................................. 18
Fig -3.2 Weekly water data record experimental data recording system .................................................... 20
Fig 3.3 up right sprinkler ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 3.4 rotating sprinkler irrigation system ................................................................................................. 26
Fig 3.6 pendant irrigation system................................................................................................................ 28
Fig 3.7 map rotor sprinkler system ............................................................................................................. 29
Fig 3.8 space coverage sprinkler irrigation system ..................................................................................... 30
Fig 3.9 pop up ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Fig 3.10 the final selected design ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 3.11 nozzle ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Fig3.12 control valve .................................................................................................................................. 35
Fig 3.13 bearing .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Fig 4.2 hoop stress ...................................................................................................................................... 47
Fig 4.3 longitudinal stress ........................................................................................................................... 47
Fig 4.6 deflector analysis ............................................................................................................................ 56
Fig 4.7 Assembly Drawing 2D ................................................................................................................... 62

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List of Table

Table 3.1 irrigation instrument.................................................................................................................... 17

Table 3.2 fetching water for beauty flower ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.4 distances for different plant from source .................................................................................... 22
Table 3.5 rank order .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.1 Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl chloride .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.2 standard rotating sprinkler head .................................................................................................. 68
Table 4.3 constant diameter at different pressure ....................................................................................... 53
When P=16.5KPa and d=2mm ................................................................................................................... 53
Table 4.4 constant pressure at different diameter ....................................................................................... 54
Table 4.5 cost analysis ................................................................................................................................ 61
Table 4.6 bill of material ............................................................................................................................. 63

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List of Acronyms

PVC= Polyvinyl Chloride

KPa= Kilo Pascal

SULT= Ultimate tensile strength

Hp= Horse power

KIOT=Kombolcha Institute of Technology

List of Conversion Factors


1 hp= 0.746 KPa






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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background information and justification
Ethiopia has a lot of natural resource compared to other country in the world from these natural
resource water is one of them. Irrigation in Ethiopia works in small range .when we use the natural
water by different method to change our environment to development throughout the years.
Sprinkler irrigation is the method of irrigation by which water is sprayed on the land surface in the
form of artificial rain. To create the perception water under pressure is injected through the nozzle.
Sprinkler irrigation systems are valuable in various designs and irrigation capacities. There are two
types of sprinkler heads these are small and large. From some categories, small Sprinkler or drip
irrigation system is normally used for vegetables, fruits plantation. Sprinkler irrigation systems are
being used in some parts of Africa. A properly designed irrigation system addresses uniform
irrigation application in timely manner. While minimizing losses and damage of soil, water, plant
and animals. An irrigation system in which all necessary equipment and facilities are installed for
efficiently applying water by means of nozzles operated under pressure. This practice applied as
part of a resource management system to achieve one or more of the following purposes

 Efficiently and uniformly, apply irrigation water to maintain adequate soil water for
the desired level of plant growth and production without causing excessive water loss,
erosion, or water quality impairment.
 Climate control and modification.
 Applying chemicals, nutrients, and/or wastewater.
 Leaching for control or reclamation of saline or sodic soils.
 Reduction in particulate matter emissions to improve air quality.
 Reduce energy use. The sprinkler method of water application is suited to most crops,
irrigable lands, and climatic conditions where irrigated agriculture is feasible. Areas
must be suitable for irrigation or sprinkler water application and have an adequate
supply of suitable quality water available for the intended purpose. [1]

Design of sprinkler irrigation system 2015

1.2 Statement of problem

Traditional plant irrigation system by jerk caring water from the drainage is time consuming and
not productive. It gives non-uniform distribution of water throughout the plant. This leads too
bleaches or eroded the fertile soil. This is not much advantage because of erosion of soil, wastage of
water and needs more labor force. The working time is in the morning and afternoon the weather
condition is hot and water is easily evaporate .This leads to tired ,during this time creates unbalance
distribution of water in the plants, in addition to this, some area of plant cannot get water properly.
In this case, some amount of plant will be dry. It is obvious that the plant is imported in high amount
of money.

Fig 3.1Traditional irrigation system in KIOT

By considering this problem, we design sprinkler irrigation system, which reduces the wastage of
resource, labor, working time, and increase the life of the plant.

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1.3 Objective of the study

Design of sprinkler irrigation system in kombolcha institute of technology

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of the study is designing sprinkler irrigation system.

1.3.2 Specific objective

 To design sprinkler head
 To design pipe and filter
 To calculate the head losses
 To prepare production and implementation manual irrigation system
 To analysis power and head loss in the fitting of main line of pipe through the system.

1.4 Scope of the project

Focused on Wollo university institute of technology compound garden irrigation system.

1.5 Significance of study

It creates good environmental condition to the KIOT institute and it gives same hint or clue to KIOT
students to develop their creativity about to design. This gives as knowledge and in the future, it may
one field of our business. In addition, have the following advantage

 Used to fetch plants and small green grass

 Used to preserve or prevent water losses
 It also use to reduce working time and labor force

1.6 Methodology of the project

This project was done in the following ways. The study was started in kombolcha institute of
technology garden irrigation system. By observing the problem of the institute, irrigation system
then interview KIOT ground man and identify their needs. After that, we generate different concept
idea. The concept ideas are organized and rank ordered due to the institute need finally design the
selected high rank value concept idea.

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1.7 Organization of the Study

This project is organized by five chapters, first chapters including in different sub titles , such as
introduction, back ground, statements of the problem, objective, scope, significant and methodology
of the study. The second chapter states that literature review about sprinkler irrigation system,
irrigation type of sprinkler system and concept tare generation briefly described in the third chapter.
In the fourth chapter are discuss in detailed the analysis of different data .The final chapter contains
conclusion, recommendation and reference.

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Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Ancient origins of irrigation
Irrigation can be broadly defined as the practice of applying additional water to soil to enable or
enhance plant growth and yield, and in some cases, the quality of foliage or harvested plant parts.
The water source could be groundwater pumped to the surface, or surface water diverted from one
position on the landscape to another. Development of irrigation water often entails development of
large-scale, geographically significant dams and water impoundments or diversions that can provide
additional functions apart from crop growth enhancement. In many cases, sustainable irrigation
development requires concomitant development of surface or subsurface drainage. Irrigation is the
single most strategically important intentional environmental modification humans have learned to
perform. While irrigation's impact has not always been as critical to the global agricultural economy
and food supply as it is today, it has always had major local impacts and profound historical and
social consequences. The four lives giving water heads of Judeo-Christian Paradise are also
mentioned in the 47th Sure of the Koran. Some anthropologists and historians point to the
development of irrigation as the catalyst for the interaction of engineering, organizational, political
and related creative or entrepreneurial skills and activities that produced the outcome referred to as
"civilization".). The earliest archeological evidence of irrigation in farming dates to about 6000 B.C.
in the Middle East's Jordan Valley. It is widely believed that irrigation was being practiced in Egypt
at about the same time, and the earliest pictorial representation of irrigation is from Egypt around
3100 B.C.In the following millennia, irrigation spread throughout Persia, the Middle East and
westward along the Mediterranean. In the same broad period, irrigation technology sprang up more
or less independently across the Asian continent in India, Pakistan, China, and elsewhere. In the
New World the Inca, Maya, and Aztec made wide use of irrigation. The technology migrated as far
North as the current southwestern U.S., where the Hohokam built some 700 miles of irrigation
canals in what is today central Arizona to feed their emerging civilization, only to mysteriously
abandon it in the 14th century A.D.[2]

2.2 History of drip irrigation system

The first formal development of drip irrigation supplies begins around 1866 in Afghanistan. Where
the test drip irrigation and drainage systems by using various type pipe. A researcher at Colorado

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state university Mr.E.B.houses began applying sub surface of water directly to the root zone in 1913
and in 1920 in Germany; forested pipe irrigation was first introduced. [1, 2]

2.2.1 Components of drip irrigation system

The basic components of any drip irrigation system are listed below.

