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Learning Objectives :

After the reader has finished studying this material, the reader is expected to be able to:
1. Explain the definition of marketing strategy
2. Explain the reasons why businessman need a marketing strategy
3.Explain what are the goals and the purpose of the marketing strategy
Learning Indicator:
1. Understand the importance of marketing strategies
2. Explain marketing strategy analysis
3. Planning an analysis of marketing strategies
Marketing strategy is one way to win a sustainable competitive advantage bothit is for
companies that produce goods or services. The marketing strategy can be seen as wrong
one basis used in compiling overall company planning. Seen from the extent of the problems
that exist within the company, it is necessary to have comprehensive planning to be used as a
guideline for the company segment in carrying out its activities, other reasons showing the
importance of marketing strategies is the increasingly hard competition of companies in
general. (Dimas HendikaWibowo, dkk. JurnalAdministrasiBisnis. Vol.29 No. 01 2015)

Every company must do the marketing process. This process makes goods from
producers reach consumers. There needs to be a specific strategy in carrying out this process.
The focus of this activity is consumers. Customer service is considered as well as possible in
order to achieve marketing success.

Strategy management helps companies to deal with changes that are not ready to be
anticipated by companies in their present conditions. The global economic crisis is the main
obstacle that is often ignored by all companies when the economic situation is good and
profitable, but when the situation changes inversely, the role of management strategy
becomes very important and necessary. It will be too late for companies to implement
strategy management when the company is on the verge of a big problem. Because time is
unpredictable and the situation cannot be predicted. Strategy management helps organizations
collect, analyze, and organize information. They track industry and competitive trends,
develop forecasting models and analysis scenarios, evaluate company and division

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performance, spot new market opportunities, threat identify business, creative and develop
action plans.

Management strategies have short-term organizational goals that must be achieved to

achieve long-term goals. Like long-term goals, annual goals must be measurable,
quantitative, challenging, realistic, consistent, and prioritized. They must be assigned to the
company, division, and functional at a large organizational level. Annual goals must be stated
in terms of management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations, research and
development, and information systems. Annual goals are needed for each long-term goal.
Annual goals are especially important in implementation strategies, while long-term goals are
very important in strategy formulation. Annual goals are the basic goal of allocating
resources. Policy is a means of annual targets to be achieved. Policies include guidelines,
regulations and procedures established to support efforts to achieve stated goals.

The marketing strategy is basically a plan that is comprehensive, integrated and

integrated in the marketing field, which provides guidance on the activities that will be
carried out in order to achieve the marketing objectives of a company.


1. The marketing strategy will run well if the internal aspects of the company can support
each other. How can coordination between strategic planning, culture, work structure, and
leadership support the implementation of a good marketing strategy?
2. The marketing concept cannot be thought of as a limiting aspect of sales, but the
marketing concept must be understood as a concept to understand consumers well. In
your opinion, what is the ideal marketing concept?
3. The marketing strategy will run well if the internal aspects of the company can support
each other. How can coordination between strategic planning, culture, work structure, and
leadership support the implementation of a good marketing strategy?
4. After segmenting the market, companies need to determine the target market. What
strategies can the company take in supporting the target market?
5. Maintain consumers in the long run. How do companies manage their customers? Local
culture is an important aspect in influencing consumer problems. How is local culture
translated by marketers and how is it applied in developing marketing strategies?

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Learning Objectives :

After the reader has finished studying this material, the reader is expected to be able to:
1. Explain the definition of business to business (B2B)
2. Explain what’s included in a business to business marketing strategy
3. Explain the 4P marketing strategy

Learning Indicators :

1. Understand the importance of analyzing marketing strategies for business to business

2. Planning an analysis of the marketing strategy of business to business

One of the objectives of marketing is to ensure that products or services are made by
companies that are known to the company so that they can generate profits from sales. So it is
not strange when companies spend a lot of money on marketing strategies. (Dimas Hendika,
ZainulArifin, Sunarti. JurnalAdministrasiBisnis. Vol.29 No. 01 2015)

The marketing strategy is actually not only for large companies, small companies must
also be traded, for example, such as the 4P marketing strategy. There is :

1. Product
Every UKM must be able to determine what products are their mainstay and how to develop
their flagship products. For example by adding flavor variants, size variants, shape variants and
packaging variants. The most important and crucial thing that must be maintained is the quality of the
flagship product. An SME should never make changes to taste, shape, color, size and quality without
making information or notifications to previous customers. Because sudden product changes will
cause customers to be disappointed and if customers are disappointed this will continue and will result
in a decrease in sales.
2. Price
Determining product prices is crucial in the success of the sales process. Price is the amount of
money that consumers must pay to get a product or service. In the marketing mix, price is one of the
important factors that influence the marketing of a product. High and low prices are always the main
concern of consumers when they are looking for a product. So the price offered is a special
consideration, before they decide to buy goods or use a service. From the habits of consumers, it can
be concluded that the pricing strategy is very influential on the sales and marketing of the products

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3. Place
In a marketing strategy, the strategic choice of business location is one of the factors that
influence the marketing success of a business. The more strategic the business location chosen, the
higher the level of sales and influence the success of a business. Vice versa, if the chosen business
location is not strategic, then sales will not be too good. For that, before you start a business, first
select the most appropriate place of business for marketing your business. Do research and compare
several choices of places before you finally determine the most strategic location for your business.
4. Promotion
Business promotion activities are part of a marketing strategy that is needed by a
business, both small businesses and large-scale businesses. Before knowing the promotion
method or strategy that is often used by business people, what is meant by promotion is a
marketing strategy supporting activities that are deliberately held to remind consumers about
products or services with a particular brand. Strategy-marketing-business-ukm Promotion
strategy is often used as one way to increase demand or sales of goods and services offered,
so as to increase profits. In addition, promotional activities also provide convenience in
planning the next marketing strategy, because usually promotional activities are used as a
way of communicating directly with prospective customers. So that we can obtain accurate
information from consumers, regarding the response of the products we offer. Here are some
other benefits of promotional activities: Knowing the products that consumers want.
Knowing the level of consumer needs for a product. Knowing how to introduce and deliver
products to consumers. Know the price according to market conditions. Know the right
promotion strategies for consumers. Knowing the conditions of market competition and how
to overcome them. Creating an image of a product with promotion.

Marketing strategies are needed by every company that wants products they produce can
be received in the target market. Every company can increase sales its products by using an
effective marketing strategy in increasing share existing customers. Marketing strategies that
can be used by companies include: STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) and
marketing mix. Besides that the company can use analysis of the SWOT marketing strategy
to find out the use of marketing strategies the right for the company. Before determining the
marketing strategy the company is required to identify internal environment analysis and
external environment analysis that occurs inside company. This can be used as a company
reference in formulating a marketing strategy which is in accordance with the conditions of
the company.

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1. In the practical way to form a Business to Business marketing strategy, business schools
usally teach marketing strategy as "the four Ps", that is product, price, place, and
promotion. But why the four Ps isn't a very practical definition?
2. By using a different approach to defining Business to Business marketing strategies, there
are some that companies need to define, one of which is a value proposition. So why is
the value proposition needed by a company?
3. Messaging is something that very tied directly to value proposition. So what the specific
messages will you use to attract the attention of prospective buyers?
4. To avoid that navel-gazing perception of marketing strategy, we need to address the most
important aspects of business to business marketing. So what the most important aspects
of business to business marketing ?
5. By using a basic framework called "the three Cs". The Cs stand for Company, Customers,
and Competition. Where is the location of a good marketing strategy according to the
framework ?

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