Epithermal Au-Ag: Low Sulphidation

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by A. Panteleyev
British Columbia Geological Survey

Panteleyev, A.(1996): Epithermal Au-Ag: Low Sulphidation, in Selected British

Columbia Mineral Deposit Profiles, Volume 2 - Metallic Deposits, Lefebure, D.V.
and Hõy, T, Editors, British Columbia Ministry of Employment and Investment,
Open File 1996-13, pages 41-44.


SYNONYMS: (Epithermal) adularia-sericite; quartz-adularia, Comstock, Sado-type;

bonanza Au-Ag; alkali chloride (hydrothermal).


EXAMPLES (British Columbia (MINFILE #) - International): Toodoggone district

deposits - Lawyers (94E066), Baker (94E026), Shas (94E050); Blackdome
(92O050- 053); Premier Gold (Silbak Premier), (104B054); Cinola
(103F034); Comstock, Aurora (Nevada, USA), Bodie (California, USA), Creede
(Colorado, USA), Republic (Washington, USA), El Bronce (Chile), Guanajuato
(Mexico), Sado, Hishikari (Japan), Colqui (Peru), Baguio (Philippines) Ladolam
(Lihir, Papua- New Guinea).


CAPSULE DESCRIPTION: Quartz veins, stockworks and breccias carrying gold,

silver, electrum, argentite and pyrite with lesser and variable amounts of sphalerite,
chalcopyrite, galena, rare tetrahedrite and sulphosalt minerals form in high- level
(epizonal) to near-surface environments. The ore commonly exhibits open- space
filling textures and is associated with volcanic-related hydrothermal to geothermal

TECTONIC SETTING: Volcanic island and continent-margin magmatic arcs and

continental volcanic fields with extensional structures.


hydrothermal systems from depths of ~1 km to surficial hotspring settings.
Regional-scale fracture systems related to grabens, (resurgent) calderas, flow-
dome complexes and rarely, maar diatremes. Extensional structures in volcanic
fields (normal faults, fault splays, ladder veins and cymoid loops, etc.) are common;
locally graben or caldera-fill clastic rocks are present. High-level (subvolcanic)
stocks and/or dikes and pebble breccia diatremes occur in some areas. Locally
resurgent or domal structures are related to underlying intrusive bodies.

AGE OF MINERALIZATION: Any age. Tertiary deposits are most abundant; in B.C.
Jurassic deposits are important. Deposits of Paleozoic age are described in
Australia. Closely related to the host volcanic rocks but invariably slightly younger in
age (0.5 to 1 Ma, more or less).
HOST/ASSOCIATED ROCK TYPES: Most types of volcanic rocks; calcalkaline
andesitic compositions predominate. Some deposits occur in areas with bimodal
volcanism and extensive subaerial ashflow deposits. A less common association is
with alkalic intrusive rocks and shoshonitic volcanics. Clastic and epiclastic
sediments in intra-volcanic basins and structural depressions.

DEPOSIT FORM: Ore zones are typically localized in structures, but may occur in
permeable lithologies. Upward-flaring ore zones centred on structurally controlled
hydrothermal conduits are typical. Large (> 1 m wide and hundreds of metres in
strike length) to small veins and stockworks are common with lesser disseminations
and replacements. Vein systems can be laterally extensive but ore shoots have
relatively restricted vertical extent. High-grade ores are commonly found in
dilational zones in faults at flexures, splays and in cymoid loops.

TEXTURE/STRUCTURE: Open-space filling, symmetrical and other layering,

crustification, comb structure, colloform banding and multiple brecciation.

ORE MINERALOGY (Principal and subordinate): Pyrite, electrum, gold, silver,

argentite; chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, silver sulphosalt and/or
selenide minerals. Deposits can be strongly zoned along strike and vertically.
Deposits are commonly zoned vertically over 250 to 350 m from a base metal poor,
Au-Ag-rich top to a relatively Ag-rich base metal zone and an underlying base metal
rich zone grading at depth into a sparse base metal, pyritic zone. From surface to
depth, metal zones contain: Au-Ag-As-Sb-Hg, Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu, Ag- Pb-Zn. In
alkalic hostrocks tellurides, V mica (roscoelite) and fluorite may be abundant, with
lesser molybdenite.

GANGUE MINERALOGY (Principal and subordinate): Quartz, amethyst,

chalcedony, quartz pseudomorphs after calcite, calcite; adularia, sericite, barite,
fluorite, Ca- Mg-Mn-Fe carbonate minerals such as rhodochrosite, hematite and

ALTERATION MINERALOGY: Silicification is extensive in ores as multiple

generations of quartz and chalcedony are commonly accompanied by adularia and
calcite. Pervasive silicification in vein envelopes is flanked by sericite-illite- kaolinite
assemblages. Intermediate argillic alteration [kaolinite-illite- montmorillonite
(smectite)] formed adjacent to some veins; advanced argillic alteration (kaolinite-
alunite) may form along the tops of mineralized zones. Propylitic alteration
dominates at depth and peripherally,.

WEATHERING: Weathered outcrops are often characterized by resistant quartz ±

alunite 'ledges' and extensive flanking bleached, clay-altered zones with supergene
alunite, jarosite and other limonite minerals.

ORE CONTROLS: In some districts the epithermal mineralization is tied to a

specific metallogenetic event, either structural, magmatic, or both. The veins are
emplaced within a restricted stratigraphic interval generally within 1 km of the
paleosurface. Mineralization near surface takes place in hotspring systems, or the
deeper underlying hydrothermal conduits. At greater depth it can be postulated to
occur above, or peripheral to, porphyry and possibly skarn mineralization. Normal
faults, margins of grabens, coarse clastic caldera moat-fill units, radial and ring dike
fracture sets and both hydrothermal and tectonic breccias are all ore fluid
channeling structures. Through-going, branching, bifurcating, anastamosing and
intersecting fracture systems are commonly mineralized. Ore shoots form where
dilational openings and cymoid loops develop, typically where the strike or dip of
veins change. Hangingwall fractures in mineralized structures are particularly
favourable for high-grade ore.

GENETIC MODEL: These deposits form in both subaerial, predominantly felsic,

volcanic fields in extensional and strike-slip structural regimes and island arc or
continental andesitic stratovolcanoes above active subduction zones. Near- surface
hydrothermal systems, ranging from hotspring at surface to deeper, structurally and
permeability focused fluid flow zones are the sites of mineralization. The ore fluids
are relatively dilute and cool solutions that are mixtures of magmatic and meteoric
fluids. Mineral deposition takes place as the solutions undergo cooling and
degassing by fluid mixing, boiling and decompression.

ASSOCIATED DEPOSIT TYPES: Epithermal Au-Ag: high sulphidation (H04);

hotspring Au-Ag (H03); porphyry Cu±Mo±Au (L04) and related polymetallic veins
(I05); placer gold (C01, C02).


GEOCHEMICAL SIGNATURE: Elevated values in rocks of Au, Ag, Zn, Pb, Cu and
As, Sb, Ba, F, Mn; locally Te, Se and Hg.

GEOPHYSICAL SIGNATURE: VLF has been used to trace structures; radiometric

surveys may outline strong potassic alteration of wallrocks. Detailed gravity surveys
may delineate boundaries of structural blocks with large density contrasts.

OTHER EXPLORATION GUIDES: Silver deposits generally have higher base

metal contents than Au and Au-Ag deposits. Drilling feeder zones to hotsprings and
siliceous sinters may lead to identification of buried deposits. Prospecting for
mineralized siliceous and silica-carbonate float or vein material with diagnostic
open-space textures is effective.


TYPICAL GRADE AND TONNAGE: The following data describe the median
deposits based on worldwide mines and U.S.A. models:

 Au-Ag deposits (41 Comstock-type 'bonanza' deposits) - 0.77 Mt with 7.5

g/t Au, 110 g/t Ag and minor Cu, Zn and Pb. The highest base metal
contents in the top decile of deposits all contain <0.1% Cu, Zn and 0.1% Pb
 Au-Cu deposits (20 Sado-type deposits) - 0.3 Mt with 1.3% g/t Au, 38 g/t
Ag and >0.3% Cu; 10 % of the deposits contain, on average, about 0.75%
Cu with one having >3.2% Cu.


Buchanan, L.J. (1981): Precious Metal Deposits associated with Volcanic

Environments in the Southwest; in Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the
Southern Cordillera; Arizona Geological Society Digest, Volume 14, pages 237-

Mosier, D.L., Berger, B.R and Singer, D.A. (1986): Descriptive Model of Sado
Epithermal Veins; in Mineral Deposits Models, Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A.,
Editors, U. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1693, page 154.

Mosier, D.L. and Sato, T. (1986): Grade and Tonnage Model of Sado Epithermal
Veins; in Mineral Deposits Models, Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A., Editors, U. S.
Geological Survey, Bulletin 1693, pages 155-157.

Mosier, D.L., Singer, D.A. and Berger, B.R (1986): Descriptive Model of
Comstock Epithermal Veins; in Mineral Deposits Models, Cox, D.P. and D.A.
Singer, D.A., Editors, U. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1693, pages 150-153.

Heald, P., Foley, N.K. and Hayba, D.O. (1987): Comparative Anatomy of Volcanic-
Hosted Epithermal Deposits: Acid-Sulfate and Adularia Sericite Types; Economic
Geology, Volume 82, pages 1-26.

Mosier, D.L., Sato, T., Page, N.J., Singer, D.A. and Berger, B.R. (1986):
Descriptive Model of Creede; in Mineral Deposits Models, Cox, D.P. and Singer,
D.A., Editors, U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1693, pages 145-149.

Panteleyev, A. (1991): Gold in the Canadian Cordillera - A Focus on Epithermal

and Deeper Deposits; in Ore Deposits, Tectonic and Metallogeny in the Canadian
Cordillera, B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Paper 1991-4,
pages 163-212.

Sillitoe, R.H. (1993): Epithermal Models: Genetic Types, Geometrical Controls and
Shallow Features; in Mineral Deposit Modeling, Kirkham, R.V., Sinclair, W.D.,
Thorpe, R.I. and Duke, J.M., Editors, Geological Association of Canada, Special
Paper 40, pages 403-417.

White, N.C. and Hedenquist, J.W. (1990): Epithermal Environments and Styles of
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December 10, 1995

[H01] [H02] [H03] [H04] [H05] [H07] [H08] [Published Profile Index]
[Deposit Profiles]

Last Updated

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