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Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

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Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

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CFD simulation of magnetorheological fluid journal bearings

Dimitrios A. Bompos, Pantelis G. Nikolakopoulos ⇑
Machine Design Laboratory, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Patras 26504, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Magnetorheological fluid journal bearing can be controlled by a steady magnetic field
Received 1 September 2010 doing that very effective for attenuating and controlling the performance of the rotor bear-
Received in revised form 23 November 2010 ing systems.
Accepted 4 January 2011
An integrated simulation study, of a magnetorheological (MRF) fluid journal bearing, via
Available online 9 January 2011
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element method (FEM) is presented in this
paper. The journal bearing characteristics such as, eccentricity, attitude angle, oil flow and
friction coefficients are calculated and presented as functions of the magnetic field, and L/D
Journal bearings
Magnetorheological fluid ANSYS
bearing ratios.
CFD A specific procedure in order to simulate an MRF bearing operated in high eccentricity
ratios is also presented and the meshing requirements are discussed.
Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

1.1. Magnetorheological fluids in general

Magnetorheological fluid (MRF) is a manageable fluid that exhibits drastic changes in rheological properties adjustable
and interchangeable to the applied magnetic field strength. The fluid is potentially advantageous to be employed in many
applications. MRF is a kind of controllable or smart fluids whose rheological properties can be dramatically and reversibly
varied by the application of an external magnetic field in a very short period of time. The MRF has the property of a normal
viscosity in the absence of an external magnetic field, but in the presence of a strong magnetic field immediately solidifies to
a grease state.

1.2. Application of magnetorheological fluids

The MRF’s are one of the most active ‘‘smart materials’’ of the current range. Most researches in the application of the
MRF’sare focused on structural vibration control and flow power system. Stanway et al. [1] and Wang and Meng [2]
made a survey study in the state of the MRF’s and the application of the MRF’s in several mechanical engineering sys-
tems. There are many papers dealing with the application of the magnetorheological fluids for controllable dampers
[3–7] for seismic response control of frame structures [8] and vibration control of large structures [9]. The rapid,
reversible and dramatic changes in its rheological properties provide a possibility of control in flow power systems

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 261 096 9421; fax: +30 261 099 7207.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.G. Nikolakopoulos).

1569-190X/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1036 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060


Az magnetic vector potential (T)

C,c clearance C = Rb  Rj (m)
D journal diameter
e eccentricity (m)
fb friction coefficient on the bearing surface
fj friction coefficient on the journal surface
Ffr frictional force (N)
g gravity acceleration (m/s2)
h1 minimum film thickness (m)
h0 maximum film thickness (m)
B magnetic field density (T)
H magnetic field intensity (A/m)
I unit tensor
I electric current (A)
J current density (A/m)
k consistency factor (kg sn2 m1)
L bearing length (m)
N rotational speed of journal (rps)
p pressure
pa ambient pressure
Q lubricant flow rate (m3/s)
Qs lubricant side leakage flow rate (m3/s)
Rj,Rb journal and bearing radii
So Sommerfeld number So = lf  x  Rj  L(Rj/C)2/(p  W)
s stress tensor
s0 yield stress (Pa)
~ v; w
u; ~ ~ fluid velocity vectors
W external force (N)
U journal velocity, parallel to the film

0 indicates the position of maximum film thickness at h = 0
1 indicates the position of minimum film thickness at h = p
b indicates the bearing
j indicates the journal

Greek symbols
c_ shear rate
e relative eccentricity e = e/C
h bearing angle (°)
l dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
la apparent viscosity (Pa s)
lf fluid state viscosity (Pa s)
lp solid state viscosity
lo permeability of free space (m kg/(A s)2)
lr relative permeability
q lubricant density (kg/m3)
s0 yield stress (Pa)
u attitude angle (°)
x rotational speed of journal (rad/s)

1.3. Bearings and magnetorheological fluids

Congenital smart fluids to magnetorheological are the electrorheological fluids (ERF), which also exhibit drastic changes
in rheological properties and interchangeable depending on the applied electric field strength. There are also, dozens of pa-
pers published which deal with the application of ER fluid in bearings for rotational machinery.
Vance and Ying [12] developed and demonstrated the dynamic behavior of the rotor systems supported on the multi-disk
ER fluid damper. Dimarogonas and Kollias [13,14] studied stability of a rotor system supported by journal bearings with ER
fluid theoretically and compared the capability of three kinds of ER fluid damper for controlling the rotor vibration.
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1037

