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Special Issue
ISSN 1112-9867
P. Yu. Michelle
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P. Yu. Michelle et al. J Fundam Appl Sci. 2018, 10(3S), 126-141 127
Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is one of the comprehensive e-marketing strategy which
transfer new ideas up to one’s ears in numerous means such as; discussions, influential
stories, interchanges, and common involvements of products and services through the use of
electronic devices. These electronic devices such as radio, television, computer sets,
cellphones, tablets and etc., opened the means of spreading the knowledge and information
through social media sites and websites and its influence remained in anticipation of learning
another story of experience, hence, electronic word of mouth helps consumers to identify
about what is new, top and what is modern and is rightful to purchase a certain product or
Word of mouth is an imperative foundation of information to consumers. Literature in
marketing has defined word of mouth, or "between –customer communication" as a credible
driver of consumer decision making (Chevalier and Maysilin, 2004,).
Its counterpart in the cyberspace known as eWOM that applied on person-to-person
exchanges that occurred on the internet. Electronic word of mouth could be positive or
negative. The consumers who were contented will continue acquiring the product, and
informing other consumers about these particular worthy products, while consumers who
were not pleased will evoke only weaknesses of the product and they will convey to others
about these downsides (Richins, 2009).
At hand is an extensive body of literature of marketing, which discussed the word of
mouth as an operative marketing tool. (Sernovitz, et. al. 2009) Authors stressed out that
individuals love to talk about products they have purchased, and services they have used,
likewise they converse about the manufacturer of these products, and the supplier of
these services.
Similarly, some people were delighted, because of the purchase of a particular product,
conversely, some of them offer recommendations to others not to even think of purchasing a
product. To that point, the electronic word of mouth marketing is approximately making that
honest, direct, open and virtuous discussions. Other researchers have deliberated word of
mouth as a strategic accomplishment for organizations (Lake, 2009).
There are many factors of eWOM that can influence the purchase decision and have been
studied previously; however, only the following factors are considered in this study:
consumer reviews, characteristics of the reviewer, characteristics of the website presented the
reviews, interpersonal influence, product review characteristics and environment influence.
P. Yu. Michelle et al. J Fundam Appl Sci. 2018, 10(3S), 126-141 128
The study is anchored on the different researches and studies related to the factors focused.
There were prior studies settled that consumers accredit more importance to approvals
by fellow consumers than to endorsements by professional reviewers. According to these
studies, consumers identify fellow consumers’ opinions to be less biased. They likewise
discover fellow consumers’ involvements easier to recount to (Bickart and Schindler,
2001). Similarly, several experiential studies (Dellarocas et al., 2006; Houser and Wooders,
2006; Menlik and Alm, 2002) demonstrate that buyers extremely contemplate online
criticisms when making purchasing decisions.
Additionally, Goldenberg, et. al. (2001) revealed a consumer’s decision-making process is
strongly influenced by eWOM. On the other hand, some earlier studies conveyed that online
user generated reviews are alleged as having inferior reliability than traditional WOM
due to lack of base indications on the Internet (Smith et al.,2005). For this cause, the
influence of online consumer reviews require more assessments in diverse circumstances.
Electronic word of mouth plays vital part in influencing consumers in positive or
negative ways. (Almana, 2013) detailed that online remarks and criticisms are essential
factors in creating purchase decision. The ratings and characteristics of reviews are
important factors which influence to consumers’ purchase decision. Consumers are
progressively using social media channel in their purchase decisions. (Meuter, McCabe, &
Curran, 2013) discovered the influence of interpersonal word of mouth and various
form of electronic word of mouth.
Word of mouth is believed to have more influence on behavioral intentions, trust in
WOM and attitude toward business compared to all electronic word mouth channels.
Electronic word of mouth on independent source such as Facebook was found more
influential compared to company controlled sources of electronic word of mouth such
as customer testimonials on a firm website.(Nasirrudin and Hashim, 2015)
The extensive distribution of eWOM communications and the extraordinary level of
recognition by consumers recommend that eWOM utilizes substantial influence on consumer
buying and communication behavior, and, accordingly, on the achievement of products sale in
the market (Sussman and Siegal, 2003).
In China, this is a vast transformation about internet shopping in the minds of their
customers, hence, online firms should think about eWOM intensely to generate the profit in
this new era (Wang,, 2011).. Customer-to-customer know-how exchange, a specific
form of eWOM, has a direct relationship with dependability intents, as well as an indirect
relationship facilitated through the general value of the firm's offering. (Gruen, 2006). In
P. Yu. Michelle et al. J Fundam Appl Sci. 2018, 10(3S), 126-141 129
addition, as the market of Internet shopping growing up recently, eWOM takes a much more
important role around the value chain of China’s Internet shopping. (Wang,, 2011).
Overall, consumers discover it essential to get the opinions of others while (or before) making
purchase decisions. They converse and deliberate their purchase intentions with family
members, relatives, friends, and on the Internet (Wang, 2011).
