Ballistic GalvanometerLesson 7.2 Basic Parameters Associated With The Ballistic Galvanometer
Ballistic GalvanometerLesson 7.2 Basic Parameters Associated With The Ballistic Galvanometer
Ballistic GalvanometerLesson 7.2 Basic Parameters Associated With The Ballistic Galvanometer
Discipline Course-I
Paper No: Electricity and Magnetism
Lesson: Ballistic GalvanometerLesson 7.2: Basic
Parameters associated with the Ballistic Galvanometer
Lesson Developer: Sh. N. K. Sehgal and Dr. Chetana Jain
Learning Objective
Current Sensitivity
o Current Sensitivity of a ballistic Galvanometer
o Practically convenient definitions of current sensitivity
o Experimental Determination of current sensitivity
Charge Sensitivity
o Experimental Determination
Electromagnetic Damping
o Role of Critical Damping Resistance (RCDR)
o Role of the Damping Key
o Logarithmic Decrement (λ)
o Practically Useful Expression for λ
o Indirect experimental Methods of calculating RCDR using
values of λ
o Lamp and Scale Arrangement
o Fill in the Blanks
o True/False
o Multiple Choice Questions
o Short notes
o Essay type questions
In this lesson we will learn about the basic parameters of a ballistic galvanometer. The main
focus will be on current and charge sensitivities, and electromagnetic damping. The
importance of critical damping resistance will also be discussed. For a better understanding
of these concepts, a detailed experimental setup is also explained which provides
information on how to determine the basic parameters of a ballistic galvanometer.
Current Sensitivity
The current sensitivity, of the coil of a moving coil galvanometer, equals the (steady)
current needed to produce a (steady) unit deflection of its coil. For a moving coil
galvanometer, we know that the (steady) torque acting on its coil, when a steady current, I,
flows through it, equals nABi. Here n = number of turns in the coil of the galvanometer, A =
area of the coil and B = magnetic field in which the coil is situated.
This deflecting torque is opposed by the (restoring) torque (=Cθ), acting on the coil, due to
the (angular) twist, θ, produced in the suspension wire supporting the coil. The equilibrium
deflection, θ, corresponding to the flow of a steady current, I, through the coil of the
galvanometer, is, therefore, given by
nABi = Cθ
We thus have,
Clearly, i=k when θ = 1 unit. Thus k equals, is, the current sensitivity of the given moving
coil galvanometer.
We see that since is (=k) = C/nAB, the current sensitivity, of a given galvanometer, can be
improved by making,
i. ‘C’ small
ii. ‘n’ large
iii. ‘A’ large
iv. ‘B’ large
Here it is important to note that the current sensitivity, of a given moving coil
galvanometer, improves when its magnitude is small. This is because a galvanometer,
needing a smaller current to produce a unit deflection of its coil, is more sensitive (or
responsive) to the flow of a current through its coil than the one which needs a larger
current for having its coil deflected by a unit amount.
The answer to the question is: ‘YES’. This is because a ballistic galvanometer, in spite of the
(two) basic change in its design, i.e.,
still remains basically, a moving coil galvanometer. We can, therefore, still, use a ‘ballistic
galvanometer’ as a ‘moving coil galvanometer’ though the reverse is, generally, not true.
Such a use of a ballistic galvanometer has, however, to be done with extra care because of
the very nature of its design. A ballistic galvanometer would (generally) need much smaller
currents than an ordinary moving coil galvanometer, to produce its ‘permitted maximum
The current sensitivity of a given ballistic galvanometer would then be defined in the same
way as that for an ordinary moving coil galvanometer. It equals the current needed to
produce a unit angular deflection of its coil. It, therefore, again equals the ratio (C/nAB),
i.e., the same as the expression used for an ordinary moving coil galvanometer.
It is to be again noted that a given galvanometer would have a better current sensitivity if i s
(= C/nAB) has a small value. We thus need to keep C small and n, A, B as large for the
galvanometer to have a better current sensitivity. Incidentally, a smaller value of C is also
needed to increase the free time period of the coil of a galvanometer, which is an essential
requirement for the galvanometer to act as a ballistic galvanometer.
