Impact of Work-Life Balance On Job Satisfaction Among School Teachers of 21 ST Century

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Uzma ABDUL Hafeez Waqar Akbar



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Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846



Uzma Hafeez
MS Scholar, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi.
22-E, Block-6, PECHS, Karachi, 75400, Pakistan.
[email protected]

Waqar Akbar
Lecturer Department of Business Administration Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi.
[email protected]


Socioeconomic changes, tough global competition and work culture have made employees find difficulty in
balancing the two important areas of their life; work and family life which continually keep them under pressure
that directed to dissatisfaction of job, as a result of this would in turn into imbalance in their work and private
life. Work-life balance is about people having a measure of control over when, where and how they work. It
increases effectiveness as well as improves satisfaction, in both the professional as well as personal lives. The
success of any institution based on the performance of its employees, which in turn based on various variables.
So, the present study aims to examine the “impact of work life balance on job satisfaction amongst elementary
school teachers of 21st century”. The paper in hand presents a concise summary of the literature on the value of
work –life balance and job satisfaction. The key independent variables work-life balance; long hours of work,
pressure/stress on work, intention to change a job, flexible working conditions/environments which serves as an
indicator of work-life balance while dependent variable job-satisfaction includes salary level, interpersonal
relationship, spend time with family, balance between work and life, staff loyalty as it levers. A survey of 350
school teachers via self administrated questionnaire with the help of quota sampling technique is conducted
with the response rate of 83%. Four sets of hypothesis are developed which relate directly to the research
question. SPSS 19 is used to perform reliability, descriptive, correlation and regression analysis. The findings
suggest that in schools work-life balance has not much impact on teacher’s job-satisfaction. The reason of such
results may be due to the uncertain circumstances, the huge rate of inflation and smaller numbers of job
opportunities, lack of application of nationwide laws etc. The last section of the paper concludes along with
Recommendation to give guidelines for Future Research.

Keywords: work-life balance, job-satisfaction, educational sector, schools, teachers.

In recent years the perception of work–life balance has turned out to be popular for maintaining a balance
between working time and leisure time as a result it has been getting much prominence throughout the world.
Job seekers are making their service decision that how well their workplace can sustain a balance between their
personal lives and job (Tanvi and Fatima 2012) [33]. The concept of Work-life balance forces the issue that as
human beings we are equitably committed with our employment and our private life with equal importance at
both ends. It is seen that in real working atmosphere the work life balance is hardly sustained, because human
resources are rarely consumed efficiently. It is considered as the second most essential workplace aspect, as per
study performed by the communal Executive Board along with 50,000 workers globally, which represents that
workforce who experience a healthier work-life balance work 21% tougher than those who don’t.

Additionally, the perception of work-life balance has turned out to be prime concern for management. It is about
assisting staff to fulfill their working responsibilities along with their personal life commitments. It increases
effectiveness as well as improves satisfaction, in both the professional as well as personal lives. The success of
any institution is based on the performance of its employees, which in turn depends on various factors. WLB is
recognized as a foundation of job-satisfaction in service sectors like banking, education etc in Chennai city.
They have opined that workforce who can sustain equilibrium among personal as well as professional life, can
achieve higher level of job-satisfaction and also contributes more to the accomplishments of their institution.
(Varatharaj and Vasantha S 2012) [36]. According to various work life balance surveys, more than 60% of the
participants said that they are not able to find equilibrium among their private and professional lives. They have

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

to make tough choices even when their job and private life are not balanced. (Ms. T. Subha, 2013) [19].The
relationship between work-life balance and job-satisfaction should highlight this key point and all these
considerations highlights a general requirement for reconciliation among professional as well as personal life.

Striking a sense of balance among individual’s work and personal life is a dilemma. So, the basis for carrying
out this study is that today’s workforce are not much concerned about their fundamental rights as well as their
work-life balance and are therefore more engaged in their professional life activities as compared to personal
ones due to the increasing rate of inflation and unemployment. (Roberta Maeran, 2013) [26]. Considerable
studies have already been conducted on this issue in developed countries and they have also started paying
attention on this in order to enhance the level of job-satisfaction. The Metropolitan city like Karachi being
considered as extremely busy plus fast moving and the work load and long working hours influence on the level
of job satisfaction. As a matter of fact, work-life balance has ultimately become a necessary requirement for
almost every kind of workforce, as well as those individuals who are employed in teaching profession. As
teaching is considered as the most respected profession and the heart of an education, so it is generally accepted
that their performance play a key role in students’ education and nurturing the young one’s into good citizens of
the country. (Parma, (2014) [23]. It has also been observed that most of the educational institutions are
rapidly incorporating the latest technology, mostly information technology into their teaching learning practices.
The long hours of working, intense load of work, high challenging jobs, application of latest technology has put
much more worries and burden in their employment context as they carry out variety of tasks; such as,
administrative, scientific and subject-designing, organizing students' performance etc (Nadeem and Abbas 2009)
[17], which continually keep them under pressure which directs them to dissatisfaction of job as a result of this
it creates imbalance in their work and private life.

