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[Ref.: UGC Notification dated July 11, 2016)

Name of the Applicant
Post Applied for
Advertisement No. and date

CATEGORY – I : Procurement, organization and delivery of knowledge and information
through Library services.
Sl. Chief Librarian Librarian
No. Nature of Activity Max. Actual Max. Actual
Score Score Score Score
1. Library resources organization and maintenance of books, Actual Actual
journals, reports; Provision of library reader-services, literature hours hours
retrieval services to researchers and analysis of reports; Provision spent per spent per
of assistance to the departments of University / College with the 60 academic 55 academic
required inputs for preparing reports, manuals and related
year year
documents; Assistant towards updating institutional website with
activity related information and for bringing out institutional
÷ ÷
Newsletters, etc. (40 Points) 20 20

Sl. Chief Librarian Librarian

No. Nature of Activity
Max. Actual Max. Actual
Score Score Score Score
Development, organization and management of e-resources
including their accessibility over intranet / Internet, digitization of
library resources, e-delivery of information, etc (15 Points)
2. ICT and other new technologies’ application for up-gradation of Actual Actual
library services such as automation of catalogue, learning hours hours
resources procurement functions, circulation operations including 15 spent per 15 spent per
membership records, serial subscription system, reference and academic academic
information services, library security (technology based methods
year year
such as RFID, CCTV), development of library management tools
(software), intranet management.
÷ ÷
10 10
3. Additional services such as extending library facilities on Actual Actual
holidays, shelf order maintenance, library user manual, building hours hours
and extending institutional library facilities to outsiders through 15 spent per 10 spent per
external membership norms. academic academic
year year
÷ ÷
10 10

Based on the librarian Cadre’s self-assessment, category II API score are proposed for co-curricular and
extension activities; and Professional development related contribution. The minimum API required for
eligibility for promotion is 15. A list of items and scores is given below. The self-assessment score should
be based on objectively verifiable criteria and shall be finalized by the screening cum evaluation
committee for the promotion of Assistant Librarian / College Librarian to higher grades and selection
committee for promotion of Assistant Librarian to Deputy to Librarian and for direct recruitment of
Deputy Librarian and Librarian.

The model table below gives groups of activates and API scores. Universities may detail the activities or,
in case institutional specificities require, adjust the weightages without changing the minimum total API
score required under this category.

Nature of Activity Maximum Actual Score

API Score
a) Student related co-curricular, extension and filed based activates Actual hours
(such Cultural exchange and Library service Programmes (various 15 spent per
level of extramural and intramural programmes); extension, library- academic year
literary work through different channels.
b) Contribution to Corporate life and management of the Library units Actual hours
and institution through participation in library and administrative 15 spent per
committees and responsibilities. academic year

Nature of Activity Maximum Actual Score

API Score
c) Professional Development activities (such as participation in Actual hours
seminars, conferences, short term, e-library training courses, 15 spent per
workshops and events, talks, lectures, membership of associations, academic year
dissemination and general articles, not covered in Category III below)


Based on the self-assessment, API scores are proposed for research and library contributions. The minimum API
scores required from this category are different for different levels of promotion in universities / colleges. The self-
assessment score shall be based on verifiable records and shall be finalized by the screening cum evaluation
committee for the promotion of Assistant Librarian / College Librarian to higher grades and Selection Committee
for the promotion of Assistant Librarian to Deputy Librarian and Deputy Librarian to Librarian and for direct
recruitment of Deputy Librarian and Librarian.

Category Activity University / College Librarians Max. Score*

III (A) Research Publication in Refereed Journals as notified by the 25 per Publication
Other Reputed Journals as notified by 10 per publication
the UGC#
III (B) Publications other than Text/Reference Books by International 30 per Book for
journal articles (books, Publishers, with ISBN/ISSN number single Author
chapters in books) as approved by the University and
posted on its website. The list will be
intimated to UGC.
Subject Books by National level 20 per Book for
Publishers with ISBN/ISSN number or single Author
State / Central Govt. Publications as
approved by the University and posted
on its website. The list will be
intimated to UGC.
Subject Books published by Other 15 per Book for
local publishers with ISBN/ISSN single Author
number as approved by the University
and posted on its website. The list will
be intimated to UGC.
Chapters in Books published by International –10
National and International level per chapter
publishers with ISBN/ISSN number as national – 5 per
approved by the University and posted Chapter
on its website. The list will be
intimated to UGC.

III (C) Sponsored Projects Major Projects with grants above Rs. 5.0 20 per Projects
(i) lakhs
Major Projects with grants above Rs. 3.0 15 per Project
lakhs up to Rs. 5.0 lakhs.
Minor Projects with grants above Rs. 1 10 per Project
lakh up to Rs. 3 lakhs.

III (C) Consultancy Projects Amount mobilized with a minimum of 10 for every
(ii) Rs. 2 lakhs Rs. 2 lakhs
III (C) Projects Outcome / Major Policy document prepared for Major policy document
(iii) Outputs international bodies like WHO / UNO / of International bodies -
UNESCO / UNICEF etc. Central / State 30
Govt. / Local Bodies prepared. Central Government - 20


III (D) (i) M. Phil Degree awarded 5 per candidate

III (D) (ii) Ph. D. Degree awarded / Theses submitted 15 / 10 per candidate

III (E) Awards / Fellowships / Invited lectures delivered / Papers presented in conferences / seminars

Award / Fellowship International Award / Fellowship from 15 per Award / 15 per

academic bodies associations. Fellowship

Award / Fellowship National Award / Fellowship academic 10 per Award / 10 per

bodies / associations Fellowship
III (E) (i) Award / Felowship State / University Award / Fellowship 5 per Award
from academic bodies / associations
III (E) (ii) Invited lectures / International 7 per lecture / 5 per paper
Papers presented presented
National level 5 per lecture / 3 per paper
State / University Level 3 per lecture / 2 per paper
The score under this sub-category shall be restricted to 20% of the minimum fixed for
Category III for any assessment period
III (E) (iii) Development of e-delivery process / material 10 per module

* Wherever relevant, the API score for paper in refereed journal would be augmented as follows : (i) paper with
impact factor less than 1 – by 5 points; (ii) papers with impact factor between 1 and 2 by 10 points; (iii) papers with
impact factor between 2 and 5 by 15 points; (iv) papers with impact factor between 5 and 10 by 20 points; (v) papers
with impact factor above 10 by 25 points. The API for joint publications / books shall be calculated in the following
manner of the total score for the relevant category of publication by the concerned teacher, the First and Principal /
corresponding author / supervisor / mentor of the teacher would share equally 70% of the total points and the
remaining 30% would be shared equally by all other authors.

# Visit UGC website for the list.

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