Andreev Rodion 201508 MSC PDF
Andreev Rodion 201508 MSC PDF
Andreev Rodion 201508 MSC PDF
Costs in Operation
Rodion Andreev
Master of Science
Mining Engineering
The results obtained from the investigation show that use of hydraulic
excavators in open cast mining allows to get considerably higher production
rates in comparison to rope shovels of the similar age. Electric cable shovels,
however, compensate their high initial purchase cost by comparatively low
service expenditures and, wherefore, 1m3 of excavation with use of rope
shovels become cheaper by about 5 years (30,000 hours) of operation.
Finally, but most deeply, I would like to thank my wife and daughter for
their support and patience during preparation of this thesis.
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………….…. ii
AKNOWLEGEMENTS…………………………………………… iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………….…. v
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………… x
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………...…. 1
2. LITERATURE SURVEY………………………………..….. 5
2.1 Introduction…………………………………………... 5
2.2.4 Buckets………………………………………. 13
2.2.8 Undercarriage………………………………... 21
3.1.3 PC 3000……………………………………… 38
3.1.4 PC 4000……………………………………… 40
3.1.5 PC 5500……………………………………… 42
3.1.6 PC 8000……………………………………… 44
vi General Overview…………………… 47 Hydrogeology………………………... 51 EKG-10……………………………… 55 EKG-12……………………………… 58 EKG-15……………………………… 60 EKG-18……………………………… 62 EKG-20……………………………… 64 PC 2000……………………………… 71
vii R 994………………………………… 74
4.1 Introduction…………………………………………... 76
4.2.2 Production…………………………………… 85
REFERENCES……………………………………………………. 114
3.1 List of the estimated parameters and data collected for the
comparison study………………………………….………. 36
3.16 R 994: Main specifications……………………………..… 75
4.15 Hydraulic excavators’ operation costs (lease excluded)…. 98
C.3 Expenditure costs (lease included): Rope shovels 0÷60.000
hours...................................................................................... 137
3.4 PC 8000: Basic dimensions………………………………… 44
cumulative average values…………………………………..
FS Front Shovel
BH Backhoe
RS Rope Shovel
LL Liquid Limit
PL Plastic Limit
PI Plastisity Index
DC Direct Current
PA Physical Availability
r Correlation Coefficient
One of the most typical machines used in surface mining for excavating
and loading material is a single-bucket mining shovel. In turn, there are two
essential types of this heavy equipment, which are rope shovels and hydraulic
excavators. Both can be found at virtually all modern large-scale surface
mining sites.
Both rope shovels and hydraulic excavators have advantages with respect
to one another and depending on the conditions (geotechnical, engineering,
climatic, etc.). In this study analysis of performance of both types of excavator
was made as well as determining expenditures associated with their possession
and utilization.
1.2 Objectives of the Thesis
This study has three main objectives. The first one was to collect as much
data as possible about performance of rope shovels and hydraulic excavators -
uptime hours and downtime causes, productivity rates and excavation costs.
The third purpose has two stages, as follows: 1) to summarize all the
obtained information in order to analyze performance parameters change with
life and estimate overall cost of ownership of an excavator; 2) to provide a
comparison of mining shovels classified as “Rope Shovels” (RS) and
“Hydraulic Excavators” (HEX) based on the results of the study and the
parameters examined.
The study has been carried out in four steps. As a first step, an extensive
literature survey was performed. It included review of existing single-bucket
mining shovels, their design and kinematics, application pros and cons, factors
affecting productivity and applied maintenance strategies.
The second step included data collection at Komatsu Mining Germany
(which is Komatsu Ltd. Manufacturing facility for super large hydraulic
mining excavators) in regards to their machines operating around the globe.
The final stage comprised analysis of each dataset brought together for
examination and comparison of such surface mining equipment models under
A comparison of the excavators was made on the examination results of
the following indices: 1) physical availability; 2) productivity; 3) operation
cost. The results can be found in Chapter 4.
2.1 Introduction
Surface mining today is not possible without the use of large excavation
equipment which is an integral part of the mining process. The most common
class of excavation machines working in surface mines are single-bucket
excavators. Their duty cycle consists of digging operations, moving the filled
bucket to an unloading point, unloading the excavated material from the bucket
into a vehicle and returning to the digging face. Duration of the duty cycle
depends on the capacity and type of excavators and the working conditions,
varying from 20 to 80 seconds [1]. Production level for 1m3 of equivalent
bucket capacity varies significantly and depends on the operating conditions.
Heavy-duty excavation equipment is related to the instability of the mining
conditions, loading activity and wear of equipment.
Rope shovels and hydraulic excavators are used to dig any (including the
strongest and heterogeneous) earth broken rock materials with large solid
inclusions. To work in a soft soil shovels and excavators can be supplied with
dippers or buckets of a larger capacity. Hard rocks and frozen ground are
usually loosened by means of blasting prior to excavation, and mining shovels
are fitted with smaller buckets reinforced for better wear protection.
Development of open cast mining has moved towards a concentration of
operations in smaller number of operating machines, increasing the unit power,
capacity and consequently amount of the handled material per unit time for
shovels. The feasibility of using a particular type of excavation equipment is
based on the assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of
existing factors. The factors influencing choice may include: production
capacity of the mine; physical and mechanical properties of overburden and
minerals, the condition of their occurrence; the accepted mine plan; operating
floor slope angles, bench heights; etc. [2].
