Allprob 08 N 2
Allprob 08 N 2
Allprob 08 N 2
1) An image has the gray level Probability Distribution Function (PDF - or gray level his-
Problems togram normalised by number of pixels) of Pr (r) shown below left.
Pr(r) Pz(z)
2 2
r z
1 1
a) Find the pixel transformation y = g(r) such that after transformation the image has a flat
PDF, i.e. which accomplishes histogram equalisation. Assume continuous variables r,y.
b) It is desired to find a transformation z = f (r) such that the transformed image will
have the PDF of Pz (z) shown above right. Assume continuous quantities and determine the
transformation function z = f (r).
2) a) Two images have the same histogram. Which of the following properties must they
have in common? (i) Same total power (sum of squares of pixel values) (ii) Same Entropy
(sum of I ln I over all pixel values) (iii) Same degree of pixel to pixel correlation?
b) Do histogram equalisation on the following image which has 8 discrete pixel levels (0 - 7),
transforming it into a histogram equalised image also with 8 discrete grey levels in the range
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 2 5 5 5 5 2 0
0 3 2 6 7 2 3 0
0 3 3 2 2 3 3 0
0 2 3 2 2 3 3 0
0 3 2 4 4 2 4 0
0 2 6 4 4 4 2 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2
3) a) Match the images (1-6) shown in the figure below with their pixel histograms (A-F). b) Histogram equalisation is applied to the coin image below (A) and the result is the image
(B). Why does the image look so bad, with few details visible on the coin?
c) A different algorithm is applied to (A) and produces the image (C) which enhances both
the background and the coin. Describe in detail how would write such an algorithm. (Hint:
Use the image histogram to select parts of the image on and off the coin).
600 200
800 150
400 200
0 0 0
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
200 250
200 150
0 0 0
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
Fig 1. Images and their Histograms Note that histogram A has a large spike at x=0.
3 4
4) Consider the Image ’I’ below and the filters ’F’ and ’L’ B) FOURIER TRANSFORM PROBLEMS
’I’ ’F’ ’L’ 1) For an image given by the function f (x, y) = (x + y)3 where x,y are continuous variables;
evaluate f (x, y)δ(x − 1, y − 2) and f (x, y) ∗ δ(x − 1, y − 2), where δ is the Dirac Delta function.
1 1 1 1/8 1
1 8 1 1/8 1/2 1/8 1 -4 1 2) For the optical imaging system shown below, consisting of an image scaling and two forward
Fourier transforms show that the output image is a scaled and inverted replica of the original
1 1 1 1/8 1 image f(x,y).
a) Correlate the image ’I’ with the filter ’F’ above and compute the output image (assume f(x,y) f(ax,by) g(x,y)
Scaling F F
’same’ correlation with zeros outside the input image and round down the output pixel values
to the nearest integer)
b) Apply a 3 by 3 median filter to the same image ’I’ to produce an 3 by 3 output image,
again assume zeros outside of the image. 3) Three binary images (with value 1 on black areas and value 0 elsewhere) are shown below.
Sketch the continuous 2D FT of these images (don’t do this mathematically, try to use instead
c) The result in part b demonstrates one general advantage and one general disadvantage of
the convolution theorem and knowledge of FTs of common functions).
the median filter as compared to the mean filter.
d) Show that correlating the Laplace operator ’L’ with the image ’I’ is equivalent (except for
a proportional factor) to locally subtracting a five point local mean from each original value
of the image.
4) A real 1D function f(x) can be decomposed as the sum of an even (symmetric through the
origin) function and an odd function (antisymmetric through origin).
a) Show that feven = 0.5[f (x) + f (−x)] and fodd = 0.5[f (x) + f (−x)].
