Account Opening Form Quick Checklist

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 Signed all places marked S1 to S15

 Affixed passport size photograph on page 5 and signed across S2
 Self attested photocopy of PAN card and Address proof
 Stamped copy of latest bank statement or cancelled cheque with name printed on it
 Account opening fee cheque for Rs. 200 made payable to “South Asian Stocks Ltd.”
If you want us to courier you the form, we’ll charge you Rs. 300
 Demat Proof for mapping your current Demat account to trade in cash segment



1. 1 Copy of PAN Card.

2. 1 Copy of Address Proof (Driving License, Voter ID, Passport, Original Bank Statement).
3. 1 Passport Size Color Photograph photo on the first page of KYC application form on S2, (page
numbered 5) and sign across it.
4. 1 Copy of your Demat Holding Statement or the ‘Client Master Report’ from your current Demat
* Demat Proof is mandatory for trading in cash segment (Not Mandatory for Derivatives)
5. 2 Cheques
a. 1 cancelled (Personal - Name to be mentioned on the cheque). If it’s not please attach 1
month Bank Statement.
b. 1 cheque favouring “SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD.” for Rs 200/- for Account Opening.
*If you want us to courier you the form, we’ll charge you Rs. 300
6. If you want to trade derivatives, please sign the Self Declaration (S15) on the last page of the form
Alternatively, you can also provide 1 copy of any of the following documents:
a. Pay slip (latest)
b. Form 16 / IT Returns (latest)
c. 6 month Bank statement (latest)
d. Copy of Demat Holding with any other Broker
7. In-Person Verification: The Exchange requires us to perform in-person verification, so you have to be
available on a webcam or drop into our office for account opening.


Please mail the Account opening form to following address:

G-20, 2nd floor, Preet Vihar,
Main Vikas Marg, Delhi - 110092
Phone: 011-40409999

S.N. Name of the Document Brief Significance of the Document Page No
1 Account Opening Form A. KYC form - Document captures the basic information about the 5 – 6
constituent and an instruction/check list.
B. Document captures the additional information about the Constituent 7 – 9
relevant to trading account and an instruction /check list.
2 Rights and Obligations Document stating the Rights & Obligations of stock broker /trading Ann-1
member and client for trading on exchanges (including additional rights &
obligations in case of internet/wireless technology based trading).
3 Risk Disclosure Document Document detailing risks associated with dealing in the securities market. Ann-2
4 Guidance note Document detailing do’s and don’ts for trading on exchange, for the Ann-3
education of the investors.
5 Policies and Procedures Document describing significant policies and procedures of Stock Broker. Ann-4

6 Tariff sheet Document detailing the rate/amount of brokerage and other charges 10
levied on the client for trading on the stock exchange(s).
7 Undertaking Contains voluntary undertakings by the client with respect to SOUTH 11– 13
ASIAN STOCKS LTD.’s internal operations during the course of the
relationship with SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD.
8 Authorization for Client consent letter for receiving the contract notes by Email. 14
Electronic Contract Notes
9 Declaration & Client consent letter for receiving SMS from SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. 15
Authorization For and a client declaration stating that he is not a defaulter. Authorization
Account Modification for account detail modification
10 Running Account Letter of Authorization for maintaining a Running Account with SOUTH 16
Authorization ASIAN STOCKS LTD.
11 Self-Declaration Declaration of an individual’s financial information for trading in the 17
(Derivatives Trading) Derivatives Segment.


Regd. Office: - G-20, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg, Delhi - 110092
Phone: 011-40409999 website
Correspondence address: same as above
NSE SEBI Registration No. : INB230907337 / INF230907337 / INE230907337
BSE SEBI Registration No. : INB010907336 / INF010907336
Compliance officer Name: Dhruv Sharma CEO Name: R K Jain
Phone No. & mail ID: 011-40409999, [email protected] 011-47377200, [email protected]
For any grievance please contact SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. at the above address or email
[email protected] and Phone no. 91-011-40409999
In case not satisfied with the response, please contact the concerned exchange at:
1. NSE: [email protected] or contact at 022-26598100
2. BSE: [email protected] or contact at 022-22728097

