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The issue of plagiarism by students in higher institutions all over the world continues to be a source of
concern to stakeholders. Distance learners could be exposed to plagiarism as they might not have the
on-campus academic guidance necessary to avoid plagiarism. Preliminary investigations have revealed
that the focus of plagiarism studies in Nigeria has been on undergraduate and postgraduate students in
the regular mode of learning. There seems to be a dearth of literature on the issues associated with
plagiarism from the distance learners’ point of view. This study examines the awareness, perception
and attitude towards plagiarism by distance learning students in University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Descriptive survey research method was adopted and the study population consisted of 1762 distance
learners in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The two-stage random sampling technique was used to
select a sample size of 226 and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. Findings revealed
that most of the respondents had a high level of awareness of the various acts that constitute
plagiarism (mean=26.53). Majority of the distance learners (89.6%) had a negative perception of
plagiarism as they viewed it as a crime. Results also showed that a significant number of the distance
learners had a negative attitude towards plagiarism as 90.1% indicated that they will ensure that they
duly acknowledge their sources of information. Part of the recommendations was that the management
of the distance learning and the university should develop a plagiarism policy that will be given to all
the students.
Cite This Article As: Oyewole O, Rasheed AA, Ogunsina ST (2018). Awareness, Perception and Attitude
towards Plagiarism by Distance Learners in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. 6(4):
Distance learners are students who acquire knowledge the lecturers and the students and where learning is
and skills in different disciplines outside the conventional structured and rigid. Learners who get educated within
school system where there is physical contact between the distance learning system have the opportunity to
102 Inter. J. Acad. Lib. and Info. Sci.
learn from wherever they are, which gives them the without acknowledgement, paraphrasing without
opportunity to hold down jobs and study at the same time attribution, using fictitious citations and the act of
(Mabawonku, 2004). Distance learning brings flexibility duplicating one’s work known as self plagiarism (Harris,
into knowledge acquisition and ensures that individuals 2001).
are not denied access to education. Most distance Cryptomnesia is another type of plagiarism that could
learners are matured individuals with family and work be committed by distance learners. According to Roig
responsibilities, yet majority of them have the intrinsic (2015), this type of plagiarism is unintentional and could
motivation to succeed in their education (Ayorinde, 2001). be committed unconsciously. A distance learning student
However, critical to the academic success of distance would be guilty of cryptomnesia if he or she uses another
learners is the need for them to engage and excel in person’s idea without attribution based on the faulty
various academic activities like assignment completion, impression or belief that the idea seems original as a
research, preparation for and writing of examination and result of frequent usage in different works. Moreover,
also independent study. Distance learners would not be because cryptomnesia is unintentional does not make the
able to achieve all these without the use of information act less serious. This is because it is expected that after
resources in different formats like print, audio-visual and students complete the writing of an academic paper
electronic. In fact, Omoregie (2014) noted that distance regardless of the type, they should be diligent enough to
education is arranged for students to learn at a distance carefully crosscheck in order to submit a write up that is
with the use help of a variety of media. The trend free of plagiarism. On the contrary, this seems not to be
presently is to use technology, especially the Internet to the case with some students as they fall victim of proper
facilitate distance education. Otunla (2013) pointed out time management which makes them rush assignment
that the Internet has conquered the barriers of location and term papers, giving room for plagiarism so as to
and time in providing access to information. Through the meet deadlines (Oyewole, 2017a).
Internet, distance learners can communicate with their The findings of the studies carried out by different
instructors and also access myriads of electronic scholars revealed that students’ plagiarism in higher
documents for academic use. institutions seems be on the increase (Hosny and Fatima,
In as much as the Internet has the potential of assisting 2014, Amiri and Razmjoo, 2015, Babalola, 2012, Maina,
distance learners in retrieving electronic documents for et al., 2014). This indicates that the issue of plagiarism is
research activities, it could also expose them to the trap indeed a menace that stakeholders in distance learning
of plagiarism. Oyewole (2017a) stated that the Internet is education should be concerned about. Oyewole and
a useful tool and at the same time it could become Abioye (2016) noted that if drastic actions are not taken
detrimental if the ethics guiding the use of other people’s to address the issue of plagiarism, quality assurance of
words and ideas are jettisoned. Distance learners are the education provided could be called into question.
