w11 Start of Wwii Gilbert

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Beginnings of WWII

Welcome back from Spring Break! Recognize any of the cheerful

characters above? Can you name them all and identify what country they
are associated with?
Warm Up
How do you think the events of World War I could have lead to a larger
Second World War?
This week we will be starting our unit on WWII/wrapping up the previous
unit. During live class we will be taking a closer look at the end of WWI
with the Treaty of Versailles and the events and policies that essentially
helped start WWII.
The Unit VI Exam needs to be completed on campus this week. During
live class I will have a bit of a review and study guide for you. Notebook
checks happen!

Times to take the unit exam:

Tuesday: 5th hour Office Hours (2:10 - 3:30)
Wednesday: 3rd or 4th hour Flex Lab (11:30 -2:10)
Thursday: 3rd or 4th hour Office Hours (11:30-2:10)

Make sure that your Notebook is ready to be checked - you

don’t want to miss out on any points, they can really boost
your grade!
Welcome back, I hope you have a great week!
- Mr. Gilbert

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