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The Past Beneath Our Feet-Sj l3 May 2016

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When I was a boy, I loved dinosaurs, but we didn’t have much

information about them back then. Palaeontologists sometimes

wrote stories, and there was a man whose books I was mad about
Roy Chapman Andrews. He worked at the American Museum of
Natural History in New Yor . During the 1920s, Andrews led an
expedition to Mongolia to dig up dinosaur fossils. He wrote about his
amazing adventures: being chased by bandits across the Gobi Desert,
shooting from the back of the car ... that kind of thing. It was like
cowboys and Indians and, of course, that suited me. I thought, ‘I’ll
be a palaeontologist and dig up dinosaurs in remote places, too.’

There was one snag. Dinosaurs had yet to be discovered in New Zealand.
(Joan Wiffen didn’t find New Zealand’s first dinosaur fossil – a vertebra
from a theropod – until 1975.) It was a big snag, so Atholl thought maybe
he wouldn’t be a palaeontologist after all. Luckily, he was also interested in
history. He could be an archaeologist!

Palaeontologists and archaeologists do pretty much the same thing.

We excavate material that gives us information about the past.
The main difference is that palaeontologists want to learn about
animals and plants, whereas archaeologists are interested in people.
We want to know how people lived, what they ate, what they did each
day. To find answers, we dig at the sites where people once lived.


We also look for middens. These ancient rubbish dumps contain
fish bones, bird bones, shells, broken tools all kinds of treasure!

OUR FEET BY ROSS CALMAN A midden unearthed in Takapuna

There are thousands of clues about the past buried in the earth.
Some may be right beneath your feet. Ngāi Tahu archaeologist
Atholl Anderson has spent his life excavating these clues and
working out what they tell us. For him, it all started with dinosaurs.

Atholl’s main focus has been tracking WHAT IS RADIOCARBON DATING?
early human migration across the oceans Radiocarbon dating is a method scientists use to estimate the age of biological
and finding the sites where people landed. material – something many artefacts are made of. This material, such as wood,
These sites were the beginnings of new shell, and bone, was once part of a living thing, so it contains an element
societies, and this idea has always been of called carbon. As they grow, living things absorb a form of carbon from
great interest to Atholl. He studies how the atmosphere known as radioactive carbon. When an animal
these new societies changed over time. or a plant dies, it stops absorbing radioactive carbon. Because
Atholl’s great-great-great-grandmother radioactive carbon decays at a known rate, scientists can work
was a Ngāi Tahu woman who married a out when the living thing died. They can tell how old an artefact
sealer living on Whenuahou (also known is by the amount of radioactive carbon it contains.
as Codfish Island), a small island off the
west coast of Rakiura/Stewart Island.
Because of Atholl’s Ngāi Tahu whakapapa,
learning about the first Māori in Aotearoa Radiocarbon dating can tell us when the first people arrived,
has special significance for him. but it can’t tell us where they came from. So how do we know
Among the earliest sites of human the first New Zealanders came from East Polynesia? Again,
habitation in Aotearoa, Wairau Bar near Atholl says that artefacts provide an important link.
Blenheim is the best known. The first
people arrived there from East Polynesia Two fish-hooks found in the Some of the things found at Wairau Bar were
around 1270 to 1300. We know this because middens at Wairau Bar very similar to artefacts of the same age from
archaeologists have used radiocarbon dating Tahiti and the Cook Islands. The stone adzes, for
Archaeologists digging at
to work out the age of artefacts found at Wairau Bar in the 1960s example, were exactly the same shape in all three
the Wairau Bar site. places. The whale-tooth necklaces were also
very alike, made in the same way. Artefacts
are often the connection across different
societies. They are like clues from
the past.


