I. Preparation: The Proper and Complete Process
I. Preparation: The Proper and Complete Process
I. Preparation: The Proper and Complete Process
I. Preparation
2. Signing of documents.
o Tax declaration
Notes: Go to ONETT for DST and CGT computation; ask for the specific
payee to be named in the manager’s check (if paying in check); and take note
of their accredited banks, so you’ll know where to submit the payments.
Notes: Ask for computation of the Transfer Tax; ask for the specific payee to
be named in the manager’s check for payment (if paying in check).
3. City (or Municipal) Assessor’s Office:
4. Registry of Deeds:
Notes: Ask for computation of the Registration Fee; ask for the specific payee
to be named in the manager’s check for payment (if paying in check).
Now that you know the exact fees that you will have to pay, you should
prepare these amounts. These fees are preferrably paid using
manager’s checks. But you can also pay them in cash.
Take note of the following deadlines for the settlement of these fees.
1. BIR:
3. Registry of Deeds:
o Registration Fee – 1 year from the date of release of CAR
from BIR + 6 months extension if approved by BIR upon
due submission of request
o Deed of Sale
o Acknowledgment of Payment
2. Pay the DST & CGT at the Accredited Agent Bank (AAB) of the BIR-RDO
(Revenue District Office)
o Present the verified DST & CGT BIR returns together with
the MCs (or cash payment) and the bank form
3. Then go back to BIR to file the above listed documents together with the
transaction slip for the processing of the new CAR
o Deed of Sale
3. Bring the receipt to the OIC together with the above mentioned documents to
process the Transfer Tax Clearance.
1. Fill out an application form for transfer of Title and present the following
requirements to the Examiner of the Day:
o Deed of Sale
2. Submit the manager’s check or cash payment to the cashier for the
registration. Then attach the receipt to the application form together with the
documents stated above.
1. Contact the assigned examiner for the progress of your application for new
2. Once the new title has been released, file a copy with the City Assessors’