5]. For major long-life sites with well-developed electrical supply networks,
where mining and geological conditions do not require selective excavation at
one horizon, these machines are often used.
The main features that are the base for classification of existing open-mine
rope shovels and hydraulic excavators are their bucket capacity or theoretical
productivity and attachment power delivery for excavation. Unlike
construction or other types of excavators, machines used in surface mining are
crawler mounted.
2.2.2 Rope Shovels
A sliding stick rope shovel (Figure 2.1) consists of a dipper (1), a stick (2)
supported by a saddle block (3), and components of a crowding gear. A boom
is abutted by a swinging platform with a pivot hinge (4) and supported by a
support cable (5). A hoist cable passes from a hoist (O1) through a heading
block (6) and at the point (B) joins a dipper (7).
Figure 2.1 Machine arrangement of a sliding stick rope shovel. Adapted from
Mechanical equipment for surface mining (p. 149) by Poderny R.,
2007, Moscow. Copyright 2007 by Poderny R..
- With a rack-and-gear crowding mechanism (Figure 2.1, a) sited on
the boom (8) and transferring the force with a rack gear (10) (rotation
axis (O2)) on a rack bar (9) sited on the stick (2).
Positioning of the stick in the saddle block allows it to rotate on the axis
O2 by the hoist cable acting force, as well as to slide inside the saddle block by
the crowding mechanism action. Moreover, it provides rotation around the
stick center-line. Thereby, three last groups of rope shovels have sticks with
three degrees of freedom. A dipper motion is determined by summarizing
movement vectors caused by the crowd and hoist mechanisms.
Rope shovels are intended for mining operations above the machine
ground level. Nevertheless, they are able to dig slightly below that level which
is enough only for the machine to embed itself when trenching (ditching) and
creating a downward ramp.
Figure 2.2 Machine arrangement of a hydraulic excavator with changeable
attachments. Adapted from Mechanical equipment for surface
mining (p. 153) by Poderny R., 2007, Moscow. Copyright 2007 by
Poderny R..
Both front shovel and backhoe attachments can be removed and installed
on the same machine.
Hydraulic front shovel configurations developed different manufacturers
are similar. However, the arrangement of hydrocylinders for different
excavator model purposes creates optimal kinematics as a function of
For instance, the Orenstein & Koppel (O&K) company (now part of
Caterpillar) designed a TriPower system (Figure 2.3) which comprised a three-
part rotatable arm sited on the boom and connected to the boom and bucket
cylinders. This design provides the bucket to be activated horizontally for each
dig height and keeps the angle of the loaded bucket constant to varying
positions of the boom and stick.
2.2.4 Buckets
Bucket configurations for mining shovels depend on their connection to
the handle or stick. Depending on application, buckets are classified as heavy,
medium and light and are used for working in heavy duty, normal, light
conditions or coal loading, respectively.
Ninety percent of rope shovels for open pit mining placed on the global
market these days have dipper capacities between 30 m3 and 45m3 [8].
However, smaller and larger models from about 10m3 (P&H 1900AL – 10,7m3,
EKG-10 – 10m3) to up to almost 80m3 (P&H 4800XPC – 77,6m3) also exist.
Moreover, at many mining sites of former Soviet Union countries smaller old
models of rope shovels with dippers capacities of 8m3 (EKG-8) and even 5m3
(EKG-5A) are still commonly used.
As for rope shovels, hydraulic excavators have seen recent bucket capacity
increases in the past two decades, but the creation a large hydraulic excavator
is limited for a number of reasons. The main reason is that technological
advantages of hydraulic machines such as mobility and selective excavation
decrease with size increase. Therefore, hydraulic excavators have capped at a
bucket capacity limit of 42m3 [8].
Modern rope shovel dippers usually have a back wall considerably lesser
than a front one. The front lip has a flat or a curved shape in order to provide
better material pickup and dipper fill. Dippers for hard rock application have
higher lip curvatures. Buckets cutting edges are reinforced with high-
manganese steel for higher resistance and durability.
Figure 2.4 Rope shovel free-falling pendulum doors dipper with a curved shape
front lip (The picture was kindly provided by Dr. Tim Grain Joseph,
University of Alberta)
Bucket teeth for surface mining excavators are consumables. Often they
have symmetrical shapes along the longitudinal axis. After a tooth has worn, it
can be easily chanced in the field.
2.2.5 Rope Shovel Crowding Mechanism
The rotational frequency of a lower works for a heavy single bucket
excavator should not exceed 0,02 sec-1 (50 seconds for one complete rotation
Swinging a loaded bucket to a truck and returning it back to the cycle start
after dumping are two components that take the most time for a rope shovel or
hydraulic excavator duty cycle. Therefore, increasing the rotational speed of
the lower works can increase in machine productivity significantly.
Figure 2.5 Rope shovel lower works (The picture was kindly provided by Dr.
Tim Grain Joseph, University of Alberta)
Figure 2.6 Rope shovel upper works - revolving frame (The picture was kindly
provided by Dr. Tim Grain Joseph, University of Alberta)
“The cycle time for hydraulic front shovels in normal digging conditions is
about 25 to 30 seconds. The “backhoe” configuration cycle time can be rather
faster. When an excavator is set up correctly on the upper level and the swing
angle is between 20 and 30 degrees the cycles time can be as little as 20 to 23
seconds.” “Electric rope shovels with a swing angle of 70 degrees would have
the cycle time close to 34 seconds”, says Koellner [9].
