American Views. Jinnah As Negotiator
American Views. Jinnah As Negotiator
American Views. Jinnah As Negotiator
According to Miller Unterberger1, American press in 1940 declared Jinnah such an important
leader of Indian Muslims that no solution for Indian problem would be effective without his
consent.2 Jinnah is considered as sole boss of the Muslim League, brilliant, colorful, shrewd,
paradox because of his unorthodox Muslim behavior and his elegant Western styled dress.
Nevertheless he is considered as the chief obstacle to Indian independence and powerful enough
to thwart the war effort if his demands for Pakistan were not considered sympathetically. 3
Americans were convinced that nine out of ten politically conscious Muslims were with Jinnah.
American intelligence officers in India reported that substantial part of the Indian army was
consisted of Muslim soldiers and they were deeply loyal to Jinnah and opposed to Gandhi’s quit
India movement.
This paper is mainly about the personality traits of Muhammad Ali Jinnah reported by American
press and other key authors. Here our concern is to find those characteristics of Jinnah’s
The paper suggests that commitment to his cause is key factor for Jinnah in negotiations with
both British and Hindus. Jinnah was uncompromised on his commitment to Muslim cause after
1940. He was always ready to negotiate but without compromising on his two principle stances.
Diplomatic History, Vol. 5, No. 4 (FALL 1981), pp. 313-336
P. 324.
One was that Muslim League is sole representative organization of Indian Muslims led by Jinnah
and Congress is the representative of only Hindus not of all Indian including Muslims. Jinnah
pointed that a unified, democratic government is impossibility in India.4 Another stance was that
no constitutional formula is workable for Indian situation except the division of India into two
When the Congress’s resolutions for civil disobedience published, Jinnah immediately gave
orders for Muslims to take no part in any disturbance and not one Muslim in India entered the
quarrel or raised his hand.5 This proved that he had his own wisdom, he would adopt only
peaceful means for his purpose and also he was capable to control his followers. When the
congress leaders were in jail, Jinnah solidified his political control throughout the Muslim areas,
Paton Davies, second secretary of the Chinese embassy attached to the staff of General Joseph
who was then commanding American forces in China, Burma and India, described him as a good
organizer, an astute and opportunistic politician, and admirably qualified to fill the role of leader
needed in the circumstances in which the Muslims found themselves. All these qualities of
Jinnah were being utilized in constitutional ways through negotiations to achieve his goal.
Davies presented paradoxical views about Jinnah personality. For example on one hand he
agreed that Jinnah had been exploited by the British in their divide and rule policy while on other
hand he described Jinnah as incorruptible. Similarly, on one side he believed that Pakistan
resolution had been initially devised for bargaining purpose while on other hand he declared that
Jinnah is committed for the cause of Pakistan. Even if Jinnah was using Pakistan proposal as
bargaining tool, he was using it with such a calculation and anticipation that if negotiations fails
on this bargaining tool then he don’t have to come back and find another stance to move ahead
but contrary he would adopt this bargaining tool as a sole purpose. This proved him as a good
exaggerated ambition, and a person who bid far to end, politically as a victim of his over-
reaching ambitions.6
American believed that due to his legal training, he was incapable of using unconstitutional
means; corollary, negotiations and peaceful constitutional strategies were left for him. All the
reports utilized by Unterberger recognized those qualities in Jinnah that a good negotiator has. It
is stated that he was a man with tremendous capacity to attract young men, to weigh up issues
and bid for time. He was described as a shrewd and calculating politician who had proved his
absolutely honest and incorruptible, a man who had achieved his position through unique ability
and single-mindedness.7
On the birth of the state of Pakistan, American newspapers and periodicals, as well as key
American officials, agreed that Jinnah proved himself a great statesman not only of Asia but also
of the world. Edgar Snow noted, “even if one only appraised Jinnah as a barrister, it would be to
acknowledge that he had won the most monumental judgment in the history of bar.”8
American P.334
process of favouring Jinnah was quietly being
oppose h". 92
could not participate in an Executive Council in which nonLeague Muslims were included". At
the conference he
Jinnah, the
He said he
the Mission was not prepared to gve him. They bluntly told
delay. 113
it was
obvious that on that basis alone Jinnah and his League had
But, as subsequent
events proved, Jinnah was not bothered; he asked for his pound
the Congress at the Centre and two, the League to have the
instructed the Viceroy not to lose any more time and install
the fact that he had founded a state where his will was to
prevail. Neither the truncated form nor its two wngs, separated
they asked him what was in store for them. He said tey would
said, "You are mistaken; the whole world knows that it is ICREATION OF PAKISTAN 1 49
its sole creator. No one else can take credit for it. 148-49
List of Sources
3. American Views of Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the Pakistan Liberation Movement – By: Betty
Miller Unterberger
5. Jinnah Pleads the Case for Pakistan Before the Cabinet Mission, 16-23 May 1946 – By: Riaz