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Instrument Market Major Participants Riskiness Original Interest rate on

(1) (2) (3) (4) Maturity 12/29/2010
(5) (6)
Treasury bills. Money All the commercial banks. Treasury bills are on the 91 days to 1 year 9%
Non-banking financial institutions. guarantee of
government, so they
have minimum default
Bankers acceptance Money A bankers' acceptance (BA) is a short- Minimal risk, especially if Range from 30 to Variable.
term credit investment created by a guaranteed by a strong 180 days
non-financial firm and guaranteed by bank.
a bank to make payment
Commercial Paper Money issued by large financial institutions Generally regarded as a Between 30 days Variable depending on
subject to strict requirements by SECP safe investment and not and 1 year the amount and time
and SBP in order to finance their short backed by collaterals. period.
term financing needs
Money market mutual Money Investing a pool of money collected Low risk Mutual fund unit Variable depending on
funds from investors for the purpose of holders can the maturity.
investing in securities such as stocks, convert their
bonds, money market instruments units into cash on
and similar assets. any working day
Consumer credit loans Money Issued by banks to individuals. Risk is variable Variable Variable depending on
depending on the time period and amount
loan. of loan.

Instrument Market Major Participants Riskiness Original Maturity Interest rate on

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 12/29/2000
Mortgages Capital Individuals keep their Risk is variable Upto 30 years Unavailable
property as collateral
when borrowing from
Government Bonds Capital Issued by State Inflation rate risk and Upto 20 years 11 to 13%
government to interest rate risk but tax
individuals and investors. free.

Corporate bonds Capital is a debt instrument Inflation rate risk and Upto 20 years Wapda bonds 5-10%
issued by companies to interest rate risk. PIA bonds 14 to 16%
individuals to raise
money to meet its
financial requirements.
Leases Capital Individuals and firms can Inflation rate risk and 3 to 25 years Variable
lease assets and then buy interest rate risk.
them when the lease is
Preferred stock s Capital Issued by corporations to Riskier than corporate No time limit Unavailable
individuals and bonds but less risky than
institutional investors. common stock.

Common stocks Capital Issued by corporations to Risky No time limit Unavailable

individuals and
institutional investors.

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