The majority of single-bucket excavators have slewing mechanisms with
loose rollers whose axes are fastened in holders. The rollers have cylindrical or
conical shape with one or two bearing ribs. Conical rollers for heavy duty
machines create some crowning on the roller path contact surface with the
rotating circle. Conical rollers wear slower than cylindrical ones, but they are
more difficult to manufacture.
Figure 2.7 Rope shovel rotating circle and cylindrical rollers (The picture was
kindly provided by Dr. Tim Grain Joseph, University of Alberta)
Auxiliary mechanisms such as brakes are managed by a pneumatic or
hydraulic system. Such systems can be called electro-pneumatic and electro-
2.2.8 Undercarriage
The undercarriage is to move an excavator and the basis for supporting all
the upper machine parts. Common crawler undercarriage for mining shovels is
two parallel crawler mechanisms with linked pads, drive sprockets, bottom and
upper (supporting) rollers and idlers. Among the main characteristics required
from an undercarriage is: sufficient moving force, speed and maneuverability;
ability to handle given grades and inclinations; low weight in addition to
providing specific ground force; excavator stability for any position of the
center-of-gravity, and lack of detrimental dynamical loads in a machine during
traveling; low resistances during machine traveling; minimal number of high-
wear parts; operability and durability.
with the same bucket capacity, and this is what gives them an advantage in
mobility and maneuverability.
Travel path slopes usually do not exceed 15°; where maximal generated
loads acting on the ground surface can reach 0.9 MPa (130 psi) [1].
Depending on the way load distribution on the ground during duty cycle is
invoked, crawlers can be either closely or remotely supported.
“Closely sited supports” means that the ratio of tracks on the ground to the
amount of the bottom rollers is less than two In this case individual track links
do not sag at all and provide uniform pressure distribution on the ground under
the rollers as well as between them. “Remotely sited supports” configuration
has the ratio greater than two: individual track links sag easily forming a wavy
line. Pressure values under the rollers and between them differ significantly in
this case. Because of such differences in pressure distribution configurations of
crawler track undercarriages are selected for weak and hard rock application as
“close” and “remote”, respectively.
Where loose and weak ground rocks are encountered under an excavator
drive sprockets and idlers can be raised above the ground level such that the
crawler from the front and back rollers to the sprockets and idlers would be
inclined 10 to 20 degrees from the horizontal.
Unit power for modern crawler propelling motors applied in open pit
excavators (shovels) is approximately 0.18 kW to 0.46kW per ton of machine
weight [1].
pits where temperatures below -30°C dominate gives rise to a large amount of
brittle failure during initial operations [10].
For cold temperatures resistance, not only appropriate steel should be used,
but correct metal structural design is needed. Since brittle failures occur when
component load profiles reach limit resistance of a material, they may give rise
to overall locally concentrated stresses. Such local concentrations can cause a
change of geometry (abrupt change of the element cross-section, notches, cuts,
etc.) and poor fabrication (poor welding, inobservance of the assemblage
processes), as well as by locally adverse applied forces [2, 8].
Initial break-in (70 to 100 hours) of upper works with stresses lower than
normal working conditions and with temperatures allowing plastic
deformations to take place, reduces stress peaks in their concentration zones.
This, in turn, increases fatigue resistance of the material and provides better
cold temperature resistance.
machines. However, existing experience of hydraulic excavators in Northern
Canada (at temperatures of -40°C to -50°C), as well as in Siberia, Russia
(where for several months the temperature does not rise above -30˚C and
sometimes drops to -50˚C) shows that with correct service and the use of
special hydraulic fluids, oils and greases, as well as systems and tools to
preheat working fluids, the service life of hydraulic excavators, and
productivity and reliability can be superior [8, 13,14].
The inherent heavier weight of rope shovels allows, with better dipper
wear protection, working in highly abrasive materials. A heavy duty bucket
design for hydraulic excavators leads to a significant decrease of bucket
capacity, since these machines are lighter and more sensitive to a bucket
weight change.
As for the excavated bench height, both shovel types have comparable
indices. However because of hydraulic excavator`s dimensions, its lower boom
and stick lengths, it needs to work closer to a digging face, which is not so
good from a safety point of view, because of potential rock fall damage. A rope
shovel, in turn, has a larger excavating and loading area which allows it to
position further from the digging face when operating and requires less
machine relocation. Nonetheless, it is recommended to frequently move a
shovel to minimize digging beyond a reference vertical line draw from the
boom heading block sheave wheel axis. This recommendation is discerned
from the fact that working with a large stick handle extension increases the
crowding duration, wear of ropes and crowd mechanism, and generates large
bending, boom and stick, stresses [8].
- Difficulty of excavation which depends on rock type and state [6]. For
instance, when moist clay (or improperly fragmented frozen material in
winter) is dug it sticks to the bucket and thus reduces subsequent payload
volume as well as increases cycle time due to longer dumping;
- Technical parameters, condition, and reliability of the machine [2];
the latter was 30% to 35% higher. However, with lifetime augmentation the
difference dropped to 10% to 15%. Incremental costs a hydraulic excavators’
preventive maintenance and repairs at the same time increased mining prime
costs per 1m3 of excavated rock double that for EKG shovels which had
remained constant for several years (Figures 2.8 and 2.9).