 Pump or pressure : to control valve and to turn system on and off

 Check valve to prevent backflow into water source
 Water source to provide the amount of water required at the necessary pressure to push water
out of the drip emitters
 Filter to remove particles from the irrigation water that may clog the drip emitters
 Control valve to open and shut off the water.
 Main lines to carry and distribute water to the laterals lines
 Lateral line to carry the water and distribute it to the drip emitter.[1,3]

2.2.2 Working Principles of drip irrigation

Drip irrigation involves supplying water to the soil very close to the plants at very low flow rates
(0.5–10 liter/hr) from a plastic pipe fitted with outlets (drip emitters) . The basic concept underlying
the drip irrigation method is to maintain a wet bulb of soil in which plant roots suck water .Only the
part of the soil immediately surrounding the plant is wetted. The volume and shape of the wet bulb
irrigated by each drip emitter are a function of the characteristics of the soil (texture and hydraulic
conductivity) and the discharge rate of the drip emitter.[2]

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Fig-2.1 Drip Irrigation

Advantages of drip irrigation

The following advantages are accompanied with the use of drip irrigation are

1 More efficient use of water: Compared to surface irrigation methods (with efficiencies of 50–75%
in high-management systems), drip irrigation can achieve 90–95% efficiency.

2. Reduced cost for fertilizers: Precise application of nutrients is possible using drip irrigation.
Fertilizer costs and nitrate losses can be reduced considerably when the fertilizers are applied
through the irrigation water.

3. Reduced labor demands

4. Low energy requirement: A drip irrigation system requires less energy than a conventional
pressurized system as it increases irrigation efficiency and therefore requires less water to be

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5. Reduced salinity risk: The drip lines are placed close to a row of plants and the root zone tends
to be relatively free of salt accumulations as the towards the edge of the wetted soil bulbs. [2, 3]

Fig 2.2 Micro Drip Irrigation

Typical Disadvantages of drip

Filtration is critical Emitter clogging can disrupt distribution uniformity Algae growth, scale
build-up (usually CaCO3) must be controlled Drip tape, and vandals, rodents, etc can easily
damage other components. Increased management skills required
Simple, low-cost emitters are not pressure compensating. Application uniformity will vary with
topography usually not a concern with small plots Cheap (6-mil) drip tape may only last one or
two growing seasons. This type irrigation is not applicable hill and valley areas and also the flow
rate water is not uniformly distribute

2.2.3 Problems associated with drip irrigation

The possible problems that can be associated with drip irrigation are as follows:

1. Clogging of emitters is the most serious problem associated with drip irrigation. To prevent
blockage, care should be taken to filter the water properly before use, depending on the particular
particle size and type of suspended material contained in the irrigation water.

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2. Cost: Conventional drip irrigation systems typically cost USD 5000–10,000 per hectare, or
more, when installed in East Africa. However, recent advances have introduced some
adaptations in the systems that are making them accessible to small-scale farmers.

3. Water management: When practicing drip irrigation, farmers do not see the water this often
results in over irrigation and the loss of the benefits of high irrigation efficiency. Over-irrigation
will also make the soil excessively wet and therefore promote disease, weed growth and nutrient.

2.3 Sprinkler irrigation System

The history of sprinkler system is linked to municipal water supplies. Sprinkler need pressure to
spray water on crops and gardens. The first city water system was in Rome, which brought water
from distance sources to central location via aqueducts. Water wheels in late 16th century
supplied water to London and Paris.[4]

2.3.1 Components of Sprinkler irrigation system

Water source - open well / tube well / canal ,Pumping unit - centrifugal, submersible, Sprinkler -
main and lateral pipe lines, riser pipe, sprinklers (nozzles) Other minor accessories / fittings like
reducers, elbows, valve opening tees, end Tees, regulators and gauges, valves, filters,

 Prime mover or pump suction pipe, foot valve: pumping sets or pump is required for lifting
water from the sources and push it through distribution system, i.e. main ,submain,laterals
and finally through the sprinkler head under sufficient pressure.
 Main line: it carries water from the source or pumping units to the various parts in the field
.permanent lines are generally buried below the working depth inside the ground.
 Sub main: It carries water from main to lateral lines.
 Lateral line: It carries water from main or sub main pipeline to sprinkler through the rise
 Sprinkler head: Sprinkler heads are used for spraying water on the fields they may be rotating
head, fixed head type and perforated type. The selection of pump, pipe line, length, number
of sprinklers, their Design depends upon soil, topography, climate, cropping pattern and
command area.[1,4]

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Fig-2.3 Sprinkler Irrigation

2.3.2 Type of Sprinkler irrigation systems

There are many types of Sprinkler systems

 Fixed sprinkler
 Continuous sprinkler
 Movable

Working Principle of fixed sprinkler irrigation system

Fixed Systems include solid set (portable or permanent pipeline). There are enough laterals and
sprinklers that none has to be moved to complete irrigation. In New Jersey, this method is used
predominantly on blueberries and cranberries for both irrigation and frost control. Solid set
sprinkler systems consist of either an above ground portable pipe system (aluminum pipe) or a
permanently buried system (plastic pipe). Solid set systems are placed in the field at the start of
the irrigation season and left in place throughout the entire crop season. A portable solid set
system can be moved to a different field at the end of a particular crop season. A permanent solid
set system consist of mainlines and laterals (mostly plastic pipe) buried below the depth of
normal field operations. Only the sprinklers and a portion of the risers are above the ground
surface. To irrigate the field, one or more zones of sprinklers are cycled on or off with a control
valve at the mainline. Opening and closing of valves can be manual, programmed electronically,
or timer clock controlled. Solid set systems can be easily automated.

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Fig-2.4 Fixed sprinkler Irrigation

Advantage of fixed sprinkler system

 It reduce labor cost

 It controlled by manual ,electrically timer
 It is used to controlled environment
 Control crop cooling and quality improvement
 It control humidity

Disadvantage of fixed sprinkler system

 It is difficult to control and maintenance operation

 It works in fixed area

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Working principle of Continuous movable sprinkler system

Continuous Move/Self Move Systems include center pivots, linear move laterals, and traveling
gun sprinklers. Pressure for sprinkler systems is generally provided by pumping powered mainly
by diesel or electric and some gasoline engines. If the system is properly designed and operated,
application efficiencies of 50% - 95% can be obtained. This depends on the type of system,
cultural practices, and management. Poor management (i.e. irrigating too soon or applying too
much water) is the greatest cause of reduced water application efficiency.

