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Contoh Tugas UTS

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1. Pilih salah satu topik berikut:

a. Thalasemia
b. Tuberkulosis
c. Tumbuh Kembang
2. Cari EBP (intervensi) terkait topik di atas
3. Analisis menggunakan tabel analisis contoh di bawah
4. Buat paper analisis EBP tersebut
a. Latar belakang
b. Hasil
c. Diskusi
d. Kesimpulan
e. Daftar Pustaka
Source : Wade, V.A., Karnon, J., Eliott, J.A., Hiller, J.E. (2012). Home Videophones Improve Direct Observation in Tuberculosis Treatment: A
Mixed Methods Evaluation. PLoS ONE Journal, 7(11),1-13: e50155. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050155

Author/ Key Variables (IV-
Affiliated Subject Design Mayor Finding My Thoughts
years DV) and Tools
Wade Discipline of 128 patients who IV : Quantitative ; a Quantitative : Strength :
VA1, Public Health, have received of - Home Videophones retrospective  The videophones  This research produced an
Karnon The University DOT for TB - In-Person Service cohort design service was more inovative technology to
J1 , of Adelaide, (from Jan 1st effective than in control and improve the
Eliott Adelaide, 2003- Nov 15th, DV : Qualitative design person services  implementation of Direct
Australia, 2010), that was Direct Observation in The difference of Observation Treatment (DOT)
JA2, 2
Discipline of devided into two Tuberculosis treatment 18.9% (95% CI : 12.2- in tuberculosis. So, it can
Hiller General groups  25.4) improve adherence of patients
JE 3 Practice, The 1) 58 patients who Tools : with TB to their treatment.
(2012) University of received drive - Recorded case notes Qualitative :  By videophones can observe
Adelaide, around services : Finding enable factors the successful of treatment
Adelaide, (in person Determine the of convenience and without the missing time, and
Australia, services) success of visit flexible timing, high the clinicians can determine
Australian 2) 70 patients who - Interview Guidance ; patient acceptance, staff what they should do, if there
Catholic received video With clinicians who efficiency and chest was a failure to call. Besides
University, services delivering TB clinic support that, through this technology
Melbourne, services and patients can give some benefits both in
Australia who had been patients and clinicians.
receiving DOT via  In some countries that have a
Videophones at least negative stigma to TB, this
1 month. technology can facilitate
 To assess patient privacy, because
description of usually the patient do not want
the participant’s their community knows about
experience with their disease.
videophones  This research used a
services qualitative analysis to
(acceptability, strengthen the finding that was
usability & found by quantitative analysis.
Author/ Key Variables (IV-
Affiliated Subject Design Mayor Finding My Thoughts
years DV) and Tools
quality of the
service, problem
or difficulties, Weakness :
advices &  This technology needs an
suggestion) adequate infrastructure. There
are so many possibility to
occur some troubles with the
videophone connection that
can inhibited the observation
of DOT.
 In developing countries or the
areas that have a low income,
this technology may not be
able to run properly. Even in
this study have already
discussed about the cost
efficiency, but some areas do
not have enough budget for
implement this technology,
because in these countries
have to ensure that all of
patients have a material
support adequately such as
computer, tablet or mobile
phone that can connect to
internet, modem, and an
ability to use it.
 This study did not explain
about the tuberculosis
treatment in children. How to
control and observe their
treatment? And how the
Author/ Key Variables (IV-
Affiliated Subject Design Mayor Finding My Thoughts
years DV) and Tools
parents involved in their
 One of purposes of this study
was to compare the
effectiveness of DOT between
videophone and in person.
There was a statement that the
videophones service was more
effective than in person
services, but in this study
analysis did not explain about
what kind of the mean
differences test is used. The
researchers only showed the
value of difference between
videophone and in person.
 In the qualitative analysis, the
researchers only interviewed
patients who received
videophone. Because of that,
the result of study may not
show a balance data from both
of group patients.

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