Nikolajsen and Hoque [15] presented a multi-disk ER fluid damper operating in shear flow mode and studied the effec-
tiveness of the multi-disk ER fluid damper in controlling the vibration of rotor systems when passing through the critical
Nikolakopoulos and Papadopoulos [16] studied the dynamic characteristics of a controllable journal bearing lubricated
with the ER fluid.
Based on the Bingham fluid theory, Tichy [17], Docier and Tichy [18] analyzed the dynamic characteristics of fluid film
force and the existing conditions and manner of core in the ER fluid squeeze-film damper and journal bearings. Recently,
Gertzos et al. [19] presented a CFD analysis in which for Bingham lubricated journal-bearing performance characteristics,
such as relative eccentricity, attitude angle, pressure distribution, friction coefficient, lubricant flow rate, and the angle of
maximum pressure, are derived and presented for several length over diameter (L/D) bearing ratios and dimensionless shear
numbers of the Bingham fluid. The above diagrams presented in the form of Raimondi and Boyd charts, and can easily be
used in the design and analysis of journal bearings lubricated with Bingham fluids.
From the above literature it is obvious that the ER fluids give the possibility of controllable journal bearings. However, in
comparison with the properties of the ER fluid, an MRF inherently has higher yield strength; therefore it is capable of gen-
erating a greater fluid force. Furthermore, the MRF is activated by the application of an external magnetic field, which is eas-
ily produced by a simple, low-voltage electromagnetic coil and avoids probably arcing problems.

1.4. Simulation of the magnetorheological fluid journal bearing

Furthermore in the field of magnetorheological fluid lubricated journal bearings the published works are limited.
Zhu [20] presented an MRF squeeze-film damper operating in the squeeze film mode and showed that the MRF squeeze-
film damper can effectively control the vibration of a rotor system, but an unbalanced magnetic pull force existing in the
journal due to the eccentricity of the journal with respect to the damper housing may pull the journal to the damper housing
and lock up the damper like a rigid support when the applied current in the coil is over a certain value.
Wang and Gordaninejad [4] combine a fluid mechanics-based approach and the Herschel–Bulkley constitutive equation
to develop a theoretical model for predicting the behavior of field-controllable, magnetorheological, and electrorheological
(ER) fluid dampers.
Hesselbach and Abel-Keilhack [21] investigated the influence of the magnetic field on the bearing gap of hydrostatic bear-
ings with MRF’s. They found that, in a closed loop control, a nearly infinite stiffness, only limited by the resolution of the
measuring system, can be achieved. The results showed that the concept of a hydrostatic bearing with MRF’s can overcome
the drawbacks (stiffness and response time) of conventional hydrostatic bearing.
Kim et al. [22], presented a controllable semi-active smart fluid damper (SFD) using magnetorheological fluids, focusing
on its design and modeling. It offers a comprehensive design method and an innovative experimental identification and
modeling technique for MR-SFDs. They constructed a prototype MR-SFD and investigated how some of the critical design
parameters affect the performance of the MR-SFD. Additionally they characterized the damper’s dynamic behavior experi-
mentally using a novel excitation method that adopts active magnetic bearing (AMB) units. In modeling the dynamic behav-
ior of the MR-SFD, they employed the describing function method. The describing function analysis effectively captured the
non-linear dynamic behavior of the MR-SFD. Carmignani et al. [23] presented an analytical, numerical and experimental
study off a magnetorheological squeeze-film damper. Numerical simulations were carried out in order to evaluate the dy-
namic behaviour of the damped rotor as a function of the current supplied to the adjustable device. A linear model that de-
picts the main characteristics of the system has been developed as a useful tool in damper and control design. They tested
different fluids, and an optimal fluid has been singled out. The tests conducted on the selected fluid shown that it is possible
to have the optimum conditions for each steady rotational speed.
Urreta et al. [24] summarizes the work carried out in the development of hydrodynamic lubricated journal bearings with
magnetic fluids. Two different fluids have been analyzed, one ferrofluid from FERROTEC APG s10n and one magnetorheolog-
ical fluid from LORD Corp., MRF122-2ED. Theoretical analysis has been carried out with numerical solutions of Reynolds
equation, based on apparent viscosity modulation for ferrofluid and Bingham model for magnetorheological fluid. The
authors in order to validate their model, designed, manufactured and set up a test bench, where their preliminary results
shown that magnetic fluids can be used to develop active journal bearings.
The design of a magnetorheological squeeze-film damper is presented and discussed by Forte et al. [25]. A numerical sim-
ulation has been carried out in order to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the damped rotor as a function of the magnetic
field strength. The authors made a test rig of a slender shaft supported by two oilite bearings and an unbalanced disk.
The damper was interfaced with the shaft through a rolling bearing and the electric coils generate the magnetic field whose
field lines cross the magnetorheological film.

1.5. Contribution of this paper

In this paper a simulation study via computational fluid dynamics is presented for a magnetorheological fluid lubricated
journal bearing. Both, magnetic and rheological fields are solved. The aim of this paper is: (i) the presentation of a coupled
model which solves the magnetic and rheological field giving a tool for the design of the MRF lubricated bearings, (ii) the
1038 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

accurated calculation of the bearing attitude angle, eccentricity, friction coefficients and oil flow even for high eccentricities
versus the magnetic field and (iii) the numerical techniques to get accurate results in high eccentricities.
The paper is organized as follows: The problem definition and computation approach are first presented early in Section 2,
followed by an analytical validation of the model, in Section 3. Simulation results are then presented and discussed in Section
6, and the main findings are finally summarized and discussed in Section 7.

2. Problem formulation and validation

2.1. Geometrical model

In the present work, the bearing is considered to be rigid, and the flow steady and isothermal. The geometry of the bearing
follows the model that is shown in Fig. 1; here, Ob is the bearing centre, Oj the journal centre, Rb the bearing radius, Rj the
journal radius, e the bearing eccentricity, u the attitude angle, and L the bearing length. The external load W is assumed ver-
tical (i.e. along the y-axis) and constant and a magnetic field H is applied between rotor and the bearing.

2.2. Governing equations and assumptions

The following assumptions for the bearing model are used in this work:
A rigid aligned bearing with the geometry of Fig. 1 is considered; a steady-state operation is assumed; the flow is laminar
and isothermal; a constant external vertical load W is applied to the journal; the minimum pressure value is assumed to be
above the vapor pressure; thus cavitation is not accounted for.
The viscosity of magnetorheological fluids can be approximated with the Bingham law (Fig. 2a) for yield stress:
s ¼ s0 ðHÞ þ lc_ ð1Þ
where s is the shear stress of the material, s0 the critical shear stress or yield stress and c_ the shear rate. The relation of the
critical shear stress s0 with the magnetic field intensity H ~ can be estimated by experimental data. For certain magnetorhe-
ological fluids this relation is available through manufacturer’s literature. It is possible to obtain an equivalent or apparent
la ¼ lf þ s0 ðHÞ=  ð2Þ
where la is the apparent viscosity of the material and lf is the Newtonian viscosity of the material when the shear stress
overcomes the yield stress, in which case the material is flowing. During the magnetostatic simulation in ANSYS the Bingham
model is defined somewhat differently by a bi zone viscosity model (Fig. 2b). So for the purposes of the simulation the appar-
ent viscosity is a function of two separate viscosity regions. The first region is the plastic viscosity region where the material

Fig. 1. General geometry and characteristics.

D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1039

Fig. 2a. The Bingham model.

Fig. 2b. The ANSYS bizone Bingham model.

exhibits the Bingham solid behavior. In this region the viscosity takes a high value. This is the plastic viscosity or lp. When
the shear stress overcomes the yield threshold, the behavior of the Bingham material is described with the viscosity of flow
or lf. Thus the apparent viscosity of the Bingham model in the ANSYS simulation environment is mathematically defined as:
< lf þ s0 cðHÞ _ s0 ðHÞ
_ ; c > l l f
l¼ ð3Þ
: l ; c_ 6 s0 ðHÞ
p ll p

Typically the plastic viscosity is defined with a value of lp = 100lf in order to replicate properly the Bingham behavior. The
yield stress of the magnetorheological fluid is considered constant throughout the fluid volume for the purposes of the sim-
ulation. This assumption implies a homogenous magnetic field.
The fundamental expression for the magnetic field is given by the Gauss law:

rB¼0 ð4Þ
The differential form for Amperes law including Maxwell’s correction is:

~¼l~ @~
rH 0 J þ l0 e0 ð5Þ
where l0 is the permeability of free space, e0 the permittivity of free space, ~ ~ the magnetic field
B the magnetic field density, H
intensity, ~
E the electric field and ~
J the current density. In the case of magnetostatic analysis the relation between ~ B and H~
1040 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

~ ~
B ¼ l0 lr H ð6Þ
where lr is the relative magnetic permeability of the material in which the magnetic density vector ~
B is calculated.
The conservation equations for unsteady incompressible and isothermal flows are expressed by the mass conservation
tÞ ¼ 0
þ r  ðq~ ð7Þ
and the momentum equations,
tÞ þ r  ðq~
ðq~ t~ g þ~
tÞ ¼ rp þ r  ðsÞ þ q~ F ð8Þ

Fig. 3. Flowchart of simulation procedure.