Figure 2.8 Change of the production level with time at Muruntau [12]
Figure 2.9 Change of the cost of excavation with time at Muruntau [12]
In the case of the Muruntau Mine for the period reviewed, failure
downtime of hydraulic excavators increased dramatically, whereas there was
no change in average failure downtime for rope shovels (Figure 2.10).
Figure 2.11 Average hourly production (m3/hr) for R-9350 (a HEX with 3.554
lifetime hours) and EKG-15 (a Rope Shovel with 18.272 hours lifetime) [5]
Properly prepared mining areas promote a long-term, non-stop operation
of a machine. Constant operations can be possible if enough sloughing and
proper blasting fragmentation is provided.
maintenance is a strategy for minimizing maintenance costs by undertaking
corrective activities based on an excavator`s condition. “Routine and complete
medical examinations are to the human body as predictive maintenance is to
equipment” [16]. Proactive maintenance focuses on determining causes of a
failure and providing improved working conditions when those causes are
In this chapter information about the mining shovels within the scope of
this study is given. It includes basic dimensions, main specifications, etc.
Furthermore, for the following analysis and correlation between digging
conditions and main maintenance issues faced at different mining sites, the
chapter also contains description of the sites (location, geology, technological
parameters, etc.).
related down-times, these reports help to recognize abnormal tendencies of a
machine`s work and to provide the impetus to solve problems as early as
60,000 hours of operation which is roughly equal to ten years of normal
intensive work at a mine site and which is usually declared as a typical service
life of a hydraulic excavator by a manufacturer.
For each excavator it was tried to collect as much data per Table 1 as
possible. The major portion has received from product marketing & planning,
application, service, and parts marketing departments. The other main sources
of information were service managers from different parts of the world, who
kindly provided necessary data by request.
Table 3.1 List of the estimated parameters and data collected for the
comparison study
to be Data to be collected
1. Geological conditions (FACE and UNDERFOOT)
1.1 Rock description (a geological description including rock type,
bedding and jointing is desirable)
1.2 Physical and mechanical properties of rock
1.2.1 Density
1.2.2 Uniaxial Compression Strength
1.2.3 Moisture content
1.2.4 Cohesion
1.2.5 Abrasiveness (or scratch hardness by Moh`s scale)
2. Engineering conditions
2.1 Blasting fragmentation
2.2 Travel time
2.3 Swing angle
3. Climatic conditions
3.1 Average annual temperature
3.2 Average annual high temperature
3.3 Average annual low temperature
1. Operation life (total number of hours an excavator has operated)
Availability 2. Operating hours (hours a month)
3. Off-schedule repairs hours (hours a month) by categories *
MTBF * Use the attached failure codes for help
4. Number of failures of each failure code (per month)
MTTR 5. Scheduled services and inspections hours (hours a month)
6. Preventive maintenance hours (hours a month)
1. A new machine cost
2. Repairs costs
2.1 Spare parts
Life Cycle
2.2 Consumables
3. In-service attendance costs
3.1 Fuels and lubricants
3.2 Electricity
1. Tons per hour (for each evaluated month)
3.1.2 General Overview of the Excavators
As one of the main parts of the performance data study for super large
hydraulic mining excavators produced by Komatsu Mining Germany (KMG),
operating around the globe were collected. Standard bucket capacities of these
excavators range from 16 to 42 cubic meters where customers utilize machines
from Canada and Russia, where the ambient temperature can drop in winter
from -50 to Australia and Africa where the “-” turns to “+” sign. Moreover,
these shovels are employed in all types of material and mine a range of
commodities from soft coal and kimberlite to metal and uranium ores.
PC 3000, PC 4000, PC 5500 and PC 8000 models with front shovel bucket
capacities of 16m3, 22 m3, 29 m3 and 42 m3, respectively, are the excavator
models manufactured and supplied by KMG at present.
3.1.3 PC 3000
Table 3.2 PC 3000: Main specifications
3.1.4 PC 4000
Table 3.3 PC 4000: Main specifications
3.1.5 PC 5500
Among the thirty-four pieces of PC 5500 involved in the analysis there are
predominately (31 out of 34) excavators operating in ore (copper, iron and
uranium) mines. These mines in their turn are located in environmental
conditions ranging from a dry and extremely hot (up to + 55C°) to a humid
climate with average minimum of -15 C° to -20C° during the winter time. Both
“front shovel” and “backhoe” modifications are among these machines and
majorly with a diesel drive. Below some of the basic dimensions and main
specifications for PC 5500 hydraulic excavator model are presented.
Table 3.4 PC 5500: Main specifications
3.1.6 PC 8000
Table 3.5 PC 8000: Main specifications
3.2 Data from Industry
After a month of data collection, the major part of the required information
had been received from the company`s geologists, surveyors, mechanical
service and operational (processing) departments. The lacking data in regard to
production numbers and performance parameters, as well as expenditures
related to the possession of a particular shovel were gradually obtained over
further months. Just as it was expected getting numbers for spare parts, fuels,
lubricants, electricity, consumables and other costs was the most challenging
task in the context of cooperating with a mining company.
quantity of units) involved in the study with assistance from a coal mining
company is presented in Table 3.6.
The mining site is located at an upland chain elongated along the strike of
a coal deposit. The mine is oriented north-west with highest mountain altitude
at +610m, to south-east at +580m.
