Built-In Self-Calibration of On-Chip DAC and ADC
Built-In Self-Calibration of On-Chip DAC and ADC
Built-In Self-Calibration of On-Chip DAC and ADC
Fig. 2. A typical best fit curve for transfer function of DAC. One can derive [15] four coefficients for the best fit polynomial
from the syndromes:
1 4
defined as b0 = B0 − B2 (13)
N 3
DNL = max {|DNLk |} (4)
4 4
k b1 = B1 − B3 (14)
INL = max {|INLk |} (5) N ·n 3
k 16
b2 = · B2 (15)
DNL and INL are usually calculated from the output of N · n2
DAC as in (2) and (3). Because DNLk can always be obtained 128
b3 = · B3 (16)
by differentiating the INLk , only INL measurements will be 3 · N · n3
discussed in the following section. The characteristics of converters are derived from the syn-
B. Third-Order Fitting Algorithm dromes as well:
When histogram methods are used to test DAC and ADC c0 ≈ Offset (17)
to obtain DNL and INL figures, we require a huge amount 4B1
of memory for storing results in such BIST schemes. Sunter c1 ≈ Gain (18)
N ·n
and Nagi [15] proposed a simplified 3rd -order polynomial- B2
fitting algorithm for DAC and ADC BIST. Another paper [14] c2 ≈ 2nd harmonic (19)
employed an algorithm to build a high accuracy stimulus 2B3
generator for ADC BIST. It is shown in these papers that c3 ≈ 3rd harmonic (20)
the four coefficients of a third-order polynomial that best fits
where N is the total number of samples and n is the range
the transfer function of DAC/ADC are mathematically related
of the converter (A = n/2, n = 2N ). The approximated equa-
to four key performance parameters, namely, offset, gain, and
tions are accurate if the number of samples is large enough
second and third order harmonic distortions. This solution,
(typically greater than 1000, i.e., equals or exceeds 10 bits).
claimed to be general, can be applied to various DAC/ADC
This solution is important because it provides a simple
devices, such as flash converters, delta-sigma converters and
method to determine the characteristics of converters and to
other analog circuits between DAC and ADC. Being mathe-
estimate the analog value for each code by a best-fitting
matically equivalent to the least-square fit it can produce the
3rd -order polynomial equation. By evaluation the harmonic
best unbiased (linear) estimates for the coefficients by feeding
coefficients that are calculated by accumulating samples of
converter with a linear ramp test stimulus covering the full
each segment, this technique allow us to quickly identify INL
range of conversion. The converter may work at full speed to
figures and determine whether or not the converter fails the
traverse the ramp stimulus and the output results are sampled
test. Furthermore, the coefficients give us a general idea of
by a measuring device. The full range of conversion is divided
actual linearity of the converter-under-test.
into four equal interval segments, as shown in Figure 2. The
In this paper, we apply a similar 3rd -order polynomial
samples at each segment are accumulated and the four sums
algorithm to evaluate INLk , the difference between linear
are S0 , S1 , S2 , and S3 . The general third-order polynomial
ideal value and the actual measurement for code k, rather
equation to fit converters is
than analyzing output measurement. Thus INL value for each
y = b0 + b1 x + b2 x2 + b3 x3 (6) digital code can be asserted immediately using the polynomial.
ADC P o ly n o m ia l DAC
F ix
u n d e r−te st u n d e r−te st
F ittin g c o e ffic ie n ts UNIT
P o ly n o m ia l Dithering
F ittin g DAC
Sigma−Delta LPF
d ig ita l
Modulator filte r
F ittin g c o e ffic ie n ts
Fig. 3. Proposed BIST scheme for test and calibration of DAC and ADC.
The limited range of INL magnitude makes it possible to
employ a low-resolution DAC to recover the INL value and x(t) y(t)
compensate for such error in a high-resolution on-chip DAC. S
∑ ∑
3 −order
S0 = εk = (ν̂k − νk ) (23)
k=0 k=0 200
n/2−1 n/2−1
S1 = ∑ εk = ∑ (ν̂k − νk ) (24)
k=n/4 k=n/4
SNR (dB)
3n/4−1 3n/4−1 150
S2 = ∑ εk = ∑ (ν̂k − νk ) (25)
k=n/2 k=n/2
n−1 n−1
∑ εk = ∑ (ν̂k − νk )
S3 = (26)
k=3n/4 k=3n/4
is a low resolution converter. Let us define p as the DDEM alpha=3
sample, so for each input code all current sources are used
in certain output sample while always keeping k′ switched
1 0.5
INL of 14−bit DAC (LSB)
0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Indices of 14−bit DAC−under−test
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 −1
Indices of 14−bit DAC−under−test
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Indices of 14−bit DAC−under−test
Fig. 8. INL of simulated 14-bit DAC-under-test.
TABLE I Fig. 9. Least mean-square fit for third-order polynomial (top) and estimation
T HIRD - ORDER POLYNOMIAL FIT FOR INL OF F IGURE 8. error (bottom) for DAC-under-test INL data of Figure 8.
the 1st -order sigma-delta modulator can be obtained as [13]: 0 10 20 30 40
Indices of 6−bit dithering DAC
50 60
1 80
n0 = erms √ (40)
3 M
6−bit DAC output
SNR = √ (41) 40
n0 · 2 2
√ 3/2 20
≈ √ (42)
2 2π
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
√ Indices of 6−bit dithering DAC
0.5 and South Pacific Design Automation Conf., Jan. 2000, pp. 605–
0 610.
−0.5 [5] R. Huertas, editor, Test and Design-for-Testibility in Mixed-
−1 Signal Integrated Circuits. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
−1.5 [6] H. Jiang, D. Chen, and R. L. Geiger, “Dither Incorporated
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Indices of 14−bit calibrated DAC
Deterministic Dynamic Element Matching for High Resolution
1.5 ADC Test Using Extremely Low Resolution DACs,” in IEEE
Estimated DAC output (LSB)