Form 5-Bella Thomas

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*Form 5

Due March 7​
Project Self-Evaluation

Name: Bella Thomas Date: April 29, 2019

1. To assist the evaluating committee, please describe (in detail) your completed project in at least ​three
mature sentences.

For the 2018-2019 school year I studied abroad at an economics school in Cremona, Italy. I spent
the year attending school, taking Italian lessons, learning about the culture, and meeting other
students. I was able to travel and gain a new understanding of world relations.

2. Fill in the blanks:

A. Estimated total hours spent on project: ​5376

B. Date project started: ​September 3, 2018
C. Date project completed: ​April 15, 2019
D. What was the most unique material you used or most unique experience you encountered?
My most unique experience was the opportunity to meet other students from different countries.
The other exchange students have given me perspective and experiences that I otherwise would
not have had.
E. Would you recommend your project area for others? ​Yes.​ Explain your answer:
Although exchange came with many challenges, the experience was something I will never forget.
It has benefited me in so many ways and I would encourage everyone I possibly could to partake
in this opportunity.

3. Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation? Explain your answer.
​No I would not feel threatened to show my project to an expert for evaluation. I completed my
exchange to the best of my abilities, I put time and effort into my video, and I worked hard on my
research project.

4. List two things you have learned (about yourself and product) after completing this entire project:

1. ​I have learned that stepping outside my comfort zone is something I should do more often, and
that this is the best way to grow as a person.

2. ​I have learned that even though exchange was one of the most difficult experiences I’ve ever
had, it was of great benefit to me, both personally and educationally.
5. List all personal satisfactions or knowledge you gained from this project:

1. ​I learned an entirely new language.

2. ​I learned that being open-minded can lead to life-changing experiences.

3. ​I learned, for a fact, that Italians have better food than Americans.

6. What comments about your project have you heard from students, parents, teachers, or community members?
For example: “​I never knew you knew so much …”—Mrs. Terrell.
“You have grown so much this year, and I am sad to see you go.” - Mrs. Anna (My Italian teacher)
“I loved having you. You are like another child to me.” -Paola Radi (My host mom)

7. Describe what level of growth you experienced in completing this project. Consider not only the physical
growth, but also an emotional or intellectual challenge.
Foreign exchange was probably the most stressful and challenging year of schooling I have ever
had. The classwork was strenuous and every basic social interaction was an immense amount of
effort. I learned patience and the rewards of stepping out of my comfort zone.

8. List problems you encountered:

1. ​Not having immediate access to teachers and instruction throughout this project was difficult.

2. ​I did not have any class time or free time to work on my project for the first few months of my

9. Describe how you handled/solved these problems:

1. ​I emailed Mrs. baker constantly and tried to clear up any confusion.

2. ​After I was able to get a decent handle on the Italian language and my school work, I was able
to do my assignments more efficiently which gave me more time for my project.

10. Is your project original or creative in any way? Explain.

I don’t believe any student from Bonner Springs High School has gone on foreign exchange
before. I’m happy to be the first, but I sincerely hope that I won’t be the last​.

11. If given the opportunity, what would you do differently now that you speak from experience?
If given the opportunity to do things differently, I would have liked to have more specific
instructions on my project. I should have asked for the outline and rubrics for all parts of this project
before I left for exchange.
12. What grade would you give yourself for your project? ​A
Explain why you would give yourself this grade in at least two, specific, mature sentences.
I worked very hard this year in order to get the most out of my exchange, and I tried my best to
show that in my project. I am very passionate about my research project and my year abroad.

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