Monoclinal layering of sedimentary rock is insignificantly complicated by the
presence of minor wavy folding. All folded structures have minor size and
rapidly fade. Overburden rocks are mainly presented as sandstone and, to a
lesser degree, siltstone and argillite; quaternary sediments are clay and loam.
The climate is continental with long winters and short hot summers. The
duration of the winter with snow and low temperatures is 6 to 6.5 months.
Maximum temperature is + 35°C (July), the minimum is - 45°C (January). The
thickness of snow cover in some years is up to 170cm. The depth of ground
frost penetration does not exceed 0.5m. The average annual rainfall is 880mm.
The winds have prevailing south-east direction and low speeds of 2 m/sec to
5m/sec. The maximum speed winds have a north-west direction.
The mined formations include twenty coal seams. By thickness they are
divided into thin (0.5m to 1.3m), average (1.3m to 3.5m) and thick ones (3.5m
and above). The structure of the seams involves 1 to 3 and some up to ten
layers of rock. Most of the coal seams are assigned to groups of complex and
very complex structure. Interburden layers are sandstones, argillaceous
sandstones, siltstones, coaly siltstones, argillites and conglomerates. Often
interburden layers have variable lithology and thickness. The thickness changes
from 1 to 3m up to 10 to 35m with the maximum value of 40m to 50m. In
many cases at the base of these interbeds, thin layers of conglomerates and
gravelites can be found. Overall thickness of the set is 370m, the coal
percentage is 10.6%. The lithological composition and percentage are
presented in Table 3.7. A stratigraphic column is given in Figure 3.5.
Table 3.7 Overall thickness and percentage of host rocks and coal seams set
Sandstone is the most prevalent host rock on site. They are presented
layers of up to 50m thickness with intrusions of argillaceous sandstone and
siltstone. They are fine or medium grained (sparsely coarse-grained) with
laminated massive structures. The cement is mainly argillaceous and to a
smaller extent carbonaceous or carbonate-argillaceous. The cement
composition consist of illite with some sericite, braize, carbonates, and sparse
chlorite. The quantity of cement is in the range of 11% to 18%.
Siltstone is less common than sandstone. Mostly liying at the bottom and
top of coal seams. The thickness of siltstones reaches 8m to 11m (sparsely at
20m). They have thin-layered of micro-layered texture. The composition and
nature of the cement is similar to the sandstone cement. The most common
cement is argillaceous at 18% to 30%. The carbonate-argillaceous cement is
rarely observed.
A zone of intense weathering and fracturing is to a depth of 1 to 6 meters.
In the upper part, it is characterized by the presence of debris of 0.05m to 0.4m
size. The thickness of this layer is 0.5m to 2.0 m. Coal represented as a feasible
soot is in the upper portion of the layer. The lower part of the intense
weathered zone is characterized by open, clearly visible, assystematic cracks.
The strength of the rock is low, permitting excavation without blasting. Hydrogeology
In unconsolidated sediments there are two water tables. The first aquifer
presents poorly; it is confined to a light silty loam. It is seasonal and fed by
rainfall and meltwater. The filtration coefficient of the loam is 0.01m/day to
0.00035m/day. The second aquifer is confined to the lower part of Quaternary
sediments occurring at the contact with bedrock. This horizon is characterized
as a permanent regime and is hydraulically connected with the bedrock
groundwater. The water inflow does not exceed 0.1 L/sec to 0.3L/sec. Ground
water quickly drains and does not affect the water inflow to mine openings.
However, despite the low water content in the unconsolidated sediments, even
a small presence reduces the bearing capacity of the soil and leads to pit wall
The main pit has fourteen coal seams with thicknesses from 0.8m to 8.0 m.
They have a complex structure, with dip of 6° to 15°. Thickness of rock
interburden in coal seams and coal layers varies from site to site. Sudden
thickness changes are local progressing to split seams, minor faults, magmatic
intrusions and intraformational erosion. The number of intrastratal layers of
siderite, siltstone, and sandstones with thickness from 0.01m to 0.25m varies
from 2 to 17 layers.
Broken rock and coal are excavated by mining shovels then loaded in
trucks. All coal seams are mined with benches of 40 meters width. In cases
where the thickness of an intraformational rock layers exceeds 0.4 meters,
selective mining of the coal seam is performed.
1. Upper levels are developed by rope shovels and hydraulic excavators with
loading rock to heavy trucks.
2. At the same time some interlayers are developed by draglines with internal
The coal is brittle and easy to blast. Thick layers of sandstone interbeds are
the least-fractured, strong, and dense and even after blasting can form blocks of
2m3 to 3m3.
Fourteen EKG machines of different age and dipper capacity from 10m3 to
20m3 were used in the study. EKG – 10
Four units of this model were used in the study. Two had a relatively long
operational life of nearly 25 years, and a third which started operating in 2005.
The fourth unit (EKG-12,5) is a modified EKG-10. EKG-12,5 was
commissioned in 1990.
Figure 3.6 EKG-10: Basic dimensions [21]
Table 3.8 EKG-10: Main specifications
57 EKG – 12
Three EKG-12 units were reviewed during the study. All had a standard
bucket capacity of 12m3 and were commissioned in 2003, 2004 and 2005,
respectively. The model is supplied with the rope type crowding mechanism,
electric direct current (DC) drive, guy line supported boom and a polyspastless
bucket lift mechanism.
Table 3.9 EKG-12: Main specifications
59 EKG – 15
The operation history for 3 EKG-15 machines was analyzed for the study.