especially at risk, because of not being on campus, they However, in order to assist the distance learners to avoid
might not be familiar with plagiarism and its attendant plagiarism, they need to be aware of what plagiarism is
consequences. In addition, their perceived busy activities and thereafter, they need to display the ideal perception
in the face of deadlines for the submission of research and attitude towards the act.
reports and term papers could lure them into plagiarism. Awareness refers to the cognitive ability of a person to
Park (2003) defined plagiarism as the act of stealing discern, decipher and judge a given phenomenon
others’ ideas and presenting them as one’s own thought. (Idiegbeyan-ose, et al., 2016). Reinhardt et al. (2015)
Plagiarism is an unethical act that discards the concept of noted that awareness refers to the knowledge about an
originality but embraces laziness of ideas through the object or event, the competences or skills as well as the
claiming of other people’s works and ideas. Hu and Lei methods of operation; it has to do with background
(2015) noted that plagiarism is generally regarded as knowledge about the object, event or any other
grave academic misconduct and is often associated with phenomenon. It would be quite difficult for the distance
unethical acts that are condemnable like deception, learners to act in manner that depicts academic integrity
cheating, academic crime, intellectual dishonesty and if they are not aware of what constitutes plagiarism. Thus,
moral failing. if the distance learners are aware of the various forms of
Distance learners could be exposed to various types of the unethical act of plagiarism, they might steer clear of
plagiarism. An example of this is the act of colluding or them. On the other hand, if their level of awareness is
collaborating with friends by copying or downloading their low, they might engage in plagiarism even without
papers from the Internet, after which the original names knowing they have done so. In addition, the level of
will be removed and replaced with the name of the awareness of plagiarism could also assist in forming a
plagiarists without modifications to the full text (Park, perception of the act (Oyewole 2017b).
2004; Roig, 2006). Other forms of plagiarism include According to the Human Perception and Information
copying from the Internet without paraphrasing and due Processing (2015), perception is viewed as the process
acknowledgement, copying without reference, quoting of recognizing, organizing and interpreting sensory
Oyewole et al 103
information. It deals with the human senses and run the risk of engaging in plagiarism as they are on their
generates signals from the environment through the five own most of the time, and as such they might be without
sense organs: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. the needed academic guidance necessary to avoid
Perception helps to create a mental picture about a plagiarism. Thus, it could be difficult for them to have a
phenomenon. Thus, the perception that distance learners negative perception and attitude towards plagiarism,
have of plagiarism could create a positive or negative since they might not even be aware that they are
mental picture which could determine whether they committing an academic crime.
adhere to the ethics of academic writing or not. A Even though the issue of plagiarism in Nigerian
distance learner with a perception that favors plagiarism universities has been researched by some scholars,
might likely engage in plagiarism, while a student with a preliminary investigations revealed that much of the
negative perception might abhor it. The perception studies carried out focused on undergraduate and
displayed by distance learners towards plagiarism could postgraduate students in the regular mode of learning.
influence their attitude towards it. There seems to be a dearth of literature on the issues
Bohner and Dickel (2011) were of the view that attitude associated with plagiarism from the distance learners’
can be defined as the evaluation of an object of thought point of view. It is based on this backdrop that this study
by an individual. Such an object could be typified by examines the awareness, perception and attitude
anything a person may hold in mind, which could be towards plagiarism by distance learning students in
mundane or abstract in nature like things, people, groups University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
and ideas. This implies that attitude itself is not tangible,
but its manifestations reveal the stance of an individual
towards an object which could be tangible or intangible. RESEARCH QUESTIONS
Attitude towards an object of thought could be positive or
negative. Thus, if a distance learner displays a positive This study will be guided by the following research
attitude towards plagiarism, it means he or she favors the questions:
act. On the other hand, a negative attitude towards
plagiarism reveals that a distance learner views 1. What is the level of awareness of the various acts
plagiarism as an act that should be avoided. It is that constitute plagiarism by distance learning
important to examine the attitude of distance learner students of University of Ibadan?
towards plagiarism there is a nexus between attitude and 2. What is the perception of plagiarism by distance
actual behavior. This means that the attitude displayed by learning students of University of Ibadan?
distance learners could determine whether they would 3. What is the attitude of distance learning students
plagiarize or not. towards plagiarism in University of Ibadan?
