Assement Rubric Language B PDF

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The document outlines the assessment criteria for the Language B Interactive Oral and Written Assignment. It describes the different criteria being assessed and the levels of achievement for each criterion.

There are two main criteria - Criterion A evaluates productive skills like fluency and accuracy of speech, while Criterion B evaluates interactive and receptive skills like ability to express ideas and maintain a conversation.

There are descriptive levels ranging from limited achievement to excellent achievement. Higher levels are characterized by features like fluent production of language, varied and accurate use of language, clear expression of ideas, and coherent conversation flow.

Assessment Criteria

Language B HL Interactive Oral Activities

Criterion 0 1 2 3 4 5
Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken
Criterion A: Productive skills language is limited. language is fairly good. language is good language is very good language is excellent.
How successfully does the student use  The production of  The production of  The production of  The production of  The production of
the language in speech? language is hesitant language is language is mostly language is fluent, language is fluent
and not always comprehensible and fluent. with a touch of and generally
• How fluent and clear is the The work does not comprehensible. fluent at times. authenticity. authentic.
student’s speech?  Language is generally
reach a standard
 Language is often  Language is correct, varied and  Language is accurate.  Language is varied
described by the
incorrect and/or sometimes correct, idiomatic. and idiomatic.
• How accurate and varied is the descriptors.
limited. with some idiomatic  Intonation enhances
language? expressions.  Intonation contributes communication.  Intonation enhances
 Intonation interferes to communication. communication.
• How much does the student’s with communication.  Intonation does not
intonation aid communication? interfere seriously
with communication.
Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Complex ideas are Complex ideas are
Criterion B: Interactive and understood with understood fairly well understood well and understood well and understood very well
receptive skills difficulty and and interaction is interaction is good. interaction is very and interaction is
interaction is limited. adequate. good. excellent.
To what extent does the student  Simple ideas and
understand and demonstrate an  Simple ideas and  Simple ideas and opinions are  Both simple and  Complex ideas and
The work does not
ability to interact in a conversation? reach a standard
opinions are presented opinions are generally presented clearly and complex ideas and opinions are
with difficulty, presented clearly. coherently; there is opinions are generally presented clearly,
described by the
• How well can the student express sometimes some difficulty with presented clearly, coherently and
incoherently.  The conversation complex ideas. coherently and effectively.
ideas and opinions? flows coherently at effectively.
 The conversation does times but with some  The conversation  The conversation
• How well can the student not flow coherently. lapses. generally flows  The conversation flows coherently in a
maintain a conversation? coherently. flows coherently. natural manner.

IB Diploma Language B guide for first examination in 2013

Assessment Criteria
Language B SL Interactive Oral Activities

Criterion 0 1 2 3 4 5
Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken
language is very language is limited. language is fairly language is good. language is very
Criterion A: Productive skills limited. good. good.
 The production of  The production of
How successfully does the student  The production of language is hesitant  The production of language is mostly  The production of
use the language in speech? language is very and not always language is fluent. language is fluent.
hesitant and hardly comprehensible. comprehensible and
The work does  Language is  Language is
• How fluent and clear is the comprehensible. fluent at times.
not reach a  Language is often generally correct, correct, varied and
student’s speech?
standard  Language is often incorrect and/or  Language is varied and articulate; errors do
described by the incorrect and/or limited. sometimes correct, articulate. not interfere with
• How accurate and varied is the
descriptors. very limited. with some idiomatic message.
language?  Intonation expressions.  Intonation
 Intonation sometimes contributes to  Intonation
• How much does the student’s interferes seriously interferes with  Intonation does not communication. enhances
intonation aid communication? with communication. interfere seriously communication.
communication. with
Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Complex ideas are
Criterion B: Interactive and
understood with understood with understood fairly understood well and understood well and
receptive skills
great difficulty and difficulty and well and interaction interaction is good. interaction is very
To what extent does the student interaction is very interaction is is adequate. good.
 Simple ideas and
understand and demonstrate an limited. limited.
 Simple ideas and opinions are  Both simple and
ability to interact in a conversation? The work does  Simple ideas and  Simple ideas and opinions are presented clearly complex ideas and
not reach a opinions are opinions are generally presented and coherently; opinions are
• How well can the student standard
express ideas and opinions?
presented presented with clearly. there is some generally presented
described by the incoherently. difficulty, difficulty with clearly, coherently
descriptors. sometimes  The conversation complex ideas. and effectively.
• How well can the student  The conversation is flows coherently at
maintain a conversation? disjointed. times but with  The conversation  The conversation
 The conversation some lapses. generally flows flows coherently.
does not flow coherently.