All shovels were of different age (10, 15, and 25 years) and were involved in
waste rock excavation with only minor coal extraction.
Table 3.10 EKG-15: Main specifications
61 EKG – 18
Table 3.11 EKG-18: Main specifications
63 EKG – 20
Table 3.12 EKG-20: Main specifications
For the study six P&H electric cable shovels was used. Bucket capacities of
those excavators ranged from 16m3 (P&H 2300) to 33m3 (P&H 2800). The
oldest started operating in 1983, whereas the newest one was commissioned in
late 2012. With EKG shovels, P&H shovels are used principally for blasted
waste rock excavation.
Four out of six P&H machines studied in this work are modifications of
the P&H 2300.
Some of the basic dimensions and main specifications of the model are
illustrated below in Figure 3.10 and Table 3.13.
Figure 3.11 P&H 2300: Basic dimensions [22]
Table 3.13 P&H 2300: Main specifications
68 P&H 2800
In 2006 two P&H 2800 units were supplied to the mining company. Both
these machines are still in use and have an operational life time approaching
50,000 hours. They are equipped with 33m3 dippers and excavate fine-grained
and medium-grained blasted sandstones and, to a lesser extend, siltstones.
Table 3.14 P&H 2800: Main specifications
3.2.5 Hydraulic Excavators
Ten hydraulic excavators were taken into consideration for the analysis, of
which there were four different models from two manufacturers; PC 2000, PC
4000, and PC 5500 from Komatsu and the R 994 from Liebherr. Smaller
shovels such as the PC 2000 and R 994 were provided with diesel main drives
and excavated waste rock and coal. PC 4000 and PC 5500, however, were
electrically driven and were predominately involved in waste rock excavation.
Since an overview of the PC 4000 and PC 5500 has been given earlier,
below is information on the Komatsu PC 2000 and Liebherr R 994 only. PC 2000
Four units of this model were operating at the mine site. All were
relatively young machines with commissioning dates from late 2011 and 2012
and operational lives of about 14 to 15 and 23 to 24 thousand hours. All
machines were equipped with backhoe attachments of bucket capacity 10m3.
They predominately excavated fragmented coal into heavy trucks.
Some of the basic dimensions and main specifications of this model are
given in Figure 3.13 and Table 3.15.
Figure 3.13 PC 2000: Basic dimensions [24]
Table 3.15 PC 2000: Main specifications
73 R 994
Four R 994 backhoes started operating at the mine site in 2007. All the
machines had buckets of 11m3 and excavated loosened coal.
In Figure 3.13 and Table 3.16 the basic dimensions and main
specifications of the R 994 are shown.
Table 3.16 R 994: Main specifications
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter mining shovels discussed earlier are compared on the base
of a range of performance parameters as well as estimated cost of possession of
a machine in regards to its productivity. Among the performance parameters
ones of the greatest interests for the study are as follows: physical availability;
productivity; and expenditures related to the possession and servicing of a
During the analysis the total amount of 4,731 monthly records (which are
equal to about 3,400,000 calendar hours of operation history) in regards to
performance of 136 pieces of HEXs’ and RSs’ were revised. All the electric
cable shovels under the examination operates at a coal mine, whereas
application distribution among the hydraulic excavators is as it is shown in
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.1 Proportion of examined hydraulic excavators by ore mined
4.2 Investigated Parameters
“Hours worked” and “Hours down for repair” are defined as follows:
“Hours worked” is equal to total calendar hours, unless lesser work hours
had been scheduled by a mine.
This term calculation results in a “physical availability” (PA), a term
which the author finds reasonable and uses in this thesis.
All data are reflected in tables 4.1 to 4.3. Actual values obtained for each
individual piece of equipment are given in Appendix A.
Table 4.1 Hydraulic excavators’ common physical availability values
Table 4.3 Physical availability values of hydraulic excavators working at the
site “A”
Table 4.4 Physical availability of rope shovels with operational lifespan exceeding 60.000 hours
Figure 4.2 Cumulative average physical availability change of mining shovels
in relation to their operation lifetime.
Availability of the hydraulic machines in iron ore and cooper mining are
essentially 5 to 6 per cent less than those working in coal mines; however,
cumulative average availability change with time is similar (Figure 4.3).
Detailed information in regard to PA values of shovels from metal mines is
summarized in Table 4.5.
Figure 4.3 Cumulative average physical availability changes of RSs and HEXs
in coal and metal mines in relation to their operation lifetime.
4.2.2 Production
The equivalent rope shovels analysis shows that the productivity mean is
14,383m3 (4,623m3 to 25,588m3). The average monthly available hours for
rope shovels is somewhat less than hydraulic machines at 467 hours. Or 30.8m3
per hour per 1m3 of bucket capacity.
All data is presented more closely below in Tables 4.6 to 4.8. Actual
values obtained for each individual piece of equipment are given in Appendix
Table 4.6 Hydraulic excavators’ common productivity
Table 4.7 Rope shovels’ productivity
Table 4.8 Productivity of hydraulic excavators operating at site “A”
Table 4.10 Productivity of rope shovels with operational lifespan exceeding 60.000 hours
In order to track and compare average production levels variability with
shovel life, a cumulative average production plot (Figure 4.4) was prepared. It
can be seen from the plot that although there is a difference in production
values for the analyzed equipment from coal mines, regression trends for
cumulative average production of all of them are essentially the same and can
be described by the following equation:
b – cumulative average production after 6,000 hours of operation (m3 per month / 1m3)
4.2.3 Correlation between Availability and Production
The correlation for HEX operating at coal mine site “A” was expected to
vary from the slope for machines evaluated in coal mining. Indeed, the
correlation for this category was found to be:
Figure 4.5 Correlations between Availability and Production cumulative
average values
Expenditure cost for mine “A” was related to the cost for 30 mining
shovels of varying age and size over 8 years (2008 to 2014). Of 10 hydraulic
excavators 8 were diesel and 2 larger were electric motor driven.