As a result, receivers are most likely influenced in their decision-making because they
cooperate and connect with others. There are also research activities that investigated this
process of interpersonal influence in the traditional context address, among other things,
reference group influence (Bearden,, 1989) and the effects of eWOM (Brown,,
EWOM has been established to be an effective marketing tool by researchers (Bickart and
Schindler, 2001; Kumar and Benbasat, 2006; Zhang et al., 2010). The Internet offers
numerous applicable platforms for eWOM such as shopping websites, discussion forums,
consumer review websites, blogs and recently social media websites (Cheung and Thadani,
Beforehand, the effects of eWOM on shopping websites (Li and Zhan, 2011; Park et al.,
2007), discussion forums (Chiou and Cheng, 2003; Huang and Chen, 2006), consumer review
websites (Cheung et al., 2008; Gauri et al., 2008) blogs (Chu and Kamal, 2008; Lin et al.,
2012), have been studied by researchers. Also, these media have been associated in terms of
their impacts on consumers’ purchase intentions (Lee and Youn, 2009). Moreover, factors of
eWOM concentrated on this study was provided not as much of attention.
This study will focus on the degree of influence of the six factors of electronic word of mouth
in guiding the purchase intention of Surigao del Sur State University college students on
purchasing products or services.
Male 83 25%
Table 1 showed that out of 337 respondents, 83 were male students and 254 were female
students. Among the college students, most enrolled were female.
Table 2 showed that the ages ranging from 21-30 years has the least number of respondents
and the youngest range of below 20 years old has the most number of respondents. Usually,
the students in college range from the youngest range because individuals who went to first
year in college started with 16-17 years of age and least were those who went to college at the
middle age because at that point, mostly, they have already finished their college degrees.
P. Yu. Michelle et al. J Fundam Appl Sci. 2018, 10(3S), 126-141 131
Table 3 revealed that majority of the respondents were single because at an early age, in their
culture, they were encouraged by their families to finish first their studies before getting
married to give more emphasis and concentration with their ambitions in life in the future.
Married 6 2%
Table 4 showed the respondents’ consumer purchase intention were influenced by eWom
consumer reviews factors. They settled that reviews presented were helpful for their buying
decision making and were considered all the time. In entirety, indicators in the consumer
review factors were well-thought-out all the time.
P. Yu. Michelle et al. J Fundam Appl Sci. 2018, 10(3S), 126-141 132
1. The reviews
presented on the
website are 3.36 all the time
helpful for my
2. The
consistency of 3.15 most of the
reviews time
presented on the
website affect
my purchase
3. The positive
reviews of the 3.48 all the time
product make
me confident in
purchasing the
4. Negative
reviews affect 3.23 most of the
my purchasing time
5. The recency
of the review is 3.29 all the time
important to me.
6. High ratings
of the product 3.34 all the time
P. Yu. Michelle et al. J Fundam Appl Sci. 2018, 10(3S), 126-141 133
affect my
7. I worry if I
don’t read the 3.27 all the time
reviews before
buying a
product online.
FACTOR 3.30 all the time
Table 5 revealed the degree of the characteristics of the reviewer influence the purchase
intention of the consumers. It exhibited that the rating of usefulness of the review was
considered most of the time but the reviewers gender was sometimes considered in the buying
decision of the consumer.
affects my time
buying decision.
4. The
reviewer’s 2.79 most of the
residence or time
location affect
my purchase
5. The
reviewer’s 2.43 sometimes
gender affects considered
my buying
FACTOR 2.73 most of the
Results also discovered the influence of characteristics of the website presented the reviews
affects the purchase intention of the consumers. It disclosed that the popularity of the website
that present the reviews was taken most of the time in purchasing decision but even though
the internationality of the website that present the reviews was reflected as well thought of
most of the time, yet it gathered the least consideration among the indicators of this particular
factor of eWOM.
Additionally, the product review characteristics factor influenced consumers most of the time
on their purchase intention. They were specific on the spelling and grammar mistakes on
product reviews which affects their decision all the time. In contrary, independent blogs on
product reviews was never considered at all before buying a product or service.
P. Yu. Michelle et al. J Fundam Appl Sci. 2018, 10(3S), 126-141 135
Furthermore, table 6 results revealed the environment influence factor and it influence
consumers most of the time. Respondents deliberated that product reviews on Facebook
affects them most of the time. But yet, they reflected that they were precise on what social
media sites the reviews are presented.
Table 7 indicated how interpersonal influence affects the consumer purchase intention. It
specified that consumers feel more comfortable all the time on buying something when they
learned other’s judgement on it over the internet. Likewise, seeking advice from their friends
regarding online purchase was reflected all the time.
other people’s
opinions on it
over the internet.
Table 8 disclosed the degree of influence the factors of eWOM affects the purchase intention
of the consumers. Consumer reviews gathered the highest contemplation and carefully well
thought of all the time. On the other hand, the rest of the factors were pondered most of the
time before the buying decision.
The reviewer and product review characteristics garnered the least weighted mean but yet
acquired most of the time consideration. Commonly, grand mean illustrated that all of these
factors were considered most of the time by the college students of Surigao del Sur State
University on their purchase intention.
With the rapid globalization and evolution of web nowadays, the importance of electronic
word of mouth in e-marketing known to be the online exchange of opinions and online
communication plays a vital role. This has become increasing source of information for
consumers to aid them in their purchasing intention thus, influence their buying decisions.
Business organizations should be aware of this occurrence because of its widespread and
effects. The study unveiled the consumers’’ behavior towards the factors of electronic word of
mouth, the order of consideration among these factors including how they were affected as to
their purchase intention and indeed, consumers most of the time considered the six factors
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