People Vs Mariano
People Vs Mariano
People Vs Mariano
A: Yes, Ma’am, Police Officer Razo gave Q: Please go down and identify him?
Allan Doringo six hundred (Php600.00)
pesos. A: (Witness pointed to a man in black
shirt and identified as Allan Doringo
Q: Afterwards, what happened? when asked.)22
A: And right after the exchanged of Simply put, Godofredo produced two
items we requested the two (2) of them (2) plastic sachets containing shabu
to have the actual test of shabu and and gave it to PO1 Olleres in exchange
while they were testing the shabu we for P1,000.00. Also, Allan had offered
declared arrest. and given two (2) more sachets
containing shabu to PO3 Razo, who in
Q: What do you mean when you say turn, handed him P600.00. PO3 Razo
they were actually testing the shabu? corroborated the account of PO1
Olleres, to wit:
A: They tested the shabu by providing us
the totter and aluminum foil and while Q: Mr. Witness, on October 17, 2004 at
we were testing the said shabu we more or less 10:45 in the morning do you
declared arrest. still recall your whereabouts?