Leaaon Plan Two

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: sentences building

Trainee: khlood Topic or Theme:

Class: grade 3 Date & Duration: 2019

Trainee Personal Goals

What Let students understand how to building sentences.

I am working on:

Why Write a sentences.

Lesson Focus

Write a full sentences.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

Learn to write a sentences.

Links to Prior Learning

Full sentences.

21st Century Skills: what skills will do?

Students will be writing skills by writing sentences by using the worksheet with picture to help them to
write a full sentences.I will use the smart board in the order to explain the lesson.

Key vocabulary

Write a sentences.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Student may not know how to write a full Differentiate the activities for a students and give them
sentencse. more practice.
Resources/equipment needed

Laptop, , worksheet.

& Time
KWL Students will: Teacher will:
Chat with hull class about Ask students to tell me about the class
All the class room rules. room rules and will read all the rules
beginning &for together and explain to all students.
5 minutes.

Main activities
& Time
At the middle of Students will: Teacher will:
the class for 15 Listen to me when I explain the lesson.
minutes. Use the word document in order to explain
how to write sentences. Then I will let
them come in the board to write.

Differentiation activities (Support)

Create three different activities based on the student’s level (high level, low level, middle level).

Differentiation activities (Stretch) holly class

1-writing sentences.

(different activities for all levels)

& Time Plenary/Conclusion
Activity Students will Teacher will

for 15 minutes Work alone and answer questions and Give students different worksheet for
help each other each students. Help each other.

Homework Students will write five sentences.

Assessment I took the paper of the activity and correct it.


☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



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