Tool and Die Making Troubleshooter PDF
Tool and Die Making Troubleshooter PDF
Tool and Die Making Troubleshooter PDF
Society of Society of
Manufacturing Manufacturing
Engineers Engineers
Richard M. Leed
The Association for Forming & Fabricating Technologies of SME
(AFFT/SME) focuses on the technologies and processes that effi-
ciently make products from metal sheet, coil, plate, tube, or pipe
stock. Typical industries served are automotive, off-highway, aero-
space, defense, appliance, furniture, and consumer electronics
products. Core processes include general pressworking—stamp-
ing, drawing, forming, bending, and shearing, for example—as
well as the fabricating technologies of punching, cutting, sawing,
welding, and others.
Many AFFT/SME members are manufacturing, tool, or pro-
cess engineers specializing in keeping production forming or fab-
ricating technologies current for their companies; general
stamping, fabricating, welding, and assembly managers respon-
sible for overseeing plant operations; and owners, partners, pro-
prietors, and other company officials of relevant job shops. AFFT/
SME membership allows such people to more quickly identify in-
novations that can lower costs while increasing product quality
and yield. The AFFT/SME community also fosters learning among
members to better manage their businesses and interact with
customers, suppliers, and industry partners.
Table of Contents
The Tooling Investment
Designing, building, and maintaining production-worthy tools
and dies requires engineers, machinists, toolmakers, heat treaters,
and production personnel working together as a team.
Tool design involves more than just creating a tool and making
a print. Today’s tool-design engineer must be proactive—an
experienced tool-and-die troubleshooter who knows all the facets
of the toolmaking process and tool use.
Machining tooling to finish dimensions before hardening is a
dangerous practice. Size change and/or distortion can occur during
hardening, making it impossible to true up the part to the required
dimensions during final machining.
Heat Treatment
Every year valuable tools, dies, and molds—carefully designed
and machined—are sent to the heat treater with inadequate spec-
ifications. Heat treaters should be given the specific instruction
and comments necessary to accurately define tooling goals and
Too much emphasis is placed on heat treating for hardness alone.
The hardening operation should be used to develop and fine tune
the working hardness levels with the different engineering and
physical properties needed to guarantee optimum tool performance.
Sufficient tempering of as-quenched tooling is necessary to
achieve specific hardness levels, for stress relief, to develop desired
physical properties, and to promote dimensional stability. Never
short cycle the tempering operation.
Proper ty Changes
Tooling personnel must be aware that heat generated during
grinding, welding, and electrical discharge machining (EDM)
frequently causes metallurgical and physical property changes that
adversely affect the service life of tooling.
Labor hours saved by short-cycling or speeding up established
procedures are too often lost when tools and dies fail prematurely
due to less than optimum practices in their construction or man-
Tools properly handled in service last longer and produce better
parts. Clearances between mating tools and dies, press maintenance
and alignment, material feeds, magnetism, lubrication, and
residual stresses are all concerns that affect the service life of
tools and dies.
How many times has this manufacturing lament been repeated?
“There is never enough time to do it right, but always enough
time to do it over!” The M4-steel milling cutter in Figure 1-1
exemplifies this time-worn proverb. Six of these parts cracked
before they could be put into service. To meet production schedules,
all of the parts were subjected to short cycling and a speedup in
the heat-treatment process. After hardening, the tempering
operation was also short cycled to save more time. The labor hours
supposedly saved by short cycling and rushing heat treatment were
only a fraction of the hours required to remake these parts after
they cracked. The lesson is clear: there is never a substitute for
proper care and proactive planning.
Figure 1-1. Two views of one of six M4 high-speed-steel milling cutters that
cracked prematurely due to improper heat treatment and tempering.
Figure 1-3. Relative tool and die costs for a large automotive stamping die.
Steelmaking Methods and Hot Working
Although iron and steelmaking began over 3,000 years ago, the
most significant advances in melting practices occurred in the 20th
century. In the early 1900s, tool steels were melted in electric-arc
furnaces under a double-slag process that resulted in very clean
Today, tool-steel melting technology has changed, with the elec-
tric furnace used to melt the charge prior to secondary refining
by either argon-oxygen decarburization (AOD), vacuum-oxygen
decarburization (VOD), or other ladle refining processes. These
new practices provide assurance that the tool-steel product will
be very clean and more homogeneous when compared to other
more general steel products. Some tool steels, depending on their
end use, are further refined via consumable-electrode processes
to produce the ultimate in quality. This chapter addresses these
processes and answers some of the most common questions about
the manufacture of tool steels.
gods” because it mysteriously fell from the sky. Iron that was later
mined was known as lodestone. Only kings and powerful lords
could afford tools and weapons made from lodestone.
trary, of a dull blue color, and marked with ten millions of mean-
dering lines.”
Whether or not the encounter between King Richard and
Saladin ever took place, the legend of Damascus steel grew. Ar-
morers, from as far back in time as Alexander were always very
secretive regarding their method of making Damascus steel. Mod-
ern-day metallurgists have unlocked those secrets. The key to
developing Damascus properties was in making a steel rich in car-
bon (1–2%), which was repeatedly forged and hammered at tem-
peratures in the range of 1,700° F (927° C). After forging to size,
the rough-shaped blades were reheated and rapidly cooled by
quenching. Legend has it that the best Damascus blades devel-
oped their strength from being quenched in the blood of a dragon
or in the bowels of a strong slave or brave captive.
Samurai swords of Japan are examples of the finest Damascus
steel ever produced. The extreme quality of Samurai Damascus
blades resulted from hammering out a bar to double its original
length, folding it over, then repeating the process as many as 1,000
times. In this way, two layers grew to four, four to eight, eight to
sixteen, and so on, until several thousand layers were hammered
into one single blade.
Following the Crusades, weapons of all kinds were fashioned
from Damascus steel. Today, metallurgists are optimistic that they
can apply some of the ideas of ancient Damascus manufacturing
and forging to modern-day metallurgy to make steels that are
tougher and stronger, with a better combination of impact strength
and wear resistance (Shelby and Wadsworth 1985; Sunday Demo-
crat and Chronicle 1981).
Figure 2-2. Cross section of an electric furnace used for making tool steels
(United States Steel Corp. 1971).
begins at the mold walls and gradually continues toward the cen-
ter. Nonmetallic inclusions in the steel tend to stay ahead of the
solidified layers and migrate toward the center of the ingot, then
up into the top of the ingot body.
Tool steels made by conventional (non-ESR and VAR) processes
are melted and then teemed into ingot molds to solidify. So-
lidification begins at the ingot mold walls and gradually contin-
ues toward the center. As the solidification process continues,
nonmetallic inclusions (impurities such as oxides, sulfides, and
silicates) in the steel tend to stay ahead of the solidified layers
and migrate toward the center of the ingot, then up into the top
of the ingot body. After solidification, portions of the ingot with
heavy concentrations of nonmetallic inclusions are discarded.
However, some nonmetallic inclusions may be trapped in the bal-
ance of the steel. When such inclusions are discovered, they will
most likely be found at a location corresponding to the metallur-
gical center of the ingot.
Figures 2-4 and 2-5 show a D2 tool-steel shaft with nonmetallic
inclusions discovered during the machining operation. Because of
this, a plastic mold designer would be well advised to keep “cen-
ter quality” in mind when designing a critical mold. For example,
when planning a 1-in. (25.4-mm) deep plastic mold cavity, a 2-in.
(50.8-mm) thick piece of stock would not be the best choice be-
cause this puts the bottom of the polished cavity at a depth statis-
tically most likely to have inclusions present. A better choice would
be thicker material (Allen 1969).
The use of special refining and/or remelting processes for tool
steel, high-speed steels, stainless steel, and other high-alloy steels
is becoming increasingly popular because these techniques help
meet the growing demand for steels with improved mechanical
properties and cleaner, more uniform, and sounder internal struc-
tures. Argon-oxygen decarburization (AOD) and/or vacuum de-
gassing are used separately or at times in combination following
conventional electric-arc furnace melting. These processes may
be used to provide a finished product or in preparation for addi-
Argon-oxygen Decarburization
In the AOD process, liquid metal obtained from conventional
electric-arc furnace melting or, in the case of small facilities, from
an induction furnace, is refined in a refractory-lined vessel by in-
jection of varying amounts of argon-oxygen gas mixtures. This pro-
cess was originally developed for the production of stainless steels,
but has been modified for the production of many other steels, in-
cluding tool steels. To accomplish the refining, the argon-oxygen
gas mixture is blown into the steel through an opening called a
“tuyère” located in the bottom of the AOD vessel. The blow is
usually done in several stages. The argon gas dilutes the carbon-
oxygen atmosphere in the melt. In the case of high-chromium
steels, this increases the affinity of carbon for oxygen, thus mini-
mizing the oxidation of chromium.
The AOD process has the economic benefit of reducing operat-
ing times at lower temperatures than would be necessary in the
electric-arc furnace. After processing in the AOD vessel, the steel
may be vacuum degassed and then conventionally teemed into
ingot molds. Experience has shown that the AOD process pro-
duces very clean tool steels—steel with a minimum of nonmetal-
lic inclusions, along with low oxygen content, which results in
cleaner steel. The process can also develop very low sulfur con-
tents when required.
Vacuum Degassing
Many tool steels and other high-alloy steels are subjected to a
vacuum degassing operation following their manufacture or dur-
ing processing in either a double-slag electric furnace or AOD ves-
sel. Vacuum degassing exposes molten steel to a low-pressure
Electroslag Remelting
ESR is a secondary melting operation that has become one of
the most efficient ways to refine steels, making them cleaner and
more homogeneous and uniform in structure. The resulting high-
alloy tool steels are cleaner, tougher, and stronger. Figure 2-6 il-
lustrates this process.
Figure 2-6. The electroslag remelting furnace (Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1974).
Figure 2-8. Hot-acid-etched, ESR remelted tool steel. Note the absence of
centerline inclusions and porosity.
Figure 2-10. Hammering was the first method of forging (Lincoln Electric
Co. 1980).
Allen, Dell K. 1969. Metallurgy Theory and Practice. Homewood,
IL: American Technical Publishers, Inc., p. 574.
American Society for Metals. 1948. Metals Handbook. Cleveland,
OH: American Society for Metals, pp. 325–329.
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1974. Tool Steel Topics. Issue 211, Sept./
Oct. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
Crucible Materials Corp. 1995. Crucible Particle Metallurgy.
Oakdale, PA: Crucible Materials Corp.
Forging Industry Association. 1993. Open Die Forging Technol-
ogy. Cleveland, OH: Forging Industry Association, p. 7.
——. 1994–95. Custom Forging Capability Guide. Cleveland, OH:
Forging Industry Association, pp. 2–3.
Lincoln Electric Co. 1980. Metals and How to Weld Them, 2nd Edi-
tion. Cleveland, OH: Lincoln Electric Co., p. 2.
Shelby, Oleg D., and Wadsworth, Jeffrey. 1985. “Damascus Steels.”
Scientific American, February, p. 112.
Stoughton, Bradley. 1934. The Metallurgy of Iron and Steels. New
York: McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., p. 2.
Sunday Democrat and Chronicle. 1981. “Secret of Damascus Un-
locked, Metallurgists Simulate Steel in Legendary Swords.” Oc-
tober 4, p. 8D. Rochester, NY: Gannett Co., Inc.
United States Steel Corp. 1971. The Making, Shaping and Treat-
ing of Steel, 9th Edition. Pittsburgh, PA: United States Steel Corp.,
p. 403 and p. 551.
——. 1985. The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel, Tenth
Edition. Pittsburgh, PA: United States Steel Corp., pp. 479–689.
Quality Considerations
confirms that they are being met. “Say what you do and do what
you say,” and good results will follow. It is a system for enforcing
continuous improvement.
The ISO standard incorporates four levels of organization for
compliance (Figure 3-1). Level 1 requires writing a quality manual
that defines the company’s quality policy and assigns responsibility
to particular job areas. Level 2 requires writing quality-system
procedures that define specifically who does what to ensure that
everyone understands all facets of the quality policy and maintains
compliance with it. Level 3 requires writing detailed work
instructions that carefully define exactly how each job must be
done. Finally, Level 4 requires keeping records and forms on file
Aircraft-quality steel denotes steels intended for important or
highly stressed parts and components in the aerospace industry.
These steels are also used in other applications where their
particular quality levels are deemed necessary for an intended
application, whether aerospace or not. Special steelmaking
practices, more rigid inspection techniques, and more restrictive
selection are necessary to meet the aerospace industry’s rigid
The designations “superior mold quality,” “mold quality,” and
“plastic mold quality” are frequently used to identify tool steels
specifically made for applications where tooling costs, steel quality,
reliability, and production performance are of paramount
importance. Mold-quality steels are specifically formulated and
manufactured to be cleaner and more homogeneous (uniform) than
conventionally manufactured tooling steels. Originally, these
designations were applied to steels used primarily by plastic
injection-mold builders. Today’s mold-quality steels have become
increasingly popular for more general tooling applications as tool
builders look for steels with better metallurgical properties. The
JK Rating
Electric FFurnace,
urnace, V acuum Degassed, and/or A
Vacuum OD
AOD -refined Steels
These steels are electric-furnace melted, then refined via vacuum degassing
and/or AOD processing. They are not remelted.
JK Rating
Electric-furnace Melted Steel
No vacuum degassing or AOD refining is performed
ASTM International. 1997. “Standard Practice for Determining
the Inclusion Content of Steel.” ASTM E-45. West Conshohocken,
PA: ASTM International.
SAE International. 2001A. “Premium Aircraft-quality Steel Clean-
liness Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure.” Aerospace mate-
rial specification (AMS) 2300, Rev. J. Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers.
——. 2001B. “Cleanliness, Aircraft-quality Steel Magnetic Par-
ticle Inspection Procedure.” Aerospace material specification
(AMS) 2301, Rev. J. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engi-
——. 1998. “Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80 Cr-1.8 Ni-0.25
Mo (0.38-0.43 C) (SAE 4340) Vacuum Consumable-electrode Re-
melted.” Aerospace material specification (AMS) 6414 Rev. H.
Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers.
——. 1997. “Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80 Cr-1.8 Ni-
0.25 Mo (0.38-0.43 C) (SAE 4340).” Aerospace material specifica-
tion (AMS) 6415, Rev. P. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive
Stat-a-Matrix. 1993. “ISO 9000 Seminars—Lead Auditor (Asses-
sor) Training.” Edison, NJ: Stat-a-Matrix, pp. 2-1 to 2-43, and 3-2.
Metallurgy and Engineering
Elastic limit is the maximum stress the metal will support with-
out permanent deformation (American Society for Metals 1948).
Any stress below this point will stretch the metal, but when the
force is removed the material will elastically return to its original
dimensions, like a rubber band. For commercial purposes, the yield
strength is considered to be identical to the elastic limit.
A metal with a high yield point or high elastic limit is needed
for parts that must hold their exact shape and size. A low yield
strength is an advantage when a part is to be cold bent or formed
because less force is required to form it.
The modulus of elasticity is the ratio of stress to strain. It is
used to compare the stiffness of one metal to another. This can be
determined from the slope of the stress-strain curve in tensile
testing, within the elastic limit. A material that stretches easily
has a low modulus and a low slope of the stress-strain curve; that
is, a low stress divided by a high strain. In a tougher material
where a high stress produces a small strain, the modulus is a higher
For example, steel is two to three times stiffer than cast iron. If
two bars of equal size—one cast iron and one steel—are stressed
in tension, the cast-iron bar will deflect twice as far as the steel
bar. If two steel bars are similarly stressed, even though one may
be hard tool steel and the other soft mild steel, they will deflect
the same amount.
Although steel is stiffer than cast iron, it is more ductile. The
cast-iron bar will break suddenly with a brittle fracture as the
stress is increased, while the steel will continue to deform (stretch
and “neck down”) prior to failure as the stress is increased. The
modulus of elasticity is not a measure of the amount of stretch a
particular metal can take before breaking or deforming. It simply
tells how much stress is required to make the metal stretch a
given amount.
Ductility is the ability of a metal to stretch and become perma-
nently deformed without breaking or cracking. Ductility is mea-
sured by the percentage of reduction in cross-sectional area and
the percentage of elongation of the test bar. Ductile steels are nec-
essary for formed and drawn steel parts such as automobile body
panels and fenders. A metal with high ductility will stretch before
Hydrogen embrittlement is a condition of low ductility in metal
that results from the absorption of hydrogen gas. Steels frequently
absorb hydrogen during the manufacturing operation or subse-
quent operations such as acid-bath pickling, chrome plating, or
decrease with a higher carbon level. Table 4-1 shows terms typi-
cally applied to carbon.
Figure 4-3. Crystal structures for tool steels in annealed, austenitic, and
martensitic conditions (Wilson 1975).
Carbides in tool steels are microscopic compounds of carbon
and one or more metallic elements. Carbides are very hard com-
pared to the matrix or cross section of the steel in which they are
embedded. It is their high level of hardness (Table 4-3), in combi-
nation with their homogeneous dispersion throughout the struc-
ture of steel, which greatly adds to abrasion and/or wear resistance.
All rolled and forged bars exhibit a grain direction that follows
in the direction of working; that is, the direction the steel was
Figure 4-5. Shear blade with grain direction running perpendicular to the
forces applied.
Figure 4-6. Shear blade with grain direction running in the same direction
as the applied forces.
Abrasive Wear
Abrasive wear is defined as the change in dimension of a part
that is put under conditions of rubbing, grinding, or wearing
away by friction. Note the erosion from the dotted-line surface
in Figure 4-7. Abrasive wear is characterized by the deforma-
tion and erosion (removal) of material from a combination of pres-
sure and grinding action that often develops between a tool and
workpiece. This type of wear usually results in the dulling of cut-
ting edges and working sections. If not properly addressed, the
loss of critical tool dimensions, required tooling tolerances, and
part quality will follow.
Adhesive Wear
Adhesive wear is defined as the removal of material from the
surface of a tool or die by a welding action between the workpiece
and the tool. Note the erosion below and weld pickup (galling)
above the dotted surface line in Figure 4-8. The welding action
causes a buildup of material called “pickup.” The weld or pickup
Fatigue Failures
Fatigue failures occur from repetitive alternating stress load-
ing (tension to compression to tension) of tools, dies, and ma-
chine parts in the presence of stress intensifiers such as sharp
corners. Failures from repetitive stress loading can develop at
stress levels that are very low compared to single-stress static
loads. A simple change of tool-steel grade or hardness level will
not likely resolve problems relating to fatigue failures. Frequently,
fatigue-failure problems can be minimized by the redesign of tool-
ing to eliminate obvious stress raisers (Sandvik Coromant 1996).
One of the most important properties of a tool steel is its ability
to withstand chipping and cracking in the production operation,
where rapidly applied concentrated stresses often develop. The
ability of a piece of steel to resist chipping and cracking depends
on many factors, such as the carbon and alloy content of the steel
Figure 4-9. Charpy bar that bent before it broke, indicating high impact
strength (Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1975).
Figure 4-10. Charpy bar that broke with little bending, indicating low tough-
ness (Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1975).
atom remains at its original position. Table 4-5 compares the rela-
tive conduction coefficient of various metals based on silver rated
at 100%. Table 4-6 compares the thermal conductivity of various
Where heat and accompanying thermal cycling from hot to cold
are significant factors, tools and dies will ultimately fail due to
Table 4-6. Thermal conductivity data for various alloy and tool steels
Thermal Conductivity
Temperature, Btu/ft-hr/ft2/°F
Grade °F (°C) (cal-cm/hr-cm2-°F)
4130 Alloy steel* 212 (100) 24.7 (367.6)
572 (300) 21.6 (321.4)
932 (500) 17.9 (266.4)
4140 Alloy steel* 212 (100) 24.7 (367.6)
392 (200) 24.4 (363.1)
752 (400) 21.7 (322.9)
H13 Tool steel 400 (204) 16.5 (245.5)
900 (482) 16.3 (242.6)
S7 Tool steel** 212 (100) 16.5 (245.5)
420 Stainless steel 75 (24) 13.8 (205.4)
212 (100) 14.5 (215.8)
T1 High-speed steel 350 (177) 12.1 (180.1)
800 (427) 14.0 (208.3)
974 (523) 14.5 (215.8)
(*American Society for Metals 1978)
(** Alloy Digest 1976)
Figure 4-12. (a) A severely checked H13 die-casting die and (b) close-up
of heat-check cracks.
• the steel has a soft surface layer that also may be rough and
• poor wear in heat-treated tooling as a result of low surface
hardness; and
• added distortion and/or cracking of steels in heat treatment.
It is important to note that decarburization penetrates deeper
than the layer of surface scale shown on the punch in Figure 4-13.
The enlarged photomicrograph shown in Figure 4-14 more clearly
depicts the decarburization that developed on an S5 tool-steel
blanking die. The total depth of decarburization exceeded 0.080
in. (2.03 mm), which includes three distinctive layers: (1) surface
scale approximately 0.010–0.015-in. (0.25–0.38-mm) deep, (2) a
free ferrite layer from surface to interior approximately 0.050–
0.060-in. (1.27–1.52-mm) deep, and (3) a decarburized layer ap-
proximately 0.010–0.020-in. (0.25–0.51-mm) deep under the free
Figure 4-15. Coarse-grained steel: Note the simplicity of the fracture line,
a, which has less resistance to crack propagation.
Figure 4-16. Fine-grained steel: Note the more complicated fracture line,
b, where the smaller grains cause a frequent change in the direction of
fracture, making the material less brittle (tougher).
Incipient melting is a common problem when hardening high-
speed steels. High-speed steels like M2, M4, and T15 are prone to
incipient melting because their hardening (austenitizing) tempera-
tures are very close to their melting point, approximately 2,300°
F (1,260° C). Incipient melting is defined as the beginning and/or
the initial stage of melting. Because of this, problems may de-
velop when hardening temperatures and/or soaking times are
employed that are higher and longer than recommended.
Problems related to incipient melting are characterized by er-
ratic Rockwell hardness readings, an uneven wave condition (see
Figure 4-17) that develops on the surface of the part being hard-
ened, and/or sticking between the workpiece and stainless-steel foil
wrap sometimes used to protect the steel from decarburization
during hardening. Incipient melting of the microstructure of high-
speed steel causes brittle failures to develop from grain coarsen-
ing, adverse (eutectic carbide) structures, and/or erratic hardness
Austenite is a metallurgical term defining the crystal structure
to which hardenable steels transform as they are being heated to
their quenching temperature. After transformation to austenite,
the steels must be quenched to transform to martensite (hard steel).
In carbon and low-alloy steels, austenite transforms fairly com-
pletely to martensite or other low-temperature transformation prod-
ucts. However, as the alloy content of the steel increases, increasing
amounts of austenite do not transform to martensite during the
quench, frequently leaving a dangerously high percentage of un-
stable austenite retained in the structure of the as-quenched steel.
This is especially true of high-carbon, high-chromium, air-hard-
ening, and high-speed steels.
If proper measures are not taken to transform the unstable
retained austenite, dimensional shrinkage will occur. Also, if a
tool with retained austenite is placed in service, the austenite will
transform upon application of service stresses. Stress associated
with the newly formed martensite can cause chipping or cracking
of the tool.
Table 4-7 shows test results developed from the testing of 2 × 2
× 2 in. (50.8 × 50.8 × 50.8 mm) M2 high-speed-steel samples for
retained austenite (Teledyne Vasco 1968). They clearly show how
difficult it can be to transform retained austenite to martensite
and the benefit of multiple tempering cycles.
Some tips for controlling problems of austenite retention
(Payson 1962):
• Avoid higher than recommended austenitizing temperatures.
• Do not oversoak at the austenitizing temperature.
One of the keys to the construction of long-running tools and
dies is an understanding of stress development and control. High
residual-stress levels are often the reason why tooling problems
develop related to distortion and premature chipping and cracking.
The problem with stresses is that if they are not minimized,
those from different sources will combine. When stresses from a
number of sources combine and grow to be equal to or exceed the
ultimate strength of the steel, problems related to bending, bow-
ing, twisting, chipping, and cracking will occur.
The primary causes of stress in tooling are:
• mechanical working (for example, operations such as saw cut-
ting, machining, grinding, alternating loads in service, etc.);
• thermal processing (for example, nonuniform heating and
cooling of a steel part, quenching, welding, rapid thermal
cycling, etc.);
• transformation in heat treating (for example, realignment of
the atoms [phase change] in the steel’s microstructure from
hardening); and
• component geometry (for example, irregular design configura-
tions such as sharp internal and external corners, heavy sec-
Alloy Digest. 1976. Data Sheet for Type S7, February. Upper
Montclair, NJ: Engineering Alloys Digest, Inc.
American Society for Metals. 1948. Metals Handbook 1948 Edi-
tion. Cleveland, OH: American Society for Metals, pp. 193–196.
American Society for Metals. 1978. ASM Handbook, Volume 1
Properties and Selection: Irons and Steels, Ninth Edition. Metals
Park, OH: American Society for Metals, p. 148.
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1972. Tool Steel Topics. Issue 200, Nov./
Dec. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 1–5.
——. 1975. Tool Steel Topics. Issue 216, July/Aug. Bethlehem, PA:
Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 1–3.
——. 1980. Modern Steels and Their Properties. Bethlehem, PA:
Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 20–23, 191–198.
Tooling Material Selection
Tool steels are special types of carbon and highly alloyed steels
capable of being hardened to develop physical and mechanical prop-
erties required for applications such as the stamping, blanking,
bending, forming, drawing, cutting, shearing, trimming, molding,
and extruding of other materials. They are available in the form
of bars, plates, castings, and forgings, which are generally sold in
the annealed condition.
Depending on their alloy content, tool steels may be water, oil,
or air hardening. The least in alloy content are water hardening;
those with more alloy content are oil hardening; and those with
the largest amount of alloy content are air hardening. Upon proper
heat treatment, tool steels are characterized by high hardness and
resistance to abrasion. They are produced under stringent melt-
ing and inspection practices to insure that end users receive the
highest quality material possible for tooling applications.
Tool steels are classified under these general characteristics:
water hardening, oil hardening, air hardening, shock resisting,
hot work, high speed, plastic mold, and special purpose. Within
each group are individual grades with unique chemistries and
properties (Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1979).
Performance Comparisons
Figure 5-1 graphs the relative abrasion resistance, toughness,
machinability, and grindability of many popular tooling steels at
their normal working hardness levels. Each grade is benchmarked
against a steel grade (left) rated at 100, which is either the best or
close to the best for each particular category. (Note—each grade
has been rated at its normal working hardness [HRC]: M4 62–64,
D2 58–60, M2 60–62, A2 58–60, O1 58–60, O6 58–60, A8 58–60,
S5 56–58, S7 56–58, and H13 42–50.)
The tool-steel selection guide in Table 5-3 can be used to deter-
mine the best grade of tool steel for a given tooling application
Abrasion resistance
M4 D2 M2
103 100 95
65 O1 A8 O6 S5 S7 H13
50 48 44 44 42 30
S7 H13
103 100 S5
90 A8
40 D2 M2 M4 O1 O6
20 20 14 14 10
O1 H13 S7
90 75 75 M2 S5 A2 A8 D2 M4
65 65 65 60 60 60
S7 S5
92 85 O6 A8 O1
76 75 72
D2 M2 M4
10 10 10
Alloying Elements
Table 5-4 lists the minimum and maximum values for alloying
elements in the more popular tool steels. Unless otherwise indi-
cated, the combined allowable nickel and copper residual is 0.75%
maximum for all the tool steel and high-speed steel grades listed.
ductile core. This is not true for the other grades shown in Table
5-8, which are through-hardened. For larger sizes, the S7, A2, and
D2 grades will exhibit a gradual drop in hardness from surface to
center. Actual hardening depths will vary depending on part de-
sign, part mass, hardening temperature, and quenching speed.
rials and surface coatings used for wear enhancement. The hard-
ness information is presented in Knoop (HK) microhardness as
well as the equivalent HRC values.
The HRC conversions are shown because most tooling people
think in terms of that hardness scale. However, the reader is cau-
tioned that the HRC values of 68 or higher are not direct conver-
sions obtained from hardness data tables, but approximations.
Also, comparisons of HRC and Knoop values are nonlinear and,
as a result, the relationship between the two loses accuracy at
very large Knoop numbers. Although these conversion values are
helpful, the only accurate value for hardness is the microhardness
(HK) data.
ASTM International (Formerly American Society for Testing and
Materials). 1991. “Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy,
Standard Grades.” Specification A322. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
——. 1992. “Standard Specification for Tool Steel, High Speed.”
Specification A600. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
——. 1994. “Standard Specification for Tool Steels, Alloy.” Speci-
fication A681. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1972. “Steel Analyses and Useful Data.”
Booklet 2851. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1976a. “Bearcat, AISI S7, Bethlehem, Shock-resisting Tool
Steel.” Folder 2412-B. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
Tooling Design
Sharp Corners
Sharp corners—both internal and external—and sharp-cornered
keyways in tooling act as stress intensifiers. It is always good
machining practice to leave a well-rounded radius in all corners.
Good design practice uses generous filleting to minimize sharp
corners in tooling whenever possible.
Before being released for manufacture, every tool design should
be carefully examined to eliminate sharp corners not essential to
the function of the tool. Sharp corners are the most frequent cause
of premature tool failures and can result in stress-concentration
ratios of 10:1 when compared to the average calculated stress.
Problem Holes
Hole placement is an important part of tool design. Blind holes,
threaded holes, or holes improperly placed can be problem areas.
Holes should be designed into tooling, not simply placed. Hole
placement can create areas with thin and weak walls that simi-
larly suffer from differential cooling and transformation stresses
in heat treating and lead to premature cracking. Poor hole place-
ment can lead to areas that are difficult to quench uniformly dur-
ing hardening. This is particularly true if a liquid-quenching steel
is used. If hole designs cannot be improved, use an air-hardening
Stamp Marks
Excessive stress concentration caused by stamp marks is a major
cause of premature tool failure both in service and in heat treat-
ment. Stamped impressions introduce sharp section changes that
serve to intensify stresses. Avoid sharp, deep-cutting stamps and
bunching stamp impressions together. Whenever possible, use low-
stress stamps with rounded characters. Spread out stamp marks,
and try to minimize the number of letters or numbers. Engraving
using electric pencils, paint, labels, and etching is a better choice.
Surface-finish Defects
Rough machining operations can produce built-in surface
notches and sharp corners that concentrate stress (Bethlehem
Steel Corp. 1981).
Figure 6-2. A2 tool-steel punch with sharp corners and thin wall sections.
Figure 6-3. D2 tool-steel crimping die with sharp corners and thin walls in
close proximity.
Figure 6-4. O1 tool-steel fixture with tight crack radiating around the base
of the part.
Figure 6-5. A2 tool-steel punch holder with cutaway showing stress rais-
ers in the cracked section.
Figure 6-6. H13 plastic injection mold and closeup of cracked mold tip.
Figure 6-8. Example of heavy sections adjacent to light, thin wall sections.
Figure 6-9. End view and cross-section of broken D2 punch holder with
thin wall section.
Figure 6-10. O1 tool-steel lathe center that cracked during heat treatment.
Figure 6-13. Stamp marks plus grain flow caused this die section to fail.
Figure 6-14. D2 tooling fixture with rough machining marks that led to its
(a) (b)
Figure 6-15. Comparison of stress load for (a) a wide, filleted corner and
(b) a sharp corner.
The estimated impact data in Table 6-1 emphasize that the wider
the radius in a corner section, the stronger and more crack-resis-
tant the tool. Note that the actual impact strength of tooling will
also depend on steel grade, heat treatment, surface finish, etc.
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1981. “The Tool Steel Troubleshooter.”
Handbook 2828-C. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp.
Tool Machining and Welding
Machinability—defined as the measure of the ease with which
metals may be cut—depends on the material’s basic characteris-
tics and variables imparted by the machining process. Material
characteristics include hardness, tensile strength, alloy composi-
tion, microstructure, amount of prior cold working, work-hard-
ening characteristics, and the shape, dimension, and rigidity of
the workpiece. Machine variables can include cutting speed, depth
of cut, tool geometry, and the chosen machining process. With so
many variables, any published machinability rating for a specific
material should be considered merely an approximation and used
only for comparative purposes.
Prior Processing
Processes such as hot working (forging, rolling), cold working,
and heat treatment affect machinability. In general, large grain
sizes are preferred for most types of machining operations on
metals. Small grain size is preferred if extra-fine surface finishes
must be achieved. The desired grain size can usually be achieved
by controlling the finishing temperature; that is, the tempera-
ture at which hot working is completed.
Large grain sizes may be desirable in carbon steels. However,
large grain size is not desirable for alloy steels because the result
is higher hardenability that produces higher hardness upon cool-
ing from the hot-working temperature. This higher hardness may
mean poorer machinability unless an adequate annealing treat-
ment is employed.
The effect of hot working on machinability is minor when com-
pared to the effects of chemical composition and annealing treat-
Cold working can improve the machinability of some steels,
particularly those that are soft and gummy, such as the austenitic
stainless-steel types 304, 305, and 316, and ferritic stainless steels
The machining process is complicated. It involves a combina-
tion of many factors, including the metallurgy of the metal
workpiece, the speed of the machining operation, the tempera-
tures generated during machining, the pressures imparted to the
metal from the cutting tool, and the cutting tool itself. Despite
the many advancements in metal cutting, chip examination and
evaluation is still one of the best ways to monitor the machining
operation. The shape, dimensions, and color of chips throw con-
siderable light on the nature and cutting conditions of the ma-
chining operation that produced them.
Chip formation is affected by several factors:
• workpiece type, strength, hardness, structure, shape, and size;
• feed and cutting depth;
• cutting speed;
• cutting-fluid application; and
• cutting-tool and edge geometry.
Regardless of the type of machining (for example, turning, mill-
ing, drilling, grinding, etc.), there are essentially three kinds of
chips, or chip combinations, generated from metal-cutting opera-
Figure 7-3. Continuous chip with built-up edge (Sandvik Coromant 1996).
Because most of the heat generated in the machining operation
is ideally removed by the chip, chip color is a rough indicator of
cutting temperature and can be used as a rough guide to selecting
the optimum cutting-speed range. For example, when machining
with high-speed steel tools, the chips produced should show some
temper coloring: tan indicates 380° F (193° C); straw, approximately
460° F (238° C); or blue, 580° F (304° C). (See Chapter 8, Table 8-
3.) If they do not show color, this means that speed and feed can
probably be greatly increased, thereby improving the machine’s
production rate.
When machining with carbide or ceramic tools, the chips should
always be highly temper-colored (purple or blue). If they are not,
this is an indication of “under machining.” Cemented-carbide tools
can machine at twice the temperature of high-speed steel.
As a general rule, when setting up a machining operation, the
cutting depth should be maximized first and then the feed. Fi-
nally, cutting speed should be established in accordance with rec-
ommended practices for the tool material, relative workpiece
material, and power. Excessive temperatures generated in machin-
ing are the primary cause of unsatisfactory tool life and limita-
tions on high-speed cutting (Sandvik Coromant 1996).
Machinability Ratings
The machinability ratings in Table 7-1 are based on: (1) rela-
tive machinability of the specific grade as compared to the ma-
chinability of annealed water-hardening tool steel, W1 (rated at
100%) and (2) the experience of machine operators.
In tool steels, 100% machinability is equivalent to about 30%
machinability in constructional steels. For example, the machin-
ability of W2 tool steel is equivalent to approximately 30% of the
machinability of B1112 construction steel rated at 100%. The steels
listed in Table 7-1 are presented in descending order of machin-
ability: that is, from easiest to most difficult to machine. The
Brinell hardness levels shown are the maximum as-supplied an-
nealed hardness levels (or maximum as-supplied prehard levels
for prehardened steels).
Surface-finish Factors
The surface finish of a part after machining is dependent on a
number of factors, such as the shape and smoothness of the cut-
ting tool, machine feeds, speeds, etc. Surface roughness may be
described as irregularities spaced less than 1/32 in. (0.79 mm) apart
The following classification of tool-wear types form an impor-
tant baseline for assessing machining operations.
All the criteria of machining—economics, accuracy, removal rate,
surface texture, chip and coolant control, etc.—depend to some
degree on the type of tool wear that develops. By inspecting the
magnified cutting edge and acting upon what that tool-wear pat-
tern indicates, the tool designer can control and extend the useful
life of the tool’s cutting edge.
The following sections discuss the various types of tool wear
that develop during the milling operation.
Flank Wear
The wear shown in Figure 7-7 appears on the flanks of the cut-
ting edge, mainly from abrasion, and is the most normal type.
Notch Wear
Notch wear, shown in Figure 7-8, can occur on either the trailing
edge or the leading edge of the cutting tool. When on the trailing
Crater Wear
Crater wear (Figure 7-9) on the chip face can occur due to abra-
sion and diffusion wear mechanisms. The crater is formed when
the chip face—either by hard-particle-grinding action or through
diffusive action (triggered by high heat and pressure) between
the chip and tool material at the hottest part of the chip face—
wears a crater in the edge of the cutter insert. Hardness, hot hard-
ness, and minimal affinity between materials minimizes the
tendency for crater wear. Excessive crater wear changes the ge-
ometry of the cutting edge and can deteriorate chip formation,
change cutting-force directions, and weaken the edge. Some solu-
tions are to: reduce cutting speed and feed; apply coolant prop-
erly; and/or select positive insert geometry.
Plastic Deformation
Plastic deformation (Figure 7-10) is the result of combined high
temperature and high pressure on the cutting edge as high speeds
and feeds and hard workpiece materials create compression and
heat. Edge bulging of the cutting-tool insert is typical and will
lead to even higher temperatures, geometry deformation, chip-
flow changes, etc., until a critical stage is reached. Some solutions
include reducing the cutting speed and feed, and/or selecting a
harder material grade with better resistance to plastic deforma-
Thermal Cracking
The thermal cracking shown in Figure 7-11 is primarily fatigue
wear due to thermal cycling. Cracks form perpendicular to the
cutting edge and pieces of tool material between the cracks are
pulled out, leading to rapid breakdown and edge failure. Varying
Mechanical-fatigue Cracking
Figure 7-12 depicts mechanical-fatigue cracking, which can take
place when cutting-force shocks are excessive. It is fracture due
to continual variations in load, where the load in itself is not large
enough to cause fracture. The start of the cut and variations in
cutting-force magnitude and direction may be too much for the
strength and toughness of the insert. These cracks are mainly
parallel to the cutting edge. Some solutions are to: reduce the
feed rate; select a tougher grade material; change the cutter posi-
tion; and/or improve stability.
Built-up-edge Formation
A built-up edge (Figure 7-15) is a phenomenon largely related
to temperature and, therefore, cutting speed. However, it also can
be the result of edge flagging (an inconsistent or intermittent type
of flank wear) and other wear. A built-up edge has a negative ef-
fect on the cutting edge because it changes the geometry of the
tool. Particles of weld material form the built-up edge and break
away from the cutting tool.
The chemical affinity between the tool and the workpiece may
also play an important role (and can cause cratering, as previ-
ously noted). This chemical affinity allows lower temperatures
and high pressures from the machining operation to lead to pres-
sure-welding between the chip and the chip face of the tool. Much
of modern machining takes place at speeds above the built-up edge
range, and many of the newer cutting-tool insert grades are not
as prone to it if used correctly. Surface texture is often the first to
suffer as the built-up edge grows. However, if this type of wear is
allowed to continue, there is a risk of rapid edge breakdown and
fracture. Some solutions are to: increase cutting speed; change to
coated and tougher inserts; and/or apply coolant generously
(Sandvik Coromant 1996).
Figure 7-16. The sharp grains in a grinding wheel act as cutting tools as
they slice and rip through a piece of steel.
Figure 7-17. A2 tool-steel die plate with small, tight grinding cracks.
Figure 7-18. D2 tool-steel form die insert with severe grinding cracks.
Figure 7-21. A punch that cracked after being EDM wire burned.
Figure 7-22. Close-up view of crack in Figure 7-21 that propagated close
to a set of press-fit bushings.
Electrolysis Pitting
Corrosive pitting that develops on the surface of tool steels that
are wire EDM machined is a frequent concern to tool, die, and
mold makers. Although slight corrosive pitting may be overlooked,
larger and more frequent pitting might have to be machined or
polished away. Still more severe pitting may sometimes require
remaking a part.
Surface pitting is a growing concern as increasingly large, mas-
sive, prehardened, and expensive tool-steel workpieces are wire
burned to closer and closer tolerances with increasingly intricate
shapes. Although corrosive pits may sometimes look like metal-
lurgical defects in the steel, close examination frequently reveals
them to be the result of electrolysis etching caused by the EDM
operation itself (Figure 7-23).
During the burning operation, a high-voltage electric current is
conducted through a traveling wire electrode to a grounded work-
Figure 7-23. Pit caused by electrolysis etching during wire EDM. Gap of
0.04 in. (1 mm) is shown at 8×.
• Coat the workpiece with a spray wax that resists the elec-
trolysis etching.
• Introduce food additives (such as savon) to the water to neu-
tralize the positive spark. However, slower cutting rates may
• Employ an AE power supply as described previously (Langen-
hurst 2001).
Figure 7-25. Typical heat-affected zone when welding hardened tool steels.
Welding Tips
Here are some other facts to remember when welding hard-
ened tool steels:
• Although hardened tool steels can be successfully welded, the
welding can be more safely accomplished after annealing of
the steel.
• Match the base material being welded with a weld rod that
will deposit with a comparable hardness level.
• Proper preheating prevents weld cracking. Preheat 25–50° F
(14–28° C) below the tempering temperature.
• Maintain the preheat temperature as the interpass tempera-
• Reheat the part if the temperature falls significantly below
the preheat temperature.
• Peen immediately after each bead is deposited, when the metal
is a dull red color, approximately 1,000° F (538° C).
• After welding, let the die cool slowly to about 160° F (71° C)
or “hand warm.”
• Temper after welding to relieve welding stresses, and stress
relieve the heat-affected zone and the rehardened layer next
to the weld.
The benefit of shrink-fitting tools, dies, guideposts, or pins made
of carbon, alloy, and tool steels into retainers goes beyond improv-
ing the fixturing techniques. The shrink fit, when properly done,
sets up radial compressive stresses in the tools receiving the fit.
These stresses counteract tensile stresses that frequently lead to
chipping and cracking. Thus, the part receiving the fit will be more
Many different methods and techniques can be employed to
accomplish a shrink fit, but for the most part, the procedures
employed are based on the equipment available for performing
the job. Most frequently, the retainer is heated to a temperature
sufficient to cause expansion and allow assembly of the insert.
Caution must be taken not to heat the retainer to a temperature
that exceeds the tempering temperature used in its heat treat-
Sometimes the procedure is to use heat to expand the retainer
and deep freezing to contract the insert for easier shrink fitting.
In the past, most deep freezing for shrink fitting was performed
with dry ice at approximately –120° F (–84° C).
Today, liquid nitrogen is more frequently used because it has a
lower temperature, approximately –300° F (–184° C). In fact, the
very low temperature range of liquid nitrogen has enabled many
shrink-fitting operations to be performed without heating the re-
tainer. There are some reservations, however, that must be consid-
ered. Unless the cooling is performed slowly (that is, temperature
reduced slowly), the liquid-nitrogen temperature may shock the
insert and cause it to crack. Generally, the amount of contraction
of the insert will vary with the subzero temperature; the lower
the temperature, the greater the shrinkage.
The shrink fitting of tools into retaining rings is common prac-
tice. Shrink fitting not only facilitates the fixturing of tooling com-
ponents into production machinery, it also improves the service
life of tooling. When properly done, shrink fitting’s radial stresses
counteract tensile stresses that develop in service and are fre-
quently the cause of part cracking. The following are tips and
procedures for proper shrink fitting of tooling.
The first requirement is to design the die and retainer properly:
• The retainer is generally manufactured from an alloy steel
capable of hardening to 32–43 HRC. Shock-resisting tool steels
heat treated to 48–52 HRC are recommended for heavy-duty
• Adequate interference—usually 0.003–0.004 in./in.(mm/
mm)— should be allowed to ensure satisfactory joint strength.
• An interference of less than 0.001 in./in. (mm/mm) does not
provide adequate radial compressive stress on the insert for
die applications. Use of excessive interference—0.006 in./in.
(mm/mm) or greater—can produce die failures from stress
• Working stresses (plus shrinkage stresses) must not exceed
the strength of the insert and retainer material.
• Components must be designed for the necessary clearance in
the expanded and/or contracted state to be easily assembled.
• Corners and edges should be chamfered and provided with
generous fillets.
Allen, Dell K. 1969. Metallurgy Theory and Practice. Homewood,
IL: American Technical Publishers, Inc., pp. 192–193, 332–333.
American Society for Metals. 1980. Metals Handbook, Ninth Edi-
tion, Vol. 3, Properties and Selection. Metals Park, OH: American
Society for Metals, p. 443.
ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and
Materials). 1994. Standard Specification for Tool Steels, Alloy.
Specification A 681, Table 2. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM In-
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1978. Bethlehem Tool and Die Steel Manual.
Handbook 2531E. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp.
——. 1979a. Tool Steel Topics, EDM: Back to Basics. Issue 241.
Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1979b. Welding Tools, Dies, and Molds. Folder 2599-B.
Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1980. Tool Steel Topics, EDM: Back to Basics . . . Part 2.
Issue 242. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 8–9.
——. 1981. The Tool Steel Troubleshooter. Handbook 2828-C.
Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 106–110.
Langenhurst, Greg. 2001. “Anti-electrolysis Developments in Wire
EDM.” Modern Machine Shop On-Line. Cincinnati, OH: Gardner
LeGrand, Rupert. 1955. The New American Machinist’s Hand-
book. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 40-2 to 40-5.
Sandvik Coromant Company. 1996. Modern Metal Cutting.
Fairlawn, NJ: Sandvik Coromant Company, pp. 1-7 to 1-19, 4-2 to
Heat Treatment
for a hardness (62–64 HRC) that was inappropriately high for the
design configuration of this tool.
Never leave heat treating to chance. Always plan ahead. Select
the right steel for the job. Take the time to develop and provide
detailed instructions for hardening, quenching, and tempering the
tooling. It is absolutely essential that all important tooling re-
quirements and expectations be fully explained to the heat treater.
This means being insistent about such things as:
• selecting proper temperatures and soaking times for austen-
itizing and tempering;
• documenting the as-quenched hardness of the part(s) after
• double and sometimes triple tempering of air-hardening tool
• selecting the absolute minimum temperature and soak cycles
that may be used during tempering; and
• verifying that the results are in accordance with specifica-
Most of all, understand that good heat treatment takes time.
Do not push for unrealistic turnaround times that force the heat
treater to shorten critical cycles.
Optimize Communications
Communication is one of the keys to quality tool-and-die con-
struction and maintenance. All parties involved in design, con-
struction, heat treating, and maintenance must work together as
a team to communicate requirements and concerns for optimiz-
ing the production performance of tooling.
Figure 8-4 shows an example of the information that should be
documented whenever tooling is sent to a heat treater and re-
turned from heat-treat processing. The first three steps should be
completed by the submitter and the balance by the heat treater.
Heat TTreating
reating Specification Sheet
Heat and temper colors are frequently used during heat treat-
ing, flame hardening, and welding to visually cross-reference tem-
perature levels in steels to control or monitor processing. Table
8-2 shows the temperature levels for various heat colors. The color
references are obviously subject to individual interpretation as
they are perceived by the eye. Table 8-3 shows the temperature
levels for various temper colors.
Optimizing furnace loading, part arrangements, and support
during heat treatment is critical whenever parts are to be stress
relieved, normalized, annealed, hardened, quenched, and tempered.
Overloaded furnaces or poorly arranged parts are more difficult to
uniformly heat, soak, and cool. Soak, a term used in the heat treat-
ing of metals, means to hold the item being treated at a particular
temperature for a prolonged, but usually specified, period of time.
When tool steels are heated to temperatures above 1,000° F (538°
C), their surfaces become susceptible to chemical changes, depend-
ing on the furnace atmosphere. If the steel is subjected to an oxi-
dizing atmosphere (from oxygen in the air that leaks into the
furnace chamber), the surface carbon of the steel will combine
with the oxygen in the furnace, resulting in decarburization of
the steel. If the furnace atmosphere is reducing (that is, with a
high carbon potential and without oxygen), carbon will be infused
into the steel’s surface, resulting in carburization.
For most applications, the surface carbon content of the steel
being treated should not be altered from its basic carbon content;
that is, it should be neither carburized nor decarburized. There-
fore, tool steels should be heat treated in furnaces with atmo-
spheres that are not oxidizing or reducing, but neutral for the
grade of steel being treated.
The most common atmospheres for the neutral hardening of
tool steels include: inert gases, endothermic, exothermic, and
Iner t Gases
The use of inert gases in the furnace atmosphere (like argon or
nitrogen) is the simplest way to avoid scaling and decarburiza-
tion. When an inert gas is pumped into a gas-tight furnace cham-
ber, it will not react with the hot steel and decarburization can be
avoided. Unfortunately, both of these gases are relatively expen-
sive and, for this reason, see limited use.
Endothermic Atmospheres
Endothermic atmospheres are formed when a mixture of air
and natural gas or propane is passed over a heated catalyst. The
heat and the catalyst make the gas and air react to form a mix-
ture of nitrogen (40%), carbon monoxide (20%), and hydrogen
(40%), plus some residual water vapor. After heating and mixing,
the gas mixture is cooled. The endothermic gas thus formed is
then pumped into the furnace for neutral hardening. The carbon
potential of the endothermic gas is a function of the dew point
(amount of moisture) in the gas atmosphere. The dew point must
be adjusted for each grade of tool steel being treated. Flow rates
of the gases into the furnace, as well as positive pressure in the
furnace, must be properly maintained. Done properly, carburiza-
tion or decarburization can be controlled.
Exothermic Atmospheres
Exothermic furnace atmospheres are the simplest and least
expensive. This atmosphere is produced through the partial com-
bustion of an air-gas mixture (frequently natural gas or propane
is used). This mixture is then burned in the presence of a catalyst.
Moisture formed during the combustion must be controlled as it
condenses in a cooling chamber. Exothermic atmosphere quality
is dependent upon using a very uniform composition of supply
gas prior to mixing with air and passing through the catalyst.
Both endothermic and exothermic gases will burn when mixed
with air and, under certain conditions, can be explosive. There-
A vacuum atmosphere is the best way to protect steel surfaces
in heat treatment. Vacuum furnaces are electrically heated. Us-
ing a vacuum pump and a tightly sealed heat chamber, the steels
are heat treated in a near-vacuum. Thus, oxygen levels are re-
duced low enough so that they will not affect the steel when it is
heated to elevated temperatures, and carburization and/or decar-
burization cannot take place. A typical vacuum furnace is depicted
in Figure 8-7.
Basic Principles
Although a vacuum furnace may seem a complex piece of pro-
cessing equipment, it is really a simple system. The operator must
follow the operational guidelines set by the equipment manufac-
turer and avoid furnace overloading.
Proper loading of a vacuum furnace is critical to its performance
and how the steel will respond. Parts must be spaced far enough
apart to allow for adequate gas circulation. Too dense a load can
cause the following problems:
Some vacuum furnaces employ built-in quenching chambers
kept under relative vacuum. Parts are immersed in the liquid (usu-
ally oil) after they have been properly austenitized. Other vacuum
furnaces employ a backfill quenching system that rapidly recircu-
lates an inert gas (usually nitrogen or argon) in the hardening
chamber after vacuum pumping has been stopped. The speed of
backfill quenching can be very rapid, approaching 1,000° F (538°
C) per minute. This rate is more than fast enough to thoroughly
quench air-hardening and many oil-hardening steels.
Normalizing is a thermal treatment that heats steel to a suit-
able temperature, usually 100° F (56° C) above the steel’s trans-
formation range (that is, the upper critical temperature on
heating), followed by air cooling to ambient temperature. Low-,
medium- and high-carbon steels, some alloy steels, some stainless
steels, and some cast weldments are frequently normalized. Nor-
malizing for these steels is used as: (1) a hardening or strengthen-
ing heat treatment and (2) a preliminary conditioning procedure,
prior to annealing or hardening, to refine the structure of the
material being processed. However, normalizing is not applicable
to most tool steels, because they will harden when air cooled from
above their transformation range. Table 8-5 presents typical nor-
malizing temperatures for some popular carbon and alloy steels.
Years ago, normalizing was the principle hardening or strength-
ening method for large sections, such as large-diameter shafting
for heavy industry. This was because liquid quenching was con-
sidered too hazardous from a cracking standpoint. However, steel-
making advances—particularly vacuum degassing—made liquid
420 SS 1,650 (899) Soak thoroughly Furnace cool to 600 (316) 230
4140 1,500 (816) Soak thoroughly 20–1,230 (–7 to 666) 215
(Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1976, 1977, 1978a–g, 1980, 1981a, Undated a, b; Teledyne Vasco 1968)
Tool and Die Making Troubleshooter
Stress relieving steels prior to hardening is frequently a good
practice. If done properly, a large percentage of the mechanical
stresses imparted to the steel from cold working, saw cutting,
machining, etc., can be removed. Stress relieving after heavy ma-
chining helps to minimize problems related to the size change
and distortion of machine parts, weldments, and tools that often
Figure 8-8. D2 die sections scrapped due to excessive distortion after being
Table 8-6. Typical preheating cycles for tool and high-speed steels
Grade Temperature °F (°C) Soak Time
W1, O1, O6 1,200–1,250 (649–677) Thorough at heat
A2, A6, A-HT 1,200–1,250 (649–677) Thorough at heat
D2, D3 1,200–1,250 (649–677) Thorough at heat
S1, S2, S5, S7 1,200–1,250 (649–677) Thorough at heat
H13 1,300–1,400 (704–760) Thorough at heat
H21 1,300–1,500 (704–816) Thorough at heat
M2, M4 High-speed Steels: Two-stage Preheat Cycle
1st stage 1,550 (843) Thorough at heat
2nd stage 1,850 (1,010) Thorough at heat
(Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1954, 1976, 1977, 1978a–f, 1981a, Undated a, b, c;
Teledyne Vasco 1968)
Heat treating tooling components to maximum hardness levels
is a frequent cause of premature tool-and-die failure. The belief
that the higher the hardness, the longer and better a part will
perform in service, is an oversimplification. For most tooling ap-
plications, wear resistance and toughness requirements must be
considered and a hardness range selected to produce these prop-
Figure 8-9 shows an S7 tool-steel punch that cracked after very
light service. This part was hardened and tempered to 60–61 HRC.
Hardening this punch to 56–58 HRC would have dramatically in-
creased its service life as the toughness of S7 drops significantly
with hardness higher than 58 HRC.
Keep in mind that as the hardness of a steel increases, its over-
all toughness and ductility will decrease. To develop maximum
hardness levels, heat treaters are often required to increase hard-
ening temperatures, lengthen soak times at the hardening tem-
perature, and increase the speed of the quench. After hardening,
Quenching is rapid cooling from the austenitizing (hardening)
temperature. It may be accomplished in many ways, for example,
via oil, water, brine, still air, or salt baths, depending on the mate-
rial being heat treated.
The quenching of tool-and-die steels is the most critical step in
the heat-treatment process. It is during the quenching cycle that
hardness and accompanying physical properties are developed. In
general, tool steels are quenched at different rates depending on
their alloy content, that is, in water, oil, or air. In comparison,
water-hardening steels have little or no alloy content, oil-harden-
ing steels have a higher alloy content, and air-hardening steels
are considered to be relatively high in alloy content (Bethlehem
Steel Corp. 1981b).
• Do not quench the steel being hardened until it has been ad-
equately soaked at the hardening (austenitizing) temperature.
• Temper immediately after quenching.
• Do not allow as-quenched steels to sit at ambient tempera-
tures for long periods of time before tempering.
• Strive to quench the workpiece or batch as uniformly as pos-
• Quench parts (especially long, thin sections) vertically to mini-
mize concerns relating to bending, bowing, and twisting.
Water Quenching
For water quenching, brine is preferred over fresh water. This
is because the steam formed when the quench water contacts the
superheated part forms a vapor barrier that insulates the parts
being quenched from proper heat transfer, particularly at sharp
internal corners, machined threads, blind holes, rough machine
marks, and other recesses. The result is the development of soft
spots on the parts being quenched and/or the development of dif-
ferential quenching and transformation stresses that may result
in distortion and/or cracking.
The addition of brine (up to 10% maximum by volume) facili-
tates the quenching process because salt crystals that precipitate
on the surface of the part being quenched violently explode away.
This explosive action causes a severe agitation that prevents the
formation of vapor barriers on the parts being quenched. The agi-
tation also throws off much of the heat-treat scale and makes the
quench action more uniform. Agitating the quenchant or the work-
piece prevents the formation of vapor barriers and facilitates more
uniform cooling.
Oil Quenching
Here are some tips on oil quenching:
• Because quenching in oil can be a fire hazard, the use of
quench oils with high flash points is recommended.
