LET - Reviewer English
LET - Reviewer English
LET - Reviewer English
1.This book in the New testament tells about the vision of the second coming of Jesus, and
the end of the world.
a. Achilles c. Menelaus
B. Agamemnon d.Hector
5.________________ is the most authentic records Confucian teaching from which the
“Tao” or “way” was learned.
a. Romanticism c. Puritanism
B. Realism d. Naturalism
7. _____________ wrote the very first true novel “The Tale of Genji”
9. All of the Romans below are made become emperors except ____________.
a. Catullus c. Caligula
B. Claudius d. Julius Caesar
10. All the works below are made of Leo Tolstoy except ___________.
a. Romance c. Epic
B. Ballad d. Lyric
13.What is the main idea that can be inferred from the stanza below?
14.In the epic “The Odyssey”, who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years?
a. Athena c. Helen
B. Calypso d. Penelope
a. Simile c. Hyperbole
B. Metaphor d. Onomatopoeia
18. The American Renaissance also known as the American Romantic Movement paved the
way for the birth of ___________.
a. Romanticism c. Transcendentalism
B. Naturalism d. Realism
19. What does Sappho tell the lesbian woman about her death in the poem below?
To An Uncultured Lesbian Woman
“Yes, thou shalt die.
And lie
Dump in the silent tomb;
Nor of thy name
Shall these by any fame”
a. She will not be famous in death c. She will be placed in a tomb
B. She will find peace d. She will be forgotten
a. Kalidasa c. Tagore
B. khagyam d. Sadi
22. Which of the statements below supports this statement: “The Homeric poems greatly
influenced the development of Greek Civilization.”
23. Among the following statements, which best describes the difference among the three
canticles of the Divine Comedy?
a. In Inferno, they become more corporeal as Dante descends into the lower circles
b. In Purgatorio, they have corporeal shape, but not corporeal shape, but not corporeal
c. In Paradiso, theu have neither bodies nor images bit simply lights; in Purgatorio,
they have corporeal substance; and in inferno, they become more corporeal as
Dante descends into the lower circles
d. In Paradiso, they have neither bodies nor images but not corporeal substance
25. The lines of the poem below describe Africa as a land that is _____________.
David Deop
Africa, my Africa
Africa of proud warriors
In ancestral savanna
Africa of whom my grandmother
26. Because of his poetic style, Ezra Pountic style Ezra Pound is considered a/ an ________.
a. Philosophical c. Metaphysical
b. lmagist d. Romantic
27. 0edipu__________________as a punishment for killing his father and having sexual
relation with his mother.
a. Castrated himself c. Ordered his sons to murder him
b. killed himself d. Gouged his eyes
28. In the poem below, what could be the author’s feeling toward lesbian women?
To An Uncultured lesbian woman
”Yes, thou shalt die,
And lie
Dump in the silent tomb;
Nor of thy name
Shall these by any fame”
a. pity c. Regret
b. Sadness d. Anger
31. The word Gospel is derived from a Greek word that means _____________.
a. Regret c. Sadness
b. Loss d. Love
33. Which statement best characterizes the Old testament as a literary piece?
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought it is founded on our thoughts, it is
made up of our thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as
the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.” – Bhagavad Gita
a. We must change for the better c. we must have right thoughts
b. We must think carefully d. we must be hard working like the ox
36. Among the following statements bellow, which is not an accurate representation of
ancient Greek religious beliefs?
a. Agamemnon c. Antigone
b. Oedipus Rex d. Oedipus at Colonus
40. Mistakes in pronunciation are immediately corrected in the Audio-Lingual method because:
41. Which of the following statements below will help the students, who are asked to listen to a set of
instruction in English, process the material?
a. Freely flowing air through the nasal cavity c. Friction that is present in the vocal tract
b. The little obstruction in the vocal tract d. Vibrations of the vocal cords
44. If a teacher believes that language is a system of structure composed of sounds, words, and
sentences, then his syllabus might focus on __________.
a. Has to c. Metaphor
b. Metonymy d. Alliteration
49. This is the smallest unit of sound.
a. Allophone c. Morpheme
b. Allomorph d. Phoneme
50. Krashen said that knowledge of grammatical rules in language performance functions as
a. Monitor c. output
b. Affect d. input