We have already noticed that we usually use the ‘lamp and scale’ arrangement for observing
and measuring the deflection of the coil of a ballistic galvanometer. We have also noticed
that, because of the use of this arrangement, we often think of a ‘unit deflection’ of the coil
of this galvanometer, as corresponding to a movement of one mm, of the reflected vertical
line on a scale kept at a distance of 1m from the mirror (of radius of curvature = 1m)
attached to the coil.
i. The current sensitivity of a ballistic galvanometer equals the current (in μA) needed
to produce a displacement of 1mm (of the vertical dark line on the scale) on the
scale kept at a distance of 1m from the mirror of the galvanometer.
ii. Conversely, the current sensitivity, of a ballistic galvanometer, equals the number of
millimeters deflection of the dark vertical line, on a scale kept at a distance of 1m
from the mirror of the galvanometer when a steady current of 1μA flows through the
μA Galvanometer
Resistance R
Rheostat based
potential divider
Figure 1
We note (steady) deflection of the coil of the galvanometer for 5 to 6 different values of the
current. We can then calculate the mean value of the current per unit deflection and thus
calculate the current sensitivity of the given ballistic galvanometer. This value could also be
used to find the deflections produced by a current of 1μA. We could thus get a value
corresponding to the ‘reversed definition’ of current sensitivity.
It may be noted that we can avoid the use of the micro-ammeter if we have an
arrangement for measuring the potential (V) used to send the current through the
galvanometer (of known resistance G). The variable (high) resistance, R, should also have
known (or already measured) values. The current would then equal V/(R+G).
Charge Sensitivity
The charge sensitivity of a ballistic galvanometer may be defined as the (transient) charge
needed to have a unit value for the first maxima of the deflection of its coil.
As in the case of current sensitivity, we can also define the ‘charge sensitivity’, in a ‘reverse’
way. We can say:
ii. The linear displacement, in mm, of the dark vertical line, on the scale, kept at a
distance of 1m from the mirror of the galvanometer.
The second of these meanings of deflection is used more often as it is this meaning that is
more convenient from a practical point of view.
Another important point needs to be kept in mind here. The first maximum deflection, to be
used for calculation of charge sensitivity, has to be the corrected value of the observed first
maximum value of this deflection. This corrected value, as we have already noticed, is θ1’ ≈
θ1(1+λ/2), where λ is the ‘logarithmic decrement’ for the circuit being used in the given
experimental setup.
C 1
R1 R2
Figure 2
A set of two resistance boxes is used as a potential divider. The potential, V, used to charge
the capacitor of (known) capacitance C would equal to
Where E is the e.m.f of the cell used. We adjust R1 and R2 (keeping R1 + R2 constant) for
taking a number of readings. For each reading, it is desirable to keep R 1 as a small fraction
of (R1+R2). This is done to ensure that the total charge (Q=CV) that would flow (transiently)
through the ballistic galvanometer remains small enough to cause a (first maximum)
The two-way tapping key, connected to the capacitor, charges it up when this key is
pressed down to bring the central stud, 0, in contact with the lower stud, 1. When the key is
released, the central stud, 0, ‘flies up’ to make contact with the stud, 2. This results in a
(transient) flow of the charge of the capacitor through the B.G.
Knowing the value of the charge (Q=CV), flowing through the B.G., and the (corrected)
value of the first (observed) maximum deflection; one can calculate the charge sensitivity.
Its mean value, for all the readings taken, can then be taken as the charge sensitivity of the
given ballistic galvanometer, in the given ‘setup’.
It may be noted that the charge sensitivity, of a given ballistic galvanometer, is not quite a
‘characteristic constant’ of that galvanometer. It does depend, somewhat, on the circuit in
which the galvanometer is being used. This is because the ‘corrected value’ of the first
(observed) maximum deflection depends on λ, the logarithmic decrement of the circuit. The
logarithmic decrement, in turn, depends on the total resistance of the galvanometer circuit.