• Oil quenching is slower that water or brine quenching,
thereby causing lower residual quenching stresses than ei-
ther of the latter.
Air Quenching
For quenching in air, add these considerations:
• Cool the workpiece as uniformly as possible during a still-air
• Fan-air blasting may be used to promote uniformity or accel-
erate cooling.
Quench Cracking
Quench cracking is the most common cause of failure in heat
treatment. Quench cracks develop when stresses introduced into
the steel combine to equal or exceed its ultimate strength. From a
stress-development standpoint, water quenching is the fastest of
the quench cycles, but induces the highest amount of stress. Oil
quenching is approximately one-third slower than water quench-
ing and correspondingly lower in terms of stress generation. Air
quenching is comparatively slower and less stressful than oil
During the hardening process, tooling must be tempered im-
mediately following quenching to relieve residual quenching
stresses that can be the cause of cracking. Tempering also is per-
formed to achieve specific hardness levels, and especially in the
case of air-hardening steels, to promote transformation of any
austenite retained after quenching to martensite. To get the maxi-
mum benefit of tempering, the operation should never be short
cycled. Figure 8-12 presents the tempering versus hardness curves
for American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) D2 and S7 tool steels.
Good tempering practice relieves stresses that develop during
quenching, aids the transformation of retained austenite (espe-
cially in air-hardening steels upon cooling from the tempering
process), and improves the dimensional stability of tooling. Here
are some tips for proper tempering:
Figure 8-12. Tempering curve versus hardness for AISI D2 and S7 tool
steels (Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1976, 1978d).
Subzero treatments have been used to improve the quality of
tooling manufactured from steels that have a tendency to retain
austenite. The addition of deep cryogenic tempering (approxi-
mately –300° F [–184° C]) to subzero treating operations can sig-
Figure 8-13. AISI D2 tool-steel die, 7.50 in. (190.5 mm) in diameter with
crack radiating across the face and down the outside diameter.
they will be released during the heating for hardening and may
result in distortion (bending, bowing, and/or twisting).
Thermal Stress
Thermally induced stresses during heating and cooling also in-
crease the residual stress level of a part. When steel is heated to
the preheat and hardening temperature, it expands. The mass
and design configuration of the tool or die will determine how
uniformly the part will expand during heating. Light cross sec-
tions expand more rapidly and will reach temperature before heavy
sections. The surfaces of heavy cross sections will reach tempera-
ture before interior sections. The noted temperature differences
result in differential rates of expansion between light and heavy
sections, and the surface and interior sections. This differential
expansion will result in an increase of the residual stresses until
such time as the part is at uniform temperature throughout.
When the same part is cooled during the quenching cycle, the
reverse happens. Light cross sections and the surfaces of the
heavier sections of the tool or die cool faster than either the heavy
cross sections or the interior. These temperature differences also
result in differential contraction, which in turn results in addi-
tional residual stress development.
Transformation Stress
Transformation stresses, which develop on heating and cool-
ing, are also responsible for inducing residual stresses. When the
steel being heated for hardening reaches its critical temperature
on heating, the existing annealed microstructure transforms to
austenite. This transformation results in shrinkage of the part be-
cause austenite is smaller in volume than the annealed structure
from which it develops. After all of the annealed microstructure is
transformed to austenite on further heating to the hardening tem-
perature, the part begins to expand again.
All of the expansion and contraction discussed thus far will occur
at different rates in light cross sections as opposed to heavy cross
sections, or in surface locations as opposed to interior locations.
In this way, stress levels are compounded as part geometry ex-
pands and contracts at different times during heating and cooling.
Stress Combinations
The combination of residual stresses from machining and the
thermal and transformation stresses that occur during harden-
ing may result in the distortion of a tool or die. Such distortion
can be minimized by relieving machining stresses prior to hard-
ening and heating to the hardening temperature at a rate that
will result in minimal temperature differential in the part. While
stresses that occur on heating will be relieved when soaking at
the hardening temperature is accomplished, the distortion that
occurs may not be reversed. Likewise, the combination of ther-
mal and transformation stresses upon cooling (quenching) may
also result in distortion, which will not be removed by subsequent
harden through will grow in width and thickness, but will shrink
in length.
Predicting just how much a steel tool or die will shrink, grow,
and/or distort is very difficult. Part design, mass, size, grade of
steel, and level of hardness all have an effect on stress levels and
the expected growth of a tool or die in heat treatment. All of these
factors complicate size predictability in heat treatment, making
it necessary to include adequate finish-machining allowance on a
part for removal after heat treatment. Insufficient or a zero fin-
ish-machining allowance will place a part in jeopardy, possibly
resulting in it being scrapped and having to be remade.
In addition to adding sufficient allowance for finish machining
after heat treatment, the use of air-hardening steels is recom-
mended, as these will result in minimal size change in heat treat-
ment. Stress relieving of tools before heat treatment and heating
at rates that minimize extreme temperature differentials between
thin and thick sections (as well as between the surface and inte-
rior of heavy sections) will help minimize distortion levels. Proper
support, especially during hardening and quenching, is also im-
portant. Tooling that can be suspended vertically, for example, is
much less likely to bend and bow during heat-treat processing
(Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1965, 1981a, Undated d).
Failure to achieve the required hardness, nonuniform surface
hardness, decarburization, scaling, distortion, and cracking during
300° F Below, Inc. Undated. “Deep Cryogenic Tempering,” bro-
chure. Decatur, IL: 300° F Below, Inc.
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1936. Alloy and Special Steels. Catalog
#107. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 193–195.
——. 1950. “A Heat Treater’s Lament.” Tool Steel Topics, No. 29,
July. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1954. Bethlehem Tool Steels. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel
Corp., D3 pp. 68–71, H21 pp. 139–143, S2 pp. 88–92.
——. 1965. “Distortion of Tool Steels in Heat Treatment.” Book-
let 2154. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 2–8.
——. 1967. “An Evaluation of Type 321 Stainless-steel Foil Wrap
in Hardening Tool-steel Parts.” Folder 2384. Bethlehem, PA:
Bethlehem Steel Corp.
Hardness Testing
It has long been common practice for die makers and heat
treaters to use hardened files to check the effectiveness of heat
treatment. The test is performed by lightly pressing a file of
standardized or known hardness against the part and pushing it
with a forward motion over the surface (Figure 9-1).
An experienced file tester can feel the “bite” or “slip” of the file
through his fingers as pressure is applied with the file against the
workpiece. If the file does not bite, the part is considered to be
“file hard” because it is as hard or harder than the file being used
for the test. Since most tooling is hardened in the range of 40–65 on
the Rockwell C (HRC) scale, testing becomes a simple matter of
subjecting the part to a series of files that vary in hardness (that is,
going from a high-hardness-level file that will bite to a soft file that
will not bite into the steel). File sets are available that are hard-
ened and tempered in five-point increments from 40–65 HRC.
Here are some tips for performing file hardness tests:
• Be sure the base-metal hardness is being checked and not an
area that has been decarburized. Grind the surface to remove
decarb, rust, or scale.
• The safest procedure is to use special test files made by file
• Speed, pressure, and angle of contact affect the results of the
test. Use a slow, forward motion with gentle pressure. Slow
speed, firm pressure, and a constant angle of contact give the
best results.
• A polished surface is sometimes difficult to bite into, while a
rough or ground surface on the same part may appear to bite
• Starting with a file known to be harder than the material
being checked, run the file over the workpiece. If it marks
the workpiece, the file is harder. Move down in file hardness.
Continue checking with progressively softer files until the
workpiece cannot be marked. The approximate hardness of
the workpiece is between the file that marks the workpiece
and the file that slips without marking.
• Generally, steels that are easy to file (annealed or soft) are 20–
40 HRC. Those difficult to file (but let the file bite) are 45–55
HRC. Steels that do not let the file bite are 60 HRC and higher.
• Worn files lose their reliability. A general rule is to discard
them after the depth of their cutting teeth has been reduced
by 50% or more.
The file test can be a valuable check for decarburization, soft
spots, and hardness comparisons. It also can be used for deter-
mining hardness levels in tools that are either too large to be tested
on a bench tester or that are otherwise inaccessible.
The Rockwell C scale test is the most common of the hardness
tests used on tooling that has been heat treated to a hardness over
40 HRC. A 330-lbf (150-kgf) load is squeezed into the workpiece
by the testing machine. The resistance to penetration is measured
by a spheroconical diamond penetrator as it is pressed into the
workpiece by the weight load (Figure 9-2). The increment of in-
dentation depth produced by the weight load is the basis for the
Rockwell hardness number.
Some tips on Rockwell testing procedures include:
• Check for a 330-lbf (150-kgf) weight load.
• Be sure the anvil is properly seated and clean.
• Check the diamond; be sure it is not tightened too hard in its
The Brinell hardness test is an indentation test using calibrated
machines to force a hard ball, under specified conditions, into the
surface of a material. After removal of the test force, the diameter
of the impression is determined with a measuring microscope and
converted into a Brinell hardness number. The measuring micro-
scope should be graduated to read at least in increments of 0.0002
in. (0.005 mm).
Generally, material in the annealed condition or low hardness
range of 375 HB (hardness Brinell) or less is more accurately
checked for hardness with a Brinell test. Material over 375 HB
(40 HRC) should be tested for hardness with a Rockwell C test.
Figure 9-3 illustrates the four steps in Brinell hardness testing.
0.130 (3.30) 341 68.7 109.0 36.6 56.4 360 170 (11,952)
0.132 (3.35) 331 68.1 108.5 35.5 55.4 350 166 (11,671)
0.134 (3.40) 321 67.5 108.0 34.3 54.3 339 160 (11,249)
0.136 (3.45) 311 66.9 107.5 33.1 53.3 328 155 (10,898)
0.138 (3.50) 302 66.3 107.0 32.1 52.2 319 150 (10,546)
0.140 (3.55) 293 65.7 106.0 30.9 51.2 309 145 (10,195)
0.142 (3.60) 285 65.3 105.5 29.9 50.3 301 141 (9,913)
0.144 (3.65) 277 64.6 104.5 28.8 49.3 292 137 (9,632)
0.146 (3.70) 269 64.1 104.0 27.6 48.3 284 133 (9,351)
0.148 (3.75) 262 63.6 103.0 26.6 47.3 276 129 (9,070)
0.150 (3.80) 255 63.0 102.0 25.4 46.2 269 126 (8,859)
0.152 (3.85) 248 62.5 101.0 24.2 45.1 261 122 (8,578)
0.156 (3.95) 235 61.4 99.0 21.7 42.9 247 115 (8,085)
0.157 (4.00) 229 60.8 98.2 20.5 41.9 241 111 (7,804)
0.159 (4.05) 223 59.7 97.3 18.8 — 234 —
0.161 (4.10) 217 59.2 96.4 17.5 — 228 105 (7,382)
0.163 (4.15) 212 58.5 95.5 16.0 — 222 102 (7,171)
0.165 (4.20) 207 57.8 94.6 15.2 — 218 100 (7,031)
0.167 (4.25) 201 57.4 93.8 13.8 — 212 98 (6,890)
Brandt, Daniel A. 1985. Metallurgy Fundamentals. South Hol-
land, IL: The Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc., pp. 84–85.
Instron/Wilson/Shore Instruments. 1988. Fundamentals of
Rockwell Hardness Testing. Canton, MA: Instron/Wilson/Shore
Instruments, p. 1.
The Timken Company. 1999. Practical Data for Metallurgists.
Canton, OH: The Timken Company, pp. 116–117.
Wear Enhancement Treatments
The properties of the substrate or base metal are extremely
important for good tool life. To support the treated or coated sur-
face, the key qualifications are:
• Good tool design, that is, designs without built-in stress rais-
ers that can cause the tool to crack in heat treatment or fail
early in service.
• Proper selection of tool steel and working hardness level to
match the necessary physical and metallurgical properties
for the application and thus maximize performance.
• Proper attention to and implementation of good heat-treat
practices to achieve optimal physical and metallurgical prop-
Many tools and dies fail early in service because of built-in de-
sign faults and/or inadequate steel selection for the application.
However, the most likely cause of failure is improper or inadequate
heat treatment. Specifically, the key causes are failure to control
the surface chemistry of the steel, quenching too cold or ineffec-
tive tempering, and quenching from excessively high austenitizing
temperatures. To perform well, tools and dies must be properly
heat treated, whether or not the tool’s wear surface is enhanced.
early 1900s joked that high-speed steel “was the only substance
then known that could get hot without losing its temper.”
Further developments led to other wear-resisting and shock-
resisting steels. The increased alloy content of many of these steels
allowed them to be heat treated in the safest manner possible,
that is, by air hardening.
As production processes were coincidentally developed, ways
were sought to minimize the downtime resulting from breakage,
premature wear, and the need for excessive die maintenance.
Materials were selected for improved wear, as well as resistance
to seizing, galling, and corrosion. Lubricants and other compounds
were added to the process to get the most out of the tooling. How-
ever, something more than simply changing from one grade of
steel to another was needed to further increase wear and other
desirable service characteristics. Thus, the search for wear-en-
hancement coatings and treatments began.
Carburizing raises the steel surface’s carbon content to a value
higher than its base metal or substrate by subjecting the workpiece
to a carbon-rich atmosphere at a temperature of 1,700° F (927°
C). Upon quenching, the resulting surface is harder and more wear
Gas Nitriding
In gas nitriding, the part is heated to a temperature of 900–
1,150° F (482–621° C) in an atmosphere of ammonia gas and dis-
Cyaniding is performed in a bath of sodium cyanide heated to a
temperature slightly above the transformation range, 1,350–1,600°
F (732–871° C) depending on the grade. Because of the presence
of nitrides, this results in a thin case of high hardness that has
superior wear resistance, approaching that of a nitrided case.
Carbonitriding, also known as gas cyaniding, is similar to
cyaniding except that the absorption of carbon and nitrogen is
accomplished by heating to 1,200–1,650° F (649–899° C) in a gas-
eous atmosphere containing hydrocarbons and ammonia. The
carbonitrided parts are then quenched and tempered, resulting
in a hard, wear-resistant case.
Flame Hardening
Flame hardening involves rapid heating with a direct, high-
temperature gas flame that heats the surface layer of the part
above the transformation range. This is followed by cooling at a
rate to accomplish the desired hardening. The process does not
alter surface chemistry, but does result in a higher hardness than
that present in the substrate. The flame-hardened surface dis-
plays improved wear resistance simply because of its higher hard-
ness (Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1980).
