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Nicola Caso

Da: Nico Booij [[email protected]]

Inviato: giovedì 29 ottobre 2015 18.55
A: Nicola Caso
Oggetto: Re: Apply for Swan Support Package
Allegati: DigHydr.lic
Dear SWAN user,

Thank you for your interest in the Swan Support package. You should receive the license file attached to
this message, it is named: DigHydr.lic.
In addition you should download the programs, their documentation and the SWAN course in one setup
file. Optionally you can download a second package with the test bank and instructions for building the
above programs.
You can ftp these two files (setup_GUI.exe and setup_tests.exe) from the website
No user name or password is required. If necessary copy the following links into the browser heading
(one at a time):
Please inform me if these options do not work.

Since Jan. 2012 the Swan Support package is available for free. I (Nico Booij) will continue supporting the
users of the package, but this is not free.

After running the file setup_GUI.exe you should obtain the following files:

z the SWAN executable with graphics extension, i.e. the program that carries out the wave
computation; the name of this file is: swan.exe
z the user documentation for the graphics extension; the name of the file is: swan_graphics.htm,
additional files are in the folder swan_graphics_files. To read this documentation double-click on
the filename swan_graphics.htm
z a SWAN course; this course can be reached by clicking “Swan course” in the left (yellow) column
from the user documentation (see the previous item).
z a file RUNSWAN.BAT to run SWAN with graphics extension in a DOS box, outside the control of
the Graphical User Interface
z the Graphical User Interface for SWAN (with graphics extension); the name of this file is
z the help file for the Swan GUI; the name of this file is swanhelp.chm
z a few bottom files to test the GUI and SWAN with graphics extension:, (both
2-dimensional bathymetries), (an artifical 2-d case).
z the graphical post-processing program OPGraph.exe
z the user documentation for OPGraph; the name of the file is: opgraph.htm, additional files are in
the folder opgraph_files. To read this documentation double-click on the filename opgraph.htm
z a file RUNOPG.BAT to run OPGraph in a DOS box.

After running the file setup_tests.exe you should obtain the following files:

z the configuration test bank with documentation and all necessary input files.
z instructions for making the SWAN executable with graphics extension.
z source code for post-processing software OPGraph.

The setup procedures will install these files in one folder. The default folder is: C:\Program
files\SwanDHH; if you are installing on a Windows 7 system the default folder is changed
intoC:\Program files (x86)\SwanDHH. If you prefer you can choose another folder during

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installation, but it is important to choose the same location for both packages.
If you do so you should change the folder names in the files runswan.bat and RunOpg.bat; you
find these folder names in the first line of each file.
On a Windows 7 system you can either browse to the folder C:\Program files\SwanDHH or use
the files runswan(W7).bat and RunOpg(W7).bat instead of the ones mentioned before.
You should copy the attached license file DigHydr.lic to the folder where you installed the
programs. The license file is needed only for the Graphical User Interface.

Furthermore the setup procedure will put a number of icons on the desktop; during the installation you
will be asked whether you wish to create these desktop icons; you are advised to confirm.

If you wish to create a separate folder for the data of a certain project, you are advised to copy the
following files to the folder that contains your data for the project, including the Swan control files:

z the license file DigHydr.lic

z runswan.bat
z RunOpg.bat
z SwanBox.bat; this is the file that opens a DOS box (see below)

Running Swan outside the control of the GUI is possible after opening a DOS box. In order to do so
you go to the folder containing your project data and click on the file SwanBox.bat. Then a box with
black background will appear in which you can type:
runswan.bat case1
assuming your control file is called case1.swn.
Running OPGraph can be done from the same DOS box, this time with the command:
RunOpg.bat case1
assuming that the OPGraph control file is called case1.opg.

If you wish to uninstall SwanDHH, you go to “Start” (lower left corner), then to “All Programs”; then
you select “SwanDHH” and subsequently “Uninstall Swan GUI” and “Uninstall Swan tests”. This will
not only uninstall the GUI and the testbank, but all software in the package.

If you have any questions about the installation or about the use of the package please ask me.
Remember however, that many questions are answered already in the Swan Course.
The setup procedure was created with Jordan Russell's version of Inno Setup.

Best regards,
Dr. Nico Booij
e-mail: [email protected]

2015-10-22 14:23 GMT+02:00 Nicola Caso <[email protected]>:

Name=Nicola Caso
I agree with general conditions=yes


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