The reference value, or the quoted value, for the charge sensitivity of a given ballistic
galvanometer, is the value corresponding to the galvanometer coil oscillating under open
circuit conditions, immediately after the (transient) charge flow, through its coil gets
completed. This ‘open circuit condition’ is achieved in practice by using a special ‘two-way’
tapping key which breaks the galvanometer circuit immediately after the completion of flow
of the transient charge through it.
Under ‘open circuit condition’, the logarithmic decrement associated with the oscillations of
the coil, is practically zero. Hence, under these conditions, the corrected value of the first
maximum deflection is almost the same as its actually observed value.
Electromagnetic Damping
Electromagnetic damping, as we know, is used as an effective way to make an ordinary
moving coil galvanometer behave in a ‘dead-beat’ way. This ‘dead-beat’ action (no
oscillations of the coil after getting deflected) is achieved by winding its coil over a soft iron
core. The induced (eddy) currents setup in the core cause a (strong) damping torque to act
on the coil (while it is getting deflected). This strong torque (because of the relatively large
magnitude of the induced currents in the soft iron core) dampens the oscillations of the
(deflected) coil to such an extent that it (almost) does not oscillate at all. This makes the
ordinary moving coil galvanometer behave in a ‘dead-beat’ manner.
The ballistic galvanometer, because of the very nature of its action and purpose, is required
to have as little damping as possible. The soft iron core is, therefore, either laminated, or
replaced by a (insulating in nature) bamboo core or even by an air (or vacuum) core. The
damping effects are, therefore, very much reduced and the coil can execute a large number
of (practically undamped) oscillations.
We have already noticed that the coil of a ballistic galvanometer, starts showing its
oscillatory behavior only when the total resistance of the galvanometer circuit is more than
a minimum value called the critical damping resistance. An increase in the value of the total
resistance of the galvanometer circuit decreases the induced current flowing through its coil.
This, in turn, reduces the damping torque associated with this induced current. The critical
damping resistance can now be viewed as the minimum value of the resistance of the
galvanometer circuit for which the damping torque (associated with the induced current)
becomes small enough to let the galvanometer coil exhibit its oscillatory behavior.
In actual practice, a ballistic galvanometer, when in use, always has a tapping key
connected across its coil terminals. This key is known as the damping key and it plays a
significant role during the practical use of a ballistic galvanometer.
We can understand the role of the damping key as follows. The coil of the ballistic
galvanometer, when oscillating, has an e.m.f induced across its terminals as per the
phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The induced current (responsible for the
damping torque) has a magnitude dependent not only on the magnitude of the induced
e.m.f but also upon the total resistance of the galvanometer circuit. This total resistance,
being usually more than the critical damping resistance (electromagnetic), the damping
torque on the oscillating galvanometer coil is usually quite small.
During the course of an experiment, it often becomes necessary to stop the oscillations of
the coil so that one can go on to take the next reading. The damping key helps to do the
needful in such situations. When the damping key is pressed (as in figure 3), the total
effective resistance of the galvanometer coil circuit becomes just the resistance of the coil
itself. This being the minimum resistance of this circuit, the induced current caused by the
induced e.m.f., becomes maximum. The resulting electromagnetic damping torque acting on
the coil also has its maximum value and this maximum value is usually sufficient to bring
the oscillating coil to rest almost instantaneously. The damping key thus serves as an
instant stopping device whenever the oscillating coil needs to be quickly brought to rest.
This role of the damping key is of great use to the experimentalist as it helps to save a lot
of her/his precious time.
Damping Key
Figure 3
Logarithmic Decrement
The logarithmic decrement (λ) is a useful quantitative measure of the extent of damping in
a given ballistic galvanometer circuit. It also provides the correcting factor (≈1+λ/2) needed
to correct the value of the experimentally observed first maximum deflection of the coil of
the galvanometer.