Chrome Plating
Chrome plating is electrolytically deposited on a die surface at
a temperature of approximately 140° F (60° C). The plating seals
the surface, and with proper maintenance, eliminates wear. The
lubricity of the chrome coating increases metal flow in drawing
operations and can significantly reduce the need for drawing com-
pounds. The depth of coating is usually 0.0005 in. (0.013 mm) on
flat areas and 0.0010–0.0015 in. (0.025–0.038 mm) on radii. As-
plated hardness is approximately 62–64 HRC. Several proprietary
vendors of chrome plating claim that their special processing re-
sults in hardness at the top end of this range.
In the latter half of the 20th century, a host of processes were
developed to improve the working surfaces of tools and dies. These
include physical-vapor deposition (PVD), chemical-vapor deposi-
tion (CVD), thermal diffusion, ferritic nitrocarburizing, ion im-
plantation, ion nitriding, deep cryogenic tempering (DCT),
plasma-assisted CVD, plasma-source ion implantation (PSII), and
micro-plasma deposition.
Thermal Diffusion
Thermal diffusion is a high-temperature, surface-modification
process that forms a carbide layer on carbon-containing materi-
als (0.3% minimum carbon), such as steels, nickel alloys, cobalt
alloys, and cemented carbides. The diffused layer measures from
0.0001–0.0008 in. (2.5–20 m). Thermal-diffusion-processed ma-
terials exhibit high hardness and excellent resistance to wear, sei-
zure, and corrosion.
The process is performed by immersing parts in a molten salt
bath at temperatures of 1,660–1,900° F (904–1,038° C). Carbide
constituents, dispersed in the salt, combine with the carbon at-
oms contained in the tooling substrate to form a carbide layer.
The process produces layers of vanadium, niobium, and chromium
carbide, depending on the carbide-forming elements used in the
salt bath. Quenching in air and tempering follow the removal of
treated parts from the salt bath. Steels whose austenitizing tem-
perature exceed the maximum temperature of 1,900° F (1,038° C)
Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
Ferritic nitrocarburizing is a deep-hardening, surface-treating
process conducted in either atmosphere or fluidized-bed furnaces.
The hardened layer on a workpiece is produced by a mixture of
nitrogen, ammonia, and hydrocarbon gases introduced into the fur-
nace. Carbon is combined with nitrogen on the surface of the work-
piece to produce a very wear-resistant 70+ HRC coating. The
process is a low-temperature one, with operating temperatures
ranging from 600–1,200° F (316–649° C). The total diffusion zone
depth of treated surfaces is 0.003–0.005 in. (0.08–0.13 mm) for a
normal cycle, 0.005–0.010 in. (0.13 to 0.25 mm) for a double cycle,
and 0.010–0.015 in. (0.25–0.38 mm) for a triple cycle. Dimensional
change for a normal cycle is 0.0001–0.0002 in. (2.5–5 m) per side
(Dynamic Metal Treating, Inc. Undated a, b).
Ion Implantation
Ion implantation is a process of introducing atoms of alloying
elements into the surface layer of a metallic workpiece. The at-
oms are accelerated to high energies that penetrate the surface of
the metal to depths ranging from 0.400–39.400 in. (0.01–1.00
m), depending on the energy of the atom. The process is used to
create a thin alloy layer on the workpiece surface.
Ion implantation is conducted under vacuum and at low tem-
perature. The only heating that occurs is due to the energetic at-
oms colliding with the atoms of the base material. The maximum
temperature of the workpiece seldom exceeds 400° F (204° C), and
can be lowered by controlling the rate of implantation.
In operation, atoms of the desired alloying elements are fed
into an ion-source assembly where they are ionized by an electri-
cal discharge. If the element is in a gaseous state, such as nitro-
gen, the purified gas is fed directly into the ion source. If the
element is a solid, such as chromium, it is first vaporized and then
ionized. High voltage is used to accelerate the ions from the source.
Ion implantation has been applied most heavily to the treat-
ment of forming tools, but is used on many types of tooling. By
far, the element most implanted is nitrogen. Nitrogen-ion implan-
tation results in an abrasion-resistant, hard-case layer with an
effective hardness of 80–90 HRC which can withstand surface tem-
peratures up to 600° F (316° C).
The process causes no problems with thermal distortion, melt-
ing, or residual heat-treatment effects. Its limitation is that it is a
line-of-sight process, making it unsuitable for some complex ge-
ometries (Deutchman and Partyka 1993; Beam Alloy Corp. 1989).
Ion Nitriding
Ion nitriding is a method of surface hardening for producing
nitrided cases. It uses glow-discharge technology to generate ni-
trogen ions to the surface of a metallic part for diffusion. It is a
Micro-plasma Deposition
Micro-plasma deposition, also called plasma thermal spraying,
is a process for producing coatings of a wide variety of composi-
tions, the most popular of which are tungsten carbide and chro-
mium carbide. In the process, the desired deposition elements, in
powder form, are fed into a high-velocity plasma stream where
they become semimolten and are accelerated to the workpiece at
8,000 ft/sec (2.4 km/sec). Normal deposition involves coating thick-
nesses of approximately 0.0005–0.0015 in. (0.013–0.038 mm), with
the hardness of tungsten and chromium carbide coatings at ap-
proximately 66 HRC.
Although the deposition elements are semimolten, the process
raises the work-area temperature to only about 150° F (66° C).
The coating vendor ships the coated workpieces with either a dia-
mond polish or a matte finish, depending on the customer’s re-
quirements. Preparation for coating is performed by the coating
vendor and consists of mechanical etching, that is, blasting the
surface to be coated with a special sand (MPD Company 1975).
Plasma-assisted CVD
Plasma-assisted CVD is used for the deposition of amorphous
diamond-like carbon. As in the case of PVD, high-vacuum-com-
patible equipment is used. A high-frequency (13.5 MHz) discharge
Arter, Rich. 1990. “Japanese Technology Finds a Home in Indi-
ana.” Tooling and Production, October. Solon, OH: Huebcore Pub-
Beam Alloy Corp. 1989. Ion Implantation. Dublin, OH: Beam Al-
loy Corp.
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1980. Modern Steels & Their Properties. Hand-
book 3310. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 66–71.
Clavel, Alfred. Undated. “Coated Tools: Two Decades of Improv-
ing Quality,” brochure. Article “Productivity CVD and PVD Coat-
ings for the Metalworking Industry.” Utica, MI: Ti-Coating, Inc.
Appendix A:
Material Data
The data included here describe the more commonly used tool-
and-die steels mentioned throughout this book. They have been
compiled from the author’s own experiences, physical testing, and
various technical sources. While reasonable steps have been taken
to maintain their accuracy, the author does not assume responsi-
bility and/or liability for this information and suggests that read-
ers conduct their own tests to verify the data and/or seek specific
professional judgments prior to any application of these tech-
Composition: C 1.00%, Mo 1.00%, Cr 5.00%, V 0.20%.
Description: A2 is a general purpose, air-hardening tool steel.
It has a wide range of tooling applications with more abrasion
resistance than the S-series shock steels and better toughness and
ductility than the D-series wear steels.
Machinability: When properly annealed, A2 has a machin-
ability rating of 60 compared with a 1% carbon tool steel rated at
Dimensional stability: When air quenched from the proper
hardening temperature, A2 can be expected to expand approxi-
mately 0.001 in./in. (0.001 mm/mm). Note that distortion (bend-
ing, bowing, or twisting) as well as part geometry can add to the
variations in movement of a part being hardened.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, A2 tool steel should be annealed and/
or hardened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neu-
tral-salt furnace environment.
Anneal: Heat to 1,650° F (899° C), and soak 2 hr/in. (4.7 min-
utes/mm) of thickness. Cool 40° F (22° C) per hour to 900° F (482°
C). Air cool to room temperature. Approximate annealed hard-
ness is 235 HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to 1,200–
1,250° F (649–677° C). Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thick-
ness at heat. Slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room
Preheat: Heat to 1,200° F (649° C) and hold at this tempera-
ture until thoroughly soaked.
Harden: Heat to 1,750–1,800° F (954–982° C). Soak at heat for
45–60 minutes/in. (1.8–2.4 minutes/mm) of greatest thickness.
Quench: Air quench to 150° F (66° C). Temper immediately.
Temper: A double temper is mandatory. Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7
minutes/mm) of thickness at heat. Slow cool to room temperature
between tempers.
°F (°C) HRC
As quenched 64
400 (204) 60
500 (260) 56
600 (316) 56
800 (427) 56
900 (482) 56
1,000 (538) 56
1,100 (593) 50
1,200 (649) 43
1,300 (704) 34
Specimens 1 in. (25.4 mm) in diameter were quenched from 1,775° F (968° C).
Composition: C 1.55%, Mo 0.80%, Cr 11.50%, V 0.90%.
Description: D2 is a high-carbon, high-chromium, air-hard-
ening tool steel formulated to combine excellent abrasion resis-
tance and air-hardening characteristics. D2 has become the
tool-and-die standard against which other tool steels are measured
for abrasion resistance, dimensional stability in hardening, and
air-hardening characteristics.
Machinability: When properly annealed, D2 has a machin-
ability rating of 45 compared to a 1% carbon steel rated at 100.
Dimensional stability: D2 has the minimum distortion in
heat treatment as compared to other tool steels. When air
quenched from the proper hardening temperature, this grade can
be expected to expand or contract approximately 0.0005 in./in.
(0.0005 mm/mm). Note that distortion (bending, bowing, or twist-
ing) as well as part geometry can add to the variations in move-
ment of a part being hardened. Refer to the information listed
under tempering for more information.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, D2 tool steel should be annealed and/
or hardened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neu-
tral-salt furnace environment.
Anneal: Heat to 1,650° F (899° C) and soak 1.5 hr/in. (3.6 min-
utes/mm) of thickness. Cool 20° F (11° C) per hour to 900° F (482°
C). Cool down in furnace to room temperature. The approximate
annealed hardness is 220 HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to 1,200–
1,250° F (649–677° C). Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thick-
ness at heat. Soak and slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room
Preheat: Heat to 1,250° F (677° C). Hold at this temperature
until thoroughly soaked.
°F (°C) HRC
As quenched 64
400 (204) 60
500 (260) 58
600 (316) 58
800 (427) 57
900–960 (482–516) 58–60
1,000 (538) 56
1,100 (593) 48
Specimens were air quenched from 1,850° F (1,010° C).
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, H13 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt
furnace environment.
Anneal: Heat to 1,600° F (871° C) and soak 1 hr/in. (2.4 min-
utes/mm) of thickness. Cool 25° F (14° C) per hour to 900° F (482°
C). Air cool to room temperature. The approximate annealed hard-
ness is 220 HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to 1,200–
1,250° F (649–677° C). Soak 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thickness
at heat. Slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room temperature.
Preheat: Heat to 1,300–1,400° F (704–760° C) and hold at this
temperature until thoroughly soaked.
Harden: Heat to 1,825–1,850° F (996–1,010° C). Soak at heat
for 45–60 minutes/in. (1.8–2.4 minutes/mm) of thickness.
Quench: Air quench to 150° F (66° C). Avoid oil quenching
whenever possible. Temper immediately.
Temper: Double tempering is mandatory; three tempers are
sometimes preferred. Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thick-
ness at heat. Air cool to room temperature between tempers. Die-
casting dies should be tempered to 44–48 HRC. Tooling that
requires maximum shock resistance should be tempered to 40–44
°F (°C) HRC
As quenched 52–54
400 (204) 52–54
500 (260) 53
600 (316) 53
800 (427) 53
900 (482) 52–54
1,000 (538) 52–54
1,050 (566) 48–50
1,100 (593) 46–48
1,150 (621) 40–44
Specimens 1 in. (25.4 mm) in diameter were air quenched from 1,850° F (1,010° C).
Composition: C 0.83%, Cr 4.15%, Mo 5.00%, V 1.90%, W 6.35%.
Description: M2 is a general-purpose, moly high-speed steel
characterized by a balanced combination of abrasion resistance,
toughness, and good red hardness.
Machinability: When properly annealed, M2 has a machin-
ability rating of 65 compared to a 1% carbon steel rated at 100.
Dimensional stability: When air quenched from the proper
hardening temperature, M2 can be expected to expand approxi-
mately 0.001 in./in. (0.001 mm/mm). Note that distortion (bend-
ing, bowing, or twisting) as well as part geometry can add to the
variations in movement of a part that is being hardened.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, M2 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt
furnace environment.
Composition: C 1.27%, Cr 4.50%, Mo 4.50%, V 4.00%, W 5.55%.
Description: M4 is a moly-tungsten, high-speed steel with high
carbon and vanadium content. Its resistance to abrasion is supe-
rior to most high-speed steels, and it is the material of choice for
broaches, reamers, checking tools, blanking dies, swaging dies,
and punches for abrasive materials.
Machinability: When properly annealed, M4 has a machin-
ability rating of 40 compared to a 1% carbon steel rated at 100.
Dimensional stability: When air quenched from the proper
hardening temperature, M4 can be expected to expand approxi-
mately 0.001 in./in. (0.001 mm/mm). Note that distortion (bend-
ing, bowing, or twisting) as well as part geometry can add to the
variations in movement of a part that is being hardened.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, M4 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt
furnace environment.
Anneal: Heat to 1,600° F (871° C) and soak thoroughly at heat.
Furnace cool 25° F (14° C) per hour to 900° F (482° C) and air cool
to room temperature. The approximate annealed hardness is 241
HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to
1,200–1,250° F (649–677° C). Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm)
of thickness at heat. Slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room
Preheat: Heat to 1,550° F (843° C), hold until thoroughly soaked,
heat to 1,850° F (1,010° C), and hold until thoroughly soaked.
°F (°C) HRC
As quenched 64
400 (204) 62.5
500 (260) 61.0
600 (316) 60.5
700 (371) 61.5
800 (427) 62.0
900 (482) 64
1,000 (538) 66
1,100 (593) 65
1,150 (621) 63
1,200 (649) 55
Specimens 0.75 in.2 × 2 in. (48.4 cm2 × 5.1 cm) long were quenched in air from
2,250° F (1,232° C).
Composition: C 0.90%, Mn 1.20%, V 0.20%, W 0.50%, Cr 0.50%.
Description: O1 tool steel is a general-purpose, oil-harden-
ing, tool-and-die steel. Normal care in heat treatment gives good
results in hardening and produces small dimensional changes. O1
has good abrasion resistance and sufficient toughness for a wide
variety of tooling applications.
Machinability: When properly annealed, O1 has a machin-
ability rating of 90 compared to a 1% carbon steel rated at 100.
Dimensional stability: When oil quenched from the proper
hardening temperature, O1 can be expected to expand approxi-
mately 0.0015 in./in. (0.0015 mm/mm). Note that distortion (bend-
ing, bowing, or twisting) and part geometry can add to the
variations in movement of a part being hardened.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, O1 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt
Anneal: Heat slowly to 1,450° F (788° C) and soak thoroughly.
Cool 25° F (14° C) per hour to 900° F (482° C). Air cool to room
temperature. The approximate annealed hardness is 221 HB
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to 1,250°
F (677° C). Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thickness at
heat. Slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room temperature.
Preheat: Heat to 1,200° F (649° C) and hold at this tempera-
ture until thoroughly soaked.
Harden: Heat to 1,475–1,500° F (802–816° C). Soak at heat for
30 minutes/in. (1.2 minutes/mm) of thickness.
Quench: Oil quench to 150–200° F (66–93° C). Temper imme-
Temper: Normally, oil-hardening steels need to be single tem-
pered only. However, double tempering may sometimes be pre-
ferred. Soak at heat for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thickness for
each temper. Air cool to room temperature between tempers. The
normal tempering range for O1 is 300–450° F (149–232° C).
°F (°C) HRC
As quenched 64–65
350 (177) 62–63
400 (204) 62
500 (260) 60
600 (316) 57
700 (371) 53
800 (427) 50
900 (482) 47
1,000 (538) 44
1,100 (593) 39
Specimens 1 in. (25.4 mm) in diameter were oil quenched from 1,475° F (802° C).
Composition: C 0.60%, Si 1.85%, Mn 0.70%, Mo 0.45%, V
Description: S5 is a silicon-manganese, moly-vanadium, shock-
resisting tool steel. It was developed primarily for shock-resisting
parts in which a combination of good ductility and hardness is
required. S5 is primarily an oil-hardening steel. Intricate parts
made from this grade should always be oil quenched.
Machinability: When properly annealed, S5 has a machin-
ability rating of 60 compared to 1% carbon steel rated at 100.
Dimensional stability: When oil quenched from the proper
hardening temperature, S5 can be expected to expand approxi-
mately 0.0015 in./in. (0.0015 mm/mm). Note that distortion (bend-
ing, bowing, or twisting) and part geometry can add to the
variations in movement of a part being hardened.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, S5 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt
Anneal: Heat slowly to 1,450° F (788° C) and soak 1 hr/in. (2.4
minutes/mm) of thickness. Cool 25° F (14° C) per hour to 900° F
(482° C). Air cool to room temperature. The approximate annealed
hardness is 230 HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to 1,250°
F (677° C). Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thickness at
heat. Slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room temperature.
Preheat: Heat to 1,250° F (677° C) and hold at this tempera-
ture until thoroughly soaked.
Harden: Heat to 1,600° F (871° C) and soak at heat for 30 min-
utes/in. (1.2 minutes/mm) of thickness.
Quench: Oil quench to 150° F (66° C). Temper immediately.
Temper: Normally, oil-hardening steels need be single tempered
only. However, double tempering may sometimes be preferred. Soak
at heat for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thickness for each tem-
per. Air cool to room temperature between tempers. The normal
tempering range for S5 is 400–650° F (204–343° C).
°F (°C) HRC
As quenched 63–64
400 (204) 60–62
500 (260) 60–61
600 (316) 59–60
700 (371) 57–58
800 (427) 52–53
900 (482) 50–51
1,000 (538) 48–49
1,100 (593) 46–47
1,200 (649) 40–41
Specimens 0.75 in. (19.1 mm) in diameter were oil quenched from 1,600° F
(871° C).
Composition: C 0.50%, Si 0.25%, Mn 0.70%, Cr 3.25%, Mo
Description: S7 is a shock-resisting tool steel with excellent
impact properties. Because S7 is an air-hardening steel, it is safe
and stable in heat treatment. Its most important characteristic is
its versatility. S7 is used widely for medium cold-work tools and
dies, plastic-molding dies, shear blades, medium hot-work dies,
master hobs, and component parts of many products.
Machinability: When properly annealed, S7 has a machin-
ability rating of 70 compared to a 1% carbon steel rated at 100.
Dimensional stability: When air quenched from the proper
hardening temperature, S7 can be expected to expand approxi-
mately 0.001 in./in. (0.001 mm/mm). Note that distortion (bend-
ing, bowing, or twisting) and part geometry can add to the
variations in movement of a part being hardened.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, S7 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt furnace
Anneal: Heat to 1,550° F (843° C) and soak for 1.5 hr/in. (3.5
minutes/mm) of thickness. Cool 25° F (14° C) per hour to 900° F
(482° C). Air cool to room temperature. The approximate annealed
hardness is 230 HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to 1,250°
F (677° C). Soak for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thickness at
heat. Slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room temperature.
Preheat: Heat to 1,250° F (677° C) and hold at this tempera-
ture until thoroughly soaked.
Harden: Heat to 1,725–1,750° F (941–954° C) and soak at heat
for 45–60 minutes/in. (1.8–2.4 minutes/mm) of thickness. Sizes
under 1 in. (25.4 mm) thick should be held for 45–60 minutes
°F (°C) HRC
As quenched 58–60
400 (204) 58
500 (260) 56
600 (316) 55
700 (371) 54
800 (427) 53
900 (482) 52
1,000 (538) 51
1,100 (593) 47
1,200 (649) 38
Specimens 1 in. (25.4 mm) in diameter and 3 in. (76.2 mm) long were air
hardened from 1,725° F (941° C).
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, W1 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt
furnace environment.
Anneal: Heat to 1,375–1,400° F (746–760° C) and soak until
uniformly heated, approximately 30 minutes/in. (1.2 minutes/mm).
Furnace cool 50° F (28° C) per hour to 975° F (524° C) and air cool
to room temperature. The approximate annealed hardness is 200
HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to 1,200–
1,250° F (649–677° C). Soak 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thick-
ness at heat. Soak and slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room
Preheat: Heat to 1,200° F (649° C) and hold at this tempera-
ture until thoroughly soaked.
Harden: Heat to 1,425–1,475° F (774–802° C). Soak at heat for
30 minutes/in. (1.2 minutes/mm) of thickness. Temperatures on
the higher side of this range will increase the depth of the case or
chill. Use the low end of the range for small sizes, and the higher
end of the range for larger sizes.
Quench: W1 may be water quenched, but brine quenching
is preferred. Water or brine quench to 150–200° F (66–93° C).
Oil quenching is sometimes used for light sections and where
maximum hardness is not required. Temper immediately after
Temper: Normally, water-hardening steels need to be single
tempered only. However, double tempering may sometimes be pre-
ferred. Soak at heat for 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of thickness for
each temper. Air cool to room temperature between tempers.
Thermal Cycling
To avoid decarburization, 420 should be annealed and/or hard-
ened in a controlled neutral atmosphere, vacuum, or neutral-salt
furnace environment.
Anneal: Heat to 1,650° F (899° C), soak, and uniformly heat
throughout. Cool slowly with furnace to 600° F (316° C), then air
cool to room temperature. The approximate annealed hardness is
230 HB (maximum).
Stress relief of unhardened material: Heat slowly to
1,200–1,250° F (649–677° C). Soak 2 hr/in. (4.7 minutes/mm) of
thickness at heat. Slow cool (furnace cool if possible) to room tem-
Bethlehem Steel Corp. October 1976. “Bearcat AISI S7 Bethlehem
Shock-resisting Tool Steel.” Folder 2412-B. Bethlehem, PA:
Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1977. “BTR AISI Type O1 Bethlehem Cold-work Tool Steel.”
Folder 2321-B. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1978a. “Lehigh H AISI Type D2 Bethlehem Cold-work Tool
Steel.” Folder 2323-B. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1978b. “Cromo-high V AISI Type H13 Bethlehem Hot-work
Tool Steel.” Folder 2133-C. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1978c. “AISI Type M2 High-speed Steel.” Folder 2484-B.
Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1978d. “Omega AISI Type S5 Bethlehem Shock-resisting
Tool Steel.” Folder 2151-E. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. 1978e. “Bethadur 420 AISI Type 420 Bethlehem Plastic-
molding Tool Steel.” Folder 3040-A. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem
Steel Corp.
——. 1981. “A-H5 AISI Type A2 Bethlehem Cold-work Tool Steel.”
Folder 2322-D. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp.
——. Undated. “Carbon AISI Type W1 Bethlehem Water-harden-
ing Tool Steel.” Booklet 2673. Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel
Teledyne Vasco. 1968. “High-speed Steels.” Latrobe, PA: Teledyne
Appendix B: Glossary
abrasion: The loss of surface material through rubbing, grind-
ing, or frictional wear.
abrasive wear: The cutting and scratching of the surface of a
metal when abrasive particles rub against it or between two
Ac1: For irons and steels, the temperature at which austenite be-
gins to form on heating.
Ac3: The temperature at which transformation of ferrite to aus-
tenite is completed on heating.
adhesive wear: Surface damage most commonly in the form of
grooving caused by metal-to-metal contact (usually under heavy
compressive loads, high pressures, and/or with the development
of frictional heat). This type of metal-to-metal contact results
in welding and the breaking of these welds. When this happens
in a highly concentrated area, it is called galling and/or metal
age hardening: A process of aging that increases hardness and
strength (tensile properties), and ordinarily decreases ductil-
ity. Age hardening usually follows rapid cooling or cold work-
aging: The terms aging, age hardening, and precipitation hard-
ening are synonymous. They refer to a type of hardening and
bainite: A transformation product of austenite that forms at tem-
peratures lower than where fine pearlite is formed and tem-
peratures higher than where martensite is formed.
base metal: (1) The metal in highest proportion in an alloy. (2)
Workpiece metal that is not affected by a process like heat
camber: A bend in a plate or other product of a rolling mill that
results when one edge or side is longer than the other. Camber
in plates is often caused by rolls that are closer together at one
end than at the other, or by uneven temperatures in the slab.
In rails and structural shapes, the camber is the up or down
curvature, as distinguished from the sidewise curvature or
carbide: A particle formed by the combination of carbon with
one or more metallic elements. Chromium, molybdenum, tung-
sten, titanium, and vanadium are common carbide-forming el-
carbon steel: Steel that owes its properties chiefly to various
percentages of carbon without substantial amounts of other
alloying elements; also known as straight carbon steel, or plain
carbon steel. Steel is classified as carbon steel when no mini-
mum content or element other than carbon is specified or re-
quired to obtain a desired alloying effect; when the specified
minimum for copper does not exceed 0.40%; or when the fol-
lowing alloying elements are not exceeded: manganese 1.65%,
silicon 0.60%, or copper 0.60%.
carbonitriding: A process that implants carbon and nitrogen
into a steel’s surface by heating in a gaseous atmosphere con-
taining hydrocarbons and ammonia.
carburizing: A process that brings an austenitized ferrous ma-
terial into contact with a carbonaceous atmosphere or medium
of sufficient carbon potential to cause absorption of carbon at
the surface and create by diffusion a concentration gradient.
Hardening by quenching follows.
case: A surface layer of a ferrous alloy made harder than its inte-
rior or core.
case hardening: One or more processes for hardening steel in
which the outer portion or case is made substantially harder
than the inner portion or core. Most of the processes involve
enriching the surface layer with carbon and/or nitrogen, usu-
ally followed by quenching and tempering, or the selective hard-
ening of the surface layer by means of flame or induction
cast iron: Like steel, cast iron identifies a large family of ferrous
alloys, usually alloys of iron that contain 2% carbon and 1–3%
silicon. There are many different grades of cast irons contain-
ing magnesium, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, and copper.
cementite: A hard, brittle compound of iron and carbon (Fe3C)—
the major form in which carbon occurs in steel.
checks, heat checks: Numerous, very fine cracks at the surface
of a metal part. Causes may include abusive grinding, grinding
of an improperly tempered part, thermal fatigue from rapid
cyclic heating and cooling, etc.
chrome plating: An electrolytic deposit of a hard chromium layer
on the surface of tools and dies to improve abrasive wear, lu-
bricity, etc.
coated electrode: An arc-welding metal electrode lightly coated
with metal oxides and silicates for stabilizing the arc.
coating: The process of covering steel with another material,
primarily for wear and/or corrosion resistance.
coefficient of thermal expansion: The expected degree of ex-
pansion of a material per degree of temperature change, ex-
pressed as µin./in./°F (µm/mm/°C). Coefficient of expansion data
are applicable to specific temperature ranges for which the co-
efficient was developed.
coining: A stamping process used to sharpen or change an exist-
ing radius or profile, or to produce a well-defined imprint from
the die onto the workpiece.
combined carbon: The percentage of carbon in steel or cast iron
present other than as free carbon (graphite).
compressive strength: The maximum compressive stress that
a material is capable of withstanding under a squeezing or com-
pressive load.
cooling stresses: Residual stresses resulting from differential
cooling rates within a part being cooled.
core: The interior portion of a steel where a soft, ductile struc-
ture exists, as opposed to the outside case, which is harder.
corrosion: Gradual chemical or electromechanical attack on a
metal by atmosphere, moisture, or other agents.
coupling distance: The recommended distance between two
objects or forces (for example, the optimum distance between a
flame and the workpiece during the flame-hardening operation).
deburring: A method for removing sharp or raw metal edges by
rolling parts in a barrel with abrasives, or by filing, grinding, or
hammering them flat and smooth.
decarburization: Carbon depletion or loss from the surface of a
carbon-containing alloy. See oxidation.
deep freeze: The freezing of hardened tooling at approximately
–120° F (–84° C).
deformation: The amount a material permanently increases or
decreases in length under load.
dendrite: A tree-like branching crystal structure that forms when
a cast metal is allowed to slowly solidify.
deoxidizing: The removal of oxygen from molten metal.
deposition rate: The speed at which filler metal is added to a
weld joint, usually in terms of volume of metal deposited per
die sinking: Using a machining process to create a depressed
pattern or cavity in a forging die.
elastic limit: The maximum stress to which a material can be
subjected without permanent deformation.
elasticity: The ability of a material to return to its original shape
and dimensions after a deforming load has been removed.
electrical conductivity: A measure of a material’s ability to
conduct electrical current.
electrical resistance: The resistance of a material to the flow
of electrical current.
embrittlement: The loss of a metal’s ductility due to changes in
chemistry, increased hardness, and/or microstructural changes.