D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1041

g and ~
where q~ F are the gravitational and external body forces, respectively. The stress tensor s is given by,
s ¼ la ½ðr~t þ ðr~tÞT Þ  r  ~tI ð9Þ
The term 23 r  ~
tI is the effect of volume dilation.
Eqs. (7)–(9) were solved with the computational fluid dynamics code (CFD) Flotran of the ANSYS Multiphysics suite. Also,
Eqs. (4)–(6) were solved with the finite element method using ANSYS Multiphysics for the magnetostatic case. Consequen-
tially, concerning the magnetorheological fluid bearing, the pressure field was predicted using the set of Eqs. (1)–(9), com-
bined the Bingham model with the magnetic field intensity. It is true that the use of Navier–Stokes equations, instead of the
generalized Reynolds equation, signifies greater computational costs. However, the work at hand is only the first step in
obtaining solution to different problems in the field of magnetorheological fluid lubricated journal bearings, where the Rey-
nolds equation has certain limitations. One of the main assumptions included in Reynolds equation is that the influence of
the inertial force is omitted. Thus the use of Reynolds equation is limited when the clearance to diameter ratio becomes lar-
ger than a specific threshold. Moreover Navier–Stokes should be more suitable for high density materials, such as the MRF.
For example, the density of a typical SAE-30 oil is approximately 890 kg/m3. The MRF-132DG which was used has a density
of 2980 kg/m3. Given the magnitude of density for the specific application, Navier–Stokes equations have been chosen, giving
a safe and generic tool for the simulation of a magnetorheological bearing.
The solution steps are illustrated in the flowchart of Fig. 3. The simulation process begins with the input of the main char-
acteristics of the bearing and the coil, that consist the magnetorheological bearing. The magnetic problem is then solved.
Given the magnetic field intensity in the area of MRF, the next step is the calculation of the occurring yield stress of the mag-
netorheological lubricant and its effective viscosity. Consequently the geometry of the lubricant volume for the given eccen-
tricity is created. The mesh of the fluid volume is defined in sequence, with the proper density of nodes and elements. The
space of minimum lubricant thickness is of specific interest at this point and the mesh thickness is specifically adjusted
there. The problem of fluid flow is then solved. The resulting pressure is integrated around the journal and the bearing sur-
faces and the required calculations concerning the physical and other quantities of the flow, friction and load capacity are
conducted here. Since the calculation of many different eccentricities ratios is required, the solution procedure is repeated
for different eccentricity ratios, length to diameter ratios, and current intensity values.

2.3. Boundary conditions of the magnetostatic model

As shown in Fig. 3, the first step of these coupled simulations is the magnetostatic analysis. The boundary conditions of
the magnetostatic analysis are shown in Fig. 4. The magnetic potential of the outer boundaries of the bearing assembly are
set to be zero (Az = 0). On the other hand the load of the coil is the current density. The current density of the coil’s cross
section is

Nturns I
J¼ ð10Þ
The properties of the components materials are considered as linear. The number of turns of the coil for all coupled simu-
lations has a constant standard value of 4000 turns. The cable diameter is also constant for all coupled simulations with a
value of dcable = 0.5 mm.

Fig. 4. Boundary conditions of magnetostatic model.

1042 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

2.4. Boundary conditions of the CFD model

We consider the bearing wall as stationary and the journal as rotating wall. The sides of the lubricant volume have been
assigned with a zero pressure condition, meaning that the lubricant is free to flow there. The cavitation within the lubricant
was modeled using the half Sommerfeld boundary condition.

p  pa P 0; at p 6 h 6 2p; z ¼ 0; z ¼ L ð11Þ
The half Sommerfeld condition, utilized in the present work, neglects all negative pressures in the diverging part of the fluid
film, which are physically unrealistic. The boundary conditions of the CFD problem are shown in Fig. 5. The half Sommerfeld
condition, which is depicted as a darker area in Fig. 5, offers sufficient accuracy, fast convergence, and is selected in this work
to accelerate the solution of the CFD problem. The use of zero pressure boundary condition at the sides of the bearing implies

Fig. 5. Boundary conditions of CFD model.

Fig. 6. The yield stress versus magnetic field strength [26] (Lord Inc. MRF-132DG).
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1043

the leakage of the lubricant at the sides. The boundary condition for entry of the lubricant would simply be unnecessary be-
cause of the half Somerfeld boundary condition. In other words, since the lubricant enters the bearing space at atmospheric
pressure, a separate boundary condition for the lubricant inlet would be overlayed to half Sommerfeld and thus would be
redundant. The Reynolds boundary condition, not utilized here, assumes that the positive pressure curve terminates with
a zero gradient in the divergent part of the film; it gives in some cases more accurate results than the half Sommerfeld
boundary condition. Nonetheless, it is still an approximation to the transition from single-phase flow to multi-phase flow,
and is computationally more demanding.

2.5. Magnetorheological materials properties

The LORD MRF-132DG magnetorheological fluid is used in order to obtain results. The Newtonian viscosity of this fluid at
40 °C is 0.092 ± 0.015 Pa s, with density 2.93–3.18 g/cm3 and the solids content is 80.98% by weight, and operating temper-
ature from 40 °C to 130 °C [26]. In Fig. 6, the yield stress of the magnetorheological lubricant is depicted in relation with the
magnetic field intensity.

Fig. 7. Mesh of magnetostatic model and element PLAIN 53 geometry features.

Fig. 8. Volume of lubricant divided into sectors.