To understand how λ is defined, we again look at the relation between the deflection (θ)
and Q (transient charge) flowing through the galvanometer coil (as derived in the previous
lesson). We have,
ωtn = n∏ + tan-1(ω/l)
= e-ltn ( )
= e-ltn
Therefore, θn = e-ltn
= nABQ/I. e-ltn
= nAB/ . Q. e-ltn
| | = e-ltn / e-lt(n+1)
l(t –t )
=e n+1 n
The ratio, of the magnitudes of any two successive maxima, during the oscillations of the
coil, is therefore, a constant for a given circuit. We may call this ratio as the decrement
factor because it gives us the factor by which each maximum gets decreased relative to its
predecessor. This factor is clearly going to depend on the extent of damping in the circuit.
The logarithm (to the base of e) of this decrement factor is known as the logarithmic
decrement (λ) for the given circuit. We thus have,
The logarithmic decrement (λ), for a given ballistic galvanometer circuit, equals the natural
logarithm of the ratio of the magnitudes of any two successive maxima of the deflection of
the oscillating coil of the ballistic galvanometer.
The logarithm decrement (λ), rather than the decrement factor (=| |), is taken as the
practical indicator and measure of the extent of damping in a given ballistic galvanometer
circuit. This is because of the relatively more compact form of its expression.
Now, λ/∏=l/ω
The term l, as we see, is related to the sum of the viscous damping related term, b, and the
electromagnetic damping related term (nAB) 2/R. The term l, therefore, is an indicator of the
total damping present in a given circuit.
When the galvanometer coil is executing its free or natural oscillations, it is in an open
circuit, so that R ∞. We can, therefore, take l 0 during the free or natural oscillations of
the coil of the galvanometer.
Since, λ = ∏ l/ω, we can take λ 0 during the free or natural or open circuit (R ∞),
oscillations of the coil. The very small damping associated with such oscillations is due only
to the viscous effects of the air in which the coil is oscillating. For such free oscillations, λ
has its minimum value. This minimum value is usually denoted by λ0. Thus,
λ0 = logarithmic decrement, for a given ballistic galvanometer coil, when the coil is
oscillating under open circuit (or free or natural) conditions.
Further, ω=2∏/T, where t is the time period of oscillations of the galvanometer coil under
actual circuit conditions.
Therefore, T/T0= m/ = m/m (1- )
= (1- )
The term of the right equal nearly (1+ ) when l << m. For a ballistic galvanometer
circuit, l is usually kept very small. Hence the approximation, l << m, is usually a practically
valid approximation. We then have,
-1/2 1/2
(1- ) ≈ (1+ ) ≈ (1+ )
l/ω = λ/∏
½ 1/2
T ≈ T0 (1+ ) = T0 (1+ )
We had made use of this approximation in our derivation of the relation between the
deflection, θ, and the transient charge, Q, flowing through the ballistic galvanometer coil.
| |=decrement factor=x=el.∏/ω
This has a constant magnitude for a given circuit. We can now write,
loge| |= nλ
λ = 1/10 (loge| |)
This way of calculating λ is a useful direct practical way of obtaining the value of the
logarithmic decrement. We use this approach whenever we calculate λ in a direct manner
based on the definition of λ.
We have an indirect experimental method for calculating the critical damping resistance for
a given ballistic galvanometer. This method is based on the knowledge of the values of the
logarithmic decrement, corresponding to different values of the resistance of the circuit. We
first notice that,
λ= l.T/2
But, T ≈ T0 (1+ )
+ = λ (1+ )
We can regard this equation as giving us the relation between R, the total resistance of the
galvanometer circuit and λ, the corresponding logarithmic decrement of the circuit. To make
use of this relation for calculating RCDR, the critical damping resistance of the given
galvanometer, we notice that we can take,
+ = λ (1+ )
≈ λ0 (1+ )
≈ λ0
Hence, λo + [ ].1/R = λ (1+ )
Here it is important to note that both λo and λ can be easily determined experimentally by
observing the oscillations of the coil when it is oscillating in
The total resistance R equal Rex + RG where Rex is the external resistance put in series with
the galvanometer coil and RG, is the resistance of the galvanometer coil itself. The
galvanometer coil resistance (RG) may be pre-known (say from the data provided by the
manufacturer) or may have to be determined experimentally.