IB Diploma Language B guide for first examination in 2013

Assessment Criteria
Language B HL Individual Oral

Criterion 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken
Criterion A: Productive skills language is limited. language is fairly good. language is good. language is very good. language is excellent.
How successfully does the student use  The production of  The production of  The production of  The production of  The production of
the language in speech? language is hesitant language is language is mostly language is fluent, language is fluent
and not always comprehensible and fluent. with a touch of and generally
• How fluent and clear is the The work does not comprehensible. fluent at times. authenticity. authentic.
student’s speech?  Language is generally
reach a standard
 Language is often  Language is correct, varied and  Language is accurate.  Language is varied
described by the
incorrect and/or sometimes correct, idiomatic. and idiomatic.
• How accurate and varied is the descriptors.
limited. with some idiomatic  Intonation enhances
language used? expressions.  Intonation contributes communication.  Intonation enhances
 Intonation interferes to communication. communication.
• How much does the student’s with communication.  Intonation does not
intonation aid communication? interfere seriously
with communication.
Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Complex ideas are Complex ideas are
Criterion B: Interactive and receptive understood with understood fairly well understood well and understood well and understood very well
skills difficulty and and interaction is interaction is good. interaction is very and interaction is
To what extent does the student interaction is limited. acceptable. good. excellent.
 Simple ideas and
understand and demonstrate an ability to
 Simple ideas and  Simple ideas and opinions are  Both simple and  Complex ideas and
interact in a conversation? The work does not opinions are presented opinions are generally presented clearly and complex ideas and opinions are
reach a standard with difficulty, presented clearly. coherently; there is opinions are generally presented clearly,
• How well can the student express described by the sometimes some difficulty with presented clearly, coherently and
simple and complex ideas? descriptors. incoherently.  The conversation complex ideas. coherently and effectively.
flows coherently at effectively.
• How well can the student  The conversation does times but with some  The conversation  The conversation
maintain a conversation? not flow coherently. lapses. generally flows  The conversation flows coherently in a
coherently. flows coherently. natural manner.

IB Diploma Language B guide for first examination in 2013

Assessment Criteria
Language B SL Individual Oral

Criterion 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken Command of spoken
language is very language is limited. language is fairly language is good. language is very
Criterion A: Productive skills
limited. good. good.
 The production of  The production of
How successfully does the student
 The production of language is hesitant  The production of language is mostly  The production of
use the language in speech?
language is very and not always language is fluent. language is fluent.
hesitant and hardly comprehensible. comprehensible
• How fluent and clear is the The work does
comprehensible. and fluent at times.  Language is  Language is
student’s speech? not reach a  Language is often generally correct, correct, varied and
standard  Language is often incorrect and/ or  Language is varied and articulate; errors do
• How accurate and varied is the described by the incorrect and/or limited. sometimes correct articulate. not interfere with
language used? descriptors. very limited. with some message.
 Intonation idiomatic  Intonation
 Intonation sometimes contributes to  Intonation
• How much does the student’s expressions.
interferes seriously interferes with communication. enhances
intonation aid communication?
with communication.  Intonation does not communication.
communication. interfere with
Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Simple ideas are Complex ideas are
Criterion B: Interactive and
understood with understood with understood fairly understood well and understood well and
receptive skills
great difficulty and difficulty and well and interaction interaction is good. interaction is good.
To what extent does the student interaction is very interaction is is acceptable.
 Simple ideas and  Both simple and
understand and demonstrate an limited. limited.
 Simple ideas and opinions are complex ideas and
ability to interact in a conversation? The work does  Simple ideas and  Simple ideas and opinions are presented clearly opinions are
not reach a opinions are opinions are generally presented and coherently; generally presented
• How well can the student standard presented presented with clearly. there is some clearly, coherently
express simple and complex described by the incoherently. difficulty, difficulty with and effectively.
ideas? descriptors. sometimes  The conversation complex ideas.
 The conversation is incoherently. flows coherently at  The conversation
• How well can the student disjointed. times but with  The conversation flows coherently.
maintain a conversation?  The conversation some lapses. generally flows
does not flow coherently.