Fig 2.5 Wheel Movable Sprinkler Irrigation

 Water application uniformity with good water management.
 Odd shaped fields can be irrigated with automated equipment.
 Minimum manual labor
 Reduced operating labor
 Well adapted to tall crops such as corn.

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 It requires high operating pressures and high power pumping units.
 Unsuitable for low intake rate soils.
 Increased energy demand and high cost.
 Systems need to be sized for high pressure (friction losses can be significant if hose sizes
are not large enough).
 High maintenance requirements
 Lack of commercial dealers and support for replacement parts.
Working principle of periodic movable sprinkler system

A periodic move sprinkler system is set in a fixed location for a specified length of time to apply
a required depth of water this is known as the irrigation set time. After irrigation set, the lateral
or sprinkler is moved to the next set position. Applications range from 50% - 75%.
The term wheel move also known as wheel-line, side roll, or lateral-roll irrigation machines. A
wheel move consists of the mover, lateral pipe, wheels, sprinklers, couplers, and connectors to
the mainline supply. The lateral pipe conveys water along the line to sprinklers typically spaced
30 to 40 feet apart. At periodic intervals (typically, 11 ½ or 23½ hours) the system is rolled 50 or
60 feet laterally by a small single cylinder gasoline or diesel engine power unit. The power unit,
(or power mover) operates through a combination of hydraulics, gears, and chains located at the
middle or end of the lateral. All the water must be drained through the automatic drains from the
line prior to moving. The move usually takes 20 to 30 minutes, including draining, which is
considerably less time than required for a hand move line. Prior to moving the line, it should be
straight. Then the mover will be slightly ahead of the line, which will be tight without slack
when moving. If the line migrates to one end in moving, the opposite end should be “trailed”
back manually. This unbalance will tend to shift the line in the desired direction. The end should
be realigned after the line position is corrected. It is important to keep the wheels from getting
ahead of the mover to prevent serious misalignment.

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Fig 2.6 Periodic Sprinkler

Advantage of periodic movable sprinkler system

 It used for crops and vegetable

 It is possible to move by hand
 Low labor consumption
 It can easily move to the required area

Disadvantage of periodic movable sprinkler system

 It works only flat area

 High initial and maintenance cost
 It is not adapted for tall crops
 It required high pressure to operate

Generally both drip and sprinkler irrigation system are used in agricultural system .drip irrigation
works in flat area where as sprinkler are applicable in all topography type. Sprinkler system
covers more space; easy to control the system and it saves time due to Sprinkler irrigation type is
more advantageous than drip irrigation. [ 1, 4, 5]

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Chapter Three: Methodology

The design is initially start based on customer need, so to full fill customer need first identifying
the problem then, generate different solution idea to solve the problem. The design flow process
listed as follow.

Customer need

Problem identification

Concept generation

Rank order between concept ideas

Take the best rank from the concept

Material selection

Part design

Force analysis

Final assembly 3D drawing

3.1Customer needs:
During gathering information, we were identity the KIOT institute needs based on irrigation or
plant garden system some of the institute needs are as follow:

1. Irrigation capacity

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2. Minimum labor

3. Easy to operate

4. Attractive

5. Safe to operate

6. Durability

7. Reliability

8. Maintainability

9. Less cost

10. Save working time

11. Save resource

12. Reduce fertilizer cost

Observing (KIOT) garden system, there are problems in irrigation system and scarcity of water
due to the institute background of plant installation are scattered in row way and far apart from
the source and also the irrigation system performed or done by labor i.e. the planter carries water
from source by hand and fetch to each individual plant. This is difficult system to distribute
water for all the plant and the topography of the institute is hill type that means up and down. By
concept developing from traditional hand fetch and the previously designed sprinkler irrigation
system which worker where used in the past and using now. Depending on information gathered
from part, taking some hand operated that used from pervious up to now and we try to create our
mechanism to eliminate the limitation of the system, by taking it strengthens and good side. By
introducing different question to KIOT ground man managements, gardeners to collect relevant
data from plant worker(ground man) are as follows .target area taken to gather information
(question rose) are follow.

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3.2 Question raised data collected from KIOT ground man management,
gardeners and worker
 What type of instrument use to fetch?
 How many times consume to fetch the plants?
 How many litters of water use in a day?
 How far apart you walk from source to final destination.
 In how many time intervals did you irrigate?
 How many litters of water take to fetch one plant?

3.2.1 Answer the above question by engineering concept

1. In KIOT the type instrument they use to fetch garden (plant) is plastic bottle cannel.

The KIOT ground man use the type of irrigation instrument is listed in table below.

Table 3.1 irrigation instrument

No Name ground man Plastic pipe Plastic bottle drip Sprinkler

tube cannel
1 Zara × × ×
2 Hessen × ×
3 Yimer × × ×
5 Ahmed × ×
6 Admasu × × ×
7 Jemal × × ×
8 Aminat × × ×
× × ×
9 Seada
× × ×
10 Seyid
× × ×
11 Zebenay

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× × ×
12 Habib

× × ×
13 Seyid
× × ×
14 Abebech
× × ×
15 Jemal
2. The time consumption to fetch the beauty flower in row as shown below the figure

Fig-3.1 KIOT ground man irrigation system

The recorded data shows how to consume to fetch beauty plant as flow in table

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NO Name beauty flower Fetch per minutes
1 Kuku sare 6
2 Drantal 7
3 Hevaskes 4
4 Hemu 5

The average fetching time of beauty flower =6+7+4+5 = 5.5 minutes

Week Amount of water flow from the source in amounts of water in litters
1 2 6.5
2 2 6.3
3 2 6.2
4 2 6.4

Recorded data for fruit plants are as follow shown below

NO Names of fruit plant Fetch per minutes

1 Mango 3
2 Orange 2.5
3 Avocado 4
4 Papaya 5

The average fetching time of fruit plants =3+2.5+4+5 = 3.375 minutes

Recorded data for long tree (shelter plant) are as shown below the table.

No Name of plants Fetch per minutes

1 Woyira 6
2 Wanza 5
3 Girar (acacia) 4
4 Fennel 5

The average fetching time= 6+5+5+4 =5

3 from experimental data the amount of water flow at the source in 2 minutes are 6.5 litters .we
recorded experimental data to four weeks from march 28 up to April 28.

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Fig -3.2 Weekly Water Data Record Experimental Data

Recording system

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In week one the amount of water flow per a day in litters can be calculated as

Follow. Table 3.3data record value

At 2 minutes=6.5litters

1440 minutes =?

=6.5 litter×1440 minutes =4680 litters.