Now, when R RCDR, λ acquires a very large value. We can then neglect 1 in comparison
to . The term [λ (1+ ) ], therefore, approximates λ X ∏/λ or ∏ when R RCDR.
Also, when R RCDR, the coil has just starting coming into its oscillatory mode, thus, for
R RCDR, we can regard T, the time period of oscillations of the coil, as having a very large
These approximations imply that for R RCDR, we can write the above relation between λ and
R, in the form
λo + [ ].1/RCDR =∏
For a given galvanometer, T0 and λ0 can be easily measured experimentally. However, the
other terms (n, A, B) cannot be measured that easily. We therefore use an approximate
graphical method for finding out RCDR.
λo + [ ].1/R = λ (1+ )
When R is quite large in comparison to RCDR, the damping is quite small. For large values of
R, we can therefore, neglect in comparison to 1 and write
λo + [ ].1/R ≈ λ
A graph of λ against 1/R, would, therefore, be a straight line under these conditions. The
slope of this straight line equals the term [ ]. Knowledge of this term, along with the
experimentally determined value of λ0, enables us to calculate RCDR.
Figure 4
Referring to figure 4, it may be noted that the assumed condition (λ2/∏2<<1) tend to break
down for increasing values of (1/R) i.e., for decreasing value of R. this is understandable
because the electromagnetic damping effects keep on increasing with decreasing values of
R. The experimentally plotted graph, between λ and 1/R, therefore, starts deviating from its
straight line nature beyond a certain value of 1/R. It may be noted that the point
corresponding to 1/R = 0, i.e., R ∞, would correspond to λ=λ0. This may be checked
against the experimentally determined value of λ0.
In this lesson we have learned the following concepts.
1. Basic parameters of a ballistic galvanometer, such as, its current and charge sensitivity
and the electromagnetic damping.
2. We have learned about the importance of critical damping resistance in the determination
of the above mentioned parameters.
3. A detailed experimental set-up has been explained to determine the above mentioned
4. Role of damping key and the concept of logarithmic decrement has also been discussed.
Fill in the Blanks
i. The free time period of the coil of a ballistic galvanometer should be __________ compared to
the time of flow of the transient current through it.
ii. The deflection of the coil of a ballistic galvanometer is assumed to be __________ at the instant
at which the flow of the transient current through it stops.
iii. The core, used for winding the coil of a ballistic galvanometer, can be either a __________ core
or a __________ core.
iv. The induced currents, flowing in the coil of a ballistic galvanometer during its oscillations, cause
a ________torque to be exerted on it.
v. The coil of a ballistic galvanometer exhibits an oscillatory behavior only when the total
resistance of the circuit of which it is a part, __________ the CDR of the galvanometer.
True/ False
The electromagnetic damping torque = induced current x total area of the coil x
magnetic field
While the deflection of the coil is assumed to be zero, the angular velocity acquired
by it due to the impulsive torque has a finite value. It is because of this acquired
angular velocity that the coil oscillates even after the flow of the transient current
through it stops.
iii. TRUE
The behavior is oscillatory when R>RCDR and non-oscillatory when R<RCDR.
iv. TRUE
When the coil is a part of a circuit there is some electromagnetic damping torque
acting on it. This slows down its oscillations and increased the time period of these
The logarithmic decrement depends on the extent of damping in the circuit, which, in
turn, depends on the total resistance of the circuit.
ii. The logarithmic decrement for the oscillating coil of a given ballistic galvanometer
present in a given circuit, has a
a. Constant value for that circuit but this value is more than that for the same
ballistic galvanometer when oscillating under open circuit conditions
b. Constant value for that circuit but this value is less than that for the same
ballistic galvanometer when oscillating under open circuit conditions.
c. Continuously decreasing value with the final value soon approaching zero.
d. Continuously increasing value with the final value approaching that for the
same ballistic galvanometer when oscillating under open circuit conditions.
