The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan - 1
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan - 1
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan - 1
There are many waste treatments and disposal methods such as, Thermal Treatment
(Incineration, Gasification, Open Burning), Landfills, Composting and The Waste
Management Hierarchy as cited in the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
2000. The Waste Management Hierarchy (reduce, reuse and recycle or so called 3 Rs)
is said to be the best way to manage waste for it maintains the usefulness of waste and
it has been adopted by most industrialized nations as the menu for developing waste
management strategies (Giusti, 2009). But according to Kaufman (2008) results from
the recent studies indicated that only a small percentage of people actually participate
in 3 Rs even though they are aware of the good effects of it.”
Solid waste management is one among the basic essential services provided by
municipal authorities in the country to keep urban and rural centres clean. However, it
is among the most poorly rendered services the systems applied are unscientific,
outdated and inneficient (Giusti, 2009). The lack of understanding in solid waste
management depends on their characteristics and backgrounds. It will directly affect
their insights and practices in waste management. Particularly in controlling all the
interactions especially under human interventions (Sabbas, Polettini, Pomi, & Astrup,
2013). To implement proper solid waste management, massive investment in waste
management facilities, training and education is required in order to reduce the health
impact of inappropriate waste disposal methods (Giusti, 2009). Various aspects should
also be considered such as: Source Reduction, Onsite Storage, Collection and
Transfer, Processing and Disposal (Mukama et al., 2016, as cited in Giusti, 2009).
Hence, this study will be conducted to know the solid waste management practices
particularly, in disposing methods of the residents in barangay Balzain West,
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City,
Cagayan| 1
Research Questions
This research paper aimed to know the solid waste management practices in disposing
waste when grouped according to profile variables. This study aimed to seek answers
to the following:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: age, sex, educational
attainment of the respondents?
2. What are the solid waste management practices in disposing waste?
3. How frequent do the respondents practice solid waste management?
4. Is there significant difference in the solid waste management practices when
grouped according to profile variables?
The researchers embarked on this study to know the difference in the solid waste
management practices when grouped according to profile variables. The researchers
likewise, conducted this study in the hope that it may be significant to the residents of
barangay Balzain West to know how important waste management is. The community
will have knowledge about the problems met by the residents in managing waste.
Moreover, this study will add to the existing information of the local government
especially, the authorities in the barangay. This study will also provide substantial
knowledge to future researchers of the same topic and will be a basis for the future
Underpinning Theory
This study is anchored on the theory of waste management. As cited in Mavrakis 2014,
implementation of waste management strategies will cause prevention on waste’s
harmful effects to health and external environment and promote resource.
This is a theory about waste management practices that through your knowledge and
different strategies, wastes would be properly managed for the betterment of the
community and the environment.
Waste Management
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City,
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types of waste, mainly generated from packaging (45 percent of the total volume), as
well as material used in containers and for wrapping products (Kendari, 2008).
The growth in waste has been rapid, while the capacity to collect it has been on a
general decline (Henry, Jun, & Yongsheng, 2006). It is because the city is financially
incapable to sustain the process of collecting waste and conducting programs to
educate people in regards with waste management (Croset, 2014). It was found out
that people don’t have that broad knowledge on how to manipulate waste. And so, they
tend to ignore what should be addressed in the community in regards with waste
management. Thus, serious gaps between what is currently happening and what is
supposed to occur in managing waste is broadening (Dlamini, Ifegbesan, & Rampedi,
2017); ( Astrup, Heuss-Assbichler, Hjelmar, & Mostbauer, 2013).
Research Paradigm
Figure 1 below represents the differences that exist between the solid waste
management practices of residents of barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City with
their profile variables.
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City,
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Research Design
This study was conducted at Balzain West, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. Businesses can
be found alongside this community, making it a commercial area. Therefore, the more
businesses located in this area, the higher its capability to produce solid waste.
The target respondents were taken from Balzain West Tuguegarao City with the age of
18-70 years old, to be able to collect data with regards to managing solid waste when
grouped according to profile variables. According to, 2,391
individuals are residing in Balzain West. With that, 322 respondents were able to
participate in our study.
Furthermore, Criteria and Snowball sampling technique was used in this study, where
in, the researchers choose a specific or random people within the population to use in
the study. After observing the initial subject, the researchers ask for assistance from the
subject to help identify people with a similar background. The residents should have at
least two years of residency.
The researchers used questionnaire for gathering of data in determining the solid
waste management practices of Balzain West, Tuguegarao City when grouped
according to profile variables. The content validity index (CVI) was 0.84 thus proven to
be valid. The questionnaire was designed by the researchers that includes items from
books, journals, published and unpublished theses related in the study. The
questionnaire for the respondents is consists of two parts:
Part I is dealt with the respondent’s personal and professional profile. This part will elicit
data on name, age, sex, and educational attainment.
