Kindergarten Math

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edTPA Kindergarten Math Learning Segment: Matching Amount Counted to a Numeral

(subitizing with counting)

Central Focus:
● The central focus of this learning segment is for students to access quantity and
number through counting and subitizing with fluency.

Essential Questions: How do we name groups that we count?

State Standards:
● NC.K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities.
○ When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order,
pairing each object with one and only one number name and each
number name with one and only one object (one-to-one
○ Recognize that the last number named tells the number of objects
counted regardless of their arrangement (cardinality).
○ State the number of objects in a group, of up to 5 objects, without
counting the objects (perceptual subitizing).
Daily Objectives:
● I can count 0-5 objects and write the number that shows the matching quantity.
● I can name a group with the numeral that tells how many are in it by counting.
● I can match a quantity with the numeral that describes it.

Academic Language Objectives:

● Students will be able to record quantities by writing numerals.
● Students will be able to represent numerals by drawing quantities.
● Students will be able to describe groups and quantities by name when writing
● Interactive whiteboard (pre- made slides)
● Counters
● Individual Whiteboards
● Dry Erase Markers
● Erasers
● Worksheets
● Pencils/ Crayons
Background Information:
Cooperating teacher and Teacher Assistant will be circulating around to provide
support to students throughout the workstations. During the mini lesson, the teacher
assistant will help set up the stations with the necessary supplies and worksheets.
Lesson procedures:
Before Lesson:
● Set up interactive whiteboard with activity slides. Keep learning objective
and expectations in slides to review. Put whiteboards, markers, and
erasers at front of room, ready to be distributed. Ask teacher assistant to
set up stations during lesson. Have “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” book
ready at the front of the class. Students will begin seated in their assigned
spots on the carpet.
Introduction(3 Min):
● Welcome students, remind them of expectations set out yesterday
● Let’s remember: Our learning objective from yesterday was to be able to
count 0-5 objects and be able to write the number that shows the
matching quantity. Today we will be focusing on counting and matching
our numerals with the right amount.
Lesson Hook (10min): Engage Prior Knowledge- Writing Numerals
● Read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle aloud, pause at each
mentioned number.
○ Explain to students “Whenever I come to a number in the story let
me know by giving me a signal- show me what number with your
fingers! Whenever we come across a number, we are going to start
at zero and count that many and practice write the numeral that
matches on our whiteboards, just like yesterday!
○ Informal Assessment: Observe students writing the numerals, make
note if students are struggling or do not complete some numerals.
Transition: “Great job, you all are really getting good at your numerals. I love the
hard work you are putting in! Yesterday we learned about the symbols for our numbers
0-5. Today we are going to learn that we can name groups (which are quantities, like
we learned yesterday) by our numerals.”
Introducing Matching Quantities with Numerals (Cardinality) (3 Min)
● Just like our group has a name, Mrs. H’s class, this group of characters all
together has a name- Letterlanders (show a picture) and this group of kids
has a name (show a picture of PJ Masks). Numerals are names for
quantities or things we can count.
● Just like we learned yesterday, when we count we say one number name
at a time in order. Lets try it (bring up slide with items to count). Notice that
when we STOP (exaggerate hold up hand to signal to stop) counting, the
last number we said is the name for that group AND it also tells us how
many are in that group! Let’s check- count again.
● This means that we can tell the name AND how many are in that group by
counting! Let’s Practice
Practicing Matching Quantities with Numerals(10min): Smartboard activity-
Model drawing a numeral and matching a quantity
● Pull up slides on computer
● Explain to students that we will be playing a game similar to yesterday!
● Our game today will be a matching game, just like on our work plans last
● I will show you either a quantity (a collection of things to count) or a
numeral (a written number that describes a quantity)
○ Your job will be to either write the numeral that goes with the
quantity or the quantity that goes with the numeral
● I will show you one (model writing the numeral and model writing the
● Let’s do one together! Explain to students that they will get together with
their partner and decide on their whiteboard what to do and each write it
down, they will have one minute, I will time you. I will pick someone to
come up and show what they did
○ Show a slide, set a timer for one minute, and walk around as
students discuss
○ Informal Assessment: As you are walking around write down
observations on student discourse, use of academic language,
and answer choices
○ Choose a pairing and allow them to write on the board
● Repeat with several slides- each slide, the quantity slides with different
representations (hands with fingers up, dots, bears, etc.)
Transition: Wow! You guys are learning so much about numbers, I’m impressed! Now we
are going to practice some more at some stations, just like yesterday!
Work Stations(20 min): Different representations of quantities
■ Station 1: Students will practice forming quantities to match
numerals with counting bears (bear counters and bear
■ Station 2: students will practice forming quantities to match
numerals with pom poms (gumball worksheets (1-5) and
craft pompoms)
■ Students who finish the first two stations may work on their
work plans
● Station with me: Formal Assessment
Individual Oral Assessment:
● Ask students to: Start at one and count (stop them at 10)
● Place 5 counters on table in a line
● Ask them to count
○ See if they point
○ See if they are in order
○ Look at one to one
○ To differentiate move them and ask how many again
● Give them a number card
○ Ask them to draw how many on paper (numeral)
○ Ask them to show how many with their fingers
○ Ask them to say how many with words
Wrap Up
● Ask students to turn in all work in the green bin and return to the carpet.
● Remind students that today and every day we can name quantities using
numerals, when we count, numerals describe ‘how many’ we see.
● Tell students to turn and talk to their partner about what they learned
today (2 minutes) Informal assessment: Walk around and listen to student
conversations, notice if there are any misconceptions.
● Informal Assessment: Ask students what they’ve learned, did they have
any special learning moments? Write down observations and any
misconceptions students brought up
● Student Support:
○ For turn and talk, partner English language learners with responsible
students who can be patient and provide extra explanations.
○ Monitor student engagement, if students become disinterested or
distracted play a game: teacher or student shouts out a number and
students have to get into a group with that number of people by holding
○ Allow student with socio- emotional needs to take frequent bathroom
breaks, choose her own partner, and go to her station first and give
frequent feedback about her behavior on the carpet(verbal and non-
verbal, head nodding, smiling etc.).
○ Students who complete the workstations early will have the option to
continue to their work plan for the week which contains individualized
challenge mathematics works for each student.

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