Global Food Security: Sciencedirect
Global Food Security: Sciencedirect
Global Food Security: Sciencedirect
Keywords: Food waste is a matter intrinsically linked with the growing challenges of food security, resource and en-
Food waste vironmental sustainability, and climate change. In developed economies, the largest food waste stream occurs in
Sustainability the consumption stage at the end of the food chain. Current approaches for dealing with the wasted food have
Climate footprint serious limitations. Historically, livestock animals had functioned as bio-processors, turning human-inedible or
Waste management
-undesirable food materials into meat, eggs, and milk. Contemporary treatment technologies can help convert
Animal feeding
the food waste into safe, nutritious, and value-added feed products. Recovering consumption-stage food waste
Food security
for animal feeding is a viable solution that simultaneously addresses the issues of waste management, food
security, resource conservation, and pollution and climate-change mitigation.
Abbreviations: FDF, feeds derived from food waste; ReFeed, recovering food waste for animal feeding
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Dou), [email protected] (J.D. Toth), [email protected] (M.L. Westendorf).
Received 17 November 2017; Received in revised form 7 December 2017; Accepted 9 December 2017
2211-9124/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Dou et al. Global Food Security 17 (2018) 154–161
the growing population while mitigating environmental damages, there et al., 2007), beef and dairy cattle (Angulo et al., 2012; Paek et al.,
is a renewed interest in reinvigorating the practice (e.g. Stuart, 2009). 2005), and small ruminants (Summers et al., 1980).
For example, food waste repurposing to animal feed is identified as one A variety of food waste materials, varying in source and type, have
of the food waste recycling solutions in the U.S. (ReFED, 2016). In been used in feeding studies. These food wastes can be categorized into
Europe, “re-legalization” of the use of food waste for pigs could reduce three major types: (i) manufacturing co-products/ byproducts, with
the cropland associated with European pork production by 1.8 million typically uniform and known ingredients, e.g. wheat middlings, oilseed
ha (zu Ermgassen et al., 2016b). Also, the FAO recently sponsored an e- meals, etc., (ii) food preparation or processing refusals/residuals, such
conference to promote food waste treatment technologies and en- as those from large-scale bakeries or produce processing/packing fa-
courage government support and public outreach (Thieme and Makkar, cilities, (iii) a hodgepodge of wasted food from food service places (e.g.
2016). restaurants, cafeterias) or homes, with the content unpredictable. This
To evaluate ReFeed as a national and global strategy for simulta- article focuses on studies using the consumption-stage food waste for
neously addressing sustainable food security as well as waste manage- animal feeding. This is because manufacturing co-products/byproducts
ment challenges, a comprehensive analysis with science- and field- and food-processing refusals/residuals are already routinely used in
based evidence demonstrating the feasibility, safety, and sustainability animal feeding. For instance, in the United States, 10.9 Mt milling co-
implications is needed. The objective of this article is to perform such products, 30.4 Mt oilseed meals, and 2.5 Mt animal proteins, plus an
an analysis while identifying existing data gaps. The article first ex- estimated 27 Mt brewing and ethanol co-products are fed to livestock
amines the nutritive attributes of food waste, animal performance in animals on an annual basis (Ferguson, 2016). This feeding practice is
feeding trials, and methods of food waste treatment for feeding (Section favored by economies of scale and predictability of quantity and quality
2). Next, a synthesis of relevant resource and environmental implica- of the byproduct materials. In fact, manufacturing byproducts are not
tions is provided (Section 3), followed by discussion of potential health/ included in the food waste estimates in the U.S. (ReFED, 2016). On the
safety issues as well as case studies from selected countries (Section 4). other hand, consumption-stage food waste, being the largest waste
Section 5 explores potential concerns and ways to address them. Fi- stream generated in the food chain, presents the greatest challenge. Its
nally, concluding remarks are presented in Section 6. recovery and treatment for animal feeding has a tremendous sig-
nificance, given its magnitude and the limitations of other management
2. Feasibility options.
Recently-published work on feeding food waste to livestock animals Results pooled from 23 trials (summarized in Table 1) in the lit-
mostly originates from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, and South erature had the means and coefficients of variation for major nutrition
American countries. Pig feeding dominates those studies, although parameters in consumption-stage food waste samples as: dry matter
other animal species have been tested as well, including poultry (Chen 21.7% (CV 25.0%), crude protein 19.2% (24.5%), crude fiber 6.2%
Table 1
Major nutritional parameters of food waste samples for the purpose of livestock animal feeding, as reported in the literature.
Chen et al. (2007) DFW 5 87.6 2.4 15.8 3.4 16.0 3.2 – – 10.8 11.1 1.51
Chen et al. (2015) Method 1 60 20.2 37.6 25.5 34.9 28.1 25.3 31.6 19.6 7.3 46.6 –
Method 2 60 19.4 43.8 28.3 32.5 25.3 31.2 23.0 40.9 6.9 52.2 –
Method 3 60 18.8 21.8 30.6 25.3 31.5 26.0 28.6 27.6 3.0 63.3 –
García et al. (2005) Restaurant 28 39.6 18.7 27.5 23.3 28.8 29.5 26.9 49.1 2.3 47.8 –
Household 34 33.1 32.6 16.3 29.4 11.3 35.4 41.8 33.5 12.4 62.1 –
Jin et al. (2012) Restaurant 6 22.8 5.4 28.6 11.9 31.5 6.7 – – 3.1 61.3 –
Kornegay et al. (1965) Restaurant 30 16.0 28.3 15.3 24.1 24.9 33.0 50.7 18.3 3.3 42.6 –
Institutional 1 28 13.7 23.7 13.9 23.2 11.6 57.0 67.4 10.6 2.8 53.1 –
Institutional 2 30 21.4 11.3 15.3 14.1 17.8 27.5 57.8 11.1 2.8 28.9 –
Military 1 28 27.5 24.1 15.6 22.5 34.0 31.3 41.9 16.8 2.9 48.3 –
Military 2 28 23.8 11.7 16.3 21.3 30.0 24.8 45.7 16.7 2.7 23.7 –
MSW 21 16.6 46.3 17.5 26.2 21.4 33.9 44.0 24.3 8.4 54.1 –
Kwak and Kang (2006) Restaurant – 19.1 – 22.0 – 23.9 – 33.9 – 7.6 – –
Murray Martínez et al. (2012) Restaurant 5 24.3 – 5.6 – 9.3 – 8.2 – 0.6 – –
Myer et al. (1999) Trial 1 – 11.4 – 15.0 – 13.8 – – – 10.3 – 1.59
Trial 2 – 8.4 – 14.4 – 16.0 – – – 14.5 – 1.66
Paek et al. (2005) Household DFW – 85.3 1.5 20.1 6.0 9.1 11.0 – – 9.7 21.6 –
Summers et al. (1980) Institutional – 24.3 48.4 18.9 57.0 16.9 63.8 – – – – 3.33
Household – 21.0 23.0 16.1 24.6 16.9 52.1 – – – – 6.67
Restaurant – 24.4 45.9 20.3 37.9 22.9 62.7 – – – – 1.33
Westendorf et al. (1998) Restaurant 36 22.4 30.1 21.4 20.0 27.2 47.3 – – – – 0.84
Westendorf et al. (1999) Restaurant, Institutional 63 27.0 19.3 20.8 27.5 26.3 30.4 – – – – 1.44
DM: dry matter.
CP: crude protein.
EE: ether extract lipids.
NFE: nitrogen-free extract carbohydrates.
DFW: dried food waste.
MSW: food waste from municipal solid waste.
Z. Dou et al. Global Food Security 17 (2018) 154–161
(44.1%), ether extract lipids 21.5% (33.3%), nitrogen-free extract car- pork quality or value”. The researchers concluded that the inclusion of
bohydrates 38.6% (24.4%), and Ca:P ratio 2.3 (CV 77.8%). Taken to- food waste in diets produced pork of similar quality as that from ani-
gether, these findings demonstrate that consumption-stage food waste mals fed conventional diets.
is generally rich in major nutrients for animals. For instance, the mean
crude protein content (19.2%) is nearly double that of maize grain 2.4. Food waste treatment methods
(8–10%). In principle, one ton food waste (dry matter basis) could re-
place more than the same amount of maize grain to meet the protein Pigs were domesticated probably in the ninth millennium BCE
requirement of a given animal. In practice, optimal dietary scenarios (Larson et al., 2007), and fed with food waste or biomass materials
with different substitution rates can be made using ration formulation inedible to humans, generally without any processing or treatment.