In Pakistan, many researches are carried out on this issue but few are concerned with teaching profession so
efforts are being made for the organizations especially the educational sector to restore a work-life balance for
the betterment of their staff performance, which ultimately aids in students education. Hence Institutions
believes in offering a balanced life for their workforce as they know that their workforce is not as much
concerned regarding their financial security. These types of approaches are now applied in various Educational
Institutions (Ms. T. Subha, 2013) [19]. Consequently, it’s the responsibility of school management to implement
such policies and strategies that permit their staff to balance their working and their personal lives. For this
reason, this study has intended to examine that “to what extent work -life balance impacts on job-satisfaction
among elementary school teachers of Karachi”. Factors drawn are work-life balance and job-satisfaction in
which the work-life balances with reverence to long hours of work, pressure on work, intention to change a job,
flexible working conditions. On the other hand, job-satisfaction includes; salary level, interpersonal relationship,
family time, balances between work- life and staff loyalty as its levers. To sum up the main objective of this
 To examine the impact of work-life balance on job-satisfaction and which factors of work-life balance
have additional influence on satisfaction level of job amongst teachers?
 To recommend work life balance policies.

1.1 Research implication

This study will be valuable in following terms:-
 This study will figure out variables that are required to be improved for good execution of work-life
balance and will help out to discover obstacles to improper work-life balance.
 It can be valuable for the educational sector in order to improve their policies within their workplaces
including; flexible work schedules, paid time off (PTO) policies, safety and welfare of staff, reduced
stress and sick leave on-site child care facilities, and pay structures etc.
 It will also be beneficial for teachers as well if they have a good work-life balance as a result they can
serve more and more to the students, this would help students to make better-quality career life and by
gaining good and advanced knowledge. Hence the member of staff who is capable in maintaining a
balance can contribute even much more to the accomplishment of their institution.
 The outcome also illustrates that teachers are not aware of a matter like job-satisfaction and work life
balance that is certainly a fundamental right. They are contended as far as they have job, rest of the
things do not seem important to them. This research can be utilized as a light for schools to pay
attention to such variables, as their benefits are not only for teachers but can be good to schools in the
long run particularly in maintaining a turnover rate as it exposes some policies to reverse this trend in
order to attract and hold the quality teachers required for a 21st Century education system.

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

2.1 Concept of Work-Life Balance
It’s defined as: “a perception together with appropriate estimate among "work" and "way of life". A study
conducted in Pakistan by Naeem and Abbes, (2009) [17], in order to determine the correlation among conflict of
work-life and job satisfaction level of workforce in the entire management levels, taking both public and the
private firms. The results showed that job satisfaction at upper management level has negatively correlated with
family to work intervention the job satisfaction of medial rank of workforce decline when the conflict work-life
rises. While at the junior rank of workforce it has negatively correlated.

While T. Alexandra Beauregard, (2009) [32],in their paper said that practices of work-life balance, adopt in
several firms, for the purpose of reducing the conflict of work- and life amongst current employees in order to
increase the performance of their firm. The paper in hand provides little indication to guide the concept that the
practices of work-life balance improve presentation of the firm by reducing the conflict of work and life. At the
end, paper suggest that the firms are required to modified themselves to reflect further routes so that their firm’s
work-life balance practices can persuade their performance, including, enlarged cost savings, enhanced
productivity, and reduced the rate of turnover.

Striking a sense of balance among individual’s work and personal life is a dilemma in today’s workforce that
they are not much concerned about their fundamental rights as well as their work-life balance and are therefore
more engaged in their professional life activities as compared to personal ones due to the increasing rate of
inflation and unemployment. (Roberta Maeran, 2013) [26]. According to various work life balance surveys,
more than 60% of the participants said that are not able to find equilibrium among their private and professional
lives. They have to make tough alternatives even when their job and private life is not close to equilibrium (Ms.
T. Subha, 2013) [19].

Following literature shows that the lack of work-life balance, the dissatisfaction level of workers’ are increases
so the policies and programs related to work-life balance related to flexible work hours and environment,
reduce load of work, and employees intention to leave a job are important because it is shows that if the need
of the workers in respect of work-life balance is met, as result workforce can show superior level of job

2.1a. Long Working Hours

On hand literature presents slightly indication about the influence of working hours on workers satisfaction.
Working hours is defined as: “indicate to the regulation to restraint the working hours. If a worker wants to do
additional work, the manager’ll have compensated workforce as mandatory by the law [42]. In their research
Hanglberger (2010) [11] talks about the effectiveness of work-life balance, particularly about the working hours
of a workforce and satisfaction of job .he find out a positive correlation in between them. In UK and Germany
the same study was also conducted and analyzed by Gash et al. (2010) [10] for the purpose of investigating the
relationship of hours of working and their consequence on work–life balance, the results showing a conflict
among high performance practices and the policies of work-life balance and their results supported the research
of Hanglberger, which also a showing a positive effect of reduced working hours on the life satisfaction of a

In Pakistan a study also conducted amongst medical professionals by Malik et al. (2010) [18] in order find out
the relationship of work-life balance with job satisfaction. Sarah Holly, Alwine Mohnen (2012) [29] wrote an
article in which they study the influence of working hours on workforce satisfaction, by means of panel data
from German households (GSOEP). A finding confirms that long working hours do not lead to decline the level
of employee’s satisfaction. In spite rising working hours have positive effects on workforce satisfaction to a
certain extent. In 2009, nearly 60% of employees desired to trim down their working hours in 2009. The study
suggests that, if workers overtime is properly compensated, satisfaction increases, and as a result working hour
mismatch reduces.

2.1b.Work Pressure
Work pressure is defined by Ivancevich, Olekalns (2008) [13] as “An accommodative reaction of a person
which is an outcome of some of the action that puts extraordinary burden on an individual”. A study performed
by Noor Fatima & Sahibzada (2012) [22], on work-life balance in different universities in Pakistan. The finding
of the study shows that due to intense workload in universities, employees turn out to be dissatisfied with their
job. therefore, the study suggested that universities must build up such strategies that might be facilitate their
staff requirements so that they can maintain a balance between their work and life responsibilities in order to

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

attain competitive advantage. While Simin Bemana, (2013) [30], in their study examines the relationship
among work stress and the level of job satisfaction. Respondents of this study are selected by using random
sampling technique consist a total of 200 employees of public metropolis s from Shiraz area in Iran. The
findings of this study revealed the negative correlation among them and findings also illustrate that there is not a
significant differentiation among two genders in relation with work stress and the level workforce job

Another study conducted by Charles Arinze Obiora (2013) [3], on the topic” Work Related Stress, Job
Satisfaction in Nigerian Public Service”. The paper talks about the consequence of work-related stress on the
attitude of workforce in public sector. Data are generated by using sources and by applying Range of Affect
theory, the paper create a condition that give rise to work related stress that impose negatively on workforce
that how they can take pleasure in doing their job and this has far reaching implications on public service
performance in Nigeria. At the end paper suggests that working environments in Nigerian public service be
required to be better to reduce the consequence of work-related stress.

2.1c Change of Job

Change of job is defined by David Mc Dermott [5] as: ‘it is the movement of an individual from one
job group to anymore.' Several studies shows that turnover intentions are heightened due do work-life tension
plus the majority of the academy also criticizes that they can't greatly assist their workers to equilibrium their
work and private life. Margaret Deery, (2008) [16] wrote a paper on “work-life balance plus retention
strategies”, in which he study the literature concerning to retention of good quality staff. The paper start by
means of concise overview and in hands presents a summary of the employee turnover rate in the hospitality and
tourism industry. It also present framework for industries to build up strategies for the purpose of reducing the
turnover rate of their workforce, with a main focus on the function of balancing work plus family plays in those
strategies. The major findings of this paper focus on job attitudes likewise satisfaction of job and firms loyalty,
personal characteristic as +ve and -ve affectivity, the function of Work-life balance in worker turnover and
strategies offered to lessen high turnover rates. The study exposed that those doctors who are well in managing
their job and private life shows superior satisfaction level and a lesser amount of turnover intentions.

A study conducted in Pakistan by Saroj Noor, Nzaia Maad (2008) [27], in which they examine the association
among the conflict of work-life and employee’s intent to depart a job by examining the background
of turnover intent amongst marketing executives in Pakistan. The respondents of this study consist of 248
marketing executives functioning in different firms in Pakistan. The findings of this study recommends that
of work life conflict has a significantly positively related with turnover intentions. And in the last section of the
paper different strategies in relation with employee intention to leave a job are also discussed.