Working hours of the ground man per a day is 8 hours so

In 24hours =4680 litters

8 hours =?

= 8hours×4680litters =1560 litters


In week two, the amount of water flow per a day in litters can be calculated as follow.

At 2 minutes=6.3litters

1440 minutes=?

=6.3litters×1440 minutes =4536 litters


Working hours for ground man per a day is eight hours s

In 24hours =4536litters


=8hours ×4536litters =1512litters


In week three, the amount of water flow per day is 6.2 litters in two minutes.

=6.2litters ×1440minutes = 4464 litters


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Working hours for ground man per a day is eight hours so,

In 24hours =4464 litter


NO Name of plants Distance

8hours×4464litter =1488litters


In week, four the flow rate of water is 6.4 litters in two minutes can be calculate as follow.

At 2minutes =6.4litters

1440minutes =?

1440minutes ×6.4litters =4608litters


From the normal time, working hours of ground man is 8hours per a day.

In 24hours =4608litters

8hours =?

4608litter×8hours =1536litters


The average water flow rates in four weeks is calculated as be

Average water flow rate in 24hours =4680+4536+4464+4608 =4572litters

Average water flow rate in 8hours =1560+1512+1488+1536 =1524litter

4. The distance of the plant from the source listed in the table below.

Table 3.4 distances for different plant from source

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1 Kuku sare 10meter

2 Drental 10meter
3 Mango 150meter
4 Avocado 150meter
5 Papaya 200meter
6 Acacia 300meter
7 Woyira 150meter

Total average distance from source=10+10+150+150+200+300+150 =138.6m

5. the time gap to fetch or irrigate depends up on the type of plants such as, beauty flower plants
are fetch day to day like hevaskes,hamu,bottle bush where as fruit plants like Mango, Avocado,
and orange are fetched from two to four days gap. In other way long trees are irrigated more
than four and five days like woyira, wanza and, acacia

6. The consumption of water is not constant known for each plant without measurement they
fetch by guessing the root zone.

3.3 Concept generation

Concept generation getting is the idea the most critical step in the engineering design process.
Starting a set of customer needs and target specifications the process concludes with array
product alternatives from which a final design is selected .the process of concept generation is
by brainstorming ,sketching ,the concept type, discussed the concept type ,rank(scored ) by their
function ,and select the most preferable concept type due to their rank value .the general concept
generated are listed below:-

1. up right head sprinkler irrigation system

2. Rotary Pump operated sprinkler irrigation system

3. Water feeding by plastic pipe irrigation system

4. Pendant sprinkler head system

5. Map rotor

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6. Space converge sprinkler system

7. Pop up sprinkler system

3.3.1 Advantage and disadvantage of each concept generation


Up right sprinkler is installed up right in the branch line piping of sprinkler system .the position
seat vertically and deflects water to side.


1. Less cost

2. Easy to operate

3. It cannot use motor


1. Maintenance

2. Less efficiency and high loss

Fig 3.3 Up right sprinkler

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Concept -2
The system works by pressurized water from pump generated and water exhaust in the nozzle .


1. Easy to operate

2. High efficiency

3. High durability

4. High accessibility

5. Time saving

6. High flexibility


1. Cost of pump

2. Needs skilled person to initial installation cost

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Fig 3.4 Rotating sprinkler irrigation system

Water fetching by plastic bottle cannel; first water entered in the suction side then the entered
water pressed by piston to create pressure difference when the piston move down ward the water
move down ward sprayed out due to pressure.


1. Easy to operate

2. Less skill person can operat


1. Less efficiency

2. Less durable

3. Need high labor

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4. Economically not effecti

Fig 3.5 Water feeding by plastic cannel

The pendant design sprinkler looks like revolve wall watch position, with the deflector facing
down ward.


1. Save time

2. High safety

3. Good accessibility

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Fig 3.6 pendant irrigation system


1. High material cost

2. High maintenance cost

3. Water loss

4. Less efficiency

Concept -5

1. It covers large area

2. Less labor cost

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1. High material cost

2. High power consuming process

3. It is not tall plants

Fig 3.7 Map rotor sprinkler system


The area watered by each sprinkler must over lap substantially the area watered by the adjust
sprinkler. It is very important necessity, without this overlap, it would be impossible to design
sprinkler system that provides uniform water coverage. The water from one sprinkler goes all the
way to next sprinkler system.


1. Used to overlap the next sprinkler

2. easy to operate

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3. Good flexibility


1. Loss of water

2. It is not accessible

3. Less efficiency

4. Limited in head

Fig 3.8 Space coverage sprinkler irrigation system

Pop up sprinkler head has land escape sprinkler system


1. easy to maintains

2. It is flexible


1. High cost

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3. Low efficiency

4. It is not reliable

5. It is not easy maintainable

Fig3.9 POP UP

3.4 Criteria for selection of best design concept

Based on KIOT needs we have tried to select the best idea by the varies measuring ideas are
listed below the methods to identifying or selecting the idea are the following mechanical
property which the machine performers properly [6, 7]

 Efficiency
 Time saving
 Flexibility
 Safety
 Maintainability

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Machine number
Selection criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Safety + + - 0 - + +
2 Time saving - + - 0 - 0 +
3 Flexibility - + 0 0 0 - -
4 Performance - + - 0 + + +
5 Maintainability + + + 0 + + +
6 Reliability - + - 0 - + -
7 Easy to operate + 0 + 0 - - +
8 Cost effective - + + 0 - - +
9 Sustainability + + - 0 - + -
10 Easy to use resource - - + 0 - - +
11 Net score -2 7 -1 0 -5 1 4
12 Rank 6 1 5 4 7 3 2
13 Continues machine 2 6 7

Fig 3.10 the final selected design

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Based on the table comparison of different sprinkler head selected sprinkler type is number two,
which is rotated pump operated sprinkler irrigation. The final design from the three rank concept
generations by adding and removing parts, then the rank one concept generation removing parts
are spring and the concept generation rank two are adding in rank one are cup. The reassembled
the final design part is as shown bellow. We remove the spring from the seventh part and adding
the cap to cover the bearing.

3.5 Principle of sprinkler irrigation

Irrigation involves principally the application of pressurizing water by motor pump and spray
through nozzle in the form of artificial rain. The sprinkler can be stationary or rotary motion.
This is achieved in any of the following:

1. The pressurized water passes through the riser pushed by pump and the sprinkler head
subjected to spray verticality in the form of rain

2. The pressurized water pass through the riser and out from the driving nozzle to rotate around
the axis of sprinkler head.

3. The pressurized water passes through the riser and flow in side part of sprinkler body. From
this the second principle chosen to develop our sprinkler irrigation system of sprinkler

3.6 System design and material selection

The following design criteria are used to design our sprinkler irrigation machine.

 Mechanical properties of material like strength, rigidity, tough, ductility, reliability and
 Mechanical durability
 Corrosion and wear resistance[7,8]

3.6.1 Design consideration and design specification

During design process amount of water supply, irrigation area of in square meters or hectares,
Pump pressure, Soil type and depth of moisture, Sprinkler movement, Wind flow consideration,
Spacing of sprinkler must be considered.

