Chem-LAB Catalog 2019-2022 PDF
Chem-LAB Catalog 2019-2022 PDF
Chem-LAB Catalog 2019-2022 PDF
2019 – 2022
“Tailor made reagents”
1 Preface
Dear customer,
We are pleased to present you the new edition (2019-2022) of our catalog.
CHEM-LAB is dedicated to providing first class chemicals and tailor made reagents.
In our new General Reagents Catalog you will find approximately 600 new items.
In the next years we will expand our product range even further.
We respond to the specific needs of our customers by providing them with the products they
The quality of our products and the quickness of service will remain our priority.
The laboratories of Chem-Lab are ISO 17034 and ISO 17025 accredited for the analysis and
the production of Certified Reference Standards and Reagents. You can see on our website
( which products we manufacture under accreditation.
In order to satisfy the needs of our distributors, OEM-customers and Belgian endusers, we have
enlarged our warehouses and offices. In 2018 we have opened a brand new Solvent Production Facility.
Moreover, we have improved our internal procedures so that there is always available stock of many
of our chemicals and reagents. The available stock can be checked on our website
If you should have any questions concerning prices, products or delivery, then please feel free to
contact us.
Our team is highly qualified and understands the importance of strong customer relationships.
Jan Strobbe
President CHEM-LAB NV
This new Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging (“CLP Regulation”) contributes
to the GHS aim that the same hazards will be described and labelled in the same way all around the
world. By using internationally agreed classification criteria and labelling elements, it is expected
to facilitate trade and to contribute towards global efforts to protect humans and the environment
from hazardous effects of chemicals. The new act will complement the REACH Regulation on the
registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.
The CLP Regulation will, after a transitional period, replace the current rules on classification,
labelling and packaging of substances (Directive 67/548/EEC) and mixtures (Directive 1999/45/EC). The
date from which substance classification and labelling must be consistent with the new rules will be
December 1, 2010 and for mixtures June 1, 2015.
D.:0.79 g/ml
10 2 CL0
M.W.:32.04 g/mol 11
Assay>99.8% n.v.<0.001%
12 H2O<0.05%
F Acid<0.002%
F Alk.<0.00005%
B<0.000002% Ba<0.00001%
Ca<0.00005% Cd<0.000005%
Co<0.000002% Cr<0.000002%
Cu<0.000001% Fe<0.00001%
Mg<0.00001% Mn<0.000001%
Ni<0.000002% Pb<0.000002%
Sn<0.00001% Zn<0.00001%
Cl<0.00005% SO4<0.0001%
Acetaldehyde<0.001% Acetone<0.001%
Methanol a.r. 1
Ethanol<0.1% Formaldehyde<0.01%
Red.<0.00025% Density = 0.791 - 0.793 g/ml
(permanganate) CO<0.005%
Dark. by H2SO4: passes test
R.C.S.: passes test
Sol. H2O: passes test
Methanol p.a.
Colour< 10 APHA
Méthanol p.a.
Abs.270nm<0.02 Methanol z.A.
Metanol p.a.
Alcole metilico p.a.
99.8+% CH3OH 6
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur.
8 7
CAS Nr. 67-56-1
Index Nr. 603-001-00-X 9
EINECS Nr. 200-659-6
UN 1230 PE 2,5
Chem-Lab NV
Industriezone "De Arend" 2
B-8210 Zedelgem
Made in Belgium
14 15
00.1307.2500 Danger.: Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Toxic if swallowed. Toxic in contact with skin. Toxic if inhaled. Causes damage to organs. Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames, hot surfaces.No smoking. Keep
container tightly closed. Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection, face protection. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. IF exposed or if you feel unwell: Call a POISON CENTER or
3 2.5 l
Gevaar.: Licht ontvlambare vloeistof en damp. Giftig bij inslikken. Giftig bij contact met de huid. Giftig bij inademing. Veroorzaakt schade aan organen. Verwijderd houden van warmte, vonken, open vuur, hete
oppervlakken.Niet roken. In goed gesloten verpakking bewaren. Beschermende handschoenen, beschermende kleding, oogbescherming, gelaatsbescherming dragen. BIJ CONTACT MET DE HUID: met veel water
en zeep wassen. NA blootstelling of bij onwel voelen: een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
Danger.: Liquide et vapeurs très inflammables. Toxique en cas d'ingestion. Toxique par contact cutané. Toxique par inhalation. Risque avéré d'effets graves pour les organes. Tenir à l’écart de la chaleur, des
4 Batch Nr.: 26.1060612 étincelles, des flammes nues, des surfaces chaudes.Ne pas fumer. Maintenir le récipient fermé de manière étanche. Porter des gants de protection, des vêtements de protection, un équipement de protection des
yeux, du visage. EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LA PEAU: laver abondamment à l’eau et au savon. EN CAS d’exposition ou de malaise: appeler un CENTRE ANTIPOISON ou un médecin.
5 Exp. Date: 12-2023 Gefahr.: Flüssigkeit und Dampf leicht entzündbar. Giftig bei Verschlucken. Giftig bei Hautkontakt. Giftig bei Einatmen. Schädigt die Organe. Von Hitze, Funken, offener Flamme, heißen Oberflächen fernhalten. Nicht
rauchen. Behälter dicht verschlossen halten. Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzkleidung, Augenschutz, Gesichtsschutz tragen. BEI KONTAKT MIT DER HAUT: Mit viel Wasser und Seife waschen. BEI Exposition oder
Storage: RT Unwohlsein: GIFTINFORMATIONSZENTRUM oder Arzt anrufen.
Pelligro.: Líquido y vapores muy inflamables. Tóxico en caso de ingestión. Tóxico en contacto con la piel. Tóxico en caso de inhalación. Provoca daños en los órganos. Mantener alejado de fuentes de calor,
chispas, llama abierta o superficies calientes.No fumar. Mantener el recipiente herméticamente cerrado. Llevar guantes, prendas, gafas, máscara de protección. EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LA PIEL: Lavar con
agua y jabón abundantes. EN CASO DE exposición o si se encuentra mal: Llamar a un CENTRO DE INFORMACIÓN TOXICOLÓGICA o a un médico.
Pericolo.: Liquido e vapori facilmente infiammabili. Tossico se ingerito. Tossico per contatto con la pelle. Tossico se inalato. Provoca danni agli organi. Tenere lontano da fonti di calore, scintille, fiamme libere,
superfici riscaldate.Non fumare. Tenere il recipiente ben chiuso. Indossare guanti, indumenti protettivi, Proteggere gli occhi, il viso. IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON LA PELLE: lavare abbondantemente con acqua e
sapone. IN CASO di esposizione o di malessere, contattare un CENTRO ANTIVELENI o un medico.
EUH EUH 206 Warning! Do not use together H228 Flammable solid.
EUH 001 Explosive when dry. with other products. May release H229 Pressurised container: May burst
dangerous gases (chlorine). if heated.
EUH 006 Explosive with or without contact
with air. EUH 207 Warning! Contains cadmium. H230 May react explosively even in the
Dangerous fumes are formed absence of air.
EUH 014 Reacts violently with water.
during use.
EUH 018 In use may form flammable/ H231 May react explosively even in
EUH 208 Contains <name of sensitising the absence of air at elevated
explosive vapour-air mixture.
substance>. May produce an pressure and/or temperature.
EUH 019 May form explosive peroxides. allergic reaction.
H240 Heating may cause an explosion.
EUH 029 Contact with water liberates toxic EUH 209 Can become highly flammable
gas. H241 Heating may cause a fire or
in use.
EUH 031 Contact with acids liberates toxic EUH 209A Can become flammable in use.
gas. H242 Heating may cause a fire.
EUH 210 Safety data sheet available on
EUH 032 Contact with acids liberates very H250 Catches fire spontaneously if
toxic gas. exposed to air.
EUH 401 To avoid risks to human health
EUH 044 Risk of explosion if heated under H251 Self-heating: may catch fire.
and the environment, comply
confinement. with the instructions for use. H252 Self-heating in large quantities;
EUH 059 Hazardous to the ozone layer. may catch fire.
EUH 066 Repeated exposure may cause H260 In contact with water releases
H200 Unstable explosives.
skin dryness or cracking. flammable gases which may
H201 Explosive; mass explosion hazard. ignite spontaneously.
EUH 070 Toxic by eye contact.
H202 Explosive, severe projection H261 In contact with water releases
EUH 071 Corrosive to the respiratory tract. hazard. flammable gases.
EUH 201 Contains lead. Should not be H203 Explosive; fire, blast or projection H270 May cause or intensify fire;
used on surfaces liable to be hazard. oxidiser.
chewed or sucked by children.
H204 Fire or projection hazard. H271 May cause fire or explosion;
EUH 201A Warning! Contains lead.
H205 May mass explode in fire. strong oxidiser.
EUH 202 Cyanoacrylate. Danger. Bonds
H220 Extremely flammable gas. H272 May intensify fire; oxidiser.
skin and eyes in seconds. Keep
out of the reach of children. H221 Flammable gas. H280 Contains gas under pressure; may
H222 Extremely flammable aerosol. explode if heated.
EUH 203 Contains chromium (VI). May
produce an allergic reaction. H223 Flammable aerosol. H281 Contains refrigerated gas; may
cause cryogenic burns or injury.
EUH 204 Contains isocyanates. May H224 Extremely flammable liquid and
produce an allergic reaction. vapour. H290 May be corrosive to metals.
EUH 205 Contains epoxy constituents. May H225 Highly flammable liquid and H300 Fatal if swallowed.
produce an allergic reaction. vapour. H301 Toxic if swallowed.
H226 Flammable liquid and vapour. H302 Harmful if swallowed.
H304 May be fatal if swallowed and H300 Fatal if swallowed, in contact with P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/
enters airways. + H310 skin or if inhaled mist/vapours/spray.
H310 Fatal in contact with skin. + H330 P262 Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on
H311 Toxic in contact with skin. H301 Toxic if swallowed or in contact clothing.
+ H311 with skin P263 Avoid contact during pregnancy/
H312 Harmful in contact with skin.
H301 Toxic if swallowed or if inhaled while nursing.
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye
+ H331 P264 Wash … thoroughly after
H311 Toxic in contact with skin or if handling.
H315 Causes skin irritation.
+ H331 inhaled P270 Do no eat, drink or smoke when
H317 May cause an allergic skin
H301 Toxic if swallowed, in contact using this product.
+ H311 with skin or if inhaled P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-
H318 Causes serious eye damage. + H331 ventilated area.
H319 Causes serious eye irritation. H302 Harmful if swallowed or in P272 Contaminated work clothing
H330 Fatal if inhaled. + H312 contact with skin should not be allowed out of the
H331 Toxic if inhaled. H302 Harmful if swallowed or if inhaled workplace.
H332 Harmful if inhaled. + H332 P273 Avoid release to the environment.
H334 May cause allergy or asthma H312 Harmful in contact with skin or if P280 Wear protective gloves/
symptoms or breathing + H332 inhaled protective clothing/eye
difficulties if inhaled. H302 Harmful if swallowed, in contact protection/face protection.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation. + H312 with skin or if inhaled P281 Use personal protective
H336 May cause drowsiness or + H332 equipment as required.
dizziness. H420 Harms public health and the P282 Wear cold insulating gloves/face
H340 May cause genetic defects. environment by destroying ozone shield/eye protection.
in the upper atmosphere
H341 Suspected of causing genetic P283 Wear fire/flame resistant/
defects. P retardant clothing.
H350 May cause cancer. P101 If medical advice is needed, have P284 Wear respiratory protection.
product container or label at
H350i May cause cancer by inhalation. P285 In case of inadequate ventilation
H351 Suspected of causing cancer. wear respiratory protection.
P102 Keep out of reach of children.
H360 May damage fertility or the P301 IF SWALLOWED:
P103 Read label before use.
unborn child. P302 IF ON SKIN:
P201 Obtain special instructions before
H360D May damage the unborn child. P303 IF ON SKIN (or hair):
H360Df May damage the unborn child. P304 IF INHALED:
P202 Do not handle until all safety
Suspected of damaging fertility. precautions have been read and P305 IF IN EYES:
H360F May damage fertility. understood. P306 IF ON CLOTHING:
H360FD May damage fertility. May P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/ P307 IF exposed:
damage the unborn child. open flames/hot surfaces. — No P308 IF exposed or concerned:
H360Fd May damage fertility. Suspected smoking. P309 IF exposed or if you feel unwell:
of damaging the unborn child. P211 Do not spray on an open flame or P310 Immediately call a POISON
H361 Suspected of damaging fertility other ignition source. CENTER or doctor/physician.
or the unborn child. P220 Keep/Store away from P311 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/
H361d Suspected of damaging the clothing/…/combustible physician.
unborn child. materials.
P312 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/
H361f Suspected of damaging fertility. P221 Take any precaution to avoid physician if you feel unwell.
H361fd Suspected of damaging fertility. mixing with combustibles…
P313 Get medical advice/attention.
Suspected of damaging the P222 Do not allow contact with air.
P314 Get medical advice/attention if
unborn child. P223 Keep away from any possible you feel unwell.
H362 May cause harm to breast-fed contact with water, because of
violent reaction and possible P315 Get immediate medical advice/
flash fire. attention.
H370 Causes damage to organs.
P230 Keep wetted with… P320 Specific treatment is urgent (see
H371 May cause damage to organs. … on this label).
H372 Causes damage to organs P231 Handle under inert gas.
P321 Specific treatment (see … on this
through prolonged or repeated P232 Protect from moisture. label).
exposure. P233 Keep container tightly closed. P322 Specific measures (see … on this
H373 May cause damage to organs P234 Keep only in original container. label).
through prolonged or repeated P235 Keep cool. P330 Rinse mouth.
P240 Ground/bond container and P331 Do NOT induce vomiting.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life. receiving equipment. P332 If skin irritation occurs:
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long P241 Use explosion-proof electrical/
lasting effects. P333 If skin irritation or rash occurs:
H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long equipment. P334 Immerse in cool water/wrap in
lasting effects. wet bandages.
P242 Use only non-sparking tools.
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long P335 Brush off loose particles from
P243 Take precautionary measures skin.
lasting effects. against static discharge.
H413 May cause long lasting harmful P336 Thaw frosted parts with
P244 Keep reduction valves free from lukewarm water. Do no rub
effects to aquatic life. grease and oil. affected area.
H300 Fatal if swallowed or in contact P250 Do not subject to grinding/
+ H310 with skin P337 If eye irritation persists:
H300 Fatal if swallowed or if inhaled P338 Remove contact lenses, if present
P251 Pressurized container: Do not and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
+ H330 pierce or burn, even after use.
H310 Fatal in contact with skin or if P260 Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/
+ H330 inhaled mist/vapours/spray.
P340 Remove victim to fresh air P235 Keep cool. Protect from sunlight. P403 Store in a well-ventilated place.
and keep at rest in a position + P410 + P235 Keep cool.
comfortable for breathing. P301 IF SWALLOWED: Immediately P410 Protect from sunlight. Store in a
P341 If breathing is difficult, remove + P310 call a POISON CENTER or doctor/ + P403 well-ventilated place.
victim to fresh air and keep at physician. P410 Protect from sunlight. Do
rest in a position comfortable P301 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON + P412 no expose to temperatures
for breathing. + P312 CENTER or doctor/physician if you exceeding 50 oC/122oF.
P342 If experiencing respiratory feel unwell. P411 Store at temperatures not
symptoms: P301 IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. + P235 exceeding ... oC/...oF. Keep cool.
P350 Gently wash with plenty of soap + P330 Do NOT induce vomiting.
and water. + P331
P351 Rinse cautiously with water for P302 IF ON SKIN: Immerse in cool
several minutes. + P334 water/wrap in wet bandages.
P352 Wash with plenty of soap and P302 IF ON SKIN: Gently wash with
water. + P350 plenty of soap and water.
P353 Rinse skin with water/shower. P302 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of
P360 Rinse immediately contaminated + P352 soap and water.
clothing and skin with plenty of P303 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take
water before removing clothes. + P361 off immediately all contaminated
P361 Remove/Take off immediately all + P353 clothing. Rinse skin with water/
contaminated clothing. shower.
P362 Take off contaminated clothing P304 IF INHALED: Remove victim
and wash before reuse. + P340 to fresh air and keep at rest
in a position comfortable for
P363 Wash contaminated clothing
before reuse.
P304 IF INHALED: If breathing is
P370 In case of fire:
+ P341 difficult, remove victim to fresh
P371 In case of major fire and large air and keep at rest in a position
quantities: comfortable for breathing.
P372 Explosion risk in case of fire. P305 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously
P373 DO NOT fight fire when fire + P351 with water for several minutes.
reaches explosives. + P338 Remove contact lenses, if present
P374 Fight fire with normal precautions and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
from a reasonable distance. P306 IF ON CLOTHING: rinse
P375 Fight fire remotely due to the risk + P360 immediately contaminated
of explosion. clothing and skin with plenty of
P376 Stop leak if safe to do so. water before removing clothes.
P377 Leaking gas fire: Do not P307 IF exposed: Call a POISON CENTER
extinguish, unless leak can be + P311 or doctor/physician.
stopped safely. P308 IF exposed or concerned: Get
P378 Use … for extinction. + P313 medical advice/attention.
P380 Evacuate area. P309 IF exposed or if you feel unwell:
+ P311 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/
P381 Eliminate all ignition sources if physician.
safe to do so.
P332 If skin irritation occurs: Get
P390 Absorb spillage to prevent + P313 medical advice/attention.
material damage.
P333 If skin irritation or rash occurs:
P391 Collect spillage. + P313 Get medical advice/attention.
P401 Store … P335 Brush off loose particles from
P402 Store in a dry place. + P334 skin. Immerse in cool water/wrap
P403 Store in a well-ventilated place. in wet bandages.
P404 Store in a closed container. P337 If eye irritation persists: Get
P405 Store locked up. + P313 medical advice/attention.
P406 Store in corrosive resistant/… P342 If experiencing respiratory
container with a resistant inner + P311 symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER
liner. or doctor/physician.
P407 Maintain air gap between stacks/ P370 In case of fire: Stop leak if safe to
pallets. + P376 do so.
P410 Protect from sunlight. P370 In case of fire: Use ... for
+ P378 extinction.
P411 Store at temperatures not
exceeding … °C/…°F. P370 In case of fire: Evacuate area.
+ P380
P412 Do not expose to temperatures
exceeding 50 °C/122°F. P370 In case of fire: Evacuate area.
+ P380 Fight fire remotely due to the risk
P413 Store bulk masses greater than
+ P375 of explosion.
… kg/… lbs at temperatures not
exceeding … °C/…°F. P371 In case of major fire and large
+ P380 quantities: Evacuate area. Fight
P420 Store away from other materials.
+ P375 fire remotely due to the risk of
P422 Store contents under … explosion.
P501 Dispose of contents/container P402 Store in a dry place. Store in a
to … + P404 closed container.
P231 Handle under inert gas. Protect P403 Store in a well-ventilated place.
+ P232 from moisture. + P233 Keep container tightly closed.
ISO 17025
531-CAL by BELAC
ISO 17034
531-RM by BELAC
From 1ml to several tons Chem-Lab can manufacture your custom made solutions according to
your specifications.
We cannot only manufacture custom made solutions but also tailor your packing requirements
between 1ml and 1000l IBC containers.
In the back of this catalog you can find fill-in forms to request a quote for your custom made
All solutions are manufactured in our ISO certified and accredited production facility and delivered
with certificate of analysis.
In the news and events section you can find all information about exhibitions, new products,
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Chem-Lab Chem-Lab
was accredited was accredited
ISO 17025 for the ISO guide 34 for
production of the production
Reference of Reference
Standards. Standards.
+ +
Inductively Coupled Plasma
2 Packaging Ultrapure
Pico Pure®
Ultra pure acids
Ultra pure acids (ppb levels)
Pico Pure Plus® Ultra pure acids (ppt levels)
Mass Spectrometry
International Marine
Dangerous Goods ChemClear® Xylene substitue for
IR Infrared Spectroscopy AMP Ampoulle in glass microscopy
ISO International Organization ALU Aluminium can Chem-QUANT® Test strips
for Standardization CBOT Cardboard open top ChemSolv® Solvent for ICP spectroscopy
JP Japanese Pharmacopoeia PEB Coloured Polyethylene Disinfectol® C2H5OH, denatured with
LC-MS Liquid Chromatography EP Ecopack (Bag in box 3% diethylether
Mass Spectrometry packaging) Disolol® C2H5OH, denatured with 1%
LOD Loss On Drying GVB Glas bottles IPA and 1% MEK + DBN
LOI Loss On Ignition MET Metal
Alphabetical Listings
• Products from A to Z ................................................................................................................................................... 1 – 652
Technical References
• LF values/°C for conductivity standard solutions .................................................................................................. 653
• pH values/°C for NBS ......................................................................................................................................................... 654
• pH values.°C for buffer solutions................................................................................................................................... 655
• mV values/°C for Redox standard solutions.............................................................................................................. 656
Acetic acid ≥99% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2753
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis ≥99% CH3COOH
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <50ppt
CasNr 64-19-7 Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol Copper (Cu) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <1ppt
HS Nr 29152100 Density 1.05 g/ml Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Erbium (Er) <1ppt Selenium (Se) Information only
UN 2789 Class, PG 8 (3),II
Europium (Eu) <1ppt Silver (Ag) <50ppt
DANGER. EDTA <1ppt Sodium (Na) <100ppt
H226-H314 Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <1ppt
Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Indium (In) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Iron (Fe) <50ppt Thulium (Tm) <1ppt
Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Tin (Sn) <50ppt
Lead (Pb) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Assay ≥99%
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Aluminium (Al) <50ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <50ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <50ppt
Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <1ppt
Arsenic (As) <50ppt
Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt
Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt Zinc (Zn) <50ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt
Nickel (Ni) <50ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt
Platinum (Pt) <50ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt
Potassium (K) <50ppt
Calcium (Ca) <50ppt
Praseodymium (Pr) <1ppt
Cerium (Ce)
Caesium (Cs)
Rhenium (Re) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Rhodium (Rh) <50ppt
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt
Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL00.2753.0250 250 ml FEP
Acetic acid 99-100% (ultra pure) CL00.0164
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.8+% CH3COOH
Gold (Au) <0.001ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
CasNr 64-19-7 Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol Boron (B) <0.001ppm Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
HS Nr 29152100 Density 1.05 g/ml Barium (Ba) <0.001ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.002ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
UN 2789 Class, PG 8 (3),II
Bismuth (Bi) <0.002ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
H226-H314 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) <0.005ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.002ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.02ppm Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <2ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Acetaldehyde <2ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.002ppm Reducing Subtances <50ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Assay >99.8%
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Chloride (Cl) <0.1ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphate (PO4) <0.05ppm
Sulfate (SO4) <0.5ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm CL00.0164.0250 250 ml GVB
Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm CL00.0164.1000 1l GVB/H
Aluminium (Al) <0.002ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.005ppm CL00.0164.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Acetic acid 99-100% p. CL00.0106
For laboratory use 99+% CH3COOH
CasNr 64-19-7 Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.005%
HS Nr 29152100 Density 1.05 g/ml Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
UN 2789 Class, PG 8 (3),II Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
DANGER. Sulfate (SO4) <0.0005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
CL00.0106.2500 2,5 l PE
CL00.0106.5000 5l PEB
CL00.0106.9025 25 l PEB
Acetic acid 10 vol. % solution CL02.0110
For laboratory use 100 ml CH3COOH / l H2O
CasNr 64-19-7 Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol % v/v 9 - 11
Acetic acid 0.05 mol/l NEW CL05.0134
For laboratory use, Titrations 3.003 g CH3COOH / l H2O = 0.05 N (±0.0002/20°C)
CasNr 64-19-7 Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29152100 Density 1.00 g/ml CL05.0134.1000 1l PE
Acetone, HPLC grade CL00.0172
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C3H6O
CasNr 67-64-1 Mol.Weight 58.08 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Water <2000ppm
HS Nr 29141100 Density 0.791 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1090 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Transmittance @ 335nm > 50%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 340nm > 85%
H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Transmittance @ 350nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 355nm > 99%
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0172.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0172.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Acetone p. CL00.0102
For laboratory use 99+% C3H6O
CasNr 67-64-1 Mol.Weight 58.08 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29141100 Density 0.791 g/ml Free Acid <0.005%
UN 1090 Class, PG 3,II Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
Reducing Subtances <0.0002%
DANGER. Methanol <0.05%
H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Residue after Evaporation <0.001%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Aldehydes <0.002% CL00.0102.1000 1l PE
CL00.0102.5000 5l PE
CL00.0102.9010 10 l PE
CL00.0102.9025 25 l PE
Acetonitrile, HPLC super gradient grade CL00.0189
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% CH3CN - 0.2 µm filtrated
CasNr 75-05-8 Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Water <200ppm
HS Nr 29269070 Density 0.781 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1648 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <1.5 mAU
DANGER. Transmittance @ 190nm > 30%
H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 Transmittance @ 195nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 200nm > 93%
P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Transmittance @ 220nm
Transmittance @ 230nm
> 98%
> 99%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0189.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0189.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Acetonitrile a.r. CL00.0155
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% CH3CN
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
CasNr 75-05-8 Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29269070 Density 0.781 g/ml Water <0.1% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
UN 1648 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.001%
Free Alkali <0.001% Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
DANGER. Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 Boron (B) <0.000005% Colour < 10 APHA
Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Residue after Evaporation <0.005%
P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% CL00.0155.1000 1l GVB
Iron (Fe) <0.00001% CL00.0155.2500 2,5 l GVB
Acetophenone v.p. CL00.2726
For laboratory use, FCC 99+% C8H8O
CasNr 98-86-2 Mol.Weight 120.15 g/mol Assay >99%
Acetylthiocholine iodide v.p. CL00.2704
For laboratory use 98+% C7H16INOS
CasNr 1866-15-5 Mol.Weight 289.18 g/mol Assay >98%
AD-reagent CL02.0117
Det. digestability 2% CTAB / l 1 N H2SO4
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 3264 Class, PG 8,III
P273-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0117.9010 10 l PE
Agar for Molecular biology CL00.2757
For laboratory use, for molecular biology -
Calcium (Ca) <0.2%
CasNr 9002-18-0 Ash <4.0%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.1%
Gelling Temperature : 30-36°C
HS Nr 13023100 Gel Strength 750-1000 g/cm2
pH : 6 to 8(1.5% in Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Gelatin : N.D. CL00.2757.0250 250 g PE
: N.D.
CL00.2757.1000 1 kg PE
Alkali blue indicator sol. CL06.0102
Titrimetric indicator (pH 11.5 -13.0 - blue to rose) 1 g C32H28N3NaO4S / l C2H5OH
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 1170 Density 0.788 g/ml
Class, PG 3,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL06.0102.0250 250 ml GVB
CL06.0102.1000 1l GVB
Aluminium(III) chloride.6aq a.r. CL00.0122
For laboratory use, DAC, USP 99+% AlCl3.6H2O
CasNr 7784-13-6 Mol.Weight 241.45 g/mol Assay >99%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.01%
HS Nr 28273200 Density 2.40 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0004%
WARNING. Calcium (Ca) <0.02%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
H315-H319 Potassium (K) <0.01%
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Magnesium (Mg) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.1%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001% CL00.0122.0250 250 g PE
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
CL00.0122.1000 1 kg PE
Aluminium(III)-L-Lactate p. CL00.2710
For laboratory use C9H15O9Al
CasNr 18917-91-4 Mol.Weight 294.19 g/mol
P261-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2710.0100 100 g PE
Aluminium(III) potassium sulfate.12aq a.r. CL00.0157
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% AlK(SO4)2.12H2O
CasNr 7784-24-9 Mol.Weight 474.39 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.005%
HS Nr 28333000 Density 1.75 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
Iron (Fe) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
CL00.0157.0250 250 g PE
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005% CL00.0157.1000 1 kg PE
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001% CL00.0157.5000 5 kg PE
Sodium (Na) <0.02%
2-Aminophenol p. CL00.2732
For laboratory use 99+% C6H7NO
CasNr 95-55-6 Mol.Weight 109.12 g/mol Assay >99%
Ammonia 30-33 weight % solution a.r. CL00.2705
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 300 - 330 g NH3 / kg
Platinum (Pt) <0.00001%
CasNr 1336-21-6 Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol Non Volatiles <0.002%
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
Silver (Ag) <0.000002%
HS Nr 28142000 Density 0.88 g/ml Gold (Au) <0.00001% Strontium (Sr) <0.00001%
Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III Barium (Ba) <0.00005%
Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
DANGER. Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
H314-H335-H400-H290 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Carbonate (CO3) <0,001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.00005% Chloride (Cl) <0.0003%
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Chromium (Cr) <0.000005% Phosphate (PO4) <0.0005%
P311 Copper (Cu) <0.00001% Sulfate (SO4) <0.0002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001% Sulfur (S) <0.00002%
Gallium (Ga) <0.000002% Nitrate (NO3) <0.0002%
Indium (In) <0.000002% Silicate (SiO2) <0.0005%
Potassium (K) <0.00005% Reducing Subtances <0.0005%
Lithium (Li) <0.000002%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000005%
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000005% CL00.2705.1000 1l GVB/OD
Lead (Pb) <0.000005% CL00.2705.2500 2,5 l GVB/OD
Ammonia 25 weight % solution (ultra pure) CL00.0161
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP ±250 g NH3 / kg
Lithium (Li) <0.002ppm
CasNr 1336-21-6 Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol Residue after Ignition <2ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Carbonate (CO3) <10ppm
HS Nr 28142000 Density 0.91 g/ml Chloride (Cl) <0.5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III Phosphate (PO4) <0.05ppm
Sulfate (SO4) <0.5ppm Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm
DANGER. Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm
H314-H335-H400-H290 Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
P311 Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.002ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.001ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.005ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Germanium (Ge) <0.001ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm CL00.0161.0250 250 ml PE/OD
Indium (In) <0.002ppm CL00.0161.1000 1l PE/OD
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Ammonia 25 weight % solution a.r. CL00.0115
For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur. ±250 g NH3 / kg
Strontium (Sr) <0.0001%
CasNr 1336-21-6 Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol Assay >25% (As NH3)
Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Non Volatiles <0.002%
HS Nr 28142000 Density 0.91 g/ml Silver (Ag) <0.000002% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III Gold (Au) <0.00001%
Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Carbonate (CO3) <0,001%
DANGER. Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Chloride (Cl) <0.00005%
H314-H335-H400-H290 Calcium (Ca) <0.0001% Phosphate (PO4) <0.00005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Sulfate (SO4) <0.0002%
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Cobalt (Co) <0.00001% Silicate (SiO2) <0.001%
P311 Chromium (Cr) <0.000005% Sulfur (S) <0.0002%
Copper (Cu) <0.00001% Reducing Subtances <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001% Residue after Evaporation <0.002%
Gallium (Ga) <0.000002%
Indium (In) <0.000002%
Potassium (K) <0.0001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000002%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.00001%
Sodium (Na) <0.0001%
CL00.0115.0500 500 g PE
Nickel (Ni) <0.000005% CL00.0115.1000 1l PE/OD
Lead (Pb)
Platinum (Pt)
CL00.0115.2500 2,5 l PE/OD
Tin (Sn) <0.00001% CL00.0115.9025 25 l PE/OD
Ammonia 20-22% solution (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2754
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 20-22% NH3 / kg
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt
CasNr 1336-21-6 Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol Dysprosium (Dy) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) : Information only
HS Nr 28142000 Density 0.92 g/ml Erbium (Er) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt
Europium (Eu) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III
Gadolinium (Gd) <10ppt Selenium (Se) : Information only
DANGER. Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
H314-H335-H400-H290 Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <20ppt
Gold (Au) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Hafnium (Hf) : Information only Tellurium (Te) <10ppt
P311 Holmium (Ho) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
Indium (In) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Iron (Fe) <10ppt Thorium (Th) <10ppt
Lanthanum (La) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
Lead (Pb) <10ppt Tin (Sn) <10ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Assay : 20-22%
Magnesium (Mg) <10ppt Uranium (U) <10ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt
Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <10ppt
Mercury (Hg) <200ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Arsenic (As) <10ppt
Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Yttrium (Y) <10ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt
Neodymium (Nd) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt
Nickel (Ni) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt
Niobium (Nb) <10ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt
Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt
Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt
Potassium (K) <10ppt
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt
Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Rhenium (Re) : Information only
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt
Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt CL00.2754.0250 250 ml HDPE
Ammonia 18 weight % solution v.p. CL00.0101
For laboratory use 180 g NH3 / kg
CasNr 1336-21-6 Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol Non Volatiles <0.002%
Iron (Fe) <0.0001%
HS Nr 28142000 Density 0.93 g/ml Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0003%
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III Chloride (Cl) <0.0002%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.002%
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0101.5000 5l PE/OD
CL00.0101.9025 25 l PE/OD
Ammonia 3 mol/l NEW CL05.0136
For laboratory use, Titrations 105.15 g NH4OH / l H2O = 3 N (±0.03/20°C)
CasNr 1336-21-6 Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol
HS Nr 28142000 Density 0.96 g/ml
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311
Ammonium acetate, eluent additive for LC-MS CL00.2722
For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 99+% C2H7NO2
Manganese (Mn) <0.0001%
CasNr 631-61-8 Mol.Weight 77.08 g/mol Assay >99%
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.0001%
Ammonium Acetate >99%
HS Nr 29152900 Density 1.17 g/cm3 Aluminium (Al) <0.0001% Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
Barium (Ba) <0.0001% Potassium (K) <0.005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001% Sodium (Na) <0.005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001% Strontium (Sr) <0.0001%
Chromium (Cr) <0.0001% Zinc (Zn) <0.0001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.0001% Satisfies LC-MS applications
Copper (Cu) <0.0001%
Iron (Fe) <0.0001%
Lead (Pb) <0.0001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li) <0.0001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.0001% CL00.2722.0050 50 g PE
Ammonium acetate 10 mMol in Water, pH7 buffered, LC-MS CL02.0172
For laboratory use, LC-MS 770.8 mg C2H7NO2 / l H2O
satisfies LC-MS applications
CasNr 631-61-8 Density 1.00 g/ml CH3COONa 9.5-10.5 mmol/l
%T 1 cm lp 254nm >96%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
HS Nr 29152900 Calcium (Ca) <0.000005% %T 1 cm lp 280nm >98%
Iron (Fe) <0.000005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <0.000005%
Sodium (Na) <0.000005% CL02.0172.1000 1l GVB/H
Ammonium bromide a.r. CL00.2734
For laboratory use, ACS 99.5+% NH4Br
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
CasNr 12124-97-9 Mol.Weight 97.94 g/mol Assay >99.5%
pH : 4.5 - 6.0 (5% sol.