INSTRUCTIONS/CHECK LIST FOR FILLING KYC FORM 1. Unique Identification Number (UID) (Aadhaar)/
Passport/ Voter ID card/ Driving license.
2. PAN card with photograph.
3. Identity card / document with applicant’s Photo,
1. Self attested copy of PAN card is mandatory for all
issued by any of the following: Central/State
clients, including Promoters /Partners /Karta
Government and its Departments, Statutory/
/Trustees and whole time directors and persons
Regulatory Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings,
authorized to deal in securities on behalf of
Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public Financial
Institutions, Colleges affiliated to Universities,
2. Copies of all the documents submitted by the
Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, Bar
applicant should be self-attested and accompanied
Council etc., to their Members; and Credit
by originals for verification. In case the original of
cards/Debit cards issued by Banks.
any document is not produced for verification,
C. Proof of Address (POA): - List of documents
then the copies should be properly attested by
admissible as Proof of Address: (*Documents having
entities authorized for attesting the documents, as
an expiry date should be valid on the date of
per the below mentioned list. submission.)
3. If any proof of identity or address is in a foreign 1. Passport/ Voters Identity Card/ Ration Card/
language, then translation into English is required. Registered Lease or Sale Agreement of Residence/
4. Name & address of the applicant mentioned on the Driving License/ Flat Maintenance bill/ Insurance
KYC form, should match with the documentary Copy.
proof submitted. 2. Utility bills like Telephone Bill (only land line),
5. If correspondence & permanent address are Electricity bill or Gas bill - Not more than 3 months
different, then proofs for both have to be old.
submitted. 3. Bank Account Statement/Passbook -- Not more
6. Sole proprietor must make the application in his than 3 months old.
individual name & capacity. 4. Self-declaration by High Court and Supreme Court
7. For non-residents and foreign nationals, (allowed judges, giving the new address in respect of their
to trade subject to RBI and FEMA guidelines), copy own accounts.
of passport/PIO Card/OCI Card and overseas 5. Proof of address issued by any of the
address proof is mandatory. following: Bank Managers of Scheduled
8. For foreign entities, CIN is optional; and in the Commercial Banks / Scheduled Co-Operative Bank
absence of DIN no. for the directors, their passport / Multinational Foreign Banks / Gazetted Officer /
copy should be given. Notary Public / Elected representatives to the
9. In case of Merchant Navy NRI’s, Mariner’s Legislative Assembly/ Parliament / Documents
declaration or certified copy of CDC (Continuous issued by any Govt. or Statutory Authority.
Discharge Certificate) is to be submitted. 6. Identity card/document with address, issued by
10. For opening an account with Depository any of the following: Central/State Government
participant or Mutual Fund, for a minor, photocopy and its departments, Statutory / Regulatory
of the School Leaving Certificate/Mark sheet issued Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled
by Higher Secondary Board/Passport of Commercial Banks, Public Financial Institutions,
Minor/Birth Certificate must be provided. Colleges affiliated to Universities and Professional
11. Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) are defined as Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council etc., to
individuals who are or have been entrusted with their Members.
prominent public functions in a foreign country, 7. For FII / sub account, Power of Attorney given by
e.g., Heads of States or of Governments, senior FII / sub-account to the Custodians (which are duly
politicians, senior Government/judicial/ military notarized and / or apostilled or consularised) that
officers, senior executives of state owned gives the registered address should be taken.
corporations, important political party officials, etc.
B. Proof of Identity (POI): - List of documents 8. The proof of address in the name of the spouse
admissible as Proof of Identity: may be accepted.
D. Exemptions/clarifications to PAN (*Sufficient Custodians shall verify the PAN card details with
documentary evidence in support of such claims the original PAN card and provide duly certified
to be collected.) copies of such verified PAN details to the
1. In case of transactions undertaken on behalf of
Central Government and /or State Government E. List of people authorized to attest the
and by officials appointed by Courts e.g. Official documents:
liquidator, Court receiver etc. 1. Notary Public, Gazetted Officer, Manager of
2. Investors residing in the state of Sikkim. a Scheduled Commercial / Co-operative Bank
3. UN entities / multilateral agencies exempt from or Multinational Foreign Banks (Name,
paying taxes / filing tax returns in India. Designation & Seal should be affixed on the
4. SIP of Mutual Funds up to Rs 50,000/- p.a.
5. In case of institutional clients, namely, FIIs, MFs, 2. In case of NRIs, authorized officials of overseas
branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks
VCFs, FVCIs, Scheduled Commercial Banks,
Multilateral and Bilateral Development Financial registered in India, Notary Public, Court
Magistrate, Judge, Indian Embassy /Consulate
Institutions, State Industrial Development
Corporations, General in the country where the client resides
are permitted to attest the documents.
Insurance Companies registered with IRDA and
Public Financial Institution as defined under
section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956,

F. Additional documents in case of trading in derivatives segments - illustrative list:

Copy of ITR Acknowledgement Copy of Annual Accounts
In case of salary income - Salary Slip, Copy of Form 16 Net worth certificate
Copy of demat account holding statement. Bank account statement for last 6 months
Any other relevant documents substantiating Self declaration with relevant supporting
ownership of Assets. documents.
*In respect of other clients, documents as per risk management policy of the stock broker need to be provided by the
client from time to time.
G. Copy of cancelled cheque leaf/ pass book/bank statement specifying name of the constituent, MICR Code or/ and
IFSC Code of the bank should be submitted.
H. Demat master or recent holding statement issued by DP bearing name of the client.
For Individuals:
a. Stock broker has an option of doing ‘in-person’ verification through web camera at the branch office of the stock
broker/sub-broker’s office.
b. In case of non-resident clients, employees at the stock broker’s local office, overseas can do in-person verification.
Further, considering the infeasibility of carrying out ‘In-person’ verification of the non-resident clients by the stock
broker’s staff, attestation of KYC documents by Notary Public, Court, Magistrate, Judge, Local Banker, Indian
Embassy / Consulate General in the country where the client resides may be permitted.
For non-individuals:
a. Form need to be initialized by all the authorized signatories.
b. Copy of Board Resolution or declaration (on the letterhead) naming the persons authorized to deal in securities on
behalf of company/firm/others and their specimen signatures.

G-20, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg,
Delhi 110092

Sub: Acknowledgement
This is to acknowledge the receipt of following documents.
S. No Brief significance of the Document
1. Rights and Obligations
2. Risk Disclosure document (RDD)
3. Guidance Note – do’s and dont’s
4. Policy and Procedure
5. Executed copy of KYC
I further state and confirm that I have read and understood all the clauses of aforesaid document.
I also confirm that I have received the relevant clarifications, if any, wherever required from the officials of SOUTH ASIAN

Yours faithfully,

S1 Client Signature
Name of the Applicant: __________________ Date: ____________________

Checklist before submitting the Application Form

 Passport-size photo on page 5, signed across.

 Signed all areas marked with S – total of 15 signatures on the application form

 Photocopy of PAN card, self-attested

 Photocopy of address proof, self-attested

 Photocopy of last 6 months bank statement or Income Tax returns or salary slip or any other income proof,

self-attested (if Self Declaration form is not signed on page no. 17.)

 Cancelled cheque from the bank you wish to link to your trading account

 Account opening cheque of Rs. 300 payable to South Asian Stocks Ltd. or Rs. 200 if you have printed the

application on your own

(This information is the sole property of SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. and would not be disclosed to
any one unless required by law or except with the express permission of clients) Please affix your
recent passport
size photograph
SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. and sign across it

G-20, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg, Delhi – 110092

Phone: 011-40409999 S2 Client
NSE SEBI Registration No. : INB230907337 / INF230907337 / INE230907337 Signature
BSE SEBI Registration No. : INB010907336 / INF010907336

Please fill this form in ENGLISH and in BLOCK LETTERS.

1. Name of the Applicant: ________________________________As per PAN card ________________________
2. Father’s/ Spouse Name: ______________________________________________________________

3. a. Gender: Male  Female 

b. Marital status: Single  Married  c. Date of birth: ______________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

4. a. Nationality: ___________b. Status: Resident Individual  Non Resident Foreign National 

5. a. PAN: ________________ Compulsory
b. Unique Identification Number (UID)/ Aadhaar, if any: _______________________________________
6. Specify the proof of Identity submitted: __________________________________________________

1. Address for Correspondence: _______________________________ _______________________________
City/town/village: _____________________________________ Pin Code: _______________________
State: _______________________________________________Country: _______________________
2. Contact Details: Tel. (Off) _____________Tel. (Res) _______________ Mobile No. __________________
Fax: ________________________________Email id: _________________________________________
3. Specify the proof of address submitted for correspondence address: _____________________________
4. Permanent Address (if different from above or overseas address, mandatory for Non-Resident Applicant)
City/town/village: _____________________________________ Pin Code: _______________________
State: _______________________________________________Country: _______________________
5. Specify the proof of address submitted for permanent address: _________________________________


1. Gross Annual Income Details (please specify): Income Range per annum:

Below Rs 1 Lac 1-5 Lac  5-10 Lac  10-25 Lac  >25 Lacs or

Net-worth as on (date)________________ (___________________) (Net worth should not be older than 1year)

2. Occupation (Please tick whichever is applicable)

Private Sector  Public Sector  Government Service  Business  Professional  Agriculturist 

Retired  Housewife  Student  Self Employed  Others (please specify) _______________

Brief Details of Nature of Business/Service ___________________________________________

If Employed:

i. Name of the Employer: __________________________________________________________

ii. Office Address: _________________________________________________________________


iii. Telephone No.______________________________Fax No. ______________________________

If Self Employed / Business / Professional / Others: _______________________________________

i. Name of the Establishment: _______________________________________________________

ii. Office: ________________________________________________________________________

iii. Address: ______________________________________________________________________

iii. Telephone No.___________________________Fax No. _________________________________

3. Please tick, if applicable: Politically Exposed Person (PEP)  Related to a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) 

I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I
undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false
or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.

S3 Client Signature Date: __________________

Bank Name
Branch Address

Bank Account No.

Account Type: Savings  Current  Others  Savings  Current  Others 
In case of NRI Account NRE NRO  NRE  NRO 
MICR Number
IFSC code


i. Depository Participant Name: __________________________________________________________
ii. Depository Name: NSDL  CDSL 
iii. Beneficiary Name: __________________________________________________________________
iv. DP Id.__________________________________ BO Id. ____________________________________
Details of any action/proceedings initiated/pending/ taken by SEBI/ Stock exchange/any other authority against
the applicant/constituent or its Partners/promoters/whole time directors/authorized persons in charge of dealing
in securities during the last 3 years _________________________________________________
If client is dealing through the sub-broker, provide the following details:
Sub-broker’s Name: ________________________________ SEBI Registration number: ______________
Registered office address: ______________________________________________________________
Ph:__________________ Fax: __________________ Website: ________________________________
Whether dealing with any other stock broker/sub-broker (if case dealing with multiple stock brokers/sub-brokers, provide details of all)
Name of stock broker: ________________________Name of Sub-Broker, if any ____________________
Client Code: ________________________________Exchange: ________________________________
Details of disputes/dues pending from/to such stock broker/sub- broker: __________________________

No Prior Experience  Years in Equities _____/ Years in Derivatives _____/

Years in other Investment Related Field _____/_____/
*Please sign in the relevant boxes where you wish to trade. The segment not chosen should be struck off by the client.
Cash F&O Currency Derivatives
S4 S4 S4
(a) Client Signature (b) Client Signature (c) Client Signature
S4 S4
(d) Client Signature (e) Client Signature
# If, in future, the client wants to trade on any new segment, a separate authorization/letter should be taken from the client by the broker.


i. Whether you wish to receive (a) Physical contract note  (b) Electronic Contract Note (ECN) 
If ECN specify your Email id: __________________________________________________________

ii. Whether you wish to avail of the facility of internet trading/ wireless technology/mobile trading YES NO
iii. Number of years of Investment / Trading Experience: ______________________________________
Name of the Introducer: __________________________________________________________________
Status of the Introducer: Sub-broker/Remisier/Authorized Person/Existing Client: Client ID ________________
Others, please specify ____________________________________________________________________
Address of the Introducer: ________________________________________________________________
Phone no. of the Introducer: _______________________________________________________________
Signature of the Introducer: __________________________
H. NOMINATION DETAILS (please tick the appropriate option)
 I/We do not wish to nominate

 I/We wish to make a nomination and do hereby nominate the following person in whom all rights and/or amount
payable in respect of funds in my trading account shall vest in the event of my/our death.
Name of the Nominee: _______________________Relationship with the Nominee: _________________
PAN of Nominee: _______________________Date of Birth of Nominee: __________________________
Address of the Nominee: _______________________________________________________________
Phone No. of Nominee: ________________________
If Nominee is a minor, details of Guardian:
Name of Guardian: ______________________________Address of Guardian: _____________________
Phone no. of Guardian: _________________________Signature of Guardian _______________________
WITNESSES (Only applicable in case the account holder has made nomination)

Witness Name: Witness Name:

Signature Signature:

Address: Address:

S5 Client Signature


1. I/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and
belief and I/we undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information
is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am/we are aware that I/we may be held liable for

2. I/We confirm having read/been explained and understood the contents of the document on policy and procedures
of the stock broker and the tariff sheet.

3. I/We further confirm having read and understood the contents of the ‘Rights and Obligations’ document(s) and
‘Risk Disclosure Document’. I/We do hereby agree to be bound by such provisions as outlined in these documents.
I/We have also been informed that the standard set of documents has been displayed for Information on stock
broker’s designated website, if any.

Place ____________________

Date ____________________ S6 Client Signature


UCC Code allotted to the Client: ____________________

Documents verified
Client Interviewed By In-Person Verification done by
with Originals
Name of the Employee
Employee Code
Designation of the employee

I / We undertake that we have made the client aware of ‘Policy and Procedures’, tariff sheet and all the non
mandatory documents. I/We have also made the client aware of ‘Rights and Obligations’ document (s), RDD and
Guidance Note. I/We have given/sent him a copy of all the KYC documents. I/We undertake that any change in the
‘Policy and Procedures’, tariff sheet and all the non-mandatory documents would be duly intimated to the clients.
I/We also undertake that any change in the ‘Rights and Obligations’ and RDD would be made available on my/our
website, if any, for the information of the clients.

Signature of the Authorised Signatory

Date __________________ Seal/Stamp of the stock broker


G-20, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg,
Delhi 110092
Sub: Charges for SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. Trading Services
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to subscribe to the SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. plans and request SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. to apply any
applicable tariff as per the terms and conditions of SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD.
I hereby authorize SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. to debit my ledger for the subscription amount as per terms and conditions
of SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. Rs. 999 for Equity or Rs.499 for Currency per month unlimited Plan, if I choose to subscribe
to either plan

Rs. 9 Per executed order Plan

For no monthly fees, you will be allowed to trade CASH, F&O and CURRENCY at Rs. 9 per executed order. For BSE Cash
Intraday and NSE Cash Intraday you can trade at Rs. 9 per executed order or 0.01% whichever is lower. For BSE Cash
Delivery and NSE Cash Delivery you can trade at Rs. 9 per executed order or 0.10% whichever is lower. For Currency you
can trade at Rs. 9 per executed order or Rs. 0.99 per lot whichever is lower.

Rs. 999 Per Month unlimited Plan

The Rs. 999 per month unlimited Plan provided for a monthly fee of Rs. 999 only. You can do unlimited trading across NSE
Cash, BSE Cash and NSE F&O segments.

Rs. 499 Per Month unlimited Plan

The Rs. 499 per month unlimited Plan provided for a monthly fee of Rs. 499 only. You can do unlimited trading across
Currency Future and Options.

Rs. 9 Per order traded Plan  Rs. 999 per month unlimited Plan. 
Rs. 9 Per order traded Plan  Rs. 499 per month unlimited Plan. 
*Turnover for Options is calculated as (Strike + Premium)*Lot Size
In addition to the brokerage charge the following charges will also be levied
Schedule of charges:
1. Transaction Charges 4. Stamp Duty
2. Securities Transaction Tax 5. Education and Higher Education Cess
3. Service Tax 6. SEBI Turnover Fees
Terms and Conditions can be subject to change.
The terms and conditions of the SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. plans has been read and understood by me. I wish to avail
the plans below provided by SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. my trading account subject to the terms and conditions
mentioned above

S7 Client Signature Date: ____________________

G-20, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg,
Delhi 110092
With respect to Member-Constituent Relationship and Mandatory and Voluntary (optional) Documents executed
between us, I / We do hereby authorize SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. to do the following:
1. Order Placement Instructions
I understand that you require written instructions from me for placing / modifying / cancelling orders. However,
since it is not practical for me to give written instructions for placing/modifying/cancelling order. Even If I have
facility to trade online through Internet and wireless technology, I may have to place orders by physically visiting
/calling/ Emailing the Call centre / branch specified for the said purpose by SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. in case of
breakdown of internet connectivity or other similar reasons.
I hereby request you to kindly accept my, my authorized representative or mandate holder’s verbal
orders/instructions, in person or over phone and execute the same. I understand the risk associated with placement
of verbal orders and accept the same. I shall not disown orders under the plea that the same were not placed by me
provided I am sent ECN/Physical contract notes or trade confirmations through SMS and other modes. I indemnify
SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. and its employees against all losses, damages, actions which you may suffer or face, as a
consequence of adhering to and carrying out my instructions for orders placed verbally.
I understand and agree that inadvertent errors may occur, while executing orders placed by me. In such
circumstances SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. shall make all reasonable efforts to rectify the same and ensure that I am
not put to any monetary loss. I understand and agree that I shall not hold SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. responsible
beyond this and claim additional damages/loss.
I understand and agree that my request to modify or cancel the order shall not be deemed to have been executed
unless and until the same is confirmed by SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD..
I undertake not to execute transactions, either singly or in concert with other clients, which may be viewed as
manipulative trades viz. artificially raising, depressing or maintaining the price, creation of artificial volume,
synchronized trades, cross trades, self trades, etc or which could be termed as manipulative or fraudulent trades by
SEBI/Exchanges. In case I am found to be indulging in such activities, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. has every right to
inform the Exchange/SEBI/other regulatory authority of the same and suspend/close my trading account.
I undertake not to act as unregistered Sub-broker and deal only for myself and not on behalf of other clients In case I
wish to deal for other clients also, I undertake to apply to SEBI through SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. to obtain a sub
broker registration.
In case SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. perceives that I am acting as an unregistered sub broker, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS
LTD. has the right to immediately suspend my trading account and close all open positions and adjust the credits
(across all segments) against the dues owed by me to SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. without the requirement of any
notice from SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. Further, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. has the right to inform the concerned
regulatory authorities about the same.
In aforesaid eventuality, I agree and undertake to indemnify SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. from any loss/
damage/claim arising out of such activity.
I confirm and declare that there is no bar on me imposed by any Exchange or any Regulatory and/or Statutory
authority to deal in securities directly or indirectly. I agree to inform SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD., in writing, of any
regulatory action taken by any Exchange or Regulatory/ Statutory authority on me in future. In case I fail to inform

the same and SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. on its own comes to know of such action, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. has
the right to suspend/close my trading account and refuse to deal with me.
Also, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. can at its sole discretion, close all the open positions and liquidate collaterals to the
extent of debit balances, without any notice to me.
I declare that I have read and understood the contents and the provisions of the PMLA Act, 2002, which were also
explained to me by SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. officials. I further declare that I shall adhere to all the provisions of
PMLA Act, 2002.
I further undertake and confirm that;
a. I do not have any links with any known criminal
b. I am a genuine person and not involved or indulge knowingly or assisted, directly or indirectly, in any
process or activity connected with the proceeds of crime nor I am a party to it. The investment money is derived
from proper means and does not involve any black or Hawala money in any manner.
I hereby indemnify and hold SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD., its Directors and employees harmless from and against all
claims, demands, actions, proceedings, losses, damages, liabilities, charges and/or expenses that are occasioned or
may be occasioned to the SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. directly or indirectly, relating to bad delivery of shares/
securities and/ or third party delivery, whether authorized or unauthorized and fake/forged/stolen shares/
securities/transfer documents introduced or that may be introduced by or through me during the course of my
dealings/ operations on the Exchange(s) and/ or proof of address, identity and other supporting/ documents
provided by me at the time of registration and/ or subsequently.
I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. harmless from any claims, demands, actions,
proceedings, losses, damages, liabilities, charges, and /or expenses arising from transactions in securities held jointly
by me with any other person or persons, if any.
I am interested in availing the MFSS facility of the Exchange for the purpose of dealing in the units of Mutual Funds
Schemes permitted to be dealt with on the MFSS of the Exchange. For the purpose of availing the MFSS facility, I
state that “Know Your Client” details as submitted by me for the opening of Trading Account may be considered for
the purpose of MFSS and I/we further confirm that the details contained in same remain unchanged as on date.
I am willing to abide by the terms and conditions as has been specified and as may be specified by the Exchange
from time to time in this regard. I shall ensure also compliance with the requirements as may be specified from time
to time by Securities and Exchange Board of India and Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI).
I shall read and understand the contents of the of the Scheme Information Document and Key Information
Memorandum, addenda issued regarding each Mutual Fund Schemes with respect to which I choose to
subscribe/redeem. I further agree to abide by the terms and conditions, rules and regulations of the respective
Mutual Fund Schemes subscribed by me.
I understand that if the sole/first applicant has or attains NRI Status, investments in scheme of mutual funds can be
made only upon providing Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC) to SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. every time the
investment is made.

Yours faithfully
______________________________ Date : _______________
S8 Client Signature
Applicant Name: ____________________

SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. shall have the prerogative to refuse payments received from any bank account where
the client is not the first holder or which is not mentioned in the KYC or which the client has not got updated
subsequently by submitting a written request along-with adequate proof thereof as per Performa prescribed by
SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising out
of such refusal of acceptance of payments in the situations mentioned above.
However, due to oversight, if any such third-party payment has been accepted by SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. and
the credit for the same has been given in the client’s ledger, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. shall have the right to
immediately reverse such credit entries on noticing or becoming aware of the same. In such a case, SOUTH
ASIAN STOCKS LTD. reserves the right to liquidate any of the open positions and/or any of the collaterals
received/ held on behalf of the client. SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD., its Directors and employees shall not be
responsible for any consequential damages or losses.
SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. as a policy neither accepts any funds for pay-in/margin in cash nor makes any
payment or allows withdrawal of funds in cash. No claim will be entertained where the client states to have made
any cash payment or deposited cash with any Branch/Sub-Broker/Remisier/Employee/Authorised Person of
Pursuant to SEBI Circular Number SEBI/MRD/SEC/Cir-42/2003 dated November 19, 2003, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS
LTD. discloses to its clients about its policies on proprietary trades. SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. does proprietary
trades in the cash and derivatives segment at NSE, BSE.
The client shall ensure that the shares are properly transferred to the designated demat account of SOUTH ASIAN
STOCKS LTD., for effecting delivery to the Exchange against the sale position of the client. Such transfers shall be
entered by the client within the time specified by SEBI/Exchanges/ SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. In case the client
fails to transfer the shares on time to SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD., SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. shall not be
responsible for any loss/damages arising out of such delayed transfers.
The client shall settle the transactions, within the Exchange specified settlement time, by making the requisite
payment of funds and/or delivery of the shares.
In case the client fails to settle the transactions within the settlement date, then SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. has
the right to square off the open and/or unpaid positions, at an appropriate time, as it deems fit, without any
notice to the client. The client shall not have any right or say to decide on the timing of closure of the open
positions that needs to be closed. SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD., its Directors and Employees shall not be
responsible for any loss or damages arising out of such square offs. All such square off transactions shall have
implied consent and authorization of the client in favour of SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD.
After such square off of open positions by SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD., as mentioned in above clauses, if there is a
debit balance, the client shall pay the same immediately. However, if the client does not clear off the debit
balance, SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. shall have the right to liquidate the shares and other securities of the client
(kept as collateral/margin) to the extent of the debit balance, without any intimation to the client. The client shall
not have the right to decide on the timing of liquidation of shares and securities held in collateral/margin and the
shares and securities that needs to be sold or liquidated. SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD., its Directors and employees
shall not be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of such selling.

S9 Client Signature


Date: _________________
G-20, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg,
Delhi - 110092

Dear Sir,

Sub: Authorisation for Electronic Contract Notes

I/We have been/shall be dealing through you as may/our broker on the Capital Market and/or Futures & Options and/or
Currency Derivatives and or Interest Rate Futures Segments. As my/our broker i.e. agent I/We direct and authorize you to
carry out trading/dealings on my/our behalf as per instructions given below.
I/We understand that, I/We have the option to receive the contract notes in physical form or electronic form. In
pursuance of the same, I/We hereby opt to receive contract notes in electronic form. I/We understand that for the above
purpose, you are required to take from the client “an appropriate email account” for you to send the electronic contract
notes. Accordingly, please take the following email account /email id on your record for sending the contract notes to
Enter Email ID

I/We also agree that non-receipt of bounced mail notification by you shall amount to delivery at my/our email account /
email id.
I/We agree not to hold you responsible for late/non-receipt of contract notes sent in electronic form and any other
communication for any reason including but not limited to failure of email services, loss of connectivity, email in transit
I/We agree that the log reports of your dispatching software shall be a conclusive proof of dispatch of contract notes to
me/us and such dispatch shall be deemed to mean receipt by me/us and shall not be disputed by me/us on account of
any non-receipt/delayed receipt for any reason whatsoever.
I/We understand that I am required to intimate any change in the email id/email account mentioned herein above needs
to be communicated by me through a physical letter to you, provided however that if I/We am/are an internet client then
in that event the request for change in email id/email account can be made by me/us through a secured access using
client specific user id and password. Please treat this authorization as written ratification of my/our verbal
directions/authorizations given and carried out by you earlier. I/We shall be liable for all losses, damages and actions
which may arise as a consequence of your adhering to and carrying out my/our directions given above.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