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Design specification

 Working area of the machine

 Pressure
 Discharge or flow rate
 Velocity or rotational speed of pump
 Operating hours
 Nozzle discharge and pressure loss at the mainline pipe and valve fitting
 Power of pump required and discharge capacity
 Diameter of nozzle and pipe

The entire above are important to calculate sprinkler diameter, pressure and discharge capacity.

3.7 Part of system components

The design consist parts like nozzle, control valve, riser, deflector, body, filter bush, and pump.

1. Nozzle

Nozzle is a device that used to measure the flow rate of fluids in a pipe or conduit .a flow nozzle
consist of cone shaped passage that create in partial blockage of the conduit, and flow rate is
determined by measuring fluid pressure before and after the flow nozzle .

Fig 3.11 nozzle

2. Deflector

Deflector is a fluid separator including a central axis and an enclosed wall having an open end
and an inner circumferential separation surface extending about the to define an interior separate

3. Control valves

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Control valves are used to control condition such flow, pressure, and fluid level by fully or
partially opening or closing. Control valve also control and protect the pump before discharge
the fluid while return back the air pressure from the empty pipe.[9]

Fig3.12 control valve

4. Bearing

A bearing is machine element, which support another moving machine element. it permits
relative motion between the contact surfaces of the members , while carrying the load . Little
consideration will show due to relative motion between the contact surfaces, a certain amount
power is wasted in overcoming frictional resistance and if the rubbing surface are in direct
contact, there will be rapid wear. In order to reduce frictional resistance and in some case to
away heat generated, a layer of fluid may be provided. [7]

Fig 3.13 bearing

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Chapter Four: Result and Discussion

Design analysis is the process of total determination the design, and it is used to know the part
subject to different type of force, stress, bending moment and dimension of the component.

4.1Geometric analysis
Geometric analysis is concerned with arrangement the overall dimension of parts that are
maximum height, length, and minimum height.


Riser =2 meter length and 0.018 meter diameter

Lateral pipe =18meter length and 0.075meter diameter

Main pipe=18 length and 0.15meter diameter

Nozzle =57millemeter length and 3.6millemeter diameter

Deflector=base 250milemeter and 300 millimeter width and 150 millimeter eccentricity length


Pressure range =200KPa

Pump head=14.14 meter

The total length of riser is equal to L1+L2+Lb+Ls

Diameter of main pipe is equal to diameter of lateral plus diameter of riser

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Fig 4.1 geometric analysis

4.2 Material selection

Selection of a proper material for the machine component is one of the most important steps in
the process of machine design. In the context of product design, the main goal of material
selection is to minimize cost while meeting product performance goals. Systematic selection of
the best material for a given application begins with properties and costs of candidate materials.
Systematic selection for applications requiring multiple criteria is more complex. Both the
material properties and availability are determinant value of operational application. The best
material is one, which will serve selecting the material for machine component is as follow.

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 Availability
 Cost
 Mechanical properties
 Manufacturing consideration

4.2.1 Material selection for pipe

Pipe is a circular hole, which subjected to pass fluid through the longitudinal circumference. Due
to the flow of fluid, there is friction between the contact surface both the fitting and bending
elbow. By considering the friction loss and other criteria, we select Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
due to the following reason. [6, 7, 8]
 Low Cost
 Excellent flexural strength
 Good impact strength
 Process able by all thermoplastic equipment
 Low coefficient of friction
 Excellent electrical insulation
 Good fatigue and corrosion resistance
 Excellent moisture resistance
 Service Temperature to 126 C
 Very good chemical resistance
Allowable working stress ó =10 M

4.2.2Material selected for Nozzle

Nozzles can be made from several materials. The most common are brass, nylon, stainless steel,
hardened stainless steel, tungst9en carbide, and ceramic. Ceramic and tungsten carbide nozzles
are very longwearing and extremely corrosion resistant. Stainless steel nozzles last longer than
brass or nylon and generally, produce a uniform pattern oven extended time of period. Nylon
nozzles with stainless steel or hardened stainless steel inserts offer an alternative to soli stain
steel nozzles at a reduced cost Thermoplastic nozzle have good abrasion resistance, but swelling
can occur with some chemicals, and they are easily damaged when cleaned. Nozzles made from
hard materials cost morinitially, but in the long run, they pay for themselves because of long-
lasting properties.

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We selected stainless steel due to;

 High corrosion resistance

 Light in weight
 Good strength
 Wear resistance
 Yield strength 36000 psi(248MPa)
 It is ductile
 It tensile strength 65ksi (448 MPa)
 The elongation is 21 %
 The maximum ratio of yield point to tensile strength is 0.8
 It is low cost

4.2.3Material selection of deflector

The proper materials of the deflector are bronze.

 It has high strength than brass

 Better corrosion resistance
 Anti friction or bearing properties
 Ultimate tensile strength is 33Mpa

4.3 Determination of water consumption and Area analysis

From the KIOT water or natural, source of water 4680 litter per day flow in the winter season
like March and April. Additional water needs other source to support or to solve the water
scarcity from water source supply need 13570 litter of water per day .then the total amount of
water is 18250 liters per day use to irrigate both the green grass and plant trees.

The total area to irrigate or to covers green grass and plant trees are 5000 square meter. From this
90% of area covers by green grass and 10% of area covers by plant trees. That covers by green
grass is can be calculated as follow. [1]

Area of green grass =5000m2 ×90 =4500m2


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Area of plant trees =5000m2 ×10 = 500m2


4.3.1 Determination reservoir

Reservoir is used to cumulate or collect water from the source at the required amount by
considering the amount of water in irrigation green grass and plant trees area water consumption
calculate the reservoir volume .therefore the reservoir is cubic meter or three by
three(3×3×3)meter cubic i.e.

Volume of reservoir=l × w × h = (3×3×3) m3=27m3

1m3=1000 litters



Our required volume of water is 18250 litters then, the reservoir is safe to contain this amount
of water. The safety of reservoir water contains this amount 27000 litter so when subtract from
(27000–18250) litters=8750 litters this amount of water is save in the reservoirs.

4.3.2 Determination of consumption water

The water consumption for green grass are in standard form of irrigation for each green grass
daily water consumption is 3.5 litter per m2 in one meter square area then the total consumption
of water in litter per daily for green grass are

1m2=3.5 litters

Day m2

4500m2=? 4500m2×3.5litter per m2 day=15750 litter per m2 day water consumption


The water consumption by grass trees from standard agricultural irrigation system for each tree
daily consumption of water is 5 liters per day.

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Then the total area covers by plant trees are 10% of the total irrigation area 500 m 2. The water
consumption in plant trees are

= 500m2×5litter per day =2500 litter per days


The total water consumption both green grass and plant trees are 18250 liters per a day.

4.4 Selection of pump

It is a mechanical device, which interposed in pipeline transfer energy from one external
source to water flowing. The main pump may be required to perform any of the following
duties in a connection with water.