Answer: a
Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:
a. The logarithmic decrement, by definition, equals the natural logarithm of the ratio
of the magnitudes of the amplitudes of two successive oscillations. It is constant for
a given circuit with its value decreasing with an increase in the total resistance of the
circuit. It, therefore, has its minimum value when a given ballistic galvanometer
oscillated under open circuit conditions.
b. same as above
c. the logarithmic decrement for a given ballistic galvanometer used in a given circuit
has a constant value for that circuit.
d. same as above
iii. The critical damping resistance (RCDR) for a given ballistic galvanometer has a value,
a. That mainly depends on the n, A, B, C and I values for that galvanometer and
we need to keep the total resistance of the galvanometer circuit just equal to
its RCDR for the galvanometer to show an oscillatory behavior.
b. That mainly depends on the n, A, B, C and I values for that galvanometer and
we need to keep the total resistance of the galvanometer circuit less than its
RCDR for the galvanometer to show an oscillatory behavior.
c. That mainly depends on the n, A, B, C and I values for that galvanometer and
we need to keep the total resistance of the galvanometer circuit more than
RCDR for the galvanometer to show an oscillatory behavior.
Answer: c
Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:
a. We have
RCDR = (nAB)2/( - b)
It thus mainly depends on the n, A, B, C and I values for a given
galvanometer. There is a small effect, due to b, the constant determining the
effect of air damping. However, we need to keep the total resistance of the
galvanometer circuit considerably more than its RCDR for the galvanometer to
show an oscillatory behavior.
b. Same as above
c. Same as above
d. Same as above
iv. In the design of a ballistic galvanometer the moment of inertia about the suspension
wire axis is kept large and the torsional constant of its suspension wire is kept small.
This is done to ensure that
a. The electromagnetic damping effects get very much reduced
b. The critical damping resistance, for the galvanometer has a small value
c. The free time period of the galvanometer coil is much smaller than the
duration of the time interval for which the transient current flows through the
galvanometer coil.
d. The free time period of the galvanometer coil is much greater than the
duration of the time interval for which the transient current flows through the
galvanometer coil.
Answer: d
Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:
a. The given factors affect the free time period of the galvanometer coil and not
the extent of electromagnetic damping produced in it.
b. The given factors affect the free time period of the galvanometer coil and not
the critical damping resistance of the galvanometer circuit.
c. The given factors affect the free time period of the galvanometer coil and not
the extent of the electromagnetic damping produced in it. The manufacturer
adjusts their values so that this free time period of the galvanometer coil is
much greater than the duration of the time interval for which the transient
current flows through the galvanometer coil.
d. Same as above.
v. In the lamp and scale arrangement used with a ballistic galvanometer the
displacement of the dark vertical line on the scale is proportional, strictly speaking,
a. The angular displacement, θ, of the coil
b. 2θ where θ is the angular displacement of the galvanometer coil
c. tanθ, where θ is the angular displacement of the galvanometer coil
d. tan2θ, where θ is the angular displacement of the galvanometer coil
Answer: d
Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:
a. When the coil of the galvanometer, and, therefore, the concave mirror
attached to it turns through an angle θ, the reflected ray turns through and
angle 2θ. The displacement, d, of the dark vertical line on the sale, is
therefore, given by,
It is only for small values of θ (and therefore 2θ) that we can approximate tan
2θ by 2θ. However strictly speaking, we have d tan2θ
b. Same as above
c. Same as above
d. Same as above
Short Notes
1. State, with reason, and with their appropriate expressions, the different torques
acting on the coil of a ballistic galvanometer during the duration of the flow of a
transient current through it.
2. Explain how the total resistance of a ballistic galvanometer circuit determines the
nature of the movement of its coil.
3. Define the term logarithmic decrement. Discuss how it can be determined
experimentally for a given ballistic galvanometer being used in a given circuit.
4. Write the equation of motion of the coil of a ballistic galvanometer during the time
i. 0<t<τ
ii. t>τ.
1. Books: