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W CSEC F&N P1-02

t \Vlr ich oI r he [ol Ioi*i,,[,,, IU OST.
Ii kcl v rL-, 5 Wlriclr rrl'rlrc: [ollorving
j," hc scn.nr r i,rrr rif t,.,.,,
::l:l .j
(lrtrrlg fll,irrg?
tr,, rg. ;.' ;r; ; i,., [or' .st:r'virr1] ;r
is tlrc lvlAlN r (:.!.\orl
[lu[li.t nrt:;rl?
l Irrsrrlllcitirrt lrclt dru l (1) I';r)r rrr;rl sclring is lirnitctl.
II to,,,,,u.-i, .;;';;,;;il lli,:;lll:", I;rir>tt i.s rrot
(( 'l llc ltoslt_.ss Plt:rrtil.ul.
IIJ Too rrrrrclr lrc:rl tltrr.it ) .

cttoh (l)) 'l'lrc c.st ,,,.,,'t-
I\/. t,rs,, t t,c r..j,r r ;;,;ul;;;"'*
i r rP
rrr: rrrc;rl
lt:rs lo lrc ilc,pt
(r\) I ;rrrtl Il tlrrly
(IJ) I :rrrtl lV orrl_1, 6 \Vlriclr oI tlrrr lirllor,,,rrr
(c) I, ll;rrrtl Illonly o[l;rl'/ ll rtc CI:ls.sif'irt.l :rs
(D) ll, lll;rrrtl tV o,rly
I I-iv c r

) il l l tlr tt's:
\\'ltre it ol- tlrc ftlllrrrvirrl-,. 'l :rrl
cr:rrr 6i1rsc lr rrit tt, lrl
l;irrI, lo llrc [lcrItirrt t\/ 'l'olrllirc
ol ;r c;rkrr./
I. 'l ,r,r rtttrt
lrt;ri :;lttli itil(rtll ilr ilrt: (A) II rr;tt j I \,, orr l_y
i,rc (lr; I, ll :rrrtl Ilionll,
li 'l.oL)
111111.;1 rrroislrrr.c irr llrt: ltrrii ((') I. l[;rrrtl lV orrlt,
ill J-r lr ;r rlr
1,111:r;s ttl. Ilrc f r rrii
(l)) l, lli:r,l,l i\./ rrrri.y,
t\/ l:,,tr;r litlrritl lrrlrlt:tl
ki llrt: rrrirlurr:
(,\ ) tr:tur-7-_._,I- rclc,r
I ;rirr.J jl orrly -] lrr I
rlirrl-lr rrrri
(li) ,,r,, .r,.lrli,ir.. ;, r, ;,',',1t" """"t''rrg
Il;rrrrl Illorrly
rc); I, ll ;rrtri lV 9plt,
( ) -t't I, Ii, IJI rrrrrl l\/ $

'ii/irrclr oi rirc {t
lrf ir:1 .s(c;rlls ,rt- ll.rt,./ tr t ttlc's ;tPJrll' rr'111:11

I. l'Juvc ftrt.lrt IIrc corrcct

tclnllcrilf uIc.
lt. Coat lhc stc;rks ol-
Lri. Co,,,cr tlic
ixrrr lo p,rcVr-'11(.sllllrslrirrg
l\ /
,[ [at.
I)r'airr oir nbsr.rr.lrcnt 3
lill]cr. 'l'lrc.covcr/placc
(r\) I arrd II orrly .scttinfl suggtc$ts
tucal to tlrat thc
(ij) II arrtj JII orrli, l.rc scr vcd Lr, ,,,l,i.li"r,r*
(c) trrg lrtrrrr[:rcr. oI corrr.sc.s irli,r,
III ancj IV orrlv 7
(D) I, II;rrrtj 1y o,,tl (A) t
(rJ) 2
4 Whiclr of rhc l-ollc (c) 3
,rcrr)ods ;, r.",i'r* irrg (D) ,!
(A) Crcaruing
u. Fol rvhiclr oI tlrc follorving
(E) All-in-onc rvill tlrc cutlcr.y piccc <Ji.she.s/i(cnrs
(c) r:ulrrhcr 5 be uscd?
(D) I(u bl_ri rrg- in
(n) Slrrirnp cockt.;ri!
(IJ ) Crcart of g:ea souu
(c) Cilnrs fnril cun
(D) Egg roil

Itcms 9 - li rcfer ro the following list of i3 Whiclr olrhe follorvirrg is MOSTsuitable

dishes for frying doughnuts?
Roast bcci
Boiled ricc (A) Margarine
Candied sweci pornto (B) Butter
Tosscd vcgctablc salad (C) Corn oil
I'lornc nradc icc-crcartr (D) Olive oil

9 \"\llrich oI tlrc lollorvirrg gives

llre corr.cct
anrount r:l l-rorrclcss becf reqrrircd flor a 14. Ycast gro\v.s N4OS'f rrnirlly on foods that
l'rir[[rri rliriiicr of 25 pcoplc?

(A) i 04 kg (2 lbs 5 ozs) (A) lrc slr

(R) 2.3 i kg ((r lbs 4 ozs) (B) falty
(C) 45kg (10 lirs ) (c) spicy
(D) 6.7-5 kg ( l5 lbs) (D) slrSxry

), ti. Ili tltir :rbr,vc lisi o!- rlis!rt:s tlrcrc is likcly ro i-1 Wlricli of tirc l't'liitiwirrg grcr;i-,s icprc.sc;ris
Lrc llrr cxccssi., c irinGunt oI u,hiclr nirlri- --
- -{x l, ci ctrc.y ri i sc ascs',}
tA) j(clr, rickcts. sorc cyrs. j:ruiriiicc
(il) t. r) j I'clllgra, lr.ri-i:cri, ccz..L:t!lr], 1r-
Clrboliljt-iral cs
::,, tlri-i t is
(Li 1 !lt

((-,1 iiigl: illood prcssrire, scijrvy, sca-
bics, colour bl irrtJrrcss
f l)) i)rolt:i ri-c ne rgy i;rrbal al;ce, n i girl -
tf Lrlii:dncss, anaenria, rickcts
Whicir is rhc IIESI' orclcr oI work for a
catcrer to Ltsc rvlrcu prcparing tlrc dislres
in the follou,ing rncrru? 16. Eggs ar-c an imporlatrt colnlioncrrl oi
i. Punrpkin soup nrayonlraisc dressilrg becuusc ll'icy aci as
Ii. Roast beef agenls for
iIi. Vegetable rice
IV. Fresh fruit salad (A) binding
(B) emuisifying
(A) I, IV, 1l and ill (c) glazing
(B) II, I, IV and Iil (D) thickcning
(C) II, IV, III and I
(D) I\,i, I, II and III
17. Wlriclr protcin givcs [lour nrixlures the
ability to strclch and lrold thcir slrapcs?
11 Which of the following is the MOST
suitablc dish for a patient rccovcring from (A) Celatin
a stomaclr ailment? (B) Cluten
(C) 'Lcgumin
Baked tuna
(D) Elastin
Steamcd snapper
(c) i'rred lrernng
(D) Crab salad

flf) f)N 'I'(.) -r'r tt: xtnv'-r" D A rrr:


13. Whiclr ol' tlrc follorving rr)ct)us is

MOST ccorronricat on tucl.l ]tg1l]IL2I rcfcr ro rtrc foltowing tayout
ol' a kitclrcn.
(A) lJ:rkcd clrickcrr brcusr, r.oa.\t
ltrto r;ual lcr s, r;t\v :.ll;rtl, aplllc oo
(B) I?licd fislt, nracarorri :rrrtl clrcc.sc
Iric:, boilcd cltrots rrnd bctrrr;,
oranllc jcll1,
(c) (jrillcd stcak, rrnslrctl o o
l)ot;rtocs, I
sliccd bccls, stcar;rctl pudtJirrg o o
(D) Irlicd pork cllops, pcas lrrrl i icc:, RIrIr
lcttucc arrd (orruttu slrl;rrl, lcruorr
rncrirrgtrc pic

