Revpi Connect-Plus Flyer en

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No 32G

No appetite
for restrictions?

Use RevPi Connect to realize

your IIoT ideas!

Freely programmable

Modular expandable

Two Ethernet interfaces

RS485 screw terminal

Hardware watchdog

Supports all common

industrial network protocols


Compact DIN rail housing with a width of just 45 mm

Equipped with the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 / 3+

Easy connection of expansion modules via plug and play

The open source IIoT gateway other things, Node-RED,

RevPi Connect gives users Python or directly in C.
maximum freedom when
implementing IIoT projects RevPi Connect can also be up-
due to its open platform graded with PROFINET, Ether-
concept (including full root Net/IP, EtherCAT, Modbus TCP
rights). and Modbus RTU functionality
without the use of expansion
Equipped with the Raspberry modules. 1
Pi Compute Module 3 resp.
3+, the device has a quad-core Two Ethernet interfaces en-
processor with 1.2 GHz, 1 GB able the device to be simulta-
RAM and up to 32 GB eMMC neously integrated within the
flash memory. A specially automation network and the
modified Raspbian version with IT network to transmit machi-
a real time patch is available as nery data from, for example,
an operating system. Common the shop floor to the Cloud or
IIoT protocols like MQTT a superordinate IT system.
and OPC UA are supported.
Individual applications can be A freely configurable hard-
programmed via, amongst ware watchdog monitors the

depending on the protocol, paid software licenses may be required.

Supported fieldbus and industrial Ethernet protocols

Fieldbus MQTT

Industrial Ethernet OPC UA


Automation network IT network

Schematic diagram: shopfloor connection to a superordinate IT network

status of the IIoT gateway, a via a socket positioned at

relay output serves to ensure the top and can be easily
that connected devices or configured using a graphical
expansion modules can be user interface.
monitored or reset respec-
tively. The device additi- Integration within field-
onally has a 24V input to bus or industrial Ethernet
receive shutdown signals of networks can be done using,
an UPS. amongst other things,
gateway expansion modules
The modular design of the suitable for all major indus-
RevPi Connect enables the trial networks.
45mm wide base device
to be fitted with suitable Optional control and HMI
expansion modules such software additionally enable
as IOs, fieldbus gateways the IIoT gateway to be
and radio modules like for upgraded to a small industrial
example ones for Bluetooth. controller.
The expansion modules
can be joined up – plug and
play – with the base device
Processor 1.2GHz Quad-Core


eMMC flash memory 4 / 8 / 16 / 32GB

Power supply 12 - 24V

Size (L x W x H) 111 x 45 x 96mm

Operating temperature -40°C…+55°C

Storage temperature -40°C…+85°C

Humidity 93% (non-condensing)

Protection class IP20

ESD protection 4kV/8kV

Passed (according to EN61131-2 and IEC

EMI tests

Passed (according to EN61131-2 and IEC

Surge/Burst tests

2 x RJ45 Ethernet interfaces

2 x USB 2.0 sockets

1 x Micro HDMI socket

1 x Micro USB 2.0 socket (for firmware uploads only)

1 x RS485 screw terminal (4 pole)

1 x PiBridge (for RevPi expansion modules)

1 x ConBridge (for RevPi Con expansion modules)

1 x 24 V input for shutdown signals of a UPS

1 x freely programmable relay switching contact

Base modules
Name Item no.

RevPi Connect+ with 8GB eMMC flash memory 100302

RevPi Connect+ with 16GB eMMC flash memory 100303

RevPi Connect+ with 32GB eMMC flash memory 100304

RevPi Connect with 4GB eMMC flash memory 100274

Available expansion modules

Name Function Item no.

RevPi DIO Digital IO module 100197

RevPi DI Digital Input module 100195

RevPi DO Digital Output module 100196

RevPi AIO Analog IO module 100250

RevPi Con M-Bus Wireless M-Bus module (868 MHz) 100281

RevPi Con M-Bus VHP Wireless M-Bus module (169 MHz) 100282

RevPi Con CAN CAN-Bus module 100286

RevPi Gate PROFINET IRT Gateway PROFINET IRT Device / Slave 100074

RevPi Gate EtherNet/IP Gateway EtherNet/IP Adapter / Slave 100066

RevPi Gate EtherCAT Gateway EtherCAT Slave 100073

RevPi Gate POWERLINK Gateway POWERLINK CN / Slave 100076

RevPi Gate Sercos III Gateway Sercos III Slave 100075

RevPi Gate Modbus TCP Gateway Modbus TCP Slave 100088

RevPi Gate PROFIBUS Gateway PROFIBUS Slave 100069

RevPi Gate DeviceNet Gateway DeviceNet Adapter / Slave 100071

RevPi Gate CANopen Gateway CANopen Slave 100070

RevPi Gate Modbus RTU Gateway Modbus RTU Slave 100090

RevPi Gate DMX Gateway DMX Master/Slave 100237

RevPi Gate Serial Gateway Serial Slave 100068

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