Safe Use of Laptops: Basic Principles

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Safe use of laptops

Laptops were originally designed for short duration and irregular use, not for daily continuous operation. If
you need to conduct your work on a laptop for an extended period of time – or your laptop is your primary
computer, the following guidance can help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal discomfort or injury.

Basic principles
The same principles apply as with regular computer use;
• the desk and laptop should be adjusted so the user can adopt a “neutral” posture – ankles, knees,
hips and elbows at about 90 degree angles and hands in alignment with wrists (see figure 1)
• sit about arm’s length from the screen (depending on individual eye conditions)
• keying and holding the mouse should be light and hands and arms rested when not keying
• take regular breaks to rest both your eyes and your muscles – stand and walk to the printer, change
posture to perform other task such as reading.

Figure 1.

Laptop feature Problems Associated risks

Prolonged shrugging of
Screen attached to Difficult to position laptop well
keyboard for keying and viewing
Neck bent forward
Constrained hand and finger Awkward, static work for the
Smaller size and more
positioning muscles of the hands
closely spaced keys
More keying errors
Bent wrist postures
Increased pressure at base of
Forward position of
Encourages resting of the hands palms and wrist
keys with hand rest
on the surface while keying or Increased tension in upper
area between keys and
reaching forward to use the keys back and shoulders
Forward reaching of upper
Small pointing devices Requires use of fewer small Prolonged, static muscle
e.g. touch pad muscles tension leading to fatigue
Eye strain
Smaller screen size Can be limited resolution Awkward upper body

Reviewed October 2018 V2. Department of Education

Uncontrolled when printed. Organisational Safety and Wellbeing
Setting up your laptop
Chose a position where you can achieve the best posture including the ability to:
 adjust the screen position
 sit straight in front of the screen
 keep the laptop away from glare and
 move your arms freely.

External keyboard
This is the most important and easiest solution to poor postures created by the laptop design. The external
keyboard allows you to independently adjust the screen and keyboard position and achieve a more
appropriate position

External pointing devices/mice

Some people find the internal touchpad or trackball difficult to negotiate. It is preferable to use a full sized
mouse – or a mouse that fits your hand size which encourages you to use your whole hand to manoeuvre
the mouse and increases comfort for the user.

Document holders
Remember document holders are useful during laptop use to keep your documents at the same height as
your screen. This is also an effective strategy to minimise twisting and poor neck postures when using the

Laptop stations or stands

These adjustable stands hold the laptop in a more upright position providing good screen height. An
external keypad and mouse can then be used with the laptop. (see figure 2)

Other accessories and advances

• Laptop supports – cushions used on your lap to adjust the height of your laptop
• Laptop models with screens that tilt back fully – this allows greater options for improved head and neck
• Docking stations – that connect the laptop to regular standard sized keyboards, mouse and monitors
• Detachable screens - allow positioning of the screen anywhere

Figure 2.

Reviewed October 2018 V2. Department of Education

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Transporting your laptop
To minimise the risk of pain or discomfort when carrying your laptop:
 Reduce the weight of the bag by removing any unnecessary items
 Try to pick up and put down the bag with smooth movements, rather than jerky and sudden actions
 If possible, use a backpack design with padded shoulder straps – carry over both shoulders.

Laptops, chargers and electrical safety

Laptops and their power supplies (chargers) are not items of 'specified electrical equipment' and therefore
no specific electrical safety precautions are stated in legislation or regulations for these items. There is,
however, a general duty to ensure electrical safety for these items. Your school or workplace may choose
to take extra precautions in addition to the general care and maintenance of laptops. For example;
 implement a testing and tagging regime (point in time test only); or
 connection to a safety switch (ongoing control measure).
Detailed information, including general care and maintenance information and testing regimes for safety
switches, is provided in the Guide to Electrical Safety.
Some schools and workplaces provide laptops and/or chargers which are taken home or permanently used
at home. On issue of the laptop, and as a reminder annually, the following advice should be provided to
students and staff.

Electrical items used at home

Like all electrical equipment, laptops and chargers should be:
 used according to the manufacturer’s instructions; and
 protected from damage through general care and maintenance.

General care and maintenance includes:

 Protect leads and equipment from damage e.g. position leads and equipment where they are not
likely to be damaged
 Make visual inspections of the lead, plug and item before use for any cuts, damage, cracks, burnt
areas etc. If these are identified, remove the item from use
 Use power boards (with overload protection) instead of double adaptors
 Remove faulty electrical items from use immediately to ensure the item is not used inadvertently by
someone else; clearly label them as ‘faulty’ or ‘out of service’
 Discard faulty electrical equipment or have it repaired by an electrician.

Extra measures
It is recognised that items such as laptops may be exposed to damage or greater wear and tear as they are
transported from home to work or within the workplace. In the home environment, parents, students and
staff may choose to plug laptops and chargers into power points that have safety switch protection.
Connecting to a portable safety switch, such as a power board with an inbuilt safety switch, is an alternative
where permanent safety switch protection is not installed.
Other information
Creating Healthier Workplaces – Manual Tasks and Ergonomics
Office Ergonomics – self assessment template
Ergonomics guide to computer tablet use

Reviewed October 2018 V2. Department of Education

Uncontrolled when printed. Organisational Safety and Wellbeing

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