Part II is aimed to know the solid waste management practices when grouped
according to profile variables.
Data Analysis
The “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000” states that a certain barangay
should provide an ecological solid waste management programs that maximizes the
utilization of valuable resources and encourage resources conservation and recovery
to avoid major collection of waste which was called Waste Diversion. Thus, this act
introduces the processes that can be done in disposing waste as cited in Bernardo
E.C. (2008).
Table 5.1 shows the difference in the composting practices of the respondents when
grouped according to their profile variables. The table shows that the composting
practices of the respondents vary by age and by educational attainment and not by
gender. This means that age and educational attainment are factors of the composting
practices of the respondents. There is significant difference in practicing composting
when grouped according to age and educational attainment and not by gender.
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City,
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Table 5.2 shows the difference in the incineration practices of the respondents when
grouped according to their profile variables. The table states that the respondents’
incineration practices vary according to age, gender and educational attainment. This
indicates that age, gender, and educational attainment are factors of the incineration
practices of the respondents. There is significant difference in practicing incineration
when grouped according to profile variables.
Table 5.3 shows the difference in the recycling practices of the respondents when
grouped according to their profile variables. The table states that the respondents’
recycling practices do not vary according to gender but vary according to age and
educational attainment. This means that age and educational attainment are factors
that affect the recycling practices of the respondents. There is significant difference in
practicing recycling when grouped according to age and educational attainment and
not by gender.
Table 5.3 shows the difference in the landfilling practices of the respondents when
grouped according to their profile variables. The table states that the respondents’
landfilling practices vary according to gender, age and educational attainment. This
means that these three are factors of the respondents’ landfilling practices. There is
significant difference in practicing landfilling when grouped according to profile
This study is aimed to know the solid waste management practices when grouped
according to profile variables. In terms of the profile of the respondents, majority are
female. Most of the respondents are 18-24 years old and have been able to acquire
bachelor’s degree.
Most of the respondents have never done landfilling while majority of the them are
composting and incinerating waste once in a while. This is confirmed in the study of
Jerie and Tevera (2014) wherein, the results of their study showed that composting of
waste is the second most popular method of disposing the waste followed by
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City,
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incineration. It was also stated in their study that the bulk waste generated by the
sector was mainly comprised of organic waste and hence, composting is a vital solution
for preventing waste from ending up in the least desired disposal option, the landfill.
This means that the respondents from this study widely chose composting over
landfilling in terms of disposing organic waste.
Also, the results of this study showed that recycling is the most popular method in
managing waste among the other practices. This is confirmed in the study of Giustli
(2009) wherein, the Waste Management Hierarchy (reduce, reuse, and recycle or so
called 3rs) is said to be the best way to manage waste for it maintains the usefulness of
The findings imply that when it comes to practicing incineration and landfilling there is
significant difference when grouped according to profile variables. In terms of practicing
recycling and composting, the results revealed that there is significant difference when
only grouped according to their age and educational attainment and not by gender.
Meaning, gender is not a factor in practicing recycling and composting. This was
proven in the book entitled International Joural of Evironment and Science Education
written by Ifegbesan, A., et al. (2009). Wherein, their study concluded that if a certain
practice of waste management is widely known and the process does not require that
much effort to do, then the propensity of that practice may differ by only age and class
level, disregarding the gender.
As a support to our study, the research study of Michael, D. S. et al., (2016). Stated
that, age gap plays a vital role in managing waste. Out of 8,000 respondents in 11
countries it was concluded that older generations are generally more aware of the
importance and benefits of proper waste management. Thus, older generations
outperforms the 18 – 29 age groups. When the survey results are categorized by
educational attainment on the other hand, respondents with higher educational
attainment tend to have more information regarding the practice of proper waste
management than those who have lower educational attainment. Thus, they practice
more frequently.
The purpose of this study is to determine the significant difference in practicing solid
waste management when grouped according to profile variables. The findings imply
that, recycling is the most frequently applied method in managing waste, Composting is
the second most popular followed by Incineration while majority of the respondents
have never done landfilling. Practicing incineration and landfilling have significant
difference when grouped according to profile variables while practicing recycling and
composting have significant difference when only grouped according to their age and
educational attainment.
In the light of the findings and conclusions of this study, the following are
recommendations of this study:
The authorities from the locale should focus more on advocating in having a proper
solid waste management. They can conduct literacy programs regarding solid waste
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City,
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management to further inform the residents about the recurring problems that they
might encounter in having an improper waste management.
Certain government agencies such as the Department of Health [DOH] and the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] should also strengthen
some policies about improper waste management. They should maximize that
utilization of resources and encourage resources conservation and recovery to avoid
major collection of waste.
Furthermore, the following are the recommendations for future researches similar to this:
Rather than focusing on disposal practices, consider other process in managing waste
such as Onsite Storage, Collection and Transfer.
The Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Balzain West, Tuguegarao City,
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