HS Nr 28275900 Density 2.43 g/cm3 @ 25°C)
WARNING. Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
Residue after Ignition <0.01%
H319 Bromate (BrO3) <0.002%
P305 + P351 + P338 Chloride (Cl) <0.2%
Iodide (I) : Passes test
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Barium (Ba) <0.002%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.2734.1000 1 kg PE
Ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate 0.1 mol/l CL05.0111
For laboratory use, Titrations 54.823 g (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 + 200 ml HNO3 65% / l H2O = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
CasNr 16774-21-3 Mol.Weight 548.23 g/mol
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.13 g/ml
UN 2031 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310
Ammonium chloride a.r. CL00.0130
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.8+% NH4Cl
Sulfate (SO4) <0.002%
CasNr 12125-02-9 Mol.Weight 53.49 g/mol Assay >99.8%
pH : 4.5 to 5.5 (5%
Arsenic (As) <0.00005%
HS Nr 28271000 Density 1.52 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.0005%
solution @ 25.0°C)
Residue after Ignition <0.01% @ 650°C
WARNING. Copper (Cu) <0.0002%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0002%
H302-H319 Potassium (K) <0.005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
P305 + P351 + P338 Magnesium (Mg) <0.0005%
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.0001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.0001% CL00.0130.0250 250 g PE
Zinc (Zn) <0.0002%
Nitrate (NO3) <0.0005% CL00.0130.1000 1 kg PE
Phosphate (PO4) <0.0002% CL00.0130.5000 5 kg PE
Ammonium chloride-Ammonia buffer pH 10.1 CL03.0205
TH Det. 6.75 g NH4Cl + 57 ml NH4OH 25% / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL03.0205.1000 1l PE
CL03.0205.9010 10 l PE
Ammonium chloride-Ammonia buffer pH 10 CL03.0108
TMAR TH Det. acc. SERES 54 g NH4Cl + 555.6 ml NH4OH 20% / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.96 g/ml
UN 2672 Class, PG 8,III
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL03.0108.1000 1l PE/OD
CL03.0108.5000 5l PE/OD
Ammonium chloride 1 mol/l NEW CL05.0146
For laboratory use 53.49 g NH4Cl / l H2O = 1 N (±0.001/20°C)
CasNr 12125-02-9 Mol.Weight 53.49 g/mol
HS Nr 28271000 Density 1.00 g/ml
P280-P264-P305 + P351 + P338-P337 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.0146.1000 1l PE
Ammonium dichromate a.r. CL00.0131
For laboratory use 97+% (NH4)2Cr2O7 + 0.5-3% H2O
CasNr 7789-09-5 Mol.Weight 252.07 g/mol Assay >97%
Loss on drying <3%
HS Nr 28415000 Density 2.15 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
UN 1439 Class, PG 5.1,II Copper (Cu) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.002%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.2%
H272-H301-H317 + H312-H314-H330-H334-H340-H372 + Sodium (Na) <0.005%
H350-H360FD-H410 Lead (Pb) <0.005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
P201-P220-P260-P273-P280-P284 Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate v.p. CL00.0134
For laboratory use 99+% (NH4)H2PO4
CasNr 7722-76-1 Mol.Weight 115.03 g/mol Assay >99%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
HS Nr 31054000 Density 1.80 g/cm3 Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.005% CL00.0134.0500 500 g PE
Arsenic (As) <0.0001%
Iron (Fe) <0.001% CL00.0134.2500 2,5 kg PE
Ammonium heptamolybdate.4aq a.r. CL00.0135
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., ISO, ACS 99+% (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O
Potassium (K) <0.01%
CasNr 12054-85-2 Mol.Weight 1235.86 g/mol Assay >99%
Sodium (Na) <0.01%
Assay :81.0-83.0% (as
HS Nr 28417000 Density 2.498 g/cm3 MoO3)
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
Nitrate (NO3) <0.002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphate (PO4) <0.0005%
Silicate (SiO2) <0.001% CL00.0135.0100 100 g PE
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
CL00.0135.0250 250 g PE
Copper (Cu) <0.001% CL00.0135.0500 500 g PE
Iron (Fe) <0.0005% CL00.0135.1000 1 kg PE
Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005% CL00.0135.5000 5 kg PE
Ammonium heptamolybdate 75 g/l solution CL02.0128
TMAR Silicon Det. acc. BECKMAN-GASCO 75 g (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O + 36 ml H2SO4 95-97% / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.06 g/ml
UN 3264 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0128.1000 1l PE
CL02.0128.5000 5l PE
Ammonium hexafluorosilicate v.p. CL00.0185
For laboratory use 98+% (NH4)2SiF6
CasNr 16919-19-0 Mol.Weight 178.15 g/mol Assay >98%
Nitrogen (N) : 15.3 - 16.1%
HS Nr 28269080 Density 2.01 g/cm3
UN 2854 Class, PG 6.1,III
H301 + H311 + H331
P261-P280-P301 + P310-P311
di-Ammonium hydrogen phosphate a.r. CL00.0125
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% (NH4)2HPO4
Sodium (Na) <0.001%
CasNr 7783-28-0 Mol.Weight 132.06 g/mol Assay >99%
pH : 7.7 to 8.1 (5%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
HS Nr 31053000 Density 1.62 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
solution @ 25.0°C)
Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
Nitrate (NO3) <0.001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.0005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.004%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Potassium (K) <0.001% CL00.0125.0500 500 g PE
Ammonium iron(II) sulfate 0.2 mol/l CL05.0113
For laboratory use, Titrations - Calibrate before use. 78.428 g (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O / l 5% H2SO4 = 0.2N
CasNr 7783-85-9 Mol.Weight 392.14 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.10 g/ml
UN 3264 Class, PG 8,III CL05.0113.1000 1l PE
CL05.0113.5000 5l PE
Ammonium monovanadate a.r. CL00.0127
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur. 99+% NH4VO3
CasNr 7803-55-6 Mol.Weight 116.98 g/mol Assay >99%
Chloride (Cl) <0.002%
HS Nr 28419030 Density 2.3 g/cm3 Phosphate (PO4) <0.005%
UN 2859 Class, PG 6.1,II Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
Iron (Fe) <0.003%
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <0.002%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311
CL00.0127.0025 25 g PE
CL00.0127.0100 100 g PE
CL00.0127.0250 250 g PE
Ammonium peroxodisulfate for Molecular biology CL00.2758
For laboratory use, for molecular biology 98+% (NH4)2S2O8
CasNr 7727-54-0 Mol.Weight 228.20 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Assay >98.0%
HS Nr 28334000 Density 1.98 g/cm3 Free Acid <0.1%
UN 1444 Class, PG 5.1,III Residue after Ignition <0.05%
pH : 3 to 4 (5% in H2O)
DANGER. Chlorate (ClO3) <0.001%
H272-H302-H315-H319-H335-H334-H317 Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352-P304 + P341-P342 + Manganese (Mn) <0.00005%
P311 Lead (Pb) <0.005%
Ammonium sulfate a.r. CL00.0148
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99+% (NH4)2SO4
Zinc (Zn) <0.0001%
CasNr 7783-20-2 Mol.Weight 132.14 g/mol Assay >99%
Residue after Ignition <0.005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.001%
HS Nr 31051000 Density 1.77 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.0003% Water <0.1%
Nitrate (NO3) <0.001% Sulfated Ash <0.01%
Phosphate (PO4) <0.0005% pH : 4.8 to 6.0 (5%
solution@ 25.0°C)
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Arsenic (As) <0.00002%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Copper (Cu) <0.0002% CL00.0148.0500 500 g PE
Iron (Fe) <0.0002%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.0005% CL00.0148.1000 1 kg PE
Lead (Pb) <0.0002% CL00.0148.2500 2,5 kg PE
Ammonium thiocyanate 0.1 mol/l CL05.0105
For laboratory use, Titrations 7.612 g NH4CNS / l H2O = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
CasNr 1762-95-4 Mol.Weight 76.12 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28429080 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL05.0105.1000 1l PE
CL05.0105.9010 10 l PE
Amylalcohol-(iso) v.p. CL00.2719
For laboratory use 98+% C5H12O (±25% 2-Methyl-1-butanol and ±75% 3-Methyl-1-butanol)
CasNr 123-51-3 Mol.Weight 88.15 g/mol Assay >98%
Water <0.3%
HS Nr 29051900 Density 0.81 g/ml Density : 0.808 - 0818 g/ml
UN 1105 Class, PG 3,III @ 20°C
Distillation Range : 128-132°C
WARNING. 2-Methyl-1-butanol = 20-30%
H226-H332-H335-EUH066 3-Methyl-1-butanol = 70-80%
P210-P304 + P340
Anisole p. CL00.2737
For laboratory use 99+% C7H8O
CasNr 100-66-3 Mol.Weight 108.13 g/mol Assay >99%
Antimony, powder, a.r. CL00.2740
For laboratory use 99.8+% Sb
CasNr 7440-36-0 Mol.Weight 121.75 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Ascorbic acid (L(+)) v.p. CL00.0159
For laboratory use 99+% C6H8O6
Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
CasNr 50-81-7 Mol.Weight 176.13 g/mol Assay >99%
Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
HS Nr 29362700 Density 1.65 g/cm3 Sulfate (SO4) <0.002%
Oxalic acid <0.2% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methanol <0.1%
Arsenic (As) <0.0003% CL00.0159.0250 250 g PE
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0002%
CL00.0159.1000 1 kg PE
Mercury (Hg) <0.0001% CL00.0159.2500 2,5 kg PE
Barium acetate a.r. CL00.0205
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% (CH3COO)2Ba
Nitrate (NO3) <0.002%
CasNr 543-80-6 Mol.Weight 255.42 g/mol Assay >99%
Reducing Subtances <0.025%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
HS Nr 29152900 Density 2.47 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.0005% Nitrate (NO3) <0.005%
WARNING. Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
H302 + H332 Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
P302 + P352 Potassium (K) <0.003%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
Sodium (Na) <0.005% CL00.0205.0250 250 g PE
Strontium (Sr) <0.2%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.0205.1000 1 kg PE
Barium chloride.2aq a.r. CL00.0207
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur., ISO 99+% BaCl2.2H2O
pH : 5.2 to 8.2 (5%
CasNr 10326-27-9 Mol.Weight 244.28 g/mol Assay >99%
solution @ 25.0°C)
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
HS Nr 28273985 Density 3.86 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
Nitrate (NO3) <0.005%
UN 1564 Class, PG 6.1,III Iron (Fe) <0.0001%
Potassium (K) <0.0025%
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <0.001%
H332-H301 Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
P301 + P310 Strontium (Sr)
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrogen (N) <0.002% CL00.0207.0250 250 g PE
Loss on drying : 14.0 - 16.0%
CL00.0207.1000 1 kg PE
Barium chloride 0.5 mol/l CL05.0202
For laboratory use, Titrations 122.14 g BaCl2.2H2O / l H2O = 1 N (±0.002/20°C)
CasNr 10326-27-9 Mol.Weight 244.28 g/mol
HS Nr 28273985 Density 1.08 g/ml
UN 1564 Class, PG 6.1,III
P301 + P310
Barium diphenylamine-4-sulfonic acid indicator CL06.0212
Titrimetric RedOx indicator 2 g C24H20BaN2O6S2 / l H2O
CasNr 6211-24-1 Mol.Weight 633.90 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29214400 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL06.0212.0250 250 ml GVB
CL06.0212.1000 1l PEB
Barium nitrate v.p. CL00.0211
For laboratory use 99+% Ba(NO3)2
CasNr 10022-31-8 Mol.Weight 261.34 g/mol Assay >99%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
HS Nr 28342920 Density 3.20 g/cm3 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
UN 1446 Class, PG 5.1 (6.1),II Chloride (Cl) <0.002%
Residue after Ignition <0.2%
P221-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311
BCIP for Molecular biology CL00.0274
For laboratory use, for molecular biology C8H6BrCINO4P.C7H9N
CasNr 6578-06-9 Maximum Absorbance : 286-294nm (buffer
HS Nr 29339980 Absorbance >5800 (E 1 %,1 cm,
WARNING. λmax. pH7.0)
Water <1.0%
P280-P261-P264-P305 + P351 + P338-P405-P403 + P233
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0274.0001 1g GVB
Bentonite CL00.0240
For laboratory use Bentonite clay
CasNr 1302-78-9 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0240.1000 1 kg PE
Benzaldehyde p. CL00.0204
For laboratory use 99+% C7H6O
CasNr 100-52-7 Mol.Weight 106.13 g/mol Assay >99%
Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.
Benzene a.r. CL00.0214
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.7+% C6H6
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
CasNr 71-43-2 Mol.Weight 78.11 g/mol Assay >99.7%
Zinc (Zn) <0.000001%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29022000 Density 0.88 g/ml Water <0.03% Sulfur (S) <0.0005%
Thiophene <0.0001%
UN 1114 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.0004%
Free Alkali <0.0002% Colour < 10 APHA
DANGER. Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Residue after Evaporation <0.001%
H225-H350-H340-H372-H304-H319-H315 Boron (B) <0.000002% Substances darkened by Sulfuric Acid : passes test
Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
P201-P210-P308 + P313-P301 + P310-P331-P305 + P351 + Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
P338-P302 + P352 Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
CL00.0214.0100 100 ml GVB
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002% CL00.0214.1000 1l GVB
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.000001%
CL00.0214.2500 2,5 l GVB
Benzoic acid, reference material for NIST NEW CL00.0252
For laboratory use, reference material for NIST 99.5-100.5% C6H5COOH
CasNr 65-85-0 Mol.Weight 122.12 g/mol Assay : 99.5-100.5%
Benzoin p. CL00.0253
For laboratory use 99+% C14H12O2
CasNr 119-53-9 Mol.Weight 212.24 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29144090 Density 1.31g/cm3 CL00.0253.0250 250 g PE
Benzophenone p. CL00.0254
For laboratory use 99+% C13H10O
CasNr 119-61-9 Mol.Weight 182.22 g/mol Assay >99%
Benzoylacetone p. CL00.0255
For laboratory use 99+% C10H10O2
CasNr 93-91-4 Mol.Weight 162.18 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29143900 CL00.0255.0025 25 g GVB
Benzylacetone p. CL00.0258
For laboratory use 98+% C10H12O
CasNr 2550-26-7 Mol.Weight 148.2 g/mol Assay >98%
Benzylamine p. CL00.0259
For laboratory use 99+% C7H9N
CasNr 100-46-9 Mol.Weight 107.15 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <0.2%
HS Nr 29214900 Density 0.98 g/ml
UN 2735 Class, PG 8,II
H302 + H312-H314
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 +
P338-P308 + P311
Benzyl chloride p. CL00.0260
For laboratory use 99+% C7H7Cl
CasNr 100-44-7 Mol.Weight 126.58 g/mol Assay >99%
Biphenyl p. CL00.0261
For laboratory use 99+% C12H10
CasNr 92-52-4 Mol.Weight 154.21 g/mol Assay >99%
Bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate p. CL00.0539
For laboratory use 99+% C24H38O4
CasNr 117-81-7 Mol.Weight 390.56 g/mol Assay >99%
Biuret reagent CL02.0203
Diagnostic 30 g C4H4KNaO6.4H2O+15 g CuSO4.5H2O+8.5 g KI+40 g NaOH / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.05 g/ml
UN 3266 Class, PG 8,II
P261-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0203.1000 1l PE
Boric acid (ultra pure) CL00.0230
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.8+% H3BO3
Lithium (Li) <0.01ppm
CasNr 10043-35-3 Mol.Weight 61.83 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Chloride (Cl) <3ppm
HS Nr 28100090 Density 1.44 g/cm3 Phosphate (PO4) <0.5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
DANGER. Silicate (SiO2) <0.5ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.01ppm
Sulfate (SO4) <5ppm Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
H360FD Silver (Ag) <0.01ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.01ppm
P201-P308 + P313 Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Lead (Pb) <0.02ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.05ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.01ppm
Gold (Au) <0.02ppm Thallium (TI) <0.02ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.05ppm Vanadium (V) <0.01ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.01ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.01ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.01ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.01ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.01ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Gallium (Ga) <0.05ppm CL00.0230.0050 50 g PE
Indium (In) <0.02ppm
Potassium (K) <0.1ppm CL00.0230.0500 500 g PE
Boric acid 4% solution (ultra pure) CL02.0220
HF neutralisation solution for ICP 40 g H3BO3/ l H2O
Lithium (Li) <0.5ppb
CasNr 10043-35-3 Mol.Weight 61.83 g/mol Chloride (Cl) <0.2ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <4ppb
Phosphate (PO4) <25ppb
HS Nr 28100090 Density 1.00 g/ml Silicate (SiO2) <25ppb Manganese (Mn) <0.5ppb
Sulfate (SO4) <200ppb Molybdenum (Mo) <0.5ppb
Silver (Ag) <0.5ppb Sodium (Na) <2ppb
Aluminium (Al) <2ppb Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb
Arsenic (As) <2ppb Lead (Pb) <1ppb
Gold (Au) <1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.5ppb
Barium (Ba) <2ppb Thallium (TI) <1ppb
Beryllium (Be) <0.5ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
Calcium (Ca) <2ppb Zinc (Zn) <0.5ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.5ppb
Cobalt (Co) <0.5ppb
Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb
Iron (Fe) <2ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Gallium (Ga) <2ppb
Indium (In) <1ppb CL02.0220.1000 1l PE/H
Potassium (K) <4ppb CL02.0220.5000 5l PE
Boric acid 1% solution CL02.0202
Kjeldahl N Det. 10 g H3BO3 / l H2O (pH 4 - 4.5)
CasNr 10043-35-3 Mol.Weight 61.83 g/mol
HS Nr 28100090 Density 1.00 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0202.5000 5l PE
CL02.0202.9010 10 l PE
CL02.0202.9025 25 l PE
Brij 35® CL00.0241
For laboratory use C58H118O24
CasNr 9002-92-0 Mol.Weight 1199.56 Water < 1%
Hydroxyl Value : 45 - 50
HS Nr 34021300 Density 1.05 g/ml
P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0241.0500 500 g PE
4-Bromoacetanilide p. CL00.0262
For laboratory use 98+% C8H8BrNO
CasNr 103-88-8 Mol.Weight 214.06 g/mol Assay >98% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29242970 CL00.0262.0100 100 g GVB
Bromobenzene p. CL00.0263
For laboratory use 99+% C6H5Br
CasNr 108-86-1 Mol.Weight 157 g/mol Assay >99%
Bromoform v.p. CL00.0234
For laboratory use 99+% CHBr3
CasNr 75-25-2 Mol.Weight 252.73 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.1%
HS Nr 29033919 Density 2.89 g/ml Water <0.05%
UN 2515 Class, PG 6.1,III Ethanol =1%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0001%
DANGER. Bromide (Br) <0.002%
H331-H302-H319-H315-H411 Density = 2.81 - 2.83 g/ml @
P273-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352-P309 +
Bromophenol red indicator CL06.0202
Titrimetric indicator (pH 5.2-6.8 - orange-yellow to purple) 1 g C19H11Br2O5SNa / l H2O
CasNr 2800-80-8 Mol.Weight 533.19 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29349990 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL06.0202.0100 100 ml PE
CL06.0202.1000 1l PE
Brucine p. CL00.0264
For laboratory use 98+% C23H26N2O4
CasNr 357-57-3 Mol.Weight 394.47 g/mol Assay >98%
Buffer pH 12.00 CL03.0207
For laboratory use, pH measurements, traceable to SRM from NIST pH 12.00 (±0.02/20°C) Phosphate-NaOH
pH = 10.68 @ 80°C
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml pH = 12.58 @ 0°C
pH = 10.48 @ 90°C
pH = 12.26 @ 10°C
pH = 12.00 @ 20°C
pH = 11.88 @ 25°C
pH = 11.75 @ 30°C Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
pH = 11.53 @ 40°C
pH = 11.31 @ 50°C CL03.0207.1000 1l PE
pH = 11.09 @ 60°C CL03.0207.9010 10 l PE
pH = 10.88 @ 70°C
Buffer pH 9.00 CL03.0218
For laboratory use, pH measurements, traceable to SRM from NIST pH 9.00 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml pH = 9.24 @ 0°C
pH = 9.11 @ 10°C
pH = 9.00 @ 20°C
pH = 8.97 @ 25°C Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
pH = 8.93 @ 30°C
pH = 8.86 @ 40°C CL03.0218.1000 1l PE
pH = 8.80 @ 50°C
pH = 8.75 @ 60°C
CL03.0218.5500 5l EP
pH = 8.71 @ 70°C CL03.0218.9010 10 l PE
pH = 8.67 @ 80°C CL03.0218.9520 20 l EP
pH = 8.64 @ 90°C
Don’t see the exact solution you need? Contact our sales department.
Buffer pH 7.00 CL03.0216
For laboratory use, pH measurements, traceable to SRM from NIST pH 7.00 (±0.02/20°C) Phosphate
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml pH = 7.13 @ 0°C
pH = 7.05 @ 10°C
pH = 7.00 @ 20°C
pH = 6.99 @ 25°C Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
pH = 6.98 @ 30°C
pH = 6.97 @ 40°C CL03.0216.0100 100 ml PE
pH = 6.96 @ 50°C
pH = 6.96 @ 60°C
CL03.0216.1000 1l PE
pH = 6.97 @ 70°C CL03.0216.5500 5l EP
pH = 6.98 @ 80°C CL03.0216.9010 10 l PE
pH = 7.00 @ 90°C
CL03.0216.9025 25 l PE
CL03.0216.9520 20 l EP
Buffer pH 4.000 (25°C) CL03.0236
For laboratory use, pH measurements, traceable to SRM from NIST pH 4.00 (±0.005/25°C) Citrate-NaCl-NaOH
pH = 4.000 @ 70°C
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml pH = 4.030 @ 0°C
pH = 4.000 @ 80°C
pH = 4.020 @ 10°C
pH = 4.000 @ 20°C pH = 4.000 @ 90°C
pH = 4.000 @ 25°C
pH = 4.000 @ 30°C
pH = 4.000 @ 40°C Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
= 4.000 @ 50°C
= 4.000 @ 60°C
CL03.0236.0500 500 ml PE
Buffer pH 2.00 CL03.0209
For laboratory use, pH measurements, traceable to SRM from NIST pH 2.00 (±0.02/20°C) Citrate-NaCl-HCl
pH = 2.00 @ 90°C
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml pH = 1.99 @ 0°C
pH = 1.99 @ 10°C
pH = 2.00 @ 20°C
pH = 2.00 @ 25°C
pH = 2.00 @ 30°C Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
pH = 2.00 @ 40°C
pH = 2.00 @ 50°C
CL03.0209.1000 1l PE
pH = 2.00 @ 60°C CL03.0209.5500 5l EP
= 2.00 @ 70°C
= 2.00 @ 80°C
CL03.0209.9010 10 l PE
Butanol-(1), anhydrous CL00.0267
For laboratory use 99.5+% CH3(CH2)3OH
CasNr 71-36-3 Mol.Weight 74.12 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Water <0,01%
HS Nr 29051300 Density 0.81 g/ml
UN 1120 Class, PG 3,III
P280-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338-P313
Butanol-(2) v.p. CL00.0223
For laboratory use 99+% C2H5CH(OH)CH3
CasNr 78-92-2 Mol.Weight 74.12 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.005%
HS Nr 29051490 Density 0.81 g/ml Water <0.3%
UN 1120 Class, PG 3,III
P210-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338
Butyl acetate-(n) v.p. CL00.0238
For laboratory use 99+% C6H12O2
CasNr 123-86-4 Mol.Weight 116.16 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29153300 Density 0.88 g/ml Free Acid <0.02%
UN 1123 Class, PG 3,III 1-Butanol <1%
Water <0.1%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0238.1000 1l GVB
CL00.0238.5000 5l MET
Butylamine-(n-) p. CL00.0265
For laboratory use 99+% C4H11N
CasNr 109-73-9 Mol.Weight 73.14 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <0.2%
HS Nr 29211999 Density 0.74 g/ml
UN 1125 Class, PG 3 (8),II
H225-H302-H311 + H331-H314
P210-P233-P240-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + P352-
P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311-P403 + P235
Butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate v.p. CL00.0245
For laboratory use 99+% C11H14O3
CasNr 94-26-8 Mol.Weight 194.23 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29089090 Density 1.23 g/cm3 CL00.0245.0500 500 g PE
Cadmium chloride.2.5aq v.p. CL00.0324
For laboratory use 98+% CdCl2.2.5H2O
CasNr 7790-78-5 Mol.Weight 228.34 g/mol Assay >98%
Copper (Cu) <0.002%
HS Nr 28273980 Density 4.05 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
UN 2570 Class, PG 6.1,III Lead (Pb) <0.005%
Zinc (Zn) <0.02%
DANGER. Sulfate (SO4) <0.02%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0324.0100 100 g PE
CL00.0324.1000 1 kg PE
Cadmium sulfate.8aq a.r. CL00.0333
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% 3CdSO4.8H2O
CasNr 7790-84-3 Mol.Weight 769.54 g/mol Assay >99%
Arsenic (As) <0.00001%
HS Nr 28332920 Density 3.10 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
UN 2570 Class, PG 6.1,III Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.005%
H340-H360-H330-H301-H372-H410-H400-H350 Sodium (Na) <0.005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P201-P273-P309 + P311-P304 + P340
Lead (Pb) <0.002% CL00.0333.0100 100 g PE
Zinc (Zn) <0.001%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001% CL00.0333.0500 500 g PE
Nitrate (NO3) <0.001% CL00.0333.1000 1 kg PE
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
CL00.0333.9025 25 kg CBOT
Calcium bromide v.p. CL00.0381
For laboratory use >84.5% CaBr2 - (CaBr2.xH2O (x= ± 2))
CasNr 71626-99-8 Mol.Weight 199.90 g/mol Assay >84.5%
Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
HS Nr 28275900 Density 2.295 g/cm3 Barium (Ba) <0.02%
WARNING. Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Potassium (K) <0.01%
H319 Sodium (Na) <0.01%
P337 + P313 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0381.1000 1 kg PE
Calcium carbonate, powder v.p. CL00.0302
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., USP, FCC 98.5-100.5% CaCO3
Chloride (Cl) <0.02%
CasNr 471-34-1 Mol.Weight 100.09 g/mol Assay : 98.5-100.5%
Fluoride (F) <0.005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.2%
HS Nr 28365000 Density 2.93 g/cm3 Loss on drying <2% Sulfate (SO4) <0.2%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.5%
Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
Copper (Cu) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.02%
Mercury (Hg) <0.00005% CL00.0302.1000 1 kg PE
Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
CL00.0302.2500 2,5 kg PE
Calcium chloride.2aq a.r. CL00.0317
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% CaCl2.2H2O
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
CasNr 10035-04-8 Mol.Weight 147.02 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.0001%
HS Nr 28272000 Density 1.85 g/cm3 Ammonium (NH4) <0.005% Chromium (Cr) <0.0001%
WARNING. Arsenic (As) <0.0001% Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Barium (Ba) <0.003% pH : 4.5 to 8.5 (50 g/l
H319 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
P305 + P351 + P338 Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0003%
Potassium (K) <0.005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
Strontium (Sr) <0.01% CL00.0317.0250 250 g PE
Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
CL00.0317.1000 1 kg PE
Nitrate (NO3) <0.002% CL00.0317.2500 2,5 kg PE
tri-Calcium dicitrate.4aq v.p. CL00.2913
For laboratory use, DAC, USP, E 333, FCC 98+% C12H10Ca3O14 * 4 H2O
CasNr 5785-44-4 Mol.Weight 570.51 g/mol Assay >98% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29181500 Density 0.85 g/ml CL00.2913.0250 250 g PE
Calcium hydroxide saturated solution CL02.0301
For laboratory use 1.85 g Ca(OH)2 / l H2O (Saturated solution)
CasNr 1305-62-0 Mol.Weight 74.09 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28259019 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL02.0301.0250 250 ml PE
CL02.0301.1000 1l PE
Calcium oxide v.p. CL00.0367
For laboratory use 95+% CaO
CasNr 1305-78-8 Mol.Weight 56.08 g/mol Assay >95%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.1%
HS Nr 28259019 Density 3.37 g/cm3 Loss on ignition <3%
UN 1910 Class, PG 8,III Iron (Fe) <0.03%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.005%
DANGER. Chloride (Cl) <0.05%
H318 Sulfate (SO4) <0.5%
P260-P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0367.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.0367.9025 25 kg CBOT
Calmagite solution CL06.0305
TH Det. 0.25 g C17H14N2O5S / l H2O
CasNr 3147-14-6 Mol.Weight 358.38 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.00 g/ml CL06.0305.0100 100 ml PE
Camphor-(D) CL00.3714
For laboratory use 97+% C10H16O
CasNr 464-49-3 Mol.Weight 152.23 g/mol Assay >97%
Camphor-(±) CL00.3710
For laboratory use 96+% C10H16O
CasNr 76-22-2 Mol.Weight 152.23 g/mol Assay >96%
Carbazole p. CL00.2917
For laboratory use 95+% C12H9N
CasNr 86-74-8 Mol.Weight 167.2 g/mol Assay >95%
Carbon activated powder v.p. CL00.2749
For laboratory use C
Potassium (K) <0.02%
CasNr 7440-44-0 Mol.Weight 12.01 g/ml Residue after Ignition <2.0%
Sodium (Na) <0.05%
Calcium (Ca) <0.1%
HS Nr 38021000 Density 1.8-2,1 g/cm3 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001% Zinc (Zn) <0.001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.001% Chloride (Cl) <0.5%
Chromium (Cr) <0.001% Sulfate (SO4) <0.5%
Copper (Cu) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.03%
Lead (Pb) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.001%
CL00.2749.1000 1 kg PE
CDTA.1aq a.r. CL00.0396
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 98+% C14H22N2O8.1H2O
CasNr 13291-61-7 Mol.Weight 364.35 g/mol Assay >98%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
HS Nr 29224995 Density 0.50 g/cm3 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
WARNING. Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Water <5%
H315-H319-H335 Residue after Ignition <0.2%
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0396.0025 25 g PE
CL00.0396.0100 100 g PE
CDTA Na2 0.1 mol/l (Cyclohexylene dinitrilotetraacetic acid di Sodium) NEW CL05.0368
For laboratory use, Titrations 38.034 g C14H20N2O8Na2 / l H2O (slightly alkaline)
HS Nr 29224995 Mol.Weight 380.34 g/mol Assay >98%
Celite® CL00.0387
For laboratory use Celite®
CasNr 61790-53-2
HS Nr 38029000
P260-P261-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0387.1000 1 kg PE
Cerium(III) nitrate.6aq v.p. CL00.0343
For laboratory use 99+% Ce(NO3)3.6H2O
CasNr 10294-41-4 Mol.Weight 434.23 g/mol Assay >99%
Chloride (Cl) <0.003%
HS Nr 28461000 Density 1.50 g/cm3 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.002%
UN 1477 Class, PG 5.1,II Dysprosium (Dy) <0.04%
Erbium (Er) <0.2%
DANGER. Europium (Eu) <0.04%
H272-H318-H410 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Holmium (Ho) <0.02%
P220-P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Neodymium (Nd)
Praseodymium (Pr)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Samarium (Sm) <0.02% CL00.0343.0100 100 g PE
Thulium (Tm) <0.02%
Yttrium (Y) <0.04%
CL00.0343.0500 500 g PE
Cerium(IV) sulfate 0.05 mol/l CL05.0370
For laboratory use, Titrations 20.22 g Ce(SO4)2.4H2O / l H2O/H2SO4 = 0.05 N (±0.0002/20°C)
CasNr 10294-42-5 Mol.Weight 404.30 g/mol
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.13 g/ml
UN 3264 Class, PG 8,III
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Cesium carbonate v.p. CL00.0335
For laboratory use 99+% Cs2CO3
CasNr 534-17-8 Mol.Weight 325.82 g/mol Assay >99%
Cesium chloride-Aluminium nitrate buffer CL02.0306
For AAS and FE 50 g CsCl + 250 g Al(NO3)3.9H2O / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.14 g/ml
UN 1438 Class, PG 5.1,III
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0306.1000 1l PE
CHAPS for Biochemistry CL00.2952
For laboratory use, for biochemistry 99+% C32H58N2O7S
Absorbance @ 400nm <0.02 (5% in H2O)
CasNr 75621-03-3 Mol.Weight 614.89 g/mol Assay >99.0%
Appearance : white to off-white
HS Nr 29242970 Conductivity (0.1M) <10.0 µS/cm
Lead (Pb) <0.005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Water <4.0% CL00.2952.0001 1g GVB
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
Absorbance @ 290nm <0.5 (5% in H2O) CL00.2952.0025 25 g PE
Chitosan CL00.2903
For laboratory use Poly(D-glucosamine)
CasNr 9012-76-4 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29400000 CL00.2903.0050 50 g PE
Chloramine T solution CL02.0337
Fot. CN- Det. acc. DIN 38405 (Store at 2-8°C) 10 g C7H7ClNO2SNa.3H2O / l H2O
CasNr 7080-50-4 Mol.Weight 281.69 g/mol
HS Nr 29350090 Density 1.01 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P284-P261-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352-P501
CL02.0337.0250 250 ml PEB
CL02.0337.0500 500 ml PEB
CL02.0337.1000 1l PEB
Chloroacetic acid a.r. CL00.2918
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% C2H3ClO2
CasNr 79-11-8 Mol.Weight 94.49 g/mol Assay >99%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
HS Nr 29154000 Density 1.32 g/cm3 Residue after Ignition <0.02%
UN 1751 Class, PG 6.1 (8),II Carbonyl Compounds <0.01%
Acetone <0.02%
DANGER. Chloride (Cl) <0.01%
H301-H331-H311-H314-H335-H400 Sulfate (SO4) <0.02%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
P273-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + P352-P304 + P340- Iron (Fe) <0.002%
P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311 Substances darkened by Sulfuric Acid : Passes test
4’-Chloroacetophenone p. CL00.2919
For laboratory use 98+% C8H7ClO
CasNr 99-91-2 Mol.Weight 154.59 g/mol Assay >98%
1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene a.r. CL00.2921
For laboratory use 99+% C6H3ClN2O4
CasNr 97-00-7 Mol.Weight 202.55 g/mol Assay >99%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
HS Nr 29049900 Density 1.7 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
UN 3441 Class, PG 6.1,II Sulfated Ash <0.1%
P280-P273-P304 + P340-P302 + P352-P309 + P311
Chloroform, HPLC grade CL00.0376
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CHCl3 (Stabilised with 1% Ethanol)
CasNr 67-66-3 Mol.Weight 119.38 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Water <100ppm
HS Nr 29031300 Density 1.49 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1888 Class, PG 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Ethanol ± 1%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 250nm > 50%
H351-H302-H372-H315-H361D-H319-H331 Transmittance @ 260nm > 85%
Transmittance @ 270nm > 98%
P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311 Transmittance @ 280nm > 99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0376.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0376.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Chloroform a.r. CL00.0316
For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% CHCl3 (Stabilised with Amylene)
Free Chlorine <0.00001%
CasNr 67-66-3 Mol.Weight 119.38 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Aldehydes & Ketones <0.005%
Non Volatiles <0.0005%
HS Nr 29031300 Density 1.49 g/ml Water <0.01% Carbonyl Compounds <0.005%
Dichloromethane <0.01
UN 1888 Class, PG 6.1,III Free Acid <0.00005%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Carbontetrachloride <0.01%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002% Tetrachloroethylene <0.01%
H351-H302-H372-H315-H361D-H319-H331 Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Trichloroethylene <0.01%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% CL00.0316.1000 1l GVB
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002% CL00.0316.2500 2,5 l GVB
Lead (Pb) <0.000005% CL00.0316.5000 5l FL/HDPE
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001% CL00.0316.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
Chloride (Cl) <0.0001% CL00.0316.9025 25 l MET
Chloroform p. CL00.0306
For laboratory use 99+% CHCl3 (Stabilised with Amylene)
CasNr 67-66-3 Mol.Weight 119.38 g/mol Assay >99%
Amylene =20 ppm
HS Nr 29031300 Density 1.49 g/ml Water < 100ppm
UN 1888 Class, PG 6.1,III
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311
CL00.0306.5000 5l FL/HDPE
CL00.0306.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
CL00.0306.9025 25 l MET
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol p. CL00.2924
For laboratory use 99+% C7H7ClO
CasNr 59-50-7 Mol.Weight 142.58 g/mol Assay >99%
Chlorophenol red indicator CL06.0301
Titrimetric indicator (pH 4.8-6.4 - yellow to purple) 1 g C19H11Cl2O5SNa / l H2O
CasNr 123333-64-2 Mol.Weight 445.25 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29349990 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL06.0301.0100 100 ml PE
CL06.0301.1000 1l PE
4-Chlorophenol p. CL00.2926
For laboratory use 98+% C6H5ClO
CasNr 106-48-9 Mol.Weight 128.55 g/mol Assay >98%
Chrome Sulfuric acid CL02.0313
Cleaning sol. for glasware 20 g K2Cr2O7 / l 80% H2SO4
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.84 g/ml H2SO4 > 80%
CrO3 > 1.5%
UN 2240 Class, PG 8,I
P201-P273-P280-P302 + P352-P305 + P351-P309 + P311 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0313.1000 1l GVB
CL02.0313.2500 2,5 l GVB
Chromium(III) nitrate.9aq v.p. CL00.0353
For laboratory use 96+% Cr(NO3)3.9H2O
CasNr 7789-02-8 Mol.Weight 400.15 g/mol Assay >96%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.005%
HS Nr 28342980 Density 1.80 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.1%
UN 2720 Class, PG 5.1,III Chloride (Cl) <0.003%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.03%
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Chromium(VI) oxide v.p. CL00.0349
For laboratory use, B.P.C. 1968, N.F.X 99+% CrO3
CasNr 1333-82-0 Mol.Weight 99.99 g/mol Assay >99%
Loss on drying <0.5%
HS Nr 28191000 Density 2.70 g/cm3 Potassium (K) <0.01%
UN 1463 Class, PG 5.1 (6.1+8),II Sodium (Na) <0.01%
Chloride (Cl) <0.02%
DANGER. Sulfate (SO4) <0.03%
P201-P273-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P304 + P340-P305 +
P351 + P338-P309 + P311
(+)-Cinchonine p. CL00.2929
For laboratory use 99+% C19H22N2O
CasNr 118-10-5 Mol.Weight 294.40 g/mol Assay >99%
trans-Cinnamaldehyde p. CL00.2930
For laboratory use 98+% C9H8O
CasNr 104-55-2 Mol.Weight 132.16 g/mol Assay >98%
Citraconic anhydride p. CL00.2932
For laboratory use 97+% C5H4O3
CasNr 616-02-4 Mol.Weight 112.08 g/mol Assay >97%
Citric acid.1aq v.p. CL00.0307
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., USP 99.5-100.5% C6H8O7.1H2O
Oxalate <0.035%
CasNr 5949-29-1 Mol.Weight 210.14 g/mol Assay : 99.5-100.5%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Water ±8%
HS Nr 29181400 Density 1.54 g/cm3 Residue after Ignition <0.05%
WARNING. Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
Calcium (Ca) <0.02%
H319 Copper (Cu) <0.001%
P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.001% CL00.0307.1000 1 kg PE
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Chloride (Cl) <0.005% CL00.0307.2500 2,5 kg PE
Cleaning solution for electrodes CL02.1803
For laboratory use 22.5 ml HNO3 65% + 5 ml HF 40% / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.00 g/ml
UN 3289 Class, PG 6.1 (8),II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1803.0500 500 ml PE
P280-P305 + P351 + P338
CL02.1803.1000 1l PE
CL02.1803.9010 10 l PE
CL02.1803.9025 25 l PE
Cobalt(II) chloride.6aq v.p. CL00.1119
For laboratory use 99+% CoCl2.6H2O
CasNr 7791-13-1 Mol.Weight 237.93 g/mol Assay >99%
Calcium (Ca) <0.05%
HS Nr 28273930 Density 1.92 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.005%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Potassium (K) <0.01%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.01%
DANGER. Sodium (Na) <0.01%
H350-H341-H360-H302-H334-H317-H410 Nickel (Ni) <0.1%
Lead (Pb) <0.002%
P201-P281-P273-P308 + P313-P304 + P341 Zinc (Zn)
Sulfate (SO4)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1119.0100 100 g PE
CL00.1119.1000 1 kg PE
Cobalt(II,III) oxide a.r. CL00.1184
For laboratory use 99+% Co3O4
CasNr 1308-06-1 Mol.Weight 240.8 g/mol Assay >99%
Iron (Fe) <0.01%
HS Nr 28220000 Density 6.07 g/cm3 Lead (Pb) <0.001%
DANGER. Sulfur (S) <0.001%
P201-P280-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1184.0025 25 g PE
COD reagent for low detection limits acc. ISO CL02.0323
COD Det. (low detection limits) ISO 80 g HgSO4 + 1.2259 g K2Cr2O7 / l 10% H2SO4 = 0.025 N
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.15 g/ml
UN 3289 Class, PG 6.1 (8),II
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P310-P305 + P351 + P338-
P309 + P311-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0323.1000 1l GVB
CL02.0323.2500 2,5 l GVB
Congo Red Na salt indicator CL00.0382
Titrimetric indicator (pH 3.0-5.2 - violet to orange-red) water soluble (C.I. 22120) C32H22N6O6S2Na2
CasNr 573-58-0 Mol.Weight 696.68 g/mol Water < 5%
Transition range : pH 3.0 - 5.2 (Violet
HS Nr 32041400 Class, PG 6.1,II - Orange-red)
UN 2811 Sensitivity Test : passes test
P201-P281-P308 + P313
Copper(II) acetate.1aq v.p. CL00.1187
For laboratory use 99+% (CH3COO)2Cu.1H2O
CasNr 6046-93-1 Mol.Weight 199.65 g/mol Assay >99%
Iron (Fe) <0.005%
HS Nr 29152900 Density 1.88 g/cm3 Lead (Pb) <0.002%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Zinc (Zn) <0.005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.01%
DANGER. Sulfate (SO4) <0.5%
P280-P273-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1187.0250 250 g PE
CL00.1187.1000 1 kg PE
Copper(II) chloride, anhydrous v.p. CL00.3702
For laboratory use 98+% CuCl2
CasNr 7447-39-4 Mol.Weight 134.45 g/mol Assay >98%
Water <1%
HS Nr 28273985 Density 3.39 g/cm3
UN 2802 Class, PG 8,III
P260-P273-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Copper(II) nitrate.2.5aq v.p. CL00.1191
For laboratory use 98+% Cu(NO3)2.2.5H2O
CasNr 10031-43-3 Mol.Weight 232.59 g/mol Assay >98%
Iron (Fe) <0.005%
HS Nr 28342940 Density 2.05 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
UN 1477 Class, PG 5.1,II Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P210-P273-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
CL00.1191.0500 500 g PE
CL00.1191.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1191.2500 2,5 kg PE
Copper(II) sulfate.5aq v.p. CL00.1106
For laboratory use 99-100.5% CuSO4.5H2O
CasNr 7758-99-8 Mol.Weight 249.68 g/mol Assay : 99-100.5%
Loss on drying ±36%
HS Nr 28332500 Density 2.285 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0005%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Calcium (Ca) <0.01%
Iron (Fe) <0.01%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.02%
H302-H318-H410 Magnesium (Mg) <0.005%
Sodium (Na) <0.02% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P273-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Nickel (Ni) <0.005%
Lead (Pb) <0.005% CL00.1106.0250 250 g PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.01% CL00.1106.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1106.5000 5 kg PE
Copper(II) sulfide v.p. CL00.1120
For laboratory use 98+% CuS
CasNr 1317-40-4 Mol.Weight 95.604 g/mol Assay >98% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1120.0050 50 g PE
Cresol-(m-) p. CL00.2935
For laboratory use 99+% C7H8O
CasNr 108-39-4 Mol.Weight 108.14 g/mol Assay >99%
Cresol-(m-) purple indicator CL06.1301
Titrimetric indicator (pH 1.2-2.8 - red to yellow) 1 g C21H17O5SNa / l H2O
CasNr 62625-31-4 Mol.Weight 404.40 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29349990 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL06.1301.0250 250 ml PE
CL06.1301.1000 1l PE
Cyclohexane, Pesticide grade CL00.0392
For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.5+% C6H12
CasNr 110-82-7 Mol.Weight 84.16 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Water <200ppm
HS Nr 29021100 Density 0.78 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1145 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Lindane <5ng/l
DANGER. Ethylparathion <10ng/l
P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0392.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0392.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Don’t see the exact solution you need? Contact our sales department.
