Mineral Economics PDF
Mineral Economics PDF
Mineral Economics PDF
The Department of Mining Engineering offers the
Diploma in Mineral Economics. The program is
oriented to engineers, geologists, and others
related engineering professionals who will fulfill
senior management roles in companies and
institutions in the natural resources sector.
The Diploma contains 10 modules plus a case study that has to be develop by the student with the
supervision of the academic staff. After this process, the student will obtain the Diploma in
Minerals Economics issued by the University of Chile.
After the end of the Diploma, graduates will be eligible for the Master of Science in Mineral
Economics, at Curtin University, in Perth, Australia. It will be necessary to complete a 5
courses sessions and approve all English requirements.
Note 1: The Department of Mining Engineering has the right to suspend the Diploma if the number of
students is not enough to ensure minimum administrative conditions and the quality of the program.
Note 2: If one of the lecturers or professors needs to be replace, the program has the commitment to
find a new one with similar background.
Diploma in Mineral Economics
Course description
The Diploma considers 10 modules of one-week length (240) divided in 3 semesters (fall, spring,
and summer) covering different areas of Mineral Economics, a project developed by the student
(140 hours), and personal work (220 hours) between modules. Here you can find a brief
description or contents of the courses of the Diploma. Courses consider among their activities
exercises with the supervision of assistants.
Students are required to have adequate English language skills so that they can study the
complementary material.
Fall Session
1. Mining and Economic Development
Microeconomic: Role of Market - supply and demand, production, costs and utilities, Competitive
Markets, price discrimination. Trade in a Global World: Comparative Advantages – trade models.
Instruments of trade policy. The work factor in Global Economy. Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) in a Global World: Empirical FDI Evidence, FDI topics and investment. Costs and benefits
of FDI. Special globalization topics: Free Trade, Commercial Agreements and Protectionism,
Multilateral Institutions - GATT-WTO- IMF-World Bank, China & India, Latin America.
Globalization: Benefits and costs of Globalization.
Diploma in Mineral Economics
Spring Session
4. Risk Analysis and Decisions in Mining
Introduction and Statistical Review. Financial Risk: Uncertainty and Risk. Stochastics for
prices. Volatility Models. Risk Evaluation Methodologies. Simulation and Operational Risk:
Introduction, discrete event simulation concepts, random variables model. Introduction to Ptolemy
II. Geological Risk: Sampling. Geostatistical Concepts and Kriging. Conditional simulation.
Summer Session
8. Legal and Regulatory Environment
Mining and Environment: Sustainable development. Definition of environment. Environmental
aspects/impacts. Impact characterization. Environmental impacts of mining and metallurgical
processes. Mining and metallurgical wastes. Atmospheric emissions. Water emissions.
Regulatory Framework and Environmental Institutions: Environmental law and
environmental responsibility. New environmental regulations and institutions. Environmental
management instruments. Policies and international agreements. Mine closure legislation. System
of environmental impact assessment. Water and Mining – Sustainability challenges: Demand
end efficient use of water, water supply alternatives. Legislation. Seawater, a new alternative.
Environmental policies. ISO 14,000 certification. Mining and energy. Responsible handling of
mining waste. Closure and rehabilitation of mine sites. Corporate social responsibility. Legal and
regulatory framework for mining. Taxation.
• Hold a bachelor degree in a discipline related to the program. They may also apply those
who hold a professional degree which level, content and duration of studies correspond to
an equivalent to the degree of Bachelor of the University of Chile.
• Curriculum Vitae
• At least 2 years’ experience working in mining
• Application Form
• Sponsor letter (company’s financing) and payment order
• Good level of written and spoken English.
• Cover letter in English
Each application will be resolved by the Academic Director of the Program, who will decide the
acceptance of decline of the admission, based on the information presented.
Interested people registering the Diploma must apply to the program by sending the documents
describe above to: [email protected]
Diploma in Mineral Economics
The program has a total cost of US$ 15.000.
• All candidates must pay an enrollment fee of US$ 500 -CLP $ 350,000. This amount will
be discounted from the total cost.
• Students that are sponsored by their companies must send a letter of support and a payment
After requirements are fulfil, the student will receive a Diploma in Mine Planning, issued by
the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile.