Social Networking & Online Platforms
Social Networking & Online Platforms
Social Networking & Online Platforms
Social networking is the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected
with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can have a social
purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
and Instagram, among others. Social networking has become a significant base for
marketers seeking to engage customers.
Social networking sites are not only for you to communicate or interact with other people
globally but, this is also one effective way for business promotion. A lot of business
minded people these days are now doing business online and use these social
networking sites to respond to customer queries. It isn't just a social media site used to
socialize with your friends but also, represents a huge pool of information from day to day
Special programs called applets that can be downloaded from the internet and played
safely within a web browser. Java a supports this application and the follow features make
it one of the best programming languages.
While some social networks are completely free, others might offer a premium
option to its users in an attempt to earn some money. LinkedIn, for example, has a
premium package for job seekers. All of your networking options are free with LinkedIn,
but if you want special privileges you have to sign up for one of their premium options.
v. Games/Apps:
Remember Candy Crush Saga, Criminal Case, Fruit Break and all those games
where you get hundreds of notifications? People complained but still it never worked out.
Because Facebook is renting their space. No, these games aren’t originally from
Facebook. They just took a host there and paying a lot. They happily pay because, hey,
everyone uses Facebook.
Disadvantages: -
User data and privacy can easily be hacked and shared on the Internet.
Which can make financial loss and loss to user life.
Similarly, user theft is another issue that can give financial loss to any-one
by hacking their personal account. Several user twitter and Facebook
account have been hack in the past and the hacker had posted material that
have affect the individual’s or user lives.
The excess usage of social media can also have a negative impact on the
health. Since exercise is the key to lose weight.
Most of the people get lazy because of the excessive use of social
networking sites which in result bring dis-order in the user routine life.
Social media can easily ruin someone’s reputation just by creating a fake
story and spread-in ac-ross the social media.
Similar businesses can also suffer loss due to bad reputation being convey
over the social media.
The addictive part of the social media is very bad and can disturb user live
as well. The teen-agers are the most affect by the addiction of the social
They get involved very extensive and are eventual cut-off from the societies.
Use of social network may expose user to other form of harassment or even
in-appropriate contact. This can be especial true for teen and younger
Short List of World-Wide Social Networking Site:
General Purpose Social Networks
1) Snapfish is a photo sharing social network where the members can benefit
from unlimited storage space for their photos. The site has tens of millions
of members.
2) Flickr is a photo and video sharing social network that supports tens of
millions of members and over 10 billion photos.
3) Shutterfly (New) is a photo sharing site that allows its 2 million members to
use the photos to create personalized gifts, such as mugs and t-shirts.
Lifestyle Networks
Travel Networks
1) Wayn is a travel network that connects like-minded people and also helps
them discover where to go. The site has over 20 million users.
2) CouchSurfing provides a platform for members to stay as a guest at
someone’s home, host travelers, meet other members, or join an event. The
site has roughly 15 million members.
3) TravBuddy specializes in finding a travel companion. The site has about
half a million members.
Gaming Networks
Video Networks
1) YouTube is the world’s leading video sharing network that enables its users
to upload, view, and share videos. It serves billions of videos daily.
2) FunnyOrDie is a comedy video network that allows users to upload, share,
and rate videos. The videos often feature celebrities. The network has
hundreds of millions of viewers.
3) Tout is a video network that helps businesses grow online video revenue
and drive deeper engagement with viewers. It has 85 million unique monthly
Reunion Networks
1) Classmates connects people with their high school friends in the U.S. and
also allows for the uploading of high school yearbooks. Members can also
plan their high school reunions.
2) MyHeritage is an online genealogy network that enables users to create
family trees, upload and browse photos, and search billions of global
historical records. The site has 80 million users worldwide.
Business Networks
Blogging Related
In the early days of the web, in 1994 and 1995, several people were working on
enabling email to be accessed on a web browser. In Europe, Soren Vejrum and Luca
Manunza released their "WWW Mail" and "WebMail" applications, whereas in the United
States, Matt Mankins wrote "Webex".
The term Webmail (or Web-based e-mail) is used to describe two things.
Disadvantages: -
Similarly, user theft is another issue that can give financial loss to any-one by hacking
their personal account. Several user twitter and Facebook account have been hack in the
past and the hacker had posted material that have affect the individual’s or user lives.
This is one of the dangerous dis-advantage of the social media and every user is
advice to keep their personal or user data and account safe to avoid such accident.
The excess usage of social media can also have a negative impact on the health. Since
exercise is the key to lose weight.
Most of the people get lazy because of the excessive use of social networking sites
which in result bring dis-order in the user routine life.
Social media can easily ruin someone’s reputation just by creating a fake story and
spread-in ac-ross the social media.
Similar businesses can also suffer loss due to bad reputation being convey over the
social media.
They get involved very extensive and are eventual cut-off from the societies.
It can also waste user time that could have been utilize by productive task and activity.
Use of social network may expose user to other form of harassment or even in-
appropriate contact. This can be especial true for teen and younger children.
So parent should filter the Web content their family view, children should not be
exposed to inappropriate content