zt Irr tlrrr;rbovc r.li:rgr.;rnt, Arr:;r

19. Vcgctalrlcs arrd [r.rriIs urc Lrl;rrrcIrt:rl
I rc[)r.cscnts a
[r'ccz-irrg irr or.rlcr to
(r\ ) ct)1;[q1
(ll) sirrk
(^) cnsrlrc tlrlrt tltcy rcrrtlrirt l-rrrn rlrrr._ ((l) cotrrrtcr loll
irr11 frcczirrg (l )) rlislrrvlrslrcr.
(tr) l)rcvctrl icc crysl:rls [r.orrr [trrrrring
olr tircnr
(c) kill blrctcr.ia arrd .sto[) cn;/.),lnc ZI 'l'lrc l;rvout
oI tlrc kitclrur irr rlrc rli;rgrarrr
acl iorr rrrlry Ul_S l' lic dcscr.ibcd us
(D) rc[;riu tlrc llavorrr of t.ltc foot.l
(A) ()l)cn
(ll) u-slrrpcd
(C) gallcy
(D) par:rllcl

II the hotoil irr a fryirrg lrlrrr slroultJcarclr firc

(A) turrr o[[ tlrc hcat alrcl covcr thc parr

(8) rclnovc Ilrc parr frorrr tlrc lrcat arrd placc
it in tlrc sirrk
(c) , I)our \vatcr into [lrc parr
(D) turn off tlte lrcat and tcavc tlrc pan
ou Ilrc

23. lf a dict is tleficicnt in iorline,wtrich of tlre

followi ug disortlcrs rnay tlevelop?

(A) Goitre
(B) Ostcornatacia
(c) Tooth decay
(D) We;rk rnrrer.lr."

A convalescrnt should bc servcd well- Z7 " A dict can be. considerc.J rvctl-balanced if it
balanced, easily ciigestcd mcals. contains I
-Which of tlrc
follorving menus BEST sar- (^) vege lrrhlcs, ccrcals and lcgumcs
i sfics this meal-planning nrlc for a conva- (B) cercals, fnrits and grccn vegetables
I esccnt? (c) cercals, leafy vegetablcs and fruits
(D) fnrits and grecn vcgetables in tlrc
(A) Fricci fish corrcct proportion
Peas and ricc
I-ettuce, toinalo and carrot salad
rcc ctci.iln
28. Frcczing is:r prcscrv:rtioi-r n:cthotl rvhiclr

(B) Stcrvcd por k (A ) kills p;rtlro gc ii ic or gair is rns

Iloi lcd :;!vcc t potlrtoc.s (ll) clcstroysspoilagcoi'geirisrirs
Ruticrcrl clrrisiophe.nc (cho-clro) (C) tccclcnr{cs e r!7.yn!e
(D) "(rlivity
rclurds inicrobilri grorvilr
Cueva pic

{.c) Clrillctj slclks

rl^A i 3-ycur-oitl sciroci giri is.suilciing Irom
Crcanrccl y;rrn L^)

.Slrrccjcjc<j lciirrcc lrrr,i r-:lirlrlrg+ /:r iiec;:t i ;r. \r,/ Iri ci ; ri i tI re ir;1 i i-r,,=; i n g conrl>i n a-
salrci tior-rs of i-ooil.s is REST fci itci?
tdrrieo foo!
(Ai {lrci:r: !;:iit;rirlr iilil;s. circcsc 1;ic.
r.lr;irri1r.i liic:
iD) Stc;unccl {lsir
iloiicd crlriocs
(ii; Clricllcr: irrd clrips, srrilrs{--1p g;unclr
IJul{crcci pu irrpki ir lnd s<luaslr
(C) Coi:rrrjl,cci';i;:Clctiircr:sar:dwiclr"
Fresh fruit snlrt! cltocolalc inilk
(l)) Clrccsc pic, coccnul tlrt rnd rinc-
.^..t^ ;,,1..^
(,1,1,,u Jlr,Lu
'25 Which of t}e folioiving is thc. BEST rr:a-
son for prcscrvinE foad?
3{' Raw mcal, pouliry, e ggs rnd fisl.t are corn-
(A) lnon lood carriers of
Avoiding rvaste
{B) Lnproving its appcarance (A) siaphylococcus
(c) Developing its flavour (B) ),cast
(D) Retaining its nutricnts (C) salrnonc!la
(D) moulds