 Lifting
 Increasing
 Exhausting or extracting the water
 Circulating
 Imparting kinetic energy
 Pump move water by mechanically action

Pump operates by different energy sources such as manual operates; electric power, engines or
wind power comes in medical application to large industrials, and agricultural application.

Select the best pump based on the total head (not discharge pressure) kind flow rate. The flow
rate will depend on the maximum requirement total head is the amount of energy that the pump
need to deliver to account for the elevation difference and friction loss in the system. Pump
selection depends with different criteria and their working principles of the irrigation system.

4.4.1 Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal pumps are a common types of pump used for agriculture, Munsipal water and waste
(water plants ).It is primarily pump types in class of pump called kinetic pump and are distinctly
different than positive displacement. All centrifugal pump includes as shaft, driven impeller that
rotates (usually 1750 or 3500rpm) inside a casing. Water flow into the section port (inlet) of the
casing and is through to the outside the casing and then exists the discharge port. The velocity

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imports to the water by impeller are covered to pressure energy or head (motor driven centrifugal
pump). We select this centrifugal pump by the following reasons: [9, 11, and 12]

 Maintainability cost
 Used for low head and large discharge
 It is used to agricultural application
 It has low pressure
 Its speed is high it can be directly coupled to the electric motor
 It gives even
 The initial cost is low
 They are suitable for constriction
 Easy to install

4.4.2 The right pumps size

It is compromise between cost (bigger pipe are more expensive) and excessive friction loss
(smaller pipe cases high friction) and will affect the pump performance. Atypical velocity range
used for sizing pipes on the discharge size of the pump is 9-12 ft/sec and the suction size 3-

4.4.3 Heads of pump

The specifics measurement of water pressure above geodetic datum. It is usually measure as
water (liquid) surface elevation, expressed in unit’s length of the entrance or bottom. Hydraulic
head can similarly measured in column of water using standard pipe by measuring the height of
water surface in tube relative to common datum. The hydraulic head can be used to determine
hydraulic gradient between two or more point.

Head is equal to the fluid energy per unit weight head useful in specifying centrifugal pumps
because their pumping characteristics tend to be independent of the fluid density. Head is used in
connection with pump including the following heads.

Suction head [hs]:-It is the vertical distance between the top surface of the water to be lifted and
to the center of the shaft.

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Delivery head [hd]:-The vertical distance between the center of the pump shaft to the outlet
delivery of the main pipe.

Static ale head [st]:-This is known as actual head, it is the sum of suction head and delivery head.

4.4.4 Pump power

The power is the energy used to rotate the pump shaft and bled at the required revolution. The
standard irrigation sprinkler system pump pressure and flow rate distribution of water from some
level of flow rate head by centrifugal pump. The pressure for smaller sprinkler is 200kpa and
large sprinkler 700kpa.Power is calculated the pump pressure and flow rate or discharge of the
system though pipe. [9]

Diameter s of pipe sprinkler from standard sprinkler irrigation 15cm .

The area of the pipe is,

A= πd2/4

The diameter used to determine the water flow through pipe and the velocity at the incidence
time. At steady state flow system the flow rate is,

Q = AV

Power (P) =pressure*Q


P=0.38KW or 283.48hp

The pipe diameter the inner is determined from pipe standard of PVC irrigation plastic type of
material ranges 0.5inch to 20inch.the inner diameter of pipe is 0.15m by using this value we
check the flow rate of the pipe diameter table.



To calculate the velocity of the fluid from stead state flow

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From bernillious equation.

Z1+P/γ+V12/2g+Hp-HL=P2/ γ+V22/2g +Z2

The pressure at the inlet is only atmospheric pressure i.e. the system is centrifugal pump from


P/ γ=HP-HL-(Z2-Z1)-V22/2g

1. V22/2g= (0.108)2/2(9.8) =5.94*10-4m/s

2. Z2-Z1=14

3. HL=f leq*V22/2Dg

To determine the types of flow whether laminar or turbulent checked by Reynolds number of

Laminar Re<2000 Turbulent Re>2000

Reynolds number=VD/γ = (0.108)*0.15m/1.79*10-6


Where V-velocity


γ -kinematic viscosity

Since the flow is turbulent because of Re>2000.

From turbulent flow friction factor

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F=€/D where € -roughness

D-diameter of pipe

f= 0.0436/0.15=0.306

L equivalent=L+KD/f=14+0.9(0.15)/0.306=14.44m



4. HP=P/γ*Q where γ-specific weight

Q-flow rate




5. P2/ γ=HP-HL-(Z2-Z1)-v22/2g

P2/ γ =20.38m-0.017m-(14)-0.000594m

P2/ γ =6.36m

P2= γ*6.36M

P2 =9.81*1000*6.36m

P2 =62.39KPa

4.5 Design of pipe

The design of a pipe involves the determination of inside diameter of the pipe and its wall
thickness as discussed below: [9]

1. Inside diameter of pipe: inside diameter of the pipe depends upon the quantity of fluid to be

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D = Inside diameter of the pipe,

v = Velocity of fluid flowing per minute, and

Q = Quantity of fluid carried per minute.

We know that the quantity of fluid flowing per minute,
Q = Area × Velocity
2. Wall thickness of the pipe: After deciding upon the inside diameter of the pipe, the thickness
cylindrical or thick cylindrical formula. The thin cylindrical formula may be applied when
(a) The stress across the section of the pipe is Uniform,
(b) The internal diameter of the pipe (D) is more than twenty times its wall thickness (t), i.e.
D/t > 20, and
(c) The allowable stress (ó) is more than six times the pressure inside the pipe (p), i.e. ót /p > 6.
According to thin cylindrical formula, wall thickness of pipe,
t =PD/2ót
=200kpa *0.15m/2*10MPa
The wall thickness of pipe is 0.015m, D/t>20

D/t=0.15m/0.0015m=100,i.e the pipe thin cylinder

Outer diameter (D outer) = t +D inner

D outer =0.0015m+0.15m

D outer =0.1515m

4.5.1 Circumferential or Hoop Stress

Consider a thin cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure and tensile stress acting in a
direction tangential to the circumference is called circumferential stress or hoop stress In other
words, it is a tensile stress on longitudinal section (or on the cylindrical walls)

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Fig 4.2 hoop stress

Hoop stress =intensity of pressure*pressurized area


4.5.2 Longitudinal stress

Consider a closed thin cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure and tensile stress acting
in the direction of the axis is called longitudinal stress. In other words, it is tensile stress acting
on the transverse.

Fig 4.3 longitudinal stress

Longitudinal stress (ót) =P*d/4t


ót =5MPa

Shear max=óhoop-ólongitudinal/2=2.5MPa

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4.6 Design of lateral line and number of sprinkler

1. Determination of number of sprinkler: the number of sprinkler determined from the total
irrigated area with the space covered. A single sprinkler distance to the next consequentives
sprinkler in all directions .the total irrigation area =5000m2 and the space between sprinkler head
sited station point is in standard irrigation dimension covered 9m in radius.[3]

Total number of sprinkler =5000m2/324m2=16sprinkler

4.6.1Number of lateral line

The lateral line connected from the main line and sited one to each other at a distance 9m in one
sprinkler and both of the sprinkler in front to side and back are covered a total length or
dimension 18m , then

Number of lateral line in length =5000m2/18m


The total number lateral line are covered the irrigation area by 278pipes.

