GTK 0374 Este
GTK 0374 Este
GTK 0374 Este
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A methodology and a number of software tools have been developed to assess the operational
and geotechnical factors affecting the performance of open stoping operations. Open stope
performance is generally measured by the ability to achieve maximum extraction with
minimal dilution. The paper describes the tools and techniques for collecting and analysing
common factors affecting performance, such as drill and blast, development undercutting,
stress induced damage, rock mass quality, and large scale geological features. Common back
analysis techniques, such as empirical stability graph methods, are limited in their ability to
identify and quantify the relative contributions of the various factors that influence
excavation performance. The paper proposes a methodology that enables the evaluation
of a variety of contributing factors simultaneously. The proposed methodology also enables
the evaluation of spatial variability in various parameters under consideration. Example data
has been collected and analysed with some results presented.
The Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) is currently conducting research into
optimising the design and extraction sequence of open stoping excavations in highly stresses
rock masses. A large component of this study will involve back analysis of stoping activities
from a number of participating mines. In this regard, the project initially aims to identify and
assess the contributing factors on large excavation performance. As part of this research, a
number of techniques and software tools have been used to assist in the back analysis of
stoping performance at a number of open stoping operations in Australia. Open stope
performance is generally measured by the ability to achieve maximum extraction with
minimal dilution. Hence, the success of the open stoping method relies on the stability of
large (mainly un-reinforced) stope walls and crowns as well as the stability of any exposed fill
masses (Villaescusa, 2004). The success or performance of an open stope can therefore be
judged on the actual outcome versus the planned outcome, in terms of the final volume,
tonnage and grade of material extracted, and the timeliness of extraction, compared to the
planned design and schedule.
WA School of Mines, PMB 22, Kalgoorlie, WA, 6430
Reference Volume
The “reference” volume usually consists of the stope design and in-place development,
however, this may need to be modified if any changes were implemented during excavation.
For example, additional holes may have been drilled and fired that were not on the production
plan or, conversely, drilled holes were not fired due to bridging/blockages or due to a decision
to leave a pillar. The “reference” volume is typically represented by a primitive triangulated
irregular network (TIN) wireframe model in mine planning software.
In order to assess the influence of each of these factors on stope performance, it is necessary
to be able to adequately characterise and/or quantify the factors both prior to and during
excavation process. This requires all personnel involved in the design and production stages
to record relevant information, such that it can be reviewed on completion of the excavation
(Villaescusa, 1998).
A methodology is proposed to assist in the confirming, or otherwise, of hypotheses intimating
the relative contribution of various factors and their influence on open stope performance.
This methodology can utilise, for example, the results of;
• candidate criteria developed from numerical modelling,
• over-break and under-break analysis,
• modelling of large scale geological structures,
• rock mass quality modelling,
The methodology relies on the ability to query the volume of rock around the excavation
under analysis to select regions fitting various candidate criteria thought to contribute to over-
break. The advantage of this system to other empirical approaches lies in the ability to test
various candidate criteria simultaneously and also account for spatial variability of
component parameters.
Implicit Surfaces
The proposed methodology involves fitting implicit surfaces, defined by radial basis functions
(Carr et al, 2001), to candidate criteria and other features of the rock mass. The use of
mathematical radial basis functions allow for relatively complex mathematical intersections
and/or unions of these implicit surfaces or volumes. Implicit surfaces can be used in a variety
of back analysis processes, for example, over-break and under-break analysis, where they are
superior compared to the known issues associated with triangulation intersections. For
example, Figure 1 shows the highly detailed implicit surface model, which honours all CMS
data points, compared with a traditional filtered triangulation model. Due to the highly
detailed nature of the output, it can also assist in identifying localisation of over-break or
under-break. This information can provide information on the morphology, extent and nature
of over-break. For example, the morphology can indicate whether the over-break was
localised and tetrahedral in shape, possibly indicating a small structurally controlled wedge-
type failure, or arciform and protracted, possibly indicating stress-related failure and/or
subsequent “arching” response.
a) b)
Figure 1. Design stope volume (dark grey) and CMS (light grey) for a) triangulated final void volume and b)
final void volume based on implicit surfaces.
Implicit surfaces can be used to model, for example, large-scale geological structures and
their control on rock mass quality and subsequent influence on the levels of overbreak. Figure
2a shows two fault structures modelled from geological data, highlighting the occurrence of
major over-break on the stope wall with its intersection with “Fault B”. Figure 2b shows the
distribution of rock mass quality, in this case fracture frequency interpolated from borehole
data, on the over-break surface. Figure 2c shows how the intersection of the two fault surfaces
locally controls an increase in fracture frequency (isosurface value of 12 fractures per metre)
in the area highlighted by the circle shown in Fig. 2b.
Fault faults
a) b) c)
Figure 2. Results of geological modelling of a) two faults b) contours of fracture frequency on over-break
surface, and c) interaction of faults, rock mass quality and over-break.
Candidate Criteria
The results from numerical modelling can also be incorporated into the back analysis
methodology. Candidate surfaces based on say, a maximum shear stress criteria and/or
confinement-based criteria, can be displayed alongside other candidate criteria and over-break
data. Figure 3a shows the results of linear elastic numerical modelling represented as implicit
isosurfaces, together with over-break. Figure 3b shows contours of low confinement on the
over-break surface, whilst Fig. 3c shows maximum shear stress, plotted as both contours on
the over-break surface and as an isosurface.
a) b) c)
Figure 3. Results of numerical modelling showing a) minor principal stress isosurfaces b) contours of minor
principal stress on over-break surface, and c) isosurface of maximum shear stress and contoured on over-break
Volumetric Queries
The implicit surfaces can then be used to generate queries within the rock mass based on
intersections and unions of volumes (similar to Boolean “AND” and “OR” operations,
respectively). For example, based on the data presented above, it is possible to select a
volume of the rock mass around the excavation based on stress-based criteria and/or rock
mass quality and/or distance to a prospective geological structure. In this example, a query
was constructed using the following criteria;
• Maximum shear stresses greater than 15MPa,
• Distance less than 10m from “Fault B”, and
• Fracture frequency greater than 7
The resulting volume is shown in Fig. 4 and provides a very good correlation between the
query volume and the location of over-break experienced during mining. Although “Fault B”
transects the entire stope, Fig. 4b also highlights that its presence alone is not an indication
that over-break will occur. Figure 4 shows that intersection and union functions of implicit
surfaces can be used as a valuable tool in determining the relative influence of various
candidate criteria on stope performance.
Beyond limit
of rock mass
a) b)
Figure 4. Results of intersection of multiple candidate criteria for stope AP02 looking a) north west and b) south
The qualitative information, mainly derived from the results of stope performance reviews,
provides an important role in confirmation or verification of the impact of the various factors
indicated using the volumetric querying techniques described in preceding sections. A brief
overview of the methodology for incorporating the data in a back analysis is provided in Fig.
Figure 5. Framework for back analysis of stope performance utilising numerical modelling, volumetric queries
and stope performance database.
The location of the main mining areas and sequence is summarised in Figure 6. Analyses to
date have concentrated on Block A and Block C. Even simple queries from the stope
performance database can be of benefit to understanding the controls on performance. For
example, simple analysis of volumetric data for both mining blocks, is shown in Fig. 7.
Figure 7a, shows the exposed area of overbreak on the stope wall surface with respect to the
entire area of the stope wall surface. Figure 7a indicates that majority of over-break occurring
on stope wall surfaces does not affect the entire surface. Although stope surfaces are larger in
Block A, it shows that there is significant variability in the surface area of over-break in both
mining areas. This figure indicates that, although rock mass and stress conditions are different
between the mining blocks, the observed response of over-break within each mining block, in
terms of surface expression, can be quite varied, ranging from localised over-break (i.e. small
area of over-break) to over-break occurring almost across the entire stope surface.
Blocks B, C and D
Apr ’01 - May ‘02
May ’02 - Jul ‘03
May ’02 – May ‘03
Figure 6. Long section of Kanowna Belle underground operations showing main mining areas and stoping
6000 10
Block A Block A
Block C 9
Block C
Average depth of over-break (m)
Exposed area of over-break (m )
3000 5
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
2 2
Stope wall surface area (m ) Stope wall surface area (m )
a) b)
Figure 7. a) Plot of exposed area of over-break versus stope wall surface area and b) average depth of over-break
versus stope wall surface area.
Figure 7b does, however, highlight the different response, in terms of average depth of over-
break with stope wall surface area, between the two mining blocks. In general, Block C stope
surfaces exhibited deeper zones of over-break to Block A stopes. Block C stopes show high
variability in average depths of over-break, with significant amounts of over-break even with
relatively small stope wall surface areas. Conversely, Block A stopes generally show no
increase of average depth of over-break with increasing stope surface area, with depths of
over-break generally below 2m. This would indicate increased stopes sizes may have been
achievable without significantly increasing the amount of dilution.
Block C data was investigated further and separated into primary and secondary stopes. To
provide consistency end wall data was removed from the primary stope data set, as end walls
in the secondary stopes were not evaluated (being fill). The resulting data is plotted in Fig. 8.
This figure shows that over-break in secondary stopes, generally occurs over larger areas of
the stope surface, possibly indicating the effects of stress and/or blast damage.
Primary Stopes
Secondary Stopes
Exposed Area of Over-break (m )
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Stope wall surface area (m )
Figure 8. Plot of exposed area of over-break versus stope wall surface area for Block C stopes.
An improved methodology to understand the relative influence of the various factors that
influence open stope performance has been proposed. The method allows for the
simultaneous investigation of various factors, such as rock mass parameters and the results of
numerical modelling, the integration of the spatial variability of parameters, and ability to
query the rock mass volume for a variety of candidate criteria. The methodology is not a
replacement for traditional analytical or numerical techniques, yet provides a framework for
integrating and interrogating results from these techniques. WASM are currently in the
process of further refining the interrogative methodology using the techniques described in
this paper. Currently, meta-data derived from the volumetric analysis and stope performance
reviews is kept separate from the geometric entities (i.e. stopes, faults, over-break, etc) in the
stope performance database. Potential exists to integrate both the geometrical entities and
meta-data in object-oriented databases and possibly explore 3D-GIS capabilities to generate
complex queries to further enhance back analysis techniques.
We wish to thank Kanowna Belle Gold Mine, Barrick Australia, for kindly providing us with
their CMS data and allowing us to publish this paper. We wish to acknowledge financial
assistance of our other industry partner, BHPBilliton - Cannington and the ARC for a Linkage
Grant. We would also like to acknowledge Zaparo Pty Ltd for allowing the use of their
software to assist in this work.
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