IB Diploma Language B guide for first examination in 2013

Assessment Criteria
Language B SL Paper 2: Written productive skills

Criterion 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Command of the Command of the Command of the Command of the Command of the
language is generally language is limited and language is generally language is effective language is good and
A: Language
inadequate. generally ineffective. adequate despite many despite some effective.
inaccuracies. inaccuracies.
How effectively and accurately does  A very limited range  A limited range of  A wide range of
the student use language? The work does not of vocabulary is used, vocabulary is used,  A fairly limited range  A range of vocabulary vocabulary is used
reach a standard with many basic with many basic of vocabulary is used, is used accurately, accurately, with few
described by the errors. errors. with many errors. with some errors. significant errors.
Failure to write the minimum descriptors.
number of words will result in a 1-  Simple sentence  Simple sentence  Simple sentence  Simple sentence  Some complex
mark penalty. structures are rarely structures are structures are usually structures are clear. sentence structures
clear. sometimes clear. clear. are clear and
The message has not The message has The message has been The message has been The message has been
B: Message been communicated. barely been partially communicated fairly communicated well.
How clearly can the student develop communicated. communicated. well.
 The ideas are  The ideas are relevant.
and organize relevant ideas? irrelevant and/or  The ideas are  The ideas are relevant  The ideas are mostly
repetitive. sometimes irrelevant to some extent. relevant.  The development of
The work does not
and/or repetitive. ideas is coherent and
reach a standard
 The development of  The development of  The development of effective; supporting
described by the
ideas is unclear;  The development of ideas is evident at ideas is coherent; details are
supporting details are ideas is confusing; times; supporting supporting details are appropriate.
very limited and/or supporting details are details are sometimes mostly appropriate.
not appropriate. limited and/or not appropriate.

0 1 2 3 4 5
C: Format
The text type is not The text type is hardly The text type is The text type is The text type is clearly
• How correctly does the student recognizable. recognizable or is not sometimes recognizable generally recognizable recognizable and
produce the required text type? appropriate. and appropriate. and appropriate. appropriate.
Conventions appropriate
The work does not
to the text type are not Conventions appropriate Conventions appropriate Conventions appropriate Conventions appropriate
• To what extent are the reach a standard
used. to the text type are very to the text type are to the text type are to the text type are
conventions of text type described by the
limited. limited. evident. effective and evident.
appropriate? descriptors.