Cyclohexane p. CL00.0374
For laboratory use 99+% C6H12
CasNr 110-82-7 Mol.Weight 84.16 g/mol Assay >99%
Free Acid <0.001%
HS Nr 29021100 Density 0.78 g/ml
UN 1145 Class, PG 3,II
P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 + Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0374.5000 5l FL/HDPE
CL00.0374.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
CL00.0374.9025 25 l MET
Cyclohexene p. CL00.0398
For laboratory use 99+% C6H10
CasNr 110-83-8 Mol.Weight 82.15 g/mol Assay >99%
Cyclopentane p. NEW CL00.2940
For laboratory use 99+% C5H10
CasNr 287-92-3 Mol.Weight 70.13 g/mol Assay >99%
Decahydronaphthalene p. CL00.0440
For laboratory use 99+% C10H18
CasNr 91-17-8 Mol.Weight 138.25 g/mol Assay >99%
Diacetylmonoxime a.r. CL00.0441
For laboratory use, for spectrophotometric det. of urea 99+% C4H7NO2
CasNr 57-71-6 Mol.Weight 101.1 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29280090 CL00.0441.0025 25 g PE
Di-n-butylamine p. CL00.0442
For laboratory use 99+% C8H19N
CasNr 111-92-2 Mol.Weight 129.24 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <0.30%
HS Nr 29211999 Density 0.76 g/ml
UN 2248 Class, PG 8 (3),II
P210-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-
P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311
Di-n-butylamine 0.2 mol/l in N,N-Dimethylformamide CL05.0404
For laboratory use 24.848 g C8H19N / l C3H7NO (= 0.2 N) (±0.002)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.919 g/ml Appearance : clear col. liq.
Di-n-butylamine 0.2 mol/l in Xylene CL05.0405
For laboratory use 24.848 g C8H19N / l C8H10 (= 0.2 N) (±0.002)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.85 g/ml Appearance : clear col. liq.
Dibutylether p. CL00.0443
For laboratory use 99+% C8H18O
CasNr 142-96-1 Mol.Weight 130.23 g/mol Assay >99%
Peroxide <0.05% (as H2O2)
HS Nr 29091990 Density 0.769 g ml
UN 1149 Class, PG 3,III
P210-P273-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352
Dichloroethane-(1,2) a.r. CL00.0437
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% C2H4Cl2
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
CasNr 107-06-2 Mol.Weight 98.96 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.253 g/ml Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Non Volatiles <0.002%
Water <0.03%
UN 1184 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II Calcium (Ca) <0.00002%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000002% Free Acid <0.0003meq/g
DANGER. Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Chloride (Cl) <0.00003%
H225-H350-H302-H319-H335-H315 Chromium (Cr) <0.000002% Reducing Subtances <0.001%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Colour < 10 APHA
P201-P210-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338- Iron (Fe) <0.0001% Residue after Evaporation <0.002%
P308 + P313 Potassium (K) <0.00002% Acidity <0.0003meq/g
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.000002% CL00.0437.0500 500 ml GVB
Dichloromethane, anhydrous a.r. CL00.0473
For laboratory use 99.8+% CH2Cl2 (Stabilised < 50 ppm Amylene)
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
CasNr 75-09-2 Mol.Weight 84.93 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29031200 Density 1.32 g/ml Water <0.005% Chloride (Cl) <0.00005%
Free Chlorine <0.00002%
UN 1593 Class, PG 6.1,III Free Acid <0.001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Chloroform <0.01%
WARNING. Boron (B) <0.000002% Formaldehyde <0.0005%
H351 Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Tetrachloromethane <0.01%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Colour < 10 APHA
P281-P308 + P313 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Density = 1.320 - 1.330 g/ml
@ 20°C
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Residue after Evaporation <0.002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Acidity <0.0003meq/g
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
CL00.0473.2500 2,5 l GVB
Dichloromethane p. CL00.0409
For laboratory use 98+% CH2Cl2 (Stabilised < 50 ppm Amylene)
CasNr 75-09-2 Mol.Weight 84.93 g/mol Assay >98%
Amylene ±100ppm
HS Nr 29031200 Density 1.32 g/ml Water <50ppm
UN 1593 Class, PG 6.1,III
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P281-P308 + P313
CL00.0409.5000 5l MET
CL00.0409.9025 25 l MET
CL00.0409.9200 200 l MET
Diethanolamine v.p. CL00.0426
For laboratory use 99+% C4H11NO2
CasNr 111-42-2 Mol.Weight 105.14 g/mol Assay >99%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.002%
HS Nr 29221200 Density 1.09 g/ml (30°C) Iron (Fe) <0.001
DANGER. Non Volatiles <0.005%
Water <0.3%
P280-P314-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0426.2500 2,5 l GVB
Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether a.r. CL00.0446
For laboratory use 98+% C8H18O3
CasNr 112-34-5 Mol.Weight 162.23 g/mol Assay >98%
Water <0.03%
HS Nr 29094300 Density 0.95 g/ml
P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0446.1000 1l GVB
Diethylether, anhydrous a.r. CL00.0475
For laboratory use 99.5+% (C2H5)2O (Stabilised with 5 - 7 ppm BHT)
Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
CasNr 60-29-7 Mol.Weight 74.12 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Acetone <0.005%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29091100 Density 0.71 g/ml Water <0.005% Aldehydes <0.00007%
Carbonyl Compounds <0.001%
UN 1155 Class, PG 3,I Free Acid <0.0002%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002%
Ethanol <0.02%
Methanol <0.02%
H224-H302-H336-EUH019-EUH066 Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
Hydrogen Peroxide <0.0001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
P210-P240-P403 + P235 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
Sulfur (S) <0.00006%
Colour < 10 APHA
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Density = 0.713 ± 0.001
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
g/ml @ 20°C
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Residue after Evaporation <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.000005%
Substances darkened by Sulfuric Acid : passes test
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
Acidity <0.0002meq/g
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Tin (Sn) <0.00001% CL00.0475.2500 2,5 l GVB
Diethylether p. CL00.0401
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP 5 99+% (C2H5)2O (Stabilised with 5 - 7 ppm BHT)
CasNr 60-29-7 Mol.Weight 74.12 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.0002%
HS Nr 29091100 Density 0.71 g/ml Water <0.2%
UN 1155 Class, PG 3,I Hydrogen Peroxide <0.0002%
P210-P240-P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0401.5000 5l MET
CL00.0401.9025 25 l MET
Diethyl-(NN)-1,4-phenylenediammonium sulfate a.r. (DPD) CL00.0416
*For laboratory use, DPD reagent 99+% C10H18N2O4S
CasNr 6283-63-2 Mol.Weight 262.33 g/mol Assay >99%
Water < 0.5%
HS Nr 29215190 Density 0.58 g/cm3 Sulfated Ash < 0.05%
WARNING. Iron (Fe) < 0.001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) < 0.001%
H302 + H312
P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0416.0500 500 g GVB
1,8-Dihydroxyanthraquinone p. CL00.0451
For laboratory use 97+% C14H8O4
CasNr 117-10-2 Mol.Weight 240.21 g/mol Assay >97% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29146980 Density 0.6 g/cm3 CL00.0451.0100 100 g GVB
Diisobutyl ketone p. (DIBK) CL00.0453
For laboratory use 75+% C9H18O (2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone)
CasNr 108-83-8 Mol.Weight 142.24 g/mol Assay >75%
2,4-Dimethyl-6-heptanone <25%
HS Nr 29141990 Density 0.81 g/ml
UN 1157 Class, PG 3,III
Diisopropanolamine p. CL00.0452
For laboratory use 98+% C6H15NO2
CasNr 110-97-4 Mol.Weight 133.19g/mol Assay >98%
Water <1.0%
HS Nr 29221900 Density 0.99 g/cm3
P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0452.0100 100 g PE
N,N-Dimethylacetamide v.p. CL00.0414
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur. 99.8+% C4H9NO
CasNr 127-19-5 Mol.Weight 87.12 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Water <200 ppm
HS Nr 29241900 Density 0.94 g/ml Free Acid <80 ppm
DANGER. Free Alkali <5 ppm
Iron (Fe) <50 ppb
H360D-H312 + H332 Colour < 10 APHA
P201-P302 + P352-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0414.2500 2,5 l GVB
Dimethylglyoxime a.r. CL00.0427
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99+% C4H8N2O2
CasNr 95-45-4 Mol.Weight 116.11 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Solubles in Ethanol <0.02%
HS Nr 29280090 Class, PG 4.1 (6.1),III Sulfated Ash <0.05%
UN 2926 Melting Point : approximately
DANGER. Residue after Ignition <0.05%
P210-P301 + P310
Dimethyl sulfoxide, anhydrous a.r. CL00.0474
For laboratory use
99.9+% C2H6OS
Residue after Evaporation <0.01%
CasNr 67-68-5 Mol.Weight 78.13 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Acidity <0.001meq/g
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29309098 Density 1.10 g/ml Water <0.02%
Free Acid <0.0002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.0001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0001% CL00.0474.2500 2,5 l GVB
Dimidium bromide - Disulfine blue indicator mixture CL06.0904
For laboratory use, Detergent det. 0.08g C20H18BrN3 + 0.04g C27H31N2NaO6S2 + C2H5OH + H2SO4 / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml
H302 + H312 + H332
P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL06.0904.2500 2,5 l GVB
2,4-Dinitroaniline CL00.0460
For laboratory use 97.5+% C6H5N3O4
CasNr 97-02-9 Mol.Weight 183.12 g/mol Assay >97.5%
Carbon (C) : 38.4 - 40.3%
HS Nr 29214200 Class, PG 6.1,II Nitrogen (N) : 22.4 - 23.5%
UN 1596 Water <15%
P260-P264-P273-P280-P284-P301 + P310
Dioxan-(1,4) a.r. CL00.0406
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.9+% C4H8O2
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
CasNr 123-91-1 Mol.Weight 88.11 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29329900 Density 1.03 g/ml Water <0.05% Acetaldehyde <0.005%
Carbonyl Compounds <0.01%
UN 1165 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002%
Hydrogen Peroxide <0.005%
Colour < 10 APHA
H225-H351-H319-H335-EUH019-EUH066 Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
Density = 1.030 - 1.035 g/ml
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
P210-P281-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P313 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
@ 20°C
Freezing Point = 11.0°C
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Residue after Evaporation <0.005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Acidity <0.0016meq/g
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
CL00.0406.1000 1l GVB
Lead (Pb) <0.00001% CL00.0406.2500 2,5 l GVB
Diphenylcarbazone reagent CL02.0411
Colorimetric analysis 5 g C13H12N4O / l C2H5OH
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.78 g/ml
UN 1170 Class, PG 3,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0411.1000 1l PE
Diphenylether p. CL00.0461
For laboratory use 98+% C12H10O
CasNr 101-84-8 Mol.Weight 170.21 g/mol Assay >98%
Disinfectol® CL00.0112
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Belg. Pharm. V C2H5OH, denaturated with 3% diethylether
CasNr 64-17-5 Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol Assay >99% (Denaturants
HS Nr 22072000 Density 0.79 g/ml
UN 1170 Class, PG 3,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0112.1000 1l PE
CL00.0112.2500 2,5 l PE
CL00.0112.5000 5l PE
Disolol® CL00.1807
For laboratory use C2H5OH, reagent, denaturated with 1% IPA and 1% MEK + DBN
CasNr 64-17-5 Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol Assay >99% (Denaturants
HS Nr 22072000 Density 0.79 g/ml Water <0.1%
UN 1170 Class, PG 3,II Methanol <10ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1807.2500 2,5 l PE
CL00.1807.5000 5l PE
CL00.1807.9200 200 l MET
Dithizone indicator 0.05% solution in Aceton CL06.0402
For laboratory use 0.5 g C13H12N4S / l C3H6O
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 1090 Density 0.79 g/ml
Class, PG 3,II
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
P301 + P310-P331
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0439.0250 250 ml GVB
Dodecanol-1- p. CL00.0462
For laboratory use 98+% C12H26O
CasNr 112-53-8 Mol.Weight 186.33 g/mol Assay >98%
Dodecyl hydrogen sulfate Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.0464
For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C12H25NaO4S
CasNr 151-21-3 Mol.Weight 288.37 g/mol Assay >99%
Melting Point : 204 - 207°C
HS Nr 29209010 Density 1.1 g/cm3
UN 1325 Class, PG 4.1,III
H228-H302 + H332-H315-H318-H335-H412
P210-P280-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P311
DTT for Molecular biology CL00.0482
For laboratory use, for molecular biology 99+% C4H10O2S
CasNr 3483-12-3 Mol.Weight 154.25 g/mol Appearance : white to off-white
Assay >99.0%
HS Nr 29309098 DTT (Oxidized) <0.5%
WARNING. Water <0.5%
Melting Interval : 40-44°C
H302-H315-H319-H335 Soluble in water : clear solution (5%
P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P350-P321-P301 + P312-P332 + in H2O)
P313-P337 + P313 DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0482.0005 5g PE
CL00.0482.0025 25 g PE
EDTA diNa salt.2aq a.r. CL00.0503
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO 99-101% C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O
Nitrilotriacetic Acid (C6H9NO6) <0.05%
CasNr 6381-92-6 Mol.Weight 372.24 g/mol Assay : 99-101%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
HS Nr 29224985 Density 0.86 g/cm3 Copper (Cu) <0.0001%
WARNING. Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Lead (Pb) <0.001%
H332-H373 Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.003% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P314 Chloride (Cl) <0.004%
Cyanide (CN) <0.001% CL00.0503.0100 100 g PE
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01% CL00.0503.0500 500 g PE
pH : 4 to 5 (5% solution
@ 25°C) CL00.0503.1000 1 kg PE
EDTA diNa salt 0.0179 mol/l CL05.0502
For laboratory use, Titrations - Sol B = 1.79°FH/ml or 1°DH/ml 6.663 g EDTAdiNa.2H2O / l H2O = 0.0179 M (±0.00007/20°C)
CasNr 6381-92-6 Mol.Weight 372.24 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29224985 Density 1.00 g/ml CL05.0502.1000 1l PE
EDTA tetraNa salt 0.8 mol/l CL05.0507
For laboratory use, Titrations EDTA tetra Na / l H2O = 1.6 N (±0.004/20°C)
HS Nr 29224985 Mol.Weight - Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Density 1.17 g/ml CL05.0507.0250 250 ml PE
Ellm's Hauser reagent CL02.0501
Act. Cl Det. C14H16N2 1 g/l in dil. HCl
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,III
P201-P273-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0501.1000 1l PEB
Eriochrome black T - Buffer solution CL03.0503
For laboratory use, TH titrations ErioT/C6H15NO3/C2H7NO/NH4Cl/MgEDTA/NH4OH/IPA
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.82 g/ml
UN 1993 Class, PG 3,II
P210-P233-P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 +
P338-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL03.0503.0250 250 ml PE
CL03.0503.1000 1l PE/OD
Eriochrome black T indicator CL06.0507
Titrimetric indicator (TH) 1g C20H12N3NaO7S + 99 g NaCl
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL06.0507.0100 100 g PE
Ethanol, abs. 100% v.p. CL00.0506
For laboratory use, USP 99.8+vol% C2H5OH
CasNr 64-17-5 Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Assay Weight/Weight >99.2 m/m%
HS Nr 22071000 Density 0.78 g/ml Assay Weight/Volume >99.5 v/v%
UN 1170 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.003%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0506.1000 1l PE
CL00.0506.2500 2,5 l PE
Ethanolamine hydrochloride p. CL00.0850
For laboratory use 99+% C2H8ClNO
CasNr 2002-24-6 Mol.Weight 97.54 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29221100 CL00.0850.0100 100 g PE
P281-P304 + P340-P309 + P311
Our “Custom Made Solutions” will save you time and money
Ethyl acetate, LC-MS grade CL00.0524
For laboratory use, LC-MS, for liquid chromatography 99.9+% C4H8O2
CasNr 141-78-6 Mol.Weight 88.10 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Water <0.02%
HS Nr 29153100 Density 0.90 g/ml Non Volatiles <0.0003%
UN 1173 Class, PG 3,II Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Alkalinity <0.0005meq/g
DANGER. Calcium (Ca) <0.00001%
H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338 Sodium (Na)
Transmittance @ 260nm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Transmittance @ 300nm >99% CL00.0524.1000 1l GVB
CL00.0524.2500 2,5 l GVB
Ethyl acetate a.r. CL00.0502
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% C4H8O2
Colour < 10 APHA
CasNr 141-78-6 Mol.Weight 88.10 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Density = 0.898 - 0.902 g/ml
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29153100 Density 0.90 g/ml Water <0.05%
@ 20°C
Methyl Acetate <0.1%
UN 1173 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.005%
Residue after Evaporation <0.002%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002%
Readily Carbonizable Substances : passes test
Acidity <0.0009meq/g
H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
Substances darkened by Sulfuric Acid : passes test
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002% CL00.0502.1000 1l GVB
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002% CL00.0502.2500 2,5 l GVB
Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
Tin (Sn) <0.00001% CL00.0502.5000 5l FL/HDPE
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001% CL00.0502.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
Ethanol <0.1%
Methanol <0.1% CL00.0502.9025 25 l MET
Ethyl benzoate p. CL00.0532
For laboratory use 99+% C9H10O2
CasNr 93-89-0 Mol.Weight 150.17 g/mol Assay >99%
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether a.r. CL00.0537
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% C3H8O2 (Stabilised < 50 ppm BHT)
CasNr 109-86-4 Mol.Weight 76.09 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Colour < 10 APHA
HS Nr 29094400 Density 0.964 g/ml Free Acid <0.002meq/g
UN 1188 Class, PG 3,III Water <0.1%
P201-P210-P302 + P352-P308 + P313
Ethyl methyl ketone a.r. (MEK) CL00.0513
For laboratory use, ACS 99.5+% C4H8O
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
CasNr 78-93-3 Mol.Weight 72.11 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29141200 Density 0.80 g/ml Water <0.05% Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
UN 1193 Class, PG 3,II Reducing Subtances <0.0003%
Free Acid <0.001% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
DANGER. Free Alkali <0.0005% Acetone <0.05%
H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Aluminium (Al) <0.00002% 2-Butanol <0.05%
Boron (B) <0.000002% Methanol <0.05%
P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P233 Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Colour < 10 APHA
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Residue after Evaporation <0.0025%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005% CL00.0513.1000 1l GVB
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% CL00.0513.2500 2,5 l GVB
Ethylvanillin p. CL00.0543
For laboratory use 99+% C9H10O3
CasNr 121-32-4 Mol.Weight 166.17 g/mol Assay >99%
HS Nr 29124200
P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0543.1000 1 kg PE
Eucalyptol p. CL00.0552
For laboratory use 99.0+% C10H18O
CasNr 470-82-6 Mol.Weight 154.25 g/mol Assay >99%
Ferroin 0.025 mol/l indicator CL06.0606
AFNOR Det in H2O - Titrimetric RedOx indicator 1/40 mol/l O-Phenantroline-Iron complex in H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
H301-H400-H410-H412 CL06.0606.0100 100 ml GVB
P273 CL06.0606.0500 500 ml GVB
P262-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0603.0500 500 ml GVB
CL02.0603.1000 1l GVB
Lead (Pb)
@ 20°C
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Residue after Heating <0.005% CL00.0610.1000 1l PEB
Acidity <0.006meq/g
CL00.0610.5000 5l PEB
Formaldehyde 37% weight % solution v.p. CL00.0611
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP 37+% HCOH (Stabilised with 11 - 13 m/m % Methanol)
CasNr 50-00-0 Mol.Weight 30.03 g/mol Assay >37%
Residue after Ignition <0.01%
HS Nr 29121100 Density 1.09 g/ml Free Acid <0.05%
UN 2209 Class, PG 8,III Methanol : 9-11%
P201-P260-P280-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-
P308 + P311 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0611.1000 1l PEB
CL00.0611.2500 2,5 l PEB
CL00.0611.5000 5l PEB
Formaldehyde 1 mol/l CL05.0609
For laboratory use, Titrations 30.03 g HCOH / l H2O (stabilised with 5% CH3OH)
CasNr 50-00-0 Mol.Weight 30.03 g/mol
HS Nr 29121100 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 2209 Class, PG 8,III
P201-P260-P280-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-
P308 + P311
Formic acid 98-100%, eluent additive for LC-MS CL00.1388
For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 98-100% HCOOH
Silver (Ag) <0.000005%
CasNr 64-18-6 Mol.Weight 46.03 g/mol Assay : 98-100%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
HS Nr 29151100 Density 1.22 g/ml Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Strontium (Sr) <0.000005%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
UN 1779 Class, PG 8 (3),II Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00002% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
DANGER. Chromium (Cr) <0.000005% Satisfies LC-MS applications
H226-H302-H314-H331 Cobalt (Co) <0.000005%
Copper (Cu) <0.000005%
P210-P234-P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P303 + P361 + Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311 Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
Lithium (Li) <0.000005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo)
Potassium (K)
CL00.1388.0050 50 ml GVB
Formic acid 96% a.r. CL00.1308
For laboratory use 96+% HCOOH
Nickel (Ni) <0.000005%
CasNr 64-18-6 Mol.Weight 46.03 g/mol Assay >96%
Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29151100 Density 1.22 g/ml Ammonium (NH4) <0.001% Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
UN 1779 Class, PG 8 (3),II Silver (Ag) <0.000002%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
DANGER. Barium (Ba) <0.000002% Vanadium (V) <0.000005%
H226-H290-H302-H314-H331 Beryllium (Be) <0.000002% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
P210-P234-P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P303 + P361 + Calcium (Ca) <0.00002% Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Oxalate <0.005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Sulfate (SO4) <0.0005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002% Sulfite (SO3) <0.001%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Acetic Acid <0.005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0002%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000002%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.000005% CL00.1308.1000 1l PE/OD
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% CL00.1308.2500 2,5 l PE/OD
Formic acid 1 mol/l CL05.1305
For laboratory use, Titrations 46.03 g HCOOH / l H2O = 1 N (±0.002/20°C)
CasNr 64-18-6 Mol.Weight 46.03 g/mol
HS Nr 29151100 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 3412 Class, PG 8,III
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352-P332 + P313-P337 +
Fumaric acid p. CL00.0635
For laboratory use 99+% C4H4O4
CasNr 110-17-8 Mol.Weight 116.07 g/mol Assay >99%
Furfural p. CL00.0636
For laboratory use 98+% C5H4O2
CasNr 98-01-1 Mol.Weight 96.08 g/mol Assay >98%
HS Nr 29419000
P261-P280-P342 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0726.0020 20 ml GVB
Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue for microscopy NEW CL04.0705
Microbiologic colourations Dye mixture (Eosin G and Methylene blue)
HS Nr 32041900 Density 1.00 g/cm3 Absorbance :630-645nm
Absorbance :520-525nm
P305 + P351 + P338 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL04.0705.0005 5g GVB
CL04.0705.0025 25 g GVB
D-(+)-Glucuronic acid-delta-lactone p. CL00.0718
For laboratory use 99+% C6H10O6
CasNr 90-80-2 Mol.Weight 178.14 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29322090 CL00.0718.0100 100 g PE
CL00.0729.0005 5g GVB
Glycerol, anhydrous for Molecular biology CL00.0736
For laboratory use, for molecular biology 99.5+% C3H8O3
Arsenic (As) <0.0001%
CasNr 56-81-5 Mol.Weight 92.09 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Assay >99.5%
HS Nr 29054500 Density 1.26 g/ml pH : 5.5 to 8 (5M in Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
Water <0.5% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.001%
CL00.0736.0500 500 ml PE
Glycine for Molecular biology CL00.0725
For laboratory use, for electrophoresis & molecular biology 99.5+% C2H5NO2
Arsenic (As) <0.0001%
CasNr 56-40-6 Mol.Weight 75.06 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Assay >99.5%
HS Nr 29224985 Density 1.595 g/cm3 pH : 5.9 to 6.4 (5% in Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Loss on drying <0.1% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Other Amino Acids <0.1%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.02% CL00.0725.1000 1 kg PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.004%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
CL00.0725.5000 5 kg PE
Graphite CL00.0721
For laboratory use 99+% C
CasNr 7782-42-5 Mol.Weight 12.01 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38011000 Density 2.2 g/cm3 CL00.0721.1000 1 kg PE
Guanidine thiocyanate for Molecular biology CL00.0734
For laboratory use, for molecular biology 99+% CH6N3SCN
Absorbance @ 410nm <0.1 (6M in H2O)
CasNr 593-84-0 Mol.Weight 118.16 g/mol Assay >99.0%
Appearance : white crystalline
HS Nr 29252900 Density 1.29 g/cm3 powder
UN 1759 Class, PG 8,III DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Water <1%
DANGER. Ash <0.1%
H302-H312-H332-H314-H412-EUH032 Ammonium (NH4) <0.1%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
P273-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Soluble in water : clear, colorless
Absorbance @ 280nm <0.5 (6M in H2O) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Absorbance @ 300nm <0.1 (6M in H2O)
Absorbance @ 310nm <0.1 (6M in H2O) CL00.0734.0250 250 g PE
HEPES for Biochemistry CL00.0853
For laboratory use, for biochemistry 99.5+% C8H18N2O4S
Sulfate (SO4) <0.05%
CasNr 7365-45-9 Mol.Weight 238.31 g/mol Assay >99.5%
pH : 4.7 to 6.0 (1% in
HS Nr 29335995 H2O) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001% CL00.0853.0100 100 g PE
Water <0.5%
Chloride (Cl) <0.05% CL00.0853.1000 1 kg PE
Heptane-(n), anhydrous a.r. CL00.0852
For laboratory use 99+% C7H16
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
CasNr 142-82-5 Mol.Weight 100.21 g/mol Assay >99%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.69 g/ml Water <0.005% Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
UN 1206 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.0005%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002% Sulfur (S) <0.005%
H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Assay : 99+%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Colour <30 B (Saybold)
P210-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 + P235 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Isooctane <0,1%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% CL00.0852.2500 2,5 l GVB
Heptane-(n) 95+%, HPLC grade CL00.0823
For laboratory use, HPLC 95+% C7H16
CasNr 142-82-5 Mol.Weight 100.21 g/mol Assay >95%
Water <100ppm
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.69 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1206 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
P210-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 + P235 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
Heptane-(n) p. CL00.0821
For laboratory use 95+% C7H16 - mixture of isomers
CasNr 142-82-5 Mol.Weight 100.21 g/mol Assay >95%
Non Volatiles <0.0025%
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.69 g/ml Water <0.05%
UN 1206 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P210-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 + P235
CL00.0821.5000 5l FL/HDPE
CL00.0821.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
CL00.0821.9025 25 l MET
Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, HPLC grade CL00.0841
For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 98+% C19H42BrN
CasNr 57-09-0 Mol.Weight 364.46 g/mol Assay >98%
Absorbance @ 240nm <0,04
HS Nr 29239000 Density 0.39 g/cm3 Absorbance @ 250nm <0,03
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Absorbance @ 260nm <0,02
P273-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338
Hexamethylenetetramine - Acetic acid buffer solution CL03.0801
For laboratory use, Zirconium det. 251 g C6H12N4 + 62.5 g CH3COOH / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.08 g/ml
P280-P302 + P352 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL03.0801.1000 1l PE
CL03.0801.9010 10 l PE
Hexane-(n) 99+%, HPLC grade CL00.0817
For laboratory use, HPLC 99+% C6H14
CasNr 110-54-3 Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <100ppm
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.66 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1208 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Transmittance @ 200nm > 50%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 210nm > 70%
H225-H304-H361F-H373-H315-H336-H411 Transmittance @ 220nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 230nm > 98%
P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 + Transmittance @ 240nm > 99%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0817.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0817.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Hexane p. CL00.0814
For laboratory use 99+% C6H14 - mixture of isomers
CasNr 110-54-3 Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.0001%
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.67 g/ml Water <0.02%
UN 1208 Class, PG 3,II Sulfur (S) <0.001%
Benzene <0.0005%
P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 +
Hexane-(n) 95+%, Pesticide grade CL00.0826
For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 95+% C6H14
CasNr 110-54-3 Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol Assay >95%
Water <200ppm
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.66 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1208 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Lindane <5ng/l
DANGER. Ethylparathion <10ng/l
H225-H304-H361F-H373-H315-H336-H411 Dioxins <5ng/l
P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P403 +
Hexane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.0835
For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C6H13NaO3S
Transmittance @ 250nm > 98% (0.005 mol/l
CasNr 2832-45-3 Mol.Weight 188.22 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <2%
HS Nr 29041000 Transmittance @ 200nm > 70% (0.005 mol/l
H2O) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Transmittance @ 220nm > 90% (0.005 mol/l
H2O) CL00.0835.0100 100 g PE
Hexanol-1 p. CL00.0843
For laboratory use 98+% C6H14O
CasNr 111-27-3 Mol.Weight 102.18 g/mol Assay >98%
L(+)-Histidine p. CL00.0837
For laboratory use 99+% C6H9N3O2
Chloride (Cl) <0.02%
CasNr 71-00-1 Mol.Weight 155.16 g/mol Assay >99%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.03%
HS Nr 29332990 Density 0.43 g/cm3 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0;001%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.02% CL00.0837.0025 25 g GVB
Hydralyt® water standard sol. (10 x 10 ml) CL02.0832
Volumetric water det. acc. Karl Fischer 10 mg H2O / g
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.87 g/ml
UN 1294 Class, PG 3,II
P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0832.0100 100 ml
Hydralyt® Karl Fischer’s Reagent Coulometric Oil NEW CL02.0851
Reagent for coulometric titration in oils (anolyte sol.) for water det. acc. Karl Fischer (prefered for cells with diaphragm)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.0 g/ml
UN 1992 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II
P210-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P405-P501
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0851.0100 100 ml GVB
Hydralyt® Karl Fischer’s Reagent Coulometric CG, catholyte (10 x 5 ml) NEW CL02.0853
Titrimetric coulometric water det. acc. Karl Fischer
HS Nr 38220000 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II
UN 1992
P210-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P310-P405-
Hydralyt® Karl Fischer’s Reagent - 1,5, one-component reagent NEW CL02.0850
For pyridine-based volumetric one component water det. acc. Karl Fischer C3H8O2//C5H5N/I2/C4H11NO2/SO2
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.20 g/ml
UN 1992 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II
P210-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P310-P405-
Hydralyt® Titrant 2 CL02.0821
Volumetric water det. acc. Karl Fischer 1 ml = 2 mg H2O ± 0.02 mg H2O (20°C) - Use with solvent CL02.0823, CL02.0825 or CL02.0826
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.80 g/ml
UN 1992 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II
P210-P241-P260-P303 + P361 + P353-P405-P501
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0821.1000 1l GVB
Hydrobromic acid 44-49% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.0273
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 44-49+% HBr
Copper (Cu) <100ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <100ppt
CasNr 10035-10-6 Mol.Weight 80.91 g/mol Dysprosium (Dy) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt
HS Nr 28111910 Density 1.49 g/ml Erbium (Er) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <100ppt
Europium (Eu) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <100ppt
UN 1788 Class, PG 8,II
Gadolinium (Gd) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <100ppt
DANGER. Gallium (Ga) <100ppt Strontium (Sr) <100ppt
H314-H335 Gold (Au) <100ppt Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Tellurium (Te) <10ppt
P261-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Holmium (Ho) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
Indium (In) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Iron (Fe) <100ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Lanthanum (La) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
Lead (Pb) <1ppt Tin (Sn) <100ppt
Lithium (Li) <100ppt Titanium (Ti) <100ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <100ppt
Assay : 44-49%
Magnesium (Mg) <100ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Aluminium (Al) <100ppt
Manganese (Mn) <100ppt Vanadium (V) <100ppt
Antimony (Sb) : Information only
Molybdenum (Mo) <100ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Barium (Ba) <100ppt
Neodymium (Nd) <10ppt Yttrium (Y) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <100ppt
Nickel (Ni) <100ppt Zinc (Zn) <100ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <100ppt
Niobium (Nb) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Boron (B) : Information only
Palladium (Pd) <100ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <100ppt
Platinum (Pt) <100ppt
Calcium (Ca) <100ppt
Potassium (K) <100ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt
Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt
Rhenium (Re) <100ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chromium (Cr) <100ppt
Cobalt (Co) <100ppt
Rhodium (Rh) <100ppt CL00.0273.0250 250 ml FEB
Rubidium (Rb) <100ppt
Hydrochloric acid 32-35% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2950
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 32-35% HCl
Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Samarium (Sm) <1ppt
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol Erbium (Er) <1ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.17 g/ml Europium (Eu) <1ppt Selenium (Se) : Information only
Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,II
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <10ppt
DANGER. Gold (Au) <50ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
H290-H314-H335 Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Indium (In) <1ppt Terbium (Tb) <1ppt
Iron (Fe) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Lead (Pb) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <1ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Tin (Sn) <20ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Iridium (Ir) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Assay : 32-35%
Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt
Mercury (Hg) <50ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <20ppt
Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <1ppt
Arsenic (As) <50ppt
Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt
Nickel (Ni) <20ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt
Niobium (Nb) <1ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt
Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Boron (B) <100ppt
Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt
Potassium (K) <10ppt
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt
Praseodymium (Pr) <1ppt
Cerium (Ce)
Caesium (Cs)
Rhenium (Re) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt
Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL00.2950.0250 250 ml PFA
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt
Ruthenium (Ru) <10ppt CL00.2950.0500 500 ml PFA
Hydrochloric acid 37% a.r. CL00.0360
For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur., ACS, trace analysis 37+% HCl
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol Assay >37%
Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.0001%
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.19 g/ml Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,II Arsenic (As) <0.000001%
Barium (Ba) <0.000002% Bromide (Br) <0.005%
DANGER. Beryllium (Be) <0.000002% Chloride (Cl) <0.00005%
H290-H314-H335 Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Phosphate (PO4) <0.00005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Sulfate (SO4) <0.0001%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001% Sulfite (SO3) <0.0001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Residue after Ignition <0.0005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002% Mercury (Hg) <0.000001%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Colour < 10 APHA
Iron (Fe) <0.00002% Sulfated Ash <0.0005%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005% Residual Solvents (Ph Eur./ICH) : Excluded by manuf.
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Free Chlorine <1ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.000001%
Extractable Organic Substances : Passes test
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.00001%
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Strontium (Sr) <0.000001%
CL00.0360.1000 1l GVB
Titanium (Ti) <0.00001% CL00.0360.2500 2,5 l GVB
Hydrochloric acid 36% p. CL00.0305
For laboratory use 36+% HCl
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol Assay >36%
Hydrochloric acid 30% p. CL00.0393
*For laboratory use 30+% HCl
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol Assay >30%
Hydrochloric acid 20% a.r. CL02.0354
For laboratory use 20+% HCl
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol Residue after Ignition <0.0005%
Arsenic (As) <0.000005%
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.10 g/ml Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001%
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,II Copper (Cu) <0.000005%
Iron (Fe) <0.00005%
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
H290-H314-H335 Zinc (Zn) <0.0001%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.0003%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Free Chlorine <0.00005%
Sulfite (SO3) <0.0002%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.0001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0354.9010 10 l PE
Hydrochloric acid 5 weight % solution CL02.0318
For laboratory use 51 g HCl / l H2O
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,III
P305 + P351 + P338
Don’t see the exact solution you need? Contact our sales department.
Hydrochloric acid 4.2 mol/l CL05.0316
For laboratory use, Titrations 153.136 g HCl / l H2O = 4.2 N (±0.0081/20°C)
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.06 g/ml
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,III
P281-P305 + P351 + P338-P390
Hydrochloric acid 1.786 mol/l CL05.0359
For laboratory use, Titrations - Sugar industry 65.10 g HCl / l H2O = 1.786 N (±0.007/20°C) = 50/28 N
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.03 g/ml
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,III
P305 + P351 + P338-P390
Hydrochloric acid 0.309 mol/l CL05.0313
For laboratory use, Titrations 11.28 g HCl / H2O = 0.309 N (±0.0006/20°C)
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,III
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.0313.1000 1l PE
CL05.0313.5000 5l PE
CL05.0313.9010 10 l PE
Hydrochloric acid 0.125 mol/l CL05.0308
For laboratory use, Titrations 4.558 g HCl / l H2O = 0.125 N (±0.0003/20°C)
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,III
Hydrochloric acid 0.02 mol/l CL05.0305
For laboratory use, Titrations 0.729 g HCl / l H2O = 0.02 N (±0.00004/20°C)
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL05.0305.1000 1l PE
CL05.0305.5000 5l PE
Hydrochloric acid 1 mol/l in Methanol CL05.0361
For laboratory use, Titrations 36.46 g HCl / l CH3OH = 1 N (±0.002/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.80 g/ml
UN 3286 Class, PG 3 (6.1+8),II
P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + P311-P390
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.0361.1000 1l PE
Hydrochloric acid 0.1 mol/l in Propanol-2 CL05.0320
For laboratory use, Titrations, ASTM D-974, D-664 3.646 g HCl / l C3H8O = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 1219 Density 0.79 g/ml
Class, PG 3,II
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338-P390
Hydrofluoric acid 49+% a.r., VLSI CL00.0625
For laboratory use, ISO, trace analysis 49+% HF
Manganese (Mn) <0.000005%
CasNr 7664-39-3 Mol.Weight 20.01 g/mol Assay >49%
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0001%
HS Nr 28111100 Density 1.16 g/ml Hexafluorosilicate <0.005% Sodium (Na) <0.00002%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
UN 1790 Class, PG 8 (6.1),II Phosphate (PO4) <0.00005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.0002% Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
DANGER. Sulfite (SO3) <0.0002% Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
H330-H300-H310-H314 Silver (Ag) <0.000002% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Vanadium (V) <0.000005%
P338-P304 + P340-P309 + P311 Beryllium (Be) <0.000002% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Sulfated Ash <0.0005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001% Colour < 10 APHA
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <0.00001% CL00.0625.1000 1l PE/H
Lithium (Li) <0.000002%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00002% CL00.0625.2500 2,5 l PE/H
Hydrofluoric acid 40% a.r. CL00.0609
For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur. 40+% HF
Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
CasNr 7664-39-3 Mol.Weight 20.01 g/mol Assay >40%
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Silver (Ag) <0.000002%
HS Nr 28111100 Density 1.13 g/ml Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
UN 1790 Class, PG 8 (6.1),II Arsenic (As) <0.000005%
Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Vanadium (V) <0.000005%
DANGER. Beryllium (Be) <0.000002% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
H330-H300-H310-H314 Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Chloride (Cl) <0.0001%
P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001% Hydrogen Hexafluorosilicate <0.005%
P338-P304 + P340-P309 + P311 Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Phosphate (PO4) <0.00005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002% Sulfate (SO4) <0.0002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Sulfite (SO3) <0.0002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00002% Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005% Sulfated Ash <0.002%
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000002%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00002%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005%
Sodium (Na) <0.00002% CL00.0609.1000 1l PE/H
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002% CL00.0609.5000 5l PE
Hydrogen chloride solution (Conductivity standard) CL03.1147
For laboratory use, LF measurements LF Standard 350000µS/25°C (± 1%)
CasNr 7647-01-0 Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol
HS Nr 28061000 Density 1.00 g/ml
UN 1789 Class, PG 8,III
P305 + P351 + P338
Hydrogen peroxide 30 weight % solution (ultra pure) CL00.2313
*For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 30+% H2O2 (unstabilised)
Arsenic (As) <0.01ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
CasNr 7722-84-1 Mol.Weight 34.01 g/mol Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 28470000 Density 1.11 g/ml Boron (B) <0.01ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.02ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.02ppm
UN 2014 Class, PG 5.1 (8),II
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Tin (Sn) <0.002ppm
DANGER. Bismuth (Bi) <0.002ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
H271-H302-H314-H318-H335-H412 Calcium (Ca) <0.02ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.002ppm
P210-P310-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P303 + Cobalt (Co) <0.002ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
P361 + P353-P280 Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm Chloride (Cl) <0.5ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Phosphate (PO4) <1ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.05ppm Sulfate (SO4) <1ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm Nitrogen (N) <2ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Assay >30%
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Non Volatiles <50ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Residue after Ignition <20ppm
Free Acid <40ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm CL00.2313.1000 1l PEB/OD
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm
Hydrogen peroxide 27+weight % solution (stab.) p. CL00.2310
For laboratory use 27+% H2O2 (phosphate stabilised)
CasNr 7722-84-1 Mol.Weight 34.01 g/mol Assay >27%
Hydroxylammonium chloride a.r. CL00.0810
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99+% H4ClNO
CasNr 5470-11-1 Mol.Weight 69.49 g/mol Assay >99%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.05%
HS Nr 28251000 Density 1.67 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0005%
UN 2923 Class, PG 8 (6.1),III Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
WARNING. Mercury (Hg) <0.00001%
H302 + H312-H351-H315-H319-H317-H373-H400-H290 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.002
P273-P281-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P313 pH : 2.5 to 4.0 (5%
Residue after Ignition <0.01% @ 600°C Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Clarity of the Solution : passes test
Free Acid <0.25meq/g CL00.0810.0250 250 g PE
Hydroxylammonium chloride 2.5% solution + BFB indicator CL02.0806
TMAR 25 g H4ClNO + 4.8 mg C19H9Br4O5SNa / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 3082 Density 1.00 g/ml
Class, PG 9,III
H302 + H312-H351-H315-H319-H317-H373-H400-H290
P273-P281-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P313
Hydroxylammonium sulfate v.p. CL00.0813
For laboratory use 99+% H8N2O6S
CasNr 10039-54-0 Mol.Weight 164.14 g/mol Assay >99%
Residue after Ignition <0.05%
HS Nr 28251000 Density 1.88 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
UN 2865 Class, PG 8,III Chloride (Cl) <0.05%
P281-P273-P308 + P313-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone p. CL00.0847
For laboratory use 98+% C6H12O2
CasNr 123-42-2 Mol.Weight 116.16 g/mol Assay >98%
8-Hydroxyquinoline p. CL00.0848
For laboratory use 99+% C9H7NO
CasNr 148-24-3 Mol.Weight 145.16 g/mol Assay >99%
HS Nr 29334990
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0848.0250 250 g GVB
Imidazole for Molecular biology CL00.0958
For laboratory use, for molecular biology 99.5+% C3H4N2
Absorbance @ 260nm <0.1 (1cm, 0.1M in
CasNr 288-32-4 Mol.Weight 68.08 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Assay >99.5%
HS Nr 29332990 Density 1.03 g/cm3 pH : 9.5 to 11 (0.1M in
Absorbance @ 280nm <0.1 (1cm, 0.1M in
UN 3263 Class, PG 8,III H2o, 25°C)
Water <0.2%
DANGER. Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
H302-H314-H360 Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
Aluminium (Al) <0.0005%
P201-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Arsenic (As) <0.00001%
P311 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.0005%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zinc (Zn) <0.0005%
CL00.0958.0050 50 g PE
Immersion-oil CL04.0901
For microscopy 25 à 50% C14H12O2 (Benzyl benzoate)
CasNr 120-51-4 Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Class, PG 9,III
UN 3082
Indene p. CL00.0930
For laboratory use 95+% C9H8
CasNr 95-13-6 Mol.Weight 116.16 g/mol Assay >95%
Iodine, pellets (ultra pure) NEW CL00.1005
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.999+% I2
Magnesium (Mg) <0.050ppm
CasNr 7553-56-2 Mol.Weight 253.81 g/mol Assay >99.999%(metallic)
Manganese (Mn) <0.005ppm
Assay >99.8%
HS Nr 28012000 Density 4.93 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <10ppm(chlorine Molybdenum (Mo) <0.020ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.010ppm
UN 3495 Class, PG 8 (6.1),III and bromine)
Aluminium (Al) <0.050ppm Potassium (K) <0.50ppm
DANGER. Barium (Ba) <0.050ppm Silver (Ag) <0.010ppm
H312-H315-H319-H332-H335-H372-H400 Beryllium (Be) <0.005ppm Sodium (Na) <0.10ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.050ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.010ppm
P273-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338-P314 Cadmium (Cd) <0.010ppm Thallium (TI) <0.050ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.10ppm Tin (Sn) <0.050ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.010ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.050ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.010ppm Vanadium (V) <0.005ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.010ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.050ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.050ppm
Gold (Au) <0.050ppm
Indium (In) <0.010ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.050ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.050ppm CL00.1005.0050 50 g PE
Lithium (Li) <0.010ppm
Iodine 0.05 mol/l CL05.1002
For laboratory use, Titrations - Calibrate before use. 12.69 g I2 / l H2O = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.02 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1002.1000 1l GVB
CL05.1002.2500 2,5 l GVB
CL05.1002.9025 25 l GVW
IPTG for Biochemistry CL00.0956
For laboratory use, for biochemistry 99+% C9H18O5S
pH : 5 to 7 (5% in H2O)
CasNr 367-93-1 Mol.Weight 238.30 g/mol Assay >99.0%
Specific Optical Rotation : -28.5° to -34.5° Art. Nr.
Water Pack Pack Type <1.0%
HS Nr 29329900 (α20°C/D, 1% in
H2O) CL00.0956.0005 5g GVB
Iron(III) chloride.6aq a.r. CL00.0909
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., ACS 99+% FeCl3.6H2O
Sodium (Na) <0.05%
CasNr 10025-77-1 Mol.Weight 270.33 g/mol Assay >99%
Free Chlorine <0.001%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
HS Nr 28273920 Free Acid <0.2% Phosphate (PO4) <0.002%
DANGER. Arsenic (As) <0.0005% Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.01% Nitrate (NO3) <0.01%
H302-H315-H318 Copper (Cu) <0.002%
P280-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338-P313 Iron II <0.002%
Lead (Pb) <0.002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005%
Nitrogen (N) <0.001% CL00.0909.0250 250 g PE
Zinc (Zn) <0.003% CL00.0909.1000 1 kg PE
Iron(III) chloride 0.5 mol/l CL05.0906
*For laboratory use 81.105 g FeCl3 / l H2O
CasNr 10025-77-1 Mol.Weight 162.21 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28273920 Density 1.02 g/ml CL05.0906.1000 1l PE
Iron(III) oxide p. CL00.0919
For laboratory use 85+% Fe2O3
Chloride (Cl) <0.01%
CasNr 1309-37-1 Mol.Weight 159.69 g/mol Assay >85%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
HS Nr 28211000 Density 5.2 g/cm3 Copper (Cu) <0.005% Nitrogen (N) <0.005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
CL00.0919.1000 1 kg PE
Iron(II) sulfide p. CL00.0905
For laboratory use 95+% FeS
CasNr 1317-37-9 Mol.Weight 87.92 g/mol Assay >95%
Sulfur (S) ±29%
HS Nr 28309011 Density 4.84 g/cm3
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0905.1000 1 kg PE
Isatin p. CL00.0933
For laboratory use 98+% C8H5NO2
CasNr 91-56-5 Mol.Weight 147.13 g/mol Assay >98% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29337900 CL00.0933.0005 5g GVB
Isohexane HPLC grade CL00.0937
For laboratory use, fraction from petroleum, for liquid chromatography 99+% C6H14
CasNr 92112-69-1 Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.0002%
HS Nr 27101225 Density 0.66 g/ml Water <0.01%
UN 1208 Class, PG 3,II Transmittance @ 200nm >10%
Transmittance @ 210nm >30%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 230nm >90%
H225-H304-H315-H336-H411 Transmittance @ 254nm >99%
P210-P240-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + P352-P403 +
Isopropanolamine p. CL00.2750
For laboratory use 95+% C3H9NO
CasNr 78-96-6 Mol.Weight 75.11 g/mol Assay >95%
Isopropylamine p. CL00.0941
For laboratory use 99+% C3H9N
CasNr 75-31-0 Mol.Weight 59.11 g/mol Assay >99%
Kaolin, powder CL00.3712
For laboratory use 85+% Al2Si2O5(OH)4
Lead (Pb) <0.001%
CasNr 1332-58-7 Mol.Weight - Assay >85%
Loss on ignition <15% (600°C)
Soluble in Hydrochloric Acid <1%
HS Nr 25070020 Density 2.6 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0,025%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.1%
Calcium (Ca) <0.025% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Bismuth (Bi) <0.001% CL00.3712.1000 1 kg PE
Copper (Cu) <0.001%
Kovac’s reagent CL02.1187
Indophenol det. 50 g C9H11NO / l C5H12O/HCl (3/1)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.001 g/ml
UN 2924 Class, PG 3 (8),III
P210-P304 + P340
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1187.0100 100 ml GVB
Lactophenol acc. Amann solution CL04.1202
Microbiologic colourations 200 g C6H5OH + 200 g C3H6O3 + 400 ml C3H8O3 / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.03 g/ml
UN 2821 Class, PG 6.1,II
P264-P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 +
P338-P337 + P313-P309 + P311
Lanthanum(III) chloride 1% solution in 0.3 mol HCl CL02.1213
*For AAS (Ca<1ppm) 10 g LaCl3 / l 0.3 mol HCl
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 1789 Density 1.01 g/ml
Class, PG 8,II
Lead(II) acetate.3aq a.r. CL00.1207
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% (CH3COO)2Pb.3H2O
CasNr 6080-56-4 Mol.Weight 379.33 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
HS Nr 29152900 Class, PG 6.1,III Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
UN 1616 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.001%
H360DF-H373-H410 Potassium (K) <0.005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005%
P281-P273-P308 + P313-P314 Sodium (Na)
Zinc (Zn)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005% CL00.1207.0250 250 g PE
Nitrate (NO3) <0.001%
CL00.1207.1000 1 kg PE
Lead(II) hydroxide acetate a.r. CL00.1205
For laboratory use and sugar det. acc. Horne (CH3COO)2Pb.Pb(OH)2 - (Pb as PbO > 75%)
CasNr 51404-69-4 Mol.Weight 566.52 g/mol Loss on drying <1%
Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
HS Nr 29152900 Class, PG 6.1,III Cadmium (Cd) <0.001%
UN 2291 Cobalt (Co) <0.001%
Copper (Cu) <0.002%
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.002%
H351-H360-H373-H410 Potassium (K) <0.01%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005%
P201-P281-P308 + P313 Sodium (Na) <0.01%
Nickel (Ni) <0.001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloride (Cl) <0.003%
Nitrate (NO3) <0.003%
CL00.1205.1000 1 kg PE
Lead(II) nitrate 0.1 mol/l CL05.1204
For laboratory use, Titrations 33.121 g Pb(NO3)2 / l H2O = 0.2 N (±0.00005/20°C)
CasNr 10099-74-8 Mol.Weight 331.21 g/mol
HS Nr 28342920 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1469 Class, PG 5.1 (6.1),II
P201-P273-P308 + P313
Lead(II) oxide v.p. CL00.1222
For laboratory use, DAC, P.B.C. 99-100.5% PbO
CasNr 1317-36-8 Mol.Weight 223.20 g/mol Assay : 99-100.5%
Loss on ignition <0.2%
HS Nr 28241000 Density 9.53 g/cm3 Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.5%
UN 2291 Class, PG 6.1,III Iron (Fe) <0.005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
P201-P273-P308 + P313
Lithium bromide p. CL00.1229
For laboratory use 99+% LiBr
CasNr 7550-35-8 Mol.Weight 86.85 g/mol Assay >99%
Barium (Ba) <0.005%
HS Nr 28275900 Density 3.46 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
WARNING. Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
H302-H317-H315-H319 Chloride (Cl) <0.1%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1229.0500 500 g PE
Lithium chloride a.r. CL00.1214
For laboratory use 98.5+% LiCl
CasNr 7447-41-8 Mol.Weight 42.39 g/mol Assay >98.5%
Barium (Ba) <0.01%
HS Nr 28273985 Density 2.07 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
WARNING. Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Potassium (K) <0.01%
H302-H315-H319 Magnesium (Mg) <0.002%
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Sodium (Na) <0.02%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005% CL00.1214.0100 100 g PE
CL00.1214.1000 1 kg PE
Lithium hydroxide 10% solution CL02.1204
Amino Acid analysis 100 g LiOH / l H2O
CasNr 1310-65-2 Mol.Weight 23.95 g/mol
HS Nr 28252000 Density 1.05 g/ml
UN 2679 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311
Lithium nitrate 5% Li(1+)/l solution CL02.1206
For AAS and FE 500 g LiNO3 / l H2O
CasNr 7790-69-4 Mol.Weight 68.95 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28342980 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 2722 Class, PG 5.1,III CL02.1206.0100 100 ml PE
CL02.1206.0500 500 ml PE
Lithium tetraborate (ultra pure) CL00.1218
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.6+% Li2B4O7
CasNr 12007-60-2 Mol.Weight 169.12 g/mol Assay >99.6%
Chloride (Cl) <5ppm
HS Nr 28402090 Phosphate (PO4) <2ppm
WARNING. Sulfate (SO4) <5ppm
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <5ppm
H315-H319-H335 Calcium (Ca) <5ppm
P261-P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) <1ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <5ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <1ppm CL00.1218.0250 250 g PE
Sodium (Na) <5ppm
CL00.1218.1000 1 kg PE
Magnesium, turnings a.r. CL00.1313
For laboratory use, acc. Grignard 99.5+% Mg
CasNr 7439-95-4 Mol.Weight 24.31 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
HS Nr 81043000 Density 1.75 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.05%
UN 1869 Class, PG 4.1,III
P210-P370 + P378i-P402 + P404
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1313.0100 100 g PE
CL00.1313.0500 500 g PE
Magnesium chloride.6aq a.r. CL00.1316
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO 99+% MgCl2.6H2O
Phosphate (PO4) <0.0005%
CasNr 7791-18-6 Mol.Weight 203.30 g/mol Assay >99%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.002%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.001%
HS Nr 28273100 Density 1.57 g/cm3 Barium (Ba) <0.002% pH : 5.0 to 6.5 (5%
Calcium (Ca) <0.01%
Total Nitrogen <0.002%
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Potassium (K) <0.001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.0005%
Sodium (Na) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Strontium (Sr) <0.002% CL00.1316.0250 250 g PE
Zinc (Zn) <0.001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1316.1000 1 kg PE
Nitrate (NO3) <0.001% CL00.1316.2500 2,5 kg PE
Magnesium hydroxide carbonate v.p. CL00.1319
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., FCC 40-43.5% MgO
Zinc (Zn) <0.001%
CasNr 12125-28-9 Mol.Weight 485 g/mol Assay : 40-43.5%
Chloride (Cl) <0.03%
Soluble in water <1%
HS Nr 28369911 Density 2.16 g/cm3 Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.002% Sulfate (SO4) <0.2%
Arsenic (As) <0.0001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.4%
Copper (Cu) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe)
Lead (Pb)
CL00.1319.1000 1 kg PE
Magnesium oxide v.p. CL00.1323
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., USP, FCC 98-100.5% MgO
Chloride (Cl) <0.05%
CasNr 1309-48-4 Mol.Weight 40.30 g/mol Assay : 98-100.5%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.5%
Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
HS Nr 25199010 Density 3.58 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <1%
P260 Copper (Cu) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.05%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1323.0500 500 g PE
Zinc (Zn) <0.001% CL00.1323.1000 1 kg PE
Magnesium sulfate 22.5 g/l solution CL02.1311
AFNOR Det. in H2O 22.5 g MgSO4.7H2O / l H2O
CasNr 10034-99-8 Mol.Weight 246.48 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28332100 Density 1.03 g/ml CL02.1311.1000 1l PE
Malonic acid p. CL00.1392
For laboratory use 99+% C3H4O4
CasNr 141-82-2 Mol.Weight 104.06 g/mol Assay >99%
Manganese(II) chloride.4aq v.p. CL00.1328
For laboratory use 98+% MnCl2.4H2O
CasNr 13446-34-9 Mol.Weight 197.91 g/mol Assay >98%
Iron (Fe) <0.002%
HS Nr 28273985 Density 2.01 g/cm3 Nickel (Ni) <0.005%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.002%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1328.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1328.2500 2,5 kg PE
Manganese(II) sulfate.1aq a.r. CL00.1331
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99+% MnSO4.1H2O
Reducing Subtances <0.0005%
CasNr 10034-96-5 Mol.Weight 169.02 g/mol Assay >99%
Loss on ignition ±11%
HS Nr 28332980 Density 2.95 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.002%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.003%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
WARNING. Potassium (K) <0.005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.002%
H373-H411 Magnesium (Mg) <0.005%
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
P273-P314 Nickel (Ni)
Lead (Pb)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zinc (Zn) <0.005% CL00.1331.0250 250 g PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
CL00.1331.1000 1 kg PE
Melamine p. CL00.1393
For laboratory use 99+% C3H6N6
CasNr 108-78-1 Mol.Weight 126.12 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29336100 Density 1.57 g/cm3 CL00.1393.0100 100 g PE
2-Mercaptobenzothiazole a.r. CL00.1395
For laboratory use 99+% C7H5NS2
CasNr 149-30-4 Mol.Weight 167.25 g/mol Assay >99%
Mercury p. CL00.1362
For laboratory use 99% Hg
CasNr 7439-97-6 Mol.Weight 200.59 g/mol Assay >99%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
HS Nr 28054090 Density 13.55 g/ml Non Volatiles <0.005%
UN 2809 Class, PG 8 (6.1),III Iron (Fe) <0.05%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.05%
P201-P273-P309 + P311-P304 + P340
Mercury(II) chloride a.r. CL00.1346
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% HgCl2
Sulfate (SO4) <0.02%
CasNr 7487-94-7 Mol.Weight 271.50 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Nitrogen (N) <0.002%
Loss on drying <1%
HS Nr 28521000 Density 5.44 g/cm3 Silver (Ag) <0.0005% Reducing Subtances <0.001%
Residue after Reduction <0.01%
UN 1624 Class, PG 6.1,II Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005% Non Solubles in Water <0.01%
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
H341-H361f-H300-H372-H314-H410 Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Mercury(I) Chloride <0.05%
P281-P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338- Potassium (K) <0.005%
P309 + P311 Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
Sodium (Na) <0.005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) <0.0005%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1346.0100 100 g PE
Zinc (Zn)
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb)
CL00.1346.0500 500 g PE
Mercury(II) nitrate.1aq a.r. CL00.1351
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% Hg(NO3)2.1H2O
CasNr 7783-34-8 Mol.Weight 342.62 g/mol Assay >99%
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
HS Nr 28521000 Density 4.39 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
UN 1625 Class, PG 6.1,II Potassium (K) <0.005%
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
H330-H310-H300-H373-H410 Mercury I <0.2%
Chloride (Cl) <0.002%
P280-P273-P309 + P311-P304 + P340-P302 + P352 Sulfate (SO4)
Residue after Reduction
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1351.0100 100 g GVB
CL00.1351.0500 500 g GVB
Mercury(II) oxide, red a.r. CL00.1338
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% HgO
CasNr 21908-53-2 Mol.Weight 216.59 g/mol Assay >99%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.03%
HS Nr 28521000 Density 11.1 g/cm3 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001%
UN 1641 Class, PG 6.1,II Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.005%
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
H330-H310-H300-H373-H400-H410 Zinc (Zn) <0.0005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.025%
P280-P273-P304 + P340-P302 + P352-P309 + P311 Sulfate (SO4)
Nitrogen (N)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Residue after Reduction <0.025% CL00.1338.0100 100 g PE
Non Solubles in Hydrochloric Acid <0.03%
CL00.1338.0500 500 g PE
Mercury(II) sulfate v.p. CL00.1105
For laboratory use 98+% HgSO4
CasNr 7783-35-9 Mol.Weight 296.65 g/mol Assay >98%
Iron (Fe) <0.005%
HS Nr 28521000 Density 6.47 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
UN 1645 Class, PG 6.1,II Residue after Ignition <0.1%
P280-P273-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P309 + P311-P301 +
P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1105.0250 250 g PE
CL00.1105.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1105.5000 5 kg PE
Methanol, Purge and Trap grade CL00.1374
For laboratory use, purge and trap analysis 99.9+% CH3OH
CasNr 67-56-1 Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Water <0.08%
HS Nr 29051100 Density 0.79 g/ml Residue after Evaporation <1ppm
UN 1230 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II Free Acid <0.3ppm
Free Alkali <0.1ppm
DANGER. Photoionization Detection (PID) below CRQL : passes test
H225-H301 + H311 + H331-H370 Electroconductivity Detection (ELCD) below CRQL : passes test
P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + P311
Methanol, HPLC gradient grade CL00.1364
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% CH3OH - 0.2 µm filtrated
CasNr 67-56-1 Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Water <500ppm
HS Nr 29051100 Density 0.79 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1230 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
UV Cut-off = 206nm max
DANGER. Transmittance @ 225nm > 67%
H225-H301 + H311 + H331-H370 Transmittance @ 235nm > 83%
Transmittance @ 260nm > 98%
P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1364.1000 1l GVB
CL00.1364.2500 2,5 l GVB
Methanol a.r. CL00.1307
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.8+% CH3OH
Reducing Subtances <0.00025%
CasNr 67-56-1 Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29051100 Density 0.79 g/ml Water <0.05%
Density = 0.791 - 0.793 g/ml
Carbonyl Compounds <0.005%
UN 1230 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II Free Alkali <0.00005%
Residue after Evaporation <0.001%
Free Acid <0.002%
DANGER. Aluminium (Al) <0.00005%
Readily Carbonizable Substances : passes test
Substances darkened by Sulfuric Acid : passes test
H225-H301 + H311 + H331-H370 Boron (B) <0.000002%
Soluble in water : passes test
Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + P311 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Colour < 10 APHA
Acidity <0.0003meq/g
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
Alkalinity <0.0002meq/g
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Absorbance @ 230nm <0.15
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Absorbance @ 250nm <0.05
Copper (Cu) <0.000001%
Absorbance @ 270nm <0.02
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Absorbance @ 290nm <0.01
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000001%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloride (Cl) <0.00005% CL00.1307.1000 1l PE
Sulfate (SO4) <0.0001%
Acetaldehyde <0.001% CL00.1307.2500 2,5 l PE
Acetone <0.001% CL00.1307.5000 5l PE
Ethanol <0.1%
Formaldehyde <0.01% CL00.1307.9025 25 l PE
CL00.1307.9200 200 l PE
Methanol p. CL00.1301
For laboratory use 99+% CH3OH
CasNr 67-56-1 Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.005%
HS Nr 29051100 Density 0.79 g/ml Water <0.2%
UN 1230 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
H225-H301 + H311 + H331-H370 CL00.1301.1000 1l PE
P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + P311 CL00.1301.5000 5l PE
CL00.1301.9010 10 l PE
CL00.1301.9025 25 l PE
CL00.1301.9200 200 l PE
Methanol with 0.1% ammonium acetate, LC-MS CL02.1341
For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3OH + 0.1 % CH3COONH4
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.792 g/ml CH3COONH4 0,093-0,107%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
UN 1992 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.00005%
Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.01AU
P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 %T 1 cm lp 210nm >5%
%T 1 cm lp 230nm >60%
%T 1 cm lp 254nm >90% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
0.22µ filtereed
satisfies LC-MS applications CL02.1341.1000 1l GVB/H
4’-Methoxyacetophenone p. CL00.1398
For laboratory use 99+% C9H10O2
CasNr 100-06-1 Mol.Weight 150.18 g/mol Assay >99%
4-Methoxybenzaldehyde v.p. CL00.1399
For laboratory use, FCC 98+% C8H8O2
CasNr 123-11-5 Mol.Weight 136.15 g/mol Assay >98% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29124900 Density 1.12 g/cm3 CL00.1399.0250 250 ml PE
1-Methoxy-2-propanol p. CL00.3900
For laboratory use 99+% C4H10O2
CasNr 107-98-2 Mol.Weight 90.12 g/mol Assay >99%
4-Methylacetophenone p. CL00.3902
For laboratory use 95+% C9H10O
CasNr 122-00-9 Mol.Weight 134.18 g/mol Assay >95%
Methyl-4-aminophenolsulfate 99% CL00.1361
For laboratory use 99+% C14H18N2O2.H2SO4
CasNr 55-55-0 Mol.Weight 344.39 g/mol Assay >99%
Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate v.p. CL00.3907
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., BP, JP, NF, FCC 99+% C8H8O3
CasNr 99-76-3 Mol.Weight 152.15 g/mol Assay >99%
2-Methylnaphtahalene p. CL00.3908
For laboratory use 95+% C11H10
CasNr 91-57-6 Mol.Weight 142.20 g/mol
HS Nr 29029000 Density 1.006 g/cm3
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III
Methyl orange indicator CL06.1307
TMAR TA-TAC Det. acc. AFNOR T.90.036 5 g C14H14N3O3SNa / l H2O
CasNr 547-58-0 Mol.Weight 327.34 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29270000 Density 1.00 g/ml CL06.1307.1000 1l PE
2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol p. CL00.0844
For laboratory use 99+% C6H14O2
CasNr 107-41-5 Mol.Weight 118.17 g/mol Assay >99%
1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone v.p. CL00.1380
For laboratory use 99+% C5H9NO
CasNr 872-50-4 Mol.Weight 99.13 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <0,05%
HS Nr 29337900 Density 1.028 g/ml
P201-P261-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1380.1000 1l GVB
Methyl salicylate v.p. CL00.3909
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., BP, NF 99+% C8H8O3
CasNr 119-36-8 Mol.Weight 152.15 g/mol Assay >99%
Density :1,180-1,186
HS Nr 29182300 Density 1.184 g/ml Acidity <0,4 ml NaOH
WARNING. 0.1N/100g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.3909.0250 250 ml GVB
Methyl violet indicator CL06.1305
Indicator (pH 0.1-2.0) - (C.I. 42535) 1 g C24H28ClN3 / l H2O
CasNr 8004-87-3 Mol.Weight 393.96 g/mol
HS Nr 32041300 Density 1.00 g/ml
P273 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL06.1305.0250 250 ml GVB
CL06.1305.1000 1l GVB
Indicator Mixture 5 CL06.0901
Titrimetric indicator (NH4+) - pH 5.0 - 5.5 1 g C15H14N3O2Na + 0.4 g C16H18ClN3S.3H2O / l C2H5OH/H2O (1/1)
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 1170 Density 0.89 g/ml
Class, PG 3,II
4-Morpholine ethane sulfonic acid.1aq - (MES) CL00.3913
For laboratory use, Good’s Buffer 98+%C6H13NO4S.H2O
CasNr 145224-94-8 Mol.Weight 213.26 g/mol Assay >98%
MSTFA CL00.1375
Gas Chromatography 99+% MSTFA
CasNr 24589-78-4 Mol.Weight 257,40 g/mol Assay >99%
HS Nr 29029000 Density -
UN 1334 Class, PG 4.1,III
P210-P273-P308 + P313-P370 + P378i
Naphthalene p. CL00.4022
For laboratory use - (3 - 4 mm) 99+% C10H8
CasNr 91-20-3 Mol.Weight 136.22 Assay >99%
HS Nr 29029000 Density -
UN 1334 Class, PG 4.1,III
P210-P273-P308 + P313-P370 + P378i
1-Naphthylamine p. CL00.4024
For laboratory use 99+% C10H9N
CasNr 134-32-7 Mol.Weight 143.19 g/mol Assay >99%
NBT for Biochemistry CL00.4060
For laboratory use, for biochemistry 99+% C40H30Cl2N10O6
CasNr 298-83-9 Mol.Weight 817.65 g/mol Assay >99.0%
Sulfated Ash <0.05% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29339980 Water <3.0%
CL00.4060.0001 1g GVB
CL00.4060.0005 5g GVB
NDF-reagent CL02.1429
Det. digestability 30gNaDS+ 6.81gNaTB.10H2O+ 4.6gNa2HPO4+ 18.6gdiNaEDTA.2H2O+ 10gC4H10O2 / l
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.017 g/ml pH : 6.10 - 7.10
D20°C : 1,017 - 1,019
P280-P264-P305 + P351 + P338-P337 + P313 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1429.2500 2,5 l PE
CL02.1429.9010 10 l PE
Nessler A reagent CL02.4031
NH4 Det. 150 g HgI2 + 110 g KI / l H2O
CasNr 7783-33-7 Density 1.20 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Class, PG 6.1,II
UN 2024
P260-P273-P280-P284-P301 + P310-P302 + P350
Nickel, powder v.p. CL00.1491
For laboratory use 99.9+% Ni
CasNr 7440-02-0 Mol.Weight 58.71 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Iron (Fe) <0.01%
HS Nr 75040000 Density 8.90 g/cm3 Sulfur (S) <0.005%
P281-P273-P308 + P313-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1491.0100 100 g PE
Nickel(II) chloride.6aq p. CL00.1440
For laboratory use 97+% NiCl2.6H2O
CasNr 7791-20-0 Mol.Weight 237.70 g/mol Assay >97%
Cobalt (Co) <0.05%
HS Nr 28273500 Density 1.92 g/cm3 Copper (Cu) <0.005%
UN 3288 Class, PG 6.1,III Iron (Fe) <0.01%
Lead (Pb) <0.002%
H350-H341-H360-H301 + H331-H373-H315-H334-H317-H410
P201-P273-P308 + P313-P304 + P340-P302 + P352-P309 +
Nickel(II) oxide v.p. CL00.4025
For laboratory use NiO
CasNr 1313-99-1 Mol.Weight 74.71 g/mol Assay >75%
Nicotine p. CL00.4027
For laboratory use 99+% C10H14N2
CasNr 54-11-5 Mol.Weight 162.23 g/mol Assay >99%
Nicotinic acid v.p. CL00.4028
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., BP, USP 99.5+% C6H5NO2
CasNr 59-67-6 Mol.Weight 123.11 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Nitric acid 70% (ultra pure) CL00.1934
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 69+% HNO3 - (Appearance of a yellowish tinge in the container has no impact on product quality).
Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Lead (Pb) <0.0005ppm
CasNr 7697-37-2 Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol Gold (Au) <0.004ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 28080000 Density 1.41 g/ml Barium (Ba) <0.001ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
UN 2031 Class, PG 8 (5.1),II
Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.005ppm
DANGER. Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
H272-H314-H290 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + Chromium (Cr) <0.010ppm Boron (B) <0.004ppm
P338 Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Selenium (Se) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.005ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.020ppm Niobium (Nb) <0.001ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.004ppm Silicon (Si) <0.020ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.0005ppm Tantalum (Ta) <0.002ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm Non Volatiles <2ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Assay >69%
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Chloride (Cl) <0.04ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Phosphate (PO4) <0.1ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sulfate (SO4) <0.4ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo)
Sodium (Na)
CL00.1934.0500 500 ml GVB/H
Aluminium (Al) <0.030ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm CL00.1934.1000 1l GVB/H
Nitric acid 65% (ultra pure) CL00.1905
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 65+% HNO3 - (Appearance of a yellowish tinge in the container has no impact on product quality).
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
CasNr 7697-37-2 Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol Assay >65%
Sodium (Na) <0.01ppm
Chloride (Cl) <0.05ppm
HS Nr 28080000 Density 1.39 g/ml Phosphate (PO4) <0.01ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.01ppm
Lead (Pb) <0.001ppm
UN 2031 Class, PG 8 (5.1),II Sulfate (SO4) <0.2ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
DANGER. Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
H272-H314-H290 Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
P338 Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.03ppm Boron (B) <0,01ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Selenium (Se) <0,001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Antimony (Sb) <0,001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.002ppm Uranium (U) <0,02ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.005ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.002ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm CL00.1905.0250 250 ml GVB
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm CL00.1905.1000 1l GVB/H
Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm CL00.1905.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Nitric acid 65% a.r. CL00.1902
For laboratory use 65+% HNO3 - (Appearance of a yellowish tinge in the container has no impact on product quality).
CasNr 7697-37-2 Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol Assay >65%
Residue after Ignition <0.0005%
HS Nr 28080000 Density 1.39 g/ml Arsenic (As) <0.000001%
UN 2031 Class, PG 8 (5.1),II Calcium (Ca) <0.0001%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001%
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.000005%
H272-H314-H290 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
P338 Chloride (Cl) <0.00005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphate (PO4) <0.00005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.0001%
CL00.1902.1000 1l PEB
CL00.1902.2500 2,5 l PEB
CL00.1902.5000 5l PEB
Nitric acid 30 weight % a.r. CL02.1940
For laboratory use 386 ml HNO3 65% / l H2O
Sodium (Na) <0.5ppm
CasNr 7697-37-2 Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol Silver (Ag) <0.01ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.02ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.01ppm
HS Nr 28080000 Density 1.17 g/ml Aluminium (Al) <0.5ppm Lead (Pb) <0.01ppm
Strontium (Sr) <0.01ppm
UN 2031 Class, PG 8,II Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.01ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.1ppm
DANGER. Bismuth (Bi) <0.1ppm Thallium (TI) <0.5ppm
H314 Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm Vanadium (V) <0.01ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.01ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.5ppm
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Cobalt (Co) <0.01ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.1ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.02ppm Chloride (Cl) <0.5ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.01ppm Phosphate (PO4) <1ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.2ppm Sulfate (SO4) <1ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.5ppm Residue after Ignition <5ppm
Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.01ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.02ppm CL02.1940.2500 2,5 l PEB
Our “Custom Made Solutions” will save you time and money
Nitric acid 6 mol/l CL05.1905
For laboratory use, Titrations 378.06 g HNO3 / l H2O = 6 N (±0.012/20°C)
CasNr 7697-37-2 Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol
HS Nr 28080000 Density 1.19 g/ml
UN 2031 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310
Nitric acid 1 mol/l CL05.1903
For laboratory use, Titrations 63.01 g HNO3 / l H2O = 1 N (±0.002/20°C)
CasNr 7697-37-2 Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol
HS Nr 28080000 Density 1.03 g/ml
UN 2031 Class, PG 8,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310
CL05.1903.1000 1l PE
CL05.1903.5500 5l EP
CL05.1903.9520 20 l EP
3-Nitroaniline p. CL00.4030
For laboratory use 99+% C6H6N2O2
CasNr 99-09-2 Mol.Weight 138.13 g/mol Assay >99%
Nitrobenzene a.r. CL00.4031
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99+% C6H5NO2
CasNr 98-95-3 Mol.Weight 123.11 g/mol Assay >99%
Residue after Evaporation <0.005%
HS Nr 29042000 Density 1.20 g/ml Free Acid <0.0005meq/g
UN 1662 Class, PG 6.1,II Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
H360F-H301 + H311 + H331-H351-H372-H412
P201-P280-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P308 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.4031.0100 100 ml GVB
CL00.4031.1000 1l GVB
3-Nitrophenol p. CL00.4035
For laboratory use 99+% C6H5NO3
CasNr 554-84-7 Mol.Weight 139.11 g/mol Assay >99%
2-Nitrophenol p. CL00.4034
For laboratory use 99+% C6H5NO3
CasNr 88-75-5 Mol.Weight 139.11 g/mol Assay >99%
2-Nitropropane p. CL00.4036
For laboratory use 96+% C3H7NO2
CasNr 79-46-9 Mol.Weight 89.09 g/mol Assay >96%
4-Nitrotoluene p. CL00.4037
For laboratory use 98+% C7H7NO2
CasNr 99-99-0 Mol.Weight 137.13 g/mol Assay >98%
Octane(-iso), HPLC grade CL00.1505
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% C8H18
CasNr 540-84-1 Mol.Weight 114.23 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Water <100ppm
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.69 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1262 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P403 + P235
Octane-(n-) p. CL00.1518
For laboratory use 80+% C8H18
CasNr 111-65-9 Mol.Weight 114.23 g/mol Assay >80%
Octane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.1515
For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C8H17NaO3S
CasNr 5324-84-5 Mol.Weight 216.27 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <2%
HS Nr 29041000 Transmittance @ 200nm > 70% (0.005 mol/l
Transmittance @ 220nm > 90% (0.005 mol/l
H315-H319 H2O)
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Transmittance @ 250nm > 98% (0.005 mol/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1515.0100 100 g GVB
L-Ornithine monohydrochloride v.p. CL00.1520
For laboratory use, for biochemistry 99+% C5H12N2O2 * ClH
Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
CasNr 3184-13-2 Mol.Weight 168.62 g/mol Assay >99%
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
UV absorbance @ 260nm <0.2Abs
HS Nr 29224985 UV absorbance @ 280nm <0.2%Abs Ammonium (NH4) <0.01%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01% Zinc (Zn) <0.0005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001% Loss on drying <0.3%
Arsenic (As) <0.0005% Foreign Amino Acids <0.3%
Calcium (Ca) <0.01%
Cobalt (Co)
Iron (Fe)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <0.002% CL00.1520.0025 25 g GVB
Oxalic acid 2% solution CL02.1506
TMAR Silicon Det. acc. POLYMETRON SILKOSTAT 9097 (Reagent 2) 20 g C2H2O4.2H2O / l H2O
CasNr 6153-56-6 Mol.Weight 126.07 g/mol
HS Nr 29171100 Density 1.01 g/ml
H302 + H312
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P302 + P352
CL02.1506.1000 1l PE
CL02.1506.9010 10 l PE
CL02.1506.9025 25 l PE
Palladium(II) chloride (59% Pd) CL00.1650
For laboratory use 59+% Cl2Pd
CasNr 7647-10-1 Mol.Weight 177.33 g/mol Assay >59.85% Pd
Assay >99.0%
HS Nr 28439090 Density 4.0 g/cm3
UN 3260 Class, PG 8,III
P280-P301 + P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Paraffin, solid v.p. CL00.1604
For laboratory use, DAB Paraffin, solid - m.p. 50-55°C
CasNr 8002-74-2 Density 0.90 g/cm3 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 27122090 CL00.1604.1000 1 kg PE
Pentachlorophenol p. CL00.1653
For laboratory use 97+% C6HCl5O
CasNr 87-86-5 Mol.Weight 266.34 g/mol Assay >97%
Pentane-(iso) a.r. NEW CL00.1626
For laboratory use 99+% C5H12
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
CasNr 78-78-4 Mol.Weight 72.15 g/mol Assay >99%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.62 g/ml Water <0.01% Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
UN 1265 Class, PG 3,I Free Acid <0.0005%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Sulfur (S) <0.002%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002% n-Pentane >0.5%
H224-H304-H336-H411-EUH066 Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
P210-P243-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P403 + P235 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chromium (Cr)
Copper (Cu)
CL00.1626.1000 1l GVB
Iron (Fe) <0.00001% CL00.1626.2500 2,5 l GVB
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% CL00.1626.9025 25 l MET
Pentane p. CL00.1606
For laboratory use 97+% C5H12 - mixture of isomers
CasNr 109-66-0 Mol.Weight 72.15 g/mol Assay >97%
Non Volatiles <0.005%
HS Nr 29011000 Density 0.63 g/ml n-Pentane >75%
UN 1265 Class, PG 3,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P273-P301 + P310-P331-P403 + P235 CL00.1606.1000 1l GVB
CL00.1606.5000 5l MET
CL00.1606.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
CL00.1606.9025 25 l MET
Perchloric acid 70% (ultra pure) CL00.1629
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 70+% HClO4
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
CasNr 7601-90-3 Mol.Weight 100.46 g/mol Assay >70%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Phosphate (PO4) <0.1ppm
HS Nr 28111980 Density 1.68 g/ml Sulfate (SO4) <5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
UN 1873 Class, PG 5.1 (8),I Nitrogen (N) <10ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.002ppm Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
DANGER. Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
H271-H314 Arsenic (As) <0.01ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
P210-P220-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338- Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
P309 + P311 Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.03ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm CL00.1629.0250 250 ml GVB
Potassium (K) <0.02ppm CL00.1629.1000 1l GVB
Perchloric acid 60% a.r. CL00.1615
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 60+% HClO4
Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
CasNr 7601-90-3 Mol.Weight 100.46 g/mol Assay >60%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
Silver (Ag) <0.000005%
HS Nr 28111980 Density 1.53 g/ml Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Vanadium (V) <0.000005%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
UN 1873 Class, PG 5.1 (8),I Arsenic (As) <0.000005%
Barium (Ba) <0.000002% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
DANGER. Beryllium (Be) <0.000002% Chlorate (ClO3) <0.001%
H271-H314 Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Chloride (Cl) <0.0003%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Silicate (SiO2) <0.0005%
P210-P220-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338- Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Sulfate (SO4) <0.001%
P309 + P311 Cobalt (Co) <0.000005% Nitrogen (N) <0.001%
Copper (Cu) <0.00001% Colour <10 APHA
Iron (Fe) <0.0001% Residue after Ignition <0.003%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Mercury (Hg) <0.0000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000002%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
CL00.1615.0100 100 ml GVB
Nickel (Ni) <0.00001% CL00.1615.1000 1l GVB/H
Lead (Pb) <0.000005% CL00.1615.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Perchloric acid 0.1 mol/l in Acetic acid 100% CL05.1602
For laboratory use, TMAR - Non aqeous titrations, ASTM D-2896 10.046 g HClO4 / l HAc 100% = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight - H2O 0.1 à 0.2%
Petroleum ether 100-140 p. CL00.1645
For laboratory use Petroleum ether 100-140°C
CasNr 64742-49-0 Density 0.73 g/ml
HS Nr 27101225 Class, PG 3,II
UN 1268
P210-P273-P302 + P352-P301 + P310-P331
Petroleum ether 60-80 a.r. CL00.1636
For laboratory use Petroleum ether 60-80°C
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
CasNr 64742-49-0 Density 0.68 g/ml Non Volatiles <0.001%
Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Water <0.01%
HS Nr 27101225 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.002% Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
UN 1268 Aluminium (Al) <0.00005%
Boron (B) <0.000002% Benzene <0.01%
DANGER. Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Iodine Number <0.3
H225-H304-H315-H336-H361-H373-H411 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Sulfur (S) <0.005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Colour < 10 APHA
P210-P261-P273-P281-P301 + P310-P331 Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Density : 0.660 - 0.680 g/ml
@ 20°C
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002% CL00.1636.2500 2,5 l GVB
Petroleum ether 40-60 a.r. CL00.1608
For laboratory use, ISO, ACS Petroleum ether 40-60°C
Sulfur (S) <0.005%
CasNr 64742-49-0 Density 0.653 g/ml Non Volatiles <0.001%
Colour < 10 APHA
Water <0.01%
HS Nr 27101225 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.002% Density = 0.640 - 0.655 g/ml
@ 20°C
UN 1268 Aluminium (Al) <0.00005%
Boiling Range >90 vol%
Boron (B) <0.000002%
DANGER. Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
Residue after Evaporation <0.001%
H225-H304-H315-H336-H361-H373-H411 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
P210-P261-P273-P281-P301 + P310-P331-P403 + P235 Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% CL00.1608.1000 1l GVB
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002% CL00.1608.2500 2,5 l GVB
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.000002% CL00.1608.5000 5l ALU
Tin (Sn) <0.00001% CL00.1608.5011 5l FL/HDPE
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
Benzene <0.01%
CL00.1608.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
Iodine Number <0.3 CL00.1608.9025 25 l MET
Petroleum p. CL00.1603
For laboratory use Petroleum
CasNr 64741-65-7 Density 0.78 g/ml
HS Nr 27101221 Class, PG 3,III
UN 1268
P260-P262-P301 + P310-P331-P403
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1603.1000 1l GVB
CL00.1603.5000 5l MET
1,10-Phenantroline.1aq a.r. CL00.0628
For laboratory use - RedOx indicator 99.5+% C12H8N2.H2O
CasNr 5144-89-8 Mol.Weight 198.24 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Phenol - Nitroprussiate solution CL02.0613
NH4N det. 35 g C6H5OH + 0.4 g Na2Fe(CN)5NO.2H2O / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 2821 Density 1.00 g/mL
Class, PG 6.1,II
P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 +
P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0613.0500 500 ml PE
CL02.0613.1000 1l PEB
Phenol - Crystal Violet solution CL04.0704
Microbiologic colourations (Violet de Gentiane C.I. 42555) 4 g C6H5OH + 10 g C25H30ClN3 / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.00 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL04.0704.1000 1l GVB
Phenolphtalein indicator in Ethanol/Chloroform CL06.0612
AFNOR Det. in H2O 0.3 g C20H14O4 / l C2H5OH/CHCl3 (9/1)
HS Nr 38220000 Class, PG 3,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
UN 1170
CL06.0612.0100 100 ml PE
CL06.0612.1000 1l PE
2-Phenoxyethanol p. CL00.0638
For laboratory use 99+% C8H10O2
CasNr 122-99-6 Mol.Weight 138.16 g/mol Assay >99%
Peroxide <0.005%
HS Nr 29094980 Density 1.11 g/ml
P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0638.1000 1l GVB
L-Phenylalanine v.p. CL00.0642
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., USP 98.5+% C9H11NO2
CasNr 63-91-2 Mol.Weight 165.19 g/mol Assay >98.5% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29224985 Density 1.00 g/cm3 CL00.0642.0100 100 g GVB
2-Phenylethanol p. CL00.0639
For laboratory use 99+% C8H10O
CasNr 60-12-8 Mol.Weight 122.16 g/mol Assay >99%
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
1 g C11H13N3O / l Buffer pH 9
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1004601)
33 - 35 g NH3 / l
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1004703)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
40 g (NH4)2C2O4.1H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1005901)
76 g NH4CNS / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1006701)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
61 g BaCl2.2H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1009301)
30 ml Br2 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1012402) - USP (617000141)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
2 g C19H9Br4O5SNa / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - Indicator (pH 3.0-4.6 - yellow to blue-purple) (1012803)
10 g C27H27Br2O5SNa / l C3H7NO
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - Indicator (pH 5.8-7.4 - yellow to blue) (1012902)
1 l (Na2HPO4.12H2O 18 g/l + NaCl 23 g/l) + NaH2PO4.2H2O 7.8 g/l to pH 7.00 + 0.2 g/l NaN3
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.3) - (4003500)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
16.3 g CH3COONa.3H2O + 84 g NaCl + 136 ml HCl 0.1 mol/l + 300 ml C3H6O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.3) - (4000100)
8 g NaCl + 0.2 g KCl + 0.1 g CaCl2 + 0.1 g MgCl2 + 3.18 g Na2HPO4.12H2O + 0.2 g KH2PO4/ l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.3) - (4004300)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
2.500 g CaCO3 + 12 ml CH3COOH / l H2O (dilute 1/10 before use with C2H5OH)
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.2) - Solution contains 100µg/ml of Ca(2+) (5000802)
± 3 g CaSO4.1/2H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1015201)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
For laboratory use, Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(2.2.2) - Standard sol. for colour measurements
For laboratory use, Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(2.2.2) - Standard sol. for colour measurements
For laboratory use, Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(2.2.2) - Standard sol. for colour measurements
For laboratory use, Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(2.2.2) - Standard sol. for colour measurements
For laboratory use, Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(2.2.2) - Standard sol. for colour measurements
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
20 g C7H4N2O6 / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1031301)
10 g C6H4N2O4 / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1031201)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
20 g HgCl2 / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1032601) - Sol. II mix with Sol I before use (1/1).
2 g C13H12N4O / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1032601) - Sol. I mix with Sol II before use (1/1).
1 g C20H12N3NaO7S + 99 g NaCl
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1056801)
96+vol% C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1002501)
1 g C14H17ClN4O / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1035201)
99+% C4H8O2
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1035301)
35% HCOH (Stabilised with 11 - 13 m/m % Methanol - do not store below 20°C)
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1039101)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
73 g HCl / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1043503)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
3 weight% H2O2
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1043800)
20 g IBr / l CH3COOH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1045901)
20 g I2 + 40 KI / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1070503)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
10 g I2 / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1045804)
45 g FeCl3.6H2O / l ± 1% HCl
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(2.2.2) - Yellow Primary Sol.
13 g FeCl3.6H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1037802)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
50 g La(NO3)3.6H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1048001)
95 g (CH3COO)2Pb.3H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1048103)
33 g Pb(NO3)2 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1048301)
5 g C23H25ClN2 / l CH3COOH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1050501)
50 g C4H2O3 / l C7H8
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1050701)
54 g HgCl2 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1052201)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
1 g C18N14N3NaO3S / l CH3COOH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1052901) - (pH 1.2-2.3 - red to orange-yellow)
2 g C27H20O3 / l CH3COOH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1057601)
10 g C2OH21N3O5S/ l CH3COOH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1058201)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
4 g C9H4O3.H2O / l CH3(CH2)3OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1058306)
2 g C9H4O3.H2O / l CH3(CH2)3OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1058303)
Paper + HgBr2
For laboratory use - Ph. Eur. 1986 & Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1052101)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
10 g C20H14O4 / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (pH 8.2-10 - colourless to red-violet) - (1063703)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1065001)
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1065000)
10 g C6H2OH(NO2) / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1065801)
0.800 g H2PtCl6 / l HCl 1 mol/l (dilute 1/10 with HCl 1 mol/l before use)
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.2) - Solution contains 30 µg/ml of Pt(4+) (5002300)
50 g K2CrO4 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1069201)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
5 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1069502)
53 g K4(Fe(CN)6).3H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1069801)
50 g K3(Fe(CN)6) / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1069701)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
166 g KI / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1070502)
950 g KI / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1070504)
30 g KMnO4 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1070902)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
97 g KCNS / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1071801)
1 g C15H11N3O / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1073501)
1 g C21H23IN2 / l CH3OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - Indicator (pH 1.4-3.2- colourless to red) (1073801)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
17 g AgNO3 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1078302) - USP - (61700201) - Jap. Ph. (616001001)
20 g Na2CO3 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1079302)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
42 g NaHCO3 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1081301)
90 g Na2HPO4.12H2O / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1033301)
85 g NaOH / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1081402)
40 g NaOH / l H2O = 1 N
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.2.2) - (3006300)
10 g C24H20BNa / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1084401)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
99.9+% C6H7NO3S
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (2000700)
1.520 g Na2S2O5 / l H2O (dilute 1/666 (and add 4 ml NaOH 0.1 mol/l to 100 ml) before use
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.2) - Solution contains 1.5 µg/ml of SO2(-2) (5002900)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
0.1235 g Tl2SO4 + 9 g NaCl / l H2O (dilute 1/10 with NaCl 9 g/l H2O before use)
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.2) - Solution contains 10 µg/ml of Tl(1+) (5003000)
40 g C2H5NS / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1089602)
1 g C28H30O4 / l C2H5OH
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - Indicator (pH9.3-10.5 - colourless to blue) (1090701)
1.077 g SnCl2.2H2O + 25 ml HCl 37% / l H2O (dilute 1/100 before use with 2.5% HCl)
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.2) - Solution contains 5 µg/ml of Sn(2+) (5003100)
40 g C2HCl3O2 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1092501)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
6.06 g C4H11NO3 + 2.8 g diNaEDTA + 10.24 g NaCl + HCl 1 mol/l to pH 8.4 / l H2O
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.3) - (4006600)
50 g NaNO2 / l H2O
For stray light testing acc. Ph. Eur.
10 g NaI /l H2O
For stray light testing acc. Ph. Eur.
H2O - LF 5 µS
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1095500)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
H2O - LF 5 µS
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - (1095504)
99.8+% Zn
Reagent acc. Ph. Eur. 9(4.1.1) - Activated for As det., ACS (1096501)
Ph. Eur. Test Solutions
Phosphate buffer pH 7.2 CL03.0604
AFNOR Det. in H2O 6.805 g KH2PO4 + 1.388 g NaOH / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL03.0604.1000 1l PE
CL03.0604.5000 5l PE
Phosphoric acid 85% a.r. CL00.0605
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur., BP, USP 85+% H3PO4
Manganese (Mn) <0.00005%
CasNr 7664-38-2 Mol.Weight 98.00 g/mol Assay >85%
Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
Volatile Acids <0.001%
HS Nr 28092000 Density 1.71 g/ml Chloride (Cl) <0.0002% Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
Antimony (Sb) <0.0002%
UN 1805 Class, PG 8,III Fluoride (F) <0.0001%
Nitrate (NO3) <0.0003% Zinc (Zn) <0.0002%
DANGER. Phosphorous Acid <0.002% Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
H314-H290 Sulfate (SO4) <0.003% Colour < 10 APHA
Reducing Subtances <0.001% Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.001%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Silicate (SiO2) <0.025% Residual Solvents (Ph Eur./ICH) : Excluded by
production process
Sodium (Na) <0.025%
Appearance of the solution : Clear liquid
Arsenic (As) <0.00005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.002%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.0001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Copper (Cu) <0.0001%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005% CL00.0605.1000 1l PE
Potassium (K) <0.0005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
CL00.0605.2500 2,5 l PE
Phosphoric acid 15.8 weight % solution CL02.0609
TMAR TOC Det. acc. SERES 118 ml H3PO4 85% / l H2O
CasNr 7664-38-2 Mol.Weight 98.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28092000 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 1805 Class, PG 8,III
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.0609.5000 5l PE
CL02.0609.9010 10 l PE
di-Phosphorus pentoxide a.r. CL00.0631
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 98+% P2O5
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
CasNr 1314-56-3 Mol.Weight 141.95 g/mol Assay >98%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
HS Nr 28091000 Density 2.30 g/cm3 g/ml Cobalt (Co) <0.0005% Nitrogen (N) <0.002%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
UN 1807 Class, PG 8,II Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.001% Nitrate (NO3) <0.0005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.002% Arsenic (As) <0.005%
H314 Magnesium (Mg) <0.001% Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.0005% Non Solubles in Water <0.02%
P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Ammonium (NH4) <0.001% Total Nitrogen <0.002%
P311 Sodium (Na) <0.005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.0005%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Antimony (Sb) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zinc (Zn)
Reducing Subtances
CL00.0631.1000 1 kg PE
Phthalic anhydride v.p. CL00.0614
For laboratory use 99+% C8H4O3
CasNr 85-44-9 Mol.Weight 148.11 g/mol Assay >99%
Polyethylene glycol 8000 p. CL00.1639
For laboratory use HO(C2H4O)n.H2O
CasNr 25322-68-3 Mol.Weight 8000 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 34042000 Density 1.2 g/cm3 CL00.1639.1000 1 kg PE
Ponceau S red solution CL04.1601
For electrophoresis purposes 2 g Ponceau S red / l 3% C2HCl3O2 in H2O
HS Nr 38220000
P273-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Potassium bromate v.p. CL00.1140
For laboratory use 99+% KBrO3
CasNr 7758-01-2 Mol.Weight 167.01 g/mol Assay >99%
Iron (Fe) <0.002%
HS Nr 28299040 Density 3.27 g/cm3 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.002%
UN 1484 Class, PG 5.1,II Bromide (Br) <0.05%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
P201-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1140.0500 500 g PE
CL00.1140.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium bromide a.r. CL00.1138
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% KBr
Chloride (Cl) <0.1%
CasNr 7758-02-3 Mol.Weight 119.01 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Iodide (I) <0.001%
Loss on drying <0.3%
HS Nr 28275100 Density 2.75 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0001% Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
WARNING. Barium (Ba) <0.001% Nitrogen (N) <0.001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001% pH : 5.0 to 8.8 (5%
H319 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
solution @ 25°C)
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
Sodium (Na) <0.02% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Zinc (Zn) <0.0005% CL00.1138.0250 250 g PE
Bromate (BrO3) <0.001% CL00.1138.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium carbonate, anhydrous a.r. CL00.1132
For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99+% K2CO3
Phosphate (PO4) <0.001%
CasNr 584-08-7 Mol.Weight 138.21 g/mol Assay >99%
Silicate (SiO2) <0.003%
Loss on drying <1% @ 300°C
HS Nr 28364000 Density 2.43 g/cm3 Aluminium (Al) <0.001% Nitrogen (N) <0.001%
WARNING. Arsenic (As) <0.0001% Sulfate (SO4) <0.003%
Calcium (Ca) <0.002% Non Solubles in Water <0.005%
H315-H319-H335 Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.05%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1132.0250 250 g PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.002% CL00.1132.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium chloride (ultra pure) CL00.1125
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.5+% KCl
Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
CasNr 7447-40-7 Mol.Weight 74.55 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Sodium (Na) <5ppm
Phosphate (PO4) <5ppm
HS Nr 31051000 Density 1.88 g/cm3 Sulfate (SO4) <10ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Nitrogen (N) <10ppm Lead (Pb) <0.01ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.01ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppm
Barium (Ba) <1ppm Thallium (TI) <0.01ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.01ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm CL00.1125.0050 50 g PE
Lithium (Li) <0.4ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.05ppm CL00.1125.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) CL03.1145
For laboratory use, LF measurements LF Standard 200000µS/25°C (± 1%)
35°C - 233217 µS/cm
CasNr 7447-40-7 Mol.Weight 74.56 g/mol 5°C - 136689 µS/cm
40°C - 249976 µS/cm
10°C - 152103 µS/cm
HS Nr 28273985 Density 1.09 g/ml 15°C - 167414 µS/cm
20°C - 183707 µS/cm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
25°C - 200000 µS/cm
30°C - 216293 µS/cm CL03.1145.0500 500 ml PE
Potassium chloride 0.1 mol/l (Conductivity standard) CL03.1108
For laboratory use, LF measurements LF Standard 11.67mS/20°C - 12.88mS/25°C (± 1%)
CasNr 7447-40-7 Mol.Weight 74.56 g/mol 5°C - 8.22 mS/cm
10°C - 9.33 mS/cm
HS Nr 28273985 Density 1.01 g/ml 15°C - 10.48 mS/cm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
20°C - 11.67 mS/cm
25°C - 12.88 mS/cm CL03.1108.0500 500 ml PE
30°C - 14.12 mS/cm CL03.1108.1000 1l PE
35°C - 15.38 mS/cm
40°C - 16.67 mS/cm CL03.1108.9010 10 l PE
Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) CL03.1121
For laboratory use, LF measurements LF Standard 452µS/20°C - 500µS/25°C (± 1%)
23°C - 480.6 µS/cm
CasNr 7447-40-7 Mol.Weight 74.56 g/mol 15°C - 402.9 µS/cm
24°C - 490.3 µS/cm
16°C - 412.6 µS/cm
HS Nr 28273985 Density 1.00 g/ml 17°C - 422.4 µS/cm 25°C - 500.0 µS/cm
18°C - 432.1 µS/cm 30°C - 548.5 µS/cm
19°C - 441.8 µS/cm
20°C - 451.5 µS/cm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
21°C - 461.2 µS/cm
22°C - 470.9 µS/cm CL03.1121.0500 500 ml PE
Potassium chloride solution (Low Cond. standard) CL03.1132
For laboratory use, LF measurements LF Standard 25µS/20°C (± 1%) (Keep Cool !)