From the foregoing, it has become evident that the tide
of plagiarism needs to be stemmed, because it is an act
that could erode values like honesty and integrity LITERATURE REVIEW
associated with academic writing. In ensuring that
distance learners are helped to steer clear of plagiarism, The review of literature is aimed at providing empirical
it is important to examine their level of awareness of the insights into the focus of the study. Due to the dearth of
act and the type of perception and attitude they display literature on distance learners and plagiarism, the
towards it. This will provide insights into what should be literature review will adopt the funnel approach. With the
done by stakeholders like the management of higher use of this approach, the broad views of university
institutions that offer distance education, librarians and students in general on issues associated with plagiarism
course facilitators in promoting academic integrity. It is will be considered and inferences drawn for distance
based on this that this study is set to examine the learners. The literature review will be discussed in three
awareness, perception and attitude towards plagiarism by subheadings. The first will focus on the awareness of
distance learners in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. plagiarism by university students. The second and third
will review literature on the perception and attitude of
university students towards plagiarism.
The issue of plagiarism by students in higher institutions Awareness of plagiarism by university students
all over the world continues to be a source of concern for
lecturers and those in the position of management in University students would find it difficult to avoid
these institutions. This is as a result of the seemingly plagiarism if they are not aware of what constitutes
prevalent rate of the practice of this unethical act by plagiarism. Studies have provided insights into the level
students in the ivory towers. Distance learners especially of awareness of undergraduates about plagiarism. Hosny
104 Inter. J. Acad. Lib. and Info. Sci.
and Fatima (2014) carried out a study on the attitude of research instrument. Findings of the study showed that
students towards cheating and plagiarism in King Saud majority of the respondents 156 (46.2%) had an average
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The respondents level of plagiarism awareness. However, a little above
included 115 undergraduate students and 25 Masters two-fifths of the respondents 140 (41.44%) indicated that
Students who anonymously answered the plagiarism their awareness level of plagiarism was high and 42
survey. Results revealed that 72.17% of the respondents (12.4%) noted that their awareness of plagiarism was
acknowledged that they were aware of what plagiarism is low.
and 11.3% affirmed that they were not aware. In addition, Also, Rhodes et al. (2011) were interested in whether
16.52% were uncertain. It is obvious from the results that business students in a university in the United States of
the level of awareness of plagiarism by the respondents America can recognize plagiarism or not. The study was
was high. exploratory in nature where 67 students with senior level
Guedes and Filho (2015) conducted a study on the standing who were enrolled in the College of Business
perception of academic plagiarism among 199 capstone course, strategic management were asked to
undergraduates who were studying dentistry at the respond to the scenarios presented. Results showed that
Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), most of the respondents (46%) were not aware of what
Brazil. The questionnaire was used to collect data and plagiarism is and an equally high percentage of students
subsequent analysis of the responses was done with the cannot recognize if a work has been plagiarized or not.
use of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences This is an indication that the level of plagiarism
(SPSS). From the findings, the researchers reported that awareness of this set of students was low.
all of the students (100%) stated that plagiarism is indeed From the review conducted, it is evident that the
a crime and that they were in full support of the Brazilian awareness of plagiarism by distance learners within the
legislation provided to combat it. This is an indication that Nigerian environment could either be high, moderate or
the undergraduates were fully aware of plagiarism. low. The level of awareness of plagiarism is very
Okere et al. (2016) studied the awareness of plagiarism important as it could determine if they would commit the
as copyright violation with implications for intellectual act or not.
property education in Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo,
Ogun State, Nigeria and Redeemers University, Ede,
Osun State, Nigeria. The study was cross-sectional in Perception of plagiarism by university students
nature in which the researchers conducted four sessions
of focus group discussion with eight final year students of Some researchers who are interested in examining the
mass communication. Results showed that every one of perception of plagiarism by university students have
the discussants indicated that they were aware of what carried out studies in this regard. Armstrong and
plagiarism is and what it stands for. They also Delbridge (2008) examined the perception of plagiarism
acknowledged that plagiarism has really become a by final year students in the Department of Information
menace within academic institutions, and that most and Communications (DIC) at an unnamed university.