2.1d Flexible Working Condition

Working conditions indicates the environment at workplace while the flexible working conditions are defines as
in which workforce are given larger arrangement freedom in how they carry out the responsibility of their
positions. Most of the studies show that the flexible Working condition has an additional impact on the
satisfaction level of an employee [41]. A study was conducted on the topic “Comparing timework locations and
traditional work arrangements”. For the purpose of inspecting the differences between in WLB support, level of
workforce satisfaction of job, and incorporation of work location, through Web based survey data in which 578
employees working at one of four locations (main office, client location, satellite office, and home). The
Multiple regression were applied to distinguish between them (Valerie J. Morganton, 2010) [35].Joyce K,
(2010) [15] in their paper on the topic “Flexible working conditions and their effects on employee wellbeing”
evaluate the effects (positive and negative) of flexible working environment on the physical, mental and
wellbeing of an employees.

2.2 Concept of Job Satisfaction

Previously there are many studies conducted to uncover the factors that influence the level of workforce job
satisfaction (Abdulla et al., 2011) [1] and found salary is top most factors for job satisfaction, although other
factors also considered as interpersonal relationship, and employees loyalty etc. In addition, Hanif and Kamal
(2009) [10], in their study argues that if institutions can formulate good policies for their staff related to their
pay scales, working settings, this may direct to worker satisfaction as well as ultimately raised the employee
loyalty because employee who are satisfied with their job are more likely to be helpful and attentive towards
their students. The job satisfaction of a Teacher is very important area of study. As numerous studies have been
originate that job satisfaction influence the life satisfaction of individuals. It can be defined as: “A point in
which individuals like satisfaction or else dissatisfaction in their employment context”

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

The job satisfaction of a Teacher is a foundation of motivation that maintains an attempt in performing
responsibilities necessary to become excellent teachers such as preparation of plan of work, careful marking of
assignments, and in depth record keeping to examine the progress of their students. In Malaysia Noor (2011)
[21] conducted a study for the purpose of identifying the factors which affect job satisfaction of teachers of
secondary schools. The findings of the study illustrate that teacher satisfaction by means of intrinsic and
extrinsic components found demographic variables to be significant. Further, higher-ranking teachers are likely
to assist and guidance of new teachers and the level of their job satisfaction enhance by numerous factors and
once workforces are satisfied with their job, they feel themselves motivated. Imran (2012) [14] has conducted a
study on employment fulfillment of school instructors of Sivan in which he uncovered that feminine educators
delight in more prominent fulfillment than male educators; wedded educators land more position fulfillment
than bachelor educators. One more study conducted on elementary school educator of Haryana in which they
originate that non-public school educator has more job contentment than those employed in public schools.
Also, lesser practiced educator has been originating to have more superior job contentment than higher practiced
educator (Gupta and Manju, 2013) [9]. While Tirupathi (2013) [34], performed a survey, in which he found
that educator were contented with their job load plus more contented with the presentation and achievements of
their students in the board exam moreover a greater number of educator were contented with their salary. In
their study N. T. Feather (2010) [20], investigated the behaviors of organizational citizenship (OCBs) by
taking 154 school educator from Victoria, Australia, in which 101 educator had a long-lasting job and the rest
53 were on fixed-term contracts basis. The ending Results demonstrated that job insecurity of the contract
educator report is high and has more OCBs in contrast with permanent ones. Also shows that OCBs had positive
relation with job insecurity and had a negative relationship with opportunities in order to assure impact and
talent-consumption employment principles for the educator who hired on contract basis and had a positive
relation with firm’s commitment and to opportunities to assure diversity and talent-consumption employment
principles for the educators who hired on permanent basis. However in Pakistan a study was conducted by
Nadeem and Abbas (2009) [17], for the purpose of investigating the association amongst the conflict of work-
life and job-satisfaction. The findings show that job-satisfaction has a negative relationship with both work-
family and family-work interference along with the stress. While the workload has positively correlated and
other variable of Job independency has strong positively correlated with job-satisfaction, which shows that more
independency in a job directs to higher level of job satisfaction among workers. In India banking sector a study
was conducted by Dev (2012) [7], which demonstrate that the concept of work-life balance is much more
correlated with job satisfaction. The findings show that Job-satisfaction has negatively correlated with job stress,
work-family interference although positively correlated with work pressure. The paper in end suggested that
female staff be supposed to be offer additional facilities such as flexi time, child care, etc in order to achieve
their firms commitment. The supervisor support and work-family culture has a +ve correlation with job-
satisfaction. Insignificant relationship was originated among Work-life balance policies and programs. The Job-
attributes as well as supervisor support were positively correlated with work-family enhancement (Rupashree
and Shivganesh, 2010) [25].