1044 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

3. Simulation model

3.1. Magnetic field simulation meshing requirements

We use a standard element size of 1 mm in order to perform the basic meshing procedure. The need for high accuracy in
our results within the magnetorheological fluid domain drives us to perform a secondary meshing in that particular area
with a smaller element size.
The geometry is considered axisymmetric. In Fig. 7, the element’s colors depict the regions of different materials used for
the analysis. The high mesh density in the region of the MRF is clearly depicted. We use the PLANE 53 element. The geomet-
rical definition of PLANE 53 element and its features are shown in Fig. 7. A grid of a minimum 16,300 elements and 33,000
nodes was used for the solution, of the magnetic field and, a grid of 250,700 elements and 288,600 nodes was also used for
the solution, of the rheological field.

3.2. Meshing and eccentricity requirements in CFD analysis

It is evident that the small gap formed by the bearing and the shaft when the eccentricity of the shaft is significant, must
be well described, with a relatively dense mesh. This requirement poses the need for an adaptive meshing strategy that will
balance our need for the least computational cost possible without any compromise on the accuracy of the CFD analysis. The
meshing procedure is adaptive in relation to eccentricity and has been divided in two parts. The first part, in the region of
maximum lubricant thickness, is meshed with a standard number of one circumferential divisions per degree. In the region
of minimum lubricant thickness the circumferential divisions exceed the five divisions per degree. This number of divisions
is subject to change in accordance with the respective eccentricity ratio. In order to achieve the adaptive and regionally re-
fined meshing, the volume of the lubricant was divided into several volumes. Fig. 8 shows the geometrical model and the
circular sectors that assemble the lubricant volume. Both the divisions parallel to the axis of the bearing and the divisions
of the lubricant thickness are set to standard values of 16 and 12, respectively.
Fig. 9 shows the mesh formed for an eccentricity (e) of 80%. The element used in the CFD simulation is the FLUID 142, the
geometry and the features of which are shown in Fig. 8.

3.3. Solution of the equilibrium

The calculation of forces acting on the journal is performed with the integration of pressure in the area of the journal. The
result is the total force acting on the journal. The model’s kinematic behavior is totally static. This means that journal’s posi-
tion is defined a priori and that the force calculated is equal in size and in opposite direction of the load of the bearing. Each
CFD simulation was executed for specific eccentricities. The same technique was used for both the Newtonian and the Bing-
ham fluid. The attitude locus can be obtained by coupling the results of Sommerfeld number, eccentricity (e) and attitude
angle (u).

Fig. 9. Refined mesh of the CFD model for high bearing eccentricities.
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4. Numerical model validation

To validate the present computational approach, we test our tool for the case of: (i) a journal bearing operating with Bing-
ham fluids and (ii) we validated our results regarding the magnetic field simulation with a squeeze-film damper lubricated
with magnetorheological fluids. We compare our results in case (i) to those reported in [19] for a similar problem setup, see
Figs. 10a–11b, and for case (ii) to those reported in [25], see Figs. 12a and 12b.
In case (i) of Bingham validation with Ref. [19] the following data used: l = 0.2 Pa s, Rb = 25E3 m, c = 235E6 m,
N = 120 rps.
The Sommerfeld number is presented versus the relative eccentricity (e) in Figs. 10a and 10b for T0 = 0 and T0 = 0.4,
respectively. The journal friction coefficient (fj) is presented versus the Sommerfeld number in Figs. 11a and 11b for
T0 = 0 and T0 = 0.4, respectively. The bearing slenderness ratio is L/D = 1. As it is observed, very good agreement is obtained.
In case of validation with Ref. [25], we plot in Fig. 12a the variation of the magnetic field density inside the volume of the
magnetorheological fluid damper, while in Fig. 12b the same results from the simulation of present paper. The data given in
[25] are: L = 2E2 m, c = 2.5E3 m, Rb = 3.2E2 m.
The analysis of the magnetic behavior of the bearing was carried out by using a finite element code ANSYS relating the
value of the electric current running in the coils and the value of the magnetic field in the fluid. All material magnetic prop-
erties were assumed linear, i.e. constant relative magnetic permeability, lr = 2000 for steel and lr = 5 for the MRF.

Fig. 10a. Validation diagram with Ref. [19], eccentricity (e) versus Sommerfeld number for T0 = 0 and L/D = 1

Fig. 10b. Validation diagram with Ref. [19], eccentricity (e) versus Sommerfeld number for T0 = 0.4 and L/D = 1.
1046 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

Fig. 11a. Validation diagram with Ref. [19], normalized journal friction coefficient (fj) versus Sommerfeld number for T0 = 0 and L/D = 1.

Fig. 11b. Validation diagram with Ref. [19], normalized journal friction coefficient (fj) versus Sommerfeld number for T0 = 0.4 and L/D = 1.

The bearing magnetic permeability was neglected because of the discontinuous structure (i.e., balls and plastic cage). It is
also observed a very well agreement. The maximum magnetic flow intensity is 1.978 T [25] and 1.952 T in the present work.
The values are almost identical.

