Passive Voice
Passive Voice
Passive Voice
Sebelum beranjak ke contoh soal, ada baiknya kita pelajari dulu pengertian singkat tentang
passive voice. Passive voice merupakan suatu bentuk kalimat di mana subjek kalimat adalah
yang menerima aksi, bukan yang melakukan aksi.
Kalau active voice fokus terhadap yang melakukan aksi atau doer of action, sedangkan passive
voice fokus terhadap objek yang menerima akibat dari aksi tersebut atau receiver of action.
Nah, dengan pengertian singkat dan rumusan di atas, apakah kalian sudah mulai mengerti,
Quipperian? Jika sudah, yuk kita lanjut ke latihan soal di bawah ini.
Pilihlah jawaban passive voice yang tepat bagi kalimat aktif yang ada pada soal.
Pilihlah jawaban yang passive voice paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat pada soal.
1. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?
2. The important email has been sent by my secretary. What is the active form of this sentence?
3. We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?
A) Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.
B) Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.
C) Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.
D) Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.
E) Our grandmother would have been visited by us next week.
4. We can see many beautiful paintings in this exhibition. They were ……. by famous Indonesian
A) Painting
B) Painted
C) Paint
D) Be Painting
E) Being painting
6. They cancelled all flights because of fog. The passive form of the sentence is, because of
7. A well known architect is designing our new office. The passive form of the above sentence is,
Our new office …… by a well known architect.
A) Design
B) Designed
C) Be designing
D) Is designed
E) Is being designed