CasNr 7447-40-7 Mol.Weight 74.56 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28273985 Density 1.00 g/ml CL03.1132.1000 1l PE
Potassium chloride 3.5 mol/l+Aluminium(III) sulfate 50 g/l solution - ISA buffer - ISE buffer CL03.1117
For laboratory use, ISE Ba2+, Ca2+, NO2- measurements 250 g KCl + 50 g AlK(SO4)2.18H2O / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.17 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL03.1117.0500 500 ml PE
CL03.1117.1000 1l PE
Potassium chloride - Sodium acetate solution CL02.1114
Voltametric analysis (DIN 38406 - E16) 1.5 mol KCl + 0.5 mol CH3COONa / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.08 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1114.0250 250 ml GVB
tri-Potassium citrate v.p. CL00.3709
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., BP, FCC 99+% C6H5K3O7
Sulfate (SO4) <0.015%
CasNr 6100-05-6 Mol.Weight 324.42 g/mol Assay >99%
Arsenic (As) <0.0001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
HS Nr 29181500 Density 1.98 g/ml Mercury (Hg) <0.0001% Water : 4-7%
Sodium (Na) <0.3%
Lead (Pb) <0.0001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Oxalate <0.009%
Chloride (Cl) <0.005% CL00.3709.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium dichromate v.p. CL00.1145
For laboratory use 99+% K2Cr2O7
CasNr 7778-50-9 Mol.Weight 294.19 g/mol Assay >99%
Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
HS Nr 28415000 Density 2.69 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
UN 3086 Class, PG 6.1 (5.1),II Sulfate (SO4) <0.02%
P201-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P304 +
P341-P308 + P313 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1145.0500 500 g PE
CL00.1145.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1145.5000 5 kg PE
Potassium dichromate 0.0417 mol/l + 250 mg Amidosulfonic acid CL05.1185
TOC Det. 12.2588g K2Cr2O7 + 250mg H3NO3S / l H2O = 0.25 N (1/24 mol/l) - (±0.0005/20°C)
CasNr 7778-50-9 Density 1.00 g/ml Total Organic Carbon <0.5 ppm
HS Nr 38220000
P201-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P304 +
P341-P308 + P313
Potassium dichromate 0.005 mol/l CL05.1129
COD Det. acc. DIN 38409 - H44 1.471 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O = 0.03 N (±0.000006/20°C)
CasNr 7778-50-9 Mol.Weight 294.19 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28415000 Density 1.00 g/ml CL05.1129.1000 1l PE
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate v.p. CL00.1147
For laboratory use, DAB, NF 98-100.5% KH2PO4
Reducing Subtances <0.04%
CasNr 7778-77-0 Mol.Weight 136.09 g/mol Assay : 98-100.5%
Loss on drying <1%
HS Nr 28352400 Density 2.34 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
Copper (Cu) <0.002%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Sodium (Na) <0.1%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1147.0500 500 g PE
Zinc (Zn) <0.002%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
CL00.1147.1000 1 kg PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.001% CL00.1147.2500 2,5 kg PE
Fluoride (F) <0.001%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.02%
CL00.1147.9025 25 kg CBOT
Potassium fluoride a.r. CL00.1149
For laboratory use 99+% KF
CasNr 7789-23-3 Mol.Weight 58.10 g/mol Assay >99%
Free Acid <0.01%
HS Nr 28261990 Density 2.48 g/cm3 Free Alkali <0.01%
UN 1812 Class, PG 6.1,III Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.0005%
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
H331-H311-H301 Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.0005%
P280-P304 + P340-P302 + P352-P309 + P311 Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloride (Cl) <0.005% CL00.1149.0250 250 g PE
Potassium Hexafluorosilicate <0.1%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.02%
CL00.1149.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) v.p. CL00.1110
For laboratory use 99+% K3(Fe(CN)6)
CasNr 13746-66-2 Mol.Weight 329.25 g/mol Assay >99%
Chloride (Cl) <0.1% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28372000 Density 1.85 g/cm3 Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
P273 CL00.1110.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1110.5000 5 kg PE
di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate, anhydrous (ultra pure) NEW CL00.3741
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.99+% K2HPO4
Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
CasNr 7758-11-4 Mol.Weight 174.18 g/mol Assay >99.99%(metallic)
Magnesium (Mg) <0.5ppm
Assay >99.5%(acidimetric)
HS Nr 28352400 Density 2.44 g/cm3 Absorbance @ 260nm <0.010(10%; 2cm; Manganese (Mn) <0.010ppm
water) Mercury (Hg) <0.05ppm
Chloride (Cl) <5ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.010ppm
Sulfate (SO4) <30ppm Samarium (Sm) <0.010ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.1ppm Sodium (Na) <50ppm
Barium (Ba) <5ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.5ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm Thallium (TI) <0.01ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.5ppm Yttrium (Y) <0.010ppm
Cerium (Ce) <0.010ppm Ytterbium (Yb) <0.010ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.010ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.010ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm
Europium (Eu) <0.010ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.100ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lanthanum (La) <0.010ppm CL00.3741.0050 50 g PE
Potassium hydrogen phthalate, reference material for NIST NEW CL00.3732
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., buffer substance 99.5+% C8H5O4K
CasNr 877-24-7 Mol.Weight 204.22 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29173995 Density 1.636 g/cm3 CL00.3732.0050 50 g GVB
Potassium hydroxide (Na<0.05%) a.r. CL00.3740
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 85-100.5+% KOH
Heavy Metals <0.0005%(as Pb)
CasNr 1310-58-3 Mol.Weight 56.11 g/mol Assay >85-100.5%(KOH)
Aluminium (Al) <0.001%
Assay >85-100.5%(total
HS Nr 28152000 Density 2.04 g/cm3 alkalinity calc. as Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
KOH) Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
UN 1813 Class, PG 8,II
Identity :passes test Magnesium (Mg) <0.002%
DANGER. Appearance :passes test Sodium (Na) <0.05%
H314-H302-H290 Carbonate (CO3) <1.0%(K2CO3) Nickel (Ni) <0.0005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311 Phosphate (PO4) <0.0005%
Silicate (SiO2) <0.005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Total Nitrogen <0.0005%
Heavy Metals <0.0005%(as Ag) CL00.3740.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium hydroxide 50 vol. % solution CL02.1110
Fot. NO3- Det. 500 g KOH / l H2O
CasNr 1310-58-3 Mol.Weight 56.11 g/mol
HS Nr 28152000 Density 1.35 g/ml
UN 1814 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1110.0500 500 ml PE
CL02.1110.1000 1l PE
Potassium hydroxide 3 mol/l CL05.1192
For laboratory use 168 g KOH / l H2O = 3 N (±0.0006/20°C)
CasNr 1310-58-3 Mol.Weight 56.11 g/mol
HS Nr 28152000 Density 1.11 g/ml
UN 1814 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311
Potassium hydroxide 0.23 mol/l CL05.1123
Det. digestability 12.905 g KOH / l H2O = 0.23 N (±0.00046/20°C)
CasNr 1310-58-3 Mol.Weight 56.11 g/mol
HS Nr 28152000 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1814 Class, PG 8,III
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 CL05.1123.1000 1l PE
CL05.1123.9010 10 l PE
CL05.1123.9025 25 l PE
CL05.1123.9520 20 l EP
Potassium hydroxide 0.5 mol/l in Ethanol CL05.1124
For laboratory use, Titrations, ASTM D-94, D-128 28.055 g KOH / l C2H5OH = 0.5 N (±0.001/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 2924 Density 0.85 g/ml
Class, PG 3 (8),II
P210-P233-P241-P243-P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-
P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Don’t see the exact solution you need? Contact our sales department.
Potassium hydroxide 0.025 mol/l in Ethanol CL05.1149
For laboratory use, Titrations (Solution may become brown on standing !) 1.403 g KOH / l C2H5OH = 0.025 N (±0.0002/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 2924 Density 0.83 g/ml
Class, PG 3 (8),II
P210-P233-P241-P243-P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-
P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Potassium hydroxide 0.01 mol/l in Methanol CL05.1155
For laboratory use, Titrations 0.5612 g KOH / l CH3OH = 0.01 N (±0.00003/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.79 g/ml
UN 1230 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II
P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1155.1000 1l GVB
Potassium iodate v.p. CL00.1162
For laboratory use, FCC 99-100% KIO3
CasNr 7758-05-6 Mol.Weight 214.00 g/mol Assay : 99-100%
Loss on drying <0.5%
HS Nr 28299080 Density 3.98 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
UN 1479 Class, PG 5.1,II Copper (Cu) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.005%
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <0.001%
H272-H315-H319-H335 Zinc (Zn) <0.001%
Iodide (I) <0.002%
P221-P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Sulfate (SO4) <0.05% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1162.0100 100 g PE
CL00.1162.0500 500 g PE
Potassium iodide v.p. CL00.1102
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., USP 99+% KI
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
CasNr 7681-11-0 Mol.Weight 166.01 g/mol Assay >99%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
Loss on drying <0.5%
HS Nr 28276000 Density 3.13 g/cm3 Free Alkali <0.02% Sodium (Na) <0.03%
DANGER. Appearance of the solution : passes test Reducing Subtances : passes test
Chloride/Chlorate/Bromide <0.01% Loss on drying <0.1%
H372 Iodate (IO3) <0.0003%
P314 Thiosulfate (S2O3) <0.01%
Phosphate (PO4) <0.001%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrogen (N) <0.001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001% CL00.1102.0250 250 g PE
Arsenic (As) <0.00001% CL00.1102.1000 1 kg PE
Barium (Ba) <0.002%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001% CL00.1102.5000 5 kg PE
Copper (Cu) <0.0002% CL00.1102.9020 20 kg CBOT
Potassium iodide 0.1 mol/l CL05.1137
For laboratory use, Titrations 16.601 g KI / l H2O = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
CasNr 7681-11-0 Mol.Weight 166.01 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28276000 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL05.1137.1000 1l PEB
CL05.1137.2500 2,5 l PEB
Potassium nitrate a.r. CL00.1164
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99+% KNO3
Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
CasNr 7757-79-1 Mol.Weight 101.10 g/mol Assay >99%
Chromium (Cr) <0.0001%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.001%
HS Nr 28342100 Density 2.11 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.001% Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
UN 1486 Class, PG 5.1,III Copper (Cu) <0.0001%
Iron (Fe) <0.0002% pH : 5 to 8 (5% solution
WARNING. Sodium (Na) <0.005%
@ 25°C)
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
H272 Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.0005%
P210 Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
Iodate (IO3) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphate (PO4)
CL00.1164.0250 250 g PE
Sulfate (SO4) <0.002% CL00.1164.1000 1 kg PE
Magnesium (Mg) <0.0015% CL00.1164.5000 5 kg PE
Potassium nitrate 2.5 mol/l - ISE buffer CL03.0906
For laboratory use, ISE Ag+, Br-, Cd2+, Pb2+, Cl-, Cu2+, I-, SCN- measurements 253 g KNO3 / l H2O
CasNr 7757-79-1 Mol.Weight 101.11 g/mol
HS Nr 28342100 Density 1.15 g/ml
UN 1486 Class, PG 5.1,III
Potassium oxalate 30% solution CL02.1149
For laboratory use 300 g C2K2O4.1H2O / l H2O
CasNr 6487-48-5 Mol.Weight 184.24 g/mol
HS Nr 29171100 Density 1.18
P302 + P352 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1149.1000 1l PE
CL02.1149.5000 5l PE
Potassium permanganate 50 g/l CL02.1139
AFNOR Det. in H2O 50 g KMnO4 / l H2O
CasNr 7722-64-7 Mol.Weight 158.04 g/mol
HS Nr 28416100 Density 1.03 g/ml
UN 3082 Class, PG 9,III
Potassium permanganate 0.08 mol/l CL05.1128
For laboratory use, TMAR - Titrations 12.644 g KMnO4 / l H2O = 0.4 N (±0.0008/20°C)
CasNr 7722-64-7 Mol.Weight 158.04 g/mol
HS Nr 28416100 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 3082 Class, PG 9,III
Potassium peroxodisulfate a.r. CL00.1171
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% K2S2O8
CasNr 7727-21-1 Mol.Weight 270.33 g/mol Assay >99%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
HS Nr 28334000 Density 2.48 g/cm3 Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
UN 1492 Class, PG 5.1,III Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.0001%
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
H272-H302-H319-H335-H315-H334-H317 Zinc (Zn) <0.0005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
P210-P221-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352-P304 + Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
P340 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1171.0100 100 g PE
CL00.1171.1000 1 kg PE
Potassium sorbate v.p. CL00.3725
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., BP, NF, FCC, E 202 99+% C6H7KO2
Loss on drying <1.0%
CasNr 24634-61-5 Mol.Weight 150.22 g/mol Assay >99%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0010%
HS Nr 29161995 Density 1.36 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0003%
WARNING. Cadmium (Cd) <0.001%
Copper (Cu) <0.001%
H319 Mercury (Hg) <0.0001%
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Lead (Pb) <0.0002%
Zinc (Zn) <0.001%
Aldehydes <0.15% (As Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Residual Solvents (Ph Eur./ICH) <0.5% CL00.3725.0250 250 g PE
HS Nr 28429010
UN 3284
P308 + P311
Potassium tetraoxalate.2aq a.r. CL00.1175
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., buffer substance 99.5+% C4H3KO8.2H2O
CasNr 6100-20-5 Mol.Weight 254.20 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Ammonium (NH4) <0.005%
HS Nr 29171100 Density 1.84 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
UN 3282 Class, PG 6.1,III Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.002%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
WARNING. Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
P302 + P352
Potassium thiocyanate 0.1 mol/l CL05.1115
For laboratory use, Titrations 9.718 g KCNS / l H2O = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
CasNr 333-20-0 Mol.Weight 97.18 g/mol
HS Nr 28429080 Density 1.01 g/ml
H302 + H312 + H332-H412-EUH032
P273-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1115.1000 1l PE
Propanol-1 (n-Propanol) v.p. CL00.0917
For laboratory use 99+% C3H8O
CasNr 71-23-8 Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.005%
HS Nr 29051200 Density 0.80 g/ml Water <0.1%
UN 1274 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.002%
P210-P233-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0917.1000 1l GVB
CL00.0917.2500 2,5 l GVB
Propanol-2 (iso-Propanol), HPLC grade CL00.0920
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C3H8O
CasNr 67-63-0 Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Water <1000ppm
HS Nr 29051200 Density 0.78 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1219 Class, PG 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Transmittance @ 210nm > 40%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 220nm > 60%
H225-H319-H336 Transmittance @ 230nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0920.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0920.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Propanol-2 (iso-Propanol) p. CL00.0901
For laboratory use, for Histology 99+% C3H8O
CasNr 67-63-0 Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.002%
HS Nr 29051200 Density 0.78 g/ml Water <0.1%
UN 1219 Class, PG 3,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
CL00.0901.5000 5l PE
CL00.0901.9010 10 l PE
CL00.0901.9025 25 l PE
Propionic anhydride p. CL00.1679
For laboratory use 98+% C6H10O3
CasNr 123-62-6 Mol.Weight 130.14 g/mol Assay >98%
Pyrene p. CL00.1681
For laboratory use 96+% C16H10
CasNr 129-00-0 Mol.Weight 202.26 g/mol Assay >96%
Pyridine, anhydrous a.r. CL00.1688
For laboratory use 99.5+% C5H5N
Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
CasNr 110-86-1 Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
Non Volatiles <0.002%
HS Nr 29333100 Density 0.98 g/ml Water <0.01% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
UN 1282 Class, PG 3,II Ammonia <0.001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Sulfate (SO4) <0005%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002% Reducing Subtances <0.0005%
H225-H332-H312-H302 Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Piperidine <0.01%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% 2-Picoline <0.2%
P210-P233-P302 + P352 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Soluble in water : passes test
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Residue after Evaporation <0.002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
CL00.1688.2500 2,5 l GVB
HS Nr 29333999
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1642.0100 100 g PE
1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphtol (PAN) CL06.1608
Complexometric indicator, Ph Eur C15H11N3O
CasNr 85-85-8 Mol.Weight 249.27 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29333999 Density 1 g/cm3
CL06.1608.0001 1g GVB
CL06.1608.0005 5g GVB
Quinine hydrochloride.2aq p. CL00.3728
For laboratory use 99+% C20H25ClN2O2.2H2O
CasNr 6119-47-7 Mol.Weight 396.91 g/mol Assay >99%
Loss on drying : 6 - 10%
HS Nr 29392000
P260-P262-P280-P302 + P352-P304 + P341-P342 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.3728.0025 25 g GVB
D-Raffinose.5aq CL00.1811
For laboratory use, for bacteriology 97+% C18H32O16.5H2O
CasNr 17629-30-0 Mol.Weight 594.52 g/mol Assay >97%
Water 14 - 16% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29400000 Density 1.465 g/cm3 Heavy Metals <0.001%
Reducing Subtances <1.0% CL00.1811.0025 25 g GVB
Reagent 781254 CL02.1827
TMAR Hypochlorite Sol. P & N Det. acc. AXFLOW ±13 g NaClO / l H2O
HS Nr 28289000 Density 1.04 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1827.5000 5l PE
Reagent 780630 CL02.1834
TMAR calibr. sol., 2 mmol/l NaHCO3 acc. AXFLOW 170 mg NaHCO3 / l H2O
CasNr 144-55-8 Mol.Weight 84.01 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28363000 Density 1.00 g/ml CL02.1834.5000 5l PE
Reagent 780115 CL02.1810
TMAR Silicon Det. acc. AXFLOW 55.2 g H2SO4 / l H2O
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 2796 Class, PG 8,II CL02.1810.5000 5l PE
CL02.1810.9010 10 l PE
Reduction solution for silicon analyser CL02.1811
TMAR Silicon Det. acc. AXFLOW C14H20N2O6S/K2S2O5/H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1811.1000 1l PEB
Risinus oil v.p. CL00.1801
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur. Castor oil
CasNr 8001-97-4 Density 0.96 g/ml
P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1801.1000 1l PE
Ruthenium(III) chloride.xaq a.r. CL00.1810
For laboratory use 99.9+% RuCl3.xH2O
Sodium (Na) < 200 ppm
CasNr 14898-67-0 Mol.Weight 207.43 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Palladium (Pd) < 120 ppm
Silver (Ag) < 40 ppm
HS Nr 28439090 Density 3.5 g/cm3 Aluminium (Al) < 5 ppm Platinum (Pt) < 150 ppm
Rhodium (Rh) < 40 ppm
UN 3260 Class, PG 8,III Gold (Au) < 40 ppm
Boron (B) < 10 ppm Ruthenium (Ru) = 40.51 %
DANGER. Calcium (Ca) < 40 ppm Silicon (Si) < 100 ppm
H302-H314 Cadmium (Cd) < 11 ppm
Chromium (Cr) < 2 ppm
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311 Copper (Cu) < 19 ppm
Iron (Fe) < 660 ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iridium (Ir) < 200 ppm CL00.1810.0001 1g GVB
Potassium (K) < 100 ppm
Magnesium (Mg) < 80 ppm CL00.1810.0005 5g GVB
Scandium(III) oxide a.r. CL00.1916
For laboratory use 99.99+% Sc2O3
CasNr 12060-08-1 Mol.Weight 137.91 g/mol Assay >99.99%
Scandium (Sc) > 99.99% (REO) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28469030 Density 3.86 g/cm3 Loss on ignition <0.5%
Heavy Metals < 0.00001% CL00.1916.0001 1g PE
L-Serine v.p. CL00.1947
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., USP 98.5+% C3H7NO3
CasNr 56-45-1 Mol.Weight 105.09 g/mol Assay >98.5% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29225000 CL00.1947.0025 25 g GVB
Silicagel CL00.1922
For laboratory use Silicagel
CasNr 7631-86-9 Density 0.75 g/cm3 Loss on drying <2% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Maximum water absorbance capacity >25%
HS Nr 28112200 Particle size : 2-6 mm CL00.1922.1000 1 kg PE
Silver carbonate v.p. CL00.2648
For laboratory use 99+% Ag2CO3
CasNr 534-16-7 Mol.Weight 275.75 g/mol Assay >99%
Silver nitrate v.p. CL00.2601
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., USP 99.8-100.5% AgNO3
CasNr 7761-88-8 Mol.Weight 169.87 g/mol Assay : 99.8-100.5%
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
HS Nr 28432100 Density 4.35 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
UN 1493 Class, PG 5.1,II Lead (Pb) <0.002%
Nitrite <0.1%
DANGER. Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
P273-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2601.0100 100 g PE
CL00.2601.1000 1 kg PE
Silver nitrate 0.25 mol/l CL05.2627
For laboratory use, Titrations 42.468 g AgNO3 / l H2O = 0.25 N (±0.0005/20°C)
CasNr 7761-88-8 Mol.Weight 169.87 g/mol
HS Nr 28432100 Density 1.04 g/ml
UN 1760 Class, PG 8,II
P273-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Silver nitrate 0.025 mol/l CL05.2637
For laboratory use, TMAR Cyanide Det. - Titrations 4.2463 g AgNO3 / l H2O = 0.025 N (±0.00008/20°C)
CasNr 7761-88-8 Mol.Weight 169.87 g/mol
HS Nr 28432100 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 3082 Class, PG 9,III
P273-P280-P391-P332 + P313-P337 + P313
Silver nitrate 0.1 mol/l in Propanol-2 CL05.2639
For laboratory use, TMAR - Titrations, ASTM D-3227 16.987 g AgNO3 / l C3H8O = 0.1 N (±0.0002/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 1219 Density 0.79 g/ml
Class, PG 3,II
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338-P337 + P313-P280-P391-
P332 + P313-P273
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.2639.1000 1l PEB
CL05.2639.2500 2,5 l PEB
Silver sulfate v.p. CL00.2602
For laboratory use 99+% Ag2SO4
CasNr 10294-26-5 Mol.Weight 311.77 g/mol Assay >99%
Copper (Cu) <0.005%
HS Nr 28432900 Density 5.45 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.005%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Lead (Pb) <0.005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
DANGER. Nitrate (NO3) <0.005%
P273-P305 + P351 + P338-P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2602.0100 100 g PE
CL00.2602.1000 1 kg PE
Silver sulfate 6.6 g/l solution CL02.2639
COD Det. 6.6 g Ag2SO4 / H2SO4 95-97%
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.84 g/ml
UN 1830 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.2639.1000 1l GVB
CL02.2639.2500 2,5 l GVB
Sodium, lumps v.p. CL00.1419
For laboratory use 99+% Na
CasNr 7440-23-5 Mol.Weight 22.99 g/mol Assay >99%
Calcium (Ca) <0.1%
HS Nr 28051100 Density 0.97 g/cm3 Potassium (K) <0.05%
UN 1428 Class, PG 4.3,I Chloride (Cl) <0.01%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
P311-P370 + P378-P422
Sodium acetate.3aq a.r. CL00.1430
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.5+% CH3COONa.3H2O
Phosphate (PO4) <0.0005%
CasNr 6131-90-4 Mol.Weight 136.08 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.002%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00002%
HS Nr 29152900 Density 1.42 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0001% Reducing Subtances <0.005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
pH : 7.5 to 9 (5%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
solution @ 25°C)
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Potassium (K) <0.005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1430.0500 500 g PE
Zinc (Zn) <0.0005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1430.1000 1 kg PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005% CL00.1430.2500 2,5 kg PE
Sodium acetate 0.5 mol/l CL05.1432
For laboratory use, Titrations 68.04 g CH3COONa.3H2O / l H2O = 0.5 N (±0.001/20°C)
CasNr 6131-90-4 Mol.Weight 136.08 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29152900 Density 1.02 g/ml CL05.1432.1000 1l PE
Sodium arsenite 0.025 mol/l CL05.1814
For laboratory use, Titrations 2.473 g As2O3 / l ~0.5 mol/l NaOH = 0.05 N (±0.0001/20°C)
CasNr 7784-46-5 Mol.Weight 129.91 g/mol
HS Nr 28429090 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1686 Class, PG 6.1,II
P261-P273-P301 + P310-P311
Sodium borohydride 1% solution CL02.1403
For AAS (hydride techniques) - disolve in 100 ml H2O before use 1 g NaBH4 (Stabilised)
CasNr 16940-66-2 Mol.Weight 37.83 g/mol
HS Nr 28500020 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1426 Class, PG 4.3,I
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 +
P338-P309 + P311-P402 + P404
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous v.p. CL00.1406
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., FCC 99.5-100.5% Na2CO3
CasNr 497-19-8 Mol.Weight 105.99 g/mol Assay : 99.5-100.5%
Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
HS Nr 28362000 Density 2.53 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
WARNING. Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
H319 Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
P260-P305 + P351 + P338 Loss on drying <1%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1406.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1406.2500 2,5 kg PE
Sodium carbonate 0.5 mol/l NEW CL05.1488
Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 53 g Na2CO3 / l H2O ± 1 N (± 1%)
CasNr 497-19-8 Mol.Weight 105.99 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28362000 Density 1.03 g/ml CL05.1488.0500 500 ml PE
Sodium chloride, HPLC grade CL00.4076
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% NaCl
Iron (Fe) : < 1 ppm
CasNr 7647-14-5 Mol.Weight 58.44 g/mol Assay : >99.5 %
Potassium (K) : < 50 ppm
Identity : passes test
HS Nr 25010099 Density 2.17 g/cm3 Chromophore Purity : > 99.999 % Magnesium (Mg) : < 10 ppm
HPLC Gradient Suitability Test (220, 254 & 280 : < 10 ppm Transmittance @ 206nm : > 10 %
nm) Transmittance @ 254nm : > 95 %
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) : <0.005 %
Aluminium (Al) : < 0.05 ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Calcium (Ca) : < 20 ppm
Copper (Cu) : < 2 ppm CL00.4076.0500 500 g PE
Sodium chloride 0.85% solution CL02.1431
Isotonic Saline Solution 8.5 g NaCl / l H2O
CasNr 7647-14-5 Mol.Weight 58.44 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 25010099 Density 1.01 g/ml
CL02.1431.1000 1l PE
CL02.1431.9010 10 l PE
Sodium chloride 0.5 mol/l CL05.1453
For laboratory use, Titrations 29.22 g NaCl / l H2O = 0.5 N (±0.001/20°C)
CasNr 7647-14-5 Mol.Weight 58.44 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 25010099 Density 1.02 g/ml
CL05.1453.1000 1l PE
CL05.1453.9010 10 l PE
tri-Sodium citrate.2aq for Molecular biology CL00.4066
For laboratory use, for molecular biology 99.5+% C6H5Na3O7.2H2O
Chromium (Cr) <0.0005%
CasNr 6132-04-3 Mol.Weight 294.10 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Assay >99.5%
HS Nr 29181500 Density 1.76 g/cm3 pH : 7.5 to 9.0 (5% in Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
H2O) Manganese (Mn) <0.0005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001% Nickel (Ni) <0.0005%
Phosphate (PO4) <0.002% Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005% Zinc (Zn) <0.0005%
Arsenic (As) <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005% CL00.4066.0500 500 g PE
Sodium dichromate a.r. CL00.4009
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% Na2Cr2O7
CasNr 10588-01-9 Mol.Weight 261.97 g/mol Assay >99%
Aluminium (Al) <0.002%
HS Nr 28413000 Density 2.52 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.002%
UN 3288 Class, PG 6.1,III Copper (Cu) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.002%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.02%
H350-H340-H360-H272-H330-H301-H372-H314-H334-H317 Lead (Pb) <0.002%
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
P201-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P304 + Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
P341-P308 + P313
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate.2aq a.r. CL00.1497
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% NaH2PO4.2H2O
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
CasNr 13472-35-0 Mol.Weight 156.01 g/mol Assay >99%
Mercury (Hg) <0.0001%
Arsenic (As) <0.0002%
HS Nr 28352200 Density 1.92 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.002% Reducing Subtances <0.04%
Copper (Cu) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.002%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zinc (Zn) <0.001% CL00.1497.0250 250 g PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
Fluoride (F) <0.001% CL00.1497.1000 1 kg PE
Sulfate (SO4) <0.02% CL00.1497.2500 2,5 kg PE
Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate 0.0039 mol/l H2O CL05.0409
For laboratory use 1.734 g C20H37NaO7S / l H2O
CasNr 577-11-7 Mol.Weight 444.56 g/mol Appearance : clear col. liq. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29171980 Density 1.00 g/ml CL05.0409.1000 1l PE
Sodium dodecyl sulfate for Molecular biology CL00.4059
For laboratory use, for electrophoresis & molecular biology 99+% C12H25NaO4S
CasNr 151-21-3 Mol.Weight 288.38 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Assay >99.0%
HS Nr 29209010 Density 1.1 g/cm3 pH : 5 to 7 (10% in
UN 1325 Class, PG 4.1,III H2O)
Water <0.05%
DANGER. Chloride (Cl) <0.025%
H228-H302 + H332-H315-H318-H335-H412 Phosphate (PO4) <0.0001%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
P210-P261-P273-P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Absorbance @ 260nm <0.04
Absorbance @ 280nm <0.02
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.4059.0100 100 g PE
CL00.4059.1000 1 kg PE
Sodium fluoride a.r. CL00.1461
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99+% NaF
Acidity <0.03meq/g
CasNr 7681-49-4 Mol.Weight 41.99 g/mol Assay >99%
Alkalinity <0.01meq/g
Loss on drying <0.2% @ 150°C
HS Nr 28261910 Density 2.8 g/cm3 Free Acid <0.05% Potassium (K) <0.02%
UN 1690 Class, PG 6.1,III Free Alkali <0.04%
Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.001%
H301-H315-H319-EUH032 Sodium Hexafluorosilicate <0.1%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352-P309 + P311 Chloride (Cl)
Sulfate (SO4)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sulfite (SO3) <0.005% CL00.1461.0250 250 g PE
Non Solubles in Water <0.02%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.02%
CL00.1461.1000 1 kg PE
Sodium -L-glutamate.1aq 0.1 mol/l CL05.0701
*For laboratory use 18.713 g C5H8NaNO4.H2O / l H2O
CasNr 6106-04-3 Mol.Weight 187.13 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29224200 Density 1.01 g/ml
CL05.0701.0100 100 ml PE
CL05.0701.1000 1l PE
Sodium hydrogen carbonate 0.5 mol/l NEW CL05.4005
Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 42.005 g NaHCO3 / l H2O ± 0.5 N (± 1%)
CasNr 144-55-8 Mol.Weight 84.01 g/mol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28363000 Density 1.02 g/ml CL05.4005.0500 500 ml PE
di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate.7aq a.r. CL00.4003
For laboratory use, ACS 99+% Na2HPO4.7H2O
pH : 8.7 to 9.3 (5%
CasNr 7782-85-6 Mol.Weight 268.03 g/mol Assay >99%
solution @ 25°C)
Chloride (Cl) <0.001%
HS Nr 28352200 Density 1.68 g/cm3 Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.001% CL00.4003.1000 1 kg PE
Sodium hydroxide, pellets for Molecular biology CL00.4068
For laboratory use, for molecular biology 99+% NaOH
Zinc (Zn) <0.001%
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Assay >99.0%
HS Nr 28151100 Density 2.13 g/cm3 pH >12 (1M in H2O)
UN 1823 Class, PG 8,II Carbonate (CO3) <1.0%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
DANGER. Phosphate (PO4) <0.0005%
H314-H290 Sulfate (SO4) <0.0005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.0005%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Copper (Cu) <0.0002%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Potassium (K) <0.05% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.0005%
Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
CL00.4068.0500 500 g PE
Sodium hydroxide 50 weight % solution, HPLC grade CL02.4025
For laboratory use, HPLC 762 g NaOH / l H2O - 0.22 µm filtrated
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol Assay : 49 - 51%
Sodium Carbonate < 0.1%
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.51 g/ml Iron (Fe) < 0.0005%
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,II Sodium Chloride < 0.008%
Density = 1.51 g/ml @ 20°C
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Sodium hydroxide 4 vol. % solution CL02.1452
TMAR - Condisol ion Soufre 40 g NaOH / l H2O
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.05 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Sodium hydroxide 32 vol. % solution CL02.1446
AFNOR Det. in H2O 320 g NaOH / l H2O
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.27 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1446.5000 5l PE
CL02.1446.9010 10 l PE
Sodium hydroxide 20 weight % solution CL02.1423
For laboratory use 244 g NaOH / l H2O
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.22 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
CL02.1423.5000 5l PE
CL02.1423.9010 10 l PE
CL02.1423.9025 25 l PE
Our “Custom Made Solutions” will save you time and money
Sodium hydroxide 12 mol/l CL05.1421
For laboratory use, Titrations 480 g NaOH / l H2O = 12 N (±0.024/20°C)
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.38 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1421.1000 1l PE
CL05.1421.9010 10 l PE
Sodium hydroxide 5 mol/l CL05.1425
For laboratory use, Titrations 200 g NaOH / l H2O = 5 N (±0.01/20°C)
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.18 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1425.1000 1l PE
CL05.1425.5000 5l PE
Sodium hydroxide 2.5 mol/l CL05.1445
AFNOR Det. in H2O 100 g NaOH / l H2O = 2.5 N (±0.005/20°C)
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.10 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
CL05.1445.1000 1l PE
CL05.1445.5000 5l PE
CL05.1445.9025 25 l PE
Sodium hydroxide 0.75 mol/l CL05.1418
For laboratory use, Titrations 30 g NaOH / l H2O = 0.75 N (±0.0015/20°C)
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.04 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,III
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1418.1000 1l PE
CL05.1418.9010 10 l PE
Sodium hydroxide 0.33 mol/l CL05.1433
For laboratory use, Titrations 13.2 g NaOH / l H2O = 1/3 N (±0.0006/20°C)
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,III
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
CL05.1433.1000 1l PE
CL05.1433.9010 10 l PE
CL05.1433.9025 25 l PE
Sodium hydroxide 0.111 mol/l CL05.1412
For laboratory use, Titrations 4.444 g NaOH / l H2O = 0.111 N (N/9) - (±0.0002/20°C) Dornic
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.01 g/ml
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,III Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1412.1000 1l PE
CL05.1412.5000 5l PE
CL05.1412.5500 5l EP
CL05.1412.9010 10 l PE
CL05.1412.9025 25 l PE
CL05.1412.9520 20 l EP
Sodium hydroxide 0.02 mol/l CL05.1409
For laboratory use, TMAR - Titrations 0.8 g NaOH / l H2O = 0.02 N (±0.00004/20°C)
CasNr 1310-73-2 Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol
HS Nr 28151200 Density 1.00 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
UN 1824 Class, PG 8,III CL05.1409.1000 1l PE
CL05.1409.5000 5l PE
CL05.1409.9025 25 l PE
Sodium hypophosphite.1aq. v.p. CL00.4048
For laboratory use, suitable for use as excipient 99.0+% NaH2PO2.H2O
CasNr 10039-56-2 Mol.Weight 105.99 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Melting Point >90°C
HS Nr 28351000 Density 1.81 g/cm3 CL00.4048.0250 250 g PE
Sodium molybdate 6.3% solution CL02.1442
TMAR Silicon Det. acc. SERES 63 g Na2MoO4.2H2O / l H2O
CasNr 10102-40-6 Mol.Weight 241.95 g/mol Silicon (Si) <5 µg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28417000 Density 1.05 g/ml
CL02.1442.2500 2,5 l PE
CL02.1442.5000 5l PE
Sodium nitrite a.r. CL00.1471
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99+% NaNO2
CasNr 7632-00-0 Mol.Weight 69.00 g/mol Assay >99%
Calcium (Ca) <0.002%
HS Nr 28341000 Density 2.1 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
UN 1500 Class, PG 5.1 (6.1),III Potassium (K) <0.005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
DANGER. Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
H272-H301-H319-H400 Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P273-P309 + P311
CL00.1471.0100 100 g PE
CL00.1471.0500 500 g PE
CL00.1471.1000 1 kg PE
Sodium oxalate a.r. CL00.1472
For laboratory use 99.5+% Na2C2O4
CasNr 62-76-0 Mol.Weight 134.01 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Loss on drying <0.05%
HS Nr 29171100 Density 2.27 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
WARNING. Potassium (K) <0.005%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
H302 + H312 Chloride (Cl) <0.002%
P262 Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrogen (N) <0.0005%
CL00.1472.0250 250 g PE
CL00.1472.1000 1 kg PE
Sodium perchlorate.1aq a.r. CL00.4018
For laboratory use 99+% NaClO4.1H2O
CasNr 7791-07-3 Mol.Weight 140.46 g/mol Assay >99%
Potassium (K) <0.005%
HS Nr 28299010 Density 2.02 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.002%
UN 1502 Class, PG 5.1,II Sulfate (SO4) <0.002%
Nitrogen (N) <0.0005%
DANGER. Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
H271-H302 Chlorate (ClO3) <0.002%
Calcium (Ca) <0.002%
P210-P221 Fluoride (F) <0.0003%
Sodium peroxodisulfate 40g/l H2O + 60 ml H3PO4 85% CL02.1436
TMAR TOC Det. acc. SERES 40 g Na2S2O8 + 60 ml H3PO4 / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.05 g/ml
UN 3098 Class, PG 5.1 (8),III
P280-P302 + P352-P304 + P341-P305 + P351 + P338-P342 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1436.5000 5l PEB/OD
CL02.1436.9010 10 l PEB/OD
tri-Sodium phosphate.12aq v.p. CL00.1409
For laboratory use 98+% Na3PO4.12H2O
CasNr 10101-89-0 Mol.Weight 380.18 g/mol Assay >98%
Free Alkali <2.5%
HS Nr 28352930 Density 1.62 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0001%
WARNING. Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
H319-H315-H335 Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338 Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1409.1000 1 kg PE
CL00.1409.2500 2,5 kg PE
Sodium silicate solution (water glass) p. CL00.1421
For laboratory use Na2Si3O7.xH2O
CasNr 6834-92-0 Mol.Weight 242.23 g/mol Density : 1.296 - 1.396 g/ml
Silicon (Si) : 12.0 - 13.0%
HS Nr 28391900 Density 1.39 g/ml Sodium Hydroxide : 13.4 - 14.4%
UN 3266 Class, PG 8,III
P261-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
P311 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1421.1000 1l PE
CL00.1421.5000 5l PE
CL00.1421.9025 25 l PE
Sodium sulfate, anhydrous p. CL00.1412
For laboratory use 99+% Na2SO4
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.005%
CasNr 7757-82-6 Mol.Weight 142.04 g/mol Assay >99%
Chloride (Cl) <0.02%
Loss on drying <0.2%
HS Nr 28331100 Density 2.70 g/cm3 Free Acid <0.2%
Free Alkali <0.1%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.005% CL00.1412.2500 2,5 kg PE
Sodium sulfite, anhydrous p. CL00.1413
For laboratory use 95+% Na2SO3
CasNr 7757-83-7 Mol.Weight 126.04 g/mol Assay >95% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.002%
HS Nr 28321000 Density 2.63 g/cm3 Chloride (Cl) <0.1% CL00.1413.5000 5 kg PE
di-Sodium tetraborate.10aq a.r. CL00.1443
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, buffer substance 99.5+% Na2B4O7.10H2O
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.005%
CasNr 1303-96-4 Mol.Weight 381.37 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Arsenic (As) <0.0001%
HS Nr 28401990 Density 1.72 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
H360 Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
P201-P308 + P313 Chloride (Cl) <0.0005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphate (PO4) <0.001%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005% CL00.1443.0100 100 g PE
pH : 9.15 to 9.20 (0.01M
solution @ 25°C) CL00.1443.1000 1 kg PE
Sodium thiosulfate.5aq v.p. CL00.1401
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP.P., Ph. Franç., USP 99-101% Na2S2O3.5H2O
Sulfate (SO4) <0.2%
CasNr 10102-17-7 Mol.Weight 248.21 g/mol Assay : 99-101%
Sulfur (S) <0.0005%
Loss on drying : 32-37%
HS Nr 28323000 Density 1.74 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0003%
Calcium (Ca) <0.005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.1401.1000 1 kg PE
Chloride (Cl) <0.02% CL00.1401.2500 2,5 kg PE
Sodium thiosulfate 0.02 mol/l CL05.1455
For laboratory use, Titrations 4.964 g Na2S2O3.5H2O / l H2O = 0.02 N (±0.00004/20°C)
CasNr 10102-17-7 Mol.Weight 248.18 g/mol
HS Nr 28323000 Density 1.00 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.1455.1000 1l PE
CL05.1455.5000 5l PE
CL05.1455.9025 25 l PE
Sorbic acid t.p. CL00.1961
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., BP, NF, FCC ,E 200 99+% C6H8O2
CasNr 110-44-1 Mol.Weight 112.13 g/mol Assay >99%
Standard Buffer Calciumhydroxide pH 12.627 CL03.0302
For laboratory use, pH measurements, traceable to SRM from NIST pH 12.627 (±0.02/20°C) Ca(OH)2 sat. H2O sol.