5 6
5) Consider the images shown below (A to H). Using knowledge of symmetry properties and 6) If a continuous image is Nyquist sampled the discrete version contains all information about
the convolution theorem (not exact calculation of the Fourier integrals), list which images or the original image, such that the original continuous image can be reconstructed perfectly by
image which have Fourier transforms, F(u,v) with the following properties. low pass imaging. On the other hand if the sampling is not sufficiently dense aliasing occurs
and when we attempt to reconstruct we can obtain a completely different continuous image.
i) The imaginary part of F(u,v) is zero at all u,v The following problem illustrated these points.
iii) F(0,0) = 0 Consider an input image given by the two dimensional function
v) The real part of F(u,v) is zero at all u,v which is sampled on an infinite grid of pixels with separation ∆x = 0.1 and ∆y = 0.2, in
the x and y directions respectively. Note that this is less dense than required by Nyquist
sampling. Consider that we anyway try to reconstruct the original continuous image from the
above sampled version. To do this we form the continuous FT of the sampled image; multiply
y y y by an ideal low pass spatial filter with cutoff frequencies at half the sampling frequency in
A B each spatial frequency axis and then inverse Fourier transform. Show in your answer what is
obtained at each step in the above process, specifically;
+1 x x x
+1 +1
a) Draw with labelled axes the Fourier transform of the sampled image (Hint 1; make use
of the 2D sampling function (’bed of nails’) and the convolution theorem. Hint 2; the FT of
exp(−2πi(Ax + By)) is δ(u − A, v − B), i.e. a Dirac delta function in the Fourier domain
y y y centred on the position u = A and v = B.
b) Give the Fourier transform after it has been low-pass filtered.
+1 x +1 -1 x x
c) Show that the reconstructed continuous image is given by the mathematical function
2cos[2π(4x + y)].
y y
G H d) In order to reconstruct without distortion the original image from sampled data what is
Delta Function -1 +1
the maximum sizes of ∆x and ∆y that can be used and the size of the low pass filter?
00 x
x 01
Notes Unless otherwise stated the shaded regions have value +1 and outside the shapes the
value is 0. Image B - is the convolution of A with itself. Images E and H have regions of
negative intensity. Image G is a delta function of unit area at x = xxo .
7 8
7) a) Determine the linear discrete convolution of x(m,n) below with each of the sampled 8) Below are shown a series of images (1-6) and the log amplitudes of their Discrete Fourier
images A, B. For each cases take the origin as the element in the top left corner. Assume transforms (A-F). Match the correct transform to each image. Give a one sentence reason for
that outside each image pixel values are zero and compute the ’full’ linear convolution (do each match. Note the DFT of image 1 is hard to match so concentrate on the other images
the convolutions with pen and paper but check with MATLAB using command ’conv2’). first.
1 4 1 -2 1 2 3
2 5 3 3 1 0 0
1 -
Image 4 Image 5 Image 6
b) Form also the cross-correlation of x(m,n) and A(m,n), check your result using the MATLAB
command ’filter2’.
c) Form also the circular convolution of x(m,n) and B(m,n). Do this with pen and paper FT Log Amp A FT Log Amp B FT Log Amp C
but check your result using MATLAB by doing the DFT of the two input functions (with
the fft2) commands, multiplying the results element-wise (using .* in MATLAB) and inverse
DFT back (using ifft2). The output results should be completely real but in MATLAB you
may have to remove small imaginary values from computer rounding errors using the ’real’
9 10
1a) Make a sketch of the Modulation Transform Function of the human vision system; that 60
is a plot of the contrast sensitivity versus spatial frequency (spatial frequency filter shape).
b) The figure below illustrates the Mach band effect. Describe what the Mach band effect is (db) 40
and how it is explained in terms of the human MTF.
0.5 1 5 10 50
Spatial frequency, cycles/degree
Consider a 1024x1024 pixel image on a computer screen with very high resolution of 100
pixels/cm. Assume that a viewer sits 30cm away from the screen. This image has been sent
in a compressed form by not transmitting the high spatial frequencies not perceived by the
brain. Show that an image can be compressed by this means by a factor of approximately 2
before there is a perceived reduction in quality.
c) A magazine wishes to publish the above figure so that each gray band appears to the
reader to have uniform brightness. Describe how you would process the raw image above to b) In very bright light the spatial resolution of the eye is slightly less and and the amount of
achieve this effect. compression possible slightly higher, why is this?