IB Diploma Language B guide for first examination in 2013

Assessment Criteria
Language B HL Paper 2: Written productive skills—section A
Criterion 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Command of the Command of the Command of the Command of the Command of the
language is limited language is generally language is effective, language is good and language is very
A: Language and generally adequate, despite despite some effective. effective.
ineffective. many inaccuracies. inaccuracies.
How effectively and accurately does The work does  A wide range of  A wide range of
the student use language? not reach a  A limited range of  A fairly limited range  A range of vocabulary vocabulary is used vocabulary is used
standard vocabulary is used, of vocabulary is is used accurately, accurately, with few accurately and
Failure to write the minimum described by the with many basic used, with many with some errors. significant errors. effectively, with very
number of words will result in a 1- descriptors. errors. errors. few errors.
 Simple sentence  Some complex
mark penalty.  Simple sentence  Simple sentence structures are clear. sentence structures  Complex sentence
structures are structures are usually are clear and structures are clear
sometimes clear. clear. effective. and effective
The message has not The message has been The message has been The message has been The message has been
B: Message
been communicated. partially communicated fairly communicated well. communicated very
How clearly can the student develop communicated. well. well.
 The ideas are  The ideas are
and organize relevant ideas?
The work does irrelevant and/or  The ideas are relevant  The ideas are mostly relevant.  The ideas are relevant
not reach a repetitive. to some extent. relevant. and effective.
 The development of
standard  The development of  The development of  The development of ideas is coherent and  The development of
described by the ideas is confusing; ideas is evident at ideas is coherent; effective; supporting ideas is coherent and
descriptors. supporting details times; supporting supporting details details are thorough; supporting
are limited and/or details are are mostly appropriate. details are highly
not appropriate. sometimes appropriate. appropriate.

0 1 2 3 4 5
C: Format
The text type is not The text type is hardly The text type is The text type is The text type is clearly
• How correctly does the student
recognizable. recognizable or is not sometimes generally recognizable recognizable and
produce the required text type?
The work does appropriate. recognizable and and appropriate. appropriate.
not reach a appropriate.
• To what extent are the appropriate to the text Conventions Conventions Conventions
standard type are not used. appropriate to the text Conventions appropriate to the text appropriate to the text
conventions of text type
described by the type are very limited. appropriate to the text type are evident. type are effective and
descriptors. type are limited. evident.

IB Diploma Language B guide for first examination in 2013

Assessment Criteria
Language B HL Paper 2: Written productive skills—section B

Criterion 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Command of the Command of the Command of the Command of the Command of the
A: Language language is limited language is generally language is effective, language is effective. language is very
and generally adequate, despite despite some effective.
ineffective. many inaccuracies. inaccuracies.  A wide range of
How effectively and accurately
The work does vocabulary is used  A wide range of
not reach a  A limited range of  A fairly limited  A range of accurately, with few vocabulary is used
the student use language? vocabulary is used, range of vocabulary vocabulary is used significant errors. accurately and
described by the with many basic is used, with many accurately, with effectively, with
Failure to write the minimum errors. errors. some errors.  Some complex very few errors.
descriptors. sentence structures
number of words will result in a 1-
mark penalty.  Simple sentence  Simple sentence  Simple sentence are clear and  Complex sentence
structures are structures are structures are clear. effective. structures are clear
sometimes clear. usually clear. and effective.
The development of The development of The development of The development of The development of
B: Argument
ideas is very poor, ideas is poor, and the ideas is sometimes ideas is good and ideas is very good
How skilfully does the student and the argument is argument is rarely good, and the methodical; the and methodical; the
develop ideas? unclear and clear and convincing. argument has some argument is clear argument is
unconvincing. clarity and is and fairly convincing.
 The structure of the
How clear and convincing is the sometimes convincing.
The work does  The structure of the argument is  The structure of the
argument? convincing.
not reach a argument is vague sometimes apparent.  The structure of the argument is
standard and confusing.  The structure of the argument is consistently
To what extent does the student described by the  The ideas are argument is coherent and coherent and
react to the stimulus? descriptors.  The ideas are sometimes relevant. evident. organized. organized.
 The ideas are  The ideas are well  The ideas are very
generally relevant. expressed and well expressed,
relevant. relevant and

IB Diploma Language B guide for first examination in 2013

Written Assignment Higher Level. Exams starting 2013

Criterion A: Language Criterion B: Content Criterion C: Format Criterion D: Rationale