pH = 11.705 @ 50°C
CasNr 1305-62-0 Mol.Weight 74.09 g/mol pH = 13.433 @ 0°C
pH = 11.449 @ 60°C
pH = 13.207 @ 5°C
HS Nr 28259019 Density 1.00 g/ml pH = 13.003 @ 10°C
pH = 12.810 @ 15°C
pH = 12.627 @ 20°C Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
pH = 12.454 @ 25°C CL03.0302.1000 1l PE
pH = 12.289 @ 30°C
pH = 11.984 @ 40°C CL03.0302.9010 10 l PE
Standard Buffer Phosphate pH 6.881 CL03.0601
For laboratory use, pH measurements, traceable to SRM from NIST pH 6.881 (±0.02/20°C) - 3.4 g KH2PO4 + 3.55 g Na2HPO4 / l H2O
pH = 6.845 @ 70°C
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.01 g/ml pH = 6.984 @ 0°C
pH = 6.859 @ 80°C
pH = 6.951 @ 5°C
pH = 6.923 @ 10°C
pH = 6.900 @ 15°C
= 6.881 @ 20°C
= 6.865 @ 25°C
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
pH = 6.853 @ 30°C CL03.0601.0500 500 ml PE
pH = 6.838 @ 40°C
pH = 6.833 @ 50°C
CL03.0601.1000 1l PE
pH = 6.836 @ 60°C CL03.0601.9010 10 l PE
Standard-oil CL00.1931
For elementar AAS & ICP spectroscopy Standard matrix oil 20 cSt Sulfur Free
Sodium (Na) < 0.5ppm
CasNr 8012-95-1 Density 0.85 g/ml Viscosity = 40-50mPas
Nickel (Ni) < 0.5ppm
Silver (Ag) < 0.5ppm
HS Nr 27101999 Aluminium (Al) < 0.5ppm Lead (Pb) < 0.5ppm
Gold (Au) < 0.5ppm Platinum (Pt) < 0.5ppm
Boron (B) < 0.5ppm Sulfur (S) < 1 ppm
Barium (Ba) < 0.5ppm Antimony (Sb) < 0.5ppm
Beryllium (Be) < 0.5ppm Tin (Sn) < 0.5ppm
Bismuth (Bi) < 0.5ppm Strontium (Sr) < 0.5ppm
Calcium (Ca) < 0.5ppm Titanium (Ti) < 0.5ppm
Cadmium (Cd) < 0.5ppm Thallium (TI) < 0.5ppm
Cobalt (Co) < 0.5ppm Vanadium (V) < 0.5ppm
Chromium (Cr) < 0.5ppm Zinc (Zn) < 0.5ppm
Copper (Cu) < 0.5ppm Zirconium (Zr) < 0.5ppm
Iron (Fe) < 0.5ppm Water < 0.01%
Gallium (Ga) < 0.5ppm
Indium (In) < 0.5ppm
Potassium (K) < 0.5ppm
Lithium (Li) < 0.5ppm
Magnesium (Mg) < 0.5ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) < 0.5ppm CL00.1931.0500 500 ml GVB
Molybdenum (Mo) < 0.5ppm
Standard-oil CL00.1937
For elementar AAS & ICP spectroscopy Standard matrix oil 20 cSt
Molybdenum (Mo) < 0.5ppm
CasNr 8012-95-1 Density 0.855 g/ml Viscosity = 18-20 cSt - 40°C
Sodium (Na) < 0.5ppm
Silver (Ag) < 0.5ppm
HS Nr 27101999 Aluminium (Al) < 0.5ppm Nickel (Ni) < 0.5ppm
Gold (Au) < 0.5ppm Lead (Pb) < 0.5ppm
Boron (B) < 0.5ppm Platinum (Pt) < 0.5ppm
Barium (Ba) < 0.5ppm Antimony (Sb) < 0.5ppm
Beryllium (Be) < 0.5ppm Tin (Sn) < 0.5ppm
Bismuth (Bi) < 0.5ppm Strontium (Sr) < 0.5ppm
Calcium (Ca) < 0.5ppm Titanium (Ti) < 0.5ppm
Cadmium (Cd) < 0.5ppm Thallium (TI) < 0.5ppm
Cobalt (Co) < 0.5ppm Vanadium (V) < 0.5ppm
Chromium (Cr) < 0.5ppm Zinc (Zn) < 0.5ppm
Copper (Cu) < 0.5ppm Zirconium (Zr) < 0.5ppm
Iron (Fe) < 0.5ppm Water < 0.01%
Gallium (Ga) < 0.5ppm
Indium (In) < 0.5ppm
Potassium (K) < 0.5ppm
Lithium (Li) < 0.5ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) < 0.5ppm
Manganese (Mn) < 0.5ppm CL00.1937.2500 2,5 l GVB
Standard-oil CL00.1932
For elementar AAS & ICP spectroscopy Standard matrix oil 75 cSt Sulfur Free
Sodium (Na) < 0.5ppm
CasNr 8012-95-1 Density 0.85 g/ml Viscosity = 40-50mPas
Nickel (Ni) < 0.5ppm
Silver (Ag) < 0.5ppm
HS Nr 27101999 Aluminium (Al) < 0.5ppm Lead (Pb) < 0.5ppm
Gold (Au) < 0.5ppm Platinum (Pt) < 0.5ppm
Boron (B) < 0.5ppm Sulfur (S) < 1 ppm
Barium (Ba) < 0.5ppm Antimony (Sb) < 0.5ppm
Beryllium (Be) < 0.5ppm Tin (Sn) < 0.5ppm
Bismuth (Bi) < 0.5ppm Strontium (Sr) < 0.5ppm
Calcium (Ca) < 0.5ppm Titanium (Ti) < 0.5ppm
Cadmium (Cd) < 0.5ppm Thallium (TI) < 0.5ppm
Cobalt (Co) < 0.5ppm Vanadium (V) < 0.5ppm
Chromium (Cr) < 0.5ppm Zinc (Zn) < 0.5ppm
Copper (Cu) < 0.5ppm Zirconium (Zr) < 0.5ppm
Iron (Fe) < 0.5ppm Water < 0.01%
Gallium (Ga) < 0.5ppm
Indium (In) < 0.5ppm
Potassium (K) < 0.5ppm
Lithium (Li) < 0.5ppm
Magnesium (Mg) < 0.5ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) < 0.5ppm CL00.1932.0500 500 ml GVB
Molybdenum (Mo) < 0.5ppm
Standard-oil CL00.1923
For elementar AAS & ICP spectroscopy Standard matrix oil 75 cSt
Molybdenum (Mo) < 0.5ppm
CasNr 8012-95-1 Density 0.85 g/ml Viscosity = 55-65mPas
Sodium (Na) < 0.5ppm
Silver (Ag) < 0.5ppm
HS Nr 27101999 Aluminium (Al) < 0.5ppm Nickel (Ni) < 0.5ppm
Gold (Au) < 0.5ppm Lead (Pb) < 0.5ppm
Boron (B) < 0.5ppm Platinum (Pt) < 0.5ppm
Barium (Ba) < 0.5ppm Antimony (Sb) < 0.5ppm
Beryllium (Be) < 0.5ppm Tin (Sn) < 0.5ppm
Bismuth (Bi) < 0.5ppm Strontium (Sr) < 0.5ppm
Calcium (Ca) < 0.5ppm Titanium (Ti) < 0.5ppm
Cadmium (Cd) < 0.5ppm Thallium (TI) < 0.5ppm
Cobalt (Co) < 0.5ppm Vanadium (V) < 0.5ppm
Chromium (Cr) < 0.5ppm Zinc (Zn) < 0.5ppm
Copper (Cu) < 0.5ppm Zirconium (Zr) < 0.5ppm
Iron (Fe) < 0.5ppm Water < 0.01%
Gallium (Ga) < 0.5ppm
Indium (In) < 0.5ppm
Potassium (K) < 0.5ppm
Lithium (Li) < 0.5ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) < 0.5ppm
Manganese (Mn) < 0.5ppm CL00.1923.2500 2,5 l GVB
Table of contents
Inorganic Reference Materials
100 ml CL01.0103.0100
Aluminium 10 g Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0103.0500
100 ml CL01.0104.0100
Aluminium 10 g Al / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0104.0500
100 ml CL01.0124.0100
Antimony 10 g Sb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0124.0500
100 ml CL01.0123.0100
Antimony 10 g Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0123.0500
100 ml CL01.0134.0100
Arsenicum 13.2 g As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0134.0500
100 ml CL01.0204.0100
Barium 14.4 g BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0204.0500
100 ml CL01.0203.0100
Barium 14.37 g BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0203.0500
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0363.0100
Chromium 10 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0363.0500
100 ml CL01.0364.0100
Chromium 10 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0364.0500
100 ml CL01.1123.0100
Cobalt 10 g Co / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1123.0500
100 ml CL01.1134.0100
Copper 12.6 g CuO / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1134.0500
100 ml CL01.1133.0100
Copper 10 g Cu / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1133.0500
100 ml CL01.0433.0100
Dysprosium 11.5 g Dy2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0433.0500
100 ml CL01.0503.0100
Erbium 11.5 g Er2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0503.0500
100 ml CL01.0513.0100
Europium 11.6 g Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0513.0500
100 ml CL01.0703.0100
Gadolinium 11.6 g Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0703.0500
100 ml CL01.0713.0100
Gallium 10 g Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HCl
500 ml CL01.0713.0500
100 ml CL01.0743.0100
Germanium 10 g Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0743.0500
100 ml CL01.0733.0100
Gold 10 g Au / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0733.0500
100 ml CL01.0803.0100
Hafnium 10 g Hf / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.0803.0500
100 ml CL01.0804.0100
Hafnium 22.94 g HfOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0804.0500
100 ml CL01.0823.0100
Holmium 11.5 g Ho2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0823.0500
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0923.0100
Indium 10 g In / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0923.0500
100 ml CL01.0933.0100
Iridium 18.4 g IrCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0933.0500
100 ml CL01.0903.0100
Iron 10 g Fe / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0903.0500
100 ml CL01.0904.0100
Iron 10 g Fe / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0904.0500
100 ml CL01.1203.0100
Lanthanum 11.8 g La2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1203.0500
100 ml CL01.1223.0100
Lead 10 g Pb / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1223.0500
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0629.0100
Phosphorus pentoxide 13.81 g H3PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0629.0500
100 ml CL01.1613.0100
Platinum 10 g Pt / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1613.0500
100 ml CL01.1104.0100
Potassium 25.858 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1104.0500
Potassium oxide
100 ml CL01.1109.0100
Potassium oxide 21.464 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1109.0500
100 ml CL01.1623.0100
Praseodymium 12.1 g Pr6O11 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1623.0500
100 ml CL01.1803.0100
Rhenium 14.41 g NH4ReO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1803.0500
100 ml CL01.1804.0100
Rhenium 10 g Re / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1804.0500
100 ml CL01.1813.0100
Rhodium 25.58 g RhCl3.3H2O/ l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1813.0500
100 ml CL01.1824.0100
Rubidium 13.6 g Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1824.0500
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1834.0100
Ruthenium 26 g RuCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1834.0500
100 ml CL01.1903.0100
Samarium 11.6 g Sm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1903.0500
100 ml CL01.1913.0100
Scandium 15.34 g Sc2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1913.0500
100 ml CL01.1923.0100
Selenium 10 g Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1923.0500
100 ml CL01.1933.0100
Silicium 21.4 g SiO2 / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.1933.0500
100 ml CL01.1943.0100
Silicium 63.36 g (NH4)2SiF6 / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1943.0500
100 ml CL01.1934.0100
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.2023.0100
Terbium 11.8 g Tb4O7 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2023.0500
100 ml CL01.2033.0100
Thallium 10 g Tl / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2033.0500
100 ml CL01.2043.0100
Thorium 24.6 g Th(NO3)4.5H2O / l 10% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2043.0500
100 ml CL01.2053.0100
Thulium 11.5 g Tm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2053.0500
100 ml CL01.2063.0100
Tin 10 g Sn / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2063.0500
100 ml CL01.2074.0100
Titanium 10 g Ti / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2074.0500
100 ml CL01.2073.0100
Titanium 39.62 g TiCl4 / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2073.0500
100 ml CL01.2304.0100
Tungsten 10 g W / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2304.0500
100 ml CL01.2333.0100
Tungsten 10 g W / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2333.0500
100 ml CL01.2303.0100
Tungsten 12.61 g WO3 / l 2% NH4OH
500 ml CL01.2303.0500
100 ml CL01.2203.0100
Vanadium 10 g V / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2203.0500
100 ml CL01.2503.0100
Ytterbium 11.4 g Yb2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2503.0500
100 ml CL01.2513.0100
Yttrium 12.7 g Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2513.0500
100 ml CL01.2614.0100
Zinc 10 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2614.0500
100 ml CL01.2613.0100
Zinc 10 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2613.0500
100 ml CL01.2633.0100
Zirconium 35.33 g ZrOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2633.0500
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0102.0100
Aluminium 1 g Al / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0102.0500
100 ml CL01.0101.0100
Aluminium 1 g Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0101.0500
Aluminium(III) oxide
100 ml CL01.0141.0100
Aluminium(III) oxide 0.529 g Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0141.0500
100 ml CL01.0121.0100
Antimony 1 g Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0121.0500
100 ml CL01.0162.0100
Antimony 1 g Sb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + 0.5 % Tartaric Acid
500 ml CL01.0162.0500
100 ml CL01.0122.0100
Antimony 1 g Sb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0122.0500
100 ml CL01.0132.0100
Arsenicum 1.32 g As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0132.0500
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0311.0100
Calcium 2.5 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0311.0500
100 ml CL01.0312.0100
Calcium 2.5 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0312.0500
Calcium oxide
100 ml CL01.0313.0100
Calcium oxide 1.79 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0313.0500
100 ml CL01.0321.0100
Cerium 1.23 g CeO2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0321.0500
100 ml CL01.0331.0100
Cesium 1.226 g Cs2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0331.0500
100 ml CL01.0361.0100
Chromium 1 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0361.0500
100 ml CL01.0362.0100
Chromium 1 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0362.0500
100 ml CL01.0352.0100
Chromium 2.829 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0352.0500
100 ml CL01.1122.0100
Cobalt 1 g Co / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1122.0500
100 ml CL01.1121.0100
Cobalt 1 g Co / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1121.0500
100 ml CL01.1131.0100
Copper 1 g Cu / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1131.0500
100 ml CL01.1132.0100
Copper 1.26 g CuO / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1132.0500
100 ml CL01.0431.0100
Dysprosium 1.15 g Dy2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0431.0500
100 ml CL01.0501.0100
Erbium 1.15 g Er2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0501.0500
100 ml CL01.0511.0100
Europium 1.16 g Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0511.0500
100 ml CL01.0701.0100
Gadolinium 1.16 g Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0701.0500
100 ml CL01.0711.0100
Gallium 1 g Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0711.0500
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0721.0100
Germanium 1 g Ge / l 2 % KOH
500 ml CL01.0721.0500
100 ml CL01.0741.0100
Germanium 1 g Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0741.0500
100 ml CL01.0731.0100
Gold 1 g Au / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0731.0500
100 ml CL01.0802.0100
Hafnium 2.294 g HfOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0802.0500
100 ml CL01.0801.0100
Hafnium 1 g Hf / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.0801.0500
100 ml CL01.0821.0100
Holmium 1.15 g Ho2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0821.0500
100 ml CL01.0921.0100
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1301.0100
Magnesium 1 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1301.0500
100 ml CL01.1302.0100
Magnesium 1 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1302.0500
Magnesium oxide
100 ml CL01.1303.0100
Magnesium oxide 0.603 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1303.0500
100 ml CL01.1312.0100
Manganese 1 g Mn / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1312.0500
100 ml CL01.1311.0100
Manganese 1 g Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1311.0500
Manganese(III) oxide
100 ml CL01.1341.0100
Manganese(III) oxide 0.696 g Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1341.0500
100 ml CL01.1151.0100
Mercury 1 g Hg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1151.0500
100 ml CL01.1332.0100
Molybdenum 2.043 g (NH4)2MoO4 / l 2% NH4OH
500 ml CL01.1332.0500
100 ml CL01.1331.0100
Molybdenum 1 g Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.1331.0500
100 ml CL01.1411.0100
Neodymium 1.17 g Nd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1411.0500
100 ml CL01.1421.0100
Nickel 1 g Ni / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1421.0500
100 ml CL01.1422.0100
Nickel 1.273 g NiO / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1422.0500
100 ml CL01.1431.0100
Niobium 1 g Nb / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1431.0500
100 ml CL01.1501.0100
Osmium 2.31 g (NH4)2OsCl6 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1501.0500
100 ml CL01.1601.0100
Palladium 1 g Pd / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1601.0500
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0641.0100
Phosphorus 3.164 g H3PO4 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0641.0500
100 ml CL01.0631.0100
Phosphorus 4.264 g (NH4)2HPO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0631.0500
100 ml CL01.0646.0100
Phosphorus 4.393 g KH2PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0646.0500
Phosphorus pentoxide
100 ml CL01.0621.0100
Phosphorus pentoxide 1.381 g H3PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0621.0500
100 ml CL01.1611.0100
Platinum 1 g Pt / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1611.0500
100 ml CL01.1102.0100
Potassium 1.907 g KCl / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1102.0500
100 ml CL01.1101.0100
Potassium 2.586 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1101.0500
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1921.0100
Selenium 1 g Se / l 10% HCl 500 ml CL01.1921.0500
5l CL01.1921.5000
100 ml CL01.1922.0100
Selenium 1 g Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1922.0500
100 ml CL01.1999.0100
Silicium 6.336 g (NH4)2SiF6 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1999.0500
100 ml CL01.1931.0100
Silicium 2.14 g SiO2 / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.1931.0500
100 ml CL01.1932.0100
Silicium 1 g Si / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.1932.0500
100 ml CL01.1935.0100
Silicium 2.14 g SiO2 / l 2% NaOH
500 ml CL01.1935.0500
100 ml CL01.1945.0100
Silicium 6.336 g (NH4)2SiF6 / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1945.0500
Silicium dioxide
100 ml CL01.1942.0100
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.2013.0100
Tellurium 1 g Te / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2013.0500
100 ml CL01.2011.0100
Tellurium 1 g Te / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.2011.0500
100 ml CL01.2012.0100
Tellurium 1 g Te / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2012.0500
100 ml CL01.2022.0100
Terbium 1.18 g Tb4O7 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2022.0500
100 ml CL01.2031.0100
Thallium 1 g Tl / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2031.0500
100 ml CL01.2041.0100
Thorium 2.46 g Th(NO3)4.5H2O / l 10% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2041.0500
100 ml CL01.2051.0100
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.2511.0100
Yttrium 1.27 g Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2511.0500
100 ml CL01.2612.0100
Zinc 1 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2612.0500
100 ml CL01.2611.0100
Zinc 1 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2611.0500
100 ml CL01.2632.0100
Zirconium 3.533 g ZrOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2632.0500
100 ml CL01.2631.0100
Zirconium 1 g Zr / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2631.0500
100 ml CL01.2672.0100
Zirconium 1 g Zr / l 2 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2672.0500
ICP Standards 100 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0101.100.0100
Aluminium 100 mg Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0101.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0121.100.0100
Antimony 100 mg Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0121.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0133.100.0100
Arsenicum 132 mg As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0133.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0201.100.0100
Barium 144 mg BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0201.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0212.100.0100
Beryllium 100 mg Be / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0212.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0231.100.0100
Boron 571.9 mg H3BO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
ICP Standards 100 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0511.100.0100
Europium 116 mg Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0511.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0701.100.0100
Gadolinium 116 mg Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0701.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0711.100.0100
Gallium 100 mg Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0711.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0721.100.0100
Germanium 100 mg Ge / l 2 % KOH (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0721.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0741.100.0100
Germanium 100 mg Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0741.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0802.100.0100
Hafnium 229.4 mg HfOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0802.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0801.100.0100
Hafnium 100 mg Hf / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0801.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0821.100.0100
Holmium 115 mg Ho2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0821.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0921.100.0100
Indium 100 mg In / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0921.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0931.100.0100
Iridium 184 mg IrCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0931.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0901.100.0100
Iron 100 mg Fe / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0901.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1201.100.0100
Lanthanum 118 mg La2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1201.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1221.100.0100
Lead 100 mg Pb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1221.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1212.100.0100
Lithium 533 mg Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1212.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1231.100.0100
Lutetium 114 mg Lu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1231.100.0500
ICP Standards 100 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1301.100.0100
Magnesium 100 mg Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1301.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1311.100.0100
Manganese 100 mg Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1311.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1151.100.0100
Mercury 100 mg Hg / l 0.1 mol HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1151.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1331.100.0100
Molybdenum 100 mg Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1331.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1411.100.0100
Neodymium 117 mg Nd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1411.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1421.100.0100
Nickel 100 mg Ni / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
ICP Standards 100 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1822.100.0100
Rubidium 136 mg Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1822.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1831.100.0100
Ruthenium 260 mg RuCl3.3H2O / l 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1831.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1901.100.0100
Samarium 116 mg Sm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1901.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1911.100.0100
Scandium 153.4 mg Sc2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1911.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1922.100.0100
Selenium 100 mg Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1922.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1932.100.0100
Silicium 100 mg Si / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1932.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2601.100.0100
Silver 100 mg Ag / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2601.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1401.100.0100
Sodium 369.8 mg NaNO3 / l 1% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1401.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2642.100.0100
Sulfur 305.9 mg H2SO4 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2642.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2002.100.0100
Tantalum 100 mg Ta / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2002.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2013.100.0100
Tellurium 100 mg Te / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2013.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2022.100.0100
Terbium 118 mg Tb4O7 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2022.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2031.100.0100
Thallium 100 mg Tl / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2031.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2041.100.0100
Thorium 246 mg Th(NO3)4.5H2O / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2041.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2051.100.0100
Thulium 115 mg Tm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2051.100.0500
ICP Standards 100 mg/L
100 ml CL01.2062.100.0100
Tin 100 mg Sn / l 1% HF & 2% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2062.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2075.100.0100
Titanium 100 mg Ti / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2075.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2301.100.0100
Tungsten 100 mg W / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2301.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2201.100.0100
Vanadium 100 mg V / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2201.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2501.100.0100
Ytterbium 114 mg Yb2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2501.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2511.100.0100
Yttrium 127 mg Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
ICP Standards 10 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0133.010.0100
Arsenicum 13.2 mg As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0133.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0101.010.0100
Aluminium 10 mg Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0101.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0121.010.0100
Antimony 10 mg Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0121.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0201.010.0100
Barium 14.4 mg BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0201.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0212.010.0100
Beryllium 10 mg Be / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0212.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0221.010.0100
Bismuth 10 mg Bi / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0221.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0231.010.0100
Boron 57.19 mg H3BO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0231.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0301.010.0100
Cadmium 10 mg Cd / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0301.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0311.010.0100
Calcium 25 mg CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0311.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0321.010.0100
Cerium 12.3 mg CeO2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0321.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0331.010.0100
Cesium 12.26 mg Cs2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0331.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0362.010.0100
Chromium 10 mg Cr / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0362.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1121.010.0100
Cobalt 10 mg Co / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1121.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1131.010.0100
Copper 10 mg Cu / l 1% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1131.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0431.010.0100
Dysprosium 11.5 mg Dy2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0431.010.0500
ICP Standards 10 mg/L
100 ml CL01.0501.010.0100
Erbium 11.5 mg Er2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0501.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0511.010.0100
Europium 11.6 mg Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0511.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0701.010.0100
Gadolinium 11.6 mg Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0701.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0711.010.0100
Gallium 10 mg Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0711.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0721.010.0100
Germanium 10 mg Ge / l 2 % KOH (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0721.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0741.010.0100
Germanium 10 mg Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0741.010.0500
ICP Standards 10 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1212.010.0100
Lithium 53.3 mg Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1212.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1231.010.0100
Lutetium 11.4 mg Lu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1231.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1301.010.0100
Magnesium 10 mg Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1301.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1311.010.0100
Manganese 10 mg Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1311.010.0500
Mercury NEW
100 ml CL01.1151.010.0100
Mercury 10 mg Hg / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1151.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1331.010.0100
Molybdenum 10 mg Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1331.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1411.010.0100
Neodymium 11.7 mg Nd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1411.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1421.010.0100
Nickel 10 mg Ni / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1421.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1431.010.0100
Niobium 10 mg Nb / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1431.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1501.010.0100
Osmium 23.1 mg (NH4)2OsCl6 / l 2 to 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1501.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1602.010.0100
Palladium 10 mg Pd / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1602.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0641.010.0100
Phosphorus 31.64 mg H3PO4 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0641.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1611.010.0100
Platinum 10 mg Pt / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1611.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1101.010.0100
Potassium 25.6 mg KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1101.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1621.010.0100
Praseodymium 12.1 mg Pr6O11 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1621.010.0500
ICP Standards 10 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1802.010.0100
Rhenium 10 mg Re / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1802.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1811.010.0100
Rhodium 25.58 mg RhCl3.3H2O/ l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1811.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1822.010.0100
Rubidium 13.6 mg Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1822.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1831.010.0100
Ruthenium 26 mg RuCl3.3H2O / l 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1831.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1901.010.0100
Samarium 11.6 mg Sm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1901.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1911.010.0100
Scandium 15.34 mg Sc2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
ICP Standards 10 mg/L
100 ml CL01.2051.010.0100
Thulium 11.5 mg Tm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2051.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2062.010.0100
Tin 10 mg Sn / l 1% HF & 2% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2062.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2075.010.0100
Titanium 10 mg Ti / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2075.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2301.010.0100
Tungsten 10 mg W / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2301.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2201.010.0100
Vanadium 10 mg V / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2201.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2501.010.0100
Ytterbium 11.4 mg Yb2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2501.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2511.010.0100
Yttrium 12.7 mg Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2511.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2611.010.0100
Zinc 10 mg Zn / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2611.010.0500
Zirconium NEW
100 ml CL01.2672.010.0100
Zirconium 10 mg Zr / l 2 à 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2672.010.0500
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L
Calcium oxide
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L
250 ml CL01.0635.0250
Phosphorus 3.164 g H3PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0635.0500
Phosphorus pentoxide
250 ml CL01.1927.0250
Selenium 1 g Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1927.0500
250 ml CL01.1936.0250
Silicium 2.14 g SiO2 / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.1936.0500
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L
500 ml CL01.2645.0500
250 ml CL01.2036.0250
Thallium 1.117 g Tl2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2036.0500
250 ml CL01.2066.0250
Tin 2.154 g SnCl2.2H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2066.0500
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L
IC Anion Standards 10 000 mg/L
Ammonia NEW
100 ml CL01.0112.0100
Ammonia 29.7 g NH4Cl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0112.0500
Fructose, D(-) NEW
Lactose NEW
Magnesium NEW
100 ml CL01.1343.0100
Magnesium 83.63 g MgCl2.6H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1343.0500
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L
Adipate NEW
Benzoate NEW
100 ml CL01.0261.0100
Bromate 1.306 g KBrO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0261.0500
100 ml CL01.0241.0100
Bromide 1.489 g KBr / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0241.0500
Butyrate NEW
100 ml CL01.0391.0100
Carbonate 1.766 g Na2CO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0391.0500
100 ml CL01.0348.0100
Chlorate 1.470 g KClO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0348.0500
100 ml CL01.0341.0100
Chloride 2.1 g KCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0341.0500
100 ml CL01.0342.0100
Chloride 1.649 g NaCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0342.0500
Chlorite NEW
Chlorite 1.341 g NaClO2 / l 0.1 mol/l NaOH (Keep Cool !) 100 ml CL01.0871.0100
100 ml CL01.0351.0100
Chromate 1.471 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0351.0500
100 ml CL01.0354.0100
Chromate 1.674 g K2CrO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0354.0500
Citrate NEW
100 ml CL01.0371.0100
Cyanide 2.503 g KCN / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0371.0500
Detergents(-) Anionic
100 ml CL01.0411.0100
Detergents(-) Anionic 1 g TPBS / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0411.0500
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L
Detergents(non) ionic
100 ml CL01.0421.0100
Detergents(non) ionic 1 g TRITON® X-100 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0421.0500
Detergents(-) Anionic
100 ml CL01.0413.0100
Detergents(-) Anionic 1 g C12H25NaO4S / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0413.0500
Detergents(+) Kationic
100 ml CL01.0401.0100
Detergents(+) Kationic 1 g CTAB / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0401.0500
100 ml CL01.0353.0100
Dichromate 1.362 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0353.0500
100 ml CL01.0611.0100
Fluoride 2.21 g NaF / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0611.0500
100 ml CL01.0651.0100
Formaldehyde 1 g HCOH / l H2O
Glutarate NEW
Glycolate NEW
100 ml CL01.0831.0100
Hydrazine 4.061 g N2H4.H2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0831.0500
Hydrogen carbonate
100 ml CL01.2311.0100
Hydrogen carbonate 1.377 g NaHCO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2311.0500
100 ml CL01.1001.0100
Iodide 1.308 g KI / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1001.0500
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L
Lactose NEW
Malate NEW
Maleate NEW
Malonate NEW
100 ml CL01.1441.0100
Nitrate 1.63 g KNO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1441.0500
100 ml CL01.1451.0100
100 ml CL01.0349.0100
Perchlorate 1.393 g KClO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0349.0500
100 ml CL01.0601.0100
Phenol 1 g C6H5OH / l 0.4% NaOH (Store cool and dark !)
500 ml CL01.0601.0500
100 ml CL01.0622.0100
Phosphate 2.2014 g NaNH4HPO4.4H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0622.0500
Phthalate NEW
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L
100 ml CL01.1941.0100
Silicate 1 g SiO2 / l 0.4% NaOH
500 ml CL01.1941.0500
Succinate NEW
100 ml CL01.1975.0100
Sulfate 1.021 g H2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1975.0500
100 ml CL01.1972.0100
Sulfate 1.8141 g K2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1972.0500
100 ml CL01.1971.0100
Sulfate 1.479 g Na2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1971.0500
100 ml CL01.2661.0100
Thiocyanate 1.673 g KCNS / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2661.0500
Thiosulfate NEW
IC Cation Standards 1 000 mg/L
Ammonia NEW
100 ml CL01.0111.0100
Ammonia 2.97 g NH4Cl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0111.0500
Barium NEW
100 ml CL01.0208.0100
Barium 1.779 g BaCl2.2H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0208.0500
Calcium NEW
100 ml CL01.0338.0100
Calcium 3.668 g CaCl2.2H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0338.0500
Cesium NEW
100 ml CL01.0336.0100
Cesium 1.267 g CsCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0336.0500
Diethanolamine NEW
Dimethylamine NEW
Ethanolamine NEW
Lithium NEW
100 ml CL01.1218.0100
Lithium 6.108 g LiCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1218.0500
Magnesium NEW
100 ml CL01.1342.0100
Magnesium 8.363 g MgCl2.6H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1342.0500
Methoxypropylamine-(3) NEW
Monoethanolamine NEW
Morpholine NEW
Potassium NEW
100 ml CL01.1111.0100
Potassium 1.907 g KCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1111.0500
Rubidium NEW
100 ml CL01.1828.0100
Rubidium 1.415 g RbCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1828.0500
Sodium NEW
100 ml CL01.1418.0100
Sodium 2.542 g NaCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1418.0500
IC Cation Standards 1 000 mg/L
Strontium NEW
100 ml CL01.1968.0100
Strontium 3.043 g SrCl2.6H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1968.0500
Urea NEW
IC Anion Standards Economy
100 ml CL01.0246.0100
Bromide 1.489 g KBr / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0246.0500
Hydrogen carbonate
Phosphate NEW
IC Cation Standards Economy
Metallo Organic Element Standards 5 000 µg/g
50 g CL11.1228.0050
Lead Pb in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas
500 ml CL11.1228.0500
Metallo Organic Element Standards 5 000 µg/g
50 g CL11.1173.0050
Potassium K in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas
500 ml CL11.1173.0500
Metallo Organic Element Standards 1 000 µg/g
Metallo Organic Element Standards 1 000 µg/g
Metallo Organic Element Standards 1 000 µg/g
Don’t see the exact solution you need? Contact our sales department.