26. Which of lhe following terms is NOT

associated u,ith food prcscrvation? 31. Which of tlre folloiving groups contains
ONLY nronosncclraridcs?
(A) Rancidity
(D) Acceleratcd freeze drying (A) Glucose. sucrose, nraltose
(c) Bottling (R) Calactose, ccllulosc. lactose
(D) Ultra hcat trcatrnel)t (C) Clucose, fructose, galactose
(D) Sucrose, dcxtrosc. maltose

32. Whiclr of tlrc followi ng is

aslrict vcgctarian.?,
DEST suitcd lor 36. Wlriclr of tlrc following foocls should
avoidcd by tccnagcrs 1r,lro .rff.,
(u\) Soy';r oil
(ll) Suct
(C) I.] u rrcr-
I Ijrictl clrickclr arrrl clrips
(l)) l)r iPPirrg II Stcrrrrrctl rvl ritc fi.slr
III l(ich lursrr ic.s
IV Citrus l-r uits
3,1. \\ilrich trf tlrc [ollorvirrg conclitiorrs
i.: (z\ )
NC)'l' clrr:;ctJ lty corrt;trrrirr:r(ion I rrnd ll rlnly
ol. footl,/ (ll1 I rnd Ill orrly
(A) (C) l, II rrrrd lll orrly
- l)1'scrrtcry
(U) I)iarrlroc:r
(l)) ll, lll rrnd IV orrly
(c) 'l-1,plIoitl
(D) Corxit ilt:rtiorr
17. ()rrt: of llrc [rrlrcliorrs irI
lr corr.sun]cr ilsso_
ci;rlion is lo ltt:lp cotlsrut)(:l.s
3.1 \Vlriclr of (lrr: follo,,r.irrii [ooils is
pcrislr lr blc'/
l-l:z^r.S.] (A) prry lor goorls lroulllrt
(ll) clroosr: ;rrrtl pr.t:p:rr.c rrrclrl.s cor-
(A) Yc;rsl rcctly
[lr clrd
(B) C.'lrcdder clrcc.sc
((,') [rtry lilotls ttr:rl :rrc elrr:rr1r
(L) Wlt<.rlc-nrc:rl 0our.
(l)) f,,cl r,;11116 [or rrrrrrcy
(D) l)otvdtrr ctl rrrilk
3n. Wlriclr oI rhc foltowirrg is llrc N,lOS.t
35. Whiclr of tlrc [ollorvirrg arc ;rtJv;urlagcs a[)l)r'o[]n:ltc garnislr for frictJ fislr.l
slroppilrg at a supcrutarkct?
(A) C:rrrot curl.s
I. Priccs lrc usually low.
(B) Cclcry sralks
II. A lrigh stantJuj of hygicrrc (C) Linrc buucrllics
is (D) Sliccd boilctl cggs
III. Most products are prc-packirgcrl.
IV. A rvidc varic(y of proclucrs is of_
39. Wlriclr of ttrc [ollorving is NO f an aid
fc rcd. to
wisc shopping?
(A) I, II arrd IV only
(B) I, III and lV only
(A) Shop wherr tt:crc is a fast rurn_
(c) II, III and IV only ovcr.
(D) I, II, III arrcl IV (B) Look out for foocls that ire in
(c) Take a shoppirrg list with you
(D) Shop at one storc alrvays.
-t -

