Barriers To Pain Management

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Author Manuscript
J Pain Symptom Manage. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1.
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J Pain Symptom Manage. 2008 October ; 36(4): 374–382. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2007.11.005.

Barriers to Pain Management: Caregiver Perceptions and Pain

Talk by Hospice Interdisciplinary Teams

Debra Parker Oliver, MSW, PhD, Elaine Wittenberg-Lyles, PhD, George Demiris, PhD, Karla
Washington, MSW, PhD (C), Davina Porock, PhD, and Michele Day, MSW, PhD (C)
Department of Family and Community Medicine (D.P.O.), School of Medicine, and School of Social
Work (K.W., M.D.), University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri; Department of Communication
Studies (E.W.-L.), University of North Texas, Denton Texas; Biobehavioral Nursing and Health
Systems (G.D.), School of Nursing, and Biomedical and Health Informatics (G.D.), School of
Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA; and School of Nursing (D.P.),
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

As patients are cared for in their home by family caregivers, several challenges arise in effective pain
and symptom management. Despite hospice’s reputation as the gold standard for terminal care, there
is still a need to improve pain management practices including challenges that caregivers face, related
to pain assessment, reluctance and fear of administering medication, noncompliance with pain
medicine regimens, and hesitance to report pain. The hospice philosophy of care promotes service
for both patients and their family by an interdisciplinary team, and total pain management is a goal
of this care. The aim of this control phase of a larger National Cancer Institute-funded mixed methods
study was to understand the current practice of hospice assessment and collaboration on informal
caregiver issues related to pain management. This study of 30 hospice caregiver/patient dyads from
one rural hospice found that 87% of caregivers indicated concern with at least one question on the
Caregiver Pain Medicine Questionnaire (CPMQ). Interdisciplinary team discussions for 23 of the
dyads were recorded over nine months for a total of 86 sessions. Although caregiver concerns were
identified with the CPMQ by the research team, there was only one discussion of caregiver pain
related concerns during the hospice team meeting. This despite the finding that 38% of the time
involved in a patient discussion is spent on pain related talk. These findings indicate an opportunity
for improvement by hospice teams through focusing on caregiver assessment and intervention.
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Caregiver Pain Medicine Questionnaire (CPMQ); hospice; pain management; interdisciplinary teams

Hospice care is provided to over one million Americans each year [1]. Essential to successful
hospice care, yet lost in these statistics, are the family members and friends who serve as
informal caregivers. The physical and mental health of these individuals directly impacts the

Address correspondence to: Debra Parker Oliver, MSW, PhD, University of Missouri, Department of Family and Community Medicine,
M226 Medical Sciences Building, DC032.00, Columbia, MO 65212, USA, E-mail: [email protected].
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ability of patients to die comfortably [2,3]. The home of a dying cancer patient becomes like
a hospital unit where informal caregivers are expected to manage all aspects of patient care
without formal education; this responsibility is often leaving them anxious, exhausted, and
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burdened [4]. Hospice standards of care hold that the patient and family are a unit of care as
issues affecting caregivers also impact patients [5].

Good pain and symptom management require the intervention of all disciplines in a holistic
approach [6]. Unrelieved pain affects the patient’s physical, psychological, social, and spiritual
well-being [7]. This recognition of total pain has been with hospice since its beginning, deriving
from the initial experiences of founder Dame Cicely Saunders [8]. While numerous advances
have been made in the art and science of pain management, many challenges remain. Studies
have found that hospice staff members lack sufficient information to rate symptoms, especially
related to psychosocial concerns. There has been documentation of a significant burden of
unrelieved symptoms among hospice patients [9]. Pain is reported as a very common symptom,
with 76–90% of the hospice patients having pain documented [9,10]. Interventions have been
found to be largely pharmacologic. The effectiveness of the interventions is difficult to
determine based on a lack of documentation and the necessity to rely on caregivers assessment
skills, whose proxy has been brought into question [11].

One of the greatest barriers to effective palliative care is poor communication between patients,
their caregivers, and health care providers [12–14]. A principal reason for initiation of hospice
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care is the need for expert pain and symptom management. As patients are cared for in their
home by family caregivers, several challenges arise in effective pain and symptom
management. Problems include pain assessment [15], reluctance to administer medication
[16], fear of pain medications [17], noncompliance with pain medicine regimens [18], hesitance
to report pain [19], negative past experiences [20],caregiver strain impacting pain management
[21], and the need for caregiver education and patient care information [22].

While hospice patients receive the gold standard of palliative care [23], improvements are still
needed, specifically in pain and symptom management and emotional support for families
[9,10,24]. Studies have shown that even in the care-oriented culture of hospice, pain is still a
frequent problem [9,10,25]. A recent study found that 35% of hospice patients and 20% of
their families reported receiving inadequate emotional support. Additionally, the same study
reported that over one-third of hospice families had concerns about the amount of information
they received regarding what to expect when the patient was dying [24]. These findings
illustrate problems even in the most established palliative care model.

This study seeks to identify the perceptions of hospice caregivers related to the administration
of pain medication and the current practices of hospice interdisciplinary teams in addressing
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caregiver concerns through their talk regarding pain. Pain talk is defined in this study as any
utterance that pertained to the patient’s pain (including caregiver concerns related to patient
pain) from a holistic perspective (physical, spiritual, psychological, and social). The project
was focused on three research questions 1) What are the perceptions of hospice caregivers
related to the administration of pain medication?, 2) How do those perceptions change during
the course of a hospice stay?, and 3) In what ways are caregiver concerns related to the
administration of pain medication reflected in the pain talk in hospice interdisciplinary

This paper represents preliminary findings from a current larger two phase quasi-experimental
mixed method project funded by the National Cancer Institute (R21 CA120179). This project
explores the results of the control phase, analyzing the quantitative data reflecting the

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perceptions of pain management by hospice caregivers and qualitative observation and

recording of corresponding hospice interdisciplinary team meetings for the consenting patients.
The study was approved by the University of Missouri Institutional Review Board as well as
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the Institutional Review Board of the hospice agency.

Data were collected from consenting hospice caregivers in one rural hospice program in the
Midwest. The program is hospital-based, Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health
Care Organizations-accredited, Medicare certified, state licensed and not for profit. The
average length of stay for the program is 63 days, with an average daily census of 89 [26]. No
individual or aggregated results were shared with the hospice team. Our goal was to observe
normal care and thus the team did not have access to our assessments, they relied solely on
usual patient and caregiver assessments.

The project uses a mixed method approach with qualitative and quantitative methods in parallel
and equal status [27]. Data were mixed during analysis, as the concepts evident in the
standardized instrument were used to develop a coding frame for the qualitative analysis of
pain talk utterances. Qualitative data were used to follow up on identified issues found in the
quantitative measure.

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Participants were caregivers of home hospice patients. Both patients and caregivers consented
to the study although the focus of the project was on caregiving. All caregivers and patients
had to be enrolled in the hospice, without cognitive impairment, consent to the study, and over
18 years of age. Participants were enrolled between October 1, 2006 and April 18, 2007.
Hospice staff were also considered as participants in this study as their behavior and
communication during team meetings were analyzed. The staff represented individuals from
numerous disciplines with a range of hospice experience. Each staff member signed an
informed consent and agreed to being videotaped. They were fully aware of the specific aims
of the project.

The instrument used in this study was the Caregiver Pain Medicine Questionnaire (CPMQ)
[19]. Letizia et al. developed the CPMQ by first modifying an existing instrument that measured
concerns regarding pharmacological pain management that were expressed by ambulatory
cancer patients [15]. When adapting the scale for use with hospice caregivers, they made certain
that three concepts were adequately addressed: concerns about reporting pain, concerns about
administering analgesics, and difficulties administering pain medications [19].
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Research assistants on the staff contacted caregivers via telephone every 30 days to review the
questions on the Caregiver Pain Medicine Questionnaire. The CPMQ is a 22-item self report
instrument. Each of 22 items is scored on a 5-point Likert scale of agreement. A low number
indicates a high level of agreement and greater concern about the issue. The validity of the
instrument was tested using the Content Validity Index (CVI) and found to have a CVI of 0.89
[28]. The original study reports reliability tests found that the total instrument alpha coefficient
was 0.89. Factor alpha scores were reported as 0.74 for items measuring concerns about
reporting pain, 0.89 for items measuring concern about administering medications, and 0.89
for items measuring difficulties administering medications.

The CPMQ items focused on concerns about reporting pain essentially measure the degree to
which respondents agree with two core beliefs. The first, fatalism, is the belief that pain is
inevitable and cannot be adequately controlled by existing medications or technologies. The

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second, stoicism, refers to the belief that individuals should be strong and tolerate discomfort
without complaint. Items that measure caregiver concerns regarding medication administration
record the degree to which respondents agree with statements indicating fears of pain
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medication addiction, side effects, and tolerance. Respondents who express agreement with
these items reply positively to statements such as “It is dangerous if hospice patients become
addicted to pain medicine.” Items that described caregiver difficulties administering pain
medications are not divided into specific subcategories. When testing the instrument, Letizia
et al. recorded the degree to which respondents experienced difficulty deciding and/or
remembering which specific medications and dosages were appropriate for pain management
and at which times they were most likely to be effective. Respondents were also asked to share
the degree to which they worried that they were doing “something wrong” when administering
analgesics [19].

Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) Observations

The qualitative component of this project utilized videotaped hospice interdisciplinary team
meeting discussions for each of the consenting patient/caregiver dyads. The interdisciplinary
meeting discussions pertaining to consenting hospice patients were videotaped over nine
months and transcribed verbatim. Field notes were collected for each meeting and included a
seating chart designating the discipline of each person present, allowing identification in the
transcription process. Although the CPMQ data were collected for 30 hospice dyads,
descriptive data of hospice interdisciplinary teams were limited to 23 hospice dyads due to
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death or nursing home transfer prior to the agency’s discussion of the case at an IDT meeting.
A total of 86 meetings were videotaped, transcribed, and analyzed for this study.

Data Analysis
Selected demographic variables and question responses to the CPMQ were entered into SPSS
and subscales and total scores were computed using the prescribed method obtained from the
instrument’s author [19]. Open ended responses were not a part of this analysis. Given the
small sample size, statistical analysis was restricted to descriptive and nonparametric measures

Analyses of IDT meetings focused on pain talk, defined in this study as any utterance that
pertained to the patient’s pain (including the caregiver concerns related to the patients pain)
from an interdisciplinary holistic perspective (physical, spiritual, psychological, and social).
A pre-established coding frame was developed based on the CPMQ data and the research team
experience initial review of the tapes. Data collected included the speaker’s professional
discipline (physician, nurse, social worker, etc.), the speaker’s mention of the role of the
caregiver, specific topics relative to pain, and the time spent discussing pain. Transcripts of
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the interdisciplinary team meetings were coded independently by two coders. Both coders
attended a 45-minute coding session, which included a review of the four dimensions of pain
and the CPMQ instrument. Each transcript clearly indicated the speaker's discipline (i.e.,
medical director, nurse, etc.) and it was agreed that a natural talking turn that included the word
pain would be defined as pain talk. Coders independently timed and calculated pain talk time
and the total time of the discussion. Additional nominal categories included the presence of
pain topics and coders indicated the presence of such topic within the manuscript.

Demographic variables are summarized in Table 1 for both patients and caregivers. Table 2
reports on the mean subscale scores at baseline and monthly intervals. Patients and caregivers
were in the study for an average of 41 days and in hospice care an average of 56 days. The

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mean age of patients was 77 while the mean age of caregivers was 60. The majority of patients
(60%) had a cancer diagnosis.
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An overwhelming majority of caregivers were women (87%), however, patients were more
evenly split as 48% were male and 52% were female. Caregivers were more educated than the
patients as 37% of patients had less than a high school education and only 10% of the caregivers
did not at least have a high school education. Slightly more than one third (39%) of caregivers
were adult children, one third (32%) were spouse or partner of the patient, and the final near
third (29%) were otherwise related.

CPMQ Results
The lower the score on the CPMQ the more agreement the respondent shows with the statement
and thus the more agreement there is with a potential barrier to pain management. Scoring of
the instrument showed a normal distribution of responses. As demonstrated in Table 2, the
overall mean response to the CPMQ was 3.22 indicating mild overall disagreement. The
average subscale scores did not exemplify any strong reaction in any of the categories. The
variance of subscale means ranged from 3.08 (addiction) to 3.32 (fatalism). This surprising
lack of variance impairs the drawing of specific conclusions related to those scores.

The most significant finding was not in the mean scores, but rather in the analysis of individual
questions. The overwhelming majority (87%) of caregivers indicated strong agreement or
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agreement with at least one statement on the questionnaire. Only four individuals did not agree
with a single statement. In fact, respondents agreed or strongly agreed with an average of four
statements on the CPMQ with a range of 0–11 responses indicating agreement.

The lowest mean response upon admission was 2.77 demonstrating agreement with the
statement, “I am afraid of doing something wrong when I give the pain medication.” The highest
mean response upon admission showing the greatest disagreement was with the statement, “It
is easier to put up with pain than the side effects that come from pain medicine.” As Table 2
illustrates, analysis of the baseline response and the response thirty days later, show the mean
total CPMQ scores decreasing from 3.22 to 2.89. A paired sample t test indicated the change
was significant (P<0.001). A paired sample t test comparing the mean admission CPQM of
3.22 with the final mean measure for the caregivers ninety days later (n=8), shows significance
is still present as it moves from 3.18 to 3.08 (P< 0.001). Although the sample is very limited,
the trend indicating increased agreement during the hospice care seems to continue with the
changed scores demonstrating increased agreement with the statements and thus increased
barriers to pain management.

Analysis of Team Meetings

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Observations were recorded for 86 IDT meetings, representing 23 hospice dyads. Eight of the
dyads represented in the CPQM results (n=31) were not represented in the qualitative analysis
of team discussions because they either were not scheduled for discussion prior to analysis, or
died before their case could be discussed at a meeting. The number of meetings for an individual
subject ranged from 1–10. The average number of observations was 3.73, with 59% of the
observations representing three discussions of a particular patient. Qualitative analysis focused
on the third research question related to the team practice of discussing pain, with specific
attention on how the team addresses caregiver concerns related to the administration of pain
medication. Patient cases were discussed for an average of 3 minutes 44 seconds, with a mean
of 1 minute 27 seconds devoted to pain talk. In other words, nearly 38% of the discussion
related to pain issues.

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In total, 230 pain talk utterances were coded and involved patient complaint of pain 20% of
the time. The amount of time devoted to specific pain types varied, with nurses averaging 59
seconds on physical pain, 58 seconds on psychological pain, 101 seconds on spiritual pain, and
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no time devoted to social pain. Table 3 portrays the number of pain talk utterances for each
pain type by speaker. Moreover, nurses (65.2%) were usually the ones speaking about pain,
with the medical director a distant second (11.7%). Overall, physical elements of pain
dominated pain talk (76.1%), with little discussion on the psychological aspects of pain (20.9%)
and spiritual pain (1.3%) and no discussion of the social elements of pain.

Two examples of nurses discussing psychological and spiritual pain are below. These examples
were not followed by any discussion from the Chaplain or Social Worker nor did they result
in any discussion of a specific intervention strategy to address the concerns. Psychological
distress is noted in the following nursing report:

Nurse:: The young son fell. He was doing something in the yard on a ladder and fell, and when
he fell he knocked his head and he knocked himself out. He was in intensive care.

Bereavement Coordinator:: And they already lost one son

Nurse:: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so they just took him out of intensive care yesterday. … he’s
(patient) just like, you know, “Nothing can happen to my son. If God needs to take somebody,
he’s gonna take me and leave my son.”
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An example of a discussion on spiritual issues:

Nurse:: ….Um, very depressed, she was tearful. I think she’s got some spiritual things she’s
not resolved because she talks about her dead sister, thinking that she’s seeing her, but she feels
she needs to talk to her, things she’s got some things to tell her. But she didn’t share what those
things were. But she’s talked several times about, she didn’t understand why she was still

The majority of the pain talk did not include a discussion of the caregiver (75.7%), and in
instances when the caregiver was mentioned, it was primarily a positive reference (16.5%).
Primary topics of discussion relative to pain included patient appetite (24.7%), activity
(24.7%), anxiety (22.0%), and overall pain (20.7%). IDT members also shared information
about problems with patients not administering pain medication (20.4%); however, there was
only one discussion about a problem with a caregiver not administering pain medication.

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Although observations were extensive over a significant period of time, this study is limited
by size of the sample. It represents only one hospice program. Additionally, it is a sample which
is from a rural area and there is no ethnic or racial diversity as 100% of the sample was non-
Hispanic Caucasian. For these reasons no generalizations should be made to hospice teams in
general, rather the findings only lend direction in opportunity for further study.

The first research question referred to the perceptions of hospice caregivers related to the
administration of pain medication. Although there was no significant change in the caregiver
perceptions over time as measured by the instrument score or subscales, the overwhelming
majority of caregivers expressed agreement with at least one statement that indicates some
reservations or misinformation regarding pain management or medication administration.
Team discussions were assessed relating to regarding caregiver concerns with pain of any type.
Analysis showed that 20% of the patients were experiencing various pain issues. However,
when the data were mixed, these findings indicate that while caregivers are having concerns

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related to pain management and these concerns are either not identified by the team or not
discussed in team meetings, even though more than a third of the discussion time was related
to pain issues and 20% of the patients were experiencing pain concerns.
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The second research question explored how perceptions change during the course of a hospice
stay. A significant change in perception was identified, and this change indicates that caregivers
may have more problems with pain management as the patient care moves closer to death and
the care demands increase. This increasing caregiver concern is in spite of an expanding length
of time in hospice and an increased presence by the hospice staff. Despite the increasing
concern over time related to pain issues, the pain talk of the hospice team related to caregiver
concerns was absent.

The final research question revealed that nurses are the primary team members who report and
discuss pain in hospice IDT meetings. This finding is not surprising given that nurses dominate
information sharing in IDT meetings [29,30]. The nurse’s background in physical medical care,
in addition to the role of case manager, sustains a large speaking role in the IDT meeting.
Likewise, the physical elements of pain dominated the nursing contribution and pain talk in
general. The prominent focus on physical pain, relative to other dimensions of pain
(psychological, spiritual, and social) are questionable given the goals of hospice and the
management of total pain, illustrating potential barriers to adequate management of all domains
of pain.
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Although discussion of physical pain dominated patient reports, nurses also commented on
psychological and spiritual pain. While these contributions are important, some would expect
these issues to be the central focus of disciplines such as social work or chaplains, whose
training is on these dimensions. Pain talk contributions by other hospice IDT members are
perhaps limited by the nurse’s primary role as reporter. As a result, varying dimensions of pain
appear to be not adequately addressed by experts in the field as represented on the hospice IDT
team. Perhaps due in part to these dynamics, this study found no mention of social aspects of
pain in the hospice IDT meeting.

With specific regards to information sharing about the role of the caregiver during pain talk,
the normative practice did not include a discussion of the caregiver in administering pain
medication, despite team members being aware that this research was focusing on caregiver
pain concern. Rather, talk about the role of the caregiver was shared only in certain instances,
typically to report good care provided by the caregiver. In rare instances caregiver information
was shared to document inconsistent care or evidence for inadequate pain regimen (e.g.
caregiver’s possible substance abuse). Data from this study found that 67% of pain talk reported
by nurses did not mention the caregiver. Although limited, pain talk contributions by other
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team members also indicate a lack of attention to the role of the caregiver.

The results of responses from the CPMQ are consistent with findings from other studies which
have found similar results. Other researchers have found similar results with between 46
percent and 94 percent of caregivers reporting as least some agreement with various concerns
to reporting pain and using analgesics [19,31]. The unique aspect of this study is the follow-
up observations of the hospice team during active case discussion and the care planning process.
These findings indicate opportunity for hospice teams to systematically assess the perceptions
of caregivers toward pain management as a part of their discussion and care plan. The findings
revealed by mixing of the qualitative and quantitative data indicate that not only do caregivers
continue to have issues related to pain management, but hospice teams do not seem to routinely
address these concerns. Given the hospice philosophy regarding total pain, and the attention
of the patient/family unit of care, the data demonstrate that hospice teams are not discussing

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the perceptions or concerns of caregivers related to pain management and suggest they may
benefit from such discussions.
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Likewise, it is clear not only from the results of this study but also others [19,31] that caregivers
need specific education related to pain management issues. Since hospices rely on family
caregivers to provide ongoing care, and consider the patient and family a unit of care, they
have the responsibility in educating and supporting them. Hospices are in a perfect position to
routinely educate caregivers on the influence of psychological, social, and spiritual factors on
pain and the myths of pain management in an effort to ease caregiver anxiety and fear, promote
adherence to medication regimens. Further research of a targeted caregiver educational
intervention should be assessed for its potential impact on patient reports of pain.

These findings also indicate that nurses may be assuming some of the responsibility for
psychosocial and spiritual care which could be more appropriately addressed by social workers
and chaplains. The findings imply that hospice care might be enhanced with a systematic
assessment of caregiver concerns related to patient pain and provide the team, as a whole, with
valuable information by sharing these assessments and developing plans of care to address
those issues. If hospice teams must rely on nurses to conduct and report all assessments and
provide the interventions for all team members, then the communication of total pain concepts
and input by all disciplines at team meetings needs to be more explicit. Pain talk in hospice
teams should reflect the total needs of the patient and caregiver as well as the interdisciplinary
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work of all of the members.

Further research is needed before generalizations can be made outside this particular hospice
team. The second phase of this work will bring the patient and family caregiver into the IDT
meeting by videophone technology. The impact of the direct contact with the team may change
the content of pain talk and this aspect will be of particular interest in our research. These
preliminary findings however, offer direction for the future study of barriers to adequate pain
management and the testing of interventions to overcome these concerns and improve hospice

This project was funded by the National Cancer Institute R21 CA120179: Patient and Family Participation in Hospice
Interdisciplinary Teams; Debra Parker Oliver, PI.

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J Pain Symptom Manage. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1.

Oliver et al. Page 10

Table 1
Summary Demographic Variables Patients and Caregivers
Variable Caregiver Patient

Diagnosis Not applicable

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Cancer 60% (18)

No cancer 40% (12)

Discharge reason Not applicable

Death 46.7% (14)
Withdrew 6.7% (2)
Entered nursing home 10% (3)
Still active 36.7% (11)

Mean hospice length of stay Not applicable 56 days

Mean length of stay in study 41 days

Mean Age 60 years 77 years

Male 13% (4) 15 48%
Female 87% (27) 16 52%

Marital status
Never married 3% (1) 7% (2)
Widowed 3% (1) 48% (15)
Divorced 19% (6) 6 % (2)
Married 71% (22) 39% (3)

Race- white 100% 100%

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Less than high school 10% (3) 37% (11)
High school 19% (6) 24% (7)
Some college 45% (14) 21% (6)
Undergrad 10% (3) 10% (3)
Graduate 10% (3) 6.0% (2)
Unknown 3% (1)

Employment status Not applicable

None outside of home 71% (22)
Full time 13% (4)
Part time 6% (2)
Volunteer 6% (3)

Relationship to patient Not applicable

Spouse/partner 32% (10)
Adult child 39% (12)
Other 29% (9)

Other caregiving responsibility Not applicable

No one else 55% (17)
Yes, I care for someone else 42% (13)
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

J Pain Symptom Manage. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1.

Oliver et al. Page 11

Table 2
CPQM Mean Total and Summary Subscale Score
CPQM Admission Time #2 Time #3 Time #4
n=31 n=19 n=8 n=5
Total 3.22 2.89 3.09 3.19
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Reporting 3.3 3.24 3.31 3.35

Fatalism 3.32 3.32 3.19 3.20
Stoicism 3.28 3.21 3.44 3.55
Administration concerns 3.18 2.87 3.05 3.14
Addiction 3.08 2.93 3.0 3.07
Tolerance 3.22 2.92 3.19 3.2
Side effects 3.22 2.74 2.96 3.4
Administration difficulties 3.10 2.98 2.91 3.19
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

J Pain Symptom Manage. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Table 3
Pain Type Addressed in Pain Talk by Speakera
Physical Psychological Spiritual Social Total
n n n n n
Medical Director 20 7 0 0 27
Nurse 119 28 3 0 150
Social Worker 14 5 0 0 19
Chaplain 11 2 0 0 13
Oliver et al.

Other 11 6 0 0 17
Total 175 48 3 0 230
n indicates number of utterances by speaker.
Four observations did not include a discussion of patient pain.

J Pain Symptom Manage. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1.

Page 12

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