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.0127.0001
35572-78-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0127.0005
1-Aminohydantoin hydrochloride standard solution
150114-71-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0103.0001
4165-61-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0106.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.0147.0001
11100-14-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0147.0005
Aroclor 5442 standard solution
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.0203.0001
68359-37-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0203.0005
BDE 47 standard solution
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.0217.0001
65-85-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0217.0005
1,12-Benzoperylene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0218.0001
191-24-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0218.0005
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
96-32-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0220.0001
5589-96-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0225.0001
20428-74-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0226.0001
Single Component Standards
20428-76-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0231.0001
Single Component Standards
598-72-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0241.0001
5445-17-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0242.0001
1 ml CL40.0255.0001
78-93-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0255.0005
Buthidazole standard solution
3766-60-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0258.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.0308.0001
56-23-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0308.0005
Carbophenothion standard solution
1 ml CL40.0309.0001
786-19-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0309.0005
Carbophenothion-methyl standard solution
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
40020-01-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0338.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
5 ml CL40.0355.0005
1 ml CL40.0367.0001
218-01-9 Solution contains 400 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0367.0005
1 ml CL40.0356.0001
218-01-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0356.0005
Chrysene-D12 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0357.0001
1719-03-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0357.0005
Cinidon (free acid) standard solution
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
57966-95-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0388.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
434-90-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0484.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
20428-75-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0499.0001
Single Component Standards
79-43-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL42.0414.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
388-82-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL42.0467.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
88941-22-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.0526.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
321-38-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.0659.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
5 ml CL40.0903.0005
2-Isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine standard solution
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
2179-25-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.1378.0001
2635-10-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.1379.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.1316.0001
74-88-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1316.0005
2-Methylisoborneol standard solution
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
74223-64-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.1310.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.1421.0001
62-75-9 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1421.0005
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
1 ml CL40.1618.0001
1517-22-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1618.0005
Phenkapton standard solution
13127-88-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.1681.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
593-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.2025.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
115-86-6 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.2077.0001
Single Component Standards
Single Component Standards
NEAT Standards
Aldicarb sulphone
Aldicarb sulphoxide
Chlorine (Aldrin®)
Arachidic acid
Arachidonic acid
NEAT Standards
Behenic acid
10 mg CL46.0217.0010
92-87-5 99.0+% C12H12N2
100 mg CL46.0217.0100
gamma-BHC (Lindane)
10 mg CL46.0801.0010
58-89-9 99.0+% C6H6Cl6
100 mg CL46.0801.0100
NEAT Standards
Di-n-butyl phthalate
Butyric acid
Carbon tetrachloride
1g CL46.0415.0001
50-29-3 95.0+% C14H9Cl5
10 mg CL46.0415.0010
Demeton (O+S)
1,3-Dinonadecanoin NEW
50 mg CL47.0497.0050
372490-74-9 99+% C41H80O5
100 mg CL47.0497.0100
Dioxan-(1,4), GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.0450.0005
123-91-1 98.5+% C4H8O2
100 ml CL46.0450.0100
NEAT Standards
Ethyl benzene
10 ml CL46.0532.0010
100-41-4 99+% C8H10
100 mg CL46.0532.0100
Ethyl methyl ketone (MEK), GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.0540.0005
78-93-3 95+% C4H8O
100 ml CL46.0540.0100
NEAT Standards
Glyphosate 99%
Gondoic acid
Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene
Linoleic acid
Linolenic acid
10 mg CL46.1301.0010
121-75-5 99.0+% C10H19O6PS2
Methyl acrylate
Methyl arachidate
Methyl behenate
NEAT Standards
Methyl cis-11-eicosenoate
Methyl erucate
Methyl heptadecanoate-D33
Methyl myristate
Methyl oleate
Methyl palmitate
Methyl palmitoleate
Methyl stearate
Monononadecanoin NEW
1g CL46.1389.0001
112340-30-4 99+% C22H44O4
100 mg CL46.1389.0100
Musk xylene
10 mg CL46.1384.0010
81-15-2 97+% C12H15N3O6
100 mg CL46.1384.0100
Myristic acid
NEAT Standards
Octadecyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride
Oleic acid
Palmitic acid
Palmitoleic acid
10 mg CL46.1604.0010
56-38-2 95.0+% C10H14NO5PS
500 mg CL46.1604.0500
NEAT Standards
Pentachlorobenzene 99%
1g CL46.1617.0001
87-86-5 99+% C6HCl5O
10 mg CL46.1617.0010
2,3,4,5,6-Pentachlorotoluene 99%
NEAT Standards
Propoxur (Baygon)
10 mg CL46.0202.0010
114-26-1 99.0+% C11H15NO3
100 mg CL46.0202.0100
Retinyl palmitate
Simazine D5
Sonar® (Fluoridone)
Stearic acid
10 ml CL46.1916.0010
100-42-5 99+% C8H8 - Keep at -20°C
100 mg CL46.1916.0100
Sulfaguanidine monohydrate
NEAT Standards
1g CL46.2084.0001
933-78-8 99.0+% C6H3Cl3O 10 mg CL46.2084.0010
20 mg CL46.2084.0020
Trinonadecanoin NEW
1g CL47.2016.0001
26536-13-0 99+% C41H80O5
100 mg CL47.2016.0100
NEAT Standards
10 ml CL46.2402.0010
95-47-6 99+% C8H10
100 mg CL46.2402.0100
Starch, soluble a.r. CL00.2617
For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur. 90+% (C6H10O5)n
CasNr 9005-84-9 Mol.Weight (162,14)n Assay >90%
Loss on drying <10% @ 105°C
HS Nr 35051090 Sulfated Ash <0.5%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Reducing Substances (Fehling) <0.7% CL00.2617.0100 100 g PE
pH : 6.0 to 7.5 (2%
solution) CL00.2617.0250 250 g PE
Sensitivity to Iodine : Passes test CL00.2617.1000 1 kg PE
Strontium carbonate p. CL00.1908
For laboratory use 96+% SrCO3
Sulfate (SO4) <0.3%
CasNr 1633-05-2 Mol.Weight 147.63 g/mol Assay >96%
Barium (Ba) <1.5%
HS Nr 28369200 Density 3.74 g/cm3 Calcium (Ca) <0.2% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.01% CL00.1908.0500 500 g PE
Strontium nitrate 10% Sr(2+) solution CL02.1904
For AAS (Ca<5ppm) 242 g Sr(NO3)2 / l H2O
CasNr 10042-76-9 Mol.Weight 211.63 g/mol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28342980 Density 1.20 g/ml
UN 1507 Class, PG 5.1,III CL02.1904.0100 100 ml PE
CL02.1904.0500 500 ml PE
Succinic anhydride v.p. CL00.0270
For laboratory use 98+% C4H4O3
CasNr 108-30-5 Mol.Weight 100.07 g/mol Assay >98%
Sulphur, powder v.p. CL00.2609
For laboratory use, DAB, BP, Ph. Franç. 99-101% S
CasNr 7704-34-9 Mol.Weight 32.06 g/mol Assay : 99-101%
Free Acid <0.02%
HS Nr 28020000 Density 1.96-2,07 g/cm3 Free Alkali <0.01%
UN 1350 Class, PG 4.1,III Chloride (Cl) <0.01%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.01%
WARNING. Arsenic (As) <0.0004%
H315 Selenium (Se) <0.0004%
P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2609.0250 250 g PE
CL00.2609.1000 1 kg PE
Sulfuric acid 98%, HPLC grade CL00.2653
For laboratory use, HPLC 98+% H2SO4
Chromophore Purity : > 99.999 %
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol Assay : > 98 %
Identity : passes test
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.84 g/ml Colour : < 10 Hazen
UN 1830 Class, PG 8,II Residue after Ignition : < 10 ppm
Aluminium (Al) : < 0.050 ppm
DANGER. Calcium (Ca) : < 0.20 ppm
H290-H314 Copper (Cu) : < 0.010 ppm
Iron (Fe) : < 0.10 ppm
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Potassium (K) : < 0.10 ppm
Magnesium (Mg) : < 0.050 ppm
Sodium (Na) : < 0.50 ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HPLC Gradient Suitability Test (220, 254 & 280 : < 10 ppm
nm) CL00.2653.0050 50 ml GVB
Sulfuric acid 95-97% a.r., VLSI CL00.2605
*For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur., trace analysis 95-97% H2SO4
Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol Assay : 95-97%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Residue after Ignition <0.0005%
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.84 g/ml Ammonium (NH4) <0.0002% Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
UN 1830 Class, PG 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.000002%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
DANGER. Arsenic (As) <0.000001% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
H290-H314 Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Beryllium (Be) <0.000001% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 Bismuth (Bi) <0.000005% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00002% Chloride (Cl) <0.00001%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000002% Nitrate (NO3) <0.00002%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Phosphate (PO4) <0.00005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000005% Reducing Subtances <0.0002%
Copper (Cu) <0.000001%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Mercury (Hg) <0.0000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li) <0.000001% CL00.2605.2500 2,5 l GVB
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000001% CL00.2605.5000 5l PEB
Sulfuric acid 95-97% v.p. CL00.2615
For laboratory use, FCC 95-97% H2SO4
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol Assay : 95-97%
Residue after Ignition <0.0002%
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.84 g/ml Arsenic (As) <0.00001%
UN 1830 Class, PG 8,II Iron (Fe) <0.0002%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
DANGER. Chloride (Cl) <0.0001%
H290-H314 Nitrate (NO3) <0.0001%
Reducing Subtances <0.0002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
CL00.2615.1000 1l PEB
CL00.2615.2500 2,5 l PEB
CL00.2615.9020 20 l PEB
Sulfuric acid 75 weight % solution CL02.2602
For laboratory use 1252 g H2SO4 / l H2O
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.67 g/ml
UN 1830 Class, PG 8,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
CL02.2602.1000 1l PE
CL02.2602.5000 5l PE
CL02.2602.9010 10 l PE
Sulfuric acid 40 weight % solution a.r. CL02.2608
For laboratory use / gas analysis according KNIPPING / Silicon free 521 g H2SO4 / l H2O
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.30 g/ml
UN 2796 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.2608.1000 1l PE
CL02.2608.5000 5l PE
Sulfuric acid 20 weight % solution CL02.2645
For laboratory use 228 g H2SO4 / l H2O
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.14 g/ml
UN 2796 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Sulfuric acid. 50%+Phosphoric acid 50% solution CL02.2625
TMAR - For laboratory use 500 ml H2SO4 95-97% + 500 ml H3PO4 85% / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.78 g/ml
UN 3264 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.2625.1000 1l PE
Sulfuric acid 8 mol/l CL05.2648
For laboratory use 784.64 g H2SO4 / l H2O = 16 N
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.43 g/ml
UN 2796 Class, PG 8,II
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
Sulfuric acid 3 mol/l CL05.2621
For laboratory use, Titrations 294.24 g H2SO4 / l H2O = 6 N (±0.012/20°C)
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.18 g/ml
UN 2796 Class, PG 8,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338 CL05.2621.1000 1l PE
CL05.2621.2500 2,5 l PE
CL05.2621.5000 5l PE
CL05.2621.9010 10 l PE
Sulfuric acid 1 mol/l CL05.2658
For laboratory use, Titrations - TMAR Silicon Det. 98.08 g H2SO4 / l H2O = 2 N (±0.004/20°C)
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.08 g/ml
UN 2796 Class, PG 8,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
CL05.2658.1000 1l PE
CL05.2658.5000 5l PE
CL05.2658.9010 10 l PE
Sulfuric acid 0.13 mol/l CL05.2623
Det. digestability 12.75 g H2SO4 / l H2O = 0.26 N (±0.0005/20°C)
CasNr 7664-93-9 Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol
HS Nr 28070000 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 3264 Class, PG 8,III Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.2623.1000 1l PE
CL05.2623.9010 10 l PE
CL05.2623.9025 25 l PE
CL05.2623.9520 20 l EP
Sulfuric acid 0.025 mol/l in Propanol-2 CL05.2635
For laboratory use, TMAR - Titrations 2.453 g H2SO4 / l C3H8O = 0.05 N (±0.0004/20°C)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.78 g/ml
UN 1219 Class, PG 3,II
P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL05.2635.1000 1l PE
Talc CL00.2002
For laboratory use 3MgO.4SiO2.H2O
CasNr 14807-96-6 Mol.Weight 379.29 g/mol Calcium Soluble in Acid <0.6%
Insoluble Calcium <0.05%
HS Nr 25262000 Density 2.75 g/cm3 Iron Soluble in Acid <0.02%
WARNING. Magnesium Soluble in Acid <0.4%
Chloride (Cl) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2002.1000 1 kg PE
TAN Solvent CL02.2009
For laboratory use acc. ASTM D-664, D-974, D-3242, D-3339
Det. Total Acid Number 50vol.% C7H8 + 49.5vol.% IPA + 0.5vol.% H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.83 g/ml
UN 1993 Class, PG 3,II
P210-P233-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 +
P338-P273 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.2009.2500 2,5 l GVB
CL02.2009.5000 5l PE
CL02.2009.9025 25 l PE
Tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen sulfate, HPLC grade CL00.2090
For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C16H37NSO4
CasNr 32503-27-8 Mol.Weight 339.54 g/mol Assay >99%
Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide 12.5 weight % solution in Methanol NEW CL02.2045
For laboratory use 135 g C16H37NO / l CH3OH
CasNr 2052-49-5 Density 0.85 g/ml Assay : 12.0 to 13.0 wt%
Appearance of the solution : Clear colorless to
HS Nr 38220000 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II light yellow
UN 1992
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311
Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide 0.1 mol/l in Xylene/Butanol (3/1) CL50.2014
*For laboratory use, Non aqeous titrations 25.948 g C16H37NO / l (3:1) mixture (C8H10 / CH3(CH2)3OH)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 0.855 g/ml
UN 1992 Class, PG 3 (6.1),II
P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL50.2014.1000 1l GVB
HS Nr 29239000
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2055.0100 100 g PE
Tetrachloroethylene, Spectro grade a.r. CL00.2018
For laboratory use 99.9+% C2Cl4
CasNr 127-18-4 Mol.Weight 165.83 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Transmittance @ 290nm > 15%
HS Nr 29032300 Density 1.623 g/ml Transmittance @ 295nm > 60%
UN 1897 Class, PG 6.1,III Transmittance @ 310nm > 85%
Transmittance @ 350nm > 89%
WARNING. Transmittance @ 400nm > 95%
H351-H411 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Spectrum : passes test
Water < 0.01%
P281-P273-P308 + P313 Acidity
Non Volatiles
< 0.0005meq/g
< 0.0005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2018.1000 1l GVB
CL00.2018.2500 2,5 l GVB
1-Tetradecanol p. CL00.2058
For laboratory use 95+% C14H30O
CasNr 112-72-1 Mol.Weight 214.39 g/mol Assay >95% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29051900 CL00.2058.0100 100 g PE
Tetra fluoroboric acid 48% solution CL00.2026
*For laboratory use 480 g HBF4 / kg sol.
CasNr 16872-11-0 Mol.Weight 87.81 g/mol Hydrogen Tetrafluoroborate : 46 - 52%
Tetrahydrofuran, anhydrous a.r. CL00.2092
For laboratory use 99.9+% C4H8O (Stabilised with 250 ppm BHT)
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
CasNr 109-99-9 Mol.Weight 72.11 g/mol Assay >99.9%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000002%
Non Volatiles <0.001%
HS Nr 29321100 Density 0.89 g/ml Water <0.005% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
UN 2056 Class, PG 3,II Free Acid <0.001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.00005% Tin (Sn) <0.00001%
DANGER. Boron (B) <0.000002% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
H225-H319-H335-EUH019 Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Hydrogen Peroxide <0.005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
P210-P233-P243-P305 + P351 + P338 Cadmium (Cd) <000005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
CL00.2092.2500 2,5 l GVB
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene p. CL00.2059
For laboratory use 98+% C10H12
CasNr 119-64-2 Mol.Weight 132.21 g/mol Assay >98%
Appearance : Colorless
HS Nr 29029000 Density 0.97 g/ml Water <0.005%
UN 3082 Class, PG 9,III Peroxide <1ppm
P273-P281-P301 + P310-P305 + P351 + P338-P331
HS Nr 29146990
P261-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2046.0025 25 g GVB
Tetramethylammonium bromide v.p. CL00.2041
For laboratory use 99+% C4H12BrN
CasNr 64-20-0 Mol.Weight 154.04 g/mol Assay >99%
Tetramethylsilane CL00.2061
For laboratory use, for the calibration of NMR spectra for NMR spectroscopy 99.7+% C4H12Si
CasNr 75-76-3 Mol.Weight 88.23 g/mol Assay >99.7%
Thallium(I) nitrate a.r. CL00.2013
For laboratory use 99.5+% TlNO3
CasNr 10102-45-1 Mol.Weight 266.37 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Silver (Ag) <0.0005%
HS Nr 28342990 Class, PG 6.1 (5.1),II Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
UN 2727 Copper (Cu) <0.0005%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.005%
H300-H330-H373-H411 Magnesium (Mg) <0.0005%
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
P260-P264-P284-P301 + P310 Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.002%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.02% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2013.0025 25 g PE
Thiourea v.p. CL00.2023
For laboratory use CH4N2S 99+%
CasNr 62-56-6 Mol.Weight 76.12 g/mol Assay >99%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
HS Nr 29309098 Density 1.02 g/ml
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III
P273-P281-P308 + P313
Thymolphthaleine indicator sol. CL06.2007
Titrimetric indicator (pH9.0-10.5 - colourless to blue) 1 g C28H30O4 / l C2H5OH
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight -
UN 1170 Density 0.79 g/ml
Class, PG 3,II
Tin(II) chloride 20% solution CL02.2007
TMR - Hg Det. 200 g SnCl2.2H2O / l 10% HCl (Stabilised with Tin metal)
CasNr 10025-69-1 Density 1.10 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Class, PG 8,II
UN 1789
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + P311-P305 + P351 + P338
TISAB II Buffer - ISE buffer CL03.2002
For laboratory use, ISE F- measurements 58 g NaCl + 57 ml CH3COOH + 4 g CDTA / l H2O (pH 5.3 with NaOH)
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.07 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL03.2002.0500 500 ml PE
CL03.2002.1000 1l PE
Toluene (ultra pure) CL00.2035
Reference substance for gas chromatography 99.99+% C7H8
CasNr 108-88-3 Mol.Weight 92.14 g/mol Assay >99.99%
Toluene, ASTM reference fuel CL00.2048
For laboratory use, ASTM reference fuel 99.5+% C7H8
CasNr 108-88-3 Mol.Weight 92.14 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Water <200 ppm
HS Nr 29023000 Density 0.87 g/ml Peroxide Number <5,0mg/kg
UN 1294 Class, PG 3,II
P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2048.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
CL00.2048.9025 25 l MET
Toluene p. CL00.2001
For laboratory use 99+% C7H8
CasNr 108-88-3 Mol.Weight 92.14 g/mol Assay >99%
Non Volatiles <0.005%
HS Nr 29023000 Density 0.87 g/ml Water <0.05%
UN 1294 Class, PG 3,II
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352
CL00.2001.5000 5l FL/HDPE
CL00.2001.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
CL00.2001.9025 25 l MET
Toluene-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt p. CL00.1957
For laboratory use 98+% C7H7NaO3S
CasNr 657-84-1 Mol.Weight 81.07 g/mol Assay >98% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29041000 Density 1.74 g/cm3 CL00.1957.0005 5g GVB
D-Trehalose CL00.2068
For laboratory use, for bacteriology 99+% C12H22O11
CasNr 99-20-7 Mol.Weight 342.29 g/mol Assay >99% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29400000 CL00.2068.0005 5g GVB
Trichloroacetic acid 30% solution CL02.2018
For laboratory use 300 g C2HCl3O2 / l H2O
CasNr 76-03-9 Mol.Weight 163.39 g/mol
HS Nr 29154000 Density 1.13 g/ml
UN 1839 Class, PG 8,II
P273-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Trichloroethylene, HPLC grade CL00.2033
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C2HCl3
CasNr 79-01-6 Mol.Weight 131.79 g/mol Assay >99.8%
Water <100ppm
HS Nr 29032200 Density 1.46 g/ml Acidity <0.0005meq/g
UN 1710 Class, PG 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Transmittance @ 280nm > 50%
DANGER. Transmittance @ 300nm > 70%
H350-H341-H315-H319-H336-H412 Transmittance @ 320nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 350nm > 85%
P201-P308 + P313 Transmittance @ 400nm > 98%
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol p. CL00.2072
For laboratory use 98+% C6H3Cl3O
CasNr 88-06-2 Mol.Weight 197.44 g/mol Assay >98%
Triethylamine v.p. CL00.2043
For laboratory use 99+% C6H15N
CasNr 121-44-8 Mol.Weight 101.19 g/mol Assay >99%
Water <0,1%
HS Nr 29111999 Density 0.73 g/ml Diethylamine <0,1%
UN 1296 Class, PG 3 (8),II Ethanol <0,05%
P210-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 +
P338-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2043.1000 1l GVB
CL00.2043.2500 2,5 l GVB
Triethylenetetramine p. CL00.2074
For laboratory use 95+% C6H18N4
CasNr 112-24-3 Mol.Weight 146.23 g/mol Assay >95%
Don’t see the exact solution you need? Contact our sales department.
Trifluoroacetic acid v.p. NEW CL00.2088
For laboratory use 99+% C2HF3O2
CasNr 76-05-1 Mol.Weight 114.02 g/mol Assay >99%
Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane 0.2 mol/l CL02.2023
For laboratory use 24.22 g C4H11NO3 / l H2O
CasNr 77-86-1 Mol.Weight 121.14 g/mol
HS Nr 29221900 Density 1.02 g/ml
P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.2023.1000 1l PE
Trommsdorf's reagent CL02.2004
For Det. of free Chlorine and other oxydizing agents. Starch-ZnCl2-ZnI2 (Zinciodide starch sol.)
CasNr 9010-71-3 Density 1.02 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
CL02.2004.0500 500 ml PE
CL02.2004.1000 1l PE
Turpentine p. CL00.2003
For laboratory use Turpentine
CasNr 8006-64-2 Density 0.86 g/ml Arsenic (As) <3ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <1ppm
HS Nr 38051010 Class, PG 3,III Mercury (Hg) <1ppm
UN 1299 Lead (Pb) <10ppm
H226-H317-H302 + H312 + H332-H304-H315-H319-H411
P273-P280-P301 + P310-P305 + P351 + P338-P331
Tween® 80 p. CL00.2086
For laboratory use Tween® 600 g / l H2O
CasNr 9005-65-6 Density 1.07 g/ml Hydroxyl Value : 65 - 80 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Saponification Value : 45 - 55
HS Nr 34021300 CL00.2086.1000 1l GVB
Tween® 60 p. CL00.2085
For laboratory use Tween® 600 g / l H2O
CasNr 9005-67-8 Density 1.1 g/ml Hydroxyl Value : 81 - 96 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Saponification Value : 45 - 55
HS Nr 34021300 CL00.2085.1000 1l GVB
Tween® 40 v.p. CL00.2084
For laboratory use Tween® 400 g / l H2O
CasNr 9005-66-7 Density 1.09 g/ml Hydroxyl Value : 89 - 105 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Saponification Value : 43 -49
HS Nr 34021300 Acid Value <3 CL00.2084.1000 1l GVB
Tween® 20 p. CL00.2038
For laboratory use Tween® 200 g / l H2O
CasNr 9005-64-5 Mol.Weight 1227.72 g/mol Hydroxyl Value : 96 - 108 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Saponification Value : 40 - 50
HS Nr 34021300 Density 1.1 g/ml CL00.2038.1000 1l PE
Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.
UV-VIS Standard 6 - Holmium(III) oxide calibration solution CL02.0804
Wavelenght calibration sol. for spectrophotometer 5% Ho2O3 / 1.4 mol/l HClO4
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.14 g/ml l max. 241.1nm
l max. 278.0nm
UN 1802 Class, PG 8 (5.1),II l max. 287.5nm
WARNING. l max. 361.2nm
l max. 416.6nm
H314 l max. 451.3nm
P305 + P351 + P338 l max. 485.3nm
l max. 537.0nm
l max. 640.8nm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
± 0.4 nm
CL02.0804.0100 100 ml GVB
Urea a.r. CL00.2102
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 99.5% CH4N2O
Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.01%
CasNr 57-13-6 Mol.Weight 60.06 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Residue after Ignition <0.01%
Sulfated Ash <0.01%
HS Nr 31051000 Density 1.34 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.0002%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
Chloride (Cl) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sulfate (SO4) <0.001% CL00.2102.1000 1 kg PE
Biuret <0.1%
Melting Point : 132 -135°C CL00.2102.2500 2,5 kg PE
Vanillin v.p. CL00.2208
For laboratory use, Ph. Eur., BP, NF 99+% C8H8O3
CasNr 121-33-5 Mol.Weight 152.14 g/mol Assay >98%
Water, ULC-MS grade NEW CL02.2112
For laboratory use, ULC-MS, for liquid chromatography H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.1 µm filtrated
Total Organic Carbon <10ppb
CasNr 7732-18-5 Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Non Volatiles <0.0001%
Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <0.3ppb
Conductivity <1µS
HS Nr 28530010 Density 1.00 g/ml Acidity <0.0002% as Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <0.3ppb
C2H4O2 Blank Drift <8mAU
Alkalinity <0.00005 as NH3 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <1mAU
Colour <5 (APHA) HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.5mAU
Calcium (Ca) <50ppb
Potassium (K) <50ppb
Sodium (Na) <50ppb
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <30ppb CL02.2112.1000 1l GVB/H
Aluminium (Al) <20ppb
Magnesium (Mg) <20ppb CL02.2112.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Water (ultra pure) CL02.2101
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP, ASTM D-94, D-129 H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.4 µm, UV filtrated
Sodium (Na) <0.01 ppm
CasNr 7732-18-5 Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Non Volatiles < 1 ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.0004 ppm
Chloride (Cl) < 0.05 ppm
HS Nr 28530010 Density 1.00 g/ml Fluoride (F) < 0.05 ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001 ppm
Nitrate (NO3) < 0.01 ppm Palladium (Pd) <0.008 ppm
Phosphate (PO4) < 0.01 ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.001 ppm
Silicate (SiO2) <0.01 ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.001 ppm
Sulfate (SO4) <0.1 ppm Selenium (Se) <0.0001 ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.0004 ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001 ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.002 ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.0004 ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.002 ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001 ppm
Gold (Au) <0.001 ppm Thallium (TI) <0.00005 ppm
Boron (B) <0.005 ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001 ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.001 ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.004 ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.002 ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001 ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.001 ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.005 ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001 ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001 ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.0004 ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.0004 ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.001 ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005 ppm CL02.2101.5000 5l PE
Lithium (Li) <0.002 ppm CL02.2101.9010 10 l PE
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005 ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.0004 ppm
CL02.2101.9025 25 l PE
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.002 ppm CL02.2101.9520 20 l EP
Water Demineralised CL02.2102
For laboratory use H2O - LF < 5 µS
CasNr 7732-18-5 Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Non Volatiles < 5 ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28530010 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL02.2102.9010 10 l PE
CL02.2102.9025 25 l PE
Solutions for Wine and Olive Oil Analysis
Solutions for Wine and Olive Oil Analysis
10 g HCl / l H2O
± 33 vol.% H2O2
25+% H3PO4
300 g KI / l H2O
Solutions for Wine and Olive Oil Analysis
50 g KCNS / l H2O
Solutions for Wine and Olive Oil Analysis
Silicon antifoam
Sodium chloride 10 g/l + Potassium aluminium(III) sulfate 120 g/l solution NEW 500 ml CL12.1416.0500
Solutions for Wine and Olive Oil Analysis
46 g Na2B4O7.10H2O / l H2O
10 g CDTA + 58 g NaCl + 57 ml HAc + 29.4 g NaCitr. / l H2O to pH 5.5 with NaOH 1l CL12.2001.1000
X-Gal for Biochemistry CL00.2409
For laboratory use, for biochemistry 99+% C14H15BrCINO6
Water <1.0%
CasNr 7240-90-6 Mol.Weight 408.63 g/mol Assay >99.0% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Specific Optical Rotation : -62°±2° (α20°C/D,
HS Nr 29349990 1%, DMF (50 %)) CL00.2409.0001 1g GVB
Xylene p. CL00.2401
For laboratory use, For Histology 96+% C8H10 - mixture of isomers
CasNr 1330-20-7 Mol.Weight 106.17 g/mol Assay >96%
Non Volatiles <0.01%
HS Nr 29024400 Density 0.86 g/ml Water <0.02%
UN 1307 Class, PG 3,III Benzene <0.02%
Sulfur (S) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
P302 + P352
CL00.2401.5000 5l FL/HDPE
CL00.2401.8025 25 l FL/HDPE
CL00.2401.9025 25 l MET
Xylenol(-o) reagent CL02.1503
NO3- Det. on plant material 2,5% (CH3)2C6H3OH in NaOH 0.2 mol/l
HS Nr 38220000 Mol.Weight - Class, PG 6.1,II Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
UN 3430 Density 1.00 g/ml
CL02.1503.0250 250 ml PE
Zinc, reference material for NIST NEW CL00.2647
For laboratory use, reference material for NIST 99.95+% Zn
CasNr 7440-66-6 Mol.Weight 65.37 g/mol Assay >99.95%
Arsenic (As) <0.00001%
HS Nr 79011230 Density 7.14 g/cm3 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
WARNING. Copper (Cu) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.002%
H410 Lead (Pb) <0.005%
P273 Tin (Sn) <0.001%
Zinc bromide, anhydrous v.p. CL00.2638
For laboratory use 98+% ZnBr2
CasNr 7699-45-8 Mol.Weight 225.19 g/mol Assay >98%
Water <1%
HS Nr 28275900 Density 4.20 g/cm3 Barium (Ba) <0.001%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <001%
H314-H410 Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
Sodium (Na) <0.001%
P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Copper (Cu) <0.001%
P311 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001
Zinc chloride, anhydrous p. CL00.2608
For laboratory use 98+% ZnCl2
CasNr 7646-85-7 Mol.Weight 136.28 g/mol Assay >98%
Iron (Fe) <0.005%
HS Nr 28273985 Density 2.91 g/cm3 Lead (Pb) <0.002%
UN 2331 Class, PG 8,III Zinc Oxide <1.5%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.3%
DANGER. Nitrogen (N) <0.3%
P273-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 +
Zinc oxide v.p. CL00.2627
For laboratory use, DAB, Ph. Eur., BP, Ph. Franç., USP 99-100.5% ZnO
CasNr 1314-13-2 Mol.Weight 81.37 g/mol Assay : 99-100.5%
Loss on ignition <1%
HS Nr 28170000 Density 5.61 g/cm3 Arsenic (As) <0.0003%
UN 3077 Class, PG 9,III Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Lead (Pb) <0.005%
WARNING. Chloride (Cl) <0.005%
H410 Sulfate (SO4) <0.05%
Reducing Subtances <0.005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2627.0500 500 g PE
CL00.2627.2500 2,5 kg PE
Zinc sulfate 10% - Cadmium sulfate 10% solution CL02.2626
AFNOR Det. in H2O 100 g ZnSO4.7H2O + 100 g 3CdSO4.8H2O / l H2O
HS Nr 38220000 Density 1.20 g/ml
UN 2570 Class, PG 6.1,III
P201-P273-P309 + P311-P304 + P340
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.2626.5000 5l PE
Zirconium(IV) oxide chloride.8aq a.r. CL00.2630
For laboratory use 99.5+% ZrOCl2.8H2O
CasNr 13520-92-8 Mol.Weight 322.28 g/mol Assay >99.5%
Iron (Fe) <0.001%
HS Nr 28274990 Density 1.91 g/cm3 Titanium (Ti) <0.005%
UN 3260 Class, PG 8,II Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Sulfate (SO4) <0.005%
DANGER. Hafnium (Hf) <3%
P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P311
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2630.0025 25 g PE
CL00.2630.0100 100 g PE
pH Values / °C for buffer solutions
pH Art. Nr. Comp. / l sol. Buf. cap. ß 0°C 10°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 40°C 50°C 60°C 70°C 80°C 90°C
pH 1 CL03.0203 3.73 g KCl + 134 ml HCl* 0.32 0.94 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02
pH 2 CL03.0209 6.43 g HCitr. + 3.58 g NaCl + 8.2 ml HCl* 0.03 1.99 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
pH 2** CL03.0706 6.43 g HCitr. + 3.58 g NaCl + 8.2 ml HCl* 0.03 1.99 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
pH 3 CL03.0210 8.47 g HCitr. + 3.49 g NaCl + 20.6 ml NaOH* 0.03 3.03 3.02 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.97
pH 4 CL03.0213 11.76 g HCitr. + 2.57 g NaCl + 68 ml NaOH* 0.04 4.03 4.02 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
pH 4** CL03.0702 11.76 g HCitr. + 2.57 g NaCl + 68 ml NaOH* 0.04 4.03 4.02 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
pH 5 CL03.0214 20.26 g HCitr. + 196.4 ml NaOH* 0.07 5.05 5.02 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.02 5.04 5.07 5.10 5.13
pH 6 CL03.0215 12.53 g HCitr. + 159.6 ml NaOH* 0.03 6.03 6.01 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.04 6.06 6.09 6.13 6.18 6.24
pH 7 CL03.0216 3.52 g KH2PO4 + 7.26 g Na2HPO4.2aq 0.03 7.13 7.05 7.00 6.99 6.98 6.97 6.96 6.96 6.97 6.98 7.00
pH 7** CL03.0704 3.52 g KH2PO4 + 7.26 g Na2HPO4.2aq 0.03 7.13 7.05 7.00 6.99 6.98 6.97 6.96 6.96 6.97 6.98 7.00
pH 8 CL03.0217 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 20.5 ml HCl* 0.014 8.18 8.09 8.00 7.97 7.94 7.90 7.86 7.82 7.80 7.77 7.75
pH 9 CL03.0218 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 4.6 ml HCl* 0.02 9.24 9.11 9.00 8.97 8.93 8.86 8.80 8.75 8.71 8.67 8.64
pH 10 CL03.0204 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 18.3 ml NaOH* 0.013 10.24 10.10 10.00 9.95 9.90 9.82 9.75 9.68 9.62 9.55 9.49
pH 10** CL03.0710 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 18.3 ml NaOH* 0.013 10.24 10.10 10.00 9.95 9.90 9.82 9.75 9.68 9.62 9.55 9.49
pH 11 CL03.0206 6.209 g H3BO3 + 4.0 g NaOH + 3.7 g KCl 0.013 11.45 11.20 11.00 10.90 10.81 10.64 10.48 10.33 10.19 10.06 9.93
pH 12 CL03.0207 4.45 g Na2HPO4.2aq + 0.892 g NaOH 0.02 12.58 12.26 12.00 11.88 11.75 11.53 11.31 11.09 10.88 10.68 10.48
pH 13 CL03.0208 0.375 g Glycin + 0.222 g NaCl + 95 ml NaOH* 13.00
CL03.1803 CL03.1804
Redox Standaard 124 mV – 25°C Redox Standaard 358 mV – 25°C
Temperature mV Temperature mV
Values ± 1 mV / °C
Address: Fax:
(Al) Aluminium (In) Indium (Sm) Samarium
(Sb) Antimony (Ir) Iridium (Sc) Scandium
(As) Arsenic (Fe) Iron (Se) Selenium
(Ba) Barium (La) Lanthanum (Si) Silicium
(Be) Beryllium (Pb) Lead (Ag) Silver
(Bi) Bismuth (Li) Lithium (Na) Sodium
(B) Boron (Lu) Lutetium (Sr) Strontium
(Cd) Cadmium (Mg) Magnesium (S) Sulfur
(Ca) Calcium (Mn) Mangaan (Ta) Tantalum
(C) Carbon (Hg) Mercury (Te) Tellurium
(Ce) Cerium (Mo) Molybdenum (Tb) Terbium
(Cs) Cesium (Nd) Neodymium (Tl) Thallium
(Cr) Chromium (Ni) Nickel (Th) Thorium
(Co) Cobalt (Nb) Niobium (Tm) Thulium
(Cu) Copper (Os) Osmium (Sn) Tin
(Dy) Dysprosium (Pd) Palladium (Ti) Titanium
(Er) Erbium (P) Phosphorus (W) Tungsten
(Eu) Europium (Pt) Platinum (U) Uranium
(Gd) Gadolinium (K) Potassium (V) Vanadium
(Ga) Gallium (Pr) Praseodymium (Yb) Ytterbium
(Ge) Germanium (Re) Rhenium (Y) Yttrium
(Au) Gold (Rh) Rhodium (Zn) Zinc
(Hf) Hafnium (Rb) Rubidium (Zr) Zirconium
(Ho) Holmium (Ru) Ruthenium
Additional info :
Address: Fax:
Total # of Analytes:
Conc. Units (check one): ng/mL(ppb) ug/mL(ppm) mg/mL(ppt)
w/w% v/v% w/v%
Volume (check one): 1 mL 2 mL 5 mL 10 mL
Other # of Units:
Amber Ampules used unless specified otherwise:
All mixtures are prepared in accordance with our ISO 9001 registration. All analytes are certified >/= 98% unless noted.
Corrections are made to 100% purity.
Tel. +32 50 28 83 20
Tél. 071 39 43 01
Fax. +32 50 78 26 54
Fax. 071 39 11 34
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Tel. +32 50 28 83 22
Fax. +32 50 78 26 54
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