d0. Which of rire ioliorving

must bc shown on
a packrge corrraining 44 Brecd roli.s, croulon
proccssed foods?
pars rcy are accornD"l, a
/' I -!totld^tltciese
rs l"or wh ich
I Li.st of irrgrcdicnt.s il,. rol r,r,r],;;;ilT' ^tcn
ii Wciglr(
III. usect I'or packrge (A) Meal.s
IV. Ilj.r:.',
Ltst ol prcsen,ative-s (B) Soups
(c) Snuces
(A) I,.li and III orrlv (D) Fish
(B) i. II arrrj IV onlv
(c) I, III ar:tj J\z oni-v
(D) II, III rncl lV oniy .15.
Art clrz1,111s sccrclctl try ti:c
;llrircr*as is
(4.) irrucilt
Citrus juiccs nrc MAINLy v:rlurrblc frir (B) S U CT()SC
(hcir ccrrr(crri (c)
ol- I pasc
(It 1 rrr;r ltasc
(A) rt-irrglrrrgc
({1 t
(L] It ucIosc lirtJ glrl;rcto.sc 16. 'l'ltc firrtctio!lS
{if r.y;,r,-., ,1: ijii, lirrriy ilrclrrriu
(D; ruscrii-iric rrcid
I rii.sscl ne i1;ti,-i
iI ll trrtsylol I i tiF lluir.!{:il
4:1 \Vlrrclr cll'ilrc loliorvirrg ill lI
fc;rtrrl.es ol rr ii' : lp,', :r i i irc
s i. vc,/c oo k c r *,o * tJ iV ::.i::l "s
tr" tuf'O.S]iil,,;;;,,;' ;,,:
I , L Sr{.rt
il!Ood. Di.rr:;l!r.J
;1 [rLr.s], rvorking
{A) !, jl an.J lll orrli;
I Sclf-cJcaning ovcp (B)
I, II ancl IV orrl.,-
ll l(oir ssci-ie (c) l, lll rrrd IV orriv
]II Builr-in griddlc (D) II, III and 1y liniy
iv. .
Automatic timer
(A) i and III only lVhich of thc follorvirig
(B) i and IV onlv dicl for tire absorption is csscrrlial in thc
ol. iron?
t. \- ,l II and III oniv
(D) il arrd 1y orrly (A) Vitarnirr D
(B) Ascorbic acirJ
43. Foods place d in
a rcfrigcrator .should (c) Viramin K
covcrcd in ordcr bc (D)
to Nicotirric acid
Pfeven-t drying out of
food and 48"
Lransfer of strong
odours Night blindness rnay
(B) be a syrnptoni of
,nalntain recommendccl
lemperalure (A) ilradequate niacin
(c) ,r:1'ji," ctosc packirrg (R)
of ctistrcs inadeqrrale virnlrrirr
and bowls (c) A
excess vilalrrirr
(D) D
prevent ftrrmation (D) excess a.scorbic
of ice crysrals acid
on food
*to t


.19. In the tablc bclorv, wlriclr sct of tlrc food 52. Which of thc follorving is thc riOST
valucs is MOST likcly' contnincd irr :rppropriatc rrrcntt for :rn ollcsc pcrson?
I00 grn o[ cucrrrubcr?
(A) Dakcd clrickcrr, lctl.rrcc :rnd to-
rrurto salad, stclrnrcd ptrrrrllkirr,
C:.rlorics Wltcr Protcirr I Irrr l orilugc.sliccs
s*I 8,n] (B) I;ricd chickcu, ctrricd ricc. lct-
Ittcc lrrcl l()n);rlo s;rlltl, tnclort
(n) l5 95 07 (). I [r:rl I s
(lt ) L5 15 3.2 0.6 (c) (ir iltcd clrickcrr. rnlrcrrrrrrri rrrrtl
(c) I5 f.t 5 Lt) 5.0 cltr-.csc 1lic, lt'lltrcc :rrrrl lorrr:rlo,
(D) 1.5 ti0 s.5 6..s rtr:lrillo icc cr'curtt
(l)) li:rllcd cltickcrt, nr:rcur(ni lrr)tl
clrct:sc pic, colc slliw, low fet
s0 Using a rvcll-b;rlrr rrcctl l'lrrrrily rrrclrl. i,oglrrrr t
*'lriclt of tlrc [ollorvirrli 1tl:rrr:; r'.'oulrl liclll
nrcct tlrc ncccls of lrt lrr::tivc lccrr:r6cr-'1
-5.1 Wlriclr oI tlrc [ollorvirrg is tlrc L]L.S'l
(A) [)rovidc cxtrl scrvirrgs oI lirccrr ulcillls oI pr r:r,crrtirrll loss oI vitarrrirr C.]'l
s l l.lr d.
(B) ovitlc c.l(r'lr sclvirrgs ol'tlrc st.r-
['r (A) [,lsi ng lltc cortsc:l vll i vc cooki lr11