5. Performance characteristics

The relations below were used in order to obtain solution. The friction force is calculated in the equilibrium position by
integrating the shear stress s over the bearing (or journal) area:
F fri ¼ st dAi ; i ¼ j or b ð12Þ

where i = j refers to the journal and i = b refers to the bearing and Ai is the total area of journal or bearing.
The friction coefficient is calculated by the relation:
F fri
fi ¼ ð13Þ
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1047

Fig. 12a. Resulting magnetic field contour from paper [25].

Fig. 12b. Resulting magnetic field contour from present paper (validation diagram).

The load-carrying capacity that the bearing will support is found by integrating the pressure around the journal. The
boundary condition defined by Eq. (11) is included in the integration to prevent sub-atmospheric pressure. At equilibrium
position, the load capacity of the journal equals the external vertical load.
F Py ¼ pdAj ¼ W;    F Px ¼ 0 ð14Þ

The lubricant flow rates, Q0 at the maximum position and Q1 at the minimum position of the film thickness, are calculated
by integrating the tangential velocity of the lubricant:
1048 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

Q0 ¼ ut0 dAh0 ;    Q 1 ¼ ut1 dAh1 ð15Þ
Ah 0 Ah 0

The rate at which the lubricant is lost due to side leakage is:

Qs ¼ Q0  Q1 ð16Þ
According to the coordinate system of Fig. 1, the attitude angle is computed by

u ¼ 90  tan1 ðex =ðey ÞÞ ð17Þ

6. Results

The magnetic analysis provides the magnitude of the magnetic field within the volume of the bearing. The main charac-
teristics of the magnetorheological journal bearing are the bearing radius Rb, the radial clearance C and the length to diam-
eter ratio and thus the length of the bearing L itself. The coil turns number and coil cable diameter have constant values
throughout the coupled magnetic-CFD simulation. The rest of the geometric parameters are extracted in relation to the basic
design variables. For comparison a set of exclusive magnetic simulations was executed in which the number of coil turns
changes, altering the coil’s outer diameter and all other related dimensions.
In Fig. 13a, we can see the resulting magnetic field intensity in the volume of the bearing and in Fig. 13b the resulting field
within the magnetorheological fluid volume, respectively. The density of the magnetic lines, within the magnetorheological
fluid area, is constant. This indicates that the magnetic field in this area is homogeneous. The assumption that the viscosity is
constant within the volume of the magnetorheological fluid is validated by these results.
Figs. 14a–14c depicts the relationship between the eccentricity ratio and the Sommerfeld number for a given current
intensity and several L/D ratios. The results show the effect of the magnetic field in the load-carrying capability of the bear-
ing. As an example and looking through Figs. 14a–14c, for an L/D = 1 and So = 0.28 the value of eccentricity for I = 0 A is
e = 0.4, for I = 14 A is e = 0.38 and for I = 28 A is e = 0.35. So the observed decrement in eccentricity is 5% for L/D = 1,
So = 0.28 and going from I = 0 A to I = 14 A. From I = 0 A to 28 A the respective decrement is 12.5%. Also the respective dec-
rement in eccentricity between I = 14 A and 28 A is 7.9%.
Friction coefficient in the journal is significantly increased by the presence of the magnetic field as shown in Figs. 15a–
15c. The highest friction coefficient increase calculated was in the case of L/D = 1/4 and for the maximum current intensity

Fig. 13a. Resulting magnetic field flux lines.

D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1049

Fig. 13b. Magnetic field intensity (A/m) contour inside MR fluid cross section.

Fig. 14a. Eccentricity (e) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 0 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

I = 28 A. The effect is adversely weaker in higher length to diameter ratio and especially in the case of L/D = 2 in which case
the journal friction coefficient is increased by approximately 4% for the current intensity increased from 0 to 28 A. Due to
standard coil geometry considered, the effect of the magnetic field is lessened. Bearing geometry must be linked with coil
geometry if we wish to have a uniform performance of the magnetorheological fluid bearing on different length to diameter
The increase of current intensity is affecting dramatically the journal friction coefficient. Thus for a length to diameter
ratio of L/D = 1/4 the increase of friction coefficient is 31% in the case of current intensity rise from 0 to 14 A and 34% in
the case of 14–28 A for a Sommerfeld number of So = 0.28. In the later case the friction coefficient appears to be increasing,
slightly more than in the first case. This trend is constant in all the different length to diameter ratios and it is related to the
non-linear behavior of the lubricant in use.
1050 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

Fig. 14b. Eccentricity (e) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 14 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 14c. Eccentricity (e) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 28 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 15a. Normalized journal friction coefficient (fj) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 0 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1051

Fig. 15b. Normalized journal friction coefficient (fj) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 14 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 15c. Normalized journal friction coefficient (fj) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 28 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 16a. Normalized bearing friction coefficient (fb) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 0 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
1052 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

Fig. 16b. Normalized bearing friction coefficient (fb) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 14 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 16c. Normalized bearing friction coefficient (fb) versus Sommerfeld number for I = 28 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 17a. Dimensionless flow rate at maximum lubricant thickness versus Sommerfeld number for I = 0 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1053