How effectively and accurately does the To what extent does the student show How correctly does the student How clear and convincing is
student use language? appreciation of the literary work? produce the required text? the rationale?
How skillfully is the task planned? To what extent are the
conventions of text types
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard 0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a
described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. standard described by the
descriptors below.
1-2 Command of the language is limited The student does not make use of 1 The text type is sometimes The rationale is not clear
and generally ineffective. the literary work. recognizable and
A limited range of vocabulary is used, with Connection with the text is superficial or appropriate.
may basic errors. little developed. Conventions appropriate to the text
Simple sentence structures are sometimes There is no evidence of organization. type are limited.
3-4 Command of the language is generally The student makes little use of 2 The text type is generally The rationale is clear to
adequate, despite many inaccuracies. the literary work. recognizable and some extent
A fairly limited range of vocabulary is used, Connection with the text is basic. appropriate.
with many errors. There is little evidence of organization. Some conventions appropriate to the
Simple sentence structures are usually clear. text type are evident.
5-6 Command of the language is effective, The student makes some use of 3 The text type is recognizable The rationale is clear,
despite some inaccuracies. the literary work. and appropriate. pertinent and directly
A range of vocabulary is used accurately, Connection with the text is adequate and is Conventions appropriate to the text linked to the literary
with some errors. used fairly well. type are effective.
Simple sentence structures are clear.
There is some evidence of organization.
7-8 Command of the language is effective. The student makes use of the 4 The text type is
A wide range of vocabulary is used literary work. recognizable, appropriate
accurately, with few significant errors. Connection with the text is good. and convincing
Some complex sentence structures are clear There is evidence of organization Conventions appropriate to the text
and effective.
type are effective and varied.
9-10 The student makes good use of
the literary work.
Connection with the text is effective.
There is clear evidence of organization.
Written Assignment Standard Level. Exams starting 2013

Criterion A: Language Criterion B: Content Criterion C: Format Criterion D: Rationale

How effectively and accurately does the How well has the student used the sources to How correctly does the student How clear and convincing is the
student use language? achieve the aim(s) stated in the rationale? produce the required text? rationale?
How skillfully are the sources used for the task? To what extent are the conventions of
Failure to write the minimum number How well organized is the information gathered text types appropriate?
of words will result in a 1 mark from the sources?
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard described by the 0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard
described by the descriptors below. descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below.
1-2 Command of the language is generally The student makes little use of the sources and 1 The text type is not recognizable. The rationale is not clear
inadequate. has not fulfilled the aim(s) stated in the rationale. Conventions appropriate to the text type
A very limited range of vocabulary is Use of the sources is superficial or poorly are not used
used, with many basic errors. developed.
Sentence structures are rarely clear. There is no evidence of organization.
3-4 Command of the language is limited The student makes some use of the sources and 2 The text type is generally hardly The rationale is clear to some extent
and generally ineffective. partially fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale. recognizable or is not appropriate.
A limited range of vocabulary is used, Use of the sources is basic, though at least relevant. Conventions appropriate to the text type
with many basic errors. There is an attempt at organization. are limited
Sentence structures are sometimes clear.
5-6 Command of the language is generally The student makes use of the sources and 3 The text type is sometimes The rationale is clear and directly
adequate, despite many inaccuracies. generally fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale. recognizable and appropriate. linked to the sources.
A fairly limited range of vocabulary is Uses of the sources is adequate. Conventions appropriate to the text type
used with many errors. There is some organization. are evident.
Sentence structures are usually clear.
7-8 Command of the language is effective, The student makes good use of the sources and 4 The text type is clearly recognizable
despite some in accuracies. mostly fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale. and appropriate.
A range of vocabulary is used accurately, Use of the sources is good. Conventions appropriate to the text type
with some errors. The work is mostly organized. are effective and evident.
Simple sentence structures are clear.
9- The student makes effective use of the sources
10 and fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale.
Use of the sources is effective.
The work is organized.

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