The expenditures used did not include labor costs but lease costs were
included to partially take into account purchasing costs for new pieces of
Operational costs were assessed as the cost incurred by mine “A” for
excavating 1m3 of material (CAD/1m3). For convenience, operational costs
were translated in Canadian Dollars (CAD).
According to the calculations performed on operational life of machines
less than 60,000 hours, the maximal cost of excavation for rope shovels was
2.06 CAD per 1m3 (P&H 2300XPC between 6,000 and 12,000 operation
hours), whereas the minimal cost was 0.06 CAD per 1m3 (EKG-12 between
18,000 and 24,000 operation hours). Hydraulic excavators indicate the
maximum and minimum of 1.09 CAD/1m3 (PC 5500) and 0.18 CAD per 1m3
(PC 4000), respectively.
To further investigate the parameter for RS, it was seen that at 150,000
hours operation (25 years of operation) expenditure costs decreased gradually,
converging on 0.24 CAD per m3 of excavation.
All data has been provided in Tables 4.11 through 4.13. Actual values
obtained for each individual piece of equipment are given in Appendix C.
Table 4.11 Rope shovels’ operational costs (lease included)
Table 4.13 Operational costs of rope shovels with operational lifespan exceeding 60,000 hours (lease
In order to assess poor correlation in service expenditures, the average cost
of excavation were recalculated excluding lease costs. Only such things as
consumables (teeth, ropes, electric cables, hoses, etc.), fuel, lubricants,
electricity, etc. were included. It was found out that the cumulative average
excavation costs were as follows. For a period of 48,000 operational hours the
cost of excavation by a rope shovel was equivalent to 0.14 CAD/1m3, whereas
cost of excavation by a hydraulic machine reached 0.31 CAD/1m3,
corresponding to being 116% more expensive.
The results of the calculation are summarized a Tables 4.14 through 4.16
and Figures 4.6 through 4.7.
Table 4.14 Rope shovels’ operational costs (lease excluded)
Table 4.16 Operation costs of rope shovels with operational lifespan exceeding 60,000 hours (lease
Figure 4.6 Cumulative average excavation costs change (including lease) in
relation to shovels’ operational lifetime.
Figure 4.8 Hydraulic excavators and rope shovels excavation costs related to
servicing categories.
4.3 Discussion
For each mining shovel analyzed in this study all the available information
with respect to design, application, commissioning date, machine-hours,
performance indicators and cost of operation were combined and taken into
consideration. The results of this investigation are presented in Appendices A,
B, and C. Also the summary results of the analyzed parameters are tabulated
below in Table 4.17.
groups of excavators. All coal mining HEX have cumulative average PA
stabilized after 30,000 operational hours, whereas, Mine A HEX availability
decreases constantly over a 48,000 hours period.
Table 4.17 Summary of the compared parameters
Production variations are often related not only to operational hours, but
result from many other factors. Whereas uptime hours and availability may
have high indices, production values may suffer from, for example, operator’s
proficiency and tactics [32, 33], inherent properties of the excavated material
or blast quality [34]. Moreover, for the equipment at mine “A”, utilization (or
the time when a machine excavates) is often cut by such things as: absence of
spare parts (especially for HEXs), loss of electrical supply, climatic conditions,
lack of service crew availability, lack of truck fleet, etc.
the initial capital cost of rope shovels on their life cycle cost and to compare
service expenditures for HEX and RS.
Basic prices for OMZ rope shovels and Komatsu hydraulic excavators
with comparable bucket capacities have been evaluated. It has been found that
average price for a new EKG rope shovel is about 71.5% higher than for a new
Komatsu PC excavator. However, it should be mentioned that the durability
normally guaranteed by hydraulic excavator manufacturers is 60.000 hours of
operation or 10 years, whereas mining rope shovels usually extends to 18 to 23
It is clearly seen from Figures 4.6 and 4.7 that a rope shovel ownership
requires considerably greater expenditure during the initial 30.000 hours (5
years) of operation. However, by that point the cumulative average cost of
excavation decreases to 0.47 CAD per 1 m3 of excavation, and reaches the
point where operational cost of hydraulic machines start to exceed (0.49
CAD/1m3). The cumulative average cost of excavation for hydraulic shovels
reaches a plateau of 0.49 CAD/1m3; this magnitude fluctuates between 30,000
and 48,000 operational hours from 0.48 CAD/1m3 to 0.50 CAD/1m3.
Such a rapid fall of excavation cost for RS and simultaneously a rise for
HEX both can be explained with help from Figure 4.7 showing service cost
(not taking into account the amount of money spent for purchasing a new
pieces of equipment) change in time. Whereas support for cable shovels
remains constant (nearly 0.14 CAD/1m3), after the third year of utilization,
cumulative average service cost of a hydraulic machine indicates a firm
increase and by 48,000 hours of operation exceeds more than twice the
cumulative service costs for competitors – 0.31 CAD/1m3 in comparison to
0.14 CAD/1m3.
Thus, due to the contribution of service costs differences, considerably
higher initial investments for purchasing rope shovels, in comparison to
hydraulic machines, led to lower cumulative expenditure costs for company
“A” by the end of the fifth year of utilization.
5.1 Conclusions
Based on the investigations carried out with the scope of the study the
following can be concluded:
almost unchanged, whereas RS indicator undergoes a gradual decrease
until 60,000 operational hours, where it is plateaued and remains stable
almost by 150,000 hours. It is noticeable that although hydraulic
excavators in coal mines have 5 to 6 per cent higher cumulative average
availability, than those in metal ore and granite, and 11 per cent higher
than cable shovels dealing with coal and coal overburden, their
parameters change little.
b - average monthly production (normalized to 1m3 of bucket capacity)
after 6,000 hours of operation.
possession of a rope shovel by 25%. Whereas initial cost of a cable
shovel is considerably higher (e.g. between KMG excavators and OMZ
shovels differ by 71.5%) than a hydraulic machine of comparable
capacity, for 30,000 operational hours the integral average cost of
excavation equalizes for both mining machine types. This is a result of
much higher service expenditures of hydraulic excavators, including cost
of spare parts, consumables, fuel, lubricants, etc. However, from 30,000
to 48,000 operational hours cumulative average cost of excavation by
HEX stabilizes and displays only a slight year-on-year fluctuation.
6. All the data and analysis obtained and discussed above indicate that the
RS’s main advantages over HEX are lower cost of excavation and longer
expected life. HEX, in turn, are significantly cheaper, technologically
more flexible, and provide larger production numbers, although they
require higher-quality maintenance and servicing.
It is believed by the author that the results of the study discussed provide
a decent picture of hydraulic excavators and rope shovels performance
and costs differences. However, inclusion of new pieces of information
about shovels operating in various working conditions around the globe
may consequently provide better understanding of what to expect from a
particular excavation equipment unit on a particular mining site.
1. In this study the information, regarding performance and life cycle cost
for 136 mining shovels, predominately involved in coal mining, was
examined. In future studies more items of equipment of various
manufacturers and capacities dealing with different types of excavated
material and for alternative climatic and technological environments
should be included.
2. For further studies, key maintenance issues for hydraulic excavators and
rope shovels should be determined. Relationships between problematic
components, failures occurrence frequency and average duration of
repairs; together with the associated expenditures and comprehensive
information about operating conditions should be investigated. Such
connections would become an additional clue for the excavation
equipment selection in surface mining.
3. Burt C., Caccetta L., 2014. Equipment Selection for Surface Mining:
A Review, Interfaces, 44(2), pp. 143-162
9. Fiscor S., 2007. Productivity Considerations for Shovels and
Excavators. Engineering & Mining Journal, 208, p.38.
12. Shemetov P., Rubtsov C., Shlylov A., 2005. Exploitation of rope
shovels and hydraulic excavators at Muruntau open pit. Mining
Industry, 5 (Published on-line).
14. Jovanović V., Janošević D., Petrović N., 2014. Analysis of slewing
bearing load of a rotating platform drive in hydraulic excavators.
Technical Gazette, 21, pp. 263-270
16. Ritzel T., Lenz M., 1997. Shovel maintenance at Sierrita. Mining
Engineering, 49, pp. 29-34
25. R 994 B Hydraulic excavator. Technical description. Liebherr.
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30. Samanta B., Sankar B., Mukherjee S.K., 2001. Reliability analysis of
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Engineering, 10(2) pp. 219-231
31. Anistratov, K., Konopelko, S., 2009. Optimal service life of electric
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32. Hendricks C, Scoble M., Peck J., 1989. Performance monitoring of
electric mining shovels. Transactions of the Institute of Mining and
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33. Patnayak S., Tannant D.D., Parsons I., Del Valle V., Wong J. 2008.
Operator and dipper tooth influence on electric shovel performance
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Table A.2 Physical Availability: PC 4000
Table A.2 Continued
Table A.3 Physical Availability: PC 5500
Table A.3 Continued
Table A.4 Physical Availability: PC 8000
Table A.4 Continued
Table A.5 Physical Availability: PC 2000 and R 994
Table A.6 Physical Availability: Rope Shovels 0 ÷ 60.000 Operation Hours
Table A.7 Physical Availability: Rope Shovels 60.000 ÷ 150.000 Operation Hours
Table B.2 Production: PC 5500
Table B.3 Production: PC 8000
Table B.4 Production: PC 2000 and R 994
Table B.5 Production: Rope Shovels 0 ÷ 60.000 Operation Hours
Table B.6 Production: Rope Shovels 60.000 ÷ 150.000 Operation Hours
Table C.2 Expenditure Costs (lease is excluded): Hydraulic excavators
Table C.3 Expenditure Costs (lease is included): Rope shovels 0 ÷ 60.000 Operation Hours
Table C.4 Expenditure Costs (lease is excluded): Rope shovels 0 ÷ 60.000 Operation Hours
Table C.5 Expenditure Costs (lease is included): Rope shovels 60.000 ÷ 150.000 Operation Hours
Table C.6 Expenditure Costs (lease is excluded): Rope shovels 60.000 ÷ 150.000 Operation Hours