Killer On The Campground

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For the Actors

It’s the annual get together with your

friends. But will you live to see next
Stay alive. Find a way out!
Inspired by games from Grant Howitt

1. Character Creation 2. Stats

Roll 3 six-sided dice to determine your descriptor, You have two stats. Each starts with 3 points.
character/skill, and your motivation.
Survival - used to roll for any life threatening
situation or action taken to preserve your life
Descriptor Character (Skill) Angst - used to roll for anything not survival
1. Paranoid 1. Omar/Nina (Crafty) related
2. Athletic 2. Luis/Hana (Aware)
3. Scholarly 3. Angel/Ali (Escape Artist)
3. Actions
6. Promiscuous 6. Alex/Jesse (Seductive) When you do
something, let the die
decide the outcome.
Motivation Roll a die, if it’s
1. Party 4. Connect w/ Friends equal to or less than
2. Read Book in Peace 5. Explore the stat you’re rolling
3. Get Wasted
 6. Get “Alone Time” for you succeed! If
it’s over you fail!
If you’re using your
The idea is to survive while also playing to as many character’s skill or
horror tropes as you can! use your motivation and something related to
your character’s descriptor to help you make your motivation, roll 2
decisions. dice. Take the lower.

4. Surviving

Death Wish - When you fail a Survive roll, move

one point from Survival into Angst. When you
succeed do the opposite.
Will to Live - When you fail an Angst roll, move
one point from Angst into Survival. When you
succeed do the opposite.
If you reach 6 points in either stat, you've reached
the end by one way or another. Reaching 6 in death
wish results in your death! A 6 in will to live causes
you to sacrifice or betray your friends in some way
that results in your survival but their death! GAME BY Susi & Julio IBARRA © 2018
For the director
It’s the annual get together with your
friends. But will you live to see next
Stay alive. Find a way out!
Inspired by games from Grant Howitt


Roll a six-sided die on each of these tables to determine your setting and what situation your players are
dealing with.

Location Killer Killer’s Motive Killing Method

1. Cabin in the Woods 1. Demon 1. For revenge 1. Teeth/claws
2. Desert Camping Trip 2. Cryptid 2. For food 2. Weapon
3. Urban Exploration 3. Psychotic Local 3. For fun 3. Traps
4. Beach House 4. Undead Slasher 4. For sacrifice 4. Psychological
5. Ski Lodge 5. Home Invader 5. Out of jealousy 5. Bare Hands
6. Travel Abroad 6. Alien 6. For dissection 6. Ritual

The Way Out

1. Find all the pieces - there’s some sort of puzzle here, find the pieces, pages, charms, etc.
2. Restore the power - the power’s out, find a way to turn it back on
3. Fix your transportation - your only way out is to fix what’s taking you there, repair the truck, boat, etc.
4. Understand killer - the killer’s motive isn’t to kill you, find what it is they want to stop them
5. Call for help - communication can be sketchy, find a way to send an s.o.s.
6. Find your inner power - there’s something within one of you that you must awaken, figure out what it is GAME BY Susi & Julio IBARRA © 2018

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