Kindergarten Math
Kindergarten Math
Kindergarten Math
Central Focus:
● The central focus of this learning segment is for students to access quantity and
number through counting and subitizing with fluency.
State Standards:
● NC.K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities.
○ When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order,
pairing each object with one and only one number name and each
number name with one and only one object (one-to-one
○ Recognize that the last number named tells the number of objects
counted regardless of their arrangement (cardinality).
○ State the number of objects in a group, of up to 5 objects, without
counting the objects (perceptual subitizing).
Daily Objectives:
● I can count 0-5 objects and write the number that shows the matching quantity.
● I can name a group with the numeral that tells how many are in it by counting.
● I can match a quantity with the numeral that describes it.