programs to simultaneously meet the animal's requirements for mul- However, a highly-transmissible viral swine disease, vesicular ex-
tiple nutrients (NRC, 1994, 2012). anthema, became widespread in the 1950s in the U.S., which led to
A few data gaps remain. First, data properly characterizing nutrient state laws mandating cooking (heating) of food waste materials before
content and variability of food waste are scarce. The relatively large feeding to pigs (Heitman et al., 1956). Today, heat treatment of food
coefficients of variation cited above are based on pooling of different waste prior to animal feeding is a universal requirement, although
studies. For heterogeneous milieus such as food waste or animal temperature and duration vary by nation and depending on specific
manure, carefully-designed systematic sampling protocols are required treatment processes.
in order to obtain representative samples for statistically-rigorous and A number of treatment methods have been reported, which can be
reliable results (Dou et al., 2001). Although a few studies monitored grouped into three categories: wet-based, dry-based, and ensiling/fer-
temporal changes in nutrients from periodically-collected samples mentation treatment. Wet-based methods typically include a simple
(Chen et al., 2015; García et al., 2005; Kim and Kim, 2010), their heating step to sterilize the raw waste material, rendering it safe for
sampling protocols were insufficient to address the heterogeneous animals. For example, Westendorf et al. (1998) heated food waste and
nature of food waste and the variability issue. Furthermore, at cen- food processing byproducts at 100 °C for 4 h to be used in pig feeding
tralized treatment facilities where food wastes from numerous sources trials. García et al. (2005) sorted food waste out of municipal solid
are mixed, sorted, and treated, nutrient variability in feeds produced waste; ground (1 mm), homogenized, and heated it to 65–80 °C for
would conceivably be lower because of the ‘portfolio’ effect as well as 10–60 min; the material as potential feed was then analyzed for nu-
the homogenization impact. But there is limited information to docu- trients, microbes, and toxins. In general, wet-based feed products are
ment such impacts. Second, it has been suggested that waste treatment high in moisture content (70–80%) with a relatively short storage life;
methods may change the nutrient profiles of raw waste materials (e.g. therefore they need to be utilized near the processing plant within a
Chen et al., 2015; Murray Martinez et al., 2012). However, there is a short time window.
lack of cross-comparison studies to quantitatively document potential Dry-based treatment combines heating (sterilization) with a drying
impacts of food waste treatment on the nutrition profile of pre- and step to produce feeds with an extended shelf life (80–95% DM) that are
post-treatment samples. Third, the bioavailability of phosphorus in easier to handle. For example, Myer et al. (1999) mixed food service
feedstuffs is an important issue in swine and poultry feeding but none of waste with soy hulls and wheat flour, pelletized and dried it at
the previous studies examined the issue in relevant samples. Going 110–120 °C using a fluidized bed dryer. Paek et al. (2005) processed
forward, accurate nutrient characterization, availabilities and varia- household food waste by rinsing, grinding, dewatering and vacuum
bility need to be properly addressed in future studies in order to facil- dehydration. Kim and Kim (2010) described conversion of residential
itate the integration of feeds derived from food waste (FDF) into the and restaurant food waste to dry feed by shredding and dewatering,
precision feeding programs of modern-day livestock operations. heat-sterilizing, further dewatering, and drying. Chae et al. (2000) used
restaurant and household food waste, sieved it to pass 5 mm and dried
2.3. Animal growth performance, meat quality it in a drum-type dryer at 115 °C. Dry-based treatment is suitable for
centralized facilities near urban centers; the feed products can be
In various feeding trials, proportions of food waste used in diets transported to distant animal operations in rural areas.
(substitution rate) ranged from 10% to 100%. Responses in terms of Ensiling/fermentation treatment typically consists of the heating-
animal weight gain and/or feed use efficiency varied depending on sterilization process followed by the addition of prescribed microbial/
animal species and physiological stage, length of the feeding trial, and yeast agents. The latter utilize readily degradable substrates, stabilizing
type of food waste and substitution rate. A number of studies reported the material while helping retain the nutrients (Murray Martinez et al.,
no difference comparing diets with vs. without substitution (e.g. Chen 2012). Procedures and conditions of ensiling/fermentation varied de-
et al., 2007; Kwak and Kang, 2006; Myer et al., 1999), whereas others pending on individual studies. For example, Moon et al. (2004) ground
have reported decreases in weight gain in chickens (e.g. Chen et al., household food waste, heated it to 140 °C, then aerobically fermented it
2015) and pigs (e.g. Westendorf et al., 1998). Summarizing from mul- for 24 h at 30–40 °C with a probiotic microbial mix containing yeast,
tiple studies, zu Ermgassen et al. (2016b) suggested a 13% lower lactic acid bacteria and E. coli. Chen et al. (2015) described the ensiling
growth rate for pigs with a 50% substitution rate. processes of a treatment facility where food waste is mixed with wheat
Meat quality has been examined through studies comparing diets and rice bran plus sawdust and beet pulp, a microbial mixture of Ba-
with vs. without food waste. For example, Westendorf et al. (1998) cillus sp., yeast and lactic acid bacteria were added, then the materials
found that pork from animals fed heat-treated food waste was com- were fermented for 4–10 h at 60–80 °C, and the final product was dried
parable in flavor and quality to meat from pigs fed a maize-soy diet, to 91% DM. In another study, Kwak and Kang (2006) aerobically fer-
judged by a volunteer panel. Sasaki et al. (2007) reported that, through mented ground restaurant food waste with a microbial culture and
blind tasting, panelists preferred lean meat from pigs fed liquid food poultry litter at 55–60 °C for 4 h, then vacuum-dried it. Ensiling/fer-
waste-based feed compared to a standard diet, for greater tenderness. mentation treatment helps prolong the storage of the end product. For
Using linear mixed models to determine the effects of the inclusion of instance, Murray Martinez et al. (2012) reported that feed produced
food waste in pig diets, with the original data derived from a number of from cafeteria food waste after fermentation was stable for up to 30
studies, zu Ermgassen et al. (2016b) demonstrated that feeding food days.
waste had no effect on 16 of 18 pork quality parameters (e.g. juiciness, Additional to the various studies, it is worth mentioning a few in-
dressing percentage, meat color, fat free lean percentage, flavor, overall teresting endeavors in food waste treatment for animal feeding. There
palatability, etc.). The detected effects of two parameters (mono- were reports dating back to the 1950–60s in the U.S. (Heitman et al.,
unsaturated fats; marbling) were “weak and did not detrimentally affect 1956; Kornegay et al., 1965), which involved having trucks
Z. Dou et al. Global Food Security 17 (2018) 154–161
transporting food waste outfitted with a steam generator and piping cropland required for European pork production could be reduced by
system, so that the loads of food waste were sterilized (100 °C for 20%, totaling 1.8 million ha, if food waste is recovered and treated with
30 min) on the way to swine feeding sites. Also, in an unusual appli- current technologies for pig feeding (zu Ermgassen et al., 2016b). An-
cation of extrusion technology, Kelley and Walker (1999) took cafeteria other study (Salemdeeb et al., 2017) compared food waste treatment
food waste, mixed with soy hulls and maize meal, ground and dewa- technologies (wet- and dry-based) against composting and anaerobic
tered it. The mixture was forced through a commercial pressurized digestion for potential improvement of 14 environmental and health
extruder, which sterilized the substrate through friction with tem- parameters, e.g. ozone depletion, emissions of carcinogens, toxins, eu-
perature reaching 110–135 °C. It is not clear why those early-day ad- trophication, etc. Results indicated that the food-waste-for-animal-
ventures did not lead to sustained (business) practices. Several decades feeding options scored most favorably with 12 (dry-based) or 13 (wet-
later today, the society is striving to simultaneously address the issues based) of the 14 parameters, primarily because of feed grain substitu-
of resource limitation, food security, and environmental pollution. In- tion.
novative technologies are needed more than ever to effectively and Other resources and environmental benefits associated with FDF
efficiently convert food waste into animal feeds. Systems-based com- replacing feed grains can be substantial. For example, the production of
prehensive studies will need to examine not only the cost-benefit ratio 1 t maize grain requires 110–140 m3 water and 17 kg N fertilizer in the
of the treatment per se but also the broader impacts on socioeconomic U.S. (Kim et al., 2014; Monsanto, 2015), or 455–476 m3 water and
and resources and sustainability factors. 29 kg N in the Chinese production system (Wang et al., 2015; Zhang
et al., 2014). The water and fertilizer would be ‘spared’ if the maize
3. Resource and environmental implications were replaced with FDF. Several other resource and environmental
parameters are quantifiable as well, such as energy expenditure, nitrate
3.1. Climate footprint leaching loss, and N2O (a potent GHG) emissions. Future studies with
quantitative assessment of the resource and environmental benefits
A number of studies using life cycle analysis (LCA) compared the potentially provided by the ReFeed strategy would help bring new
climate footprint of food waste treatment for animal feeding against understanding to the scientific community. Such knowledge would also
other waste management options such as anaerobic digestion, com- help raise awareness and stimulate debates on policy priorities and
posting, incineration, and landfill. In general, GHG emissions associated sustainable development agendas.
with the feed-making processes are comparable to those of composting,
anaerobic digestion, or incineration, but substantially less than that of 4. Health/safety issues, cases of select countries
landfills. For example, Kim and Kim (2010) calculated GHG emissions
to be 200 kg CO2-eq per ton of food waste with dry-based treatment, Raw food waste without proper treatment can contain disease-
61 kg CO2-eq with wet-based treatment, 123 kg CO2-eq with com- causing bacteria and viruses such as those causing foot-and-mouth
posting, and 1010 kg CO2-eq with landfill. (Relevant GHG emissions disease and classic swine fever. As mentioned earlier, current methods
associated with the production of maize and soybeans would be 612 of food waste treatment for animal feeding all include a heating step to
and 720 kg CO2-eq per ton of grain, derived from Camargo et al., 2013.) sterilize the materials, rendering the products safe for feeding. For ex-
Examining results from multiple LCA studies, zu Ermgassen et al. ample, heat treatment at 65 °C for 20 min was adequate to reduce
(2016b) stated that the amounts and range of GHG emissions associated Salmonella, E. coli and S. aureus to below levels specified as safe for
with food waste treatment for animal feeding varied considerably be- animal feed (García et al., 2005). A hydrothermal treatment at 110 °C
tween different studies and were sensitive to local conditions and study for 60 min eliminated S. aureus, total coliforms, and total aerobic bac-
assumptions. teria, although spoilage molds and yeasts survived at low concentra-
There is a shortcoming embedded in previous studies, that is, their tions (Jin et al., 2012). In principle, current health and safety regula-
system boundaries were set as such to examine the climate footprint of tions coupled with proper management protocols are adequate to
the waste management options at the endpoint only. The system safeguard the practice of feeding FDF to animals. This is backed by solid
boundary precludes consideration of the cascading effects that would evidence in numerous studies as well as in South Korea at the national
be brought forth with the food-waste-to-animal-feed option. When feed level (discussed in Section 4.3).
grains are replaced by FDF, there would be corresponding reductions in Besides microbial safety, García et al. (2005) reported lead (Pb) and
resources that are linked with the production of the grain, such as en- cadmium (Cd) in household and restaurant food wastes being close to
ergy, fertilizer, irrigation water, land, and other agricultural inputs. or slightly exceeding EU limits, and dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-
Corresponding reductions in environmental burdens, e.g. CO2, N2O and p-dioxin) and furan levels exceeding those allowed in livestock feeds.
NH3 emissions, are also expected. These ‘up-stream’ resource and en- Chen et al. (2015) also found Pb and chromium (Cr) exceeding the
vironmental benefits need to be taken into account in future studies Chinese Hygienic Standard for Feeds in hydrothermally-treated food
through full-fledged lifecycle analyses across the entire food system. waste samples; pesticides in their samples did not exceed the detection
limit of the analytical procedures. It is not clear whether the con-
3.2. Other resource and environmental implications tamination was incidental or widespread, or how representative the
samples were for the source material. More complete data, coupling
Livestock production is costly in terms of resource consumption. In systematic sample collection with risk analysis, would be valuable for
the United States, for example, the production of meat, eggs, and dairy making strategic as well as practical decisions for feed safety.
products requires very nearly half of the total acreage of cropland and
the amounts of irrigation water and fertilizer nutrients that were used 4.1. The situation in the European Union
to produce the entire domestic-consumption food supply (Toth and
Dou, 2016). Animal production is also associated with environmental Proper treatment of food waste and adequate regulatory and man-
externalities (Steinfeld et al., 2006). For instance, European pork pro- agement measures are of paramount importance, as the risk of feeding
duction costs €1.4 to the farmer but €1.9 of damage to the environment food waste to animals without proper treatment is high. This is de-
(through eutrophication, acidification, land use, and greenhouse gas monstrated by the foot and mouth disease outbreak in the UK in 2001
emissions) per kg of pork produced (Nguyen et al., 2012). The en- (Mort et al., 2004), costing £8 billion to the UK economy. The outbreak
vironmental costs stem primarily from the processes of feed grain led to swift legislation (in 2001) banning the use of food waste for
production (Salemdeeb et al., 2017). Substitution of feed grains with animal feeding in the UK; the ban was applied to the entire EU in 2002
FDF would help reduce “livestock's long shadow”. It was estimated that (EC regulation 1774/2002; zu Ermgassen et al., 2016b). According to
Z. Dou et al. Global Food Security 17 (2018) 154–161
zu Ermgassen et al. (2016b), the ban does not apply to food waste Kim et al., 2011). There are various combinations of public, private, or
materials that can be demonstrated to pose no risk of contamination public-private partnerships regarding facility set-up, food waste col-
with meat, fish, or other animal products, e.g. certain manufacturing lection and transport, and the operation of facilities, as outlined by zu
byproducts. Consequently, only about 3 Mt manufacturing byproducts Ermgassen et al. (2016b). Feed safety is upheld by strict regulations,
are currently recovered for animal feeding in the EU, compared to an coupled with proper treatment technologies and control measures such
estimated 102 Mt food waste generated. Meanwhile, the EU Waste as registration, certification, and stringent feed standards. Since the
Framework Directive set a target of zero biodegradable waste (in- introduction of the relevant law and its implementation, there have
cluding food waste) at landfills by 2025. Progress is slow and highly been no animal disease outbreaks associated with the use of feeds de-
variable in different regions toward the set goal (zu Ermgassen et al., rived from food waste in South Korea (zu Ermgassen et al., 2016b).
2016a). Paradoxically, a survey of UK smallholder farmers indicated Japan is also reportedly recycling about 40% of the food waste for
that 24% of the respondents reported feeding uncooked household food animal feeding. Its food waste recycling law was introduced in 2001,
waste to their pigs (Gillespie et al., 2015 cited by zu Ermgassen et al., which was amended in 2007 to make feed-manufacturing the priority in
2016b). This raises the critical question: which policy would be of lower preference to other alternatives such as composting or incineration
risk – the status quo ban or centralized and regulated use of food waste (Takata et al., 2012). Currently, the nation's trademarked product,
in pig feeding (zu Ermgassen et al., 2016b)? EcoFeed, is produced with source materials primarily from food man-
ufacturing byproducts and surplus grocery and wholesale food; inclu-
4.2. The situation in the United States sion of restaurant and household food wastes is rather minor (Liu et al.,
The Swine Health Protection Act (U.S. Congressional Record, 1980)
stipulates that food waste containing animal parts must be heat-treated 5. Other issues and concerns
at 100 °C for 30 min at licensed operations to qualify for swine feeding.
Feeding ruminants with food waste that contains mammalian proteins The stereotypical image of ‘garbage feeding’ or ‘swilling’ may hinder
is prohibited (FDA, 2017), due to the concern of transmission of bovine the wide adoption of FDF by livestock producers. Contemporary treat-
spongiform encephalopathy (commonly known as mad cow disease). ment technologies can convert food waste materials into feed products
States vary widely in laws and regulations regarding food waste feeding that are value-added and refined, e.g. pelleted dry feed materials,
to pigs (Broad Leib et al., 2016). National data on consumption-stage bearing little resemblance to the outdated image of garbage or swill.
food waste fed to production animals are not available; the practice is The FDF can be marketed as commodities. Proper framing could help
probably limited to a small number of pig farms. For example, in the break away from the old label, creating new ‘images’ for enhanced
state of New Jersey, from the 1960s to 1994, the number of state-li- acceptance. Toward this end, Singapore's campaign and social mar-
censed swine food waste feeders declined from 250 to 36, and the keting for its “NEWater” is an example of remarkable success. NEWater
number of pigs finished on food waste declined from 130,000 to less is derived from wastewater after treatment with advanced technologies.
than 50,000 head (Westendorf et al., 1996). In alignment with the UN It supplies up to 40% of the nation's water needs currently, increasing to
Sustainable Development Goals target 12.3, the USDA and U.S. EPA 55% by 2060 according to the National Water Agency (PUB, 2017).
announced the national goal of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030 The logistics of food waste collection, transport and handling may
(U.S. EPA, 2017). How to attain this goal is not clear. A number of states constitute another concern, since consumption-stage food waste is
and local municipalities have created programs recently to promote scattered across numerous food services and homes. Those food waste
food waste composting and anaerobic digestion. Quantitatively, how- materials, generally high in moisture content and prone to spoilage,
ever, the amount of food waste recycled through composting and require timely collection and proper handling. GIS-based digital map-
anaerobic digestion is very small − less than 2 Mt (Goldstein, 2017; ping, coupled with the application of advanced logistics tools, can help
U.S. EPA, 2016) compared to the 47 Mt generated at the consumption develop optimal scenarios for food waste collection, transport, and
stage (ReFED, 2016). It is a long way to attaining the 50% reduction handling. Furthermore, valuable lessons can be drawn from the decade-
goal. As a national strategy, ReFeed can serve as a game-changer, long successful operation of the programs in South Korea. Besides, food
provided that relevant policies are created with necessary support in waste collection from diffuse sources at the consumption stage would
concert with stakeholder engagement. be similar whether it is for feed-making or composting or anaerobic
4.3. The case of South Korea Would livestock farmers benefit from integrating FDF into their
operations? The answer is a qualified ‘yes’ by way of reduced feed cost.
Unlike the outright ban in the EU or the very limited recovery of For example, Cho et al. (2004) showed that integrating FDF into
food waste for animal feeding in the U.S., South Korea provides a chicken feeding in Korea could lower feed costs by 2–13%, depending
working model to demonstrate that ReFeed as a national strategy can be on substitution rates (10% vs. 30%) and the growth stage of the birds.
implemented successfully. There, landfilling of food waste was banned Spinelli and Corso (2000) had similar observations with pig feeding.
in 2005. Nationwide, about 45% of all food waste is treated for animal Furthermore, the case report of the Rutgers-Pinter Farm partnership
feeding, another 45% by composting, and the remaining 10% by other (U.S. EPA, 2009) illustrates a win-win situation. Accordingly, Rutgers
alternatives such as anaerobic digestion, vermicomposting, and co-di- University pays the farmer $30 per (U.S.) ton of food waste hauled from
gestion with sewage sludge (Kim et al., 2011). Food waste generated at the campus dining services to the pig farm for feeding, instead of the
the consumption stage is collected separately from other solid wastes $60 landfill fee the university would have to pay otherwise. It is not
and taken to central processing locations for conversion into animal clear about the transportation and heating costs or feed-cost savings on
feeds. Typically, around 30% of FDF is from food service businesses the farm, but the economics would certainly favor the farmer as well.
such as restaurants, with the remainder from households (Kim and Kim, Being cost effective for livestock producers to incorporate FDF into
2010). At dry-based treatment facilities, food waste is shredded after feeding does not necessarily mean that recovering food waste and
removing non-food items, dewatered, heat-sterilized, then dried to converting it into animal feed would be economically self-sustaining. A
approximately 80% DM (Kim et al., 2011). Dry-based facilities are lo- life cycle cost analysis (Kim et al., 2011) suggests that all endpoint
cated near cities where much of the raw food waste originates, and the options for food waste management – feed-making, composting, di-
feed products can be shipped to animal operations at varying distances. gestion, incineration, or landfilling – cost several times more than the
Wet-based treatment facilities are often located on-farm so that feeds direct benefits derived from the products (feeds or compost or biogas;
produced are utilized on-site in a timely fashion (Kim and Kim, 2010; Table 2). Nevertheless, feed-making is the least costly compared to all
Z. Dou et al. Global Food Security 17 (2018) 154–161
Table 2
Cost and benefit analysis ($/ton of food waste) of different food waste management options (adapted from Kim et al., 2011).
other options (Table 2). It must be noted that the system boundary of today's animal production systems. Second, quantitative assessment to
the study (Kim et al., 2011), allowing the examination of the economic link feed grain replacement with resources and environmental benefits
outcome at the endpoint only, precludes the consideration of up-stream in the entire food system is needed, including major resource indices
resource and environmental impacts associated with feed grain sub- such as land, water, energy, fertilizer and other agricultural inputs, and
stitution, as discussed earlier. Future studies need to employ systems- environmental parameters e.g. soil erosion, nitrogen losses, and GHG
based approaches to take full account of the cascading effects. Fur- emissions. Such information would bring new understanding to the
thermore, comprehensive economic analysis must encompass not only scientific communities, policy makers, and the public and private sec-
resource and environmental consequences but also broader impacts tors as well. Furthermore, inputs and feedback from stakeholders, in-
such as socioeconomic effects (e.g. job creation) along with full-fledged cluding feed suppliers, livestock producers, food waste emitters, and
cost analyses, including infrastructure, technological development, consumers, are critical for developing effective interventions to support
opportunity cost and risk analysis. Such in-depth knowledge is essential and promote the adoption of food waste recovery for animal feeding.
for making informed decisions and designing policy incentives moving Finally, comprehensive economic analyses need to examine the full
forward. spectrum of cost and benefits, including potential broader impacts, of
the ReFeed strategy so as to provide the fundamental basis necessary for
the development of sound, effective, and path-changing policies.
6. Concluding remarks
Scientific and field-based studies have provided strong evidence
that consumption-stage food waste is rich in major nutrients for nour-
Dr. Charles Ramberg, Jr. commented on an earlier version of the
ishing livestock animals, and that contemporary treatment technologies
manuscript and contributed to the framing of the scope of this article.
can convert food waste materials, high in moisture content and prone to
Dr. Mi-Hyung Kim provided email consultation. Dr. Zhenling Cui
spoilage, into feed products that are easy to handle and safe to use for
helped with the literature search. This work was supported in part by
animal feeding. Such feeds derived from food waste can replace some of
the University of Pennsylvania through a University Research
the grains in conventional diets, bringing forth a cascading effect up-
Foundation grant.
stream in the food system with potential benefits of resource con-
servation and pollution mitigation.
In many developed economies, food is being wasted at the con- Author declaration
sumption stage in very large amounts, owing to complex and inter-
related socioeconomic, cultural and psychological factors. Food waste We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest
prevention as the ultimate goal is attainable only to a limited extent. associated with this publication and there has been no significant fi-
Currently-promoted options such as composting and anaerobic diges- nancial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome.
tion for enhanced management of food waste, compared to landfill as We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all
the default, have little capacity for simultaneously addressing food se- named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the
curity and sustainability challenges. Recovering food waste and con- criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the
verting it into animal feed with modern treatment technologies can be a order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us.
game-changer, providing the opportunity to simultaneously address We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection
food security, pollution prevention, waste management, and resource of intellectual property associated with this work and that there are no
and climate challenges. impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with
Future research needs to address several important issues. First, respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we have
systematic sample collection and comprehensive nutrient analysis is followed the regulations of our institutions concerning intellectual
needed to provide more accurate data on the complete nutrient profile property.
of pre-treatment food waste and, more importantly, post-treatment feed We understand that the Corresponding Author is the sole contact for
products, regarding the concentration, variability, and bioavailability the Editorial process (including Editorial Manager and direct commu-
of key nutrients. Such information is critical for enabling the integra- nications with the office). She is responsible for communicating with
tion of food-waste-derived feeds into the precision-feeding routine of the other authors about progress, submissions of revisions and final
Z. Dou et al. Global Food Security 17 (2018) 154–161
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