Fig. 17b. Dimensionless flow rate at maximum lubricant thickness versus Sommerfeld number for I = 14 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 17c. Dimensionless flow rate at maximum lubricant thickness versus Sommerfeld number for I = 28 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 18a. Ratio of side leakage flow over flow rate Q0 versus Sommerfeld number for I = 0 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
1054 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

Fig. 18b. Ratio of side leakage flow over flow rate Q0 versus Sommerfeld number for I = 14 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 18c. Ratio of side leakage flow over flow rate Q0 versus Sommerfeld number for I = 28 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 19a. Attitude angle versus Sommerfeld number for I = 0 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1055

Fig. 19b. Attitude angle versus Sommerfeld number for I = 14 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 19c. Attitude angle versus Sommerfeld number for I = 28 A and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 20. Variation of relative eccentricity versus current intensity rise for So = 0.28 and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
1056 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

Fig. 21. Variation of bearing friction coefficient (fb) versus current intensity rise for So = 0.28 and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 22. Variation of journal friction coefficient (fj) versus current intensity rise for So = 0.28 and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 23. Variation of flow rate Q0 versus current intensity rise for So = 0.28 and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1057

The bearing friction coefficient is strongly linked with the current intensity, and consequently, the magnitude of the mag-
netic field. This is shown in Figs. 16a–16c. The highest bearing friction coefficient is found at L/D = 1/4, for the maximum
current intensity of I = 28 A. The overall increase of bearing friction coefficient in comparison with the case of 0 A current
intensity is 88%. The effect of the magnetic field is minimal in the case of L/D = 2, where the increase is found to be only
15%. As mentioned earlier the number of coil turns and the diameter of coil’s wire is considered constant in all the aforemen-
tioned cases. The increase of bearing friction coefficient when the current intensity increases from 0 A to 14 A is 28% in the
case of L/D = 1/4 and 0.9% in the case of L/D = 2. The increase of bearing friction coefficient when the current intensity in-
creases from 14 A to 28 A is 28% in the case of L/D = 1/4 and 0.9% in the case of L/D = 2.
The lubricant flow rate at maximum lubricant thickness versus the Sommerfeld number is depicted in Figs. 17a–17c. It is
widely affected by changes in the magnetic field within the volume of the bearing and the consequent changes in lubricant
viscosity. For the maximum current intensity increment of 0–28 A the lubricant flow rate at the maximum thickness is 8% in
the case of L/D = 1/4 and a Sommerfeld number of 0.28. Change in lubricant flow rate at maximum lubricant thickness is
decreasing with the increase of the length to diameter ratio. In the case of L/D = 2 lubricant flow rate at maximum lubricant
thickness is decreased by approximately 1% when the current intensity is increased from 0 to 28 A.
Figs. 18a–18c depicts the relationship between the side leakage over maximum flow rate ratio and Sommerfeld number.
The increase of current intensity generally decreases side leakage. In the case of a length to diameter ratio L/D = 1/4 the de-
crease is approximately 2% when the current intensity is increasing from 0 to 14 A for a Sommerfeld number So = 0.28. The
decrease side leakage over maximum flow rate ratio remains 2% when the current intensity increases from 14 to 28 A. The
overall decrement of side leakage over maximum flow rate ratio when the current intensity increases from 0 to 28 A is

Fig. 24. Variation of ratio Qs/Q0 versus current intensity rise for So = 0.28 and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.

Fig. 25. Variation of attitude angle versus current intensity rise for So = 0.28 and L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2.
1058 D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060