The preceding literature is telling the concept of work life balance as well as its effect on workforce job
satisfaction. Upper management ought to understand the significance of work-life balance and its undesirable
influence on job-satisfaction. If there is a proper planning for making the strategies regarding work life balance
then it will be fruitful for both the staff and for the institutions as well by reducing the conflict between
workforce work and family life.

To analyze the research objectives, a following model was constructed and the variables are generating from
past research papers. The model demonstrate the hypothetical association among work-life balance and job-
satisfaction in which; “a” indicates the impact of long working hours on job-satisfaction (Hanglberger, 2010)
[11], “b” indicates the impact of work pressure on job-satisfaction (Simin Bemana,, 2013) [30], “c”
indicates the impact of change of job on job-satisfaction (Saroj Noor, Nzaia Maad, 2008) [27], and ”d” indicates
the impact of working condition on job-satisfaction (Joyce K, 2010) [15] as shown below:


(Independent variable) (Dependent variable)
a. Long Working Hours.  Salary level.
b. Work Pressure/stress.  Interpersonal relationship.
c. Change of Job.  Spend time with family.
d. Flexible Working  Balance between work and life.
Condition/Environment.  Staff loyalty.

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

3.1 Hypothesis
H1: Long working hours has no impact on teacher’s job-satisfaction.
H2: Work pressure has no impact on teachers’ job-satisfaction.
H3: Change of job has no impact on teachers’ job-satisfaction.
H4: Flexible working condition has no impact on teachers’ job-satisfaction.

Quantitative research type was applied in this study by means of questioner in which descriptive correlation and
regression design are utilized. The descriptive section presented the demographic features of the teachers as well
as their rating of work life balance and job satisfaction on different job components. Prior to carry out the
genuine research, pilot study also had done for checking the reliability. Hence, the general design is job
satisfaction is selected as the dependent variable and work life balance as an Independent Variable. First we
have obtained the list of registered schools in Karachi as per Appendix-II a, and then select eleven listed schools
of Karachi as per Appendix-II b. Respondents are selected by using quota sampling technique [39], in which
350 questionnaires are distributed given a time of 3 week to fill it, as shown in table-I:


A self administrated questionnaire is utilized (Appendix –III).The questions obtain and modified from past
research papers by Sobia Shujaat (2011) [28], S Padma (2014) [23], Varatharaj (2012) [36].The
questionnaire consisting of two parts. The 1st part is on the personal data of the participants. The 2nd part of the
instrument is on the work life balance and Job Satisfaction questionnaire, as shown in table-II.

A Respondents Information 1-5 Multiple Frequency And
Choice Graphs.
B Job-Satisfaction 1-5 5point-Likert Descriptive,
Scale Regression And
C Work-Life Balance 6-13 5point-Likert Descriptive,
Scale Regression And

After gathering the data, returned questionnaires were coded and then data posted in SPSS, for examining &
formulating descriptively in order to determine the agreeability and dis -agreeability of the respondents.

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846


It consist of interpretation of respondents answers by means of, tables & SPSS.19 are employed for pictorial
representation of the data.

5.1 Response Rate

It is considered as the sign of successfulness of a survey-based study, Malhotra (2004) [40]. In this study 350
questionnaires were distributed from which 290 questionnaires were returned back with the total response rate
of 83%, as shown in table- III.

5.2 Scale Reliability

It is a test for determining the internal reliability of the questionnaire by looking at the value of Chronbach’s (α=
.7), indicate acceptable reliability [37].table IV shows the Chronbach’s alpha value of all the variables in which
all the variables has (α> 0.7), which determined the questions for job satisfaction and work life balance can be
viewed as acceptable as well as predictable.

5.3 Graphical Analysis (Respondents Profile)

Respondents are required to give answers of the questions related to their personal information. The Graph on
demographic variables consisting of demographics (Appendix –I), conclude that 80% of the respondents are
from Female categories which are working as teachers in their respective schools ranging between the age group
(40-50yrs), showing that the respondents majorly consist of the middle aged bracket. On the other hand 54%
respondents are married and have children. In the taken data 67% person comprises of the group which has
completed their graduation/bachelor degrees. The duration of the employment of most of the respondents is in
range between 16-25 years. To summarize it can be concluded that in the teaching profession is best suited for
those professional which have experience, good education and sound maturity level in order to cope up with day
to day matters regarding the students, classes and last but not the least to help promote better school
environment sustaining the development through relevant policies and procedures.