Irlc [orrcls. tut:tlrotl

(C) Scrvc an cxtrt l)ol.tiorl ol rrrc:r(. (ll ) Covc.r ilrg lroilcrl vcgct;rblc-s rvlrilc
(D) Civc f<-iod srrpplcirrcrrls. rclrcirl irrg tlrcrn
(c) E;rtilrg fl rrit antl vcgcllrltlcs rtrrv
(D) I{c-ttsirrg stock ilr wlrich vcgct;r-
5l Which of tlrc lollorvirrg srracks provitlc blcs havc trccn cookccl
tlrc nlost protcin?

(^) Llarbccrrcd poralo cllips 54. 'l'hc [our MAIN lrrrlricrrts ilr :r srurck oI
(B) Drcad rrrd charrna (chick pc;rs) 'clrickclr :rnrl chips and a rrrilkslrakc' arc
(c) Spicy planutirr chips prol.cirt, [:rt. clr hohydralc arrd
(D) C arl ic- [lavou rcd rol ls
(A) vilarnin B
(B) plrosplrorus
(c) iron
(D) vitrrurin C

55 Wlrich oI thc [ollorving disordcrs rnay

dcvclop in tlrc cldcrly if tlrc clict is low in
nrilk and rrrilk products?

(A) I Iypertension
(B) Arthritis
(c) Osteoporosis
(D) Athcrosclerosis
.rlt .f


56 Stearne<J, stcrvccj arrtl

ltoaclrccJ foorJs are s9 Wlriclr one of ttrc lollowirrg ntenus rvculd
bcst [or rhe cltJcrly MAINI_y b"..r',s"-
trc Ir4OS'I suirntrlc flor r pcrson
(1) lrt-llti tlitbclcs?
encrgy iirtukc slrould be rcduccd
(R) Lrtsal rncrabolisrrr is lou,cr
;,, olJ (A) Crilled rrreat
(L) pitl,sicll Rarv vegctatrle srl;rd
r)cti vi ty tJccl irrr:s
(D) digcstivc problcrn.s n)ty lcc crelnr
prcsc | ) t
/r)\ Ilccf, slcrv
lJoilcd ricc
-l'lrc .Stcarrrcd purrrpi.in
57 rclcntirlrr of c.\tr.il \v;ltct rr,irhiii lltr:
iriood cclls is c:rllr.rl [:rc.slr [r'tr il s;r lr,,l

(A) (c) lr{ lrcertrrri circcsc

or.: rlrr tt lt i.,ic
(l)1 L r',';.rs lt i c-,r
lJrrlicretl prrri-rpk r :r
[lti r
t('r iltiIt';lslltus L'lrcr.l-y pic
r l-; t t li i,ro irl i s r.r.r a{
!: /, lJrlriscrj dtrck
lloilr,-l plrintrrii;
i-lri-:ii uf'llrotcin lirrii c:ll,.,rir:l; lilc: ;r rrrt:tl [rcurr s
ii: tlic rl icl is {-)ocorrtrt Jric
Ir.ssociltlcd rvrIIr

(/r) l:rvasIIitr iLr-rl {,1t l'risr-.ri.s t,,,lrc tlc iikciy iii i'i-r:r
(B) c.li:rbctcs :;,.r ir.t;i:-t
lrclri t :rltltcks slrouiil l.cciitcr:
( l,J It)'pct tr:rrsiorr
(D) pc i I egra
L.liui icS .--
n.l,-,.i^^ '
t() ;!Cilrcvc
alitj ll!aililaiit
appropriatc rvcigil(
it colrsulnptio,l of ,ljral i;ccausc of
llrc proteili
lti llrc lolal :lnloul)t of fa( consunicql
iV corrsulnpt iolr oI tlct:lr<-li

(/r) i arrd ll orrly

(!]) !l and IV only
(Ll I, III and IV orrly
(D) J, ll, III and IV

IF You FINISII Blrpgllp'l'lIvIE IS cAI.I-EI),

cuECK 1,ourt lvortK oN ?'tI!s..EST.

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