3) Draw a sketch of the CIE Chromaticity diagram with chromacity coordinates are x =
X/(X + Y + Z) and y = Y /(X + Y + Z). Indicate the following regions;
2) a) The figure on the next page shows how ’Lateral Inhibition’ and other properties of the i) The curved line occupied by the colour perceived when single wavelength light from a
eye effects the spatial frequencies that are passed onto the brain. Beyond 20 cycles/degree prism is shone into the eye.
there is a sharp cutoff, so that the information passed to the brain is effectively band-limited. ii) The ’Line of purples’, where purple colours lie.
This property is used by some image compression algorithms to allow significant compression iii) The place where White lies.
without loss of apparent image quality. iv) The line of colours from a blackbody radiating from 3000K to 9000K.
v) Where does the colour Brown lie?
11 12
D) COSINE AND WAVELET TRANSFORMS d) Show that the level 2 wavelet transform equals the image given below.
0 0 1 -1
b) The 1-D Cosine transform of a length N sequence f(x) is defined to be;
X −1 1 1 -1 1
C(u) = α(u) f (x)cos[(2x + 1)uπ/2N ]
x=0 -1 -1 1 -1
p p
where we choose α(u) = 1/N for u = 0 and α(u) = 2/N for u 6= 0 to give a symmetrical
form to the inverse cosine transform..
You wish to do a 1-D Cosine transform in a software package which only has the capability
to do Discrete Fourier Transforms, carefully describe each of the steps needed to implement
2) Carry out a 2D Haar wavelet transform of the 4x4 letter ’O’ image given above, using the
functions below for forming Approximation, Horizontal details, Vertical details and Diagonal
details. Give the 4x4 image which is the level 1 wavelet transform.
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
13 14
E) IMAGE COMPRESSION PROBLEMS 3) a) An image compression algorithm such as JPEG uses uses ’block transforms’, what are
these? Show that if each block is transformed by a ’fast’ algorithm such as the Fast Fourier
Transform or Fast Cosine Transform that a 8x8 block transform of a 512x512 pixel image is
almost exactly 3 times faster than transforming the whole image directly.
b) As the block size is decreased the transform becomes faster, what therefore sets the limit
1) A binary image is to be coded in blocks of M pixels. The successive pixels are independent
for the smallest useful block size for image compression? If the correlation coefficient between
from each other and 5% of the pixels are 1. What are the Huffman codes for M=1,2,3 ? Also
adjacent pixels is ρ = 0.9, why is the choice of 8 for the block size a good one?
calculate the compression efficiency of each codebook compared to the theoretical maximum
given by the Shannon noiseless coding theorem. c) Why in general does the Discrete Cosine Transform for each block produce a slightly higher
degree of compression than using the Discrete Fourier Transform?
2) A set of images is to be compressed by a lossless method. Each pixel of each image has a
value in the range (0-3) i.e. 2 bits/pixel. An image from this set is given below; in this image
the occurrence of pixels of different values is typical of the set of images as a whole. 4 a) Describe the difference between lossy and non-lossy image compression. Mention one
application of each type of compression
b) In Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) each pixel value of an image with a value between 0
3 3 3 2
and 127 is transmitted as a fixed length 7 bit binary number. Such an image is compressed
by instead transmitting the difference between adjacent pixels on a line, the total range of
2 3 3 3
differences that must be transmitted is between -127 and +127, yet it is possible to transmit
a particular image without loss of information using an average of only 4.3 bits/pixel. How is
3 2 2 2
this achieved? Why in general can the sequence of pixel differences in an image be compressed
more than the raw pixel values?
2 1 1 0
c) To achieve even higher compression (i.e 2 bit/pixel) a lossy compression scheme is used
in which differences between pixels are re-quantised before being transmitted using the
schematic and quantiser illustrated below and the predictor rule u(n) = u(n − 1).
What is the degree of compression achievable using the following methods. For the following input sequence u(n) = 101, 110, 107, 108, 105, 102 what is the output se-
a) Huffman coding of the pixel values. quence u′ (n)? Assume the first pixel value is transmitted directly without error so that
u′ (1) = u(1)). Tabulate the values of u(n), u(n), e(n), e′ (n) and u′ (n), for each n.
b) Forming differences between adjacent pixels (assuming horizontal raster scan) and then
Huffman coding these differences.
c) Run length coding, assuming 2 bits to represent the pixel value and 2 bits to represent the
run length.
d) In general for case a) how many bits does it take to transmit the Huffman codebook from
the coder to the decoder? (assume only that both coder and decoder know that the image
has 2 bits/pixel).