decreasing by 4.3%. The maximum side leakage over maximum flow rate ratio decrement when So = 0.28, is observed in the
case of L/D = 1/2 with a decrement of 6%. This indicates that in this length to diameter ratio the side leakage is strongly af-
fected by the magnetorheological phenomenon.
Figs. 19a–19c shows the effect of increased load-carrying capability to the attitude angle. In lower Sommerfeld number
values the attitude angle obtains lower values. This change in the attitude angle depicts a tendency of the shaft to take an
offset position in higher load conditions on the one hand and on the other the resulting increment of the attitude angle with
the increase of current intensity is in agreement with the general notion that a stronger magnetic field results in greater load
capacity of the bearing.
In Figs. 20–24, the effect of the magnetic field is becoming more apparent. For the different length to diameter ratios used
in the simulation, the number of coil turns remains constant. This means that for a greater length to diameter ratio we obtain
a weaker magnetic field and thus the effect on the magnetorheological fluid is significantly lessened. On the other hand a
small length to diameter ratio is providing less volume for the magnetorheological fluid and although the magnetic field
is stronger, the effect of the field to the bearing’s performance is limited by the lack of sufficient quantity of magnetorheolog-
ical fluid.
Fig. 20 shows the effect of the current intensity rise on the relative eccentricity (e) for a given Sommerfeld number in all
length to diameter ratios examined. In this case the smaller L/D ratio is providing the least load capacity rise. Figs. 21 and 22
show the friction coefficient increment with the application of a higher current intensity. The effect of the smaller volume in
the case of a L/D = 1/4 is obvious. The friction coefficient is rising faster when the volume of the lubricant is minimum. Figs.
23 and 24 depict the drop of lubricant flow in the position of maximum lubricant thickness and the side leakage. In Figs. 23
and 24, the effect of the magnetic field to the ability of the lubricant to flow is depicted. In the case of the shortest bearing,
the drop of the flow is considerably higher than in higher L/D ratios. This result is reasonable since the effect of the magnetic
field is focused in a smaller fluid volume. The attitude angle is rising when the current intensity is rising as shown in Fig. 25.
This simply put means that the load capacity is most significantly improved in lower L/D ratios. On the other hand the atti-
tude angle of the journal is least affected by the rise of current intensity when L/D = 2.
The magnetic simulation gives an insight on the design requirements of the magnetorheological journal bearing. In Figs.
26 and 27, the line of 2000 A/m in the case of I = 14 A and the line of 4000 A/m in the case of I = 28 A show the increasing
need for coil turns in order to achieve a relatively low value magnetic field intensity in longer bearings. The main priority
is to keep the magnetic field as homogeneous as possible. A homogenous magnetic field in the lubricated area would result
in homogenous physical properties and mechanical behavior throughout the length of the bearing. In case of non-uniform
distribution of the magnetic field, the particle chains would be distributed in a non-uniform manner across the length of the
bearing. This could cause uneven load distribution. Moreover, in case of wear creation due to the existence of magnetized
particles could lead to excessive wear in portion of the bearing surface. Keeping this in mind, a homogenous magnetic field
within the lubricated area is a desirable effect from a design and performance aspect.
This is successfully achieved by increasing the height of the coil core and the number of the coil turns for higher length to
diameter ratios. This technique is obviously cost intensive and the resulting benefits of the magnetorheological fluid bearing
may in this manner be undermined. There is certainly a perspective for a minimum cost coil and core design which will pro-
duce as much a homogeneous magnetic field as possible even in long bearings.

Fig. 26. Correlation between coil’s number of turns and magnetic field intensity for L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2 and current intensity 14 A.
D.A. Bompos, P.G. Nikolakopoulos / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 1035–1060 1059

Fig. 27. Correlation between coil’s number of turns and magnetic field intensity for L/D = 1/4, L/D = 1/2, L/D = 1, L/D = 2 and current intensity 28 A.

7. Conclusions

This paper has addressed the problem of magnetorheological fluid lubricated journal bearings operating. To this end, we
developed a tool for solving the coupled magnetic-rheological flow problem.
For a selected number of bearing states, several L/D ratios, magnetic field variations, solutions were obtained in terms
Sommerfeld number variation. The present results demonstrate that, in comparison to a normal bearing (lubrication with
out magnetic field), the presence of magnetic filed can be beneficial for the bearing characteristics such as increased
load-carrying capacity in terms of the magnetic field increment, whereas the results regarding the friction coefficient lead
to a less beneficial function under the influence of the magnetic field.
Thus, designing journal bearings under the excitement of the magnetic field should be realised taking provisions for the
energy cost that occurs with the higher friction coefficient and the energy required to sustain the desired magnetic field. A
mechanism or a method that could lessen the friction coefficient of the magnetorheological fluid, leaving the rest of its ben-
eficial effects intact, could be a perspective for future research.
Thus, designing journal bearings under the application of the magnetic field we can conclude that for a rise of current
intensity from 0 to 28 A:

 The Sommerfeld (So) of the journal bearing decreases. The maximum decrement 36.39% is for L/D = 1/4 and eccentricity
e = 0.8 and the minimum decrement is 1.64% for L/D = 2 and the same value of e.
 The attitude angle (u) increases by 37.4% for a L/D = 1/4 e = 0.8 and by 0.7% for a L/D = 2, e = 0.8, respectively.
 The friction coefficient (fb) on the bearing surface increases. The maximum increment 22.2% is for L/D = 1/4 and eccentric-
ity e = 0.8 and the minimum increment is 0.6% for L/D = 2 and the same eccentricity.
 The friction coefficient on the journal surface (fj) increases, with the maximum increment (28%) to be for L/D = 1/4 and
eccentricity e = 0.8 and the minimum increment to be 0.2% for L/D = 2 and e = 0.8.
 The fluid flow is decreasing by 5.46% for L/D = 1/4 when e = 0.8. Flow decrement drops to 0.16% in the case of L/D = 2 and
the same e.

The appropriate meshing techniques described in Section 3.2, could be used for the simulation of the magnetorheological
fluid bearing in high eccentricities.


This work is supported by the research program ‘‘KARATHEODORIS 2009’’ funded by the Research Council of the Univer-
sity of Patras, Greece.


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