Jeferson Nolivaiko English 12 18

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Jeferson Nolivaiko

Brazilian, single, 41 years

Rua Araguaia 611, apto 113A
Curuça – Santo André – SP- Brazil
Phone: 55(11) 98720-7300 / E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 55(11) 2669-3726


 Graduated Production Mechanical Engineering, FEI, completed in 2003.

 Law School, Universidade Paulista 2001 to 2003
 Executive MBA Strategic Management & Economics, FGV ( Fundação Getúlio Vargas)


 2011 to date – General Motors Mercosul

Position: Manufacturing Engineering PFMEA ME Coordinator & GMSA Stature Software Adm.
Main Activities:
-Ensure products are buildable with quality through execution of the PFMEA ME process;
-Facilitate upload from PFMEAs Levels 1 and to 2 to Level 3 into Stature;
-Support and facilitate ME Centers for Level 3 PFMEA workshops;
-Support and facilitate ME Centers for Level 3 PFMEA Risk Assessment;
-Maintain L3 PFMEAs complete layered audits;
-Ensure continuity of PFMEA from Level 3 through Level 4;
-Develop training package and Train PFMEA and Stature Software to ME & PE;
-Tracking RPL1 Results from the Center;
-Mounthly RPL1 Reports GMSA ME Programs to the ME Leadership;
-Interface with all ME engineers program leaders, and their teams responsible for the
development of new programs (PFMEA related);
-Stature Software Administrator for GMSA Users;
- FIT Software representative to GMSA;
-Participated Plato First workshop in Warren July, 2016;
-GMS (Global Manufacturing System) *Lean Manufacturing skills;
-FPC( Future Program Calibration) Program GMI700;
-GAP analysis to reach BIQ III & BIQ IV GMB Plants;
- Member of the ART Team ( After Retation Team) to define systemic roote cause of problems
affecting product quality;
-MPD Execution ( Master Process Design) to the GMB Programs ( SCS, GVT, SJC and Rosario);
-Execution and intial MWO release to future programs GEM B-SUV to SCS Plant;
[Escolha a data]

 2007-2011 – General Motors Mercosul

Position: Body Shop Planning & Process Engineer
Main Activities:
- Feasibility Analysis of Temple-cycle (BEC);
-Global Standards Verification and implementation;
-Verification, review and approval body shop assembly sequence;
-Approve and implement manufacturing requiriments;
-Ensure quality MDM execution;
-Comum Datuns analysis and application;
-Station Work welding gun definition;
-Execution of ergonomic standards for each manual welding station;
-Provide bubble charts;
-Datuns definition each welding station considering dimensional requirements;
-Cicle time analysis for each welding station;
-Provide DEW for each welding station;
-Provide final process planning (EmPlanner);
-Process planning verification for each body shop welding station;
-SOR development support (STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS);
-Assure correct BOP;
-Concept Sheets Body Shop weekly management;
-Plan For Every Part (PFEP) with Product Engineer stablishing assembly sequence and
resources to be used for each part to be welded;
-BAL PARK studies providing through WO the investiment, spending, BEC increase and lead
time implementation;
-Facilitator to provide internal documents to ensure to delivery timely;

 2007-2007 – Ford Motors

Position: Group Leader Body Shop Cells
Main Activities:
-Work team support;
-Issuing daily reports of production control;
-Quality control reports;
-Body Shop issues identification and solution;
-Mix Production administration and define;
-Suggestions analysis continuous improvement Manufacturing Engineering;
-Assemblies and subs dimensional analysis (Body Shop and General Assembly);
- Plan For Every Part (PFEP) with Product Engineer stablishing assembly sequence and
resources to be used for each part to be welded;

[Escolha a data]

 2003-2007 – Orbita Industria e Comercio de Auto Peças LTDA

Position: Project Engineer
Main activities:
-Creating and developing new production process;
-Projects´economics viability;
-New Suppliers development;
-Purchasing planning/accounts payable and receiveble, cash flow,payment, balance;

 1995-1995 –Volkswagen do Brasil S/A

Position: Trainee Chassis Product Engineer
Main Activities:
-Daily and monthly PDM´s control (assembly descriptive process);
- New Autoparts creation and achievement;
-Marketing Studies;
-Technical/Operation crash-test support;
-Drawing control;


 English – Fluent (CEL LEP, 5 years, conclued em 2000).

 Abroad Experience – Lived in San Diego, CA (2001 12 months).


 Willingness to change city.

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