Give therefore a estimate of the minimum number of images that must share the same
Huffman codebook in order to ensure compression factors greater than 1. (for this calculation
assume the same pixel statistics as in part a).
15 16
5) Image Compression algorithms work by removing redundancy in images. Three types of
Transmitter Receiver redundancy exist, coding, inter-pixel and psycho-visual. Furthermore some types of compres-
sion are lossless (fully reversible) and others not. Copy the table below and indicate which
u(n) + e(n) e’(n) + compression algorithms make use of each type of redundancy and which are lossless.
- +
Coding Interpixel Psycho-visual Lossless
- Redundancy Redundancy Redundancy
Predictor u(n)
coding of pixel Values
Delta Modulation
Standard JPEG
3 6) A FAX machine transmits black and white binary images with each pixel being either a 0
(white) or a 1 (black). On average 90% of of the pixels are expected to be white and there
is no correlation between pixels. To speed transmission image compression is used.
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6
a) Based on the Shannon noiseless coding theorem what is the theoretical minimum number
of bits per pixel needed to transmit the message without error, and what then is the maximum
lossless compression ratio achievable?
-6 b) Entropy coding methods are used. Groups of pixels on each line are encoded via the
Huffman coding scheme. What is the Huffman codebook and achievable compression if we
code groups of 2 pixels.
d) A DPCM system using the same quantiser and predictor rule can significantly reduce c). An alternative method of compression is via Run Length Coding. How does this work?
the errors in transmission while maintaining the same transmission rate of 2bit/pixel. What Assume we code a maximum run length of M pixels where M = 2m − 1, where m is an
would the output sequence be using such a system for the input sequence given in c)? integer, and the probability of a 0 is p. What is the probability of having a run of n zeros
followed by a 1 (where 0 ≤ n ≤ M − 1 ), and what is the probability of having M zeros?
(1 − pM )
(1 − p)
What therefore is the achievable compression ratio for M=7 and p = 0.90.
e) At the beginning of the FAX transmission, because of noise on the telephone line a bit is
received as a 1 instead of a 0. Describe what happens to the received image in the cases of
Huffman and Run length coding respectively.
17 18
F) IMAGE RESTORATION PROBLEMS 4) A particular image is drawn from a set of images having spectral power density S(u,v). This
image has been distorted by convolution, described by multiplication of the image Fourier
transform by the Optical Transfer Function H(u,v). White noise is also added with spectral
1) An input image g(x, y) is blurred by convolution by a blurring function h(x, y) and then has density N(u,v).
random noise n(x, y) added. Give a mathematical expression for the resulting image f (x, y). S(u,0), N(u,0) and H(u,0) are shown in the figure below. Sketch on a copy of this figure
Describe how to restore the image using the Inverse Fourier filter, i.e. how to estimate g(x, y) the inverse and Wiener filter to be applied in order to restore the image.
given f (x, y) and knowing h(x, y). Give an expression for the noise distribution n′ (x, y) in
the restored image.
b) An alternative restoration filter is the Wiener Fourier filter. Give the mathematical ex-
pression for this filter as a function of spatial frequency, carefully defining all the quantities.
Name one advantage and two disadvantages of the Weiner filter over the Inverse filter. N(u,0) H(u,0)
c) A weather satellite is launched into geostationary orbit so it looks down over the same -u +u +u +u
part of the Earth. Unfortunately after launch it is found to be rapidly spinning on its axis
so that images taken with even the shortest exposure are rotationally blurred. Describe a
system to restore the images and save the mission.
5) Consider the problem of restoring images blurred by image motion.
a) Consider an image moving at a speed s past a camera whose exposure time is ∆t. What
2) State for the following image distortions whether the distortion is linear or non-linear and is the Point Spread Function, and the Optical Transfer Function? Why is the Inverse Fourier
whether the point spread function is space-invariant or not. filter unsuitable for restoring this image if there is any additive random noise?
i) A photograph taken through the front window of a car moving at constant velocity on a b) Calculate the appropriate Wiener filter to apply to the above problem. Assume that the
flat road. additive noise in the Fourier domain is white with power spectral density s∆t while typical
ii) A telephoto image of a distant object taken out of the side window of a jeep moving on a undistorted images have power spectral density 1/u where u is the spatial frequency. What
bumpy dirt road. is the Wiener filter value at u = 1/(s∆t)?
iii) A image of one of Saturns moons taken from an accelerating space probe, where the
c) Consider a camera taking a picture of the front of a house out of a car side window. If the
velocity and acceleration vectors are parallel to each other and perpendicular to to vector
car is at rest at the start of an exposure of length ∆t but accelerates so that x(t) = at2 /2,
between space probe and moon.
what is the Point Spread Function in the distorted image? The resulting Optical Transfer
iv) A photograph taken by a digital camera with a maximum readout value so that all pixels
function differs in two important ways from the one obtained in the case of uniform motion,
greater than Io in I(x, y) equal Io in I ′ (x, y).
what are they?
v) An image effected by multiplicative noise so that I ′ (x, y) = I(x, y)n(x, y) where the ele-
ments of n(x, y) are drawn from a random distribution. d) A photograph is taken out of a side window of a car driving at a constant 40km/hour
vi) An image rotated 180◦ . down Gibraltargatan towards Chalmers. Why in general is it not possible to use Inverse or
Wiener filters to restore the blurring in this image?
3) A sampled image I(m,n) is distorted by convolution with either the space invariant point
functions h1 or the function h2 where.
h2 = 5δ(m, n) + δ(m − 1, n) + δ(m + 1, n) + δ(m, n − 1) + δ(m, n + 1)
What are the ’Optical Transfer Functions’ of these two convolving functions?. Assuming that
the distorted images also contain random additive noise then in one image the distortion can
be effectively removed using an Inverse Fourier filter, while the other requires the Pseudo-
Inverse filter. Which image must use the Pseudo Inverse filter and why?
19 20
6) A digital image stored in a computer is to be recorded on a a photographic film using a 7) The contents of a closed box are investigated by taking two X-rays from two directions 90◦
a flying spot scanner. The effect of the spot size of the scanner and the film non-linearity is apart. One X-ray is taken with the X-rays shining through in the x direction and the other
equivalent to first passing the image through the model given below and then recording it on in the y-direction. The two pixel projected images of the amount of absorption are Ay (y)
a perfect recording system. and Ax (x). We use image reconstruction to estimate the values of the absorption within the
What preprocessing should be applied to the image before recording the image to com- box at a,b,c and d.
pensate for (a) scanner spot size, assuming b = −1 and (b) film non-linearity, ignoring the
spot size. The effect of the scanner spot size is to convolve the image with with h(m, n) 4
defined as 3
1 2
h(m, n) = δ(m, n) + (1/4)[δ(m − 1, n) + δ(m + 1, n) + δ(m, n − 1) + δ(m, n + 1)]
a b
c d
Input Image Recording System model
w -b v Perfect X-rays
*h(m.n) aw Recording
Pre- i) The first pixel of the projected image Ax (1) = a + c, etc. Write the relationships between
the four measurements Ax (1), Ax (2), Ay (1), Ay (2) and the four unknowns a,b,c,d. and express
as a matrix equation, y = Bx. Explain why, given only the data, there is no unique solution
for a,b,c,d.
If instead h(m, n) = sin2 (m)sin2 (n)/m2 n2 and simultaneously b = −0.5 how should we
preprocess the image so the photographic recording is as near to the original as possible? ii) Demonstrate that any solution which fits the data can be written as;
Why is it likely to be impossible to get a perfect reconstruction in this case, even in the
absence of noise or numerical rounding errors?
a b 2 1 1 −1
= +γ
c d 2 0 −1 1
Which values of γ give physically reasonable results?
iii) It is argued that images with lower total energy are more likely. Which image fits the
data but also minimises the sum of squares of all the pixel values?
21 22