students plagiarize without even realizing the The research instrument for the study was a self
implications. completed questionnaire and results revealed that most
Louw (2017) did a survey that examined the perception of the students had a favorable perception of acts that
of plagiarism by 2414 students of the North-West constitute academic integrity rather than plagiarism. The
University Potchefstroom, South Africa. The students agreed with the positive statements that ‘it is
questionnaire was used to collect data and from the right to give authors credit for their work, that ‘plagiarism
findings, 98.7% of the students noted that they were fully is wrong’ and that ‘plagiarism undermines learning and
aware that it would amount to plagiarism if a student creating their own ideas’. Expectedly, students disagreed
copies directly from a source without due with the negative statements like ‘getting good grades is
acknowledgement. Also, almost all the respondents more important to me than citing materials and that
(96.2%) pointed out that they were also aware that the ‘there’s no harm involved with plagiarism’ and ‘winning is
act of buying a paper and submitting it as if it was more important than honesty’.
originally written is plagiarism. These results showed a Fish and Hura (2013) researched into the perception of
high level of plagiarism awareness by the students. students on plagiarism in a large university in the United
Some studies have also reported an average and low States of America. The respondents were 334 with 194
level of plagiarism awareness by university students. One undergraduates and 131 postgraduate students. Results
of such is the one conducted by Idiegbeyan-Ose et al. showed that almost all of the respondents (96.4%) were
(2016) that focused on the awareness and perception of of the view that the act of using an entire document by
plagiarism by 338 postgraduate students in federal, state another author could be considered as very serious. In
and private universities in Ogun State Nigeria. The study addition, close to four-fifths of the students (78.1%) also
was descriptive in nature and the questionnaire was the noted that the act of using another author’s
Oyewole et al 105
sentences/paragraphs is equally very serious. A little undergraduate students towards the issue of plagiarism
above half of the respondents (51.8%) also ranked the and academic misconduct at Samford University,
use of another author phrases as very serious. Therefore, Birmingham, Alabama, United States of America. From
it can be deduced that most of the students did not the findings, 96.9% of the undergraduates affirmed that
perceive plagiarism in a positive light. the act of submitting a paper written by someone else in
Similarly, Oyewole (2017b) examined the awareness whole or in part is a grievous academic misconduct. In
and perception of 251 undergraduates of the University of addition, almost all the undergraduates (97%) felt it was
Ibadan, Nigeria on issues associated with computer unacceptable for students to copy texts from the Internet
ethics (plagiarism inclusive). The researcher adopted the and submit such as an original work for assignments and
descriptive research design with the questionnaire as the term papers without due acknowledgement. This reveals
research instrument. Findings revealed that most of the that most of the undergraduates had a negative attitude
respondents (mean=2.06) had a negative perception of towards the unethical act of plagiarism.
plagiarism as they noted that it is unjust to copy so many Onuoha (2016) examined undergraduates’ attitude to
works or ideas from electronic sources up to the point plagiarism and their personal information management
that the copied information makes up the majority of behavior in Babcock University, Ogun State Nigeria. The
one’s work whether due acknowledgment is given or not. population of students consisted of 214 students of the
In contrast with the results of earlier studies, Okere et Department of Information Resource Management and
al. (2016) carried out a cross-sectional study in Babcock the questionnaire was the data collection instrument.
University, Ogun State Nigeria among final year Results revealed that most of the respondents had a
undergraduate students where their perception of negative attitude towards plagiarism, as they rejected the
plagiarism was examined. Results from the focus group statements which seemed to uphold plagiarism.
discussion that was conducted revealed that majority of Specifically, a significant number of the respondents
discussants likened the issue of plagiarism to the (69.3%) rejected the idea that students who plagiarize
garment transfer of Elijah to Elisha in the Bible, indicating are not doing the society any harm. In addition, (65.8%)
that nothing is wrong with using the works of their of the respondents rejected the idea that the system of
colleagues in class assignment. This indicates that most recycling information should be encouraged.
of the final year students had a positive perception of Contrary to the results of the two studies cited earlier,
plagiarism. In addition, the students were of the view that Ting (2013) also studied 169 second year
plagiarism was on the increase and that most students undergraduates’ attitude towards plagiarism in a
engage in the act without thinking of its implications. university in Malaysia. Results showed that from the point
Ayon (2017) also surveyed students’ and instructors’ of view of most of the students, plagiarism should not be
perceptions of Turnitin as a deterrent to plagiarism at a considered as a serious academic offense that should
private Lebanese English-speaking university. The attract heavy sanctions. In fact, a high number of
students who were undergraduates (95 senior, 36 junior, respondents (89.94%) indicated that if a student
3 sophomore and 3 freshmen) were one hundred and plagiarizes, he or she should only be warned by the
thirty seven and data was collected both quantitatively lecturers. Also, well over four-fifths (88.17%) submitted
with the use of questionnaire and qualitatively through that plagiarists should be given another opportunity to
interview. The quantitative result revealed that close to resubmit a plagiarized assignment and 81.07% were of
three-fifths of the students (56.8%) pointed out that they the view that any student who plagiarizes should be
had intentionally plagiarized before or knew someone counseled. The responses of the students reveal their lax
who had. Based on this the researcher noted that “quite a attitude towards plagiarism.
