Leonardo Da Vinci

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Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) is one of the world’s greatest

thinkers, artists and philosophers. Seeking after perfection, he

created rare masterpieces of art such as ‘The Mona Lisa’ and The
Last Supper.’

In addition to art, Da Vinci studied all aspects of life from anatomy

to mathematics and astronomy; his far-reaching investigations and
discoveries sought to show an underlying unity of the universe. Da
Vinci is considered to be a key person in the birth of the European Renaissance, which saw an
emergence of new ideas, scientific discoveries and the creation of beautiful art.

Leonardo was born an illegitimate son of a Florentine noble and peasant woman; he grew up in
Vinci, Italy. In his formative years, he developed a love of nature and from an early age began to
display his remarkable academic and artistic talents.

In 1466, he moved to Florence where he entered the

workshop of Verrocchio. Initially, his formative style
reflected his teacher but he soon developed an artistic
sense which went far beyond his master’s rigid style. His
first work of significance was the “Adoration of the
Magi” commissioned by monks of San Donato a
Scopeto. Although unfinished, the work was a
masterpiece and introduced several new ideas. In
particular, he introduced themes of movement and
drama. He also pioneered the use of Chiaroscuro; this is the technique of defining forms through
the contrast of light and shadow. This would be later used to great effect in the Mona Lisa.

“Shadow is the means by which bodies display their form. The forms of bodies could
not be understood in detail but for shadow.” The Notebooks of Leonardo da
Vinci (Richter, 1888)
In 1482, Leonardo went to the court of Ludovico Sforza in Milan, where he stayed for 16 years.
Here he continued painting and also branched out into other interest such as engineering and
anatomy. During this period he painted the famous artworks “Madonna on the Rocks” and also
“The Last Supper.”

The Last Supper has been described as one of the greatest religious paintings. With Christ at the
centre of the picture, it embodies great feeling and emotion as Christ is about to announce his
imminent betrayal by Judas. The painting is held at the Convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie,
Milan, but unfortunately over time the quality of the original painting has deteriorated, despite
frequent restoration attempts.

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