5.4 Descriptive Statistics

This information highlights the agreeability and disagreeability of the participant’s by considering the rating of
mean [38]. As per the response of the respondents in table-V , the rating on independent variable ‘flexible
working condition/environment’ was maximum with a mean of (4.2603), its mean goes towards 4 which shows
that the respondent are agree that flexible working condition/environment has an impact on employee job
satisfaction. While the mean of remaining three variables showing the rating less than 4 and that indicate the
greater part of the participant’s shows disagreeability on the statement. The SD of variable long working hours
was at the highest with the rating of (1.18799).

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std.
WORKPRESSURE 2.3431 .94962
CHANGEOFJOB 2.2379 .87365
Valid N (listwise)

5.5 Pearson’s Correlation

The following table shows the correlation among studying variables:
Job satisfaction
Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed)
WORKPRESSURE -.585** .000.
CHANGEOFJOB -.486** .000.

5.5.1 Long Working Hours and job-satisfaction

The variable long working hours and job satisfaction has a value of correlation is r =-.589** as shown in table-
VI, demonstrate that these two variables has a strong negative relationship. Hence, it is concluded that long
working hours has no impact on the teacher’s job satisfaction in educational sector as it shows a weak
relationship with job satisfaction. However, schools can enhance their staff job satisfaction level by means of
reducing working hours of their staff.

5.5.2 Work Pressure and job-satisfaction

The variable work pressure and job satisfaction has a value of correlation is r = -.585** as shown in table-VI,
demonstrate that these two variables has a strong negative relationship. Hence, it is concluded that work
pressure has no impact on the teacher’s job satisfaction in educational sector as it shows a weak relationship
with job satisfaction. Though work pressure can be reduced by assigning job duties according to the skills of
their staff.

5.5.3. Change of Job and job-satisfaction

The variable intentions to a change a job and job satisfaction has a value of correlation is r = -.486** as shown
in table-VI, demonstrate that these two variables has a strong negative relationship. Hence, it is concluded that
change a job has no impact on the teacher’s job satisfaction in educational sector as it shows a weak relationship
with job satisfaction. Though, teacher’s job satisfaction can be improved by decreasing their staff intention to
change/ leave their job by offering them certain work life balance facilities.

5.5.4 Flexible Working Condition and job-satisfaction

The variable flexible working condition and job satisfaction has a value of correlation is r = .795** as shown in
table-VI, demonstrate that these two variables has a strong positive relationship. Hence, it is concluded that
flexible working conditions has an impact on the teacher’s job satisfaction in educational sector as it shows a
strong relationship with job satisfaction. Though schools can raise the level of their staff job satisfaction by
improving work place environment.

5.6 Hypothesis Testing (Regression)

In this study the linear regression model [6] is utilized, in which: X=work-life balance & Y= Job-Satisfaction.
Model summary
Model Std. Error Of The Estimate
1 .707 .31284

As per the above table-VIIa of model summary, the rating of R square is (0.707). This demonstrate that the 70%
of job satisfaction (dependent variable) can be explained by its four independent variables i.e; long working

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

hours, work pressure, change of job and working condition/environment, while the rest i.e; 28% (100% - 70%)
of job satisfaction is explained by some other potential variables. On the other hand, the Std. Error of the
estimate is the std. of the residuals moreover it is essential as it is a sign of that shows the alteration in sample
statistic is showing since its illustrate that 31% variation in the mean of a sample.

Model F Sig.
1 171.586 .000a

As per above table- VIIb of ANOVAb, the f-test illustrates the fitness of the model. The rating of F-test
(171.586) i.e; (f is greater >7.0) which demonstrate the significance of the entire model. While the P-value
shows the significant completion as the significance of the model be present as the P-value is less than < 0.05.
Therefore, the model utilized in this study is satisfactory.

Model 1 β t
(CONSTANT) 2.852 14.954
WORKPRESSURE -.253 -7.422

Multiple Regression equation:

Y= C + βX1 + βX2 + βX3+…+ βXn
Y= target variable (job-satisfaction).
C= rating of Constant.
β= Unstandardized coefficient.
X= predictor (long working hours, work pressure, change of job, and working condition).