S10 Client Signature


I_____________________________________ having PAN_____________________ do hereby declare that my mobile

no. is __________________________. Further, I authorize SOUTH ASIAN STOCKS LTD. that the same may be used for
giving me any information/ alert/SMS.
I further declare the above mentioned statement is true and correct.

______________________ Date: ________________

S11 Client Signature


I ______________________________ having PAN_______________________ do hereby declare that I have not been
involved in any terrorist activities and I have not been declared a defaulter or my name is not appearing in defaulter
database as per SEBI/ Various Exchange/ Regulatory bodies, etc.
I further declare that the above mentioned declaration/ statement are true and correct.

______________________ Date: ________________

S12 Client Signature



If I/we were to add/modify/remove any of my account details including bank a/c, brokerage plans with SOUTH ASIAN
STOCKS LTD. , I/we authorize you to carry it out based on my request sent through an email to [email protected]
from my registered email address or intimation through an interface provided by you, whereto I have been allowed
secured access.
If you feel the need to do so, then at your own discretion, you may put in place appropriate mechanism to confirm the re-
quest before or after its execution by way of a call from a recorded line, or otherwise, personal meeting, SMS or other
such other mode as you may deem fit.

Date: ________________
S13 Client Signature


Date: ______________________

I/We are dealing through you as a client in Capital Market and/or Future & Option segment and/or Currency segment
and/or Interest Rate future Segment & in order to facilitate ease of operations and upfront requirement of margin for
trade. I/We authorize you as under:

1. I/We request you to maintain running balance in my account & retain the credit balance in any of my/our
account and to use the unused funds towards my/our margin/pay-in/other future obligation(s) at any
segment(s) of any or all the Exchange(s)/Clearing corporation unless I/We instruct you otherwise.

2. I/We request you to retain securities with you for my/our margin/pay-in/other future obligation(s) at any
segment(s) of any or all the Exchange(s)/Clearing Corporation, unless I/We instruct you to transfer the same to
my/our account.

3. I/We request you to settle my fund and securities account

• Once in a calendar Month 

• Once in every calendar Quarter except the funds given towards collaterals / margin in form of Bank
Guarantee and /or Fixed Deposit Receipt 

4. In case I/We have an outstanding obligation on the settlement date, you may retain the requisite
securities/funds towards such obligations and may also retain the funds expected to be required to meet
margin obligation for next 5 trading days, calculated in the manner specified by the exchanges.

5. I/We confirm you that I will bring to your notice any dispute arising from the statement of account or
settlement so made in writing within 7 working days from the date of receipt of funds/securities or statement of
account or statement related to it, as the case may be at your registered office.

6. I/We confirm you that I can revoke the above mentioned authority at any time.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

S14 Client Signature

(To be filed if Documentary Evidence is not furnished by clients trading in Capital / Derivatives Market Segment)
To Date:________________


G-20, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg,
Delhi 110092

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Self-Declaration on Income and Net-Worth furnished pursuant clause 47 of MCA.

Ref: Application No. / Client Code:_______________ submitted for registration for trading and investments.
With reference to the above document submitted, I do hereby declare and affirm the following.

1. I have been allotted the PAN:__________________________, a self-attested copy of which has been submitted to
you as one of the mandatory KYC documents.

2. For the Financial Year ending 31st March _________, my Annual Income was approximately Rs. ____________ for
which, except this Self-declaration Letter, no other documentary proof is provided to you.

3. As on date ____________, my net-worth is approximately Rs. ________________________ for which, except this
Self-declaration Letter, no other documentary proof is provided to you.

4. I further declare that the transactions I am entering into with you in the above trading account is commensurate
with my Income and Net Worth and I am fully aware of risks associated with these transactions.

5. The ownership and risk of justification and substantiating regarding the above declaration with any of the Statutory
Authorities/ Agencies will be my Own.

S15 Client Signature

Client's Name:_________________________


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