Wairau Bar
Blenheim A whale-tooth necklace
found in a midden at
Wairau Bar

Atholl says that archaeologists have lots

of ways to establish connections between EAST POLYNESIA
societies, such as looking at language.
Among East Polynesian languages, te reo
Māori is closest to Tahitian and Cook
Islands Māori. Atholl has a story about this: WEST POLYNESIA
When Captain Cook visited New Sāmoa
Zealand in 1769, he brought with
him a Tahitian named Tupaia. Tupaia Niue
had no problem communicating with Tahiti
Māori, despite the fact he’d never
Cook Islands
been here before. So that definitely Rapa Nui
tells us something. Kermadec Islands
In the same way, te reo Māori SOUTH POLYNESIA
is similar to the language spoken
by Moriori on the Chatham Islands.
These languages Tahitian, Cook N
Islands Māori, te reo Māori, and
Moriori are so similar it suggests W E
Chatham Islands
I think that the waka Polynesians
the people who speak them must
S Auckland Islands used to make long journeys could
share common ancestors.
only sail with the wind behind them.
This was unlike European sailing ships,
which could sail to a limited extent
Archaeologists also use genetics to prove connections
against the wind. During the 1200s,
between different groups of people. They are especially
the wind blew mostly from the north-
interested in dentine, a source of DNA found in human teeth. east, down from East Polynesia
They compare DNA from teeth found in archaeological towards New Zealand. That’s the time
sites in Aotearoa with DNA from sites in East Polynesia. we believe settlement occurred here.
Genetic similarities can prove that people were related. By the late fourteenth century, the

Another area that provides valuable information is wind patterns had changed. There
were more westerlies. That’s the
palaeoclimatology. This is looking at climate change over the
wrong direction if you’re trying to
centuries. Because the first migrants arrived here by boat,
get here from the north-east! After
studying wind patterns is especially valuable. It can tell us
that, New Zealand became a lot
where people came from as well as when. more isolated for a time.

12 13
Archaeology has given Atholl the opportunity to visit lots of
interesting places. He’s been to Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa,
and the Galapagos Islands, off the west coast of South America. But no
matter where the work has taken him, Atholl says it’s all been about
building a picture of the past. He believes that learning about our past is
essential because it helps us to understand the present.

To know ourselves properly, we need to think about where we’ve
come from. We need to understand how our different societies
artefact: an object made by a person,
have changed. Take Māori, for example. How have their beliefs, such as a tool or work of art
customs, and language changed over the decades and centuries? DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): the
Then you need to think about why these things have changed. genetic information in a cell that tells
You have to know where Māori have come from in the the cell what it is (such as skin, hair,
broadest possible sense to understand Māori today. bone) and how to grow
element: a substance that can’t be
broken down into anything else
because it is made from only one
kind of atom
genetics: the study of inherited
characteristics and their variation
between people
migration: the movement of people
from one place to another
vertebra: one of the small bones that
make up the spine

A midden like those

found at Wairau Bar
The Past beneath Our Feet
by Ross Calman

Text copyright © Crown 2016

The images on the following pages are by Elspeth Alix Batt and are copyright © Crown 2016:
10 (bottom left), 12–13 (top and bottom), and 15.

The images on the following pages are used with permission:

8 copyright © Glenn Summerhayes; 9 copyright © New Zealand Herald/newspix.co.nz;
10 (bottom right) copyright © Don Millar.
The following images are used with permission from Rangitāne o Wairau and Canterbury
Museum: page 10 (top), reference E199.28; page 10 (middle), reference E150.140; page 11,
reference E142.159. SCHOOL JOURNAL LEVEL 3 MAY 2016
The image on page 14, reference B-098-015, is used with permission from the Alexander
Turnbull Library, Wellington.

For copyright information about how you can use this material, go to:
http://www.tki.org.nz/Copyright-in-Schools/Terms-of-use Curriculum learning areas English
Published 2016 by the Ministry of Education Social Sciences
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.
www.education.govt.nz Reading year level Year 6
All rights reserved.
Enquiries should be made to the publisher. Keywords ancestors, Atholl Anderson, archaeology,
artefacts, carbon, DNA, first people,
genetics, Māori, middens, migration,
ISBN 978 0 478 16630 9 (online)
Ngāi Tahu, palaeontology,
radiocarbon dating, Wairau Bar
Publishing Services: Lift Education E Tū
Editor: Susan Paris
Designer: Jodi Wicksteed
Literacy Consultant: Melanie Winthrop
Consulting Editors: Hōne Apanui and Emeli Sione

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