On the basis of table above, the following equation is deriving:

Y= 2.852+ (-.107) X1 + (-.253) X2 + .001 X3 + .481X4

From the above table-VIIc of Coefficientsa, the Beta value demonstrates the involvement of predictors toward it
dependent variable. According to above table the value of β can be interpreted as, an increasing 1 unit of long
working hours(X1), the job satisfaction decreases by (-.107) times. Similarly an increasing 1 unit of work
pressure(X2), the job satisfaction decreases by (-.253) times. Also, 1 unit gain in change of job(X3), may cause
(.001) units of retention to decrease. Finally, for the explanatory variable of working condition(X4), every 1
unit of gain will incur the raise of (.481) units in target variable i.e; job-satisfaction moreover it stands with
highest positive value of beta, this represent that working condition is the most contributing variable and having
a strongest influence on job satisfaction of teachers as others variables.

The above table also shows the value t which can be interpretate as if t value of hypothesis shows greater value
than 2.5 which indicates that alternative hypothesis is accepted and null will be rejected. So the t value of ‘long
working hours’ is (-3.586) which is (t>2.5), indicate that our alternative hypothesis H1 is accepted. The t-value
of ‘work pressure’ is (-7.422) which is (t>2.5), indicate that our alternative hypothesis H2 is accepted. While the
t-value of ‘intention to change of job’ is (.030) which is (t>2.5), indicate that our alternative hypothesis H3 is
also accepted. Finally the t-value of ‘working condition/environment’ is (17.417) which is (t>2.5), indicate that
our alternative hypothesis H4 is rejected.

This paper aim to inspect the ‘impact of work life balance on job satisfaction among elementary school teachers
of 21st century”. In the present economic atmosphere, the concept of work-life balance is considered as one of
the most essential workplace attribute. One of the articles published on Thursday, 18 April, 2013, 12:00am,
which is carried out by Community Business, shows that work-life balance leads to long-term success in which
they found 72% of the workforce taken work-life balance as a important factor affecting, level of satisfaction,
and the retention of talented workforce (Amanda Yik, 2013) [2]. It is evidently seen that the teaching profession

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

is a tough and sometimes exhausting profession to work in when join with personal life responsibilities, can
be too much for them in real working atmosphere the work life balance is hardly sustained, because human
resources are rarely consume efficiently and due to the rapid economic growth and advancement raises the load
and pressure of work, long working hours high demanding jobs, use of latest technology, influence on the level
of job satisfaction of workforce(Nadeem and Abbas, 2009) [17]. As a matter of fact, work-life balance has
ultimately become a necessary requirement for almost every kind of workforce, as well as those individuals who
employed in teaching profession. A Good balance in work plus life increase staff efficiency and satisfaction
level, which in turn supports students learning. This study used four different measures in order to represent
work-life balance and job satisfaction as explained above. A survey of 350 teachers of eleven schools via self
administrated questionnaire with the help of quota sampling technique is conducted with the response rate of

According to the study, the study also found that long working hours have strong negative relationship with
teacher’s job satisfaction. As long working hours impact staff job satisfaction to a greater extent because
teachers of Karachi schools have to do to work for long hours and give much more priority to their job than their
personal life activities. It is supported by study of Chahal et al. (2013) [4] conducted in Delhi Canara bank
NCR, in which they found that 62.5% of their workforce were not satisfied with their job due to the reason of
working for long hours. Though, it is also supported by another study conducted by Purohit, (2013) [24] in
India, which demonstrate that 80% of the IT companies practiced flexi-time in employees in IT companies have
to do work in day and night shifts.

Another variable i.e; work pressures have a strong negative relationship with teacher’s job satisfaction in
selected schools of Karachi. Prior studies also support results of this study. For example, Nadeem and Abbas
conducted their research in 2009[17], in which they found that work pressure has a negative correlation with the
level of employee’s job satisfaction in both private and public company LMKR and NADRA. Whereas Saleem
et al. (2013) [31] conducted their research on the same topic in which they also found that work stress has
extremely little influence on workforce job-satisfaction in the banking sector of Bahawalpur. A survey
performed in 2007 School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) in which they found that majority of the teacher
carry out their work over 50 hours a week [43]. Although work pressure has insignificant relationship with job
satisfaction, so institute can encourage staff job satisfaction via allocating job task and responsibilities according
to the expertise as a result of which they can complete their work on time in order to lessen their work pressure.
This point is also in outline with the findings of this research. Likewise, the role of Work life balance in worker
turnover been studied in several studies, so in this study one more variable i.e.; changes of job also have a
strong negative relationship with teacher’s job satisfaction. It is supported by a study, which exposed that those
doctors who are well in managing their job and private life shows superior satisfaction level and a lesser
amount of turnover intentions (Margaret Deery, 2008) [16]. Finally the flexible working condition/environment
has strong +ve relationship with job-satisfaction of teachers. Many studies show that the flexible Working
condition has an additional impact on the satisfaction level of an employee. It is also supported performed by
Valerie J. Morganton, (2010) [35] in which they evaluate the effects (positive and negative) of flexible
working environment on the physical, mental and wellbeing of employees.