number of student participants seemed to be tolerant of Walcott (2016) conducted a study that examined the
plagiarizing behavior” (Ayon, 2017). The students during attitudes of 90 second year computer science
the interview identified lack of writing skills, academic undergraduates towards plagiarism in Dominica,
pressure and the need to achieve higher grades as Grenada, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and St. Vincent,
reasons why they engaged in plagiarism. all in the Caribbean. The questionnaire was used to
The review of literature has revealed a variation in the collect data and findings revealed that a significant
perception of plagiarism by university students. Thus, it is number of the undergraduates (80%) noted that they find
expected that the distance learners’ perception of it difficult to duly acknowledge other people’s words. In
plagiarism could be one that favors plagiarism or one that the type of situation, the students seem to be
repels it. Their perception could determine the attitude incapacitated as regards how to give attribution to the
they will display towards plagiarism. ideas that are not theirs. This is an indication that this set
of students might have an attitude that could be favorably
Attitude of university students towards plagiarism disposed towards plagiarism.
It is quite clear that based on the review conducted in
Schrimsher et al. (2011) surveyed the attitudes of 557 this subheading, distance learners could either have a
106 Inter. J. Acad. Lib. and Info. Sci.
positive attitude towards plagiarism or a negative one. behavior is concerned and perceived behavioral control
This might ultimately have a bearing on their actual relates to the ease or difficulty associated with displaying
behavior as far as plagiarism is concerned. a particular behavior based on previous experience and
expected challenges.
This theory is relevant to the present study because it
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK highlights the importance of attitude in developing an
intention and the actual behavior. The theory reveals that
Situation Awareness Theory and the Theory of Planned the attitude displayed towards plagiarism by distance
Behavior (TPB) are the theories that relate to the learners can go all the way to determine whether they
variables in the study. These theories will shed light and would have the intention to plagiarize and eventually
provide insights into the variables of study. commit the offense or not. This means that if distance
learners display a negative attitude towards plagiarism, it
is expected that they will behave in a manner that depicts
Situation Awareness Theory academic integrity. On the other hand, if the attitude is
positive, there is a high tendency that they will engage in
The root of Situation Awareness could be traced to the plagiarism.
early 20 century especially during the First World War
when Oswald Boelke coined the construct as a result of
the realization that gaining awareness before the METHODOLOGY
enemies gained theirs is important (Winsen et al., 2015).
However this theory was made popular by Mica Endsley The population of this study consisted of distance
who built on its earlier beginnings. According to Endsley learners (100 and 200 levels) who were undergoing
(1995), situation awareness can be defined as “knowing undergraduate programs in the University of Ibadan,
what’s going on…and the perception of the elements in Nigeria. These students were in the six departments that
the environment within a volume of time and space, the got accreditation to run the various programs in the
comprehension of their meaning and the projection of 2015/2016 academic session. According to the data
their status in the near future”. Some scholars have collected personally from the Records Office of the
applied this theory to the study of plagiarism (Idiegbeyan- Distance Learning Centre by the researchers, there were
Ose et al. 2016; Starovoytova and Namango 2017). 1,762 undergraduate students who were offered
This theory is relevant to this study because it admission at both 100 and 200 levels in these
highlights the importance of the concepts of awareness departments and this number forms the population for the
and perception of a phenomenon like plagiarism. Thus, a study (Table 1). In order to get the sample size, the two
distance learner that knows what is going on as far as stage random sampling technique was used. At the first
academic writing is concerned cannot feign ignorance of stage, 60% of the accredited departments were randomly
plagiarism. He or she should be aware of the various acts selected with the use of the balloting method (simple
that constitute plagiarism and the position of the random sampling). With this, four departments were
management of the institution on them. In addition, after chosen. The second stage involved the selection of the
the distance learners are aware of plagiarism, they need sample size from the four departments through the use of
to examine the perception of concerned stakeholders like 20% sampling fraction. Thus, the total sample size for the
lecturers and the management, as this will assist them to study was 226 (Table 2).
form their own informed perception. So, a distance The questionnaire was the instrument used for data
learner who applies Situation Awareness Theory might collection and was developed based on the review of the
display an attitude that abhors plagiarism. relevant literature. The instrument was validated by
subject experts in the Department of Library, Archival and
Information Studies, University of Ibadan, before
Theory of Planned Behavior administration. Data was analyzed with the use of the
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPPS)
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was propounded version 20 and presented in form of descriptive statistics
by Icek Ajzen. The constructs in TPB that predict of frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard
intention and actual behavior are; attitude, subjective deviation.
norm, perceived behavioral control, intention and actual
behavior. According to Ajzen and Fishbein (2000),
attitude has to do with an evaluation of an object or RESULTS
behavior with a view to establish how favorable and
unfavorable it is. While subject norm refers to the A total of 226 copies of the questionnaire were
pressure that is exerted by the society as far as a administered to the distance learners in the University of
Oyewole et al 107
Ibadan across the four departments. However, 202 Answers to research questions
copies were returned and found useful for analysis giving Research question one: What is the level of
a response rate of 89%. (Table 3). awareness of the various acts that constitute
plagiarism by distance learning students of
Demographic characteristics of respondents University of Ibadan?
Table 4 revealed that majority of the distance learning Table 5 presented the level of awareness of the various
undergraduate students 63 (31.2%) were between 26-30 acts that constitute plagiarism by the respondents. In
years of age and only an individual 1 (0.5%) noted that order to determine the level of plagiarism awareness, a
his or her age fell between 46-50. There were more male test of norm of conducted (see appendix). The scale
distance learners 110 (54.5%) than their female between 0-11 shows that the level of plagiarism
counterparts 92 (45.5%). The respondents also included awareness is low, the scale between 12-24 indicates that
141 (69.8%) who were Christians and 58 (28.7%) who the awareness level of plagiarism is moderate and the
practiced Islam. There were also individuals 3 (1.5%) scale between 25-36 shows that the level of plagiarism
who were adherents of the African Traditional Religion. awareness is high. Thus, the overall mean for awareness
Results on the marital status revealed that close of three- of plagiarism acts as indicated by the responses of the
fifths of the respondents 119 (58.9%) were single, as 5 distance learning undergraduate students is 26.53 which
(2.5%) pointed out that they had undergone separation. fall between the scale “25-36”. Therefore it could be
Findings on the demographic information also showed deduced that the level of awareness of plagiarism acts by
that a significant number of respondents 61 (30.2%) most of the distance learners in University of Ibadan is
noted that they were self-employed, while 39 (19.3%) high.
indicated that they were employed in the private sector. An indication of this high level of awareness can be
seen from Table 5 as majority of the respondents clearly
indicated that they were highly aware that copying from
108 Inter. J. Acad. Lib. and Info. Sci.
Table 5. Awareness of the various acts that constitute plagiarism by distance learners
Plagiarism acts Highly Aware Moderately Slightly Aware Not Aware Mean SD
Freq % Aware
Freq % Freq % Freq %
Copying a paper from 86 42.6 57 28.2 36 17.8 23 11.4 3.02 1.03
another student
Copying from the internet 101 50.0 58 28.7 35 17.3 8 4.0 3.25 0.88
Cutting and pasting from 80 39.6 71 35.1 32 15.8 19 9.4 3.05 0.97
different sources
Quoting without 83 41.1 63 31.2 30 14.9 26 12.9 3.00 1.04
Quoting without 68 33.7 69 34.2 44 21.8 21 10.4 2.91 0.98
paraphrasing and
changing some words
Paraphrasing without 71 35.1 57 28.2 53 26.2 21 10.4 2.88 1.01
Summary without 62 30.7 64 31.7 53 26.2 23 11.4 2.82 0.99
Use of fake citation 53 26.2 60 29.7 49 24.3 40 19.8 2.62 1.08
Duplicating work for more 83 41.1 63 31.2 24 11.9 32 15.8 2.98 1.08
than one submission
without references
Overall mean score 26.53
the Internet (mean=3.25), cutting and pasting from result further confirms that majority of the distance
different sources (mean=3.05), copying a paper from learning students are not ignorant of the various acts that
another student (mean=3.02) and quoting without could constitute plagiarism.
