ER-56.12 (1) Distance Pieces
ER-56.12 (1) Distance Pieces
ER-56.12 (1) Distance Pieces
TABLE 1 Distance Piece Vent and Drain NPT Connection Sizes, Inches
An eductor or vacuum pump can be used to lower the vent system pressure, or to route vent gas to
higher disposal pressures. Set vacuum pressure to a light vacuum (up to several inches of water
column) to avoid drawing air into the system.
Purged Vent System for Single Distance Piece with Sweep Purge
A long single compartment
distance piece can be
configured to reduce gas
leakage to the atmosphere
with a packing case purge
and a distance piece sweep
purge. Supply the packing
case purge at a pressure of 1. Packing
10-15 psi (0.7 to 1 bar) above Vent/Drain
the packing vent back 2. Distance
pressure. Supply the Piece Vent
distance piece sweep purge 3. Distance
Piece Drain
at a regulated flow rate of 5 4. Packing
scfh (0.14 m3/hr). The Pressure
distance piece compartment Purge
5. Distance
is both purged and vented, Piece Flow
allowing the purge gas to (sweep) Purge
“sweep” the compartment. 6. Oil Separation
Single compartment distance 7. Low Cracking
piece configuration can be Pressure
used with a pressure packing Check Valve
purge to control emissions. A
distance piece flow or sweep FIGURE 7 Single
purge can be added for Compartment
greater reliability. Sweep Purge
Double-Vent VVCP
1. Step-Cut joint Piston Ring 4. Grease Fitting
2. Gas Vent 5. Unloader Stem Seal
3. Open to Atmosphere
FIGURE 11 Typical
Control Schematic
Installation Notes
CAUTION: Install backflow protection between the supply source and the solenoids to
prevent over-pressure of plant air compressors or other supply sources in the event of
actuator seal failure.