Hence, the above discussion on findings demonstrate that in schools work-life balance has not much impact on
teachers job satisfaction, which shows that working hours, work pressure and change of job has a insignificant
relationship while working condition has a significant relationship with job satisfaction. It means teachers can
faces a lack of work-life balance in their life. So by promoting flexible working hours and environment, reduce
the work load, and provide different work life facilities so that staff can change their intentions towards leaving
their job positions, and be supportive of reasonable requests of their staff, is a way of preventing the loss of and
experienced staff and retain talented and qualified staff. Hill et al. (2010) [12], also present his point in their
study that wlb support staff to manage their work-family duties and responsibilities by permitting them to
decrease work–family conflict and to improve their level of job satisfaction.

For me, it was a wonderful knowledge gaining period in writing this Research paper and to diagnose which of
elements of work-life balance influence teacher’s job-satisfaction to a greater extent. It is seen that the
educational sectors can face numerous problems if their staff level of satisfaction is poorer. All teachers are
required to benefit from a practical work-life balance. And every School has the responsibility for the well-being
of their staff because if they are contented and secure in their work setting allowing them to deliver high quality
education to their students.

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)

Vol.4 No.11 | March-2015 ISSN: 1839 - 0846

The central principal of this is to investigate the relationship among them. The paper was comprised on four sets
of hypotheses. The Findings and discussion of all the results proves our hypotheses. The findings of the study
illustrate that the elements of work-life balance like staff intent to change a job, work pressure and work-hours
have strong -ve correlation while flexible working condition have strong positive correlation with job
satisfaction. It is important that the schools management is alert to the wants and frequently changing
requirements of their staff and the cause of environmental problems for the purpose of improving their policies.
As a result of which it also saves cost of appointing new teachers by reducing their staff turnover. In this
research, the variables which were thought to have larger impacts on the level of teacher’s job satisfaction did
not turn out to be effectual. There might be numerous reasoning behind it i.e. the customs of our country where
one bread earner leads a family, the huge rate of inflation and smaller numbers of job opportunities which build
staff do their job on compromised settlements plus pay. It is also supported by a study conducted in 2013 in The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, in which they focus on the government policies on
working hours and found that western countries have smaller amount of working hours, as contrast to their
equivalents in Asia. Also, we don't have nationwide laws, like obligatory paternal leave, that lighten the load on
working moms etc. It could be the basis as why the findings of this research are different than the rest of the

This Research is demonstrating the relationship among the study variables. Previous researches shows that in
every institution a lack of the perception of work-life balance harmfully influence on almost every staff which
ultimately lessen the possibilities of good health and capability to maintain a balance between their work –task
and personal life activities, like learning, sports event, relaxation time etc. So form the basis of above findings
and discussion we came up with the suggestion that the schools ought to offer work life balance facilities to their
staff in order to reduce a conflict between their work and personal life. So my recommendations are:
 Schools can recognize excessive hours of work and enhance their staff job satisfaction level by means
of reducing working hours of their staff. Since working too much hours might be lessen the efficacy of
staff. they ought to be appreciated by their expertise, knowledge and involvement, instead of working-
 To aid in addressing the trouble of too much work-load amongst teachers and it can be reduce via
assigning job duties according to the skills of their staff.
 Likewise, job satisfaction can also be improved by decreasing their staff intention to change/ leave
their job by offering them certain work life balance facilities so that they can retrain the quality of staff
required for a 21st Century education system.
 Lastly, schools can raise the level of their staff job satisfaction by improving work place environment.
 For the reason of future research it is recommended that same study could be directed on a ‘large-scale
sample and alongside with a few more wlb factors might be included in order to increase the scope of
the research.

The study is confined in the city of Karachi and because of having limited resources and time constraint it does
have some limitations. This research is a primary research in which data collection is done through survey
through questionnaire in order to gather relevant responses from the sample. As the sample size is not large so
enough this does not provide the detailed and thorough examination but satisfies the overall research objective.
Some other variables are being ignored in estimating the job satisfaction because of time constraint.

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