COMP 304B - Object-Oriented Software Design Assignment 4 - Command Pattern
COMP 304B - Object-Oriented Software Design Assignment 4 - Command Pattern
COMP 304B - Object-Oriented Software Design Assignment 4 - Command Pattern
Practical information
Team size == 2 (pair design) !
Each team submits only one full solution. Use the index.html template provided on the assignments page. Use
exactly this format to specify names and IDs of the team members. The other team member must submit a single
index.html file containing only the coordinates of both team members. This will allow us to put in grades for
both team members in WebCT. Beware: after the submission deadline there is no way of adding the other team
member’s index.html file and thus no way of entering a grade !
Your submission must be in the form of a simple HTML file (index.html) with explicit references to all submitted
files as well as inline inclusion of images. See the general assignments page for an index.html template.
The submission medium is WebCT.
The assignment
In this assignment you will use UML Class Diagrams, Pseudocode and UML Sequence Diagrams to describe a simple
design based on the Command Pattern. The design uses a highly simplified version of part of the DSheet design.
A DSheet has references
SSheetData has a private attribute cellData, a dictionary mapping a given coordinate (a tuple (col,row)) to a SSheet-
Cell object . Its first public method is getCellValue(col,row), which returns the evaluated value of the formula
stored at coordinate (col,row). The method setCell(col,row, formulaStr) instantiates and adds to the dictionary
a SSheetCell object having formula value formulaStr and coordinates (col,row). A method removeCell(col,row)
is also available to remove a given cell (for instance if its formula value becomes empty). It also has a constructor which
initializes the datastructures.
Command is an abstract class. Its constructor (used in concrete subclasses) takes a reference to DSheet’s SSheetData
object as an argument and uses that to provide a local reference named ref. Command declares (and provides dummy,
empty implementations) for methods execute() and unexecute().
Command has two concrete subclasses, DisplayCommand and SetCommand.
DisplayCommand’s execute() method uses the ref reference to loop over all cells and print their values to the screen.
DisplayCommand does not override the default, dummy unexecute() method in Command (as DisplayCommand’s execute()
method does not modify the state of the subject).
SetCommand has an askUser() method which prompts the user for row, column, and formula to set. It returns the
tuple (row, column, formula). SetCommand’s execute() method calls askUser() and subsequently uses the ref
reference to set the appropriate cell to the value given by the user.
SetCommand has a memory attribute as it is necessary to remember the effects of execute(). Using this memory informa-
tion, unexecute() will be able to undo previous execute()s. Note how you must support an arbitrary number of undo
Your assignment solution should contain:
1. A Class Diagram depicting all relevant classes, their attributes and methods, as well as all relationships between
the classes.
Pseudocode (in sticky notes) must be provided for all important methods (in particular, for execute() and unexecute()).
For each operation, describe the new state of the relevant objects.