acknowledge (mean=3.00) all amount to plagiarism. This
Oyewole et al 109
Research question two: What is the perception of contrary, results of the studies carried out by Idiegbeyan-
plagiarism by distance learning students of Ose et al. (2016) in private universities in Ogun State,
University of Ibadan? Nigeria and that of Rhodes et al. (2011) in the United
States of America revealed that majority of the students
Table 6 presented result on the respondents’ perception had a low level of awareness of plagiarism.
of plagiarism. For ease of presentation, strongly agree Findings revealed that most of the respondents had a
and agree were merged to become agree and strongly positive perception of the need to be conscious of
disagree and disagree were also merged to become plagiarism as an academic crime. The favorable
disagree. Findings showed that majority of the distance perception could be as a result of their understanding of
learning undergraduate students had a positive what plagiarism is. Since they had the knowledge that
perception about the need for them to become weary of failure to abide by the ethical principles guiding scholarly
plagiarism. This conclusion was arrived at because 181 writing comes with sanctions, they had to develop a
(89.6%) of the respondents expressed that plagiarism is positive perception towards its avoidance. This supports
an academic crime, 168 (83.2%) agreed that plagiarism the results of the study done by Fish and Hura (2013)
is an act that shows lack of integrity, 155 (76.7%) where most of the students in a United States university
concurred that plagiarism shows lack of character and had a negative perception of plagiarism. Also, the
also 151 (74.7%) noted that plagiarism is a display of findings of the study conducted by Oyewole (2017b)
laziness. among undergraduates of the University of Ibadan,
Nigeria also corroborated the result of this study as a
significant number of the respondents also had a
Research question three: What is the attitude of negative perception of plagiarism as they considered it
distance learning students towards plagiarism in unjust. This has also validated the Situation Awareness
University of Ibadan? Theory as perhaps one of the reasons why the distance
learners were able to display a negative perception of
Table 7 presented result on the attitude of distance plagiarism was because they took the views of the
learners towards plagiarism. For ease of presentation, lecturers and management on plagiarism into
strongly agree and agree were merged to become agree consideration.
and strongly disagree and disagree were also merged to Most of the respondents had a negative attitude
become disagree. Findings revealed a very high number towards plagiarism. This implies that majority of the
of the distance learners 182 (90.1%) pledged that they distance learners given the right circumstances and
will ensure that they give acknowledgement which is due environment, would avoid plagiarism. This upholds the
at all times. In addition, a little above four-fifths of the tenets of the Theory of Planned Behavior that consider
respondents 168 (83.2%) affirmed that even though they attitude as an important construct in predicting actual
had plagiarized before, they will not do it again. While, behavior. A negative attitude towards plagiarism could
169 (83.6%) agreed that they will not plagiarize because lead to the avoidance of the act and vice versa. The
it is an academic crime. Thus, the results revealed that result of the study is also in agreement with the findings
most of the distance learners had a negative attitude of Onuoha (2016) who examined undergraduates’
towards plagiarism. attitude towards plagiarism and their personal information
management behavior in Babcock University, Nigeria.
Results revealed that most of the respondents had a
DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS negative attitude towards plagiarism, as they rejected the
statements which seemed to uphold plagiarism.
Results showed that there was a high level of plagiarism Specifically, a significant number rejected the idea that
awareness by majority of the distance learners in the students who plagiarize are not doing the society any
University of Ibadan. This could be as a result of the harm. In addition, majority of the respondents rejected
efforts of some of the course facilitators who had drawn the idea that the system of recycling information should
the attention of these students to what the meaning of be encouraged. On the other hand, the findings of the
plagiarism, its various forms and the dangers associated studies on undergraduates’ attitude towards plagiarism
with plagiarizing. This aligns with the Situation carried out by Ting (2013) in Malaysia and Walcott (2016)
Awareness Theory as the responses of the distance in the Caribbean were different from that of this study, as
learners revealed that they were aware of what is going most of their respondents had an attitude that favored
as far as plagiarism is concerned. This also agrees with plagiarism.
findings of Hosny and Fatima (2014) among students in
Saudi Arabia and that of Louw (2017) carried out in South
Africa where they reported that most of their respondents
had a high level of plagiarism awareness. On the
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