Bernoulli Lab Report
Bernoulli Lab Report
Bernoulli Lab Report
Kalyso isemin
ABSTARCT …………………………………………...……....………………………............... 3
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………...………………………............ 4
OBJECTIVE …………………………………………………....……………………….............. 6
THEORY ………………………………….…………………….……………………….............. 6
APPARATUS …………………………………….……………..………………………............ 10
PROCEDURE …………………………………………………...………………………........... 11
RESULTS ……………………………………………………….………………………............. 12
DISCUSSION …………………………………………………...………………………............ 14
CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………………............. 15
REFERENCE ……………………………………………………………………………............ 16
Bernoulli’s Principle can be demonstrated by the Bernoulli equation.
The Bernoulli equation is an approximate relation between pressure, velocity,
and elevation. While the Continuity equation relates the speed of a fluid that
moving through a pipe to the cross sectional area of the pipe. It says that as a
radius of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid flow must increase and vice-
versa. However, Bernoulli’s Principle can only be applied under certain
conditions. The conditions to which Bernoulli’s equation applies are the fluid
must be frictionless (inviscid) and of constant density; the flow must be
steady, and the relation holds in general for single streamlines. In general,
frictional effects are always important very close to solid wall (boundary
layers) and directly downstream of bodies (wakes). Thus, the Bernoulli
approximation is typically useful in flow regions outside of boundary layers
and wakes, where the fluid motion is governed by the combined effects of
pressure and gravity forces.
Figure 1.0(Convergent Flow)
Bernoulli’s principle theorem states that an increase in the speed of the fluid,
occurs at same time, whether with a decrease in pressure or potential energy
of the fluid. This only occurs for invincible flow.
Figure 2.0(Venture)
For steady flows each particles slide along its path, and its velocity vector is
everywhere tangent to the path. The lines that are tangent to the velocity vector
throughout the flow feed are called the streamlines.
The fluid particles main properties are the pressure and weight. If the velocity
increase, means that the fluid is moving horizontally along a streamline and this
occurs at the lowest pressure, means Z1=Z2 will be canceled and the pressure
heads h1= P1/ 𝛾 and h2 = P2/ 𝛾 can be measured from a common chance datum
so that Bernoulli’s Equation simplifies as written.
The Bernoulli equation: kinetic energy + potential energy + flow energy =
𝑃1 𝑉12 𝑃2 𝑉22
+ = + = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔
But if the velocity decrease, the fluid is moving vertically along a streamline and
this occurs at the highest pressure, means Z1=Z2 (elevation head) and the
P/ 𝛾 (pressure head) and the velocity V2/2𝑔 (which represent the vertical
distance needed for the fluid to fall freely), all must be calculated according to
the equation:
𝑃1 𝑉12 𝑃2 𝑉22
+ + 𝑍1 = + + 𝑍2
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔
This can be demonstrated when the fluid is moving from a region of high
pressure to a region of low pressure, the velocity of fluid might be high or low.
Friction is negligible along the streamline through the venture tube. (4)
Allowance for friction losses and conversion of the pressure, P1 and P2 into
static pressure heads, h1 and h2 yields:
𝑉12 𝑉22
ℎ1 + = ℎ2 + + ℎ𝑣
2𝑔 2𝑔
For dynamic pressure head when the mass flow rate is constant in closed
Wmeas 2 ghdyn.
The equipment is designed and fabricated to demonstrate the Bernoulli’s
theorem. It consists of a test section made of acrylic. It had convergent and
divergent sections. Pressure tapings are provided at different locations in
convergent and divergent section. Present set-up is self-contained water
re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank, centrifugal pump etc. An
arrangement is done to conduct the experiment on different flow rates.
(3) Hose connection, water supply
(4) Unions
(5) Air bleed screw
(6) Discharge valve
(7) Gland nut
(8) Probe for measuring overall pressure
(9) Adjustable feet
2.) Stopwatch
Description: The stopwatch that used for the timing to the flow
measurement of the water
Figure 3.1(stopwatch)
2. The discharge valve was adjusted to high measurable flow rate to fill the
manometer tube to make sure the air bubble inside the manometer is
3. The water level was reduced by using air bleed screw.
4. The first flow rate was started by controlling the control valve.
5. After the level stabilizes, gently slide the hypodermic tube connected to
manometer H. So that its end reaches the cross section of the venturi
tube at A. The readings from manometer H and A was taken.
6. The step 5 was repeated for cross section (B, C, D, E and F)
7. After that, the water flow rate is filled into the measuring tube. The time
was taken by using the stopwatch.
8. The step 4 to 7 was repeated with two other flow.
9. The velocity was calculated using the Bernoulli’s and continuity
10. The difference between two calculated velocities was determined.
= 238.93 – 173
= 65.93m
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
[mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws]
H total 238.9 238.9 238.9 238.9 238.9 238.9
H dyn (mm) 65.9 73.9 188.9 115.9 100.9 94.9
Wcal. = 𝐇 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥⁄𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐚
= 0.705m/s
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
[mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws] [mm ws]
W mea. 35.98 38.10 60.91 47.71 44.52 43.17
W calc. 0.70 1.02 2.82 1.40 1.06 0.70
From the experiment conducted, there are different cross-sections for each
tube H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6. These differences resulted in varieties of value
obtained for stagnation head (H) and pressure head (hi). By using Bernoulli
equation to calculate the velocity, it can be said that the velocity of fluid
increase as the fluid is flowing from a wider to narrower tube and the velocity
decrease in the opposite direction. This also indicates that the pressure of
fluid decreases as the velocity increases. Therefore, the Bernoulli’s principle is
The Bernoulli equation forms the basis for solving a wide variety of fluid flow
problems such as jets issuing from an orifice, flows associated with pumps
and also turbines. Bernoulli’s equation is also useful in demonstration of
aerodynamic properties such as drag and lift.
From the data and results calculated, we can conclude that the Bernoulli
equation is valid for flow as it obeys the equation and the objectives are
successfully achieved.
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Douglas, J.F.Gasiorek, J.M. and Swaffield, J.A.(1999) Fluid Mechanics,
3rdedition. Longmans Singapore Publisher, Pg. 99-101
Giles, R.V., Evett, J.B. and Cheng Liu, Schaumm’s (2010)Outline Series
Theory and Problemsof Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic, McGraw Hill
Intl. Pg.559-620