Sprinkler discharge: is the total amount of the sprinkler head that spray at the required amount of
water in a specific time.

q Spray=S1*Sm*I/360 S1=18m

q Spray =18m*18m*1(cm/hr)/360 Sm=18m

q Spray =0.00025L/sec I=1cm/hr

The total discharge capacity of the pump

Q=2780Ad/F.H.E where F-the day interval taken to complete one watering

Q=2780* 0.5hactar*2cm A-irrigation area in hectare

d-the depth irrigation in cm

H-the actual hours of working the per day

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E-efficiency application

d-from standard of light sandy loam soil d=2m

Amount of water used to irrigate =18250litter

The total area =5000m2

Time (t) =amount water /number sprinkler *flow rate


= 52,517.986 sec

1hour =3600sec

?X =52,517.986sec


H total time load=14.588hours

Day interval to irrigate

F=area /number of sparkler *flow rate



1day =86,400sec

X? =143884.89sec

X =1.66day=2day




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So the pump capacity =14.012LThe number of lateral line are 278, the space between two
parallel number lateral line 9m and length of each lateral line is 18m. the flow rate pump is
0.0019m3/sec. The discharge pressure p2 =62.89KPa.the velocity of pump =0.108m/sec and the
main line of pipe diameter =0.15m, then to find the lateral pipe diameter



Inlet water

d4 d3

Fig 4.4 lateral pipe arrangement

d =d1+d2+d3+d4 since d1=d4=d3=d2 by using translate law d1=d2, d=2d2

d1=d/2 then, d1=0.15m/2=0.075m

So, the diameter of lateral line=0.075m.

The area of lateral line pipe (A) =πd2/4 =π (0.075)2/4


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To calculate the discharge (flow rate) of lateral line



Q=0.000477m3/sec or 0.477 letter/sec

Then, the power of the lateral line is calculated as below.

P=p*Q where P- power


Q- Flow rate


P=0.02976KW=29.76 watt

In one lateral line, have two risers, since from the two lateral line installed four riser then the
diameter of riser calculated as below.

dr =dL/NR where NR-number of riser

dr= 0.075m/4 dr-diameter of riser

dr=0.01875m dL-diameter of riser

The area of riser (Ar) =π (dr) 2/4

Ar= π (0.01875m)2/4=0.000276m2

To calculate flow rate of riser (Qr) =A*V


Power of riser (pr) =p*Q


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4.7 Losses in valves and fitting

Additional losses occur due to values and fitting on the line proportional to the kinetic energy



From the directional control value and flow, control values their pressure drop against the flow
rate .the losses and fitting can be determined Darcy’s relation by replacing the length the
equivalent length.(18)

H value or fitting=HL pipe =Kv2/2g=f*L equivalent*v22/2Dg

L equivalent =Kd/f =0.9*0.15m/0.306


The total head loss on the line with value and fitting will be

HL=fv2 (Equivalent)/2Dg

HL =0.306(0.108)2*14.44m/2(0.15m)(9.81)m/s


4.8 Design of nozzle

Nozzle is a device that used to measure the flow rate of fluids in a pipe or conduit flow, nozzle
consist of cone shaped passage that create in partial blockage of the conduit, and flow rate is
determined by measuring fluid pressure before and after the flow nozzle .

From irrigation sprinkler diameter standard of both pressure and diameter.

Diameter =1mm to 6mm

Pressure =1.5 to 2.5 KPa

By changing both the pressure and diameter of nozzle, the force of nozzle end subjected a
pressurized force [3]

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At pressure 15KPa and d=0.001m

Table 4.3 constant diameter at different pressure


When P=16KPa, and d=1.5mm

F=16KPa* π*(0.0015m)2/4=0.028N

No Pressure in KPa Diameter in mm Force in N

1 18.5 3 0.1307
2 19 3 0.134
3 19.5 3 0.1378
4 20 3 0.1413
5 22 3 0.1556
6 25 3 0.1767

When P=16.5KPa and d=2mm

F=16.5KPa* π 0.002m) 2=0.0518N

At pressure constant and diameter varies

Fig 4.5 nozzle

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Table 4.4 constant pressure at different diameter

No Pressure in KPa Diameter (D) in mm Force in N

1 18 2 0.00565
2 18 2.5 0.088
3 18 3 0.27
4 18 3.5 0.178
5 18 4 0.226
6 18 5 0.3534
7 18 6 0.508

When the pressure is vary and the diameter is constant

F=P*A= π (0.003)2*18.5KPa/4=0.1307N

When the pressure increases the force, also increase of diameter is small change with respect to
pressure. From the analysis, we take the maximum value of the force.

The nozzle subjected to the force 0.508N at pressure of 18 KPa and 6mm diameter


Ssy =0.577(448MPa)

=258.496MPa where syt-tensile yield strength

Syt =0.75sut sut-tensile ultimate strength

Sut=syt/0.75 (ῑ)-shear


A. Shear=0.5*sut

=0.5(597.33) MPa




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I. Determination of nozzle discharge is given by formula


Where q-is nozzle discharge in cubic meter

a-is cross sectional area of the nozzle

h-is pressured load at the nozzle in meter

g-is acceleration due to gravity in m/sec2

c-is coefficient of discharge

Its value may be taken to be 0.95




ii. Water spread area of the rotating head sprinkler is given by the formula

R=1.35*√dh where R-radius of water area covered by the in meter

d- Diameter of nozzle in meter



iii. The rate of application for a single sprinkler

R a=q/360*A

R=0.0018/360*5hectare =0.001Liter/sec hectare

4.9 Design of deflector

Deflector is a plate or attachment for deflecting flow water. Deflector is used to change the flow
direction fluid in inclined angle to the nozzle.

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FA FB welded area


300mm 250mm


Fig 4.6 deflector analysis

∑MA=FP*x1* -Fb

When P=15KPa, F=0.318N


When P=18KPa=0.13N


When P=19KPa, and F=0.134N


When P=19.5KPa, F=0.137N


When P=20KPa, F=0.14N


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When, P=22KPa, F= 0.1556N


When, P=25KPa, and F=0.1717N


The summation force

∑Fy=0 ,FA+ -FP

FA= FP - FB+

When, P=15KPa, FB=0.159N FP=0.318N

FA =0.318-0.159N=0.159N

When FP=0.13N, P=18


When FP=19.5N, FA=0.137N


When P=20KPa, F=0.14N


When FP=22KPa, FB=0.0776N


When P=25KPa, FP=0.1717N,FB=0.088N


Angular velocity of nozzle derived from pump rotational is 1750 to 3500 revolution.ᾠ

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1rev = 2πrad




4.9.1 Deflector Size welding joint determination

Welding: A permanent joint, which is obtained by the fusion the edges of the two parts to be
joined together with or without the application of pressure and filler material.[6,7]

1. Gas
2. Electric

Advantage of welding

 The weld structures are lighter than riveted because of other connecting component are
not used.
 The % provide maximum 100%
 The weld is smooth in appearance it looks pleasing
 In welding the tension member are not weakened as increase of riveted.
 Has greater strength, similar to parent metal itself.
 It take less time to weld
 It is possible in all position

The type of joint we used for deflector is –T- joint.