emery cloth: An abrasive cloth, available in a variety of grits,
used for grinding and polishing.
extrusion: A metal-forming process that forces a metal slug
through a die to produce a particular shape.
face-centered cubic: The crystal structure of austenite.
ferrite: Pure iron of body-centered-crystal structure. It is soft
and ductile.
filler metal: Metal added in the making of a brazed, soldered, or
welded joint.
fillet: The curvature at the intersection of two perpendicular sur-
finishing stone: An abrasive stone compound used to smooth
and/or polish the surface of a part.
firebox quality: Plates for pressure vessels capable of being ex-
posed to fire or heat as well as thermal and mechanical stresses.
flame hardening: Hardening by directing a hot flame onto the
surface of a ferrous alloy to heat it above the critical tempera-
ture (that is, into the austenitic temperature range) and then
rapidly cooling the surface to make it hard.
flux: A fusible, nonmetallic material that dissolves and prevents
further formation of metallic oxides, nitrides, or other undesir-
able inclusions within a weld.
forge welding: Joining two metals together by pressure (usu-
ally hammering) with the assistance of heat, but at tempera-
tures below melting.
forging: The hammering and/or pressing of a metal part.
fracture: The rough texture that appears on the surface of bro-
ken metal.
free carbon: The percentage of carbon that is not combined. It
exists in a metal as graphite.
free machining: The property that enables a steel to be ma-
chined more easily, it is a characteristic commonly imparted to
steel by sulfur, which acts as a chip breaker.
fusibility: The relative ease with which a metal melts.
fusion: The melting of metal to the liquid state, permitting two
contacting or neighboring surfaces to partially exchange their
contents, resulting in a thorough blending of the composition
after cooling.
fusion line: The junction between the metal that has been melted
during welding and the unmelted base metal.
galling: The abrasion, roughening, and surface welding of a
metal’s surface. Galling develops when two parts are rubbed
together with excessive friction.
galvanizing: The process of hot dipping or electrolytic deposi-
tion of a coating of zinc to finished cold-reduced sheet or fabri-
cated parts made from sheet/strip products.
grain: An individual crystal. Fine-grained steel structures that
result from heat treating are usually preferred to coarse-grained
graphitic carbon: Free, uncombined carbon in a metallic mate-
rial in the form of flakes or nodules.
gray cast iron: One of the four types of cast iron, it is the most
widely used, one of the least expensive, and has comparatively
less tensile strength than the other three types.
grinding cracks: Tight, shallow surface cracks that initiate per-
pendicular to the direction of grinding on the surface of a
workpiece. Grinding cracks are usually formed by the combi-
nation of residual stresses from heat treatment, excessive heat
from the grinding operation, and the grinding of hard, brittle
H-steels: Alloy steels with tightly controlled elemental composi-
tions specifically for development of hardenability within spe-
cific ranges.
hard crack: See underbead crack.
hardenability: The ability of a steel to harden in depth.
hardening: Any process that increases hardness.
hardness: (1) The resistance of a metal to plastic deformation,
usually by indentation. (2) The degree to which a metal will
resist cutting, abrasion, penetration, bending, and stretching.
impact strength: The amount of energy a metal can absorb with-
out fracturing under a high-velocity blow.
incipient melting: The beginning of and/or the early stages of
laminations: Splits and cracks that may open up during forging,
rolling, machining, or heat treatment.
lap: A surface defect appearing as a seam or deeply impressed
burr, caused by metal folding over during the forging or rolling
longitudinal grain flow: A grain-flow direction that runs par-
allel to the direction of rolling, drawing, or extrusion.
machine straightening: The straightening of material fre-
quently done after rolling and cooling at the steel mill by in-roll
straighteners or machine straighteners, or with special presses.
machining: In general, the removal of surface metal by means
of power-driven metal cutting machinery. More specifically, a
method of conditioning steel by machining away a surface.
natural aging: Precipitation hardening of an alloy at room tem-
nitriding: A process of surface hardening certain types of steels
by heating in ammonia gas at about 930–1,000° F (499–538° C),
with the increase in hardness the result of surface nitride for-
mation. Certain alloying constituents, principally aluminum,
greatly facilitate the hardening reaction. In general, the depth
of the case is less than with carburizing.
nonferrous: Metals or alloys that are relatively free of iron.
normalizing: A thermal treatment used on carbon and alloy steels
to improve structural uniformity, it is achieved by heating to a
suitable temperature above the transformation range and then
quenching in still air.
notch effect: A discontinuity in a part that tends to cause a con-
centration of stresses, thereby weakening the part.
notch toughness: The resistance of a metal to impact forces when
notches or similar irregularities are present.
oil hardening: A hardening process in which an alloy steel is
heated to or above the critical range, then quenched in oil.
orange peel: A pebble-grained (rough and pitted) surface that
may develop when too much pressure is applied to a metal dur-
ing polishing.
overheating: Heating a metal to a high temperature that causes
grain coarsening, incipient melting, and/or burning.
oxidation: The addition of oxygen to a compound. The exposure
to atmosphere sometimes results in oxidation of the exposed
surfaces, producing a stain or dislocation, an effect that increases
with temperature.
parent metal: The metal to be welded or otherwise worked upon;
also called the base metal.
quench cracking: The fracture of a metal during quenching from
an elevated temperature.
quench hardening: Hardening a ferrous alloy by quenching it
rapidly enough from a temperature within or above the trans-
formation range to form low-temperature transformation prod-
ucts or martensite.
radial crack: A crack originating in the weld fusion zone and
extending into the base metal, usually at right angles to the
line of fusion. This type of crack is due to the high stresses
involved in the cooling of a rigid structure.
recrystallization: A process whereby the distorted grain struc-
ture of cold-worked metals is replaced by a new, strain-free grain
structure during annealing above a specified minimum tem-
recrystallization temperature: The lowest temperature at
which the distorted grain structure of a cold-worked metal is
replaced by a new, strain-free grain structure during prolonged
red hardness: A material’s resistance to softening at elevated
residual stress: Stresses remaining in a material that is free of
external forces or thermal gradients. Residual stresses may be
present from machining, grinding, heat treating, etc.
Rockwell hardness: A standard method for measuring the hard-
ness of metals. The hardness is expressed as a number related
to the depth of penetration of a steel ball or diamond cone
(“braille”) upon application of a designated major weight load.
The penetration is automatically registered as a hardness num-
ber on a dial when the major load is removed. Scales for many
metallic materials range from HRA to HRG, but HRB and HRC
scales are most common for steels and irons.
roll forming: A sheet-metal forming operation involving rolls
that bend, flange, and form.
rolled edge: The edge a universal plate has when rolled by verti-
cal or horizontal rolls. On these plates, edge shearing is not
root crack: A weld crack originating in the root bead, which is
usually smaller and of higher carbon content than subsequent
scale: The layer of oxide that forms on the surface of steel heated
to high temperatures.
seam defect: A crack-like, longitudinal surface defect on a steel
bar resulting from a discontinuity that is closed during rolling
but not welded.
secondary hardening: The increase in hardness developed by
tempering high-alloy steels at temperatures above those at
which the original and lower hardnesses were achieved.
segregation: The highly concentrated distribution of alloying
elements, and/or impurities, which develops during the solidi-
fication of a steel ingot.
shear: To cut or break by applying forces parallel to the plane of
an object. Also, a cutting operation in which an object is cut
between a moving blade and a fixed edge, or by a pair of moving
blades that may be either flat or curved.
shear failure: Failure that develops when crystals slide past each
other under action of shear stresses.
shear strength: The ability of a steel to resist shear failure.
shear stress: Stress that develops when the crystals of an object
are forced to slide past each other, caused by the application of
forces parallel to its plane.
shot blasting: The cleaning of a metal surface by means of an
air blast, which uses metal shot as an abrasive.
slag: The nonmetallic product that forms on top of molten metal
from the mutual dissolution of flux and nonmetallic impurities
in smelting, steelmaking, refining operations, and welding.
When a bead of weld metal cools, the slag cap on the bead can
be readily chipped away.
slip: Plastic deformation occurring when rows of crystals slide
past each other.
soldering: Joining metals by fusion of filler metals that have rela-
tively low melting points. Most commonly, lead- or tin-base al-
loys are used as soft solders. Hard solders are alloys that have
teeming: Pouring of hot metal into ingot molds.
temper brittleness: A range of tempering temperatures, nor-
mally between 650 and 800° F (343 and 427° C), where steels
become more brittle, that is, they lose toughness or impact
strength upon tempering.
tempering: Heating a hardened steel to a temperature below its
transformation range for the purpose of reducing its hardness
and brittleness.
tensile strength: The point at which a metal will break or crack
when stretched, drawn, or pulled in the longitudinal direction.
thermal conductivity: The ability of a material to conduct or
transmit heat.
thermal expansion: The extent of increase in physical dimen-
sions due to an increase in a material’s temperature.
thermal fatigue: The development of surface cracks in a metal
from expansion and contraction, which takes place from rapid
heating and cooling.
thermal stresses: Stresses in metal resulting from nonuniform
distribution of temperature.
through hardening: A term to describe steels that harden com-
pletely so that the center of a hardened section exhibits the
same hardness as the surface.
toe crack: A crack originating at the junction between the face
of the weld and the base metal. It may be any one of three types:
(1) radial or stress crack, (2) underbead crack extending through
the hardened zone below the fusion line, or (3) crack resulting
from poor fusion between the deposited filler metal and the
base metal.
ultimate strength: The maximum conventional stress (tensile,
compressive, or shear) that a material can withstand without
ultrasonic testing: A nondestructive test employing high-fre-
quency sound to detect internal defects.
underbead crack: A crack in the heat-affected zone of a
weldment just under the weld bead.
unit cell: The smallest part into which an element can be di-
weld metal: A product of fusion, the metal fully melted by the
heat of welding.
white cast iron: One of the four categories of cast iron. It is
comparatively hard and brittle.
work hardening: Same as strain hardening.
workability: The ease with which a metal may be formed.
worm holing: The forming of an irregular cavity as a result of
internal shrinkage during solidification of a cast material. If
the casting is broken open, the cavity can readily be seen by the
naked eye.
wrought: Metals hot worked by hammering or rolling.
wrought iron: A commercial form of iron that is tough, mal-
leable, relatively soft, and contains less than 0.03% carbon.
yield strength: The point at which an increase in deformation
occurs without an increase in load.
American Society for Metals. 1948. Metals Handbook, 1948 Edi-
tion. Cleveland, OH: American Society for Metals, pp. 1–16.
ASM International. 1998. Metals Handbook, Desk Edition. Mate-
rials Park, OH: ASM International, pp. 4–63.
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 1980. Modern Steels and Their Properties.
Bethlehem, PA: Bethlehem Steel Corp., pp. 61–73, 191–198.
Iron Age. Undated. Handbook of Terms Commonly Used in the
Steel and Nonferrous Industries. Philadelphia, PA: Chilton.
abrasive wear, 50 (Figures 4-7 carbides, 47 (Table 4-3)
and 4-8) carbon
advancements, 208 terms, 45 (Table 4-1)
air quenching, 176 tool steel, 72
aircraft-quality steel, 30 carbonitriding, 207
AISI and SAE steel classifica- carburizing, 206
tion system, 71-72 (Table 5-2) cast-to-shape versus wrought
allotropic, 45 tool steels, 24
alloy segregation, 40 centerline inclusions and
alloying elements, 43, 80 porosity, 19 (Figure 2-8)
annealing, 163, 165 (Table 8-4) Charpy bar, 52-53 (Table 4-4,
argon-oxygen decarburization, Figures 4-9 and 4-10)
15 chemical
atomizing molten metal or analyses of steel, 81 (Table 5-4)
alloys, 20 (Figure 2-9) vapor deposition (CVD), 209,
austenite (retained), 63 213
austenitizing soak cycles, 172 chip, 1, 113-114 (Figures 7-1, 7-2,
(Table 8-8) and 7-3), 124 (Figure 7-13)
chrome plating, 207
color coding for steel types, 70
B (Table 5-1)
banding, 40 compressive strength, 37
breakage or fracture, 39, 124 conduction coefficient, 54
Brinell hardness testing, 196- (Table 4-5)
197 (Figure 9-3) cracked
brittle fracture, 39 die plate, 128 (Figure 7-17)
brittleness, 37 fixtures, 97 (Figure 6-4), 105
built-up edge, 125 (Figure 7-15) (Figure 6-14)
high-speed mechanical
steel, 48 (Figure 4-4), 222, 224 etching, 213
steel milling cutters (cracked), fatigue cracking, 123 (Figure
4 (Figure 1-1) 7-12)
tool steel, 74 properties, 35
hot working, 7, 21, 74 metal powder, 20 (Figure 2-9)
hydrogen embrittlement, 39 micro-plasma deposition, 213
mixing shaft, 14 (Figure 2-5)
I modulus of elasticity, 36
incipient melting, 61
inclusions, 13 (Figure 2-4), 19 N
(Figure 2-7), 35 (Figure 3-2) normalizing, 164, 166 (Table 8-5)
ingot solidification, 12 (Figure notch
2-3) effect, 38
insert breakage or fracture, 124 toughness, 38
(Figure 7-14) wear, 120-121 (Figure 7-8)
integral vacuum-furnace
quenching, 176 O
ion, 211-212
O1 tool steel, 226
iron-smelting furnace (Egyptian),
oil quenching, 175
8 (Figure 2-1)
orange peel, 65
ISO 9000 quality system, 27
peening, 141
labor, 3
photomicrograph, 41(Figure 4-1),
lamellar pearlitic microstructure,
131 (Figure 7-19)
116 (Figure 7-4)
physical-vapor deposition (PVD),
M pitting, 65, 135 (Figure 7-23)
M2 high-speed steel, 222 plasma
M4 high-speed steel, 224 -assisted (CVD), 213
machinability , 109 source ion implantation (PSII),
material composition, 109, 211
111-112, 115 plastic
of alloy and tool steels, 118 deformation, 122 (Figure 7-10)
(Table 7-1) injection mold cracked tip, 99
prior processing, 110 (Figure 6-6)
ratings, 117 molding tool steel, 75, 86-87
machining, 2, 109, 115 (Tables 5-9 and 5-10)
martensitic stainless steel (420), porosity and inclusions, 13
232 (Figure 2-4), 19 (Figures 2-7
material data, 217 and 2-8), 35 (Figure 3-2)
yield point, 35
yield strength, 35