SESSION (2018-2019)
Submitted to:- Submitted by:-
Mr. S.N. Joshi Shabanam
Mr. Saalim Qureshi IV Year (EEE)
The sun has produced energy for billions of years. Solar energy is the sun’s rays
(solar radiation) that reach the earth. Solar energy can be converted into other
forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. In the 1830s, the British
astronomer John Herschel used a solar thermal collector box (a device that
absorbs sunlight to collect heat) to cook food during an expedition to Africa.
Today, people use the sun's energy for lots of things. Solar energy can be
converted to thermal (or heat) energy and used to Heat water for use in
homes, buildings, or swimming pools. Heat spaces inside greenhouses, homes,
and other buildings. Solar energy can be converted to electricity in two ways:
Photovoltaic (PV devices) or “solar cells” change sunlight directly into
electricity. PV systems are often used in remote locations that are not
connected to the electric grid. They are also used to power watches,
calculators, and lighted road signs. Solar Power Plants - indirectly generate
electricity when the heat from solar thermal collectors is used to heat a fluid
which produces steam that is used to power generator. Out of the 15 known
solar electric generating units operating in the United States at the end of
2006, 10 of these are in California, and 5 in Arizona. No statistics are being
collected on solar plants that produce less than 1 megawatt of electricity, so
there may be smaller solar plants in a number of other states. The major
disadvantages of solar energy are: The amount of sunlight that arrives at the
earth's surface is not constant. It depends on location, time of day, time of
year, and weather conditions. Because the sun doesn't deliver that much
energy to any one place at any one time, a large surface area is required to
collect the energy at a useful rate.
solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's land surface, oceans – which cover about
71% of the globe – and atmosphere. Warm air containing evaporated water from the
oceans rises, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air reaches a
high altitude, where the temperature is low, water vapor condenses into clouds,
which rain onto the Earth's surface, completing the water cycle. The latent heat of
water condensation amplifies convection, producing atmospheric phenomena such
as wind, cyclones and anti-cyclones. Sunlight absorbed by the oceans and land
masses keeps the surface at an average temperature of 14 °C.By photosynthesis,
green plants convert solar energy into chemically stored energy, which produces
food, wood and the biomass from which fossil fuels are derived.
The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is
approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in
one hour than the world used in one year. Photosynthesis captures approximately
3,000 EJ per year in biomass. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of
the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be
obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and
mined uranium combined.
The actual solar energy or insolation reaching a solar collector or array depends on
its position on the Earth, its orientation and it also varies continuously with time as
well as weather conditions.
The amount of energy captured is directly proportional to the area of the Sun's
energy front intercepted by the collector.
Some Geometry
The orientation of the solar collector or the photovoltaic array with respect to the
position of the Sun is a major determinant in the efficiency of the solar power system.
Inclined Planes
Angle of Incidence
The amount of energy impinging on a
collector or array is directly proportional
to the area of the radiation wave-front it
intercepts. For optimum energy capture
the collector must be perpendicular to
the Sun's rays when the angle of
incidence is 90°. For a flat plate on the
ground this occurs only when the Sun is
directly overhead. Unfortunately unless
you live in the tropics this will never be
the case and solar arrays must be tilted
towards the Sun to receive the
maximum insolation.
Typical concentrators are constructed from parabolic mirrors which reflect the Sun's
parallel rays on to a single spot at the focus of the mirror.
Parabolic Dish
A parabolic dish will capture the energy intercepted by the dish and concentrate it
on a suitable heat absorber located at the focus. The amount of energy captured
and hence the temperature rise of the absorber will be proportional to the area of
the dish. Size limitations of the dish limit its application to small systems of from
10kW to 50kW.
Parabolic Trough
Larger systems use arrays of parabolic trough shaped mirrors oriented north-
south to concentrate the solar radiation. They usually also include a tracking
system to track the Sun's path throughout the day.
Photovoltaic cell
Layers of a PV Cell
6. Diverse Uses – Solar energy can be used for diverse purposes such as
to generate electricity or heat. It can also be used to produce electricity in
areas without access to energy grid, to distill water in regions with limited
water supplies, power satellites in space, in residential properties and
recreational homes. These are some of the most popular diverse uses of
solar power.
Disadvantages of Solar Energy
Although a lot of good stuff is said every day about solar energy, people
should familiarize themselves with the disadvantages of solar energy before
committing any financial resource. Here is an outline of basic disadvantages
to solar energy:
This means that when the sun is not shining, there is no generation of energy.
The generation of power is mostly affected at night and during winter
months. Most people have now invested in battery backup systems, which
store up power to be used when the sun is not shining. However, investing in
backup systems can ramp up the overall cost of installing a solar panel. It
mostly ends up not adding value to the solar energy technology.
Unlike other renewable energy sources which can also be operated during
night, solar panels prove to be useless which means you have to depend on
the local utility grid to draw power in the night or you can buy solar batteries
to store excess power which you can later utilize in the night. Apart from
that, storms or hurricanes also reduce your ability to draw power during those
However, with most governments looking to get ahead of the severe global
warming impacts, they have liaised with solar panel manufacturers to dial
back on solar panel prices. Today, the average cost of a solar panel is $0.65
per watt. The same solar panels were selling at $0.74 per watt just a year ago.
This is a significant commitment to get everyone on board in the use of solar
Problem of efficiency
A lot has been documented about the inefficiency of solar energy. Most
people do not understand what efficiency means. People look at 15%
efficiency and think that it’s not good enough. They think that the ideal
efficiency ought to be 100%. Efficiency is all about the amount of space it
takes to generate the energy. It would shock you to know that a 250-watt
solar panel featuring 15% efficiency produces the same power like a 250-
watt solar panel featuring 20% efficiency. The disparity is shown in size.
Smaller panels tend to be more efficient than larger panels.
Higher efficiency is vital when looking to power small electronics due to the
space aspect. Nonetheless, a roof is adequate to generate power for any
household use. This means people only invest in rooftop solar panels when
the roof space is small. It’s also good to note that more efficient panels are
relatively expensive.
Solar energy technologies like solar panels present challenges when looking
to move. The solar contracting company will switch the lease agreement to
the new user if you decide to move out. These companies do not want to
incur any further cost of taking the solar panels down. In fact, they have
expert personnel that work in conjunction with realtors, title agents, and
inspection agents to ensure smooth transition to the new tenant. In case you
choose to take the solar panel with you, plus the lease contract, the company
can expedite things, but you’ll have to take care of the de-installation and re-
installation cost.
The fact that the sun is unpredictable means solar energy cannot be relied
upon to power a country’s economy. Solar energy technologies are still being
developed, and scientists predict that the technologies will be able to cater to
a majority of world population by 2020. Until then, we will still rely on fossil
fuels as the main energy source.
Installation Area
For home users, a solar energy installation may not require huge space as it
can be installed on rooftops that can produce sufficient energy but for big
companies, a large area is required for the system to be efficient in providing
electricity on a constant basis.
of the energy needs will be met by the solar power system, the energy
bills are sure to drop. It also depends on the size of the solar panel
system and the electricity usage. Not only you will save on the bill, but
also generate more electricity than you can use, the surplus of which will
be exported back to the grid provided it is connected. For example, you
have a consumption of 10,000 kWh and if the solar panels produce
10,000 kWh or more, you will end up saving a lot on your electricity bills.
The average electric bill can be as low as $10 or lower.