An eccentric load may be imposed on welded joint in many ways. The stress induced on the joint
different nature or of the same nature. The induced stress is combined depending upon the nature
of stresses.

Sut=33Mpa l=250mm

e=150mm Ʈmax=0.5Sul

Fp=16Kpa b=300mm

The rectangular bar is subjected both shear stress and bending stress. For rectangular fillet weld,

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A=t (2b+2l) Where A=Area of the throat


L =length


A =t*l=0.707sl

A=0.707s (2*300+2*250) =777.7smm2

Direct shear stress Ʈ=P/A

16kpa / 777.7s mm2 =20.57/s N/mm2

Bending moment (M) =P*e

16kpa*150mm =2.4 *106Nmm2

Rectangular section modulus (Z) =t[bl+b2/3]

0.707 S [300*250+3002/3] =74235 S mm2

Bending stress (ób)= M/Z

2.6*106/74235 s=323.26 S N/mm 2

Maximum shear stress Ʈmax =16.5 Mpa

Ʈ =1/2 √ (ób) 2 +4Ʈ2

16.5 = 1/2√ (323.29/S) 2 +4*(20.57/S)2

S =163mm/16.5

S= 9.8mm

There for the weld size is 9.8 mm.

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4.10 Selection of bearing

The material type that we select for bearing is aluminum roller bearing.(5)

The diameter of bearing =diameter of riser +clearance

Dbearing=0.001875mm+0.0001mm where D- is diameter of bearing

Dbearig =0.001975mm C-is clearance of bearing

Aluminum bearing has the following property

 Light in weight
 Good anti scoring
 Excellent corrosion resistance
 Good fatigue strength

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Cost analysis
Table 4.5 cost analysis

NO Part name Quantity cost Total cost in birr

2 Control valve 8 70 560
3 Bearing 139 45 6255
4 Nozzle 278 25 6950
5 Deflector 139 22 3000
6 Connecting shaft 139 18 2500
7 Cap 139 35 4865
8 Elbow 25 25 625
9 Seal Elbow seal 139 15 2000
10 Main pipe diameter =0.15m 1 680 680
11 Lateralpipe 278 130 36140
12 Riser diameter=0.018m 139 48 6672
Total 70,247

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Fig 4.7 Assembly Drawing 2D

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Table 4.6 bill of material

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Fig 4.8 Assembly Drawing 3D

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Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation

Sprinkler irrigation is method of applying water, which is similar to rain fall. Water is distributed
through a system of pipes usually by pumping .It is then sprayed into the air and irrigated .Entire
the soil surface through spray heads so that it breaks up in to small water drops which fall to the
ground .sprinkler irrigation system are suitable for all irrigation system .It provides efficient for
small to large areas suitable for use on all types of properties. It is also adoptable to nearly all
irrigate soils since sprinklers are available in wide range of discharge capacity. The sprinkler
save water, reduce soil erosion and it works by motor pump with nozzle diameter of three point
five millimeter and flow rate of nozzle 0.001713meter cubic per second. It covers irrigation area
in 16 sprinklers.

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5.2 Recommendation
We recommend that, this project design is essential for KIOT. To technology institute societies,
give a chance to do students this type of project in the remainder area and to rural comminutes.
Our project is limited in five thousand square meter area due to water resource. Then KIOT
should supply water resource from underground to increase the green garden area. The institute
supply material to do proto type on their design specification criteria

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[1] Dan smeal, Agricultural science center at formation New Mexico, state of university

[2] Santosh Kumar George, irrigation engineering 1st Edition

[3] S.R Saharahudhe Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structure

[4] Instructor M.s Zewdu (Msc) Sprinkler type Teaching Material for 5th Irrigation and Water

[5] Robert W.Hill, Wheel move sprinkler irrigation, extension irrigation specialist, biological and
irrigation engineering department, Utah state university, Logan UT84322-4105

[6] R .S Kuhrmi, and D.J Gupta Machine Design Text Book 1st edition

[7] Shingly mechanical engineering and design, 8th edition


[8] Donald R.Aselandpradeep.p.fulay Wendelin.j.wright material science, 6th Edition

[9] Ravi doddannavear andries Barnard, Practical hydraulics system, and publisher: Elsevier
science and technology march 2005

[10] Howard Nebling and Jo Ann Robbing, Equipment selection and lifting for sprinkler and drip
irrigation university of Idaho

[11] Dr.A.K.Jain, Fluid mechanics including hydraulic machines text book for engineering
student 11th edition, 2012

[12] Kreith, F.Berger, S.A.; ET. Al. “Fluid Mechanics mechanical engineering books

Ed. Frank Kreith Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999

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Table 4.1 Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl chloride

Type PVC rigid PVC flexible

T melting 75-105C 75-105C
Water absorivations 0.04-0.4%at24hour 0.15-075%at24hour
Oxidation resistance Good Good

Type PVC rigid PVC flexible

Tensile strength 50-60 Mpa 30-58Mpa
Density 1.3-1.58 1.16-1.35
Tensile modulus 350k-600k 350-600k
Tensile elongation 440-60 200-450
Impact resistance 0.4-2fit,ib /inch Range
Hardness Shore D65-85 Shore A50-100

Table 4.2 standard rotating sprinkler head

NO Pressure Sprinkle Diamet Diameter Sprinkl Recommend Adaptabili
range r er of converge( er ed speed of ty
(kg/sqc discharg nozzle m) spacing rotation(rpm applicatio
m) e (mm) sequenc ) n
(litter/se e (m) rate(mm/h

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c) r)

1.Gravity 0.06 - nozzle
head under 0.7 to1 0.25 1-6 10-14 -- --
2.Normal Single
under tree 1.5-6 nozzle
sprinkler 1 to 2.5 0.06- 6-23 -- 0.5-1
system 0.25
3.permane Single
nt over nozzle1.5-
head 3.5 to 0.2-0.6 3-6 30-45 15-30 1 3
system 4.5
4.Small Single
over head 2.5 to 4 0.6-2 6-10 0.67-1 nozzle
system 25-35 9-24 3.5-10
5.low 1.5 to Twin
pressure 2.5 0.3-1 3-6 nozzle(hig
system 20-35 9-18 0.5-1 h rate)
6.intermida Single
te pressure 2.5 to 5 2-10 10-20 nozzle(6-
system 40-80 24-54 0.7 12)

7 high Multi
pressure 5-10 10-50 20-40 80-140 54-100 0.5 nozzle

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